“Be my guest.”
A simple invitation extended to good friends and new acquaintances, nearby neighbors and visitors from far away. Over the years, I’ve hosted countless guests. I watched as they sat at my large, rustic wooden table and gazed admiringly at the sparkling white dishware etched with intricate marble designs, complemented by the coated matte-black silverware.
“How do you keep it looking so pristine and beautiful?” guests often wonder. And my method is pretty simple: I set these particular dishes apart. They are given special cleansing and care to remain distinguished for their intended purpose of hosting guests.
In today’s reading, we encounter a different but rather unique kind of “set apartness” that distinguishes holy from ordinary––consecration unto God’s holy purpose.
Did you notice in Leviticus 8:10–12 how consecration—the setting apart—came before the offering in verse 14? Moses and Aaron were familiar with the laws and sacrifices required up to this point; however, consecration was still necessary for the priests’ ordination. Without being set apart, the priests would not be fit to carry out the holy assignment God had given them. It wasn’t their work that made them Levites and priests; it was God. Their responsibility and duty flowed not from their ability but their identity as those set apart unto God for His holy purposes.
As I curiously meditate on these verses today, I can’t help but wonder how easy it would have been in a culture of rhythms and requirements for these priests to merely offer ritual sacrifices to God without first allowing their lives to be consecrated. How easy it would have been to focus on calling before communion, to esteem responsibility over identity.
Dear sisters, let us not miss this practical truth: consecration must always precede duty (Leviticus 8:12). What you can do for God is secondary to who you are in God. Everything you do—any works of your hands—are an outflow of that unwavering identity. Have you found yourself chasing a calling before communion? Are you finding more worth in your responsibility rather than your identity?
If the answer is yes, let us remember the encouragement from Revelation 5:9–10, that God alone, and the shed blood of Jesus Christ, has made us worthy to be a kingdom of royal priests. Only when we remember this truth and serve out of that identity will we be the kind of vessels able to carry out our intended purpose.
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44 thoughts on "The Priests Are Ordained"
I feel as if this really spoke to me. Recently, I felt as if I’m living on autopilot. That I’m doing God’s work as He is through me, but never took the time to be WITH Him. Thank you for opening my eyes. Later, after my homework, I will talk to The Lord our Holy God and finally have that conversation I have forever been longing for.
Love that my identity is in being set apart from God, in who I am in Him! I needed that reminder in my world of doing, doing, doing.
Praise God for this great Word of being rooted in our identity in Christ BEFORE we step into our calling! Help us Holy Spirit!
This is the same Aaron who told the people to remove their jewelry, he received it, used a graving tool to make the golden calf, he built an altar before it, & proclaimed that they have a feast the next day (Exodus 32:2-5). This was a public sin that he had committed & then lied about doing so (Exodus 32:24).
God could’ve not allowed Aaron to be a priest any longer after that debacle. I love how God showed Aaron grace & mercy in still allowing him to be consecrated as a priest (Exodus 8) & also accepting Aaron’s offering (Exodus 9). Also, in the same way that Aaron’s sin was public, God also allowed his restoration, his forgiveness to be public (Exodus 8:3). God is so good!
Amen and AMEN! Wonderful post today
Adding: also I love the reminder that I cannot do my job if I am not first being who I was called to be
WOW. Love! I think it would have been so hard to only go to God through another flawed human— who may not even understand my struggles. I love that Jesus is perfect and has seen it all, and I can instead go to him.
Also love the reminder that I cannot do my job if I am not first being who I was called to be❤️
WOW. Love! I think it would have been so hard to only go to God through another flawed human— who may not even understand my struggles. I love that Jesus is perfect and has seen it all, and I can instead go to him.
I pray that I would be confident in my identity in Christ, so that I would be able to do the works he has for me.
It was interesting as I read through the scriptures, and the fine print study note of my bible, I highlighted this part from my book: “God was to consecrate them for seven days in which they were not to go out of the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. It probably indicated not only the importance of ceremonies, but that the very essence of consecration consists in separation, Aaron and his sons were thus confined, lest they be rendered ceremonially unclean by contact with the unclean, and become unfit for the service”. So I highlighted this “Consecration by separation” in bold only to see our devotional mentioning the exact same thing! Praise the Lord for this beautiful message. He is so good. Consecration is a lonely process, being set apart, being confined! But this is necessary and beneficial for us, especially when we no longer can mix with the crowd we used to hang out, we no longer can laugh at the vile jokes, or nod along when gossip is spread concerning someone else’s personal history, when the witness within us starts to yearn to another direction. Being drawn away feels nice. Consecration is excusing ourselves to be removed just so we are not unclean by coming into contact (by hearing) with the unclean words, unclean way of living that is not glorifying God. And mind us, these contamination could be right in our families, or in-law families, and the needed separation from them could be hard, we could be judged and despised wrongly. But God, to the household of faith, this is not a strange thing, God called Abraham to leave his family for the same reason- being set apart to be God’s nation. There is a cost for consecration isn’t it? Consecration could be lonely, but is it truly lonely? Feelings deceive, but truth does not. God walks with us, doesn’t He? He commits Himself to walk with us constantly, how amazing is He, that even when our families can forsake us/or threaten to forsake us, God will take us up, so our identify is no longer in our family/our clan/our upbringing or the family norms, but in God and through God alone. Esteem not responsibilities over identity (amen Oghosa)! Build our identity first before bearing responsibilities, by God and through God. Our identity is the chosen consecrated priesthood unto the Lord (But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people- 1 Peter 2:9). Peculiar means strange/odd/unusual, I used to chuckle at this as to why God uses this term to describe His people, but now I get it, truly as outsiders look on us and probably think us strange (my dad calls me strange because of my faith). It no longer makes sense to them. But to us, who the Lord has chosen to reveal things to, we understand and things make sense. Praise the Lord for His goodness and unfathomable grace and mercy on us, for choosing us who are just clay vessels to bear Him -the greatest treasure ever found. Glory, honor, praise be to His Holy Name. Be blessed dear sisters.
I don’t agree. Peace like a river happens. Maybe it’s not our idea if peace.
Beautiful and true reading, thank you for the encouragement
This is a reminder that being with God and making that our priority, will do much more than trying to rush to action to promote our faith. If we come to the Lord and commune with Him, He will lay out the rest. Our culture today promotes constant words and movement to show we care about something, when God is giving us different instructions.
@EMILY WACKER … The Tent of Meeting is another name for the Tabernacle.
@DOROTHY … The Jews can no longer make any sacrifices for several reasons.
(1) The Romans totally destroyed the Temple & the Altar in 70 AD. Since the Crusades,Muslims have been in control of the Temple Mount. The Muslims built a mosque (the al-Aqsq Mosque) on the Temple Mount. Therefore, the Temple & Altar have not been rebuilt.
(2) Over the millennia, the Jews have been scattered around the world, and (as far as I know) they have not been keeping records as to which tribes they belong. Therefore, the priesthood has been destroyed.
The Jews are able to keep some cultural and dietary laws, but many don’t. Just like in other religions, including Christianity, you have several layers of adherence to the religious statutes.
(I got the following information from a Jewish website called Jew Belong.)
-Ultra-Orthodox (Hasidic or Haredi): Strict observance of the Torah law & do not participate in modern cultural society. These are the Jewish men with the long black coats, the side curls, and keep their heads covered.
-Modern Orthodox: Adhere as strictly to Torah law as possible, but are also full participants in modern society
-Conservative: middle ground between Reform & Modern Orthodox
-Reconstructionist: Services & religious observances seem traditional, but they believe that Jewish values & practices take precedence over religious rules & traditions
-Reform: Less bound to following the Torah, more about following Jewish values. These were the first to have women rabbis & cantors & women presidents of synagogues
-Non-denominational/post-denominational/Unaffiliated: Jews who don’t identify with another particular group
-Culturally Jewish: Jewish because of heritage & may observe a few Jewish practices
-Disengaged Jews: Jewish by heritage & do not observe Jewish practices
-Secular: Jews who do not believe in God
-Messianic Jews: Jews who believe Jesus Christ is the Promised Messiah & still practice Jewish observances
In today’s modern Christian culture it seems that the word, Consecration and its meaning has been lost overlooked etc. Reading the chapter 8,9 of Leviticus caused me to read Hebrews chapters 5 through 10. Reading the New Testament helps me to understand the New Testament. Thanking God for a solid foundation in Christ according to the scriptures in the Bible and the Holy Spirit guides who us to truth and empowers us to do God’s will. Thank you for Bible Studies that continue spiritual growth.
We will not find peace here. Peace comes from the Lord above and in todays world people are running their own agenda’s. Hold fat in your identity in Christ! Amen!
I don’t know what happened to my post. (I am aggravated by the app a lot lately… I know you’re working on it, SRT, but…) Anyways… This vegetarian is glad that all those animal sacrifices aren’t required anymore, as Jesus was our complete and perfect sacrifice! Remember Whose you are today, sweet She’s!
Put a good man into my life I become insecure. What if I like him and he doesn’t like me? I don’t want to get hurt so I put a guard up and let my thoughts go negative. I often need to remind myself that I don’t need this or that to be happy because I have a God who loves me for me. And that’s enough. Whatever else comes my way is an extra blessing.
@Taylor praying for you. Just remember you can do all things through Christ Jesus. So often in my life I want this or that to work out and have found I struggle with my own insecurities and let them get the best of me. I pray hard I find a husband and now God has o
I wonder how many of these rituals are still practiced in the modern Jewish religion? I pass by synagogues all the time and see beauty. I remember when my sons were growing up we found a head piece in my parents yard — there’s a synagogue not more than 4 blocks away from them — so we took it down there and saw one of the priests and his son and gave it to them. They looked so much like myself and my sons.
So much love shown for God by the time taken for the sacrifices. Do I spend that much time showing my love for God, Christ and the Holy Spirit with my actions, study, worship and other things I do? I think I need to maybe step up my game.
Father God, You are the One and Only, I sometimes forget this, please forgive me. I want to continue to learn more about You and Your Son and the Holy Spirit. I want to live a life worthy of You. HELP ME to do these things, in Your name, amen.
Sisters be blessed and think about how much time you spend with and doing for God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, can you do more?
Thank you for the beautiful reminder that we will not find peace here. I needed that today.
How are you, Florida friends? We are praying for you. I’m watching the news at the gym and you’re all on my heart. God’s peace to you.
That hit home like a ton of bricks!
Something that was brought up on the podcast and worth sharing here- God chose Aaron and his sons to be priests. Aaron- the guy who led the Israelites astray, Aaron the guy who made a gold calf for the Israelites to worship!!! Aaron- brother of the murder Moses (the guy chosen to lead the Israelites out of Egypt). Wow- this is such a reminder that your past does not define you! Gods grace and mercy are all over this story and should be reassuring to us all- He loves us, forgives us and wants us to draw near to Him! Praying for you sisters today- that your past will be forgiven!
A few things I gathered: Water for washing is a picture of the Word of God. As we meditate on God’s Word and apply it to our lives, the Spirit of God uses the Word to cleanse us and make us more like Christ. The ceremony of putting the blood and oil on the right ear, the right thumb, and the right big toe symbolized that they were set apart to hear God’s voice, do God’s’ work, and walk in God’s ways. The consecration, setting apart, came before the offering. Without being set apart, the priests would not be fit to carry out the holy assignment God had given them. It wasn’t their work that made them priests-it was their God! What you do for God is secondary to who you are in God. Hugs and blessings to all. Praising today that Steve’s sister survived the hurricane and still has power! Also asking for prayers for Steve as he has extreme joint pain and cannot sleep. It is wearing him down. And I want to know how some of you are able to make your posts with new thoughts on new lines? If i hit enter, it posts before I’m ready…
As I am seated at my morning post before the Lord, there is a cool wind from the open door next to my study desk, birds are singing as the sun rises in the fall air. My Bible is open to Revelation 5:9-10. The image of this throne room scene, in which John did his best to describe the unimaginable sights and sounds, is where the Levitical slaughters are revealed as a shadow of the blood of the Lamb of God that would redeem us for good. Backing up to Revelation 4, the richness pours into 5 with a depth I can barely grasp. The angels, the four living creatures (cherubim), the sound of Holy, Holy, Holy constant, the jeweled everything, the glory and story of God… This divine and supernatural reality is the force behind my faith. To understand who I am, and what my purpose is, I must first reckon with who God is and what is really going on here. As I move between what I can see and what I cannot see, I am beginning to grasp a better understanding of my soul, of who I am inside of my physical body. The peace I experience from Jesus has to be pursued by my physical existence through obedience daily. I must seek Him daily. He is never lost, I am the one who loses sight if I am looking the wrong way. I am not Home yet. I will not find eternal peace here. I am in between the Levitical desert the Garden that is in the horizon of eternity. God’s people will reign again. A new Eden is coming. For now, I come to God “in the shadows of His desert rest”, and walk with Him in my quiet hours. “Far from life’s babbling discords”, and His peace “breathes in me like music” in my heart. (From this morning’s reading in Streams in the Desert). “Come, come, He saith”. So I come. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.
Is He Worthy? By Chris Tomlin
Jesus, I love You so much! Amen!
This reminds me of a time in the NT…when Jesus called His disciples, He 1st called them to be with Him, before sending them to preach and teach and heal. We must be with Him first, to commune with Him & learn who we are before we can go out. And to obey is better than sacrifice!
I really am appreciating this study and realizing how we are so blessed that Jesus became the Lamb for us. There were a lot of particulars back in Leviticus. And I will have to confess, I am not as good as some of you seeing all of the nuances that went on back then but I certainly can appreciate all that you are sharing.
I am so grateful for His sacrifice. I just wanna share it with others! God is so awesome! He was then and he is now.
Keeping Florida and your requests in prayer sisters. Blessings from Pennsylvania.
I find myself flipping back to the fantastic graphic of the tabernacle in the Exodus study book.
Is the Tent of Meeting the same thing as the Tabernacle or are they different?
Hi ladies, asking for prayer please. My anxiety has been really bad these last two days especially in the morning. It’s related to a conversation I need to have, but am afraid to because I don’t want the other person to respond negatively. I woke up an hour before my alarm nauseous with anxiety and read today’s devo but not the Scripture because I tried to rest up before another long day of work and reffing. If you could please pray I have the courage to voice my feeling/concerns and that the other person would receive it with understanding and grace. Thank you sisters <3
I find myself flipping back to the fantastic graphic of the tabernacle in the Exodus study book.
Is the Tent of Meeting the same thing as the Tabernacle or are they different?
I find myself flipping back to the fantastic graphic of the tabernacle in the Exodus study book.
BEAUTIFUL words- what a needed reminder!
“…let us not miss this practical truth: consecration must always precede duty (Leviticus 8:12). What you can do for God is secondary to who you are in God. Everything you do—any works of your hands—are an outflow of that unwavering identity. Have you found yourself chasing a calling before communion? Are you finding more worth in your responsibility rather than your identity?” — She Reads Truth contributor Oghosa Iyamu
@ARINA, I noticed that same sequence of cleansing, anointing, atonement, commitment, & consecration. I also noticed that they were clothed after they were cleansed & before they were anointed.
As a kingdom of priests & God’s holy people, we must remember these things:
1. God is holy. He is our Master. We must approach Him with obedience.
2. We are sinful. We must be cleansed and washed pure.
3. We are not righteous. We must be clothed with Christ’s righteousness and put on His love. We must wear the Armor of God (salvation, righteousness, truth, gospel of peace, faith, Word of God). These are all things that are not found within us, but given to us as gifts by the Lord. We must use these gifts of His with trust & thankfulness.
4. Our decisions must be based on the light of God’s Word & the perfection of God’s character (Urim = “Light” & Thummim = “Perfection”).
5. We cannot approach God on our own merit as we have nothing to offer Him. We must trust Christ’s sacrifice. He became sin for us to atone for our sin.
6. We must commit ourselves to God by being wholly devoted to Him.
7. We must consecrate our work to the Lord. Everything we do should be done for God’s glory, not our own.
8. We must be filled with the Holy Spirit. He must dwell in us. We cannot do God’s work in our own power.
9. We cannot approach God without Jesus’ blood covering our sin & the Holy Spirit dwelling in us.
Christ is our Great High Priest. When He accomplished what was needed for our atonement, He blessed us and God’s glory dwells in us as a Consuming Fire. This also reminds me that after Jesus’ death, resurrection, & ascension, He sent the Holy Spirit as wind & tongues of fire on the Day of Pentecost, anointing & consecrating His church to do His work of evangelizing & making disciples of all nations.
Lord I need You. Amen
I was taught once by a very wise preacher man that we cheat ourselves when we don’t live from our identity as a child of God. I have come to learn just how right he was.
The order of obedience and the specifics of each sacrifice are to me a good reminder that serving God is serious and requires focus – on Him and His word. It’s not just wearing a cross necklace, showing up at church and muttering a quick prayer requesting forgiveness for things I might have done/said that I should not have and for things I should have done/said that I didn’t – whatever those things might be … non specific because I didn’t give any thought to my words or actions, much less give any thought to God’s direction for me.
Brings to mind that question I have heard many times – if I was on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict me?
Good to see you GWINETH52.
Continuing to pray for those areas damaged and continuing to be damaged by Ian.
RENEE K – Praising the Lord for the good report on Joe! Praying for a speedy recovery and vision improvement.
I often forget this order, too often. I get swept up in what I ‘should do’, ‘haven’t done’, and what I ‘want to do’…
and I forget that it starts with who I am because of Him.
“God alone, and the shed blood of Jesus Christ, has made us worthy to be a kingdom of royal priests. Only when we remember this truth and serve out of that identity will we be the kind of vessels able to carry out our intended purpose.”
May all I do today be for Your glory, Lord!
The order of the ordination ceremony for Aaron and the priests was: cleansing (washing with water), anointing (pouring of oil on his head), atonement (sin offering), commitment to the Lord (burnt offering), consecration (offering of the ram of ordination) and then a fellowship meal with the Lord. If we want to consecrate our lives to the Lord, we need cleansing from our sins by Jesus’s sacrifice but also anointing with the Holy Spirit and a total commitment to the Lord. We truly have to give ourselves to the Lord so He can use us for His purposes.
What truth!
So tightly wrapped in love are my prayers for you, my Dears. Be Blessed!❤
Good Morning Shes. I’ve gone “hybrid” for this SRT Leviticus Community Read. Listening to The Bible Project 9-part series podcast on the Leviticus scroll as main fodder. Listening to the SRT top of the week, stage-setting podcast. Reading the SRT daily devotional & select Shes’ reactions & responses. I’m listening more than reading. I’m listening alongside the needful (cooking) & the beneficial (walking ). I’m listening because I believe God loves us whether we read or hear His Word. I’m recognizing my brain needs a chance to throttle back the intensity. I’m giving myself permission to step back, shake things up, in order to go forward. Rejuvenated. Refreshed. Rested. Staying up with the SRT Community Read calendar is challenging & life is equally so. Sometimes we have to create & confirm our own sabbath. Free of guilt. Full of grace. I’m still a woman in the word of God everyday. I’m still a fellow, faithful traveler. Just. For now. Differently. Amen & Amen!