When I was a teen, I wanted my worth to come from my good grades and the acceptance of my peers. I wanted to be successful by winning the affection of my teachers and getting the lead in our school play. There was nothing particularly wrong or out of the norm for a thirteen-year-old to desire this kind of attention, but it quickly became apparent that the accolades weren’t really satisfying. My desires were misplaced.
Likewise, the Samaritan woman came to the well with hopes and desires that were misplaced. We don’t glean much about her life, but we understand that she sought affection from multiple husbands. She was probably weary from the mundane task of having to come and draw her water for daily living. She needed the true “living water” Jesus came to give (v.10).
We will all grow weary from our pursuit of the world’s affection. Isaiah makes our efforts plain: “Why do you spend silver on what is not food, and your wages on what does not satisfy?” (Isaiah 55:2). When we strive and obsess over the things that are less than what God offers us—His steadfast, sure love—we will find ourselves longing for more and more. It is an endless, exhausting cycle of life that never fulfills.
As I pursued the worldly view of love through middle school, I met a girl in my class who had the “cool factor” everyone wanted. But unlike the rest of us seventh graders, she wasn’t chasing after the things the rest of us were chasing. As we connected more, I learned that she did in fact have something better than what the world had to offer—she had Jesus. Jesus who fulfills our thirst for a gratifying life.
“But whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty again. In fact, the water I will give him will become a well of water springing up in him for eternal life.” —John 4:14
The Samaritan woman found what she really needed in Jesus. Jesus invites us into the same everlasting life. Jesus offers a new quality of life at the cost of His own—an everlasting life that always fulfills our needs. May we look no further, for His living water will satisfy all our longings and desires.
“Come, everyone who is thirsty, come to the water…come, buy, and eat…without silver and without cost!” —Isaiah 55:1
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118 thoughts on "The Living Water"
I love the story of the Woman at the Well. Such a great reminder that Jesus is all we need. Come to Him and we will live an eternal life. Pursue other things and we will continue to thirst.
I love Bailey’s narrative. It puts a lot of things in perspective that I can relate to.
Lord, help me to not look at any woman (Christian or not) as needing Jesus more than me just because I perceive that my sin isn’t ‘as bad’ as theirs, that they are worse off than me. I never want to see myself as needing Jesus less than any woman. All have sinned & fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). I need Jesus just as much as they do & vice-versa.
Lord, only You satisfy the depths of my soul that are unfulfilled & unsatisfied.
Only You shine Your holy light on the darkness, the sin that’s within me, that so easily entangles. Then, in gentleness & compassion You call me out with a kindness that leads me to repentance.
Only You heal the brokenness within me & restore to me the joy of my salvation.
Only You can take the disappointment, hurt, & pain that I try to conceal, bring healing, & use if for Your glory.
Only You can fully know ALL of me, yet still fully love ALL of me.
I thank & praise you Jesus!
I receive this Word and pray that the Holy Spirit will help me to seek Him today.
Such a good reminder. “Why do you spend silver on what is not food, and your wages on what does not satisfy?” (Isaiah 55:2). Why do I do this? Seek things that are meaningless? I want living water, not what will fade away.
God grants us a humble heart through which we can live in simplicity. He has set us free from the demands of the world through the Spirit who breaks the chains of societal demands, raising us from death to life.
Such a great reminder ❤️
“May I continue to contribute to the harvest and leave the results to God.” (Churchmouse) Amen!
Such a good word. Very convicting. I need to remember that Christ is all that I need and satisfies my hearts desires. Pursuing worldly possessions and accolades always leaves me empty. I need to re-center myself in Christ.
We will all grow weary from the pursuit of the world’s affection.
Amen! He is the only one that truly satisfies!
I missed that detail! What a good point!
Even being a Christian for decades, I am thankful for this reminder.
I love that the woman was bold enough to talk with Jesus. She asked him questions. He sought her out. ❤️
I love how Jesus met the Samaritan woman & the official right where they were at.
She needed to know that Jesus had intimate knowledge of her in order to believe. Who she was, what she did, etc. (just like Nathaneal in chapter 1) This must’ve been her deepest desire, to be fully known & fully loved.
He needed to see a sign from Jesus, his son’s healing, in order to believe.
What was the moment that you believed? Was it realizing God’s intimate knowledge of who you are? A healing miracle?
Mine was realizing that NOTHING I’ve ever done, was doing, or would ever be able to do would make me righteous before God, but that it had already been done in & through Christ. The moment when The Gospel no longer fell on deaf ears!
I know this is late in posting but the song ‘There is a river’… on stand reads ‘There was a thirsty woman who was drawing from oh well her life was ruined and wasted her soul was bound or hell then she met the master who told of her great soon and if you drink this water you’ll never thirst again’
There is a river that never will run dry
Jesus meets us where we’re at. I’m so glad he found me! I too was at a “well” looking for more “water to quench my thirst. But God, rich in mercy, came to save me!
I love that Jesus convicts the woman of her sin in a way that leads her to seeing it herself. May I be like that as I share the Gospel with others.
Rachel Salas, you are right! I’m in agreement with you. Thank you.
Todays theme was all about living water, with a side note of food. When Jesus encountered the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well, they began to talk and Jesus later started to explain about water. This woman was confused about Jesus asking for living water, when there wasn’t a bucket around. But He goes on to explain to her about a spring of water they will give eternal life. Jesus loved talking in metaphors here, so what I’m understanding is that if you want a relationship with the living God, you gotta nourish your soul; community, quality time with Him, serving, etc…
While eating and drinking is essential for us to keep our bodies going, being filled with the Holy Spirit and doing the work God has called for you is almost like food, as it’s essential to a relationship with Him and growing in obedience for His will.
Victoria E, Traci Gendron, Ruby Everett, Lisa Z, Jeanna flashner, Alicia Gilbert, thank you all for sharing your perspective on John 4:48. This gives me more to think about.
Loved the reading!
I loved todays reading. The story of the Samaritan woman is one of my favorites. Because I am a visual learner, to get the full effect, I pulled up the Choosen’s version of this story on youtube. If you have not seen it, I totally recommend it. It’s beautifully done.
The verses that stood out to me today were from Isaiah 55:3-
Pay attention and come to me;
listen, so that you will live.
I will make a permanent covenant with you
on the basis of the faithful kindnesses of David.
Thank you so much for your thoughts and encouragement, Traci. Though I’ve never responded, I have prayed for you and Tanner. I’m happy that Tanner is truly at home now but know that it’s also hard on you as you miss him so deeply. I just wanted to respond to tell you that you inspire many here. Keep shining your light ❤️
Hi Lisa May —- I read Jesus’s reprimand more as a deeper invitation. From this passage, it looks like the official had heard that Jesus can heal. It makes me wonder if he heard others claim Jesus as a Messiah but hasn’t yet believed; who knows. Out of desperation for his son, he travels over a day to ask Jesus to heal his son. And that was probably all the royal official was after; it may have been the one thing he could not give to himself (as compared to a lowly Samaritan woman who in her heart was already waiting for a messiah). I read Jesus’ comment as saying — you’re being narrow minded. You’ve come for one thing (a wish that his son would be saved in the earthly sense) but what you really need is an eternal saving. And we do know that the official’s whole household was spiritually saved from Jesus’ miracle. Perhaps Jesus’ words were the ones that the official needed to hear to open his heart (a stern sounding but ultimately tender invitation). I hope this helps and I’m so sorry for the loss of your son. I’m can imagine these passages prick your heart and pray you can continue to give your grief to the Lord on this side of heaven ❤️
My aha was in John 4:39-42. Our testimony points others to Jesus, but it’s their personal encounter with Him that allows them to KNOW He is the Savior of the world. There is a difference between BELIEVING and KNOWING.
Thank you for pointing that out – I missed that detail about leaving behind the jar.
I thought it was interesting that she was waiting for the messiah. She knew he was coming and would explain everything. She was already looking!! The fields are ripe!
I love that he first reveals himself to a woman! She is the first to hear him admit I am him! The Christ! It shows how he values women despite how others believe men are held to a higher regard. I loved watching this episode of The Chosen.
FOSTER MAMA – praying the Lord speaks to your guest through you and your hospitality. May He give you the words that will minister life.
Today’s study pointed out two things to me; the obvious message of Jesus being true satisfaction and fulfillment, but also His focus! Verse 34, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work,” reminds me that He was more than dedicated to share the message of His Father. Jesus really, really cared and didn’t lose sight of the Gospel’s glory. I pray that while I cannot be perfect like Him, that I in my most sincerest efforts don’t lose focus on what matters most–sharing the good news! because it really is such good news. Happy friday, ladies :)
I love the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman. I love the detail John put in that she accidentally left her water pot behind in her excitement to get back to her village. These people probably ostracized her but she still wanted to tell them all about Jesus
PAM S— I love the simplicity yet impact of the message too.
The verse that stood out to me today was, “I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor. Others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.” I see how Jesus was very strategic with what He was doing, including taking the Samaritan route. Jesus was wise and how he spoke to the Samaritan woman for like a little bit, and He turned her into the greatest evangelist, converting the whole town to believe. And his disciples, entering into this town harvest, and winning souls through Jesus’ conversation with her. Many many turned to Jesus, receiving Him as Lord, showing salvation is not limited to selected race or nations. May we have eyes to see the opportunity and not bypass/disqualify anyone in the process of working with us in sowing/reaping.
Lisa May- I am so sorry for the loss of your son. I cannot even imagine. Last April we lost our unborn child early in the pregnancy and it devastated me beyond words. Looking back i realize for me the worst part was feeling “abandoned” or “forsaken” by God. That to me was almost worse than the actual miscarriage. I know this sounds crazy and I’m sorry if it doesn’t come across well, but I realized that without God I had nothing. Not that I could face the loss of another child or some other tragedy but the worse tragedy to me was the inability to feel God in the situation I experienced. I wonder if Jesus was saying that as much as we love our family and all the other good things God has given us that the ultimate best thing is eternal life with God. Just my two cents, not sure if I’ve adequately explained it at all!
Sorry, another post!
@ Martha Hix, I have been thinking of you a lot and hope you have comfort from the Holy Spirit. It must be hard and lonely with your sudden loss of your husband. Continuing to pray for you!
LISA MAY – I wonder if it had anything to do with his position and wealth. As the Bible says it is harder for a rich man to get into heaven than a camel through the eye of a needle. I have found my faith to be so much stronger and faithful when I’m going through something. I hate to admit that. When life is good some don’t feel the need. Maybe he wanted to stir something up in this royal. To not have the royal have a one and done miracle. Just my thoughts.
ALICIA GILBERT – I too find social media takes up too much of my time. I took the app for Facebook off of my phone. If I want to look at it, I have to go to my computer. It has cut down my screen time by a lot. When Tanner died I put it back. I needed to communicate with the Cystinosis community. I recently deleted it again. I’m trying to see what is robbing me of my time especially in the mornings. My nephew who is 35, got rid of it completely and he said he feels much happier. Good luck in your decision. I know it is hard because we feel so connected with others through SM. I’m 60 and we used to have to call others to talk. I’m thinking that might be a good thing to go back to. The problem again is time.
It’s just such a blessing to know and understand that JESUS is the same God now. That he was back then!
@ Lisa May, I feel that Jesus was trying to build faith in this man. Jesus knew his heart and mind, just as He knew everything about the woman. I don’t think it was meant to be without compassion but more of a trust me without a physical sign. As we are called to step out in faith.
Angie I have a cultural background study Bible too and I love it! What an interesting perspective shared by many here that the woman may have been abandoned multiple times for reasons out of her control, for some reason that makes the story hit in a different way. I confess I am guilty of looking for satisfaction in things not God, mostly in shopping if I’m honest :(. Foster Mama I am praying for your family member and praise God you were there to step in and help. Sarah D praying for your anxiety and Rhonda J praying for your family member as well.
Lisa May
I believe it could just be the cultural manner if speaking? I always thought it disrespectful that Jesus referred to his mom as “woman” but it was the manner of the day. So maybe possible here as well?
Anyone know how to redeem perk points??? I’m trying to apply it to an order –
Great points, Megan Fox! I learned the same points about the woman being an outcast, etc. and was going to share them here. So glad I read your post before commenting. Wow, there’s a Holy Spirit moment right there for me: read (or pause or bite your lip!) before commenting….
I always love how Jesus reaches down to the lowly and lifts them up! It reminds me He is always there to lift me up no matter how often I feel I let Him down through sin and not paying attention.
It also humbles me and reminds me not to be judgmental of other’s choices. As an old white lady I have become more and more aware of my white privilege. It is not something of which I need to be ashamed, but it is something I cannot deny. I have become painfully aware. I see the woman at the well as an outcast, oppressed by her community, perhaps due to circumstance, perhaps bad choices. It doesn’t matter. If our job as Christians is to shine Christ, our job is to love her. Heavenly Father, forgive me for the times I have judged others for their circumstances or choices when You are so forgiving of all my messes. Help me not judge Help me not to judge those that do not think as I do.
I love the story of Jesus and the woman at the well and I don’t want to skip over it, but there is much good insight into it posted in these comments. Here is my question…
A bit of my background is probably needed for context. My oldest son died 10 years ago at the age of 21 and I live the rest of my life in the tension between the joy set before me and the grief of loss.
Is anyone else bothered by Jesus’ response to the royal official who sought healing for his son? I posted briefly about this the other day and I know that Jesus wants us to go deeper than faith in signs to placing faith in Him. Still, this royal official is not looking for a party trick. His son is about to die! He is desperate for healing! As one who has lost a child, I don’t see compassion in Jesus’ initial response, I see a reprimand. It’s an interesting contrast to the love and compassion displayed when He started His conversation with the woman at the well. Just curious if anyone has another perspective
Angie can you tell me more about the Bible you received for Christmas?
Jessica praying you get a nap
Angie can you tell me more about the Bible you received for Christmas?
‘Unless you people see the signs and wonders, you will not believe’. I am that way sometimes. My faith can be so little that I need ‘proof’ that God is still there. But you know what, God loves me and is loving. He meets me where I am. And that’s what He did this morning through today’s reading. PTL He is so much bigger than I am.
‘Unless you people see the signs and wonders, you will not believe’. I am that way sometimes. My faith can be so little that I need ‘proof’ that God is still there. But you know what, Gof
As many times in my life that I have read and heard this story, I still learn from it.
May we all go out tell others about our relationship with our Savior.♥️
As many times in my life that I have read and heard this story, I still learn from it.
Last year, my ladies Bible study went through the series “Jesus and Women” by Kristi McLelland. The woman at the well is one of the stories and it made me see this story with new eyes. They could have avoided Samaria and taken the longer route that most Jews did at that time. But Jesus HAD to go through Samaria. This woman was most likely left by 5 husbands and not the other way around. Men could divorce their wives for any reason in the 1st century – burning the bread, not being desirable anymore, etc. She lived with a lot of shame. Women would go to the well in that time in the morning and evening when it was cooler out. This woman was there in the middle of the day; because she was an outcast in her society. But Jesus spoke to her and she is the first person that he told that he was the Messiah. What an honor! He lifted her out of her shame and brought her to a place of honor. (This study also shared that Middle Eastern culture is one of shame/honor)
Foster Mama…praying for you and your family member!! Praise God that he came to you for hope and help!! May God bless you and provide the life-giving truth this tender soul needs!! ❤️❤️❤️
I don’t know if I never really paid that close attention, it was never really emphasized, or it’s because of the version of the Bible I’m now reading but verses 23 and 24 in today’s reading of John caught my attention — “23 But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. 24 For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.” Also I realized Jesus did the first ministering to the gentiles here at the well in Sychar!! BUT GOD — can you imagine being one of those people He ministered to or even the Samaritan woman, OH MY to have the Messiah talk with me an outcast, HALLELUJAH!!!
Bailey wrote how Jesus offers us A NEW LIFE by dyeing for use so we could receive the HOLY SPIRIT and HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE — I want this life and I believe. I BELIEVE and want to spread the great news!!!
Sisters be blessed and go tell of Jesus and the Holy Spirit so others can receive the Living Water!!
I was the woman searching for comfort through the wrong things and people. A client invited me to church and I’m so glad he did. I fell in love with Jesus. I joined BSF and was hungry to learn. And then….I stepped away for a bit. I had an abusive boyfriend and I blamed God for not protecting me. I didn’t feel anger, I was afraid to trust. I was immature in my faith. I thought that I so believed and prayed that God would protect me and the worst happened. He had me against my wall choking me. Then I shut down for quite awhile. Tina I’m using your phrase.
He was not going to let go of me. He doesn’t step away. He’s a gentlemen that waits for us to return. I’m so thankful.
Good morning SRT ladies. I’ve been enjoying reading John this new year with you all and praying alongside you, though I don’t often post here. Recently (well really for years now but especially so the last few weeks), I’ve been feeling like God is trying to encourage me to clear more space in my life for him, particularly by getting rid of social media, which is a big area of struggle for me in being mindful of how I spend my time. Over the last few years, I’ve tried to respond by cutting screen time down, taking breaks, etc. But I’ve recently felt like it’s time to get rid of it for good. I’m trying to get the courage to take that step, especially because in my 20s, I feel like I’ll be “missing out” on keeping up with family, friends, and classmates where it’s hard to chat via phone/text. So today I ask for encouragement. Has anyone made this jump in their life, and do you feel like it’s empowered you to make room in your life for things of eternal importance? Thank you and happy Friday from San Antonio, TX ❤️
Good morning SRT ladies. I’ve been enjoying reading John this new year with you all and pra
Amen! I’m so encouraged by the comments here this morning. Holding my newborn daughter who didn’t sleep much last night and trying to read through the truths. So glad to be part of this community where I can be encouraged by what we all gained from reading these passages today. May we all find our treasure in Christ and not here on earth.
Oh wow, it does, thanks for sharing
Abby, praying for strength for you and all the teachers ❤️
Praise God for His Living Water – Jesus. Now we do not have to thirst anymore!
Have a blessed weekend sisters!
As I read through these comments I am blessed by all the insights many have shared. Thank you! His word is so full of treasures for each of us to find and share.
@FosterMama – praying for the young man. Praise God he reached out to you and your light. It must have been glowing very bright for him to see it through your darkness.
Thanks be to God. Praying for each request here today. All glory and honor to you dear Lord. ❤️
If I could also ask for prayer for a family situation. God knows the need. Thank you SHE’s. You are such fierce prayer warriors!
Just then his disciples arrived, and they were amazed that he was talking with a woman. Yet no one said “what do you want?” Or “why are you talking with her”.
I love this point because the disciples were still Pharisees in that they saw something wrong with Jesus talking to the woman but also still amazed because they KNEW something was special about this moment! So many times I judge a person by their character/choices/outside appearances when really I need to be like the disciples and say to myself-how can I see the good that come from this interaction? How can I sow a seed that may lead to an entire town being saved?
Good Morning!
Crazy how being a Christian all my life, that I never saw the “Woman at the Well” as impactful as I do now. Tina spoke to my heart today although with a different experience, the same impact of Jesus coming to me in my time of brokenness- That I too was that woman at the well. The broken woman, I had been divorced twice, trying to live and strive for things my own way. It doesn’t work. It doesn’t work. However you are trying to stive on your own, it won’t work. God wants you to follow His plan for your life, and it will be better than you could ever dream. Maybe not easy, and not without struggles and valleys. But it will be with a closeness to our Savior that will be right there with us nudging us along. I have such joy in my heart with my Jesus, Lord and Savior.
Again, I have to repeat that The Chosen is so good at showing you these stories from the time of Jesus with his chosen disciples. The woman at the well episode is portrayed really well! Love it!
I don’t remember who had the request for prayer for her son, or daughter’s boyfriend (??) with his church situation. But I pray he can take a step back in humility and gain some insight. I too had that same situation happen to me, and boy was I feeling attacked when asked to step down from teaching the youth program! I thought, hey, I’m probably not the only one in sin here! I felt indignant and proud and pointed out. But God- I did need to be reprimanded. I did need to own my sin, take a step back, and be in the sanctuary myself to hear God’s word. That was more than 15 years ago, and amazingly you see things with much more clarity when looking back! But at the time I was very heated over the call-out! It helped me analyze and repent, and move forward in a way that would be a blessing. Understand I’m not preaching to you (for him) but just sharing my story in that same situation. We as humans feel so proud, and when we are pointed out like that, it is hurtful and makes us defensive. I am so glad he is standing by his girlfriend and they made a good decision to keep the baby! That is exemplary in itself! Prayers for them for discernment and understanding, to feel loved in a time when it doesn’t feel like it from their church family. It is like discipline when we are teenagers, but it is done for our own good if that makes sense! Sorry to go on and on. Just hard to put in to words.
Like others, John 4:42 made an impact on me – sharing the love of Christ plants the seed for others to seek and have their own personal relationship with Him.
FOSTER MAMA – PRAYING for your relative, for peace in his heart and mind, for the Lord to speak through you to show him that there is hope no matter the situation, that he will feel loved, comfortable enough to stay as long as he needs to for his own safety. Thankful that you listened to the urge to answer the phone (totally understood the dirty hands reference!) and followed through to help in whatever way is needed.
SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – so much grief, praying for comfort and strength for you and all impacted.
SARAH D – praying for relief from anxiety and connection to someone as needed
EMILY DAFOE – praying for healing and recovery
Just then his disciples arrived, and they were amazed that he was talking with a woman. Yet no one said “what do you want?” Or “why are you talking with her”.
I love this story so much, I use the for a reference of how we as believers should treat non Christian’s. Jesus sat and talked to her like a she was a real person, he didn’t tell her her last was ok he acknowledged it, but then he just showed her that he saw her need for Him.
I love this story so much, I use the for a reference of how we as believers should treat non Christian’s. Jesus sat and talked to her like a she was a real
Munchkin— I love this and indeed, may our hearts be as moldable as the woman at the well.
I love reading a story that is familiar and noticing something new. I never noticed this sentence verse— “so Jesus, wearied as he was from his journey, was sitting beside the well.” A few days ago we studied all the names Jesus is addressed, including Son of Man. There is a duality I associate with that name— fully man and fully God. And this verse really speaks to the frailty and humanity of Jesus, the man. I don’t usually think of Jesus as tired. Yet I can see why God chose to send his only Son as a human so that he could connect with the people of his time and make way the Kingdom of God.
Because of the culture of the time, and that women had no real voice in society, my understanding is that, rather than the Samaritan woman being the one who went from husband to husband, it was actually the husbands who cast her out and she, having no means of support, had to go find another. It puts this story in a whole new light.
Jesus is the ONLY ONE who can satisfy our longings and desires. Lord I pray for a heart that looks to you above all the other noise and lies the world tries to tell us will satisfy. May I run to you above all else <3
Praying for your relative @Foster Mama and @Sarah D lifting you up as well! May your anxiety subside, may you find an amazing counselor, and may you feel peace and joy each day even in the little things :)
I hope everyone has a blessed weekend!
Another impactful piece of context is that this woman came to the well by herself in the middle (hottest part) of the day – not early in the morning when it was cooler with the other ladies. She was probably outcast based on her lifestyle, yet Jesus chose to use her in His story in mighty ways – and her obedience paved the way for many to believe! May I be ready to trust and obey as well!
Yes I made note of that too! That by listening to the gospel from the woman they were drawn to Jesus, but by then experiencing him for themselves were they truly saved.
Kelly Minter did a podcast with Lisa Harper about the Samaritan woman. Lisa shared that she has a different perspective on the woman with multiple husbands, that perhaps she was barren and was abandoned by her husbands. It was a new perspective that I hadn’t considered. https://www.accessmore.com/episode/Ep-32-Encountering-God-The-Spiritual-Discipline-of-Worship
*CRUCIAL prayer request*
I got a call last night (THANK JESUS I answered the phone despite dirty hands) from a relative who is single and newly living in our city…he was sobbing and said “I am SO depressed. I don’t want suicide!” He said he’d already talked to Psych professionals but, needed to entrust the specific thing that was taking him over the edge to a family member…We managed to pick him up, share a meal, laugh together and then he was desperate for sleep; PLEASE PRAY I/we speak the words of Jesus if/when this disclosure comes today and pray he leaves ONLY when safe to do so (not out of sense of overstaying his welcome). It is our Christmas Day!! (and we’re in a lockdown so no one is coming over,…he will have privacy)…hoping we can bake so he feels free to speak:)
What stood out to me was the fact that the lady in the well was willing to listen to Jesus. She wasn’t a believer and had her own issues (don’t we all), but she had a moldable heart. She didn’t ignore him when he spoke to her which she could have done. She was receptive on what was an ordinary day. Do I miss opportunities because I’m not willing to listen to God’s voice in my everyday life? Do I just go through the motions? I’m currently using a journal called “The Next Right Thing” and it talks about how God can use the little things in our life can lead us to big decisions. It has made me less scared and more willing to put myself out there. May my heart be as moldable as the lady at the well.
Father I want to worship You in Spirit and Truth. Open my heart and draw me closer. In Jesus name, Amen
If I recall correctly, Jews would actively avoid Samaria and add extra travel time to go around the region. I love how verse 4 says, “He had to travel through Samaria.”
No. He didn’t. In fact, most Jews would not! But JESUS—following the Father KNEW he had to go to this well this day. That’s why I love Jesus so much! May we follow the father in the ways that seem wrong to the world around us. Sorry for all the reposts.
If I recall correctly, Jews would actively avoid Samaria and add extra travel time to go around the region. I love how verse 4 says, “He had to travel through Samaria.”
No. He didn’t. In fact, most Jews would not! But JESUS—following the Father KNEW he had to go to this well this day.
If I recall correctly, Jews would actively avoid Samaria and add extra travel time to go around the region. I love how verse 4 says, “He had to reveal through Samaria.”
In defense of this poor Samaritan woman who has been trotted out as a harlot for 2000 years…there’s an interesting perspective on this. Some scholars contend that she didn’t have loose morals, but instead may have been infertile. Remember, this is a society where men could present a certificate of divorce if they found any fault with a woman with no penalty.
I liked Lisa Harper’s sermon about the Samaritan woman. Entitled “You Can Be Satisfied,”
This story is beautiful and it is one of my favorites.
It struck me today that the Samaritan woman is in disbelief that Jesus is talking to her at all because he is a Jew and she is a Samaritan. I wonder at the awe she must have felt when she realized the Messiah chose to speak to her, loved her enough to speak into her life and give her Living water. This is what our Savior does. Praise God. So much to ponder, the Harvest is ready, for He has sown it. Shine His light dear Sisters.
This passage always reminds me of Jeremiah 2:13, “For my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water.”
What man-made, broken cisterns do I turn to when life is chaotic or disappointing or out of my control or deeply dissatisfying? I know with everything in me that Jesus is the only One who can satisfy me, but too often in the actual moments of my day I seek for meaning and comfort from another source, be it others’ approval, social media for a quick escape, or the security of my home or bank account.
Jesus, Living Water, may my heart thirst for You alone.
I noted today the disciples seemed to be always gone looking for food. Jesus the BREAD was right there with them.
Love this so much, Angie, thank you! I was just about to dig for more historical context. Be well :)
I never really noticed I sent you to reap for that which you have not labored. I love Jesus’ lack of concern for food. It slows us down. And the Samaritan woman shared her testimony and others believed, and they were ready to experience Jesus for themselves. And once they did, they truly believed. The harvest is ready. Be prepared to give an account of the hope that is in us, because someone has be laboring and we must be ready to step in where God is opening those doors.
I love this story. Thank you Jesus for being all we need, if we would accept that gift. Reading through and praying over the different requests. It makes me so happy to know that other women around the world are reading this same scripture and following after Jesus.
Praise God for the eternal living water He provided us through His son Jesus. ❤️
May we be satisfied in Jesus alone. This world doesn’t satisfy ultimately, as hard as we try, and as much as we go from one experience to the next, and thing after thing, person after person. Jesus is the One we truly need.
One of my favorite stories. He fulfills and satisfies. Only Jesus.
SRT sisters I would love your continued prayers . I have still be feeling anxious at work, and I’m starting to get a sore throat. I’ve really been losing motivation, since this week has been super busy for us at work too. Still searching for a counselor, I may need to find one that offers video appointments so it can be after work hours. I’m so ready to not feel anxious anymore, but I know this may be a marathon rather than a sprint. Praying for you all and I thank God for this community!
I love this image of all the Samaritan people coming to see Jesus after the woman testified. I can imagine such a sweet scene of people gathered around, leaning in, their hearts drawing them to the truth. And then the transformation of that small town afterwards. I have to think it was beautiful. Praying for the ability to lean in today. To not pull away when I feel it’s getting too intimate. And for courage to be like the woman and share what I know.
Thank you Angie!
I’m glad to experience his living water
Lord you worthy god we thank you lord!
Jesus be all that I need today and forever
Sorry: take, drink, and share the living water so we may be filled and fulfilled. Amen.
This is so filled with impactful learning. Take, drink, and share
I received a “cultural backgrounds” Bible for Christmas. Someone in my BSF had one and I loved the stuff she was learning!
From today’s reading, the Samaritans and the Jews had a long history of animosity. I knew that but, not how deep it really was. It began when Israel was exiled and foreigners settled the land and brought with them their own religions. There were moments in time where Jewish kings like John Hyrcanus, tried to bring back the Jewish way. The mountain question the Samaritan women brought up was a huge one. The Jews said the proper place for the temple was in Jerusalem while Samaritans said it was Mount Gerizim. Both Jews and Samaritans had caused destruction and defiled each other’s temples. And while they shared some of the same beliefs…things had been added when the foreign religions getting mixed in.
Into the scene walks our weary, human-clad, Savior and Lord who stops to rest; hungry and thirsty, at the well. A woman comes and Jesus sees/takes the opportunity to share Truth. Ignoring His own needs, He meets her greatest need. The result…she and many Samaritans believe. The curiosity began with what the woman told the people, but then, belief became their own.
Thank you Lord for reaching out to the unworthy, for that is each and every one of us, me included. Thank you for meeting our greatest need through your sacrifice and thank you also for giving us Truth. May we pour out the truth of Who you are and the gift of salvation offered us in every little thing…even getting a drink of water. Amen and amen.
These 2 accounts show the journey of faith that John highlights in his gospel.
The woman goes from defense (are you greater than Jacob [love the irony]) to wonder (you are a prophet) to belief (telling others the Messiah had come). Even those in the town went from believing the woman to personal experience with Jesus for a deeper faith.
The ruler went from “show me” to true belief and told others so that his entire household believed.
Everyone is on the journey. Pre-believers, new believers, doubting believers, mature believers, ect. And Jesus is with us the whole time.
From HRT:
Let our prayer be that of the sixteenth-century missionary, Francis Xavier: “O God, grant that we may desire you, and desiring you seek you, and seeking you find you, and finding you be satisfied in you forever. Amen.”
K SWENSON – I don’t see your post that LAUREN GANNON responded to, but I was happy to see you are still with us. I’ve been praying that Lord would give you a breakthrough and you would sense His presence with you
LAUREN GANNON – will be praying for your husband too
SISSY – keep us posted on your friend’s husband’s open-heart surgery
Well said. Thanks for sharing
So much is packed in the Scriptures in today’s reading. Jesus’ humanity is revealed in his being worn out and thirsty. His deity is revealed in His healing of the son of the royal official. Most impactful to me is the result of one woman, a woman with a certain reputation, testifying about Jesus. Many Samaritans believed! Sometimes I wonder if my testifying about Jesus has much of an impact. I don’t often see a response from the person in front of me, let alone an entire town. But isn’t the effort still worth it? The angels rejoice in heaven whenever anyone believes. They rejoice when an entire town believes and they rejoice when a lone woman comes to know Jesus. May I continue to contribute to the harvest and leave the results to God.
I felt like the woman at the well most days of my ‘pre Jesus’. Chasing the wrong dreams, people, following others in their ways, listening to gossip, nodding. YES, looking for worth in the wrong places..searching for wholeness and love in what I believed was alright!
I have been the lady at the well, and if I’m honest, still am in many ways…
He rescued me, through my broken heart and brokenness. His words of love and hope would jump off the pages as I read them in His Word. His grace so apparent, and true, safe and inviting.
I was at the ‘well’ when He came to me, His truth, set the ball rolling for the freedom that would come. His presence, bringing the hope that had once just been a dream. His words a salve for a heart, good, though lost in the transit of life and living.
My heart sings today, as I recount my story, not to boast, but in the wonder of how far I have come. How far He has carried me. How my hope in Him who offered ‘His living water”, in those beginning days, has been my worth and stay, my rest, indeed my song!
Thankful for Jesus’ presence at the ‘well’ the day my eyes were opened to a life, when shared and lived with and in Him, (though the troubles will come, though the waves may be choppy sometimes)has been the worth I have searched for, the love I was looking for, and the hope that I now have, no matter what or where life takes me now.. i can climb mountains, and not get weary ( most days), I have my own water ‘living’, Re-freshing, Re-Newing, RE-Setting, Re-Presenting, Re-serving, each and everyday..
Happy Friday, dear hearts.., as always wrapped in love and prayers of hope for His Re-freshing today..❤