The Lord Is Just

Open Your Bible

Psalm 92:1-15

On Saturday afternoons in autumn, one of my favorite things to do is find a hearty stew recipe, throw open the windows, and stream a great playlist of folk music. I once heard someone say that beauty will save the world. I don’t know if this is true, but I fully believe that savoring the beauty in life attunes our attention to God’s goodness. It can help alleviate the darkness pressing in around us by offering a parting of the clouds—a heightened glimpse of light and hope. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I know my life can always use an extra reminder that God is working behind the scenes.

Psalm 92 is said to be a song for the Sabbath. It’s a declaration of God’s justice (v.15) and His faithful love both in the morning and at night (v.2). We need songs like this, songs of Scripture, to bury inside us and remind us what’s true. This way, on an afternoon that doesn’t feel very beautiful, we can sing the song that declares God is just and advocating on our behalf for the rightness of all things. When we meditate on these songs, our hope is restored. And we can find rest again.

In this psalm, we see a lot of interesting metaphors drawn from the natural world to describe the characteristics of the righteous person. Though the wicked “sprout like grass” (v.7), the righteous will thrive like “a palm tree” or a “cedar tree in Lebanon” (v.12). The righteous are planted in the Lord like roots of a tree and will live a fruitful life, becoming “healthy and green” (vv.13–14). These arborous metaphors symbolize—and prophesy about—the vibrancy of life hidden in Christ and the nourishment He gives us, just like water and sunshine to a plant. As we pursue a life of righteousness, our legacy becomes this anthem of God’s faithfulness, declaring “the LORD is just; he is my rock” (v.15).

I love how many layers are woven into this psalm. At first glance, we’re told it’s a song to accompany our Sabbath rest. But in reading the lines of verse, we detect the heartbeat behind it: a desire for all things to be made right. The only reason to declare God as “just” is if you’ve been touched by injustice and, by doing so, participate in an act of rebellion against it.

You’ve probably heard the truism: “All shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.” It was Julian of Norwich who first said it. She was an English woman who lived a solitary life devoted to God during the Middle Ages. Psalm 92 is the undercurrent to her words. They look ahead to a time when the fullness of God’s justice will have its reign on earth, even as we usher in kingdom wholeness today.

We can find true rest in the knowledge that God is just; there is “no unrighteousness in Him” (v.15). But He also chooses to partner with us in confronting the injustices of the world. Oh Lord, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

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150 thoughts on "The Lord Is Just"

  1. Jennifer Broussard says:

    God is just! And for that, I am thankful!❤️

  2. Emily Perkins says:

    Dear God, thank you for being there for us. For being just and good and helping us see the light in the dark. Please dear God, open my heart and mind and help me be reminded of your goodness each and every day. Amen!

  3. Michelle Smith says:

    May I trust You Lord even when I can’t see the answer and the how seems hopeless.

  4. Lauren Jones says:

    Lord I pray that in times of uncertainty I will lean on the understanding that you are just. Amen.

  5. Robyn Hume says:

    Thank you Lord, that You are just and true. Even when circumstances seem unfair around me, your justice prevails in the end.

  6. Khloe Wiegers says:

    “He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him!”

  7. Hilary Curneal says:

    Such a beautiful reminder that our God is here to help teach us, grow with us, and keep us by his side. As long as I am devoted to becoming more and more in love with him in my righteousness then God will bless me with abundance.

  8. Katherine Elizabeth says:

    Rest is not just physical but also spiritual. Practise gratitude daily, remembering God is good and just!

  9. Kimberly Z says:

    Busy. A year ago our lives were so different! @SARAH D. Happy birthday!! I hope your shadowing goes well again tomorrow! Praying hard for you! @HEIDI as much as it feels like taking less classes is a set back to your degree it’s definitely not! Easier said when you’re not the one in that position. Being a mom is a full time gig and any time you add other stuff on top of it that’s a lot! You’re a great example to your kids. Praying for all of you this weekend. @RHONDA J. love that we both were on the same page with the faithfulness in the morning and at night. Such a great reminder! I was feeling guiltily I wasn’t able to read first thing this morning until I read that.

  10. Kimberly Z says:

    2 to declare your steadfast love in the morning,
    and your faithfulness by night, – Psalms 92:2 love this reminder. Today and this week in general have been busy busy days! On top my regular job I sell furniture on the side. I had a set of patio chairs go out yesterday and a bench today. I also took some time to make my friend some baby blankets and hooded towels for her baby shower. On top of that I’m also going out of town this weekend so I can’t seem to get ahead of regular every day tasks. While this could be annoying for me I just feel really blessed to have these things to keep my

  11. Sue Dalos says:

    SARAH D. Happy Birthday!! Sounds like you have had a wonderful day. ❤️

  12. Cee Gee says:

    HEIDI – So good to hear from you! I love what you said about rest and agree with you there. On altering your goal – that is not a sign of defeat at all. You are such an inspiration!

    SARAH D – HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Glad your observation went well and hope you enjoy the rest of your special day!

  13. Heidi says:

    SARAH D- that’s amazing! so glad you enjoyed it! and HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! ♥️ I hope it’s the best!

    hope tomorrow’s visit goes just as well! :)

  14. Rhonda J. says:

    Happy Happy Birthday Sarah!! Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day, and glad you had fun at school observing!!

  15. Sarah D. says:

    Hi ladies!! Praying for you @Heidi, I’m sure it is a lot. You can do it!!
    Just came back from my first observation, it went well!! Was really great to see teachers and the students in person. Going tomorrow as well to see some of the mid-upper elementary grades. Today is also my birthday, so it was nice to have some time off and do something different!! Thankful for you all, thank you for praying for me as I find out what God has for me next. Praying I would trust him and follow his lead.

  16. Heidi says:

    I needed to read today that I can thrive and grow and produce good fruit. My heart, my focus, my everything has got to be submitted to Him and in that I will thrive.

    It has for sure been a season of “surviving”. From moving out, to not moving in where expected, to a lot of back and forth in plans, getting behind, ins and outs of all of our things being in storage, along with all of “regular” life still going on. I’ve struggled so much and I’m so. tired. Yesterday was kind of a breakdown day. I want to stay on a certain degree path I put myself on to complete everything in 2 years but now I’m not seeing if that is possible. THAT realization is very hard for me. I have been questioning my registration schedule this summer (taking 3 classes) and how I will struggle being present for anyone, continuing on this schedule. I told God yesterday, “I just need a break…I need SOMETHING to just STOP.” Part of the issue to is that May is so unbelievably tough if you have school-aged kids. And having 3 of them, one of them graduation elementary school, there is just something always going on. In addition, I am on PTO board and I’m room-parent for my 2 elementary kids. End of year is just insane… Anyway – my point – I’m just tired. I decided today to drop 2 of my 3 classes while I could still get a refund for them. I know the initial reaction is “way to go, that was wise” but it is NOT how I feel. I’m struggling feeling like a failure bc I couldn’t keep up. I’m making my degree-path longer. I set out with a goal and now i’m changing it and that is a very difficult thing for me to accept. Reading the last part of today’s Scripture – The righteous THRIVE like a palm tree; they THRIVE in the courts of our God; they STILL bear fruit, HEALTHY and GREEN. That’s what I want – to be healthy, thriving, bearing fruit. Really pray I can get there.

  17. Heidi says:

    POSTING THIS FIRST… I had this written out for yesterday but it was such a crazy one-thing-after-another day I didn’t get to finish…

    SARAH D: can’t wait to hear how the shadow-days go and if you still feel it is a good space for you!

    SEARCHING: if you post on “Mark” let her know we are praying for her support, energy, rest, and strength with such a difficult season for both she and her husband.

    CEE-GEE: hope your topical study is going well! I love that – He is already there! HA! THANKFUL FOR THAT TRUTH!!!!!!

    This week I’d hoped for a week of “rest” and it is looking differently than expected. Needing to remind myself rest doesn’t always mean being still – or getting to do whatever I want to – but stopping striving, stopping worrying, fully trusting that my minutes are His and He has yet to stop providing for any of His children. Struggling with that today as I feel like I’m just trying to “get through” and I really don’t like that…

  18. Cee Gee says:

    SEARCHING – I’m still working on the practice of praise, too, and I am thankful that God knows my heart even without ‘the right words/phrases’.

    Thanksgiving, praise, and telling of the GOODNESS of GOD – all such worthy actions. It was very powerful to really picture the singing and worship in the temple. We read so often of the bloody, gory practice of sacrifice, but there was JOY and HONOR in the temple as well; this read was a great reminder of that.

    At least 2 times today we read of strength: the horn and the cedar. Such a beautiful Psalm.

    Hard to believe this week is almost over. I am looking forward so much to all of us being back together for Amos next week!

  19. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    The news of today in this world is most discouraging. The evil ones seem to literally get away with murder. Those trying to do right are punished and on and on it goes. But God. To read today’s scripture brings hope to a hopeless world and hopeless situations. Evil doers will forever be destroyed and the righteous will flourish like a palm tree. I give praise and thanks to our God Most High this morning – that He is just, and He is my rock! May that put a song in my heart and praise on my lips. God is good, He is so, so good – Amen! “All shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.”

    Happy Thursday to all my SRT sisters, may God richly bless your day!

  20. Rhonda J. says:

    Faithful LOVE, in the morning and at night! What a joy to know! He will never quit on us! It is so enlightening to know such wisdom! He will not abandon us, he will not forsake! When the waves come, when the darkness overshadows! Actually, Brandon Lake is singing right now- the love of my savior…His love is greater than my sin! “Greater Still.” Great song…it will go to the top of my playlist this week to stretch and praise to!!

    Prayers for your requests my faithful She’s!!

  21. Searching says:

    This psalm reminds us to praise the Lord (an ongoing challenge for me), to be thankful, that He is just and the successful wrongdoers will punished (their success has confounded people that work toward doing the right thing since the beginning of time), that the Lord is our Rock, the righteous will ultimately be rewarded (flourish/thrive) and we will praise His name forever.

    Lifting up AIMEE ROGERS & her husband in prayer (posted on Kingdom of God study yesterday).

  22. Saron Mamo says:


  23. Hannah Lowe says:


  24. Brittany Brooks says:


  25. Jeanne Marie Kritschey says:


  26. Axie Tomasi says:

    Yes, Lord. You’re doing all things for good.

  27. Esther Flowers says:

    I love this chapter because it reminds me that God does bless us when we follow Him, but it’s difficult for me to remember that life when following God does not get easier by any means. There is still so much suffering as a Christian and I have to remind myself that God uses my suffering to bless me. Blessings come at a price.

  28. Leah Atkins says:

    How great are your works Lord!

  29. Leah Atkins says:

    How great are your works Lord!

  30. Lizzy Butterfield says:

    I needed this reminder today

  31. Shay Cicenas says:


  32. Adriana Perez says:

    Amen, God is good and without him we are nothing.

  33. Abby Claire says:


  34. Kim Perez says:

    Amazing words! God is so good! <3

  35. Amanda Clark says:


  36. Autumn Scott says:


  37. McKenzie Vaughn says:

    I needed this so much today

  38. Hollie Toews says:


  39. Morgan Hibbs says:

    Sometimes it is hard to see but what a good reminder that God is just and he always has our back.

  40. Ariel Martinez says:


  41. Helen Yu says:

    Thank God for His words!

  42. Shekainah Obad says:


  43. Ellie Macris says:

    Wow. Just what I needed today.

  44. Cally Boyd says:


  45. Tina Carrlll says:


  46. Laken Marshall says:


  47. Rachel Blessum says:

    I love the image of seeking beauty on autumn Saturday afternoons by making stew while listening to music. These moments of beauty make me feel closer to the Lord.

  48. Elizabeth Villela says:

    Your steadfast love in the morning and your faithfulness by night oh God! Let us always bear fruit even in old age. Let us remain rooted and upright in you lord.

  49. Amy Grace Duncan says:

    Today I was struck by the fact that God keeps everything in motion so well. The fact that we all woke up this morning means that God kept our bodies working while we were sleeping, he has given us food and water and shelter, and we were safe and healthy another day. God is so much more present in our lives that we acknowledge. He is keeping us at peace every moment!

  50. Jenna Tyson says:


  51. Sharon Jayaseelan says:

    Thank you Lord

  52. Alison Wilding says:

    Such a timely word ❤️

  53. Noelle Durham says:

    I honestly forgot that God was in control, this has been a beautiful reminder. Thank you❤️

  54. Lisa Gray-Piper says:

    Thank You for being a just God.

  55. Sheila Joiner says:

    Thank you for this reminder today. We live in a deeply unjust world that breaks my heart most days. BUT our God is just! So thankful for that.

  56. L Z. says:

    God is just !

  57. Gina Tank says:


  58. Mary Ramsey-Harger says:

    Amazing devotional. How just God really is and patient with us ❤️

  59. Emma Smith says:

    Vibrancy of life hidden in Christ

  60. Kenia Arevalo says:

    God, You’re so good ❤️

  61. Chris Pennington says:


  62. Heidi Young says:


  63. Brittany Peeler says:


  64. Alana Callender says:

    Will be savoring in God’s beauty today and forever more ✨❤️❤️

  65. Heidi Young says:

    I have been struggling with feeling like I am not enough today and hearing this made me feel much better. God is just and he is good!!

    1. mckenzie helmuth says:

      You are enough through Christ!

  66. Alison Smith-Rawson says:

    As a new mother, I find myself craving rest. This Psalm helped me refocus on God. It reminded me that true rest is found in Him. He is merciful and just! My world is often spinning and I am anxious because of evil & injustice in our world; BUT God remains good. He is my redeemer, I am at peace in Him.

  67. Leahlou Abellanosa says:

    Praying for you, Claire! God is working for You. Partner with Him.

  68. Hope Roth says:

    This calmed me down

  69. Natalia T says:

    “beauty will save the world.” praise the LORD that he is all things BEAUTIFUL, good, true, loving, and EVERLASTING.

  70. Dawn Kang says:

    The reminder of a just God who partners with us to fight injustice is a real need right now.

  71. Morgan Shipley says:

    God is just and his love faithful! ♥️

  72. Kathy Johnson says:

    To declare God’s love every morning and live out of that love all day only to look back at the end of the day and be able to see fingerprints of His faithfulness all day long, that is a good picture of a life lived with God at the center. :)

  73. Sarah Minton says:

    Sometimes it’s hard for me to really relate and apply scripture to my life and understanding of God. But the devotional really helped me thank you so much.

  74. Hayley Walker says:

    Thanks for the time and energy and prayer you have put into these studies! A really gift

  75. Diane Googins says:

    The devotion written along with this amazing Word in 92 was priceless!

  76. Paige Spoelstra says:

    great for right now!

  77. Reece Thompson says:

    Grow and be beautiful where you are planted!!!

  78. Czarina Jimenez says:

    11My eyes look at my enemies;
    when evildoers rise against me,
    my ears hear them.

    10You have lifted up my horn
    like that of a wild ox;
    I have been anointed with the finest oil.
    11My eyes look at my enemies;
    when evildoers rise against me,
    my ears hear them.” – I love the imagery in these verses. There is a sense of fearlessness and courage as if the psalmist is able to look the enemy in the face instead of cowering in fear because of their trust in God’s righteousness. Exactly what I need to hear today!

  79. Malissa W says:

    Root yourself in Him and you will flourish! In spite of the evil that spreads around me, my Lord is on high forever.

  80. Dani Maglalang says:

    Praise to The Lord, I am indeed blessed that he woke me up today and blessed for a wonderful morning that he gave me. The Lord is just. Amen

  81. Eunhee Kim says:

    there is sweet victory found in giving thanks.

  82. Lexi Foley says:

    Sing praises to the Lord, for although it may seem like destruction, viruses, loneliness, etc. surround us in triumph, all that is evil and wicked will soon be defeated. The Lord our God is a steadfast good Father; He will prevail. Trust in Him. Root yourself in His righteous soil, and you will find fresh fruit and flourish in His love. Where are we placing our faith? It is our Rock that provides all

    1. Josi Hengstwerth says:


  83. Bobbie Marbury says:

    A great reminder that all injustice does not escape His view. Just rest in Him. He works everything out.

  84. Gaynell Givens says:

    God covers all manners of things. He doesn’t sleep nor slumber. His eye behold the good and evil.

  85. Tamara Doyle says:

    I love the idea of beholding the beautiful to remind us of God’s goodness. I made a short list of ways I can behold beauty today:
    -go for a walk
    -spend time petting my cat
    -watch a good movie
    -listen to some good music
    -take some virtual tours of museums/mansions/zoos— I know a lot of places are offering them for free right now

    1. Jennifer Couture says:

      Wonderful. Just what I was thinking!

  86. Sudea Romo says:

    How lovely is the gospel… How needed! This filled me for my new day. God is good

  87. Elizabeth E says:

    Christ perfectly represents the partnership of love and justice in both His life and His death! What a wonder of grace!

  88. Qua Taylor says:

    It is important to praise God even on the days that aren’t so good. I now understand why it is important to listen to Christian or gospel music. It is important to feed our souls good things opposed to secular music

    1. Jennifer Couture says:


  89. Emma P says:

    God is so good. I’m so glad He woke me up this morning to spend time with Him and read His word!

  90. Sara Valdez Hoffer says:

    God is just and It brings me great peace to think about how such a great God is advocating for us for right things. Thank you my Lord!!!!

  91. Jasmine Obispo says:

    Yes!! God is so Just and so so so Good! I love Him!!! Amen.

  92. Lauren Goforth says:

    Praise Him. Even in the hard days.

  93. Jennifer Goebel says:

    I think we tend to forget to spend our time praising God for all he has done. It is a good reminder that we need to be thanking God every morning and night, and any other time he brings glory.

  94. Molly Gilbane says:

    “As we pursue a life of righteousness, our legacy becomes an anthem of God’s faithfulness.” What a profound statement! I feel convicted reading this. There is so much more I could be doing! Lord, I want to partner with you to help confront the injustices of the world. I am ready to proceed.

  95. Lyndsy KayEslinger says:

    1It is good to give thanks to the Lord,
    to sing praises to your name, O Most High;
    2to declare your steadfast love in the morning,
    and your faithfulness by night,
    3to the music of the lute and the harp,
    to the melody of the lyre.
    4For you, O Lord, have made me glad by your work;
    at the works of your hands I sing for joy.

  96. Jennifer Ekwonye says:

    God is such a wonderful advocate

  97. Gretchen Anne says:

    This is a great motivator for praising the Lord as we worship in church and in our daily lives!

  98. Abigail Sumption says:

    I am so encouraged by this Psalm this morning. Last night in Brighton, UK we celebrated the 10 year anniversary of our church St Peter’s, which 10 years ago was empty and declared ‘dead’ with no congregation. Yesterday we worshipped, and “declared the faithfulness of God in the night”, and I am here to declare his steadfast Love in the morning. This Psalm is so true, our worship ushers in His kingdom. On earth as it is in Heaven, we partner against injustice, and pray for God’s right reign in our city.

    1. Jennifer Couture says:

      Praise God for you and your church!

  99. Samantha Theobald says:

    The beginning of this is what stood out to me most. What were called to do morning and night. Thankful for the encouragement this morning.

  100. Faith Dell says:

    Beautiful reminder

  101. Amie Fleming says:
  102. Betsy Poole says:

    We often look at “evildoers” who seem to prosper so easily, comparing ourselves to their success and often feeling lesser than or as if God has somehow abandoned us to failure. And yet, though the grass sprouts up quickly, it has very little roots to anchor it down. A single blade can be plucked from the soil with very little effort, and all it takes to turn it brown is direct sunlight and a few days of no water. Take, in contrast, the palm tree. It takes YEARS to grow to its full height, but when it does, the roots are so deep and the bark so uniquely flexible that not even hurricanes can uproot it.

    Why on earth would I ever want to be grass when I was created to be a palm tree? Why strive so hard when I should simply rest in the knowledge that the Lord has designed me to be rooted in Him and therefore able to withstand the storms I often face in life?

    LORD, help me to see the long growing process (sanctification!) as the means by which you are preparing me to stand tall in the midst of trouble.

  103. Melissa Graves says:

    Thank you, Churchmouse, you have once again struck a chord with me as well. My husband went through something similar with his job. The boss, who fired my husband, later lost his position in government due to his improprieties. We were saved from the ugliness and my husband was able to find a better position before it would have been more challenging to do so. God knew. God saw. God lovingly removed him and placed him in a much better situation.

  104. MonicaB says:

    The LORD is just: He is my rock.
    Thanking & Praising God for past, present and future deeds.

  105. Nicole Cope says:

    Tonight I’m declaring that God is my rock ❤️

    1. amy brown says:


  106. Lauren G says:

    Thank you so much for sharing that. I am going through a season of trial after trial and wondering why…wondering where God is in all of this- a good reminder that I don’t see the big picture yet and God is working!

  107. Abby Graham says:

    A beautiful reminder ❤️

  108. Natasha R says:

    This study series on Psalms of Rest really come at a perfect time for me. I live in Hong Kong, and the city is going through chaos that no one imagined it would ever go through. There is so much anger and hatred on both sides, and I really don’t see how this can be resolved. Sisters, can you please pray for a res

    1. Natasha R says:

      Oh my, the message was sent before I could complete it. Anyway, can you please take time to pray for the quick resolution for the unrest here in Hong Kong? Thank you!

      1. Susan Purvis says:

        Yes, praying for you and for all in Hong Kong. I’ve been following several different news outlets here in the States, but I know we don’t get the full picture. Praying!

    2. Jen Brewer says:

      Praying ❤️

    3. Courtney McGinty says:

      Praying ❤️❤️

    4. Dee Garcia says:

      Sending all of my prayers out to Hong Kong right now Natasha! May you and the whole country stay safe. It is absolutely horrible what is happening out there I have been following it daily. My prayers are with you & I am praying for peace at last!

    5. Yani Abernathy says:

      Sending love and prayers ❤️

    6. Andrea P says:

      Lifting you and your city up in prayers. Praying for peace.

    7. Natasha R says:

      Thank you everyone!

    8. Meaghan Flowers says:

      Continuing to pray for your city ❤️

  109. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love God’s faithfulness and knowing that He will make all things right in the end. I pray that I would continue to have my roots go down deep in him.

  110. Courtney says:


    Thank you for sharing your husband’s experience. As an individual who has been in search of employment since a lay-off a few years ago (despite being highly educated and skilled), it strengthens my faith and gives me hope that God has plans for me yet, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope”. (Jeremiah 29:11) Thanks be to God!

  111. Katie says:

    I love these devos! I just wish there were some application or reflection questions at the end of each reading. It would help so much for journaling.

    1. Jessy Missfrauburk says:

      I second this

      1. Maddie Rhomberg says:

        I third this :)

    2. Emmy Cz says:

      I wholeheartedly agree!

    3. Kae Kirk says:


    4. Tamara Doyle says:


  112. Alexis Newlin says:

    I love the Star Wars Reference! It makes it fun to think of ourselves as the resistance, fighting with God for the good of the world. We all have The Force within us, that being the Holy Spirit. I love it!

    1. Jasmine Obispo says:


  113. Erin Stanczyk says:

    I love the imagery of God nourishing is like sunshine and water to a plant!

  114. Mari V says:

    I believe we’ve all experienced injustice in one form or another. That’s just part of life. The fall of man. Even I fall short many many times. But as believers of Jesus, daughters of Christ it doesn’t have to end there. We can be comforted knowing that God has it all under control. Even when life doesn’t seem fair I’ve always found it best to leave it in God’s hands. Not avenge because He takes better care of it then I do.

  115. Laura Struyf says:

    I grew up with 4 brothers and brother #5 came along when I was 16. Every time I prayed and wished for my parents to give me a sister, but that didn’t happen. Then, when my husband and I started our family I thought it might be my turn for a girl, but we were blessed with two boys. Our boys were just starting school when my husband lost his job and we had to move. Oh, how I did NOT want to leave Virginia! I don’t remember actively crying, but tears were coming down my face as we drove away. Fast forward several decades and I have been blessed beyond belief! I now have two amazing and wonderful daughters (in-law) and two amazing and beautiful granddaughters! I often tell my darling DILS that I didn’t get any girls because God already had my girls picked out for me and I just didn’t know it! God definitely has a plan for each of us and we just need to trust in Him. Hugs to y’all, my sisters!

  116. Jessica Nicolas says:

    I love that last part, “God also chooses to partner with us in CONFRONTING the injustices of the world.” When we see injustice we must speak up for those that can’t! Backed by the Spirit of God!

  117. Kelly Chataine says:

    Psalm 92 had to be included so I thought and hoped. When I was 29 or 30 my Grandpa Harbaugh left this world and Psalm 92 was his favorite Psalm. Grandpa became ill in July when my family and I were on vacation. Almost immediately family members were saying that Grandpa would not make it. I refused to believe that and I was also too scared to visit him. Fast forward to early September and I am preparing to spend the weekend with my Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa was in a hospital bed that was set up in the living room. He was struggling and not always fully coherent. I reminded him, as He always did me as a child, nothing to fear for the Lord is at our side. I reminded him of his faith, his strong faith in Christ, I sang hymns to him, and prayed. He always settled when the conversation surrounded our mighty God. That night, as I laid in the bed that I used to sleep in as a child, I opened the Bible up and read Psalm 92. I read it over and over again. I prayed it.

    The next day, Sunday, my Grandfather was ushered from this world into the next. I giggled to myself because he went when Sunday School would have been starting and Grandpa was not known to miss Sunday School or Worship.

    I put off seeing Grandpa because I couldn’t face losing him. God nudged me, shoved me and I went to visit at just the right time. I still miss Grandpa! God used Grandpa to form me into a faithful and faith-filled adult.

    Please forgive me for going down Memory Lane but maybe this story will be used by God in some fashion.

    1. Susan Merritt says:

      Love it!

  118. Ally Watkins says:

    I agree with the Star Wars reference lol those on the side of rebelling against the injustices in our world are a small band of misfits it seems thrown together by their beliefs. We are rebels to this crazy messy world. We can thrive in that. We can hold on to knowing we’re on the right side when we stand up in the face of evil and injustice and know that in the end, our God wins.

  119. Ann says:

    Deuteronomy 32:4 “The Rock, his work is perfect, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and upright is he.

  120. Churchmouse says:

    A year and a half ago my husband was treated very unjustly at his job. We still shake our heads over what happened, how it happened and by whom. He left but was blessed to be hired the very next day by a competing company. At the time of the event God reminded us of Genesis 50:20. “What man intended for evil, God intended for good.” My husband is flourishing in this new position. His previous company, though once extremely profitable, is undergoing layoffs and cutbacks. What caused us so much pain a year and a half ago was actually a gift of protection and providence. God knew what He was doing though we didn’t. Those who committed the injustice are being dealt with. Psalm 92 is a healing balm reminding us once again that God is faithful. He sees. He knows. He will take care of it all.

    1. Lizzie T says:

      I can relate! I was actually fired for no reason. Along with several owners of the company. (I wasn’t an owner) At the time I was devastated and lost as I am the sole provider for my family. God provided. He was protecting me the entire time. 3 years later I have opened my own firm and those who meant me harm are almost closing their doors. It was hard to leave to the Lord but He certainly took care of them!

      1. Christina Maddox says:

        Lizzie Thank you for sharing as your words encouraged me. I lost my job this summer and it has been more difficult than I expected. This season of life has me searching for Gods truths about hope. “Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer.” Romans 12:12.

    2. Mari V says:

      Churchmouse, I think and pray for you often. If you don’t mind me asking how are things with your granddaughter and school and her parents.

    3. Jennifer Anapol says:

      I’m so glad that everything worked out for you and your husband. “For We know that in all things God works together for the good for those who love him and have been called according to his purpose!”

    4. Lorin Stubblefield says:

      My husband is currently going through this. Thank you for the reminder of protection. It’s so hard but I can’t wait to see the beautiful blessings that come from this.

    5. Stacy S says:

      Thank you for sharing. I am going through this. Praying for a new job and opportunity. It’s hard to see the clearing through the forest sometimes. So thank you for the hope. :)

    6. Robyn Arnold says:

      Amen. I’m so glad you saw God taking care of you.