One of the things I loved most in my grandmother’s house was an old spinning wheel. It sat in the room that I always stayed in when I slept over. It wasn’t really usable anymore—it was an heirloom from the Civil War era. But, even as a little girl, I was fascinated by it. I wanted to know how it worked and who had used it in the years before I laid eyes on it. I would think about the women in my family who in previous generations had spun yarn on it that would be turned into blankets and clothes and table linens. I hoped that when I got older and my grandmother passed, it might one day be left to me to have in my own house. There were many things of my grandmother’s that I loved, but for some reason, that is one of the things I treasure most. It doesn’t have the greatest financial value, I just love it because I associate it with her and the time I spent in her home.
There is a rich meaning in the idea of an inheritance. Whether it is a small but meaningful knick-knack or a beloved family heirloom, an inheritance reminds us of the legacy that extends past a single life.
In Ezekiel 44 the priests from the line of Zadok were given the richest inheritance of all—God Himself. All the other Levite priests had violated their calling and the temple of God, but Zadok and his descendents remained faithful even in the face of rampant rebellion. In a scene reminiscent of Moses on Mount Sinai, as Ezekiel envisioned a new temple and a restored Israel, he received God’s directions for how the future temple would be structured and maintained in both building and practices. God gave specific instructions for how the Zadokite priests should live and minister (Ezekiel 44:15–27). These weren’t just so the priests could appear holier than thou, but for the purpose of teaching the Israelites the difference between the sacred and secular—the holy versus the commonplace (Ezekiel 44:23). As a reward for the work, their inheritance was different than everyone else. They received no land or special portion. God alone was their inheritance.
Let that sink in.
God could have given them anything they wanted—all the land, wealth, or possessions they ever dreamed of. But He didn’t. God gave the priests everything they needed. He was more than enough. In the midst of a people who had pushed God away, He was drawing these faithful priests even closer—His nearness, their reward. What seems like God withholding from the priests at first glance was actually a provision of abundance. He opened up His own table to them, giving them the best of the best—the firstfruits of everyone’s offering. This is the abundance that we are invited to partake in during the season of Lent—the kind of abundance we find only when everything but Christ is cleared away.
This was but a foretaste of the inheritance that has been given to us in Christ. The God of the universe saw fit to give us His only Son. He is enough. As the Great High Priest, He has called and commissioned us to be a royal priesthood, inheriting the very kingdom of God, and becoming temples of the Holy Spirit—His nearness, our greatest reward.

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52 thoughts on "The Priests’ Duties and Privileges"
love this devotional, always praying for everyone out there, hope y’all have a great day, I love all of y’all and hope y’all have your hearts in the right places, Following the King Of All Kings, Jesus Christ Our Lord.
9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 10 and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God,
and they shall reign on the earth.” – Revelations 5:9-10
Beautiful ❤️
God was there reward. Mercy. I had to read that devotional again. The zadokites were set apart. They didn’t follow the crowd. And yet they were instructed to live differently. Sound familiar? As Christians, let us find joy in standing apart. We live to a higher calling, we listen to Gods direction and instruction instead of the worlds. Let us find hope in that instruction. And may we find peace along the path that God has called us to.
The part about how the rebels of Israel let others profane the temple of Jesus reminds me of how in our culture people are encouraged to do things without thinking about how it would impact others first. We have such a ME ME ME culture, and I hope that all of us break out of that, and put God above us, and be more like the Levitical priests who did not put themselves over God, did not encourage others to do that, and instead followed God and did not forsake Him.
Also, how incredible is it to have Jesus as an inheritance. Only God can truly make us happy. All the things we have material wise will one day fade.. but God never does.
Beautiful devotional today ❤️
MICHELLE PATTIRE, praying for your strength and wisdom as you continue to share the truth and support to your sister. I just want you to know you are wonderful for working hard to help your sister in this time of need. Please don’t be discouraged at the disruption/rejection. Remember how the people of Israel murmured so much against Moses too, and Moses was just helping them to leave the place of bondage heading to the promised land. He did them a big favor, and what did he get? As you help your sister leaving the place of her own bondage, similar resistance may occur. May God lift the disappointment and frustration away for you. I pray for God’s grace to lead you in wisdom knowing when to say, what to say, or just simply being there showing love quietly as you pursue your sister’s heart. Just like how many times God has pursued us when we rebel against Him, avoid him or shut him out, but we are here now because He is long suffering toward us. For Love (GOD) endures all things, hopes all things, believes all things.
After reading this devotional, I have a passion to live a set- apart life. To live a life that is different from the world around me; to live a life that glorifies God. I interact with mainly Christians during my day to day life, so I pray that God would bring more non- Christians into my life who I can share his love with.
Today’s reading and devotion brought to mind Psalms 23:1 in the CSB translation “The Lord is my shepherd, I have what I need.”
Thank You, Lord, for Your nearness and for that being abundantly enough.
Today’s reading and devotion brought to mind Psalms 23:1 in the CSB translation “The Lord is my shepherd, I have what I need.”
Thanks to all who mentioned the parts missing in today’s reading. I too was a little confused when reading today’s devotional. Now it makes sense!
@ Adrienne. Although I am not a scholar, my thoughts are that when Adam and Eve rebelled in the garden not only all mankind was cursed but all of nature was placed under a curse as well. Since the altar was made of natural resources and touched with the unclean hands of man during construction it would need to be cleansed upon completion for holy use. Continued prayers for your friends and their daughter. What a heart breaking situation.
Oh, thank you for noting the missing readings. I’ll go back later…
“…His nearness, our greatest reward.” WOW, AMEN, PRAISE GOD!!!! These words few say soooo very much, thank you Lindsey. These words ring so true in my heart and in soul and in my spirit.
Sisters, please pray for my sister Carol, she gets out of rehab Thursday and is going home. Her son, Jake, will probably be there. Jake hasn’t been taking his medicine and when he doesn’t take his medicine it becomes a very bad situation.
Sisters, be blessed and remember He is always near.
Praying for your sister, Michelle! I relate to the ache to share faith with family, and the discouragement of feeling misunderstood and like they won’t hear you. Praying for a change of heart and openness to the Truth! Reminded of the promise in Ezekiel of a “new heart” and praying that for your sister!
God is my very best and only faithful inheritance. I married a man who, after nearly 3 decades together, I learned was only interested in the money I inherited from my parents. He quit working to support the family when he saw that my mother was dying and I would soon begin to receive my inheritance. So I can assure you that an earthly inheritance can be a mixed blessing and even seem like a curse sometimes. I am grateful to be free of my abuser, and I am grateful that my worldly inheritance allows me to provide for my family, especially my disabled son; but it has been a mixed blessing. Only my divine inheritance is always good, because my Heavenly Father is always faithful and true. ❤️
God is my very best and only faithful inheritance. I married a man who, after nearly 3 decades together, I learned was only interested in the money I inherited from my parents. He quit working to support the family when he saw that my mother was dying and I would soon begin to receive my inheritance. So I can assure you that an earthly inheritance can be a mixed blessing and even seem like a curse sometimes. I am grayed
Praying that the Lord would cover both you and your hubby with His love, wisdom, and peace.
Praying for you and your sister, Michelle, that The Holy Spirit would provide comfort for you and openness for her and that through the love of Christ you’d both be encouraged.
Lifting you all in prayer and for the people of the Ukraine, their courage leaves one in awe! Giving thanks for each of you every morning and throughout the day. From “Jesus Calling” today: “As you go through this day, trust Me to provide the strength you need moment by moment. Don’t waste energy wondering whether you are adequate for today’s journey. My Spirit within you is more than sufficient to handle whatever this day may bring. That is the basis for your confidence! In quietness (spending time alone with Me) and confident trust (relying on My sufficiency) is your strength.”
“Jireh” YOU are enough ♥️
REBECCA- praying for your son today and his continued journey with sobriety. That he be covered in the armor of God and angels be sent to fight on his behalf.
MICHELLE PATIRE- I know that feeling. I’m sorry… and don’t let the enemy discourage you. One thing I’m learning to do right now with a couple of ppl in my life whom I’m trying to share Jesus with is to pray as often as I can “God show me what they CAN hear from and about you. Speak through me the words that YOU know will reach their heart..” I’m also consistently praying the key verse from this study- He will give them eyes to see, ears to hear, and a new heart. Hopefully it will help when you share with your sister. Also- have you ever asked her, hey it feels like you shut me down when I try to share personal things about my faith: may I ask why?? Who knows- maybe her answer will open your eyes to a more effective way of approaching the conversation next time…?? Regardless- I’m praying. Keep praying that God will give her a desire for His word and His salvation and she may have the wisdom to see it.
Prayer request: I am having a procedure done tomorrow afternoon to check for endometriosis, scar tissue from a C-section, and cysts. My hubby and I are on the road to transfer our remaining frozen embryo via IVF. Please pray that wisdom abounds through this and that my hubby and I draw closer to each other as we walk through infertility once more.
I hit enter lol. I meant to add that it took reaching a rock bottom for myself to recognize God in the midst of chaos. I remembered the words of family and friends in that moment rather than more evil lies. Praise be to God- what was lost was found.
Michelle Patire, I am praying for you, your sister, and your relationship. From my experience of being the one who did not want anything to do with Christianity though I wasn’t bold in that, I believe she hears you when you are speaking truth, so don’t stop trying. If she is anything like I was, she may be feeling envious of you because of the peace you have and that you look more “together” than she does at this moment. I have many sisters and there have been times the evil one has whispered lies in my ear that I am the screw up. I am the lesser sister in comparison to my amazing sisters. It took me
This makes me think of the song Your Grace Is Enough! Just reflecting on Ezekiel – exiled people, worshiping idols, the presence of God leaves them, then comes back because of His character- not ours and yet we still fall short!! Thank you God for choosing me!!!
Great is Your faithfulness, o God
You wrestle with the sinner’s heart
You lead us by still waters and to mercy
And nothing can keep us apart
So remember Your people
Remember Your children
Remember Your promise, o God
Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough for me
Great is Your love and justice, God
You use the weak to lead the strong
You lead us in the song of Your salvation
And all Your people sing along
So remember Your people
Remember Your children
Remember Your promise, o God
Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough for me
This makes me think of the song Your Grace Is Enough! Just reflecting on Ezekiel – exiled people, worshiping idols, the presence of God leaves them, then comes back because of His character- not ours and yet we still fall short!! Thank you God for choosing me!!!
I will be content in every circumstance, Jireh, you are enough!
Michelle P– Prayers for this situation and for your sister’s mental health. It’s a hard place to be in when you feel so helpless and even pushed away. I would think of it as the devel coming in between and happy about that, and use that to motivate you to not feel disappointed or small—God is bigger. We don’t see the little seeds we are planting! I was remembering (even before I read your comment!) how my older sister is such a powerful example of the fruits of the spirit! I was pondering on how she responds to all the caus in her life with such wisdom, patients, love, and non-defensive responses when criticized! She would feed into me in my younger years that I am just now seeing! So I hope that gives you more confidence to stay with what you are doing, giving her love, and showing and talking about the ONE that loves us with no condemnation! It matters! Your faithfulness matters! And it will matter to her one day! (we are stubborn remember when we feel guilt in our sin!)
Michelle — You, your sister, and you all’s relationship are in my prayers this morning. I know that must be so frustrating. I’m learning this as well, particularly in the area of relationships, that we have to take our hands ‘off’ and allow God to work sometimes. Your efforts to lovingly share the Word of the Lord with your sister are not in vein, but God may have other plans for reaching her heart. You continue to pray for her, continue to be loving toward her. Let that love and support show her who God is. He loves us ‘in spite of’. God bless you!
I hope to put my wants on the back burner and focus on my needs because that’s what is more important. God is my one need, and I don’t want anything that the world says I should want.
I spoke to my sister on the phone yesterday. The one who went to the hospital for her mental health last week. They transferred her to a rehab type place for behavioral health, because there was no room at the hospital she was in.
I started to briefly share with her what my pastor shared about going through hardship this past weekend. I started by briefly describing the story of Job (which I don’t think my sister is familiar with)– I was just briefly mentioning it so she could understand the context of my pastor’s point — being that there is purpose for pain.
Anyways, as I began to talk about Job I heard her try to stop me. My sister never really interrupts you while you are speaking, but I notice when I try to share the Bible with her, she immediately butts in and tries to shut it down. She doesn’t do that with anything else I talk about.
Anyways, I decided to just get to the point and share that there is hope for her and that her pain will help others, one day.
But I can’t help but be so disappointed. Why does my sister have this gut reaction to shut me up when I bring up Scripture? It makes me feel so small because all I want to do is share the love of Christ with her– I know there are other ways to do that.
And you know, if it was a stranger sharing the Bible with her, I don’t think she’d interrupt them. Something in her doesn’t trust me or my faith– is defensive instead of open to it. I’ve never been a person to shove Jesus down someone’s throat. I do speak boldly of Him, but I try not to do it in an offensive way.
Anyways. I’m bothered this morning and just asking for wisdom and prayer as I continue to try to help my sister. We are a family of 9– and when I grew up, this sister was my best friend. We have drifted so much.
Thanks ladies
My app also doesn’t have all the scripture in it for today!
Yes , mine also is missing scripture today!
That Jesus is our inheritance, our reward, our portion is amazing beyond words. I’m humbled to be included in His family! Thank You for sending Your Son, Father God! Hallelujah!
If you go into the She Reads Truth site, it gives all of the reading rather what is in the app. Just a heads up!
Jesus called me — out of darkness, into His marvelous light! (1Peter 2:9) Thank you Father for accepting me as your own, through the precious blood of Christ – and for being my inheritance.
God was the priests only inheritance. And it was enough. I would love to truly live Iike that – not worried about what I do and don’t have, but totally and completely focused on who God is in every moment of my life and allow that to be enough.
Good morning ladies – thank you sincerely for your prayers and kind words from yesterday and this morning. All of these prayers have been a tangible blessing and today is the first day I have felt somewhat stronger physically. ❤️ Sending my gratitude across the waves.
SEARCHING, thank you so much. ❤️
This was so beautiful today. I’m so grateful that God allows me, in all my sin and imperfections, to be near Him. Praying for Ukraine, Leigh and your son, Sarah, and Heidi (niece and friend).
Dear God, please help me feel Your nearness today. Bring forth any sins that need confessing so that I can feel Your light shine on me. I want to be a vessel for Your glory and reflect Your love and light to the world. Thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit… I am grateful beyond words. Amen.
Chap 44 is in the study book. You definitely want to read that today!
Yes mine was also missing 44
Elisa, this is what mine has for the reading…
Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 43:13-27, Ezekiel 44:1-31,1 Peter 2:9, Revelation 5:10
Does anyone else’s scripture reading not match with the devotional reading? Mine only has Ezekiel 43: 13-27 and revelation 5:10 but the devotional seems like I should have read 44 as well?
The vision of the temple that far surpassed Solomon’s in size and beauty must have been so exciting to Ezekiel (who was trained to be a priest). The covenant Israel was under at the time required the sacrifices, so I’m thinking that is why they are a part of the vision. That was God’s means of grace and forgiveness at the time.
The new covenant ushered in by Christ’s final sacrifice is the ultimate fulfillment along us to serve the Lord as a holy priesthood.
Have a great day Shes ❤
Beautiful devo. God is enough. Reminded me of this statement/equation/truth that I’ve seen and heard preached over the years: Jesus + Nothing = Everything, and that praise chorus, He’s all I need, He’s all I need, Jesus is all I need. I’ll be humming that today.
Praying through the requests, LEIGH GORHAM, HEIDI, SARAH D and others. Praying for an end to the atrocities in Ukraine – heartbreaking.
Yes God is enough!!
Seven days of sin offerings were necessary to consecrate the altar, to make it clean for the holiness of God. How many more offerings would have been needed to make my heart fit for serving God? Would it ever have been enough? This mess could only be cleaned by the blood of His own Son. Now I’m consecrated, I can stand in His presence. He lives in me!
Beautiful ❤️