The Nazirite Vow

Open Your Bible

Numbers 6:1-27, Luke 1:5-17, 2 Timothy 2:21-22

I remember the first time I was set apart for something. I was six years old in the kitchen helping my grandmother. I stood on a stool, and she asked me to help her wash some potatoes. She provided clear instructions on how to scrub and clean the potatoes properly. I was excited that she had given me a task for dinner. I took the responsibility seriously, and as I reflect on it, I realize my deep love for my grandmother was the driving force behind my dedication. I admired and respected her, and being set apart for a task by her made me ecstatic.

Reading through Numbers 6, I can’t help but be transported back to my grandmother’s kitchen, with the scents, sights, and sounds of the moment she “consecrated” me to help her prepare dinner. It’s similar to what Moses instructs the people of God about the Nazarite vow. 

While reading about the Lord’s instructions to the people, a recurring question came to mind: “Why did they need to abstain from grapes and wine, avoid cutting their hair, or stay away from the dead?” But as this question arose, I noticed a repetition related to the instruction. The text emphasizes “consecrate himself to the LORD” repeatedly within the chapter. The focus wasn’t on the instruction or the specific task at hand for those being set apart or consecrated, but on the Lord, the One who called them into the land to be a holy people, set apart for His name and purposes.

So I began to think about my six-year-old self, consecrated for the task of preparing potatoes with my grandmother. Was I enamored with the tasks she assigned? Not really. I never thought about what I was giving up (TV, toys, mischief) or why she had set me apart for this task. I willingly and joyfully entered the kitchen, stood on the stool to be with my grandmother, and during my task found that the most important thing was to honor, love, and participate with my grandmother. When we consider our consecration to the Lord, do we focus on what we are sacrificing or missing out on, or do we think about what we gain?

If we are in Christ today, we have been set apart for honorable use by Jesus. We are considered holy before the Lord and prepared for every good work. We can approach God with a childlike heart, joyfully consecrating ourselves to Him. While He may not ask us to make specific sacrifices like cutting our hair, abstaining from wine, avoiding contact with the dead, or even peeling and washing potatoes, He has consecrated us for whatever holy tasks He has for us in our daily lives.

Written by Ryne Brewer

(57) Comments

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57 thoughts on "The Nazirite Vow"

  1. Devyn Janae Brown says:

    Hi, This was great and it helped me to understand the Nazirite vow a little better as I am studying it. Thanks for this!

  2. Rebecca Baglio says:

    Got it

  3. Ramya Vinod says:

    Praise the lord

  4. Darlene says:

    Why am I not able to hit the scripture buttons and be able to read right on my iPad? Am I missing something?

  5. Kris says:

    Please show me how to see all the comments. I can only see one right now. Thank you!

    1. Ryan Myers says:

      Good morning, Kris! You should be able to scroll down the comment list once the window is open!

      1. kris says:

        got it!

  6. Joy Warries says:

    Love this new layout. Absolutely Beautiful

  7. Wanda Woehlert says:

    God had consecrated us for whatever holy tasks He has for us in our daily lives.

  8. Gwineth52 says:

    Hello Y’all!
    The Mechanics:
    While away for a day I see the daily reading “menu” has changed! I read on my tablet & it took me more than a minute to think, perhaps, I’ve learned the new navigation. And believe it may be, with a little hand/eye coordination, better than before.
    The Message:
    Had my doubts about this SRT community read choice, the Book of Numbers, but now being won over. Especially in words like today’s devotional writer … “He has consecrated us for whatever holy task He has for us in daily life.” Yes, all our days are “numbered” by what we get to do in His service. And when we mess up, and I sure as heck do, He “numbers” our sins not. That’s really Good News, folks!

  9. Caroline Bridges says:

    I just now got access to the Devo because the service was out alongside WiFi and electricity. It’s been a long day. I thought it was about giving their life to god the Nazarite way.

  10. Changed Life says:

    I admit, I was less than enthusiastic when we began this study of Numbers. Reading the scriptures each day is a challenge, as the words on the page are dry and the subject matter is so foreign to me. I am so thankful for the inclusion of the Going Deeper passages, and for the daily devotional and all of the Shes comments. You bring understanding to scripture for me. God bless you!

  11. Traci Gendron says:

    Yikes! What happened to the website?? It is not user friendly like it was. Comments are gone, the print is small, and no where to click easily on today’s study.

    1. Ryan Myers says:

      Hi Traci!

      Sorry to throw you off with our new design. Once you get used to it, I think you’ll find that it’s a better experience.

      A couple tips:
      1. If you visit the homepage and scroll down, you’ll find a link to the current day’s reading.

      2. Once complete, you’ll see a link at the bottom that will display comments.

      We’ll be continuing to make improvements as we go, so our hope is that it only gets better and better for our reading community!

      1. Cee Gee says:

        This new comment option is awesome! I could never reply directly before so thank you!

      2. Adrienne says:

        Thank you for the tips. I, also, was lost! That was so helpful. Blessings!

  12. Cheryl Blow says:

    Beautiful comments! I will say that for me, the more I say no to the world the less I feel like I’m by missing out on the world. Sometimes it’s about making the choice to do what God is asking of us than how we feel. And oh, I’m not there yet, never will be this side of eternity but I just keep pushing forward. ”Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,“
    ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3‬:‭13‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    You all inspire me to do better and be more! Praying for all of you!

  13. Allison Bentley says:

    Todays reading reminds me of Leviticus 20:26 “Your are to be holy to me because I, the Lord, am holy, and have set you apart from the nations to be mine.” Everyday am I giving myself to the Lord? Or the world? Unfortunately I’m more of this world. Lord keep making me new!!! Change my heart and pull me closer to you! Happy Thursday She’s! ☮️❤️ to all my sisters and of course lifting up your prayers!!

  14. Monica Sheppard says:

    I was really challenged by 2 Timothy 2:22 which says “Flee from youthful passions, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.” I’ve been feeling like I’m slipping away from God lately but don’t feel totally ready to turn back. I’m just asking for prayers that I don’t keep wandering away from God but with a heart that’s ready and pure call on Him and stop slipping away and return to him. I pray I’m ready soon. Just feel like I’m having a moment of clarity.

    1. Lynne from Alabams says:

      Prayers for you, dear sister! ❤️

    2. GramsieSue says:

      Oh Monica, He’s waiting for you with open arms! ❤️

  15. leap says:


  16. Kris says:

    I’m trying to grasp this whole Nazarite vow thing. So I did some searching. Basically, it’s a cleansing from something to be holy for something. To cleanse ourselves from the world, it’s pleasures, its sins to be holy for God’s purposes. To be set apart for God. It’s a marriage. It’s forsaking all others, to be holy before the Lord our God for His purposes only. Setting ourselves apart for His will, His glory, His plans. I want to do this, and I know I want to, but there are times when I’m still stubborn enough to want my own will, my own plans, my own purposes. So, the process of consecrating myself for God is just that… a process, it’s not a quick decision, it’s well thought out and contemplated, so that I am sure this is what I want to do. LORD, help me to make that correct decision to be set aside for Your will. I know that’s what I want, so make the parts that are not willing to be willing. I am willing to be made willing.

    1. Cheryl Blow says:


    2. GramsieSue says:

      Love this!

  17. Traci Gendron says:

    As I was reading I kept thinking some of these rules seem ridiculous. I probably shouldn’t say that about the Bible..which goes to say I would not have done well if I was alive back then. Can’t you just hear my obstinance?!

    Thank God I have what I need in Jesus. That my relationship with Him is just that. I can talk to Him and I pray hear His voice back to me. That I will live as He asks me to. That when I fall I receive forgiveness.

  18. laura troyer says:


  19. D W says:

    Thank you to so many of you for your prayers and encouragement. I went back and read all the comments. My conference went great and although I was tired, was able to engage and God gave me lots of encouragement. My heart is still struggling and will talk to my daughter today. It’s more my hurt I have to walk through and process. She’s a believer and I have much to be grateful for, so focusing on that today. @julia c-wow! That really spoke to me today. I will continue to pray that prayer!

  20. Cassie says:

    Asking prayer today for my husband and I. He is struggling with a tough work environment and the stress is hurting him and our relationship. I won’t give up on him, but things are feeling very bleak and I could use encouragement. Love to all of you beautiful ladies <3

  21. Mia Faith says:

    Julia C- thanks for sharing! I love a Spurgeon quote! Beautiful prayer!

  22. Michelle P says:

    Welcome back, @C. ❤️ glad you are here again! The Lord bless you and guide you, as you pursue this new job! He opens the doors He wants to open for us, and closes what isn’t His will or what is best for us :) keep close to Him! Glad you are here pursuing your relationship with Him. He loves you!! ❤️ You are always welcome here :)

    @Kelly (Neo) and @Sharon Jersey Girl – thank you for mentioning me and asking about job and home life. My sister Heather officially moved out yesterday. We shared a room. For the first time since moving back in with my parents (nearly 4 years since I left my New York apartments…) I have my own space.
    There is just 2 of the 7 adult kids now at home – me and Lucas, my younger brother… Though my other siblings are frequently here. The furthest lives in North Jersey, two hours away.
    It is an interesting transition…finding joy in my new job, too. I needed to be in the presence of community more. I was telling my friend Isabel (the one we are praying for) that I really liked doing Instacart because I got to spend SO much time with God alone. I still do it once or twice a week, but it really does bless me to be in the presence of other people at my new job. The chef is my parents age and is also a believer, so I even have good fellowship there :)

    I am helping to host a worship event for the National Day of Prayer, today. Looking forward to that!

    So thankful for your prayers and fellowship, Shes. I love our community ❤️

    @Karen Elizabeth – thankful to see Kai is being moved out of the children’s ICU- praise God!!!❤️

    @Taylor G- ❤️ amen to your words yesterday in response to my post. God bless you! ❤️

    @Mercy – hope you are doing well where you are visiting ❤️

    @Searching – ❤️ prayers for your friend with tooth pain.. the Lord comfort them and help them find the help they need to feel better.

    @ Julia C – Amen!! ❤️

  23. C. says:

    Wow! Some good reminders here, especially in 2 Timothy. I will be honest and say, I haven’t done a Bible study on here in awhile. But I am back! I have started volunteering and it has made a world of difference in my life. My mental health is so much better! I didn’t know that I could get out of my house and do something like what I’m doing. I just put in a job application for a part time job. Asking for prayers that I get the job. It would help my husband and I, to have that second income. I am so glad to be back on here. So thankful for all of you on here ❤️ I hope everyone has a blessed day!!

    1. Sue Dalos says:

      Welcome home @C. This group of She’s is just the best !!

    2. Monica Sheppard says:


  24. Adrienne says:

    I have always loved the Aaronic blessing. It always gives me such peace as it is spoken over me. Be blessed by it also, sweet sisters. Call it to mind throughout this day and always.

    PTL, KAREN ELIZABETH! Thank you for telling us about the good news of Kai’s progress. It will surely be a long road of rehab…

    BUT GOD (Tina ❤️)

  25. ERB says:

    SEARCHING… “God always keeps His word to us and the Bible is full of His promises. Lord God, please guide me in keeping my word to You, and in trusting the truth of Your words to me.”
    LOVE this!! I thanked God and prayed as I read it!! Thank you for sharing!! ❤️

  26. Claire B says:


  27. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Thought to ponder today: “When we consider our consecration to the Lord, do we focus on what we are sacrificing or missing out on, or do we think about what we gain?” I believe that if God has truly called us out for something, little thought is given to what we are “sacrificing or missing out on”. Whatever we give up seems so insignificant compared to what Christ gave up for each one of us. I try to remind myself often that this world is not my home. My treasures are in heaven and whatever I may have given up – God will multiply in ways I could never imagined. (Matthew 19:29)

    Praying for you all today dear sisters!

    Have a blessed and Thankful Thursday!

    1. Taylor G says:

      Love this, Sharon ❤️

  28. Searching says:

    Just as taking the vow of a Nazirite was a voluntary/free will choice, so is our acceptance of Christ’s gift of salvation (now humming I Have Decided To Follow Jesus). As I was reading of the seriousness of taking this vow, my dad’s words came to mind … always keep your word because your word is your bond. I’m not sure at what age I really comprehended the meaning, but it has stuck with me all these years, nearly 7 decades. God always keeps His word to us and the Bible is full of His promises. Lord God, please guide me in keeping my word to You, and in trusting the truth of Your words to me.

    VICTORIA E – praying for your mammogram today
    KRIS ❤️ “sin is serious business” Amen
    CATHERINE MCVEY – good to see you
    MICHELLE P – amen
    RHONDA J and LAURA DIANNE – agree, satan’s most powerful lies … good is all we need and there is no sin
    ERB ❤️
    TRICIA C – good to see an a.m. posting ❤️
    CEE GEE, KELLY (NEO), TINA amen ❤️

    KAREN ELIZABETH- praise the Lord for the good report on Kai. Praying for full and speedy recovery in rehab.

    Prayer request for a friend that texted me early this morning for prayer – up all night with nearly unbearable tooth pain. She will try again today to get an appointment as the antibiotics from last week have not resulted in relief.

  29. ERB says:

    Notes from today…

    DONNA MITCHELL I love that you pointed out “The Lord Spoke” ..God has been speaking to me about listening, KNOWING and discerning His voice and immediately obeying what He is asking. And through you pointing this out God has me seeing example after example of Moses, Aaron and the Israelite people listening and obeying!! So Thank you for sharing this!!! It brought in both encouragement and accountability for me!! Be Blessed today dear sister!!

    2 Timothy 2:22-26
    *I LOVE this reminder and exhortation!! May I let You purify and prepare me Lord, keep me constant and help me pursue righteousness!! May You capture ALL of my attention so that I won’t be distracted or have any desire to be distracted!! May I be an example of who You are, helping others see and experience You!! Set us FREE with TRUTH and repentance Lord!! Amen.

  30. ERB says:

    JULIA C.. your comment and your prayer!! ❤️❤️❤️ So truth-filled, exhorting and encouraging!!! You got me fired up!!! Thank you for sharing!!! I will be adding your notes to my journal!! Be BLESSED today dear sister!! ❤️

  31. Karen Elizabeth says:

    Wanted to give an update and praise report. I had asked months ago for prayers for a young teen Kai (son of my husband’s cousin) who was in the hospital with respiratory illness. After 123 days in the children’s hospital ICU, he finally left yesterday to go to a local rehab hospital. Prayers for continued recovery, strength, and home soon!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Prayers for little Kai!

  32. Aimee D-R says:


  33. Tricia C says:

    Well I meant to say Colossians 4:2 not 4:12.

  34. Katie Megee says:

    In the US it is the National Day of Prayer today. In addition to praying for our nation, I am praying for each and every one of my sisters and brothers in Christ! Hope you all have a great day!

  35. Kelly (NEO) says:

    100% me too, TINA!

    Praying for

    MIA FAITH – comfort and peace

    VICTORIA E – wisdom with job; good test results

    RHONDA J – relief from intense pain

    MICHELLE P – peace with home life

  36. Julia C says:

    “He has consecrated us for whatever holy tasks He has for us in our daily lives.”
    — Amen, thank You, RYNE BREWER!

    From Enduring Word:
    “The repetition of LORD three times does not prove the Trinity, but it illustrates it:
    — God the Father blesses and keeps His children.
    — God the Son makes God’s face to shine on us and brings us grace.
    — God the Holy Spirit communicates God’s attention to us, and gives us peace.

    You…you…you…you…you…you: It is repeated six times for emphasis – God wants to bless you. We often feel as if God really wants to bless someone else. He wants to bless us. As God bestows His blessing on us, we must receive it by faith. We must be like Jacob – who would not let go of God until God blessed him.”

    “So long as you are resting upon Christ—Jesus, the great High Priest, speaks from the eternal glory, and he says, ‘The Lord bless thee.’ ‘Oh! but I do not deserve it.’ Just so; but ‘the Lord Bless thee.’‘I am so unworthy, I am so backsliding.’ Yes, but the Lord Jesus Christ knows all, covers all. We will read it, then: ‘The Lord Bless thee—thee, and keep thee: the Lord make his face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: the Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.’ Oh! have you got that wrought into your very hearts?” (Spurgeon)

    Dear Father,

    You have set us apart to bring You glory.
    The holy tasks You have given us differ, but our goal and purpose are the same.

    Just as sin has consequences, so has consecrating ourselves to You.
    Staying close to You, in everything we do, blesses us and the people around us.

    May we dedicate ourselves to You. May Your deep love for us and our deep love for You be the driving force behind our dedication. May we remember that our biggest blessing is not wealth, comfort or happiness, but to be kept by You.

    Bless us, Father, and keep us close to You.
    Bless us, Jesus, through Your sacrifice and abundant grace.
    Bless us, Holy Spirit, with Your Presence, which brings peace, joy, and life.


    1. Maria Baer says:

      JULIA C, I love how this commentary on Spurgeon highlight God’s relentless pursuit of His children, but also shows how we, in the lies the enemy tells us, can be blinded to this fact.

    2. Rebecca W says:

      May we remember that our biggest blessing is not wealth, comfort or happiness, but to be kept by you!
      A reminder I needed!

    3. Taylor G says:

      Amen ❤️

  37. Tricia C says:

    Yes Tina!
    Good morning Sisters! Getting in to my new early day norm!
    Today’s first of the day and the You version Bible app is Colossians 4:12 (NLT)- “Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.“ If we are doing that and in God’s Word, we are more apt to know when to run away as Paul says in 2 Timothy, and what the Lord wants.
    Have a blessed Thursday, Sisters. ❤️

    1. Pamela Carnemolla-Dihmes says:


  38. Mary Ann Graves says:


  39. Tina says:

    RYNE BREWER, thank you so very much for this devotional and the memories it brought to mind of wonder-filled days, spent with my grandma. Such precious times, and for sure, a much needed part of my story..

    Numbers 6:1-21… OMG, what can I say BUT, Thank you Jesus for the new covenant!
    I mean, I think I would have spent my life bald, more often than with longer hair, had I been around in the days of this instruction!
    I would have made a terrible Nazirite!

    BUT GOD..

    He put me here for such a time as this, because this, is more me.. I can fit into these times and days better than I would have in those days of old!
    I am STILL called to dedicate my life, set my life apart.. This is not an easier option or anything like that, it, I believe is our calling, thanks to our Savior Jesus Christ in His death and resurrection, we get the same rules of consecration just lived out these days with the gift of the promised Holy Spirit in us, and The Word of God for guidance.
    Thanks be to God.
    I hear the song.. ” Oh happy day..” come to mind as I feel God’s love redeem me from the actions required back in the day!
    I was chosen when I was created in my mother’s womb by God, and as such I am to live my life befitting of a child of God, dedicated to Him and what He has called me to.


    Praying the blessing in Numbers over you dear hearts..

    May the Lord bless you and take care of you;
    May the Lord be kind and gracious to you;
    May the Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.

    Much love,

    Tina. ❤️