The Lord Is Near All Who Call Out to Him

Open Your Bible

Psalm 145:1-21

Remember and proclaim.

Throughout Scripture, we are instructed to recall the ways God has acted on our behalf, and to share those stories of triumph and truth with others, with the next generation of believers (Psalm 145:4). The Israelites’ exodus out of slavery from Egypt? Remember and proclaim (Psalm 105:1–5). The taking of the eucharist? An act of remembering Christ’s life, death, and resurrection—all on our behalf—and proclaiming the infinite gift and power in them for those who believe in the risen Jesus (1 Corinthians 11:23–26).

So it is in today’s reading of Psalm 145, “a hymn of praise,” attributed to King David, who determines to “exalt, “bless,” and “praise [God’s] name forever and ever” (vv.1–2). Not only will he declare God’s praises, but from one generation to the next, God’s works and acts, His character, power, and righteousness, will be declared (vv.3–5). But in order for that to happen, God’s “awe-inspiring acts” and faithful love must first be remembered.

There is power in saying something out loud, in speaking truth to ourselves and to one another. Researchers in the worlds of education and psychology call this “the production effect.” Studies have shown that memory is improved by literally speaking aloud what we’re reading, thinking, and studying. The actual retrieval and recall of both past and new experiences, and the relaying of them to someone else further works to etch our experiences and knowledge into our minds. In short, if you really want to remember something, tell someone else about it. It’s incredible to think that God would design us this way, to further draw us into community to speak truth to one another (Ephesians 5:19–20).

The Hebrew word for “remember” is zakar, and it encompasses more than simply “thinking” or knowledge—it implies action. And in Hebrew tradition, practicing faith in present circumstances and exhibiting hope for the future requires that you remember God’s faithfulness in the past. What better way to remind ourselves of God’s power and steadfast love than to share our experiences with God with someone else? In looking back at God’s “great goodness and righteousness” in our own lives and in the lives of those we read about in Scripture, we are reminded that He provides what we need “at the proper time” and “[satisfies] the desire of every living thing” (vv.15–16).

Verse 20 tells us when we call out to God, He is near. However, His nearness is in no way dependent upon our crying out to Him. No, He is always near, always present. When we draw near to Him, He draws near to us (James 4:8). He does not need an invitation to come to us, but in our calling out to Him, we remember that He is, in fact, a very real and present help (Psalm 46:1). Our mighty, compassionate God is delighted to be in our midst now and always (Zephaniah 3:17; Matthew 28:20). Sometimes we forget this truth, and sometimes we struggle to believe it’s true. Either way, God does not change.

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136 thoughts on "The Lord Is Near All Who Call Out to Him"

  1. Lindsey Squires says:

    The Lord is near to me

  2. Emily Perkins says:

    Dear God, please help me to remember to call out to you. Please help me to share your good with others and to praise you always in all that I do. Thank you for your protection and love. Amen!

  3. Michelle Smith says:

    May I share you with others and remember that you Lord are near whether I feel it or not and whether I seek you or not

  4. Lauren Jones says:

    Lord help me to spread the good news to others. Lord help me call upon you in times of need. Lord remind me that you are always with me. Amen.

  5. Ticia Gorney says:

    Gods nearness doesn’t depend on my crying out to Him. I needed this today. Thanks for the reminder. He is near.

  6. Grace Miller says:

    God is delighted to be in our midst

  7. Destiny H. says:

    God has never forgot or abondon me. He is Always with me! Hallelujah.

  8. Khloe Wiegers says:

    “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.” -Isaiah 55:6

  9. Mollie Pittman says:

    Thank you Lord for always being near to me❤️

  10. Sydney Bilbo says:

    Thank you Lord for pulling my mind’s attention and my heart’s affection to you!

  11. Natalie Mayer says:

    Thanks Heidi, this was so helpful!

  12. Zion Gatson says:

    amen! i sometimes forget that the book of psalms is like a love song to God & i just love reading it

  13. Katherine Elizabeth says:

    We do not need to dwell on the troubles of this world. Instead we should focus and share about God’s goodness and faithfulness to us!

  14. Heidi says:

    KELLY (NEO)- I echo your words. How many times does He come through and I keep it to myself that HE is the reason for the good that has happened. WAY too often I’ll recount something and use phrases like “I was just so lucky that…”, “it’s a good thing I happened to find…”, “then just out of nowhere..”, etc. Who knows – the reason He acted in the way He did could be for the whole purpose of that person hearing what He did in order to grow THEIR faith?! Can’t keep it to myself…

    THERESA- I love that. You are so right!

    SARAH D- hope your 2nd school visit is going great!!

    Thanks for your encouragement, ladies, about my choice to drop the 2 classes. I absolutely hear you and see what you see, it still is just tough. It pushes classes back, my ability to start my internship, etc. AND I know it’s not a big deal, it’s just going to take some time to adjust my thoughts and plans. Happy weekend!!! Celebrating a very close friend’s wedding (outdoors!) tomorrow so praying it doesn’t rain! :)

  15. Heidi says:

    In a course where we studied the Psalms, the professor said a couple of things that helped me a lot – 1. that “we bless God when we recount to Him the good He’s done for us”… similar to gratitude, but with more focus on just stating back to Him the nature of His character and ways we experience it. It’s basically v.7 – “They will give a testimony of your great goodness and will joyfully sing of your righteousness.” That was helpful to me because the idea of how sinful ME could ever BLESS. GOD. was a mystery… But I can bless him everyday by focusing on/intentionally telling Him I see who it is He is in and around me. 2. He said when you struggle with reading the Psalms talk often about God lifting the righteous and putting down the “wicked” – you can’t define those words on the actions of the person because in that case God would have to call even king David wicked. Rather – “wicked defines a person who does not recognize God as the One True God”. Therefore we can witness people who do really good things, but are “wicked”, and people who believe God is God, but do really awful things are still “righteous”. It just put perspective for me I really appreciate :)

  16. Michelle Patire says:

    Happy birthday Sarah D & Susan!!! :)

  17. Rhonda J. says:

    Remember and Proclaim!! yes. yes! How quickly we forget all of those answered prayers and what God has done in our lives! (can we say- stiff-necked Israelites!) It seems with age we become more aware of our blessing by looking back over our lives, but we have to do that! I was very shallow in my young life, it was all about “being” happy, and if I wasn’t, move on to something that brought that feeling back! In other words, it was all about the flesh! And we know how that ends…chasing after fulfillment that can never come except from God himself, the I Am. I am getting ready to lead a study called “Starved” by Amy Seifert, and it speaks to this type of running on things that fill us from phone, success, and material things and our image and so on. Yet we are left starved. I think it will be so wonderful! BUT…why I chose to LEAD when I get so nervous to lead!! lol! But God! He keeps nudging me to do the uncomfortable FOR HIM!! So please if you could pray for my group! My pain group will also start anew in the same week, we have taken a little break! I hope we will get some new people that need healing and comfort, and will receive some hope from that group!! (that one, I am a co-leader and don’t really do anything! lol) I love small groups because it is a time to dig a little deeper into God’s word, discuss, analyze, and grow together! We had a day off from Prison ministry this week as well, and I miss my ladies so much from 1 week away!! They hunger for the Lord! I step out of my comfort and pray (outloud!!) for them!! So GOD is so good, working in my life!! I love Him so much!! It’s HIM changing my life to use it for him! He loves his children and it is so amazing that he is ALWAYS there whether we feel it or not! I have really been trying to LISTEN to his guidance the last couple of years!

    @Susan–Happy Happy Belated Birthday! I hope your DIL and grandkids are doing okay after their loss, and of course you as well.

    @Sharrie– So glad you introduced yourself and are here with us!! I love when new people introduce themselves! I didn’t like to comment in the beginning…but realized there would be nothing to read if people didn’t! lol (Plus they can skip my name if they want!!) But it is a unique and special connection on here that is different from an in-person group! This is such a praying group of precious She’s!! Being in the word together is a privilege, and then to share our personal requests, fears, and hopes is beyond gratifying! :)

    Heidi- Don’t be so hard on yourself!! You can’t be superwoman!! Although YOU ARE a SUPER woman!! Just going back to school with three young kids is a huge thing…actually 3 young kids would throw me over the edge!! And to plan a trip overseas…you are going to have a thrilling time! I think dropping the two classes was a very smart step for your over all health!

    @Searching…so funny the day you said you liked the instrumental of Shout to the Lord, it played and I turned my head so quick…and couldn’t believe it was on the radio at that exact time!! God moment!!

    I am on the 5th book of “Chronicles of the Kings” by Lynn Austin! If you like to read and want the time of Hezekiah to come alive, grab this series, it is so good!

    Have a great day!

  18. Susan says:

    Sarah D, happy belated birthday! We share our birthday, though I’m years older than you! Hope you enjoyed your day.

  19. Danielle B says:

    Oh fellow She’s God’s goodness has been faithful and unbelievable in my life. Even this week, I recounted to someone how he saved my mother’s life two years ago. Just Wednesday this week Hid goodness was evident. I began to feel very unwell at work, my colleague who planned to leave 15 minutes earlier was available to be with me and take me to see a doctor. What an amazing God. Thankfully, my dizziness was from a sinus ear infection that is much on the mend, but has forced me to slow down, not something I’m good at doing. May we continue to share God’s goodness!

    Happy belated birthday Sarah D

  20. Donna Wolcott says:

    Thank you Lord for ALWAYS being near, ALWAYS present. May eyes be open to see, my ears open to hear and my heart open to respond. Have a wonderful weekend sisters. Prayers for blessings and concerns.

  21. Cee Gee says:

    “He is near. However, His nearness is in no way dependent upon our crying out to Him. No, He is always near, always present. When we draw near to Him, He draws near to us (James 4:8). He does not need an invitation to come to us, but in our calling out to Him, we remember that He is, in fact, a very real and present help (Psalm 46:1).”

    This quote reflects what I was planning to share today about my big aha moment in studying omnipresence: He isn’t everywhere because He needs to manage or bless; it is just part of WHO HE IS. One writer referred to God’s answer to Moses when He said, “I AM WHO I AM,” which can be translated as “I AM WHAT I AM.” That fits so well with what we are reading! Have a blessed weekend, Shes! Continued prayers!

  22. Kat D says:

    Both sides of an issue believe they have the truth. Speaking aloud words and thoughts etch them on our minds but may make the divide wider. How do we go from thinking and speaking to real action to show God’s love to ALL His children even those ‘on the other side’. God grant us hope and reconciliation. Help lead us to rest in your arms and in community together.

  23. Theresa says:

    As we began this Psalm study, God prompted me to read the psalms aloud and I’ve been doing that (although often in a whisper to not wake up my kiddos). I have noticed a difference in the way I experience the scriptures when I’m saying and hearing them and not just reading them. There is a different power in saying it out loud.

    Have a wonderful weekend she’s! We’re celebrating my daughter’s first birthday tomorrow with lots of family and friends traveling in.

  24. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “Remember and proclaim.”
    Forgive me, Lord, for being slow to recall all the ways You have been faithful and for being silent about Your goodness.

  25. Kendi Taari says:


  26. Frankie Gardner says:

    Really touching!! Just what I needed today❤️

  27. Brittany Brooks says:


  28. Tamar Thomas says:

    Thank You that You are always near.

  29. sofia lombardini says:

    He does everything for us.

  30. Darian Miles says:

    God doesn’t change! He is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore!

  31. Jada Edwards says:


  32. Shay Cicenas says:


  33. Kenzie Revell says:


  34. Karrie Poortinga says:

    I love that the Lord continually brings in things through His teachings to create community and togetherness to help bring strength and comfort to His flock. God is good ❤️

  35. Amanda Clark says:


  36. Autumn Scott says:

    Good word!

  37. LeeAnn Avery says:

    Remember, be thankful and share it.

  38. Hollie Toews says:


  39. Karen Tidwell says:

    I love the Lord.

  40. Amy Rathfelder says:

    Needed this. Thank you ♥️

  41. Ariel Martinez says:


  42. Queen Blossoming says:

    Yes God

  43. Ashley McDonald says:

    I so needed this reminder today!! ❤️❤️

  44. Heidi V says:

    I’m sad to see this study end. Thank you srt!! I can definitely see myself doing it again in the future!!

  45. Rachel Blessum says:

    “His nearness is in no way dependent upon our crying out to Him.” WOW ❤️

  46. Jenny Horsley says:


  47. Elizabeth Villela says:

    The lord is near to all how call to him in truth!! May we proclaim his goodness generation after generation. To our children and our children’s children. He is steadfast and he is always present for us!

  48. Jessi Hernandez says:

    Sometimes I forget how important it is to share my testimony. Maybe because I lived it, it doesn’t feel “like a big deal.” This is a great reminder that sharing it is being witness to the greatness of God!

  49. Savannah Day says:

    So good! How often do we forget all that God had done for us when faced with trouble.

  50. Amy Grace Duncan says:

    Going back and writing down all the ways that God has been faithful and provided for us always makes my heart feel light.

  51. Kathy Dunbar says:

    Loved this one! God is near. He doesn’t change. Remember…and share.

  52. Tifarah Canion says:

    Needed these words today. In south Texas dealing with this crazy

  53. Savannah Nemiccolo says:

    Such a great reminder that today and always He is always near. It’s the reminder that even when we don’t feel it or see it, He is there!

  54. Claire Faith says:

    Reading aloud is so powerful! I love reading scripture outside, need to do it more!

  55. Kiara Kornegay says:

    This is so good. It’s sooo important for us to spread God’s good works to our children, especially at a very young age. I always loved to read things out loud whether it would be some sort of devotion, school work, anything you can think of lol

  56. LaShawn Barber says:

    I needed this today. Everything turns around when I remember and call on Him in prayer out loud (or quietly).

  57. Brittany Goodrich says:

    This is so true. :) I needed to remember this.. thanks she reads truth app!

  58. Emily Schimmels says:

    It can be challenging to believe “he fulfills the desires of those who fear him” in times when a believer’s biggest desire hasnt been fulfilled for years. And it doesnt make sense as to why. I guess it’s helpful to read the next part, “he remembers us”

  59. Gina Tank says:

    Thank you for being a real and mighty help!

  60. Chris Pennington says:


  61. Shiella Calixtro says:

    God is so great! Thanks for this meaningful devo

  62. mckenzie helmuth says:

    It is so comforting to know that God is always near, we just have to get ourselves near to him.

  63. Alla Nykyforets says:

    With all the fires in the next town over, I am constantly living in this worldly fear. This just helped me so much. I need to remember and proclaim, and God will give me strength and courage. Also going back and reading Psalms out loud

  64. Connie Williams says:

    Thank my Lord and Savior for always being there even when i don’t recognize his presence. Lord forgive me

  65. Courtney says:

    After reading through the Phillipians study, I came to this as I feel like now more than ever I need to take this remainder of the lockdown in the UK to find peace and rest. This is such a great reminder that God is always near. We may only remember this when we need Him, but we should spend time every day praising Him for never leaving our side. We always have our Champion with us. Hallelujah!

  66. Destiny McIvor says:

    It’s so beautiful that he’s always right there, even if we are not.

  67. Sameca Joyner says:

    Thank you Lord for being there for me.

  68. Caitlin Arendse says:

    Amen !

  69. Kay T says:

    Amen. The LORD is always near

  70. Hayley Walker says:

    Oh my this is such a timely reminder and a helpful word to instil courage as I have been asked to share my testimony this morning!!

  71. Jeanette Yocum says:

    Amen! I needed this reminder

  72. Amy Fokkens says:

    All we need to do is draw near to him and he will be with us. Praise God that we can have an initiate relationship with a faithful, loving father!!!

  73. a. m. says:

    Amen. So thankful He is with us all the time.

  74. Stephanie Isbell says:

    The margin of my Bible next to this Psalm now says “Corona virus 2020”. I want to remember forever the Lords faithfulness in these days. It is precious to find dates and remember a previous crisis of faith or an unspeakable joy. And when I pass my Bible to my daughter she will find them all over again and remember my stories of Gods faithfulness.

  75. Eunhee Kim says:

    i want to be more like Him—slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love. as i draw near to him daily, i pray that i can become more like Him.

  76. Lexi Foley says:

    Praise the Lord, remaining faithful and obedient. For He provides all we need and fulfills our desires, mercifully loving and steadfast, drawing near to His children

  77. Rachel Souisa says:

    I loved how twice the psalm refers to the kindness of God and his righteousness. Kindness is such a beautiful and unique trait to our God

  78. Lauren Coury says:

    [soph ladies] i am reminded of God’s goodness, love, and mercy when reflecting on how He has drawn near to me in response to my prayers for help and understanding. He’s presence reminds me that i am not alone. something to think about: when has God used His work in your life to speak to you or to someone else about His goodness?

  79. Rebekah Williams says:

    Hey what y’all think it means in verse 19b when it is says “all those who call on him in truth”. Like what do y’all think it means to call on him in truth? I’m a little confused on this part

    1. Kristin Pitts says:

      I think it means to all who call on his name, but to those who truly believe in their hearts that he is Lord!

    2. Ezra McCaveney says:

      The Hebrew word for truth here is, e.met, which means “firmness & faithfulness, sureness of the truth”. So when we call on the Lord, stand sure that He is God. Stand first in your understanding that He is near to you. He will hear you, He does see you. So stand in the truth of God when you call out to him

      1. Rebekah Williams says:

        Thank you so much!

    3. Becca McCleary says:

      It also means that he doesn’t hear those people that “call out to him” but don’t actually follow him. They follow a false god but call him “God”

    4. Tiffany DiCarlo says:

      Maybe it means seeking him in truth like are you really ready to receive the lords blessing are you truly opening up your heart to him. People who may be skeptical may not feel gods love and blessings.

    5. Cosette Ferris says:

      That part stuck out to me too! In my version of the bible it actually uses the word integrity. I think that conveys the idea that we shouldn’t assume that God will grant our desires if we call out to Him from a place of selfishness and wrong intentions. Rather, we should be calling out to Him simply so that He will draw nearer to us and shower us with His presence instead of calling out to Him with our own agendas for personal gain. We should be calling upon Him with hearts and minds open to whatever He has planned for us and the things He wants to bring into our lives without our own selfish expectations:)

  80. Brooke Money says:

    It’s amazing that God wants to be near to me. He is a loving father who wants to be with his children! How blessed we are.

  81. Gaynell Givens says:

    Exalt, Bless and Praise

  82. ella marcus says:

    God is near and He is good!

  83. Erin Carr says:

    Just so amazing! Such a blessing to read these words and FEEL them today.

  84. Krista Shook says:

    Although he is near to all who cry out to him, He does not need an invitation to come to us. His nearness is in no way dependent upon our crying out to Him.

  85. Kami Galvin says:

    Philippians 4:5 says God is near. And the vs.6-7 tell us as a result do that fact we can be free of worry and anxiety. We are guarded by His peace. Verse 8 says we can replace our sinful thoughts with truth. And verse 9 says to practice it, to live it out.
    I love the practical application of knowing God is near.

  86. Laura Millard says:

    What a gift. To have our maker desire for us to speak His truth to bring us closer to one another. His body. To speak life into others and ourselves!

  87. Michelle Chen says:

    13Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
    and your dominion endures throughout all generations.

    [The Lord is faithful in all his words
    and kind in all his works.]

  88. Molly Gilbane says:

    “Practicing faith in present circumstances and exhibiting hope for the future requires you remember God’s faithfulness in the past.” Lord— when we were patiently waiting to conceive again— you were there. The reminder of how You faithfully provided us with a healthy, beautiful son gave us the strength and hope we needed until we were blessed again. Thank you for Your steadfast love and the many blessings You have showered upon our family!

  89. Lyndsy KayEslinger says:

    I often let worry and fear of the unknown get on my way of praising the Lord. This Psalm was a great reminder of where I need to focus myself today and always.

  90. Valarie Alred says:

    Speaking out load to god has helped me so much this past week.. it’s been so amazing to listen to what he is saying to me and showing me as well. Lord help me to seek you each and everyday.

  91. Veronika Dresko says:

    How beautiful to praise the Truth of who God is and know that it is for ALL IN EVERY GENERATION.

  92. Brittney Papadopoulos says:

    Lord help me to remember to speak to you out loud throughout my day to be near to you

  93. Gretchen Anne says:

    I feel this passage gives instruction on how to praise God even when things are dark. There have been times when I’m in church or reading my bible when life is dark and I’m in a low season, and finding things to be thankful for are hard. When this time comes, praise him for anything, no matter how irrelevant. I’m a mountain girl and I love nature. No matter how down I am, God’s creation always lifts me up.

  94. Anna McBurney says:

    I needed to hear this right now, kinda freaking out at the minute so it’s good to be reminded that he’s always near, thank you!

  95. Stephanie D says:

    My experience with God right now is that there’s something I want that I don’t have yet. It’s a desire that he has put on my heart, but that doesn’t guarantee anything. I’m still trusting, but it’s probably good to speak aloud your challenges too.

  96. Rolanda Patton says:

    I learned that we need to SPEAK about our experiences with God! Many times I hear stories from friends that clearly exhibit God’s hand, I reply with “That’s a God thing”. I know God cares about everything we care about.

  97. Amie Fleming says:


  98. Angelica Ging says:

    Needed this reminder ❤️

  99. Stacie Tyson says:

    Goodness, how my heart needed to read this today ❤️❤️

  100. Allison B says:

    One of my all-time favorite Songs is “Forevermore” by Travis Cottrell. It’s nearly word for word this Psalm. It fills my heart with joy every time I hear it.

  101. Shanna Daley says:

    I love the Lord so much. It’s not something I ever saw for my life but when he calls you home you listen. I am so blessed and so unbelievably grateful and I just love sharing my joy and love for the Lord with all of you wonderful people.

  102. Kristin King says:

    ❤❤❤❤❤ I have nothing but love for the way SRT breaks down a bible study❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ I just get sucked in every time. I’m enjoying everyone’s thoughts and ideas too.

  103. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I remember how the Lord changed me from a worrier to a worshipper and from someone with low self esteem to someone who has confidence. He has given me an amazing husband and daughter even through at times I doubted that would ever happen.

  104. Jessica Nicolas says:

    “Exhibiting HOPE for the future requires you to remember God’s faithfulness in the past.” AMEN

  105. Valerie PaytonWhite says:

    I keep a book of miraculous stories,ways God has intervened on my behalf . It is called “Live the story you want to tell”. I go back to it when i begin to doubt

    1. Jennifer Anapol says:

      That is such a great idea Valerie!

  106. Katarina Santiago says:

    This psalm reminds me of who God is and what he has done for me. May I remember to praise, exalt, declare and rejoice what God has done rather than complain of what he is not doing? God timing is always perfect and I need to remember that he knows what is best for me not me.

    1. Pam S says:

      Yes, yes, yes!

  107. Alexis says:

    Our mighty, compassionate God is delighted to be in our midst now and always (Zephaniah 3:17; Matthew 28:20). Sometimes we forget this truth, and sometimes we struggle to believe it’s true. Either way, God does not change.

    -I love this and so needed this reminder today. I often struggle to believe that God delights in me, because…man I screen up a lot! But God loves me anyway. May that truth stick in my heart and never leave.

    1. Pam S says:

      Sometimes my disappointment in myself overshadows the truth. I have to rein myself back in and remind myself of the truth. These verses are perfect for that. Thank you Alexis.

  108. Susan Merritt says:

    V.1 “…I will bless thy name for ever and ever”. Our praise of God shall be as eternal as the God we praise.

  109. Andrea Diener says:

    There is such power that happens in community when we speak to others of God’s work in our lives. Sharing stories of God’s faithfulness in our own lives serve as a great reminder for us as individuals. These moments are helpful in our own walk as we can go through seasons of doubt and worry. Additionally, when we have courage to share our stories of both trials and triumphs with others, it can serve as an encouragement to them as they hear of God’s goodness and righteousness. Others begin to feel less alone in their sufferings. Live authentically and proclaim God’s greatness!

  110. Jennifer Cummings says:

    We’ve been reading a Psalm in the morning at breakfast as a family and we just read this one yesterday! It’s been stuck in my mind since then, this idea of passing on the goodness of the Lord…proclaiming.

  111. Sue says:

    There are so many action words in Psalm 145. David not only thought about praising God but he lived praising God.
    May my life be an example of this Psalm of David and may I also:

    Give testimony
    Joyfully sing

    And may God’s greatness be remembered and made known to others.

    1. Pam S says:


      1. Renee Gagnon says:


    2. Michelle Ellwanger says:

      Sue! Thanks for pointing out the action words we find in this passage – I did not even think of it this way ❤️

    3. Chrissie Murphy says:

      This is so good!

    4. Ashley Dunmire says:


    5. Mary Prins says:


    6. Morgan Baughman says:

      Love it, this is something I noted in the margins too

    7. Carly Moore says:


  112. Diana Degnan says:

    I’ve noticed as I speak and proclaim that my inner light is sparked like no other. I may be having a hard day or warm down and as I speak the Lord’s truths I am energized and given more clarity!

    1. Lauren Tenbrunsel says:

      Absolutely! As soon as I get the chance to speak on the goodness of God, I feel joyful and purposeful. When the Holy Spirit prompts us it’s such an undeniable and incomparable feeling!

  113. Danielle Chamberlain says:

    I rejoiced at the truth that when we speak these things to one another we are drawn deeper into community. Praise God for His immeasurable greatness and kindness toward us.

  114. Alex McClendon says:

    So powerful to reflect on when God has been there in my life … when I didn’t realize … to lift me up when I was falling. He is always good and always present. Great words to wake up too. ❤️

  115. Kristen says:

    I am a teacher, and we were just talking about the Turn and Share strategy. Yes, you remember more if you tell someone! This is a good lesson for me! I’m going to go back and read this Psalm aloud. I also just read a good teaching at the First 5 app if anyone wants to read it. The teaching focus on Daniel 31, and that we have everything we need in God. Here is a link:
    Psalm 103 and 104 are on my mind today too and be in awe and amazed by our God!

  116. Churchmouse says:

    Deuteronomy 11:18-21 comes to mind whenever I read Psalm 145. Yes, remember and proclaim. Simply speak of Him and His ways as you go about your day.

    1. Pam S says:

      Thanks for bringing the verses in Deut. to my attention. What a simply beautiful way to live.