In today’s reading, Paul addresses the problem of sin in us. As human beings, we have sinful passions and desires. Perhaps we can remember a season in our life when we were driven by them. Paul reminds us through his letter to the Romans, “sinful passions aroused through the law were working in us to bear fruit for death” (Romans 7:5). If we read this verse alone, we might assume the law is bad since it bears fruit for death, but it’s the flesh—our sin—that’s corrupted. The law helps to expose the sin in our life. Exposing our sin is one thing, but it’s another to overcome it. Christ not only paid the price for our sin at the cross, but He gave us the power to overcome it! We belong to Him who was raised from the dead, and we are released from the old law that once held us captive. Through serving Christ in the newness of the Spirit, we can bear good fruit for God (v.6).
Now that we’re free from sin and desire to do good, why is it still a fight to not let our sinful passions and desires drive us? It can be frustrating and downright maddening to want to do good when our flesh continues to fail.
Are you struggling with your thought life or a particular sin? Do you find yourself battling the same sin over and over? The apostle Paul empathizes with us when he writes, “For I do not understand what I am doing, because I do not practice what I want to do, but I do what I hate….For I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my flesh. For the desire to do what is good is with me, but there is no ability to do it” (vv.15,18).
When we’re tempted to walk down a path of guilt and shame concerning our sin, let us remember that sin inhabits all of humanity and that our flesh opposes the Spirit within us. Psalm 53:3 says, “All have turned away; all alike have become corrupt. There is no one who does good, not even one.” Without Jesus, we cannot do good. We simply cannot overcome our fleshly desires on our own and bear good fruit. The burden and weight of sin are too heavy for any of us to carry. The struggle is real, but God’s love and saving grace offer life and peace.
As we live by the Spirit and keep in step with him: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control will be the fruit of our faithfulness (Galatians 5:22–23).
Though we have the problem of sin, we have a solution in Christ. Ask the Spirit to shine a light on your desires and uproot anything that is not bearing good fruit. When we miss the mark and sin, may we remember that nothing can separate us from the love of God.
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43 thoughts on "The Problem of Sin in Us"
This passage, and all of Romans, REALLY helped me. Something clicked today. There are so many conversations in “the world” about struggles like guilt, shame, imposter syndrome and addiction. I noticed that the answer is never head on, as in, I can’t just tell myself, “You really do belong here! You really are good enough!” if I feel Iike a fraud. The same is true with addiction. You can’t just stop drinking or drugging through self will if you’re gripped with addiction. So the law exposes our sin (we know imposter syndrome is a lie and addiction is a thing that grips us and harms us and others). But the law does not solve our sin, same with mantras, coaching and self help. But Jesus DOES. When we turn to God, he grounds us in his truth and protection. I’ve seen this and experienced it time and time again. Thank you, Shes, and thank you, Jesus! Feeling extra blessed.
Romans 7:13-25 is probably one of my favorite passages of Scripture. Paul writes w/ such beauty, clarity, conviction, & detail of the daily struggle between flesh & spirit. I love that he doesn’t end this passage w/ condemnation, embarrassment, guilt, self-pity, and/or shame. He takes it back to the Gospel & he thanks Jesus for deliverance!
I struggle with fear of the unknown and always want reassurance or some guarantee that things will work out even though I know nothing in this life is guaranteed. I don’t think fear is a sin, but putting my faith in other things and the pride that I can be in control of these outcomes is. Just today I thought will I ever stop feeling that way? Will I ever just rest in knowing that God is in control without trying to find something in this world to put my confidence in? I don’t know. With Jesus it’s possible. But until that day, when those thoughts enter my head I just have to keep reminding myself to trust in God.
John 15 comes to mind today, with pruning and abiding in Jesus. Lord, please forgive me of my sins, and for continuing to do what I do not want to do. I am so grateful that Paul wrote that bit that I had to read slowly because it was quite wordy (or could be the translation). We all fall short but glory be to God whose great love has provided a way of salvation through Jesus ❤️
Sending some rest and prayers to you, Victoria❤️
@Aleida – praying for your son to have a breakthrough at his ability to see God working in his life. @GramsieSue – praying for Steve his business. I am so glad to hear that his health is doing well as I think about it often. @Victoria E. – praying for your work situation and your anxiety. I pray God will dice you the strength to see through it. Praying for all your prayer requests ladies!
Aleida praying for you. Sisters I also need to ask for prayer- I am facing a situation at work that literally has me sick and sleepless with anxiety. It is difficult to explain the details but can I please ask for prayer from all my prayer warrior sisters. Thank you.
Does sin bear good fruit? Be still and consider, wisdom knows. We will get tired of repeating, it’s hurting us. Stop the self inflicted pain. Keep doing what bears good fruit, don’t be confused. :)
GramsieSue prayers for Steve’s business and praise God for his health being good! I think of him and pray for him (and you) often!
I am tired of confessing the same sin over and over. I think I’m taking the LORD’s patience for granted and I do t want to do that but here I am.
KRISTINE LOUGHMAN- continuing to pray for relief from the pain of plantar fasciitis and for a great return to school on Wednesday. Praying for a wonderful school year for you and your students.
TRICIA C – prayers for sleep, and for energy each day while at kids camp. Praying for a Spirit filled week for you and for all the kids.
SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – I’m praying for your sister, Arian, to have healing, and to be able to find a job where she can excel and support herself.
NANCY S – Praying for both you and your husband as you face his diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. Praying for relief from the fear that can come from such a diagnosis. Praying for you as you care for your husband, that Gods strength will infuse you and you will have the peace that comes from knowing that God is walking through this with you. I’m also praying for both of you as you adjust to him sleeping with a CPAP machine. My husband has used one for several years. I often don’t get a goods night sleep because of the noise. I pray that God will give you the ability to fall asleep before it reaches its peak noise level.
MARI V – I’m praising God for the answer to prayer in you getting the job. Congratulations! And I join you in prayer that all will go well as you adjust to the new position.
GRAMSIE SUE – I pray that all goes well with VBS this week, and thank God for the support of other ladies helping with it. I pray for Steve as he grapples with the results the economy has on his business and his employees.
These last few days of readings and devotions have spoken to me in my constant struggle with my feelings about sin in my life, and forgiveness for that sin. I know God forgives my sins when I ask. But I struggle with past sins, and a feeling I need to ask for forgiveness again every time they come to mind. I’m so thankful for the assurance that my sins are forgiven. I think I need to learn to forgive myself and rely on The Holy Spirit to convict me of current, and often un-recognized sin. I long for a closer relationship with Jesus, and know that He is there always.
ALEIDA POLANCO I’m praying for you as you deal with anxiety. I pray that God wraps you in His peace and gives you His comfort as you deal with this overwhelming issue. I’m also praying for Victor, that he will find the job God has prepared for him, and that he will be led to the help he needs to address his mental health. I attended an intensive outpatient program several years ago, and it was one of the most positive steps I’ve ever taken for my mental health. I pray that he is able to find one that not only addresses his needs, but also allows him the time to hold down a job. I pray that your visit with Victor will be a healing and uplifting time for both of you.
There are such conflicts in today’s readings. The raging war of “what I hate, yet I do” is very much a spiritual battle. I appreciate Paul’s (probably) lamenting about this condition. Such enmity between the mind, the flesh and the Spirit of God in us. Only when we go after the inward man, then we would delight in the law of the Lord (Romans 7:22). Our Sprit is made after God’s Spirit by His indwelling, yet the soul and body still needs much conforming. It might be a life long process and into eternity, but praise God, it is possible. And the greatness of God is that, “Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man against whom the LORD counts no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.” (Psalm 32:1-2).
@TRICIA A: amen, surrendering is the solution. Praying you will get more sleep and rest at camp.
@GRAMSIESUE: praying for Steve’s business. Happy to know his health is great. Glory to Our Healer.
@ALEIDA: praying for Victor and strength for you to fully surrender Victor into the Lord’s hands. May worries and anxieties ease.
@MARI V: congrats on the job! God is so so good!
Be blessed dear sisters.
MARI V – Praise God!!! Good to hear good news of God’s blessings!
NANCY S – how long has your husband had the CPAP? My husband had to go through lots of adjustments for about 6 months and has learned a lot about mask fittings/style in the 2 1/2 years he has used it. He recently switched to a full cushion mask (covers nose and mouth). He said it took some getting used to and needs proper cleaning and replaced fairly often. He offered to share info with y’all if it could be helpful. I have an email for SRT you are welcome to use if you want to. It’s ceegeesrt and it is with Yahoo. Hope you can cipher that! Praying!!!
Sin will be a life long battle. But if we turn to God, He will help us. Help us to even recognize areas of sin that we do not. Help us with the guilt of those sins. If we abide in Him, He will abide in us!
MARI V – Congratulations!
NANCY S – praying you and your husband have restful sleep
GRAMIESUE – prayers for Steve and his business
ALEIDA POLANCO – praying for your visit with Victor
Many times I try not to miss the mark. And yet, I do. Then guilt and feeling bad about myself, starts to set in. So this is not OK, may I always remember, always remember, NOTHING will separate me from the love of my God! Sweet She’s…… thank you so much for praying for me. I got the job!! I was interviewed, told I will have an answer by Friday, not even two hours later, I was told I had the job. God is so good. Please pray, as I trust my God again to work out all the details involved.
Praying for Victor, that the Lord would intervene in a way that can’t be denied. My church’s sermon Sunday was excellent on Anxiety (series is Questions of Jesus). I think it would bless you, Aleida Polanco, & many of us who struggle. Find it at, 7/23/23. Lynne from Alabama, I appreciate you remembering me in prayer—my husband has had several down days, still trying to process his Alzheimer’s diagnosis. We’re trying to master CPAP, which he needs for severe sleep apnea & which can help with cognition. But it feels like an exercise in frustration, disturbing both of our sleep. Please pray for a breakthrough soon. He feels very bad when he knows I’m not getting the sleep I need for helping him.
Great segment on the podcast that shed light on conviction vs condemnation. Worth a listen!
Alesia, praying for victory for Victor snd he was king and reconciliation in your family.
I am so thankful that Christ took in our burden of sin and He gives us freedom in Him! I’m thankful for God’s word that convicts snd reminds us that we cannot do this on our own. It is only through Jesus that we can do this. We must cling to Him daily.
Aleida- praying for Victor, that he would be awakened to God’s love and blessed, that he would be drawn to Jesus. And praying for you as well, that you would feel God’s loving arms surrounding you and holding you close,
I’m helping with VBS this week, every evening, and I’m feeling it this morning. So thankful that I have several “younger” women helping in my area (crafts). I didn’t sleep well because of muscle aches so hopefully I can get a nap in later before I have to go back.
Prayers for Steve please. His health is really good (Praise the Lord), but the economy is really hurting his business and he’s having to cut people’s hours and pay. This is so stressful for him and it’s hard for me to watch him struggle.
Hugs and blessings to all today. ❤️
This old song came to mind as I finished reading the devo and Scriptures:
Without Him, I could do nothing
Without Him, I’d surely fail
Without Him, I would be drifting
Like a ship without a sail
Without Him, I would be dying
Without Him, I’d be enslaved
Without Him, life would be worthless
But with Jesus, thank God I’m saved
Oh Jesus, oh Jesus
Do you know Him today?
Please don’t turn Him away
Oh Jesus, my Jesus
Without Him, how lost I would be
Without Him, how lost I would be
ALEIDA – Praying God’s hedge of protection around your heart and mind and around Victor as he struggles to find his way. Amen to the other prayers already posted.
Posted late yesterday in response to some of you. God bless. Continuing to pray for Arian, @Sharon JG & Victor @Aleida :)
@Aimee Rogers- how is the situation working out at home since the court hearing?
My sister, you are beloved of God and so is Victor. I wanted you to know you and he have been prayed over and brought to the throne of Jesus. You are loved. Praying His peace over you today.
“Though we have the problem of sin, we have a solution in Christ.” Amen!! What a blessing to know we can overcome sin – not on our own, but through the power of Christ – who has already won the victory! There is none without sin, and we will continue to sin until the day we die. But thanks be to God that He cleanses us from all our sin. He forgives, He remembers our sins no more – if only WE could forget!! Sometimes I get so discouraged, falling back into the same sin over and over again – but then I read that Paul had the same struggles, the things he wanted to do, he didn’t and the things he didn’t want to do – he did! We will stumble, we will fall, but praise be to God – He is always there with outstretched arms to help us get back up!
@Aleida, my dear sister in Christ. Praying for you – that God will ease your fears as you day by day, minute by minute give them over to Him. Praying for your precious son Victor, that he will give his heart to Jesus, that he will welcome your visit, that he will desire to be reconciled to you and his dad.
@Tricia C – continuing to pray for your week at camp, energy to get through today and that tonight you will be blessed with a good nights sleep.
@Kelly Neo – thank you for your prayers for Arian…she does not have a dependable car to do Uber and it’s not something that I think she could do even if she did. She has lots of trouble sleeping at night which leaves her very tired all day and with a “foggy” mind. She did tell me though that she is planning on applying for a new job at places that offer full-time and more money.
Thankful for all my SRT sisters! Have a blessed day!!
Thank you all for the prayers! I am super excited, even in my tiredness, to see what the Lord will do.
The song “I Surrender All” came to mind. “All to Jesus I surrender. All to thee I freely give…”
It sure can be difficult to give up some earthly desires that we have. We need to give it all to Jesus and he will rescue us from them.
I had my first night at kids camp. I did not sleep very well. The kids arrive today. Maybe it’s because I am excited and anxious. Haha.
Have a great day Sisters!
I have to be in tune with the spirit of God to walk in the spirit. In all areas of my life I need to be willing to allow the holy spirit to convict me. To show me areas that need more of Jesus.
Prayers sent for Alesia and her son Victor. May He bless you with peace and comfort. May Victor be comforted in knowing God has a plan for him.
From this reading I’m comforted that it’s just a given that I will miss the mark but I am forgiven through Christ.
Prayers for Victor and you, Aleida.
Saying prayers for Victor, @ Aleida. God, help me help us live out the fruitful spirit we have because of your sacrifice. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control
Oh Lord how I need You! In Jesus name, Amen
So thankful for Jesus! In Him, we have not only hope but the promise of rescue from this body of death! May we be more in step with His Spirit every day ♥️
@ALEIDA POLANCO I’m sorry you are going through this. Praying for you, Victor, and the family .You wrote about love casting out fear. I thought of a message preached the other day by the pastor at my church. You can go to and scroll down to Latest Message. Hope this helps and encourages you. Prayers for you all today.
Praying for victory in Christ for Victor ♥️ and God’s perfect peace to reign in your heart, Aleida!
“Without Jesus we can do no good.” I pray we all. as His sons and daughters, abide in Him as 1John mentions. If we abide in Him, He will abide in us. Help us to keep our eyes fixed on you, Jesus. Praying for Victor and the entire family dynamic. I ask that the Lord be near and that He meets everyone right where they are where needs are met in Jesus name. I pray for your healing, that circumstances will change, I pray the blood of Jesus Christ falls upon your lives and things change. ❤️
In some ways, this battle with the sin nature seems so hopeless. I guess actually it is if I attempt the fight on my own. Remembering that Jesus already won the battle by His death and resurrection is what I need to be operating from, yet I am slow to do that. Slow to ask God to show me the things in my life that are not pleasing to Him so that He can transform them.
SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – praying for Arian’s housing situation. Has she considered getting a position with Uber or Lift or another gig company that is flexible to add income? Have you any updates on the Siau family?
KATIE L – any updates on the custody hearings?
TRICIA C – praying you have a wonderful experience at camp
CHARLIE – so sorry for your loss. May the Lord bring His comfort to you and your family.
KRISTINE LOUGHMAN – praying for healing in your feet
SEARCHING – joining you in prayer for Danica and her family. My the Lord show Himself mighty on her behalf.
DOROTHY – wherever you are I pray the Lord is giving you His peace and wisdom. Miss you.
Praying for Victor ❤️
ALEIDA POLANCO, joining you in prayers for your son, Victor.. May he know God’s provision in all he needs right now. Prayerful also for your meeting later this month, to be fruitful, forgiving and reconciling..
Praying also for you Aleida, for you anxiety to be GONE IN THE NAME OF JESUS.. that your mind knows His peace, His peace that surpasses ALL understanding, and that it is replaced with Hope and covered in Grace.. AMEN.. ❤️
Hello my dear sisters, I hope that you are feeling God’s love today and pray for each of your requests as you present them to the Lord.
I too am in need of much prayer. My anxiety is at its all time high and I’m feeling very fearful the the future. I know that love casts all fear, so I know this doesn’t come from my Savior. My fears are for our son, Victor who is striving to get his life in order. He just received the news that he didn’t get the job he really wanted. All the other doors have also closed to him. Lord willing I will be seeing him next month after a huge conflict we had and gave not spoken in months. Please pray that we can reconcile and that the Lord will give him a breakthrough. Please also pray for his mental health. I heard he’s thinking of going to an intensive outpatient program but he needs money to survive. Please my sisters pray for a miracle for my son. May his name, Victor, be a true indication of what Jesus us going in his life Thank you all for your prayers❤️
Uproot anything that is not bearing good fruit… this line got to me today. I know the things in my life that are not bearing good fruit, but I stubbornly and selfishly keep them around. Always justifying, always reasoning, and becoming numb to their effect. Lord, help me to turn from these things, help me find good replacements for those things that I don’t want to do so that I can glorify you in every area of my life!