The Nature of the Kingdom

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 9:2-7, Isaiah 61:1-11, Matthew 4:12-25, Luke 4:16-21, Romans 14:13-19

God’s kingdom is characterized by service, humility, justice, righteousness, joy, and peace.

A lot of things haven’t gone like I wanted them to. I think I meant to stay skinnier, make more money, and be a world-famous flautist by now. As I was growing up, the world was constantly telling me to stand up for myself, get what was mine, hurt who I needed to hurt in order to make myself feel good. And man, it’s tempting to shake your flute at people and demand your own way. You may not have a flute to wield, but you get the idea. Sometimes, I just want to give a giant tuba toot when someone tells me I can’t get my security deposit back because of what may or may not have happened to a lamp that was ugly in the first place. 

We want to organize our lives according to the kingdom of the world—a world where we demand what we think is owed to us and where the highest good is money and power. But what if the kingdom of the world is passing away? And what if the only lasting kingdom is God’s upside-down economy? Then everything the world holds dear is dust and ashes and we must look to His kingdom for our hope. 

What is the nature of the kingdom of heaven? Scripture gives us a surprisingly rich and wide range of descriptions of God’s kingdom. It is vast, and its prosperity will never end; the zeal of the Lord will accomplish it (Isaiah 9:7). His kingdom brings freedom to captives and healing to the brokenhearted (Isaiah 61:1). It is a comfort and provision to all who mourn (vv.2–3). He will replace shame with a double portion of blessing (v.7). Even now, His kingdom is near and calls for our repentance (Matthew 4:17).

Each of these descriptions could bear deeper study, but one of my favorites is His promise of healing for the brokenhearted. The kingdom of God is personal and offers profound relief from all the heartbreak of living. Sure, there was a time when I was honestly heartbroken about my flute-related failures, yet there is hope and healing in the kingdom of heaven for even these disappointments. I can put my angry tuba away and stop fighting for myself because He will make all things right.

This promise of healing for our deepest, most degrading, and agonizing heartbreaks is the hope the world is longing for. Our most awful pain will be fully healed in the kingdom of heaven. The world is hurting and longing for this truth. We must remember that God loves us and invites us to repent and believe. His kingdom is near, and it is vast, bringing comfort, blessing, and hope. He brings good news to the poor, heals the brokenhearted, brings liberty to captives, and comforts all who mourn (Isaiah 61:1–2). Thanks be to our God and the utter goodness of His kingdom.

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85 thoughts on "The Nature of the Kingdom"

  1. June Pimpo says:

    This reading is so powerful and exciting! The beauty of Scripture is becoming alive to me more and more.

  2. June Pimpo says:

    Wow, I took two days to read through these scriptures, and after reading the devo I realized I could soak in this for a week. Lord, help us realign our goals with your kingdom.

  3. Lois East says:


  4. Jessica Schuurman says:


  5. Barbara says:

    Beautifully encouraging ❤️

  6. Elizabeth Dunkerson says:

    Seems like I always read what I need on the day I need it ❤️

  7. Elizabeth Dunkerson says:


  8. anita angeja says:

  9. Tahryah Wheeler says:


  10. Molly R says:

    CEE GEE – I prefer “dabbling” in more than one study! I started with this one, so maybe I will see you over in Psalms in just a little bit?!

    I love the reminder that Jesus came and spoke the completion of the prophecies right in the Synagogue. What a surreal moment for all present. Would I have believed in the moment, or would I assume blasphemy?? Reminds me to be ever calling on the Spirit for guidance and eyes and ears to hear and see where He is still speaking out truth in my everyday.

  11. Cee Gee says:

    REBECCA FAIRES – This devotional hit all the right notes! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist that!)
    Thanks for the heart smile and the encouragement!

    RHONDA j – I see you are Scripture hopping like I am! ❤

  12. Rhonda J. says:

    Good, good devotional!!

    We can always have HOPE in our God to bring about resolution and goodness in our lives. It may not be evident right away, but if we put our focus on Him, and not of this fallen and failing world, He will bring us to fruition. Our faith is the promise of his love and restoration! Praise God!!

  13. Gale says:

    What a beautiful reminder! Refreshed my soul!!!

  14. Aimee D-R says:

    God give me spiritual eyes to see according yo Your economy, Your view and with Your love. In Jesus name, Amen

  15. Eileen Dowd says:

    Happy birthday Oluseyi A!! May the Lord richly bless you today and may you find comfort in our eternal  King, Lord Jesus.♥️

  16. Megan Taylor says:

    This. I pray this is what I help my daughter learn as she grows. The things of this world are passing away.

  17. Rachel Blessum says:


  18. Anita Stephens says:

    I loved going through the different passages this was lovely to see now God was bringing Jesus to a sinful world.

  19. Nichole Hobson says:

    I so eagerly await His Kingdom.

  20. sandy says:

    Today is the first day of school for 2021-22 for me as a para educator. It is always my goal to bring the “kingdom of God” with me every day and this devotional gave me a new challenge to be an agent of “blessing, peace and hope” to all I encounter. It is so needed at this time.

  21. Danielle Zuniga says:

    “In place of your shame, you will have a double portion.” Wow, this really spoke to me. Praise be to God!

  22. Robin Thompson says:


  23. Acsah George says:

    This year has already been difficult for many people, particularly dear family friends of ours who’s young son is recovering from a very serious car accident. I was challenged in my spirit to ask God if this can still be a year of favor. I believe the answer is yes, despite all the hardship endured and despite the unknown to come, this can still be a year of favor and God’s word will not return void.

  24. Norma Toledo says:


  25. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord i thank you!

  26. Claire Vasbinder says:

    The reminder that the things of this world are passing away really hit me and what is valuable in God’s kingdom looks very different than what I get distracted by in the world. I’m grateful for Christ and his direction in my life as I find confidence and strength in all he has claimed to be.

  27. Melissa Mcronney says:

    Tthank You Jesus

  28. Kristen says:

    When I was new to going to church and actually hearing Scripture, Isaiah 61stood out to me! How amazing is His Word. Can you imagine hearing Jesus read that and Him saying that this Scripture is fulfilled?
    In agreement with the prayer requests. Also, praying for the discouraged and weary today. May God fill you and all of us with hope and strength. ( I believe it was Marvi and Lucy.) I get this, because I can feel this way too. I’m encouraged by the Scripture that KimN shared: “For we are God’s masterpiece. He created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10
    We are here for a purpose! Praying for joy and encouragement for all!
    Also, Catie, in agreement with you. May we be set free from the prisons we put ourselves in or have been put in. I heard a pastor’s wife give this illustration. She actually brought in a cage that she put herself in. The door was open. She said what if a king’s daughter was in the prison, wouldn’t he do everything to get her out? She said we are daughters of the King of kings, and we stay in the prison. The door is open, but we don’t walk out. I know I have been tormented for years. I have been told I know His Word, but not Him. The ladies talked about people seeing Jesus do the miracles but not being changed on the podcast.( I think that’s how they were describing this. I’m thinking they were saying they wanted the miracles , but did not want to know Jesus or want Jesus.) I want to know the Word and be changed, and I want to actually know Him. I pray this for all of us that need this Amen!

  29. Victoria E says:

    Thank you Sharon

  30. Jennifer Ficklen says:


  31. Kimberly Mcgee says:

    Praying for your nephew, brother, and sister in law!!!

  32. Adrienne * says:

    Heidi… that really spoke to me… is what I do and buy, etc., Kingdom lasting or dust and ashes? Wow.

  33. Ashley Shock says:

    Today marks two years since I miscarried my first child. It was one of the deepest periods of mourning in my life. The loss of my mother last year was just as hard. It’s so wonderful to know that we belong to a kingdom with no more mourning and more blessings than we can imagine. It’s more than we deserve, but God gave us his son and watched him die for us. That’s a love that’s beyond comprehension.

  34. Catie Brooks says:

    He was sent to he’s the broken hearted and free me from the prisons of my own making. My prisons of my fear and shame he wants me to set them down and never pick them up again. Thank you lord for that.

    1. Maria Baer says:

      Catie, these are my prisons too. Your comment resonated with me. Praying that we can both hold on to God’s promise and we can begin to heal our broken hearts.

  35. Mercy says:

    I will feed my flock, and I will cause them to lie down, says the Lord God. I will seek that which was lost, and bring again that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick, but the fat and the strong I will destroy , I will feed them with justice. (Ezekiel 34:15-16)

  36. Pat Plopper says:

    Tina, Thank you.

  37. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I’m so glad we can put our hope in the kingdom of heaven and not this earthly kingdom. I pray I would learn to live for this kingdom more and more.

  38. Dawn Davis says:

    This devotional was exactly what I needed! I have been having such an emotionally tough week that this reminder of the kingdom we wait for is worth it!

  39. Mercy says:

    What wonderful promises, “to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified.” Isaiah 61:3.

    And “all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which the Lord has blessed” Isaiah 61:9

    By His mercies, love and goodness, our mourning will turn into joy, no more spirit heaviness, no more ashes, no more grieving. He wastes not our pain, yet He will compensate for us beauty, beauty from the Lord, oil of joy and garment of praise. He knows this world. He knows wickedness. He knows our tears. He collects them and counts them precious.

  40. Bree says:

    Double portions of blessings instead of shame for anyone reading this! What a God we serve and know.

    1. Gwendolyn Vincent says:

  41. Dorothy says:

    Wow Rebecca just blew me away with today’s devotional. And the scripture also really hit home too. I needed all of this today.
    Lord watch over all of us and help us through these troubled times. Amen.
    Be blessed SRT sisters.

  42. Kristin says:

    Hello everyone! I have been reading with SRT for years now and I don’t think I have ever posted before. If anyone feels inclined to pray for my brand new nephew Hudson, I would be very appreciative. He was born yesterday afternoon and swallowed some amniotic fluid and was having trouble breathing. They put him in the NICU with oxygen last night and they want him there for another day as well. My brother and sister-in-law are not believers so I am asking for physical healing for Hudson as well as for them to feel the presence and peace of God. Thank you so much in advance :)

  43. Tina says:

    LUCY ANDERSON, dear sister, take heart, God is closer than you know, walking alongside, and gently wrapping His arms around you. There is much going on these days, But God, Jesus, has the victory over it all.. hold fast to Him and trust that He has not forsaken you, far from it. He is close.. hold fast my dear sister..
    Will continue to hold you up in prayer❤

  44. Tina says:

    TRICIA, God bless you for your kind words..and prayer of blessing on my day..thankful for you and out journey here..

  45. Laurie A says:

    Lucy, don’t give up! This world can be so harsh and cold. But there is so much more. You were created on purpose for a purpose. Cling to that!❤️

  46. Tina says:

    PAT PLOPPER, sending you much love and hugs wrapped in prayers for peace in you heart and soul. The pain of loss is always there, because those we loved and lost,were loved beyond love itself.. But God.. and only God, can heal and ease that pain, bringing peace and the hope that one day, our broken hearts will for sure be healed once and for all..and we will be united with those we love in paradise..
    Thy kingdom come Lord God.

    Love and prayer wrapped hugs coming across the pond to you Pat. ❤

  47. Tina says:

    MARI V, Sorry to hear of your weariness. Hoping God cover you with His strength and remind you thst, this too, will pass, because He is good. Always has been and always will be.. He’s got you my dear.. sending you love wrapped hugs..❤

  48. Tina says:

    OLUSEYI A, I am sorry for your recent loss, and pray you know you are not alone in your loss. God is with you and your siblings and He will never forsake you..

    I am sure I will remember tomorrow, just in case, may I wish you a very, very Happy and God blessed birthday..Blessings wrapped in love and hugs dear sister..❤

  49. KimN says:

    LUCY ANDERSON – Lifting you in prayer today. That Jesus would flood your heart with his light and his love. That grace would help you lift your eyes to Him even in the biggest of hurts and the most devastating of circumstances. Continue to lean on him every day. He wastes nothing. Trust that there is a purpose for the heart ache & an opportunity to serve Him through it. You are beautiful sister & you are loved!
    “For we are God’s masterpiece. He created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10

  50. Tina says:

    TRACI GENDRON, the journey with my loss has not been easy.., But God, has indeed been my hope and shield, my source of strength when I was tired and weary, my comforter when no other would do or help.
    Traci, I understand what you are saying re time here on earth, but please, do not make that your focus, but instead make each day count, make the memories, see the blessing in each new day with Tanner. I was blessed looking back, to have had a whole year with my girl, a year of laughter, love, memories that don’t replace her, but they sure keep me smiling.
    Sending you hugs and love to you and yours..❤

  51. Tina says:

    VICTORIA E, the sadness of your heart hurts my heart.. I am sorry for your loss and pain..lifting both yourself and your husband up in prayers, praying God be with you, wrapping you both tight in His loving and comforting arms..hugs..❤

  52. Traci Gendron says:

    Tina I can not express how much your words help me. Every year young adults die from the illness my son has. It is so rare 2,000 cases in the entire world. We just lost a young man at the age of 31. My son is 33. Their life expectancy is 27. My heart breaks every single time I hear of someone passing. The grief is big. I cannot imagine the grief if it is my own son. My heart hurts.
    But God…
    I’m relying on Him to get me through. I ask Him everyday to help me handle what is on my plate. I ask for healing of my son’s body. I ask for perserverance for both of us.

    I also struggle with the world today. It is so full of dissension, corruptness, etc….I feel as down as some of you ladies described. This life hurts.
    But God..
    He is the only reason I make it through. I want to do what is kingdom lasting not what is dust to ashes.

  53. Victoria E says:

    This reading and explanation and community has really blessed me today and yesterday. For everyone who wrote encouraging messages thank you so much. I bought the books and will download the songs recommended. Today’s message was so timely I downloaded the screensaver of it for my phone which normally has scripture or pictures as the screensaver but ever since my miscarriage has had a black background as I couldn’t stand to see anything else. My question for this wonderful group is similar to Lucy’s statement. First of all Lucy I hear you. I often feel the same way. I know Jesus will heal our heartbreaks in Heaven and when the last day comes. But what about now when we are here? Sometimes I honestly wonder what the point of our lives here is since there is something so much better waiting for us after we leave this earth. Thanks for reading

  54. Monie Mag says:

    While Jesus was here on earth he preach the good news of the kingdom and healed every disease and sickness among the people. Then he went to the cross and paid the price for us so that we could be reconciled to him, this is his great love for us. For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking but righteousness peaceAnd joy in the Holy Spirit. Ladies with your hearts be filled with great joy and peace today for our God is a loving God, email.

  55. Linda Gilbow says:

    Kingdom living is a life of self-sacrifice, doing what’s best for the other person. I cringe whenever I hear Christians say “It’s my right.”. We are to die to self, to consider others as more important than us, etc. I am far too selfish – this was a humbling lesson for me.

  56. Oluseyi A says:

    Today is a great day, I recently became an orphan, Kristin Sparkman I’m with you on this, my mama just passed and she was in great pain while alive it broke my heart to see her weep daily before she passed. Today’s reading was carefully chosen by God for me as my younger sister just narrowly survived a ghastly motor accident. Won’t He do it? To realize how much God will protect us the broken-hearted and comfort us that mourn. Myself and my siblings are a living testimony. Please bless the name of the lord for our sakes. Love you all my wonderful SRT sisters. I’m grateful that even as I clock 35 years tomorrow, it won’t be in sorrow. So I wish myself a Happy richly blessed Birthday in advance. Jesus is Lord❤️

  57. Mari V says:

    I needed this. I needed this so bad. Sometimes I’m just tired of living. And just like Rebecca was saying about the brokenhearted. I know my God brings healing. I trust Him.
    Sometimes life can be scary but I’m so thankful I have my God, My Jesus and it brings me great comfort that He has it all under control. Please pray for both my kiddos as I know that they are needing some much-needed counseling, healing, guidance, and possible evaluation.

  58. Lucy Anderson says:

    Heal our heartbreaks…. there aren’t many days lately where I don’t tell Jesus that the hurt of this world is too much for me and I want to quit living. Sometimes He heals my hurts for a little while but the pain keeps coming back…

  59. Erin _ says:

    I love it when God speaks to me at just the right time. I literally sat down on my couch and asked God when I wouldn’t feel so broken-hearted anymore. I told him that my world just feels upside down where the bad guy wins and the hero is shattered. Then I was reminded of His “upside down economy.” My hope and my joy will never be found here… ever. As much as my flesh tells me “if only I had that” I’d be happy, it’s simply not true. My hope is in Jesus alone. I’m waiting on Him to be rebuilt, renewed, and restored into an “oak of righteousness!” Keeping my eyes fixed on Him… bring on that double portion Lord! ❤️

  60. Carolyn Carleton says:

    The Kingdom of God is living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. If we come from this place to serve others – just imagine how amazing that would be in the world around us.

  61. Heidi says:

    I may come back and post bc I haven’t even finished reading but this grabbed me today:
    “Then everything the world holds dear is dust and ashes and we must look to His kingdom for our hope.”

    Dust and Ashes.

    I want to be more proactive and intentional about lookin at what I’m doing/giving/providing/promoting/buying/speaking.

    Is it Kingdom-lasting or is it dust and ashes..?
    Which at I bringing into this world, into people’s lives- more of the same or everlasting treasure?

  62. Deb Ireland says:


  63. Kristin Sparkman says:

    Tricia, we are the same over here. With an alcoholic brother and sister in law I tell them we love THEM more than the alcohol so we don’t need to have it around them. I try to pay attention and realize what upsets people and not feed into it. With my mama in Heaven I was again thinking of her this morning and how her life hadn’t been easy, she is pain free living her best life with Jesus. Can’t wait to join them some day!

  64. Susan Richardson says:

    The Kingdom of G-d comes every time we show His love, each time we forgive the unforgivable, each time we let Him use us to draw someone to Him. 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 We comfort each other with the same comfort we received. We are part of the already but not yet Kingdom.

  65. Taylor says:

    The Kingdom of God is here and it is NOW! I can easily get caught in the “future”-focused mindset of the Kingdom of God. However, with the Holy Spirit in me I am stewarding the Kingdom of God in this very moment! May I be a faithful steward and take part in bringing the Kingdom closer to earth today and every day. Thankful he will replace our shame with a double portion of blessing. What an amazing loving God!

  66. Jill Lee says:

    So thankful for the comfort of the Kingdom, found in fellowship with other believers. Blessings on you, sisters!

  67. Kris Wright says:

    Every day, every study, I feel myself growing in my faith

  68. Angela Sutherland says:

    Learning that the Kingdom is both not yet and already has given me a renewed sense of purpose for the days we are in right now. It’s easy to get lost in the circumstances around me and just be focused on me and my little bubble of people…but God has Kingdom work for me to be about, and that is incredible to me!! Open my eyes to see it Lord!!

  69. Pat Plopper says:

    Thank you Tina for sharing your journey. I also am walking through that very dark valley of death. I pray for God to be with me! There our times I miss my daughter so much I feel I will never see light again! The encouragement you bring gives me hope. Thank you SRT sisters for your daily post. ❤️

  70. Angie says:

    Every year in my classroom I see the results of a broken world. This year even more than most. My students have many needs, physical, emotional, and spiritual. When a family member is verbally unkind or the student is acting out, there is something that has triggered that, usually outside of the classroom. As a younger teacher I would take it personally, but through the years my heart has softened. I care about broken people, for I am one also. I recognize that their hope is in Jesus, and many of them do not know Him. Because I do, and He is my friend, it makes living the hope I have because of Him so much more important. I don’t always do it well. Sometimes that old, take it personally, part flies back in and needs to be laid down. I try to remember that often people are fighting battles we do not see and that my response may be the only Jesus they do see. I cannot do anything myself. But He can. I am so thankful for His Word that pours the oil of comfort upon my soul. I am so thankful for His promises for they are Truth. And I am so thankful for my Savior, for He is Lord, Friend, Hope, Peace, and Righteousness. Those things and more, always, eternally. For He conquered death and set me free. May we all walk in the freedom and grace of our Lord and Savior this day. Amen.

  71. Churchmouse says:

    As I think back over the heartbreaks in my life that pain returns though far less, just a twinge really. I don’t look back often but it is good to do so once in awhile. Because it was in the deepest of valleys that my God stood brightest. My God who is unfathomable and infinite became my intimate healer. It was a slow arduous process but He was ever present. His Word a soothing balm. He wasn’t impatient. He was gentle yet firm. It was an experience that, over time, became one of my most cherished. He was so personal. Because He was so personal then, He is all the more so now. I carry that intimacy into every prayer. Yes He disciplines those He loves, but first He loves. That is His motivation. He has called us to do the same. We are to be known, His kingdom is to be known, by our love. There are profound encounters of His kingdom here. Thank God, they give us hope! I long for the day I live in His kingdom, surrounded forever by His overwhelming love. There will be no more twinges there. His great presence will erase all past hurts. Infinite yet intimate. My Savior and my God.

  72. Jeannie Wilson says:

    I am so thankful to be learning about the Kingdom of Heaven! Sadly, I’ve never really thought much about what the Kingdom of Heaven truly is and what it means. I just always thought “Heaven”. I’m just loving what I am learning! Praise be to God and His Kingdom that will NEVER pass away!

  73. Audrey Kennedy says:


  74. Nancy says:

    TRICIA CAVANAUGH, I’m so thankful for you not wanting people that have an addiction stumble. We have to daughters in recovery and there is no way in the world we would have a glass of wine in front of them. You are a blessing.

  75. Searching says:

    VICTORIA E – praying for you and your husband as you walk through this pain.

    STRUGGLING, MISSI/daughter – praying for you.

    Prayer request – heard yesterday that a long time friend had turned away from the Lord and back to alcohol.

  76. Kelly says:

    God’s Kingdom is here, right now. I see it in the testimonies you ladies share. Thank you for giving the rest of us these pictures.
    Praying for you. Remember this from Rebecca above:
    This promise of healing for our deepest, most degrading, and agonizing heartbreaks is the hope the world is longing for. Our most awful pain will be fully healed in the kingdom of heaven.

  77. Searching says:

    TRICIA CAVANAUGH – I feel the same way regarding whether my actions might be a stumbling block for someone. In general, I try to think about whether any good can come from whatever action/choice I’m considering – either good for me or good for someone else. Most times if I feel I need to ask myself that question, I already know in my heart what the answer is …

  78. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Tina, thankful for your thoughtful words this morning. I always look forward to your thoughts and insight. Have a blessed day.

  79. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Such powerful words this morning. I’m so looking forward to the Kingdom to come.
    The words that really spoke to me today were in Romans. Paul admonishes us to abstain from things, that though we may not feel convicted to not partake in them, others may stumble in their Christian walk when they see us as believers doing something they feel is not for a Christian to do. Does that make sense? I don’t want anyone to stumble because of what I do. For example, if a Christian used to be an alcoholic, for me to have a glass of wine while eating dinner with them may not be appropriate.
    Anyone else have thoughts on this?

    Have a great day dear Sisters. I am lifting you all up in prayer right now.

  80. Dana says:

    “But what if the kingdom of the world is passing away? And what if the only lasting kingdom is God’s upside-down economy? Then everything the world holds dear is dust and ashes and we must look to His kingdom for our hope.”

    This took my breath away; especially the last sentence. Wow! It certainly gives me a new perspective.

  81. Tina says:

    I am all in for the healing of the broken hearted..

    ALL IN!

    That journey is my least favourite, if I could save someone else from that pain, I would!

    But here’s the thing, that journey is what got me here. Thst journey stopped me in my tracks… life was okay and puttling along nicely, until my heart was seriously broken to the point where I knew the life I had was gone forever, and I had nowhere to go, no-one to turn to but God. Honestly, I didn’t even turn to Him for help , I turned to Him to blame, accuse, hold accountable for and to fight with Him!

    But God,

    I love those two words, But God..

    He took all I had to give, and I gave it some, afterall what did I have to lose, I had lost, I was lost. I was so so very broken, to the point, fixing me, would be a miracle!

    But God.. the Japanese art of kintsugi comes to mind..
    Slowly but surely, God waited til I was done ranting and raving at Him, then gently and lovingly He showed me a picture, thst I hold dear and close. This picture has been my source of healing, my reminder that here on earth, sorrow, pain and brokenheartedness cannot be wiped away completely in this broken world..

    But God, can surely guide you to a place of peace in your circumstance, and hope for a brighter tomorrow, whilst waitng here on earth for the Kingdom to come… this side of eternity or beyond..
    I am nowhere near fixed, but you know what, I live, I laugh, I love, I thank God for each day.. for now, that is okay, because I know what is to come.


    Happy Thursday wrapped in love and hope that your today is as blessed as you are a blessing to me, ya’ll ❤