The Lord Is My Refuge

Open Your Bible

Psalm 91:1-16

I grew up afraid.

Thunder, lightning, roller coasters, car crashes, plane crashes, tornadoes—loud, violent, terrifying scenarios that kept me up at night, or in the guidance counselor’s office at school any time it stormed. I was afraid of loud things, things that threatened to crash into my life and take away someone or something I loved. I would read Bible verses that promised me safety, plucked out of the psalms and taped on my bathroom mirror in college—-verses like these from Psalm 91: “Because you have made the LORD—my refuge, the Most High—your dwelling place, no harm will come to you” (vv.9–10).

That’s a formula I tend to like, because it gives me the perception of control; I make the Lord my “refuge,” and no harm will come to me. But many years of walking quietly in sadness with people I love have taught me there is no equation to prevent suffering. Sometimes storms enter our lives quickly like thunderclouds from the west. Sometimes they sneak in, just as the sun rises quietly in the east. But always, they come, just as they came for our Savior, Jesus Christ. When the devil tempts Jesus in the wilderness, the enemy quotes Psalm 91: “He will give his angels orders concerning you, to protect you, and they will support you with their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone” (Luke 4:10–11).

In their book, The Songs of Jesus, Tim and Kathy Keller wrote: “The devil wants us to think that God’s promises have failed if he lets us suffer. But the psalm later clarifies that God will save us ‘in trouble’ and not from it.” In other words, we do not need a refuge from the quiet, the sadness, brokenness, and pain; we need a refuge from the storm that is inevitably coming (John 16:33). Suffering was sewn into our existence at the fall, but Psalm 91 shouts into the rushing wind:

“The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say concerning the LORD, who is my refuge and my fortress …
His faithfulness will be a protective shield” (vv.1–2,4).

I am thankful for the whole of Scripture, and for the ways it quiets my soul on the hardest of days. The riches of Psalm 91 are vast, with so many metaphors and names for God, calling us backward and forward through the Old and New Testaments. It does so beautifully what the whole of Scripture does: it paints a picture of our hopeless existence apart from God, and it beckons us into the fullness of life in relationship with Him. A life that, though marked with suffering, is ultimately guaranteed and secured by the personhood and work of Jesus Christ.

(253) Comments

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253 thoughts on "The Lord Is My Refuge"

  1. Amber Goodwin says:

    In the shadow of the Almighty ❤️

  2. Jennifer Broussard says:

    The Lord is my refuge! What more could I need?❤️

  3. Lindsey Squires says:

    Thank you God for being with me in the most difficult times

  4. Emily Perkins says:

    Dear God, thank you for being my refuge. Thank you for having your angels watch over me and protect me. I want to be still and know that you’ve got me. Dear God, I love you. Amen.

  5. Michelle Smith says:

    I don’t want to live in fear anymore, even the smallest way. Help me Lord to trust You and turn everything over to You.

  6. Lauren Jones says:

    Lord help me to not be afraid. You are always with me and you are my protection. I should not live in fear but live in hope for that you are my father and one day I will be reunited with you in heaven. Amen.

  7. Amber Gordon says:

    I needed this too. Too often have I lived in Fear. But I dwell within the presence of the Lord Almighty and he is my refuge.

  8. Robyn Hume says:

    Thank You Lord for being my hiding place and my safety, even when there are storms all around ❤️

  9. Haleyanna Nerem says:

    It helps to know other people have experience a frightened, anxious childhood. If I would’ve known God then, I would’ve been healed much faster. I had to learn on my own, but all along it was God teaching me how to grow away from the fear I faced. He was there with me even when I didn’t know it. And He still is

  10. Samantha Strohl says:

    Thank you God for your protection. Thank you for always being there

  11. Jeanna Vance says:

    Because I hold fast to Him in love, he will deliver me. He will protect me because he knows my name. He will answer when I call and be with me in trouble. Amen. ♥️

  12. Destiny H. says:

    He will always be there in the storm, my great refuge!

  13. Khloe Wiegers says:

    “i will set Him on high, because He hath known MY name”

  14. Ashley Martin says:

    I must always remember that the Lord is the onlh refuge I need.

  15. Hilary Curneal says:

    Awesome that he will walk beside us in the deepest of storms to help us make it out safely so that we may go on to testify of his goodness and love!

  16. Shae Gulliver says:

    AMEN! He is my refuge, in him I will trust!

  17. Regina Price says:

    He will always bring us out of the storms ♥️

  18. Jessica Thomas says:

    Our shield, what a wonderful way to think about it. The storms still come but we have the amour we need to keep us protected, amen x

  19. Shelby Arevalo-Daszkiewicz says:

    I needed this today. Let me find refuge in Him.

  20. lexie jackson says:

    I hope college is off to a great start for you! I’m in my junior year at UH Manoa & memorizing Ephesians 6:13 really helped me on the tough days especially in class, the Lord put it on my heart to share so I think it might help you. Best of luck, you’ll be in my prayers!

  21. Zion Gatson says:

    im currently in my last year of college and it has been a hard 4 years, but God will never let you be unnoticed. He will always keep His hands on you as long as you keep your eyes on Him. hope you have a great school year!

  22. Hanna Lewie says:

    I needed this. Currently I’ve been so nervous and overwhelmed because I’m about to move to college but this is exactly what I needed to hear. The lord is with me

  23. Katherine Elizabeth says:

    Troubles come and go but God’s faithfulness is consistent and a weapon against it all – something to repeat and hold onto in the dark times!

  24. Elizabeth Khanali says:

    Good morning, I am feeling richly blessed by this word… I hope everyone has a blessed day

  25. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy Wednesday ladies! @Sophie Bishop glad you’re here! I was just in London a few months ago and absolutely loved it!

  26. Cee Gee says:

    Crazy day today but finally sitting long enough to get my response posted. This Psalm became my daily Scripture claim during my last pregnancy over 30 years ago! Fifth disease was running through our elementary school and I was subbing almost daily. The school nurse encouraged me to delay subbing until after the baby was born since the fetus was at risk if I got the disease. Since our2 older sons attended that school, I still felt threatened by it. God protected all of us and there was never harm to our baby. Forever thankful for this beautifully written Psalm!!!

    SEARCHING – I love that sign message!

    Continued prayers for each of you!

  27. Mercy says:

    Wow Psalm 91- where do I start? The Psalm that has been there to shield and encourage me in the darkest of times. I declared this Psalm over 2 years long over Covid and the threats and snares of the global fear, the devil did use its false prophets (social media) to proclaim death and death and hopelessness, and even through the opinions of certain people around me to pose overwhelming fear, but thanks to this heroic Psalm 91, we are still standing firm, untouched but only seeing thousands fall right by our side, by His grace and firm promise, we are untouched. I declared this psalm going through my labour, through the pain knowing no evil or manifestations will touch me. I declared this when going through abandonment and rejection in relationships. And I am declaring this psalm today and again over any fear. We learn about ourselves as we grow in God. Our fears are often unique to us, some hide better than others, but the declaration of the Sword of God will cut off the root of fear. Don’t fear, just believe! Again, don’t fear, simply believe. For God confirms resoundingly He does not give us fear (2 Tim 1:7).. BUT he gives us the spirit of power/strength to conquer and rise above (The righteous are as bold as lions-Proverbs 28:1). So let’s uproot any fear by the Sharp Sword of God- this reminds me of my recent uprooting the weeds in my garden with my trusty and sharp Fiskar 2-edged garden knife (very satisfying lol). Be blessed dear sisters. May the Truth of God be your shield (Psalm 91:4) through thick and thin. “So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him” (Isaiah 59:19 KJV). Hugs and love to you all dear sweet and faithful she’s.❤️

  28. PamC says:

    Good morning my fellow She’s. Psalm 91 is another go-tonPsalm for me. I too loved the Keller quote. Praying for all the requests. I’m so grateful for all y’all.

  29. Donna Wolcott says:

    Welcome Sophie. In using a site called ‘My One Word “, I chose in January,abide as my word for the year. Some days I have to admit, I’m not always abiding as I should. So thankful for each of you.❤️

  30. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Good morning She’s! Psalm 91 is such a beautiful psalm. I loved going back after reading it and underlining all the names & characteristics of God used – the Most High, the Almighty, my refuge, my fortress, my God, my rescuer, His faithfulness, the LORD. It was a needed reminder when the writer shared the quote from Tim Keller’s book: “The devil wants us to think that God’s promises have failed if he lets us suffer. But the psalm later clarifies that God will save us ‘in trouble’ and not from it.” God does allow suffering in our lives, it is always for our good and for His glory – which is easy to forget when we are in the midst of it. Father God, please remind us in the midst of our suffering – that you do love us and You will rescue us, in Your time, in Your way. Amen.

    Continuing to pray for your requests and praising God for all the answers thus far!
    @Sophie Bishop – welcome to the group! I was just in the UK, it’s so beautiful!
    @Michille Patire – thanks for sharing about your podcast – I’ve made a note to listen!
    @all my She Sisters – would love to connect with you on FB or Instagram – it’s always so nice to put a name to a face! If you’d like to connect you can find me by my name – Sharon Scheibenpflug.

    Have a blessed Thursday!

  31. LindaK says:

    Good morning Shes, so thankful to have this platform although it’s much smaller. I had difficulty at first navigating how to find it but I’m here now. So thankful for the many answers to prayer. Our place of safety is to continue under God’s word and His direction. During my 70th birthday year I chose Waymaker as my theme song and I listened to it daily and by various artists. Praying for those who are grieving,struggling, waiting, seekingGod is able to do exceedingly more than we can ask or think❤️

  32. Michelle Patire says:

    Thank you @Searching for the prayers. I am familiar with the song Chain Breaker, too! Both are wonderful songs to pray over someone you love! :) I remember I heard “Waymaker” months before the pandemic happened. I think that song and “The Blessing” really became songs I clung to the next two years… I am sure others feel similarly.

    @Mercy- thank you :) good to see your posts, though I figured you were still here, following along!

    @Lehua- good to hear the conversation at least got the ball rolling! Hope your time training your new co-worker has been going well and things are starting to transition at work!

    @Heidi- I also laughed at Searching’s comment. You are a diligent woman, taking summer classes. I did that when I was in school – it did help me finish sooner and my final semester’s workload was much lighter because of the effort I made in other “off seasons” (winter/summer courses). Your labor is not in vain- May you see God help you stay steady and accomplish your goals and more!!!

    @Sarah D- excited for you!! It’s good to be researching these things in preparation- vlogs really do help! I basically used vlogs to train myself to learn how to Instacart well. Thankful for the internet… sometimes ;) haha! Grace and peace to you, girl!

    This is the psalm I turn to anytime I can’t sleep and feel scared. It got me through a very dark season after God opened my eyes to the New Age and demonic strongholds in my life. I was constantly under attack because Satan hated my freedom… Still does! Lol. And because I had to learn why turning to things outside of God was not ok… I would make Psalm 91 my declaration and read it in first person. (If anyone is interested in that story, there is a 2-part podcast episode on the “Beyond Just Christian” podcast where I share my testimony. Some of you have already heard it, but figured I’d share it again! Dated in Dec 2021)
    Anyways, today I just felt the whole psalm is a picture of God’s covering. You have to be near to Him to be abiding under His shadow! I pictured that literally in verse one.

    I love this little group… though I tend to write so much more lol. Love you ladies!!! May we stay hidden in the secret place under the shadow of the Almighty! (Psalm 91:1 NKJV) Definitely still feeling your prayers <3 thank you.

  33. Rhonda J. says:

    The protection of the most high..
    my refuge and strength..
    in whom I trust..
    will rescue you (me)…
    will cover you (me)..
    refuge under His wings…
    will not fear..
    pestilence will not reach you…
    my refuge…
    to protect you (me) in all your ways…
    His heart set on Me
    I (God) will protect Him (me)
    He knows my name
    I (God) will be with him (ME) in trouble

    Praise God, HE has me.

  34. Searching says:

    Psalm 91:1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
    Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. NKJV

    Side note – one commentary drew attention to this chapter and verse reference – 9 1 1, a call for help.

    Among the many definitions of Abide is to continue in a place. Do we spend our time continuing to seek, dwell with and abide with the Lord Most High? Or are we only seeking and running to him when we find ourselves in the midst of, or headed straight for trouble?

    Lord, help me to dwell in, abide in and trust in You every day – close enough to be in Your shadow.

    On looking at comments in the Mark study, NANCY S asked for continued prayer as she cares for her husband who has Alzheimer’s.

    Hi and welcome, SOPHIE BISHOP!

    MERCY – joining you in prayer for where we live – local, state and national – and also for the leaders of everything from school boards to the White House.

    SARAH D – glad the interview went well and praying for your shadowing the next 2 days. Also praying for the upcoming cross training in your current job, that the knowledge and skills learned would be beneficial in other areas too.

    MICHELLE PATIRE – continuing to pray for your family. The Lord is the ultimate Way Maker. I confused myself and was thinking about Chain Breaker by Zach Williams. When I searched for Way Maker to listen, I realized my “mistake” and learned the origin of the familiar Way Maker song – it was written by Sinach (Nigerian gospel singer). The Sinach – Way Maker Official Video is beautiful.

    THERESA – Amen! Let’s not let planning get in the way of prayer.

    KELLY (NEO) ❤️

    CEE GEE – Omnipresence! I have a sign – Don’t Worry About Tomorrow – GOD is Already There.
    We are so blessed by all that He is ❤️

    HEIDI ❤️ :) :) laughing here too! For me, it’s been 45+ years since college but I clearly remember the pressure of everyone wanting everything at the same time.
    And I loved those play times with our nieces and nephews, and now with their littles – they grow up past the playground age before I can blink.
    Praying for guidance as coordination for travel continues – may the Lord guide your itinerary.

  35. Danielle B says:

    Under his wings you will find refuge v 4b such encouragement in a short phrase. It reminds me of Lauren Diagle’s song titled your wings. What protection it is to find refuge in the wings of God!

  36. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Reminds me of when Jeses said, ‘in this world you will have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world”

  37. Sophie Bishop says:

    Hello Shes, I’m in the UK so always checking in before most of you and then reading back your comments and encouragements from yesterday! Thought I’d say hi today and share that I loved the quote from the Kellers about God being with us and saving us IN trouble. So true and so lovely to hear today.

  38. Regan Oppedahl says:

    I love this so much because we can know that GOD can protect us in times of crisis and war and fear

  39. Addison Beason says:

    its good to understand that God isn’t protecting us FROM a storm but protecting us WHEN the storm comes. the storm is like our test to see if we will call for help during the scariest times.

  40. Kendi Taari says:


  41. Saron Mamo says:


  42. Brittany Brooks says:

    Love this! Such a great reminder!

  43. Addie Sampson says:

    It’s hard for me to understand that he doesn’t shelter me from bad but he helps us through the bad . This gave me a sense of knowledge that he is not abandoning me .

  44. Christine Biju Thomas says:

    The Lord will protect me!

  45. Robin Stenberg says:

    That sounds like my husband too…it seems like things are always happening to him and he asks me why and I can’t explain ☹️ in some ways maybe it’s to bring strength, or the devil is just trying so hard to tear you away. He always says God is doing this to me and I have to say it’s not always God…I wish I could explain things but even I don’t understand. I pray for you and God would show his hand to lift you up and bring you peace and He helps this long season of storms finally pass.

  46. Robin Stenberg says:

    Psalm 91:4 has been my favorite verse for a long time. It’s what comforted me when I was scared or frightened and now it’s the verse that’s inscribed on my husbands wedding band.

  47. abby lund says:

    We will have suffering in this life, but we have a God who is our refuge in it all!

  48. Charity Fester says:

    I was told a week or two ago by a dear friend, “Ever since I’ve known you—20 years now?— you have always been going through something. You always have some sort of storm going on.” She meant it in a “you’re so strong” way. But it has stuck with me, thinking why? Why am I the one that has to always be going through something? What am I supposed to be learning?
    I randomly open my app and reopen this series, tap on the next unread lesson.
    This is what God wanted me to know at this very time in my life. Just because I am going through something does not mean that God just continuously send things my way, I’m not being punished. He’s asking me to come to Him, pleading with me to release any control I think I have on my life, and just trust Him. Praise the Lord for this reminder tonight and thank you for writing this devotional, who knows how long ago.

  49. Charity Fester says:

    I was told a week or two ago by a dear friend, “Ever since I’ve known you—20 years now?— you have always been going through something. You always have some sort of storm going on.” She meant it in a “you’re so strong” way. But it has stuck with me, thinking why? Why am I the one that has to always be going through something? What am I supposed to be learning?
    I randomly open my app and reopen this series, tap on the next unread lesson.

  50. Charity Fester says:

    I was told a week or two ago by a dear friend, “Ever since I’ve known you—20 years now?— you have always been going through something. You always have some sort of storm going on.” She meant it in a “you’re so strong” way. But it has stuck with me, thinking why? Why am I the one that has to always be going through something? What am I supposed to be learning?

  51. sara allen says:

    Thanks for sharing. I am totally going to do this!

  52. Carizma Moore says:

    The LORD is MY refuge

  53. Barbara Villemaire says:

    9 Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place—
    the Most High, who is my refuge— – Psalms 91:9

  54. Kenny Shomuyiwa says:

    God is refuge , Amen

  55. Lizzy Butterfield says:

    Psalm 91 is close to my heart. As kids, whenever we were sick or scared my parents would pray this psalm over us and replace all the pronouns with our names. Now that I have babies of my own I have been putting it into practice myself with all the different sickness that comes with this time of year. What a beautiful promise and I love the author’s take on it!

  56. Abbey Erickson says:

    I’ve been so anxiety ridden since my dad passed away 2 years ago, so afraid that something is going to come and take another one of my loved ones. This is an amazing reminder that although suffering is inevitable the Lord is always here to cling to. ❤️

  57. Grace Rex says:

    A very well-timed reading, my husband’s grandmother passed away last night, such a wonderful reminder that he is with us in the suffering and is our refuge.

  58. Natalie Raatz says:

    Such a powerful reminder! I feel like too often we unintentionally create a mindset where “if you follow God you’ll never experience trouble or grief” but that’s simply not true. But He walks besides us in the midst of the suffering.

  59. Karen Tidwell says:

    We can’t avoid suffering or trouble in our lives, but God is in control. He protects us. Always

  60. Taylor Newsome says:

    Today’s devotional is so good

  61. Morgan Hibbs says:

    This was such a good reminder, “there is no equation to prevent suffering” but psalm 91: 1-16 reminds us that the lord is our refuge and we can have peace knowing he will protect us.

  62. Monique Bankston says:

    Security & Protection…thank you Jesus ✨

  63. Shekainah Obad says:

    We are carefully watched, and being thought of all the time by the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. No one has any right to tell you that you’re worthless.

  64. Lauren Freeman says:

  65. Briana Swaim says:


  66. Cheryl Kobza says:

    One of my favorite Psalms. Oh how blessed we are to have such a loving God. May I/we never forget how much He loves and protects us and desires us to be with Him

  67. Ellie Macris says:

    Such security and peace in the fact that we do not fight our own battle, but rather we simply cling to Him and he fights for us.

  68. Sonia Onyenegecha says:


  69. Amy Grossman says:

    For the last year I have been brought back to this psalm over and over again. I will choose today to abide and let these words minister life today

  70. Rachel Blessum says:

    My prayer throughout this study so far has been to become more aware of the presence and peace of God all around me, not just at Bible time but all day as I work, exercise, rest, etc.

    1. Erin Kenny says:

      Sooo good!! Thank your fort that reminder

  71. Jessi Hernandez says:

    This has been my steadfast throughout the ups and downs in my faith. I grew up with a terrible phobia of death (not mine but of my loved ones) so much so that I had to go to therapy. But it’s inevitable, like every storm, and I can finally rest knowing that God will be with me no matter what comes my way.

  72. Jessie Eckard says:

    The Lord meets us in our pain, and our pain is most times a promotion! Look at Job, all of His pain was to show Gods glory. Make God your refuge. In Exodus 14:14 it says The Lord will fight the battle for you, all you have to do is remain calm and be silent. Gods got you!!

  73. Kayla England says:

    I am sitting here imagining me standing in an open field. the wind rushing violently around me. The storms shouting at me from above. Enemy arrows flying at me from every side. Demons racing at me and around me…But I stand protected. I’m hiding under a strong, mighty, terrifying, but gentle wing (v. 4).

  74. Amy Grace Duncan says:

    I always used to think that God would remove us from trials, but I have learned that he really is our refuge in trials. I’m continually trying to adjust my expectations and take comfort in His presence in all circumstances!

  75. Eleanor McClain says:

    This is so good and true I love this ❤️❤️ such a good reminder that God is like a bird, sheltering his little ones from the storm, allowing us to hide under his wings until the storm passes

  76. Stacey Basa says:


  77. Val M says:

    This story reminds me of the song that goes “though the sorrow may last for the night, joy comes in the morning”. God is our joy but there will for sure, guaranteed, be sorrow.

  78. Lisa Jung says:


  79. Tifarah Canion says:

    A good reminder: God will save us when we are in trouble, not from suffering. We need refuge from the storm that is coming.

  80. Sonja Lester says:

    Inspirational. Thank You Father

  81. Claire Faith says:

    What a Psalm for this season! So beautiful in its illustration on God’s faithful protection of us! Thank you Jesus!

  82. Chelsea Schreurs says:

    This verse is so relevant to the times we are living in today. I want to shout Jesus from the rooftops so that all my experience his great faithfulness and fullness! Thank you Jesus for you protection, the angels over my family, and support you are my refuge! Thank you Jesus for saving me in the storms and not from them so that I may not only learn the goodness of your heart but see your strength through me. Amen! So good!

  83. Lisa Gray-Piper says:

    This is a scripture I read daily. I’m so grateful for His words of protection over my life.

  84. Ren Agpoon says:


  85. Gigi Williams says:


  86. L Z. says:

    So inspiring !!!!!!

  87. Nandi Munson says:

    This resonates with me Sadaja, I too struggle with fear, and can see it is one ways the enemy tries to knock me off my course. So many verses in the Bible tell us to fear not, I know part of my work in Christ is to fight the temptation to give in to fear, and to look to the future with great hope and courage, because of Jesus.

  88. Alasonna Cobb says:

    There is a task required of us to be in Gods protection. It seemed odd to me that the Bible says everything God has to offer we already have, which is true. But TO WHOM MUCH IS GIVEN MUCH IS REQUIRED! And it’s not the works that help us gain access to what God has for us, it’s our faith. Our faith is what drives us to do all thing for and through Christ. Because of our faith anything asked of us is not a task, it is a response. How will you respond to the Most High? Obedience is a sign of love and respect for our creator! Seek him, get to know Him and dive deeper everyday into His word and all those things will follow us ! Amen

  89. Teresa Kauffman says:

    “We need refuge from the storm that is inevitably coming.”
    For sure! Our adult son involved in a serious accident overnight…the calm in the storm.
    Our daughter-in-law leaving our son and their three children for another man…the calm in the storm.
    Leaving a church after 27 years in ministry…the calm in the storm.
    God is faithful and has been with us through these 35+ years of marriage and the ‘storms’ of life ❤️

  90. Emma Smith says:

    God is our refuge :)

  91. Rachel Humes says:

    He is my refuge ❤️

  92. Brittany Peeler says:

    God will be with me through it all!! Even in trouble he will be in it with me!! Psalm 91:15

  93. mckenzie helmuth says:

    It is comforting to know that gods angel armies will protect us when we pray & trust in gods goodness.

  94. Sadaja Scurry says:

    I really needed to hear this this morning. ❤️ Often when bad things happen to those closest to us, we fear bad will happen to us. I am one of those people who allows fear to control their life. My true potential as a woman has yet to show because I allow fear to control it. God is telling me not to fear because he has got me. In every direction.

  95. Christine Whiteaker says:

    It’s so important for me to hear that God will help in times of trouble not necessarily keep away all trouble. I’ve always been realistic about the fact that life isn’t always perfect when we have a relationship with God but our ability to lean on God for guidance in the hard times makes them more manageable.

  96. Alana Callender says:


  97. JesseGrace Livingstone says:

    ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤just hat I needed to hear❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  98. Hadley Craft says:

    Exactly what I need to hear. Thank you lord for always coming through❤️❤️

  99. Niamh P says:

    I love the reminder in this psalm that angels are protecting us in all our ways.

  100. Heather Lopez-Renteria says:

    Todays devotion started my morning off right, it penetrated my heart, rest presence of the father this morning and everyday of my life. He promises a refuge in trouble not from trouble. This is forever comforting and if you acknowledge him he loves you. He is the peace in the storms.

  101. Devanée Williams says:

    Amazing devotion!

  102. Alicia Harris says:

    This was great!

  103. Leanna Freeman says:

    Listen to Under His Wings by the Sisters in YouTube! Such a great reminder ❤️

  104. Mady Grace says:

    This passage was amazing it really provides a calmness and it really helped me

  105. Nakeya Sankey says:

    Things above as well ❤️

  106. Nakeya Sankey says:

    I love the devotion this morning, it penetrated my heart ♥️, rest presence of abba the father this morning and everyday of my life. Please lift me up in prayer that I will continue rest in the presence of almighty , I’ll seek god diligently in everything I do,think or say, that my fruit will be full of his righteousness and characters. God will teach me to think on good thoughts and

    1. Rebecca Jamieson says:

      Done ♥️

  107. Gillian Carne says:

    I love reading these comments, we are all on a very common and well trod path. It is comforting to feel surrounded by other women striving to know Jesus better, striving towards hope and love in the darkness. Thanks for the company xo

  108. Dawn Kang says:

    He promises a refuge in trouble not from trouble. Love this reminder and comfort!

  109. Morgan Shipley says:

    This is the exact passage I needed today. Thank you Lord, for protecting us during our storms.

  110. Addyson Danforth says:

    God is our refuge in the bad times

  111. Kathy Johnson says:

    What a gift to have God with us in trouble.

  112. Caitlin Arendse says:

    Amen !

  113. kaylee ossman says:

    the LORD is our refuge!!

  114. Chelsea Thompson says:

    Thank you Jesus!

  115. Kay T says:

    Amen. A great reminder. Storms are inevitably coming, if I want to be victorious then I must learn to give myself to be hid in His shelter.
    Love this chapter ❤️

  116. Brandie Wade says:

    How incredibly relevant and peace giving in these days and times. So thankful to know that God is always our refuge and protection. In the midst of the storm and chaos, He is peace.

  117. Sunandi De Wet says:

    1He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

    To me this verse stood out as it speaks about dwelling! This means walking with God and if we walk with Him we will be in His shadow. A shadow is something that is close to the One whom casts the shadow. So if we dwell closely with Him, His shadow will be our comfort and abiding place.

  118. Sunandi De Wet says:

    1He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

  119. Elizabeth Cartwright says:

    I used to read this psalm a lot during my 20’s because I struggled with severe anxiety. I don’t deal with that much anymore because of the things that God has brought me through. Right now though, things are scary, but all those lines about being protected from plague and pestilence are not just a metaphor. For us they’re very real right now, but whatever the result God will bring us through. It’s just about holding on to that peace that’s offered in Him, counting on Him to supply our needs rather that’s rest, entertainment for our kids, or even an extra roll of toilet paper and some hand sanitizer. We’re not in this alone.

    1. Ashley Liddiard says:


  120. Valerie Latson says:

    God is my refuge and protection. He has his angels camped around me and family during these trying times. He is awesome and a great God. I trust in HIM more then anything in this sinful world. This too shall pass!!!

  121. Diane Googins says:

    I love the (and read it again and agin) the 2-4th verse most in this Psalm. Verse 3 in the NLT version says, “For He will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. This part just keeps me steady in the moment. I can rest in this.. under His wing. The nation has gone made, sickness spurs fear and the trap of politics and media is always on the forefront but my refuge is in the Almighty. Woah.. this brings such a peace to my soul. Amen. I painted a water color piece of me under His wing. It was a good week of pressing into the love of Jesus.

  122. Dani Maglalang says:

    The Lord is my refuge! He is and always will, nothing is greater than our God, even when we think there is no more hope, that will never be true with the presence of God, He never fails us and he never will. Everytime there is a problem that we are facing we should think that when we see least God is doing the most. We just need to see something that is least for us to be closer to Him, how can we know if He’s a way maker if we never needed a way made right? Praise the Lord. Amen.

  123. Sarah Menckowski says:

    This is the exact message l needed during these trying times. I am a nurse and being on the frontlines of this pandemic is mentally and physically exhausting. I know l am safe in Gods arms.

    1. Czarina Jimenez says:

      Keeping you in my prayers!

  124. Elizabeth Villela says:

    Thank you Lord for being my refuge, my hiding place and my source of comfort and peace. Let us continue to dwell in your presence and in your holy and comforting word. May it continue to illuminate my path and my mind. Amen

  125. Rafaela Krüger says:

    Being quarantined has been taxing on my mental health because all I read and hear everywhere is covid-19 this or that and whenever I was experiencing anxiety I’d go to a coffee shop or hang out with a friend and I can’t do that right now for obvious reasons. I had just started going to church this January and those gatherings have also been taken away from us, but I think I downloaded this app right on time. The psalms are essential in this moment I’m in.

  126. Rafaela Krüger says:

    Being quarantined

  127. Eunhee Kim says:

    knowing that i’m the safest under God’s arms is the assurance and comfort i need in this time. nothing can take away my shelter from God.

  128. Lexi Foley says:

    When we hold fast to the Lord, continuing in steadfast faith, He delivers us and saves us. Giving us a sanctuary where nothing can touch us that He does not allow. We shall fear nothing, for our Lord in heaven is with us ❤️

  129. Lauren Coury says:

    [soph ladies] the fact that God comes and saves us in the midst of our trials rather than saving us from these trials speaks volumes on how much He loves us. he allows us to go through trials so that we may better understand who He is and the hope we have in Him as well as ultimately glorifying Him through the testing of our faith.

  130. Emily Adcock says:

    Thank God for His mercy and love! Throughout all generations His mercy shines.

  131. Stephanie Isbell says:

    The tempter quoted v11-12 to Jesus (the living Word of God) when it’s pretty clear he didnt read the whole thing. The next verse states clearly the trampling of the lion/serpent that points directly at him, the tempter! Ha! Reading for comprehension is pretty key if you’re going to use Gods Word like a weapon. I had forgotten that detail and it makes me smile, the greatness of our God to shame the enemy in that way. Jesus won. Despite the twisting of words and the suffering and the threats…Jesus won. Easter is sweet because the enemy/our enemy is defeated. The lion and serpent lost. Lost its grip. Lost me. Lost everything and we are promised to see the winner-Jesus come in power. Hallelujah! These dark days…the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that will be revealed in us…because Jesus wins. Hallelujah!

  132. Bobbie Marbury says:

    Seems almost as if this passage was made for us and for this time. Such a great reminder that pain and sorrow are inevitable, but God will carry us. My heart aches for all of us as Covid-19 wreaks havoc. I need to come back to this passage repeatedly and share it with others.

  133. Courtney Brucks says:

    This plan is exactly what my heart needs right now.

  134. Jennifer Couture says:

    “You will not fear…the pestilence that stalks in the darkness…,” take refuge in the Lord, my sisters. Come what may, you will not fear!

  135. Sydney Pape says:

    Gives me so much peace and comfort after reading the horrible ways COVID-19 is effecting people.

  136. Jamekia Bandoo says:

    God protects and comforts us “in trouble”.

  137. Addy Goodman says:

    Thinking about all the references to disease here…especially during this pandemic of COVID-19. And while the Lord doesn’t promise protection from it, he promises to be our dwelling place and be our answer to desperate prayers. This disease won’t come near us…our relationship with him and our eternal promises!

    1. Abby Clark says:

      thank you for this!!

  138. macy s says:

    we are forever safe when we are with Him!!

  139. Sabrina Gerrity says:

    Clarity in scripture brings peace. It’s reassuring to know God walks with us in the trials and promises to be our refuge and strength. It’s too often either we or others misinterpret/misunderstand/ or falsely accept a non truth, but when our mind/heart/& spirit collide with the life in scripture it’s freeing! All glory honor and praise to the Lord.

  140. Keva Richardson says:

    Amen. I struggle with anxiety, which is exacerbated by my current job. But I can take refuge knowing that nothing or no one can harm me as God is my protector. He’s got my back! Not only that, he’s blessed me with great friends and family who also love and affirm me. Thank you God for loving me, please remove all the nervousness and feelings of loss of control from my life. I also pray that you put me in the right place for the right opportunity. God, thank you in advance! I know you got this!

  141. Q T says:

    Thanks be to God. He knows exactly what I need. I needed this series in my life to calm my anxiety and I stumbled upon this plan. God is always there.

  142. Valeria Perdomo says:

    Thank you Lord for being my refuge in this storm ❤️✨

  143. Krista Shook says:

    God is our ever present help in the midst of trouble. His promises have not failed if I experience difficulties or suffering. He is the one who walks with me and shelters me and comforts me and strengthens me in the midst of trouble. I don’t have to fear because no matter where I go or what happens, he goes with me.

  144. Kami Galvin says:

    I love the “I will” statements made by His at the end of our reading this morning. It is amazing when the Scriptures off up these Rock solid promises. We have to see the promises as we commune with Him and then HOLDFAST to them. Because HE WILL do what He said He would do.

  145. Nekwaya NalityeIileka says:

    I lost my brother 3 months ago, whilst living on the other side of the world from my family, since then I’ve had this fear every time I get a call from home… last night as I walked from work I felt anxious and I started praying, and for the first time I changed my prayer, not for one where the fear of pain is taken away, but one where our faithful God will get me through the pain and will shelter me through it. Then this morning I read this, I am so comforted and am so encouraged❤️

  146. Emma P says:

    This is so comforting. I have the same experience of growing up being a afraid that something horrible would happen to me or my loved ones (anyone else an enneagram 6?). I’m so joyful that even though we live in a world where we will inevitably meet pain and suffering, God is faithful and good. The knowledge of His faithfulness and goodness is such a huge comfort. It is also comforting and incredible to think about the fact that He understands our suffering first hand, because of His boundless love for us in becoming human and taking on our sins to die and rise again.

  147. Sara Valdez Hoffer says:

    Praise you Lord!!! Thank you for being my refuge through this storm!!!!

  148. Erin Perkins says:

    I struggle so much with this concept of suffering. Not only for my circumstances so far, but also for people who suffer unimaginable things.

  149. Abigail Gaskins says:

    i once read a devotion similar to this that reminded us that even david did not pray for deliverance FROM the trail but for strength THRU the trial. trials and storms are in our lives to bring us closer to God. so make Him your refuge THRU it

  150. Ashley W says:

    Perfect to read after an earthquake in LA

  151. Michelle OBrien says:

    Amen! ❤️

  152. Michelle Chen says:

    15When he calls to me, I will answer him;
    I will be with him in trouble;
    I will rescue him and honor him.

    2I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.”
    – remembering and repeating this today

  153. Suz Smit says:

    Beautiful psalm. When I travel and the plane is about to take off, I always read Psalm 91:11 ❤️

  154. Ale Evans says:


  155. Molly Gilbane says:

    What a beautiful message. I particularly loved this part: “Psalm 91 does so beautifully what the whole of scripture does: it paints a picture of our hopeless existence apart from God and it beckons us into the fullness of life in relationship with Him.” How full and abundant our lives could be if only we made the decision to follow Him. To seek shelter under His wings. God— you are my refuge and my strength. Thank you for remaining ever-faithful and providing a protective shield around myself and my family. We give You all the praise!

  156. Courtney Gaddis says:

    I loved this! It was such an encouragement to me today!

  157. Susan Crosby says:

    A wonderful reminder that GOD will save us in the storm not from the storm❤️

  158. Victoria Johnson says:

  159. Simone Smiley says:


  160. Fran Parker says:


  161. Lauren Copple says:


  162. alexis hargis says:

    This was a very good blog post. I love the explanation of what this chapter means versus how we hear it.

  163. Jennifer Ekwonye says:

    I loved reading this today. I cry out to God when I feel scared or anxious, and He just comforts me. I have nothing to fear when the Lord of Armies is here.

  164. haleigh nix says:

    very nice way of putting that subject, good job! thank you!

  165. Valarie Alred says:

    This is something I ask daily. for protection. At home when I am alone and scared of everything, to going into family member’s homes that make me uneasy, or a bad environment at work. I pray through all these things.

  166. Cordelia M says:

    Sometimes, strange as it seems, the protection I ask from God isn’t always the protection I need, and I am thankful that He knows and as I have refuge in Him I must trust Him always.

  167. Emmy Cz says:

    I needed this message today. Nothing seemed to be going my way, today was a dark day. It is a reminder that God is my protector and my shield. We must go through the dark in order to appreciate the light. God never leaves us alone in the dark. He is our light and our guide!! Thank you Lord for being our shepherd and our savior!

  168. Avis DeniseGraves says:


  169. Erica Kenna says:

    What struck me about this scripture was this, how often have I asked for God’s protection? Not that I won’t face trials and difficulty but God will protect the one he loves. Whether in spirit or physically! He is our refuge and he is our protector. Praying that into our lives is an act of faith and belief in the power of God to protect and keep us!

  170. Autumn says:

    I’m very grateful for this reading today. I too, and still as an adult, have fear of storms and loud noises. I’m actually experiencing anxiety today due to weather, so this was a timely reminder. The idea that God loves me enough to send his angels to protect me is comforting.

  171. Kristin Ryman says:

    I needed to soak in this today!! I not only have the protection of the most high God, but I also have the access to dwell in his presence. He is surrounding me. And HIS faithfulness (not my own) !!!! —-> his faithfulness will be a protective shield for ME! I constantly need to remind myself of this!

  172. Lourdes Nunez says:

    Amen !!!!

  173. Emily Rehm says:

    Reminded me again of psalm 23… that we walk THROUGH the valley of darkness. Not dwell in it or camp out in it or try to figure out our way out of it in our own strength. He is with us, he rescues us in it, though the darkness WILL come, we are not abandoned. Thank you Jesus for your promises!

    1. Jessica BellinoKent says:

      Sometimes it’s really hard to remember that we walk through it, not camp out there. I need to remember this the next time I’m in a valley of darkness.

    2. Ashley Dunmire says:

      So much truth in this! Knowing and staying in scripture will help us remember and dwell in this truth when we are in the valley!

    3. Jennifer Ekwonye says:

      I love reading Psalm 23! I always read it whenever I feel anxious

  174. Kari says:

    Hi! I’m super confused by the quote:
    “The devil wants us to think that God’s promises have failed if he lets us suffer. But the psalm later clarifies that God will save us ‘in trouble’ and not from it.” In other words, we do not need a refuge from the quiet, the sadness, brokenness, and pain; we need a refuge from the storm that is inevitably coming”
    Seems more like that quote is saying we will get into sadness and pain, and then God will save us out of it. Not that he will stop sadness and pain and storms from coming to us like SRT is suggesting. Rather that he will save us when we are “in trouble” and NOT focus so much on preventing us from every getting into the storms–backwards of what SRT wrote. Any help would be great!

    1. Aurora Culver says:

      I indeed think that’s what the writer was trying to convey. SRT was addressing that exact thing- that the Psalm is not saying God will help us avoid trouble, but will be with us in it and through it, keeping us safe.

      So I think you saw the initial read correctly in the Psalm! SRT’s writing was more for anyone who saw the verse and thought God would prevent trouble from happening.

  175. Clara Cowden says:


  176. Samantha Theobald says:

    I needed this Truth again today. So good to know just because trouble is here doesn’t mean we’re not close to god or that we made a wrong decision it’s expected, pain is part of it. Doubt can make me believe that when I’m suffering I didn’t follow him or made a wrong decision. Those are lies. It’s opportunity to lean into him during that time.

    1. Kristy Ottesen says:

      Yes! Such good truth to remember! I struggle with that my sin or my lack of doing something is the reason I am going through something but I need to remember that hard times are just part of life. Thank you for this!

  177. Naomi Shields says:

    Psalm 34:18 and 2 Corinthians 1:3-5

  178. Kyrie Thomas says:

    Love the part where it says God will help us through trouble not save us from it. Also when the bible says God won’t give you what you can’t handle He means as long as He helps you. With God we can handle everything but not alone.

  179. Cléa Turner says:

    I loved this!! I learnt that no matter what that God is with me. Just because I am going through troubled time – life in a sinful world – that He is with me and will save me IN trouble.

    I think that is a common misconception and belief that God will save us FROM trouble and place us in a bubble away from the world. But he places us in this world to shine a light for him, and the only way we can do that in this dark world is to be in the midst of the world, in the trouble, and know that he will bring us out.

  180. Jessica Smith says:

    God saves us IN trouble and not FROM it. Such a good reminder that he has not abandoned us when troubles come- he is there with us in the midst.

  181. Heather Hull says:

    I went to a church that sang this Psalm and it helped me remember it! I love to sing it and remember that I have a strong God protecting me!

  182. Natasha R says:

    God saves us IN trouble, not FROM it. This is so good! I will have to walk through the valley of darkness, but God walks with me. And he guides me to the final destination – safety and salvation.

  183. Sheila says:

    I am 58 and still afraid. I read these verses knowing that HE is not promising me a life free of trouble. Therefore, I have not been able to rest in them–not completely anyway. I want the peace that HE is offering but just haven’t been able to get there knowing it is not “if” but “when”. It is like waiting for the next shoe to drop and fearing whether it is today. I can’t say today is a good day until midnight each day because anything can happen. At 58, I thought I would be able to get this like I am suppose to by now.

  184. Lee Gaar says:

    Susie O,
    I’ve been married 32 years. My husband continues to struggle with his addiction to porn. It is a source of great frustration to him as he feels hopeless to be victorious over it. I will pray for you two.

    1. Susie O says:

      Thank you Lee. I need the prayers. Yesterday was a horrific, dark day for me. I am only beginning to understand the depth and breadth of his betrayals. We are high school sweethearts and have been together almost 38 years. I truly thought I need him deeply and fully.

  185. Lacey Dickson says:

    Susie, I am lifting you up in prayer, you and your family. Addiction can be devastating to families no matter what the addiction is. I serve on the leadership team at my church for our recovery group and I have heard so many stories and walked with so many women through similar situations. I have been in your similar situation. I will be lifting you up in prayer. I don’t know if it’s okay to talk about here, but our recovery program is called Celebrate Recovery and it is a Christ centered 12 step program for people to find hope and healing from life’s hurts, habits, and hang ups; and it has changed my life. This is not just a ministry for people struggling with addiction. It’s for Andy one struggling with anything, co-dependency, anger, depression, anxiety, control, grief……the list goes on. If you feel led to, I recommend seeing if there is one in your area. I can tel you God never wastes a hurt, and what the enemy has meant for evil, God will use it for good.

  186. Chelsea DoulaHansen says:

    I literally just saw a post on FB right before I did my Devo, about Shadrach, Meshach and Abenego – And it said it said “it’s not about God stopping all the things that look bad – it’s about Who is in there with you.” WOO! Talk about instant confirmation in this reading. God is good!

  187. AnneLyn P says:

    Susie. Thank you for sharing so we can pray for you as you walk this difficult journey.

  188. Kaitlin Johnson says:

    Grateful for *this* tribe of women who will pray for and lift up one another across demographics, time zones, seasons of life, etc. Susie O., Klemmie, and everyone reading this Psalm today, may you dwell in his love and feel his strength in the middle of the storm.

  189. Klemmie Majamba says:

    This must be hard Susie. I pray that you don’t give up on God. And that you find rest and peace in Him. Love you!

  190. Klemmie Majamba says:

    I’m fighting addiction. This reminds me that God is faithful and even when temptation strikes in. I should hold on to God and He will deliver me. v.15. He will be with me and Deliver me. I should just dwell in Him. v.1 and call on Him. v.15. God is good. I love the way He speaks to me and always is waiting for me. I pray that we all find rest in Him in times of trouble

    1. Susie O says:

      I’m praying for you.

  191. Faith Dell says:

    God is so powerful and often times I forget that. This is a great reminder of that. What they said about the devil wanting us to think that God failed us is so accurate, and I’ve never thought of it like that. God tells us that there will be trouble and he can’t always save us from that. The devil has a plan for us but God has an even greater one. He is more powerful than we will ever comprehend.

  192. Jennifer Wing says:

    What helpful thoughts to wrestle through the beauty of the psalm and the hard realities of suffering.

  193. Susan Merritt says:

    I am so sorry. I can’t even imagine what you feel right now. Stay strong and know God has felt your struggles when he Atoned for the sins of the world. He knows exactly what you feel this very moment.

  194. Sonya McGinnissCribbs says:

    Sorry to post again. Was there a book with this study?

    1. Bekah Worth says:

      There wasn’t a book with this study. It’s just on the website and here on the app.

  195. Rebekah Watson says:

    Wow, this really lifted my Spirit. I am definitely one of those who is scared of everything. My soul is well knowing that no matter what God is with me.

  196. Bianca M. says:

    One of my favorite Psalms that has encouraged me over the years and even today! Much needed!! ❤️

  197. Kelly Z says:

    If you search ‘Psalm 91’ on YouTube there is a video of this psalm sung pretty much word for word by a lady called Esther Mui. It’s beautiful and really helpful if you want to learn this psalm by heart :)

  198. Audrey Flores says:

    He is so good!! I am His and He is mine… thanks be to Him

  199. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that God is always with us, and he is still in control even when bad things happen. I so want to be in control and be able to follow a formula so that bad things won’t happen, but as the author of our devotional mentioned, those formulas don’t always work. Sometimes bad thing still happen even when we have done everything right.

  200. Cristina Higgins says:

    Susie O, you are surround and protected by your tribes prayers. We are lifting you up to God.. you are never, ever alone.

    1. Susie O says:

      Hearing that you all are praying for me means so much more than you can possibly know.

  201. Ashley White says:

    So good

  202. Mari V says:

    Praying for you Susie!!!

  203. Valerie PaytonWhite says:

    This is my word for 2020 DWELL. I want to daily dwell in his presence

    1. Cristina Higgins says:

      Thank you Valerie! Wonderful, precise, and uplifting word.

  204. Melissa Graves says:

    Susie, I am praying for you. ❤️

  205. El Yellin says:

    wow wow wow He is so good. He will save us IN the trouble. no circumstance is too much for Him. He has us in His loving and precious and protective hands.

  206. Megan Anderson says:

    Covering you in prayer now

  207. Rachel says:

    In thinking about the idea of God saving us in-not-from trouble it reminded me of a counselor I had one time who asked me (when talking about fear) “is God big enough for your worst case scenario?” Trouble is a guarantee. But so is God’s presence in it. Praises be.

    1. Holly Wright says:

      What a good question to ask! Thanks for passing it on Rachel.

    2. Andrea P says:


    3. Betsy Van Noord says:

      Love this! ❤️ Thanks for sharing Rachel. Such a great a great question.

    4. Michele Cole says:

      That’s powerful. Thank you for sharing.

    5. Tanja Maroon says:


    6. Lauren Moran says:

      Thanks for sharing this Rachel! Love that outlook! I’ll be repeating that phrase! ❤️

    7. Abigail Sumption says:

      That’s true – he holds it all.

  208. Mari V says:

    So comforting to know that whatever life brings us, you and I. Our God, our Protecter is right beside us walking this journey with us. I stand on His promises that He will never leave us nor forsake us. I’ve been a recipient of that
    over and over again.
    Even when it’s scary.

    1. Susie O says:


      1. GramsieSue . says:

        Susie, I can only imagine your devastation. So heartbreaking. But God….
        I am so glad He prodded you to SRT. We truly are family and we love you. God alone knows what your future holds.
        He is with you.
        He will carry you.
        He will comfort you.
        He will be your refuge.
        And as sisters, we will lift you in prayer.
        Every minute. Every hour. Every day.
        I hope you can feel His arms holding you.
        Hugs to you. ❤️

  209. Lyndsey Nightengal says:

    Through my trials and despair my God has reminded that he is there to give comfort and grace in those times of difficulties. He never leaves us or forsakes us.

  210. Erin Stanczyk says:

    I love the visualization I get of the Lord sending his angels to protect me!

    1. Mari V says:


  211. Alexis says:

    I’ve always loved verses 14-16 in this psalm; I’ve always pictured God speaking directly to me:
    14 “Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him;
    I will protect him, because he knows my name.
    15 When he calls to me, I will answer him;
    I will be with him in trouble;
    I will rescue him and honor him.
    16 With long life I will satisfy him
    and show him my salvation

  212. Malvina Levkovich says:

    What a beautiful reminder this morning, thank you Jesus!

  213. Dawn says:

    Such a great reading for today’s world ! The struggle is hard everyday to find the good in people and not just focus on all the bad that’s happening . We all need God more than ever and I thank God everyday that my children have been spreading the word in their everyday life ! I never imagined that they will come to love and serve God as I always hoped they would ! God is great

  214. Elizabeth Gentry says:

    My husband is a newly graduated police officer. I worry every single day about him. Today’s reading really reminded my of His promises.

  215. Ingrid LeMunyon says:

    What a moment of calm and center for this morning. Thank you and Praise you Lord and the truth of your word. My Refuge in a time of struggle.

  216. Laura Reimer says:

    Can so relate to much of this devotion. That place of surrender when you realize it was never meant to be a magic charm to keep me safe but a promise that He is with me and He does hold me together through it all. Precious. Thank you

    1. Susie O says:


  217. Skylar Jutte says:

    God is good! Right before I read this I took my dog out for his morning walk. My seasonal depression has been in full swing lately and I prayed to God and asked for his strength. Then I come inside and read this! Thank you God! A big Amen this morning!

    1. Susan Merritt says:

      What do you think helps you when you feel this way? I believe I have the same problem.

  218. Kara says:

    I’ve directly experienced suffering that leads to refinement, as well as the protection He provides in the eye of the storm. The devil wants us to believe we are blessed when things are easy. Sometimes that’s true, but oftentimes we prop up these worldly things as a marker for a “well lived life.”

    A pastor of mine said he wants to get to the end of his life like a football player giving everything on the field: bruised and battered but full of joy for giving everything he had to the game. proud of the scars. 100% assured of his belonging on the team and with the pride of the coach. I like that analogy!

  219. Jill Banks says:

    So beautiful! Thank you Lord!

  220. Churchmouse says:

    Our son-in-law is active duty military and I pray Psalm 91 every day with him in mind. The dangers he faces are unimaginable to me. This Psalm gives me comfort and assurance because as a believer he is watched over by our loving and faithful God. We do not always know where he is but God does. We trust him to His care.

  221. Amie Fleming says:

    I love the clarification that God doesn’t promise to save us “from” trouble, but “in” trouble.

    1. Nancy Singleton says:

      This was my mother’s favorite Psalm, especially during her 4 year battle with cancer. It brought her great comfort & peace.

  222. Ashley Roberts says:

    The most assuring thing is “ I WILL BE WITH HIM IN TROUBLE”, the key word is “in trouble” meaning, in this life, there is trouble. Serving God, walking with Him does not mean trouble will never occur, but His promise is He will be the IN it and where GOD is, nothing can consume, trouble cannot overtake!

  223. Kelly Chataine says:

    God is so good! God is so great! Who are we that the One True Mighty God would notice us. We are His beloved and precious ones!

  224. Shawn Parks says:

    I tend to think that when I don’t feel the closeness of God, He is also experiencing that distance between us. I forget that He is constant and unchanging. I am reminded that I cannot measure the depth of His love for me. In verses 14 through 16 I was nudged to reread but replace “He” and “him” with my own name. When I call out, He is ALWAYS right there. He doesn’t have to get to me. He is with me. He hears me. He is my salvation because Mighty God loves even me!