I’ve always loved school. I was never the kid who held up the thermometer to a lamp so I could stay home, and the only time I ever cried about having to go to school was when it was the last day before summer. Even in high school, when getting up at 6:30 in the morning seemed like the worst thing in the world, I was still so happy to be at school once I got there (as long as I got there with some coffee).
Because of my love for school, my family and I have often joked that being a life-long student would be my dream job. And it’s true, really, most of my current career aspirations involve school, school, and then more school. It’s even better that my subject of choice is theology; I get to learn about God every day.
When I was in divinity school, I had a bit of a crisis of faith. I found myself asking, “What is the point of paying all this money to learn about a God who is so beyond our comprehension that we could never learn all there is to know?” The learning began to feel ominous, daunting, and scary, rather than invigorating and inviting.
The author of Ecclesiastes is asking a similar question in today’s reading. Many scholars believe that King Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes, and he is known as one of the wisest men in the Bible. He has spent all of this time learning and seeking out wisdom, but for what? He writes, “I applied my mind to know wisdom and knowledge, madness and folly; I learned that this too is a pursuit of the wind” (Ecclesiastes 1:17). He has come to the realization that not even the greatest knowledge will satisfy his deepest desire. Nothing compares to a relationship with God.
I found this out the hard way in grad school. One of the hardest things for me was that I couldn’t seem to find colleagues who talked about God like God is real. For so many, God is something to be studied, rather than someone to know. In my life as a writer and editor now, I make every effort to both study and know God, because there is always more to learn, but He already knows it all.
There is a vast difference in knowledge about God and knowledge of God. Even though I love learning more than any other earthly thing, knowledge about God can never compare to the contentment of knowing of God—having a personal relationship with the Creator of knowledge Himself.

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100 thoughts on "The Limitations of Wisdom"
1 Cor. 1:24, 30 is really the key here. Christ is the power and wisdom of God. He made us right with God, pure and holy, and freed us from sin. Our search for earthly wisdom, like Solomon, will only lead to disappointment. But Christ is our true Wisdom!
It’s all about our relationship with God!!
The pursuit of God is pure. Furthermore, I’d much rather have Holy Spirit directed learning than just pursue knowledge. The idea of learning/knowledge/wisdom IS overwhelming—there’s too much I will never know, plus everything I already forgot. I remind myself to walk in the spirit he will teach and remind me. God’s wisdom is good.
I picked this study to read because my boyfriend and I are reading Ecclesiastes and I wanted to deep dive in. The scriptures that were added to this passage in Ecclesiastes were the same scriptures I read this week (Genesis and James). God continues to show me that he is the divine author of scripture and pulls all things together to point to Himself. Thankful for a Father who works in the details!
I pray that my love for Jesus would be my everything. That as I seek him, all else will fall into order. I pray he would be my first priority and my love for him would color everything that I do so I can best glorify him
“Not even the greatest knowledge will satisfy our deepest desire. Nothing compares to a relationship with God.” Woof! Such a good summary!
Not even the greatest knowledge will satisfy his deepest desire
Lord Jesus, teach me to know the things of you – not just know things about you. May my heart seek and desire the things of you.
I find this lesson Grace filled and hopeful. A wanting to KNOW Him versus study him is part of my awakening. I’m finding deeper, more intuitive awareness as I absorb more in Ecclesiastes. Seeking, absorbing with curiosity to feel more. So good!
Wisdom is one of the keys to bearing the true fruits of the holy spirits
Amen! Society puts such an emphasis on knowing things just to know them and not really apply it. Studying the word of God isn’t merely just to know all that he is and what he does. Studying the word of God is to know who he is and develop a relationship with him.
I’m always scared that if don’t learn more about God, im not a true believer, but I have learned, but example of my 6 year old, that having a relationship with God is all I need and everything else is an added bonus.
Following God isn’t about rules and laws we are supposed to abide to. Following God is about having a relationship with him. I think so many people walk away from the faith when they think that they have to do a, b, and c to be a “true Christian.” That is religion and religion breeds insecurity. All other religions in the world make you follow strict rules so that it is more straightforward if you are going to their heaven or wherever. A relationship breeds security. When you feel loved you feel secure. Having a relationship with God and knowing him is the only thing that will fulfill us.
So good! Such a great reminder to seek to know God rather than know about God- I often feel like our world points us to the latter!
This is such a comforting thought… that we don’t have to know everything about God right now (I often shy away from sharing my faith with non-believers for fear of not being able to back up their intellectual questions in a way that satiates them)… that’s it’s enough to know of him and be in relationship with him. But it makes me think too… we can and should feel contentment but should not let it turn into complacency when it comes to growing in our faith.
In my culture, there is/was a saying: there is 18 inches between heaven and hell. There is a difference between knowing about Him (head knowledge) and having Him reside in your heart as your Lord and Savior (heart knowledge).
Love “there’s a difference between knowing ABOUT God and knowing God”
Wisdom, amen.
So awesome. Holy Spirit I rely on you for wisdom.
As I am reestablishing my relationship with God, this puts my mind at ease that I don’t need to be able to rattle off scripture to please my Lord. Thank you for this post. It was well timed as I begin again.
Knowing God personally is truly where we find our fulfillment. While we must learn about God to grow more with Him it is not the root of everything. Knowing God is.
Loved these thoughts today
“not even the greatest knowledge will satisfy his deepest desire”
I always hear this phrase but honestly a lot of times I struggle to prioritize God. Whenever I want to do something for myself, I usually seek help from other people. I know what my heart longs for but I’m too stubborn to do it. I just really pray that time will come when I could finally say that I choose God first over anything.
Thanks ladies, love all what you shared. This is so true and convicting, I Desire to know HIM more and more each day. He is my daily source.
I love to study God—about Him, what He’s like, but I also love my relationship with Him. Knowing He is RIGHT THERE when I turn in anguish,or gladness or terror. God doesn’t come & go. He stays.
The simple and wise alike can be right with God. And that’s comforting.
Love this. Simply said.
In breaking down heavenly wisdom in James 3:17 I realized this is the wisdom I would like to show to others, especially my family, especially right now as we are all together, all the time.
There’s a vast difference in knowledge OF God and knowledge ABOUT God ! “ That
Today was a reminder of my need for God. My motivations and thoughts about the correct prescription for this pandemic should not be arrogant and one minded. I should be able to hear others’ thoughts and not become upset because they are different than mine. I need to learn that to love is not to have an agenda.
And, on the flip side, when people are acting out of self ambition towards me I need to love them in return.
“For so many, God is something to be studied, rather than someone to know.” That statement really blessed me!
Dorothy, please do! It was one of the most impactful lessons I learned a couple years ago. It’s not one or the other, it’s both/and. I hope it encourages you as you grieve the loss of your niece. Prayers for you!
May we know Him and His wisdom, that is from above, which is pure and no selfish ambition ♥️
In the midst of this infodemic… Lord, I trust you. Show me what is good and what is lies. Show me the heart of Jesus in these crazy strange times. Amen!
I was just talking to a friend about this today. How important it is to not only study His word. But to know God so intimately and be in relationship with Him, there is truly nothing you can compare to it.
I don’t want to treat the Bible like a textbook! This convicted my heart!
I just love learning, but in that love I don’t want to pursue knowledge more than I pursue a relationship with my God
Also struggling with my emotions leading up to surgery to remove possible cancer (won’t know 100 percent until it is out) feelings are coming up every about things related and not
Sending you the kindest thoughts! Stay rooted in Truth!
Is anyone doing the study book? I am so confused by the two columns.
I’m a little confused by them too. I’ve been looking through the passages and seeing what is of the world and then how Christ fulfills it
I would really like to hear how others are making notes in the columns!
I found the Editor’s Letter at the front of the study book and then pages 14/15 helpful in understanding the concept for the two columns
I love this truth about our need for a relationship with God in addition to studying. I also appreciated the piece from Genesis alongside the Ecclesiastes passage. I’ve always read this part of Ecclesiastes as meaning that striving for knowledge is futile because we, as humans, don’t have the full capacity to understand or to know what God knows. I still believe this to be a component here, but when reading this passage with the Genesis bit I start to see earthly wisdom as bringing about knowledge of unholiness. Adam and Eve weren’t aware of wickedness until they received earthly “wisdom.” I feel that is true for myself at times as well. The more I seek to understand things in the world, the more I find wickedness and deceit. Also, in comparison to how the James passage describes Godly wisdom, wisdom on earth is unstable and filled with falsehoods. There is no rest in earthly wisdom; only a pursuit of a “truth” that doesn’t exist. The good news for believers is Proverbs 9:10-11 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. For by me your days will be multiplied and years will be added to your life.”
Praying to find peace, gentleness, and mercy in my relationship with Him as I seek to know Him more through this study.
This really helped me understand the readings better! Thank you!
Wow I love your insight! Great writing, I really appreciated reading this to hear others thoughts and truly brought clarity to the readings!
The part in the devotion that really stood out to me was, “For so many God is something to be studied rather than someone to know”. I can attest to that in Christian walk. For so long I would study the Bible for the sake of having knowledge, and not to really get to know God and understand His love for me. 1 Corinthians 8:3 really sums things up for me though, “But whoever loves God is known by God.”
Definitely a convicting devotion! Seeking God in relationship is so important and we may not realize we are seeking knowledge about Him rather than of Him!
I loved today’s devotional! Knowing about God vs knowing God! I felt this so much in James 3:14-17
It occured to me for probably the first time when I read this this time, that when Solomon became king, God told him to ask what God should give him. To God’s pleasure, Solomon asked for an understanding mind and discernment to govern God’s people rightly. God told Solomon He would give him such a wise and discerning mind so that none before him and none would arise after him with such wisdom. Contemplating that concept that he had more understanding and wisdom about everything under the sun than any has ever or will ever have must have been mind boggling. Keeping that in my understanding, for him to know all this (realizing also He is not all knowing like God) and see the futility he does gives greater insight into my feelings of frustration and the need to keep my relationship with God as the priority always. Nothing here will satisfy.
Elaine T. I also wrote you in yesterday’s comments about your situation with your boyfriend.
Lindsay C., WOW I like what you said about grief and how it goes hand in hand with joy. Do you mind if I share this with my sister and others? Also do you mind if I keep it on an index card on my fridge where it will remind me of how grief and joy go hand in hand?
As a lover of learning myself, this was a good way to approach this text that honestly never really made sense to me until now. I loved how she said “knowledge about God can never compare to the contentment of knowing OF God- having a personal relationship with the creator of knowledge himself.” It makes me reconsider how I approach my quiet time with God. I’m not doing it just to check off a box for the day, or to merely learn about God, I’m doing it to encounter the manifest presence of God on Earth. I’m spending time in His word so he can speak to me, teach me, and mold me, and so that I can build my relationship with him and apply his teachings to my life to reflect that. Eye opening!
I do enjoy SRT studies and all you ladies share in your comments. This study has made me stop and think about what I do with my days. To slow down and enjoy the splendor of God. He is awesome!
Elaine T., you and your boyfriend need to listen to the Lord and no one else. You need to do what is right and best for the two of you and what the Lord is saying for you to do. The two of you can always find another community, but do you want to find another Lord?
These words of Ellen Taylor’s stood out to me “Nothing compares to a relationship with God.” because I grew up knowing the Lord and relying on Him in hard times and praising Him in good times. Then when I read “…knowledge about God can never compare to the contentment of knowing of God—having a personal relationship with the Creator of knowledge Himself.” I felt Ellen knew me. I felt Ellen was saying some of what I might hear my father saying to me. Ellen’s words in this devotional were comforting for this reason. Have a blessed day my sisters.
ELAINE T, FYI I wrote a message on yesterday’s devotion in response to your request for advice.
As I began reading today, I couldn’t help but notice an interesting dichotomy between David and Solomon. David seems motivated by his heart, while Solomon seems motivated by his mind. A feeler and a thinker, if you will. Yet we are privy to both their authentic feelings of despair. God uniquely creates us all, but we will all experience grief. Ecclesiastes 1:18 reminds me of Luke 12:48. As more is revealed to us, as our eyes are opened to the sorrow all around us, it is only natural that our grief increases. However, grief and joy can go hand in hand. When our hope is in Jesus, we are able to see glimpses of His glory amidst the suffering. He is near, always.
I love this so much!! I just finished a study on David and realized how little I relate to him because he is always moving from the heart, while I am way more like Solomon — wanting answers and motivated by my head. This really helped how I approached the text today!
CHURCHMOUSE, you asked us if how we approach the Bible today is different from when we first started reading it. And I say with a resounding “yes, it is!” When I was in my twenties, I read through the Bible in a year. But I approached it like a textbook (I’m with Ellen as one who loved school and learning – and still do). After finishing it, I realized that I didn’t understand much of what I read. Fast forward several years in which I had already begun my trek in the “new normal” of chronic illness. At a moment of crisis, God met me in my desperate questions to confirm truth is found in his word. I wanted to know the truth about him, but I was surrounded by those who had a low view of the Bible and were expressing beliefs not founded on orthodox Christianity. I was confused and overwhelmed, but the Lord used this point of crisis to bring me to a new heart and mind about his word and I found him on the pages in an intimate way like nothing I had experienced before. The road has been hard as sometimes the holiness of God has overwhelmed me and because of cognitive problems due to my illness, Scripture can be confusing to me at times. However, even in these grave times, the Lord has always been faithful to work in ways I couldn’t see when I was slow to understand. I’ve come to have a high view of Scripture, not because of some academic reason, but because my Lord showed himself to me through the word in ways that have brought me to my knees in love and worship of him. His word is so precious to me because Jesus is the Word!
I truly believe I needed this reminder. At my ripe-old-middle-age I have always believed I should be further along, be smarter, wiser, quote scripture left and right.
 I was actually thinking about this yesterday and feeling down on myself. God is good!
I love these gentle reminders that my relationship with HIM is most important. I look forward each morning meeting with all of you. My schedule has changed just a tad but I still meet with you here every morning. I am “learning“ from all of you.
What does seeking wisdom rightly look in our lives as Christians today? Solomon tells us he “applied my heart to seek and to search out by wisdom all that is done under heaven.” Yet, he found “much vexation” and much knowledge “increases sorrow.” Was what he was seeking of an earthly desire rather than a heavenly one? In Genesis chapters 2 and 3, we are reminded that the Fall of man came about because the man and the woman sought wisdom in a way against God’s command. But then, in James, we are told, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him” (James 1:5). And then more clarity comes when we see the call to “meekness in wisdom” and a differentiation between ‘wisdom’ that is “earthly, unspiritual, demonic” and that which is “the wisdom from above” (James 3:13-17). As Ellen said, the real search for wisdom is to know God, not just know about God.
As writing this out has helped me process the connecting pieces of these passages, I thank our Lord for revealing a growing answer to my original question. I pray that each one of us will be granted the wisdom from above as we ask the Lord in faith for our particular requests. May we have a meekness in our approach to the Lord as we come confidently to the throne of grace asking for help; not because of our goodness, but because of the goodness of our Lord and Savior who is at the right hand of our Father interceding for us, wretched ones we are!
Diana! YES! Your post really helped connect and further cement the points in this teaching! I didn’t realize, before starting the study, that there were 2 ways to go about gaining wisdom and WHAT type of wisdom it was. Now I get it!
Between the reading and your comment, I have a better perspective on wisdom and what it means. Thank you for taking the time to share your insights!
Angie, I really enjoyed your writing this morning. Bless you.
All that attaintment of wisdom and Solomon says it ” leads to grief and sorrow” – WOW! I see this as spiritual pride, all that “knowing” puffs up ( we know those people). The wisdom that is from above has fruit, it’s peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. What a distinct contrast.
BTW I’m doing this study with the reading plan printed book (first time) and I am in love- it’s so beautiful.
I’ve worked in ministry my entire post college career. And this devotion is so right! Knowing God personally is so much greater than having knowledge about God. Are we allowing what we know about God to flow into our relationship with him? Knowledge is important, but without application it is folly.
The motivation behind what we do matters.
Motivation is the heart’s attitude or focus.
Solomon had “everything” as king; things, power, respect.
Ecclesiastes gives words to his attempt to add to “everything” wisdom and knowledge, and when that still wasn’t enough madness and folly. He was hungry to be bigger and better.
Eve had everything – literally. She lived in the perfect place and got to walk with God daily. And yet, when brought into the temptation by the serpent, she allowed her mind to wander to “what if I could have more?” Oh, how I wish she would have gone to her Father and said, “Hey, this happened and now I feel conflicted, please help me.”
And what about me? What is my motivation behind what I do? I am no better.
What is my heart attitude and focus?
I may ask this question about every little thing. Why do I keep my house clean? Why did I just say that unkind word? Why do I care about my pant size? Why did I make soup for my neighbor? Why do I read my Bible? Why did I make that call or not make that call? Why?
Solomon said, I, I, I…I said, I have, I applied, I learned and basically it didn’t matter. (Thank you Solomon for trying to save us the time.)
Eve’s actions, founded in what her, “what if I” actions, lost her everything. (Thank you God for your great love, and Jesus’ death and resurrection, that make a way for our renewed union with you.)
Anything I, we do, motivated by I or me is a waste…like a blowing in the wind.
So, what’s the use? Why bother? Should I just drop out of everything and be a useless blob?
I think the James 3:17 verse states clearly why: “But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peace-loving, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without pretense.”
Without pretense we live with the motivation of knowing God and growing closer to Him.
We live in the pure, peace-loving, gentle, compliant, merciful, fruit bearing, unwavering, always, without agenda, gracious wisdom of God. For Him. For His purpose. By His will and plan.
When, “I,” start slipping in, and “I”often do, we pray that the Holy Spirit, that we have been blessed with will guide us. May we hear His voice and comply as we veer away from self and back on the path that is not a chasing or blowing of the wind, but of glorifying God.
May we dwell in the shelter of the Most Holy and rest, grow, and live in the shadow of the Almighty, until the day we really have everything.
While this part of the journey may tax our body and spirit at times, we are not alone. He is with us. We are loved. And, one day…yes, one day…what seems like the end of this journey will only be the beginning. The beginning of “everything.”
The wisdom of God answers our every need and gives us a true perspective on life’s deepest questions. What Paula said about letting God be enough in our current season is the truth. I have to stop trying to fill in spaces where God is simply telling me to leave room for growth.
OH Lizzie I love your writing about being a whale!
Wow Paula what you said “I have to let God be enough in this season” spoke so much truth to me! So much of my life I have spent trying to take control because I doubted that God would be enough. But He is MORE than enough. I love learning so much. Since starting grad school for occupational therapy two years ago, I was on my own for the first time out of a Christian learning environment. I began starting my days in the Word and that has become such a sacred time for me. I love waking up in the quiet of the morning to seek the Lord and His wisdom. Especially since COVID started I’ve had more time than ever to spend in the Word and it has richly blessed me. Kacie I SO relate to what you said. I’m 24 and single. It’s so easy to fall into the trap that we’re “behind” because we’re not married yet or haven’t started our careers yet but God’s timing is the PERFECT timing. Some days that’s easier to believe than others but I will pray for you and others today that we will trust the Lord in this season and continue to seek and know Him. For we know that when we seek, then we will find <3
I love this! I’m currently having that problem, with feeling like I’m spiraling out of control. I’m 28, just starting my career, and single. My friends are all getting married and/or having babies and I just feel like I’m behind, even though I don’t necessarily want the married and raising children life. I’m content with my dachshund, but still feel lonely at times. I try to stay off social media unless I’m getting on for something specific. COVID-19 has helped me be still, and find my motivation to restart a life of faith. This has been the ultimate reminder that I am not in control, and just like Ellen and Eve, I’m forever a student, and forever seeking knowledge. I also joke I’ll be a lifelong student, which is true in many ways, because I’m in paramedic school, with the end goal of being a firefighter and paramedic. But I also want to get a couple more degrees and maybe even a masters some time. Love to you ladies!
Our contentment is found in God, not things of this world or people but God and we have to let God be enough in this season. And seek wisdom from Him
Angie. I am so glad you got to mow the law! Some people may think it was a waste of time and energy in this crisis. I know it was great because it got you out of the house and moving! Praying continually.
“Nothing compares to a relationship with God.” -Ellen Taylor
It’s all about Him! 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, Philippians 3:10, John 17:3. As life goes by, where am I setting my hopes, my contentment, my peace? This is a wonderful reminder that God is my source. He will fill me, and I must rest in Him.
I love whales, it seems like they enjoy being whales. They swim around, their huge presence dominating the sea, and yet they are almost under the radar. They communicate with their families and care for them. They live life as a whale. Jumping out of the water for a splash, eating fish, swimming and swimming. Not all whales are like this, but the ones that are seem to have the best outcome of life.
I am a child of God, His presence should fill my life. I should be filled with His love, overflowing to others. I am called to constant communication with Him. I should live life as a child of God. Enjoying Him, being filled in Him, and walking with Him. He will guide me into the best outcome of life! He will guide me to Himself!
I love that, Lizzie! We get so serious and solemn. Jesus came so that me might have life and have it abundantly! There are so many blessings to enjoy! Thank you for the reminder.
I love how my commentary also leads me to Mark 8:35-36, where, in reference to Himself, Jesus taught, “whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the Gospel’s will save it. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” I can read and study about God and know all about Him. But do I really KNOW Him? I love getting to Know my God. Learn of His attributes and remember what He did for me. Worldly wisdom is futile! It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t study hard in school or pursue a career or read books on how to be a better mom or wife. It means that these things shouldn’t come before our God. Our only God should be the Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, the Great I Am. The rest just takes up time on this earth as we wait to see His Face in Glory.
Well said, Tara.
So good.
Everyday, I’m struggling to know Him better and to be able to feel His presence on daily basis. I sometimes feel like I cannot feel Him even after I have read my Bible. I hope in this journey I can be a better person that God wants me to be. Thank you SRR sisters for sharing your experience. Please pray that I can be faithful in seeking God’s presence.
It’s OK if you sometimes don’t feel God, He’s still there! The Holy Spirit dwells in your heart and He is in charge of transforming you, so He will make you into the person He created you to be. Sometimes in the Psalms the writer is crying out to God that he doesn’t feel God is there. God is inviting you to cry out to Him and tell Him how you feel. I have struggled with not feeling His presence and so this is what has helped me. Blessings to you!
I love this! I also struggle with this, and these words were so wise and encouraging. Thank you!
As a fellow love-to-learn-er, this was such a good reminder. Thank you, Ellen.
I relate to Eve so much. She wanted knowledge, and that’s something I’ve always wanted too. In my early twenties, I began to pray and read Truth every day because I wanted answers. My life hadn’t been unfolding like I’d hoped and I had finally realized that I’m not in control. Thus began my pursuit of wisdom. In God’s grace, my pursuit of wisdom became a pursuit of the Giver of wisdom, God Himself. Four years later, I still don’t have all the answers, but I have found the Answer.
I would be lying if I said I didn’t want answers anymore; this is a battle I struggle with daily. But I have come to a point where I want God more than I want the answers. Knowing Him personally has transformed my life. What better knowledge can we have, sisters? Let’s seek to know God, not just know about Him or about His plans for the future, but to truly know Him. This pursuit is never meaningless.
I loved the connection between Genesis and Ecclesiastes today! Gn 2:17, “but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” Ec 18, “For with much wisdom is much sorrow; as knowledge increases, grief increases.” I want to reflect more on this today.
How do you put these together. I have a lot to learn :(
I fear I have lost some of that passion to love and know a God himself instead of about God. I am eagerly in pursuit of Him, though. My prayer right now is that God would give me the desire and ability to know him as an exercise of my entire being and not just my head.
Lindsay, I can relate to you in this. Like the author, Ellen, I recently completed a degree in theology. While it was an amazing and worthwhile experience, I fear that it has caused me to focus more on knowing about God instead of knowing Him. I am praying with you today.
Angie, prayers continue for healing for your husband and protection and strength for you.
Dorothy, praying that your move to new housing will go smoothly. Praying for your heart to be comforted and your mind to be filled with wonderful memories of your niece.
Praying for you SJ and April. That is God’s desire for you as well to be in relationship with Him. It is why Jesus came to give us life that is not futile but beauty and grace in Him. All we have to do is accept His gift of salvation, believe He is who He says He is and trust His forgiveness of sins and we are free, so loved and He calls us to draw near to know Him through prayer and His word. He is faithful, mighty and His love never fails.
The living Word brings life and light and daily feeds me bringing peace to my heart, mind a and soul. Revealing who I am as a child of God and teaching me to trust the One who is Truth and Unfailing. So much in His word, so thankful.
Thank you so much Ellen, I am so on the same page. As a young child I always prayed for God’s wisdom. I don’t know if at first I truly knew what it meant. But as I grew this developed into knowing more about Him. And this developed into love. I love to talk to God, love what He has created, love listening for His voice, His guidance and especially spending time with Him. But then the fact that I can count on His forgiveness, no matter how many times I mess up, wow, what a God!
I could read the Bible in order to gain facts, so that I might score well on a Bible Trivia test. I could read the Bible as a type of self – help book suggesting good practices for a successful life. I could read the Bible to gain knowledge about one of the major religions of the world and thus be able to compare it to the others. BUT I read the Bible to intimately know the One Who made me and why. I read the Bible because it is the only living book. God Himself speaks and reveals Himself and His plan and purpose. Yes, reading the Bible gives wisdom and knowledge but that is not the primary reason I read it. Every time I open it, I get to know the Author better. He then changes me, gives me divine perspective and insight I would not otherwise have. God, through His book, gives me purpose for living, for thriving in whatever my circumstance. God’s Word gives living Hope.
Hope about you? How do you approach the Bible? Is your approach different today than when you first began to read it? What do you hope to gain? How would you explain to others, especially unbelieving others, your fascination and commitment to this Book?
I couldn’t have said it better myself! The Living Word of God speaks of His love for his creation, His long suffering through our constant sinning, His forgiveness & grace given through faith in Jesus, His desire for relationship with us for all of eternity! As I read & respond I can rest in the most important relationship of my life. Thank you ABBA Father!
I want to seek Godly wisdom, but first before anything else is a relationship with God!
This is so true and my desire as well.