From what I can tell, John the Baptist was a man to be respected. He spoke with authority. Others came to him to be baptized. They asked him for advice. They called him teacher. Many of them even wondered if he was the Messiah.
John could have told the crowd anything by the Jordan River that day, and the people probably would have followed him, but John used his God-given authority to point them to Christ:
“I baptize you with water, but one who is more powerful than I am is coming.
I am not worthy to untie the strap of his sandals.
He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire” (Luke 3:16).
Several years ago, I took a trip to Italy with some friends. We visited the Vatican in hopes of seeing the renowned Sistine Chapel, where Michelangelo painted the ceiling. Tourist-friendly signs dotted the Vatican campus with the words “Sistine Chapel” and an arrow pointing in its direction. Or so we thought. Many of the signs simply pointed us to the next sign that said “Sistine Chapel.” We followed sign after sign until we almost gave up.
“The Sistine Chapel isn’t here!” we declared dramatically. “These signs are lying to us.”
We did eventually wind our way to the chapel and see what we had come to see, but only after several detours that took us by other Vatican sites and gift shops.
As Christ-followers, we have been given a similar charge as John the Baptist—to be signs pointing toward the coming Christ. And yet, how often do I squander this opportunity? How often do I use my voice to point first to myself, rather than Christ? Speaking with authority, I take friends and loved ones on a detour of my own gospel. I give them all of my advice and all of my opinions when really what they need first is the comfort of Christ, the love of the Savior.
At the same time, I have often been a sucker for the signs, looking to others’ authority before Christ’s, settling for my favorite pastor’s, author’s, or podcaster’s words, rather than allowing Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection to have the final word.
As we see in the response to John the Baptist, we are a people quick to worship humans and look for guidance from earthly sources. Many people claim to have authority. Dozens of signs promise to get you where you want to go, but there is only one Christ, only one Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world—and that is not John the Baptist, but the One to whom he was pointing.
May we look to Christ alone as our authority, and may we point others to Him as well, always quick to say, “one who is more powerful than I am is coming.”

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73 thoughts on "The Messiah’s Herald"
Dear saints, greetings in precious name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
I hope and trust you are doing well.
Can i know more about your ministry.
I am getting ready to reopen my business post Covid. I needed to hear this. I am not reopening to save. I am reopening to point others to Christ. One who is more powerful than I am is coming.
Wow, such a convicting message!
I love the act of the baptism of Jesus, but I found it puzzling at first. Why would a sinless man need to be baptized in the eyes of His Father? I looked it up to see if anyone could shed some light on this, and I think this article by Unlocking the Bible does a pretty good job:
Overall, Jesus wanted to be baptized in order “fulfill all righteousness,” not merely by the physical act, but by the spiritual implications of it. This act was the beginning of His ministry to all of humanity.
Thank you for this encouragment. To point to Christ in all I do….. that’s an honor, that’s a challenge, that’s worth trying to do. I’ve been drawn to John the Baptist over the years, now I know why.
I’ve always admired John the Baptist. To be called before you were even born to declare the coming of Christ when so many doubted and didn’t want to believe must have felt like a lot of pressure and stress at times. But, he did it anyways. If he can point to Jesus over and over, despite the challenges there must have been, then so can I!
As Christ-followers, we have been given a similar charge as John the Baptist—to be signs pointing toward the coming Christ. And yet, how often do I squander this opportunity? How often do I use my voice to point first to myself, rather than Christ? Speaking with authority, I take friends and loved ones on a detour of my own gospel. I give them all of my advice and all of my opinions when really what they need first is the comfort of Christ, the love of the Savior
To recognize Christ’s work and coming and that we are just a vessel is so important. Praise the Lord for His working in us to refine us and turn us back to magnifying Him!
I am completely guilty of doing this and feel ashamed for it. I get to where I am partial to hear from specific preachers or inspirational people and their walks with God in lieu of focusing on Christ. I believe I have gotten better recently with my walk with Christ though, knowing that He is the main focus in my life.
I’ll be honest, I don’t look at the womens names who author each of these devotionals except for a second glance. I saw the author of this devotional and recognized the last name Lucado from Max Lucado—a famous Christian author. Whether or not the author has any relation, I put that connection together before I even started my devotional, right after reading the scripture for today. My judgement was not in the right place.
Lord, let me focus on you. Allow me to always put you first and give you praise as each new day begins. You are always worthy. You are always ever present. You are the reason I am breathing. You are an amazing God who loves all His children and blesses them. Let me have the focus John did, don’t let me take any glory and don’t let me lean on someone’s teachings before gleaning my own understanding from the text.
I am so bad about this. Not only do I always feel the need to interject my own opinion into others situations, but I tend to first look to acceptance of other people before I turn to the Lord. I pray that I instead share God’s love through different trials of my own and of the people around me. I do not want to speak just to have something to say or to hear my own voice, I hope to speak to help create that path for the Lord.
It is still true today that we as a society look to others and social media for acceptance and love. I am guilty of that! Lord, help me to go to you and only you
Valerie, I think a guest speaker at our church said the words he needed to hear but my husband still waited a few weeks before he gave in. He told me later that he knew he would have to give up certain habits and he knew how hard that would be. But he came to realize that Jesus wasn’t going to stop pulling on his heart until he gave it all to Him. I can’t remember how long it took but I know we had two more children before he was saved so that tells me about 2 years. And in that time I had to grow spiritually myself because I had not been making good choices. So it was a time of growing in faith for me as well. So let God work in your heart and mind during this waiting period. ❤️
I pray to be a daily witness to others pointing them to Jesus, rather than seeing me they will see Christ in me!
I had never paid much attention to the lineage in chronological order, I did not recognize many of the names. I have book marked this and will return to it.
Thank you for the wisdom Andrea. I too, struggle with using my own words for advice or guidance when I should be pointing them directly to God. For His wisdom, His comfort, His guidance. Not mine.
Gramsiesue, may I ask what was it that finally led to your husband finding faith? And how long did it take? I am having this same issue with my S/O of one year and while I am hopeful he will eventually find faith, it’s still nice to hear reassurance from people who’ve had similar experiences, especially on difficult days. Thank you!
This passage is a great reminder to me that my life should reflect the works of Christ and not the constant temptations swirling around the hectic state of our lives.
Sitting here in tears, Awe filled tears. As I read the genealogy I searched for the names that would pop out to me because of these studies. And when I got to son of Adam, Son of God the most interesting thing happened; it was as if my soul leaped inside me…it was overwhelming in the most beautiful way and tears began flowing. It was SO powerful! I immediately thanked Him for that moment, that closeness to Him and told Him I cherish them when they happen. I am filled up and could not be more grateful. Just wanted to share : ).
OH MY GOSH. Such clarity here! I am so quick to talk to others and ask for prayer, which is what I am supposed to do; but, I find comfort in their words and forget those words are given to them from God. Abba is so good and kind to me. Thank you for sharing what God has given you. ❤️
“One who is more powerful than I am is coming.”
John the Baptist not only understood his authority but also his purpose in the kingdom of God. He knew that his actions/inactions would derail him from standing in his purpose, and had he decided to mislead God’s people the story would be very different.
When we stand in a place of authority, guidance or leadership, we must stop and ask God to guide us. That our actions and words represent Him, as we are not standing in our own authority but that which He has made room for in our lives.
A former principal of my daughter’s Christian school is such an example to me of how to point to God always. Most of her stories, advice, etc. starts with “The Bible says…” how I long to be so full of biblical knowledge that I, too, can point others towards God.
May we point others to Jesus as well, always quick to say ‘one who is more powerful than me is coming (and HERE).’ Amen.
Lauren, my husband was not a Christian when I married him. He was willing to go to church with me but showed no interest in becoming a Christ follower. I attended a women’s Bible study each week and he was on our prayer list for what felt like forever. But I learned quickly that I could not save him or convince him he needed saving. Some verses I clung to during this time were from 1 Peter 3:1-2 “In the same way, you wives must accept the authority of your husbands. Then, even if some refuse to obey the good news, your godly lives will speak to them without any words. They will be won over by observing your pure and reverent lives.” I failed many times, but God… yes, my husband is now a Christian and a godly man. Praise Jesus! Just keep praying and let God work. He’s much better at changing hearts than we could ever be
Thank you so much for sharing! I too, am struggling with my S/O lack of faith. What a humbling reminder that it’s my actions as a woman of faith, that can point him to the Lord.
Thank you so much for sharing! I too, am struggling with my S/O lack of faith. What a humbling reminder that it is my actions as a woman of faith that will point him to the Lord.
This is what gives me hope for my sons. That Our God has their hearts and futures in his plans. I don’t need to take this job on, I can only love others, God will do the rest!
Thank you so much for sharing! I am not sure I would have otherwise thought to apply today’s reading to managing my patience and trusting God to manage my husbands’ spiritual journey.
Oh Father, May I consistently point others to You instead of offering my own “wisdom” or advice. And may I seek Your comfort instead of empty platitudes and trite sayings.
After reading the linage of Jesus, it reminded me of a series of books I am reading by Francine Rivers — The Linage of Grace — she basis them on scripture. I have read about Tamar the wife of Judah and mother of Perez and Rehab the wife of Salmon and mother of Boaz. My next one is about Ruth wife of Boaz. Then there is Bathsheba wife of David and last one is Mary. These books also come on audio.
I needed this reminder! I will be more careful with my words and the advice that I give to others, and I will seek Jesus in prayer first before turning to earthly sources. I’m thankful that He is always available to me, and I can talk to him at any time.
My first thought was it does not feel natural for me to point to Christ or center my life around him. What is wrong with me? That it doesn’t come naturally. Then I thought of course it doesn’t. Pointing to Christ and putting him first isn’t “natural”. Our nature is sinful. It goes against our flesh to put Christ first. I pray Jesus would fill me with the Spirit and help me to die to my flesh.
Same! Thank you.
I love this passage and devotional! Let me constantly be pointing myself to Jesus. John pointed others to Jesus, but at one point we know that he doubted later when he was imprisoned. I pray that my faith may stay strong!
I needed to hear this today! May so point others to Jesus, not to me!
Lauren, I am in a similar situation with my S/O of one year – I feel for you! I have had such debilitating anxiety over this and finally in the past few days God has brought be a sense of peace and faith that He is doing the work I cannot – all I can do for now is be a good example. Today’s reading really resonated with me on that. I’m keeping you in my prayers!
I love this. I’m going to look back to God first. Man is not our source or direction. God lights our path. May I follow His steps alone.
This devotion hit home for me. Lord, help me to point others to You instead of myself in all that I say and do today. Amen
If Jesus is the light, and we are filled with the Holy Spirit, then we too are the light of the world. We know this because John was a lamp that burned and gave light…people flocked to that light because where that light was, Jesus also was. Let us cling to the light living in us, feeding it so that it doesn’t go out, so that we might be able to shine that light for others to see. All the while, pointing others to the source of our light.
Yes and amen
This devotion really hit home for me. The last year has been a big struggle in my marriage. I long for a relationship that is built on Christ as its foundation, my husband does not. It’s a constant source or argument for us. When our daughter was dedicated he told me that he had raised his hand in church that day to signal that he needs/wanted to give his life to Christ. I was excited and hopeful but I have him his space. Things were great for a few weeks and then he went back to or habits and ways of thinking. This again caused conflict for us and I started to push when I shouldn’t. I had been praying a lot lately about my role as a wife. It’s my job to love him, respect him and be there for him as he is, it is Gods job to change him. Last week our pastor gave a sermon about deadweight and it was like he was speaking to me about my prayers, God answers if we will listen. And now the devotional about point humans to our way and not Jesus. I need to just be an example. Not a voice of command or disagreement but an example simply with my actions. Actions that lead me closer to Christ every day and point him in that direction with out having to say anything.
My thoughts are with you! My husband believes, but we don’t see eye to eye in how we should praise God and worship him. He grew up in a different church than I did and hasn’t attended in years. It’s a struggle that we don’t discuss and I feel that I am in this waiting period, trying to let God work in his own timing. I try to be an example without being “pushy” and feeling like I am not doing enough.
This reading reminded me to be more conscious of my words and actions on a daily basis.
I first off want to encourage you not to give up because satan is going hard on marriages that’s one thing he hates to see two believers putting God first. Don’t get discouraged because our God is mighty and he hears our cries. I will be praying for you and your husband. A couple of verses that hit home for me when my marriage was shaken. “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28. As well as Jeremiah 29:11.
If you scroll back through these comments, a woman named Kelly was saying repentance is the key to evangelism. She said that we see it through John the Baptist’s story and much more through the pain of Jesus. She said we are Genesis 3 Christians, but don’t forget Genesis 1 and 2. God had prepared a perfect world where He could walk, talk, and fellowship with His creation. She said it is like when a mother prepares a nursery for a baby. My first child was stillborn, and how I longed to hold her again. My arms ached. I was crushed. I longed to have her. I had dreams and plans that I thought would happen with and for her, and those plans died. It got me thinking how much more God loves us and longs to be with us. But, sometimes we don’t give Him a thought. He had a perfect plan of redemption. He loves us so much, and didn’t want to be separated from us! Thank You, Father for Your plan, and thank You, Jesus for being the strongest, truest man to ever live and Your unmatchable sacrifice. You left Heaven and humbled Yourself for us. We have hope because of You! We have forgiveness because of You. We have access to the throne of grace because of You! You are our constant Advocate! Forgive me when my thoughts and actions are against Your Word and example. Help me to give You the praise, glory, honor, reverence, and love You deserve.
While I feel convicted to dig into God’s word first more often before looking to others, I am so thankful for the leaders that echo John’s style. Dr. C. Leaf, Christine Cane, Pastor R. Morris, Pastor C. Groeschel come to my mind immediately. Lord, please continue to clear the paths for our spiritual leaders while I also learn to spiritually lead myself.
I got a King James Version journal Bible for Christmas that I had asked for. I have been using a NLT study Bible which I really like. So I’ve sort of been using both of them together right now. ha ha. I remember memorizing scriptures was always in King James version. When I read Acts 1:8 it came back to me because I had to memorize that. The NLT has comments on the different verses. Here is a comment on Acts 1:8 that spoke to me.
“Jesus had instructed his disciples to witness to people of all nations about him (Matthew 28:19-20). But they were told to wait first for the Holy Spirit (Luke 24:49). God has important work for you to do for him, but you must do it by the power of the Holy Spirit. We often like to get on with the job, even if it means running ahead of God. But waiting is sometimes part of God’s plan. Are you waiting and listening for God’s complete instructions, or are you running a head of his plans? We need God’s timing and power to be truly effective.”
Wow. How often do I want to run ahead and do my own thing. Praying today that I will let the Holy Spirit lead the way. That I will trust Him in the waiting.
I got a King James version journal Bible for Christmas that I was asking for. But at the same time I also read my NLT. I appreciate the comments or the commentary that is on the bottom of each page regarding each verse. Today’s commentary spoke to me and I wanted to share it with you. This is in reference to Acts 1:8- “ Jesus had instructed his disciples to witness to people of all nations about him (Matthew 28:19,20). But they were told to wait first for the Holy Spirit (Luke 24:49). God has important work for you to do for him but you must do it by the power of the Holy Spirit. We often like to get on with the job, even if it means it running ahead of God. But waiting is sometimes part of God’s plan. Are you waiting and listening for God‘s complete instructions, or are you running ahead of his plans? We need God‘s timing and power to be truly effective.”
That is what spoke to me today. I pray that I don’t run ahead of the Holy Spirit. That I wait for God’s timing, to follow His direction.
Lord, help me to always point others back to you. May it be my first thought and not my 5th, 30th, or even last resort.
Preach it!
Amen! To God be the glory! May my words, actions point others to the grace and love of our King Jesus, for He is all.
Seeing the list of names, I am reminded of God’s faithfulness throughout generations. He kept his promises to His people, imperfect though these people may have been. And each of those names played a vital role in bringing us one generation closer to Jesus. There was no way they could have felt their significance on a daily basis. But God, in His wisdom and with His vision, can see the whole picture. I may not see the significance in what I’m doing on a daily basis, living my little life, but I can trust that I’m part of something beautiful.
Good reminder that we only hold so much weight and responsibility with advice, when really we need to listen and offer the hope of Christ and His return.
May I see the prophecy of Isaiah isn’t only for John the Baptist, but for me as well.
Am I preparing the way for others to see the Lord? When people look at me do they see the salvation of God?
I am a daughter of God. Does my life reflect His glorious name? Am I pointing others to Him? My life should reveal Christ to this world. Father help me this day to glorify you
Amen Cindy! I pray that for and with you❤️
I think we are all guilty of this. I’m praying my life can reflect the humbleness and servant heart of John. May we all lead lives that point to Jesus – looking first to HIM.
Great reminder as I head back into the office this morning! I serve the Great I Am and not my supervisor or my director at work. Yes they are the ones who sign off on my paychecks and allows for me to work there but at the end of the day I am not doing my work for them but for furthering the Kingdom.
Such great biblical advice about worldly advice!
I like how the lineage of Christ has many names I do not recognize, and yet they are part of the family of God.
I am thankful that though my name is not anything to be recognized, I am a part of the family of God.
I was created with a purpose for Him.
As I read the Scripture this morning, I was reminded again that my own lineage ends with ‘daughter of God’. What a blessing and privilege. I pray I live that fact every day!
I’ve watched several interviews given in the past by the late Rev. Billy Graham. He refused to be baited by the interviewer. He was presented with controversial scenarios and his response was steadfast : “The Bible says…” He did not give his opinion but defaulted to the Word of God. Should we not do the same? My opinion is worthless in comparison to the wisdom of God. Let me love others enough to always give them the Truth.
Less of me, more of you Lord ❤️
Today’s writer said, “I give them all of my advice and all of my opinions when really what they need first is the comfort of Christ, the love of the Savior.”
Repentance is key to evangelism and we see why from John the baptizer’s story and even more through the awful, painful price that Jesus paid on the cross, once and for all. It seems we are Genesis 3 Christians. What about the first two chapters of Genesis. In those first two chapters we see an all-powerful God creating a perfect world. A world where He, God Almighty, will have a relationship, a close relationship with His creation, His family, His loved ones. God sets this world up with untold love in preparation for man and woman. Much like a mother prepares a nursery while awaiting her first child but so much greater, deeper, and more perfect.
It seems that the relationship story of Genesis 1 & 2 might set the table for the conversation of Genesis 3, especially verse 15. Then the one we are witnessing to might understand how deeply God yearns for that relationship to be restored. God wants to talk with us as we stroll through the garden once more. He, God of all creation, has a plan that does all the salvation work for us . . . Jesus Christ the Son of God.
Just a thought.
I love the lineage ending with “the son of God.” I’m trying to become better at holding space for hard conversations without jumping in to try to fix anything. Praying that God will help me stay silent with my only wisdom and only speak His, but with compassion and empathy and only when the time is right.
May my life and words point others to Christ…brilliant devotion to remind us how to live each and every day…❤️