When we see a shadow, we know something of substance is connected to it. Our awareness of a shadow compels us to look for the corresponding substantial reality. For the author of Hebrews, the sanctuary and the Torah (the Law) were both shadows that could be traced back to good heavenly realities (Hebrews 8:5, 10:1).
These images of shadow and substance contribute to the author’s developing claim that there is something radically new happening through Jesus Christ; something still firmly rooted in and connected to Old Testament rituals.
Chapter 10 recaps the carefully detailed descriptions we read yesterday in Hebrews 9. This literary repetition represents what happened in the sanctuary day after heart-wrenching day, as the human priest sprinkled the blood of animal sacrifices on the altar. The messy process was painful and blood-drenched. It caused worshipers to come face-to-face with images of pain and suffering, powerful metaphors for the grim consequences for others of their sins. Even though the repeated process could never do away with the guilty verdict, this visceral reminder was vital. It also pointed forward.
That all of this had been dealt with once and for all was a stunning new reality to the audience of Hebrews. Writing to an audience wholly steeped in the necessity of the ongoing temple ritual, the author had to repeat this multiple times. It took time to reconfigure their worldview. Yet it was important to clarify that this was not foreign to the Jewish tradition. In Hebrews 10:6–7, the author quotes Psalm 40, words Jesus Christ repeated as well: “I have come to do your will.” Then, in verses 16–17, the author quotes the prophet Jeremiah’s promise of the new covenant. Until this point, the people’s obedience had been the absent ingredient. But in Jesus, our sins are forgiven forever—period. And the encouraging add-on is that He is ever-present in our continuing process of being made holy (Hebrews 10:14).

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42 thoughts on "The Perfect Sacrifice"
Or it starts off as being legally prescribed a painkiller, or having a drink when you’re of age. Those are normal and not sinful actions. Thanks for bringing this to light; the shame our society attaches to addiction is the reason so many can’t get help.
I think we need to be careful calling addiction a sin problem. It definitely starts off as a sin problem, when a person decides to use or drink for the first few times. However, it quickly becomes a disease process after that. I am a nurse and addiction’s counselor so this topic is sensitive to me. But as I said, it definitely starts off as a sin issue.
Jesus is beautiful.
He is ever-present in our continuing process of being made holy”
10 And by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. – Hebrews 10:10
Susan, thank you for sharing. I am so happy to know you felt joy in your heart despite the grief. God is so good.
Really enjoyed the commentary on this one
@susan what a great testimony of your son! Praying hard for you during this time. After my dads attempt to commit suicide five months ago I too often found myself completely shattered yet also feeling extremely grateful. @Jenny Somers praying for your family gets over the sicknesses that keep going around. Stay strong you guys will get through it.
Susan- Wow, what an amazing testimony your son left! That is such a comfort in your sadness, imagine all the youth lives he touched/changed!! What a hard and needed ministry, that only someone that has come through it could testify to God’s great love and mercy, and can transform! Continued prayers for you as the coming holidays will be hard, but hopefully, the joy will be there as well!
Praying for the sickness and covid that keeps running through your family, hope you will be on the upswing soon.
Our homeless ministry went beautifully tonight, thanks for the prayers!
A beautiful devotional today ❤️
I want to live in this ultimate dependency on God as my savior. I have been a follower of His for many years, but I think I sometimes forget how much I need him. I also love to be reminded that he wants to save me.
The Lord is good. He is good in many ways, the way He died and substituted Himself, the way He pleaded if the cup of God’s wrath could be passed, the way He took it with obedience to His own hurt, the way He decided He would come back for His sheep one glorious day, the way He sat down on the right hand of God Most High, and intercedes continually for us, the way He calls us His friends and not servants. Oh so many beautiful ways He has chosen to conduct Himself, completely contrary to what this world can ever know. He moves so quickly and often mysteriously for us to grasp. We are left looking on, confused yet in awe and thankfulness. How can we connect the dots unless He reveals to us what He is up to? Who can see unless it is revealed to see? Who can tell where the wind is going? You can hear the wind brushing through the leaves, but who knows where it is heading? God is mysterious, yet unchanging. He desires for us to know Him deeply and intimately. Draw close. Draw close. Grab onto the hem of the One who is merciful. You never know what God will reveal to you today. You might just cry at the purity of His heart and His steadfast love for you. Let us seek His heart, His pains and hurts, His desires and His wills. He will show you if you ask. Oh the depth of God, who can search it out? May we never ever stop searching for Him. The Bible always affords new things to those who continue to search. Be blessed dear sisters.
“O Christ, He is the fountain, The deep sweet well of love!
The streams on earth I’ve tasted, More deep I’ll drink above!
There, to an ocean fullness, His mercy doth expand.
And glory, glory dwelleth In Immanuel’s land.
With mercy and with judgment My web of time He wove,
And aye the dews of sorrow Were lustred with His love.
I’ll bless the hand that guided, I’ll bless the heart that planned,
When throned where glory dwelleth, In Immanuel’s land.”
The priests had so much to do to try to atone for sin that they never had a chance to sit down. But when Jesus did His work He sat down because it is FINISHED!! Hallelujah! ❤️
Such a thoroughly well-written commentary by Elaine Phillips. Very grateful for this thoughtful perspective.
Such a thoroughly well-written,commentary by Elaine Phillips. Very grateful for this thoughtful perspective
Susan, just wow. Such an incredible testimony! I am overjoyed for you at being able to find the joy amidst the tears – the Joy of the Lord is the strength shining through your broken heart, and testifying to what only God could do! BUT GOD!
Mercy. He sat down.
Amen, Churchmouse. And thank you for your TPO recommendation.
Lord Jesus thank You for coming and sacrificing Yourself so we no longer have to make animal sacrifices for our repentance and atonement. We praise You God for all You have done, are doing and will do to make this a better world. Come Holy Spirit and help to spread the WONDERFUL NEWS of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sisters be blessed and know that you are appreciated.
Thank to all who have prayed for our family. The grief still feels so heavy, but it is beginning to be mixed with joy at what my son’s life meant to so many. I wanted to share some of his testimony. During his teenage years the drug usage started. I can remember being grateful when I knew he was in jail, at least I knew where he was and that he was alive. His father helped lead him on this destructive path. That led to our divorce after 22 years. Andy was facing going back to jail and joined teen life challenge to try and avoid that. They are a ministry of the Assembly of God church. On his first day they told him he didn’t have a drug problem, he had a sin problem and Jesus was the answer to sin. At this point through a sermon at our church on Ezekiel 37,I was shown by the Lord to prophecy/pray over his dry bones. The Lord miraculously intervened in his life and those dry, dead bones had new life. Andy completed the program and then stayed on helping others and getting stronger. He completed christian college with a degree in pastoral ministries. He went to the apartments behind his church gathering kids and speaking to anyone who would listen. He played basketball and taught and loved on those kids on Tuesday nights for years. Rough kids from rough backgrounds. BUT GOD!! Last night I found one of his sermons and it was on Ez 37! I cried like a baby, but was so joyous at the same time. I’m so thankful for his life and the legacy that he leaves, BUT GOD…in His mercy and grace he intervened in my son’s life. I don’t quite understand how our hearts can be so broken and joyous at the same time. So we will cry and give thanks, trusting in our Savior to carry us through. One more story….to fight the battles in his life he started writing the bible..each word, each book….he had only recently completed hand writing the whole bible…Amen!
Hi sisters – I feel like I only comment to ask for prayer, but such is life these days. My family has been sick nearly constantly for months now and this week we all have covid. Between stomach bugs and viruses and now covid, we’ve canceled 7 shows this month alone. It’s our second bout with covid in the last 3 months. We have 4 children, and I am exhausted and discouraged. I know that these illnesses are small when compared to others, and I am grateful that we are not facing anything more serious, but right now it feels like too much. I would appreciate prayers for health for our family, patience, unity, and peace. Our kids are amazing and our community is taking good care of us. Thank you.
Hi sisters – I feel like I only comment to ask for prayer, but such is life these days. My family has been sick nearly
Thank you Jesus and AMEN and AMEN!
On a more lighthearted note, I told my boss recently that I felt I felt like a Levitical priest, because my job is never done, and I never get to sit down. (I’m now being paid to be my disabled son’s caregiver for the hours we don’t have another paid caregiver—basically what I have been doing all his life.) But it does sum up how I feel so many days, and it reminds me of what we have discussed about Jesus being the final sacrifice, sitting down at the Father’s right hand, and about us entering into his rest. I have no idea if my boss understood any of the biblical references, but I did tell her that I had been studying Leviticus, and as a mom I could really relate to this comparison. And the longing for rest.
Hey, another Rhonda with a J! Welcome! (even though you may have been with us for a while, just saw your name in the comments!
I love Hebrews and how it plainly states that we have a new covenant! Hallelujah! The old law is still important to study and know, but we have a Jesus, our SAVIOR! He shed his blood for us, once and for all, tearing the veil, so we can have access to God (the God of all gods!!) through him!! And even more, overwhelming to me, is that the Spirit he leaves us is better than him being next to us in person! I just can’t fathom that sometimes.
Hoping you all have a great Wkd! We go and feed the hungry in the park tonight, it has started back up since Ian! I pray the Spirit will be with our church group and that not only do we feed their physical bodies, but be the hands and feet of Jesus, and the Spirit moves in them, and feed them with love.
But God. But God. for your words @churchmouse
God does not withhold his compassion for us. His constant love and truth will always guard us. Wow, he truly is a way maker. And his plan for us, he’s beautiful way for us to be with him, through the costly, the perfect sacrifice, Jesus. I can totally relate with the Psalmist when he says my sins are more than the hairs on my head. But God is pleased to rescue us. The Lord is truly great! Thank you Jesus for your great love and faithfulness.
The idea of Christ dying for us brings me to my knees. Tears fall….
@Sarah D. I have not read this book but it comes highly recommended by a couple of friends who struggled with anxiety, it’s called D.A.R.E. They report that it’s a life changing book and a third friend was just speaking about it yesterday saying it is life changing. Apparently there is an app as well. I don’t usually recommend books I haven’t read myself yet, but your request for suggestions made me think of this right away.
I love this book of Hebrews, it really brings it all together for me- what a powerful Jesus and loving God and present Holy Spirit we have! Whew…
Christ’s sacrifice has once and for all cleansed me from sins grip and power! I need to hold tight to the truth that this means ALL sin, including the sin that comes along with my innate human nature. Sin that the enemy uses so subtly that I wouldn’t easily label it as sin. So when I feel anxious or start to cling for control, I know that Christ’s sacrifice for me has already covered that sin too. Thank you, Lord, for covering every last bit of sin in me and around me!
Christ’s sacrifice has once and for all cleansed me from sins grip and power
Thanks be to God!
Love this so much Churchmouse. Beautifully put!
Thankful for Jesus’s sacrifice settling my debt once and for all! Also thankful for the reminder that God is ever-present with me in my journey through life.
@Sarah D we can definitely connect on Facebook! I included my last name so you can find me. I’m not sure how the community SRT Facebook page works but I do “like” the page. My profile pic is my best friend in her wedding dress and me in an orange bridesmaid dress! I’d love to connect and see how I can help you navigate looking for a new job/pursuing your masters :)
Good Morning Shes! My husband & I traveling on our annual east coast visit with friends & family. Today in NYC. Feeling fine & finding fun. Affording an opportunity for my commenting in real time! My faith life & spiritual formation the past month has not grown stale or fallow. By no means dead, perhaps dormant. My intensity & depth of pursuit have relaxed. Admittedly distracted & drawn down. I studied alongside my sister Shes in hybrid mode for Leviticus, combining our community read with The Bible Project. My respite. My mix of reading, writing, listening, prayer, reflection. I learned, even as I stepped back from having the physical study book. Returning gently with Shes in Hebrews is a warm welcome back. His perfect sacrifice. Our adhering to His ministry. (LOVED, loved, loved yesterday’s devotional!) Admittedly, convicting, much of recent withdrawal from more active participation has involved questioning my motivation & assertion for leading another Bible study for those who self identify as women in this season. And a hungering for formal acceptance & inclusion by the clergy in this role at my church. My facilitation of five weeks in St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians last summer was exhilarating & exhausting! Good feedback & encouragement from participants. Their readiness to do more & go further. I’m opening to the voice of the Spirit & guidance of Grace. I’m hoping to be refreshed & ready to lean in fully for Advent, with the preparation of praying scripture. I’m hoping to be led in right direction, heart & head, into the coming of the Light of the world. And how He wants me to work within it. With His help. Within the She family of followers. Thanks be to God. Beautiful Blessings Shes wherever this day finds you.
Jesus is the Perfect Sacrifice.
The sacrifices offered under the Law were a shadow of the Perfect Sacrifice to come. The priests had to continually offer the same sacrifices year after year, but they only served as a reminder of sins year after year. It is impossible for the blood of animals to take away human sin.
Jesus’ sacrifice is the reality of atonement. Through the sacrificial death of His own body, His worshipers have been purified once and for all. Jesus has sanctified His people and perfected them forever. He only offered Himself once for all time to make atonement for our sins. He now sits at the right hand of His Father because His work is complete. He is now waiting until His enemies are made His footstool. He is waiting until that day when every earthly authority will be fully conquered (see Psalm 110:1-7).
I’ve been listening through the Bible and heard this story from Joshua that ties in to the footstool reference here. After Joshua and the Israelites defeated Jericho and Ai and made a treaty with Gibeon, the king of Israel banded together with four other Amorite kings and attacked the Gibeonites. The Gibeonites cried out to Israel for help. Joshua and the army marched all night to get to Gibeon to help them. As soon as they got to Gibeon, they attacked the Amorite kings. God ordained that the sun would stand still that day until Joshua and the Israelites were victorious over the Amorites. The Amorite kings fled and hid in a cave. Joshua captured them there, setting a guard over them while the rest of the army pursued the rest of the Amorites. When they finished with the pursuit of the Amorite armies, Joshua returned to the cave to execute the Amorite kings. He had them lie down on the ground and had the Israelite military leaders place their feet on the necks of the kings. Afterward, he executed the kings (see Joshua 10:1-27). This is a picture of what Jesus will do with the conquered authorities of our world. One day, when He fully conquers them, He will place His feet on their necks and they will be crushed and destroyed forever.
Jesus’ sacrifice is the Perfect and Only Sacrifice that completely conquers the enemies of sin and death that we face! He is worthy to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing (Revelation 5:12)!
Let all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; let those who love your salvation continually say, “The Lord is great!”
Have a blessed day remembering that you are covered by Christ’s blood
It’s hard to change deeply held beliefs. For hundreds of years the Torah and the Law were the driving forces for becoming righteous before God. Then came Jesus. It’s hard to grasp the new when one’s life has been saturated in the old. “Old habits die hard.” What Jesus did and who He proved Himself to be was hard to wrap their minds around. It was too good to be True true, right? A once-for-all sacrifice by the very Lamb of God. That He offered Himself in my place, to free me from the wages of sin, while I was yet a sinner, drops me to my knees. Thank you for Your great love, Your persistent pursuit of me, this must unworthy woman. You expunged my guilty record. Not only did You set me free but You made me an heir, a daughter in Your kingdom. Who would have thought? BUT GOD. BUT GOD.
Without Christ’s coming, all the sacrifice wouldn’t have done anything. They couldn’t take sin away. As a shadow of what was coming, they only covered the sin. Until Christ came. Once for all time, He took away our sin. He has perfected us forever. We are completely free from the guilt of sin. This really is a better covenant. Grace, free and for everyone. What else could we wish for?