The Light of Life

Open Your Bible

John 8:12, John 3:1-21

Section 1: The Light of the World 

Jesus declared Himself to be the Light of the World. Apart from Him, we live in darkness. 

But this story of light didn’t begin with the birth of a baby boy under a shining star in the city of Bethlehem. From creation to the incarnation to the coming eternal city, Scripture speaks of our God as light in a world prone to darkness. In the midst of the sin and sorrow of this world, His light is a reminder of His life-giving presence and His power over sin.

In the first section of the plan, we’ll explore together the role of light in Scripture to better understand the gift of Jesus, reading how God used light to remind His people of His presence and His promises. 

Have you ever been afraid of the light? When I was a kid, I would run to my bedroom window at night and pull down the shades as fast as I could. It’s true that I wondered what might be lurking in the darkness outside. But more than that, I was afraid of being seen. Whatever was out there was hidden by the darkness, but standing on the inside of that bedroom window, I was in plain sight—every move exposed by the light. 

Nicodemus was a Jewish religious leader who had his own fears of being found out. Like the other Pharisees, he had taken notice of the signs and wonders Jesus was performing among the people. He wanted to know more about this controversial rabbi, but the text makes a point to tell us he came to Jesus at night, perhaps indicating he didn’t want anyone to know. It’s to this covertly curious Pharisee that Jesus makes one of His most famous statements of the Gospel: “For God loved the world in this way: he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). 

But that mic drop moment wasn’t the end of the conversation. Jesus went on to speak a truth that fascinates me, especially considering when and to whom He said it: “The light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the light and avoids it, so that his deeds may not be exposed. But anyone who lives by the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be shown to be accomplished by God” (vv.19–21). 

This may sound like Jesus is condemning the very person He’s talking to—a man who came to Him under the cover of darkness. But I don’t read it that way. I read this as an invitation. Jesus is inviting Nicodemus—and us—into the light. No more sneaking. No more hiding. No more running to pull down the blinds of our homes or our hearts because we’re afraid of being found out. In Jesus Christ, the Son of God who came to be the Light of the World, we are given new life in the light of His mercy, forgiveness, and love. When we come to the light, we are set free. Notice that Jesus tells Nicodemus that the light has already come into the world. Jesus has come, and He has overcome the darkness! This is the good news of great joy for all people; the same news the angel proclaimed to the shepherds that holy night in a field outside Bethlehem.

The light of life has come! Thanks be to God. 

(144) Comments

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144 thoughts on "The Light of Life"

  1. Katie Burch says:

    The Chosen has helped me visualize this so much better

  2. Christina Vingerud says:

    I love reading this through the lens of an invitation, not condemnation!

  3. Sydney Lee says:

    Lord Jesus you are SO good! You are our only light Jesus!

  4. Jess Morris says:

    As I was reading what came on in the room “wave maker, miracle worker, light of the darkness, that is who you are”

  5. Mariah Finley says:


  6. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord you are good

  7. Kyrah Vandiver says:

    Praise God!!

  8. Megan Taylor says:


  9. Madeline Leibold says:

    Praise God for the Light of the World!

  10. Alison Stover says:


  11. Kristina Lopes says:

    Thank you God for giving your Son so that we might be saved. I continuously flux in and out of the light. Perhaps I have one foot in and one foot out. I am demoralized by the pains I experience here on earth – sometimes, the pain is so much that I only see red. I pray that you bring more color to my eyes, grace to my heart and rest to my soul. Only you can guide me into the light. Thank you again for all you do ❤️

  12. Donna Jamar says:


  13. Carissa Sotelo says:


  14. Michelle Cheney says:

    Lord Jesus, let your light shine through me and through the darkness. Forgive me for so often choosing darkness for own heart and for sharing that with others.

  15. Rachael Ennis says:

    I thought the same thing!! So so good!!

  16. Autumn Adams says:

    Come out of the darkness and into the light- there you’ll find Jesus with His arms open wide! You’ll be so happy no sorrow
    In side COME OUT of the Darkness and into the light!
    A chorus of an old song my momma use to sing- never analyzed it till now with the help of this study. Coming out of the darkness and into the Light of Jesus is coming out of darkness into His Love, His Grace, His Mercy- it’s repentance. It’s that about face turning and making a choice to be in the light but also- Covered/ Controlled/ guided by HIM. Amen amen- may we be either Called out to His light by being born again- changed/ repent: or for us Christians may we Walk in the Light and not be hid about in the darkness nor shameful of the light. Just like we like to put up our Christmas lights for all to see- Let that be true of Jesus in me. Lord, I pray that they see Jesus in me.

  17. Autumn Adams says:

    Come out of the darkness and into the light- there you’ll find Jesus with His arms open wide! You’ll be so happy no sorrow
    In side COME OUT of the Darkness and into the light!
    A chorus of an old song my momma use to sing- never analyzed it till now with the help of this study. Coming out of the darkness and into the Light of Jesus is coming out of darkness into His Love, His Grace, His Mercy- it’s repentance. It’s that about face turning and making a choice to be in the light but also- Covered/ Controlled/

  18. Autumn Adams says:

    Come out of the darkness and into the light- there you’ll find Jesus with His arms open wide! You’ll be so happy no sorrow
    In side COME OUT of the Darkness and into the light!

  19. Autumn Adams says:

    Come out of the darkness and into the light- there you’ll find Jesus with His arms open wide! You’ll be so happy no sorrow

  20. Abbye Durr says:

    I love the idea that instead of choosing to condemn Nicodemus for being afraid of being exposed, Jesus invites Him to receive the gift of Light. Light may expose the truth, but in it we find goodness and peace.

  21. Abbye Durr says:

    I love the idea illustration that instead of choosing to condemn Nicodemus for being afraid of being exposed, Jesus invites Him to receive the gift of Light. Light may expose the truth, but in it we find goodness and peace.

  22. Cindy Gibson says:


  23. Elicia Trello says:

    Jesus will protect me from darkness

  24. Danielle Mcklveen says:


  25. Allie McCandless says:


  26. Sharon Dancer says:


  27. Kristi Abney says:


  28. Cherrish Stegall says:

    Great invitation into the light.

  29. Diana Montalban says:


  30. Sherri Kannmache says:


  31. Shantell Matney says:

    Oh Lexi!!! My heart aches for you!!! I cannot fathom such devastating news, but I’m so encouraged by your hope as you lean into the HOPE of our Coming Lord. May he be ever so near and speak tenderly to you in the wilderness.

  32. Lauren Violette Sherman says:

    My first thought after reading this! ❤️

  33. Kristin Hilty says:

    Lord, let our desire for Your Light and Your ways be fierce and stronger than anything else. Forgive us our weaknesses for the things of this world. May Your light shine bright all around us. Thankyou for coming to save and for Your endless mercy and grace that allows us to stand in Your light without shame, knowing You came to redeem and make new, to make us Yours. We belong in the light because we belong to You.

  34. Sarah Beth Deans says:

    Praying for you Lexi. We had a precious baby named sally in 2017. We found out in November of 2016 that she had lots of anomalies and would likely not live. She passed at 35 weeks. I am here for you if you need a friend. Romans 8 was always very comforting to me. Hold on.

  35. Brielle Hebert says:

    Light of the World by Lauren Daigle ❤️

  36. Noemi Velazquez says:


  37. Adrienne McPherson says:

    This piece has really brought a lot of things up for me- this state of being use to the darkness and not wanting to come into light due to actions, ideas, desires not aligned with God – I am seeing that I lean towards this especially to justify what I want. But what I want hasn’t brought me life, peace or happiness or temporary joys. I can’t seem to shake or decide how to stand in the light and do this consistently – I’ve seen that it’s by Him that we can but I wonder do I desire enough I’m I drawn to the light so that I am not gripped by jealous, anger, disappointment…. Am here and I want Jesus to help me shed this puddle of ugh! The light is an invite and that excites me.

  38. Adrienne McPherson says:

    This piece has really brought a lot of things up for me- this state of being use to the darkness and not wanting to come into light due to actions, ideas, desires not aligned with God – I am seeing that I lean towards this especially to justify what I want. But what I want hasn’t brought me life, peace or happiness or temporary joys. I can’t seem to shake or decide how to stand in the light and do this consistently – I’ve seen that it’s by Him that we can but I wonder do I desire enough I’m I drawn to the light so that I am not gripped by jealous, anger, disappointment….

  39. Victoria Lynch says:

    Thank you, Churchmouse…so thankful you’re back…love reading your wisdom!

  40. Flor Slezak says:

    Prayers of peace and healing for you. But most of all, that your faith would remain firm all throughout this journey.

  41. Sherri Kannmache says:

    This is what caught my attention. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. – John 3:17. I’m thankful this season for a God that saves. ❤️

  42. Sherri Kannmache says:

    This is what caught my attention. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. – John 3:17

  43. Nicole Stevens says:

    Lexi, I am so sorry. May Jesus be your Rock and Strength and Portion now and forever. He is holding you.

  44. Brittany Kilbreath says:

    Praying for you tonight, and all the nights of the advent, Lexi. My first son was born with a rare disease, Menkes Disease, and we didn’t find out his diagnosis until he was nine months old. He lived a miraculous 20.5 months before he left us to be with God. While it’s not the same, I can understand and empathize with finding out troubling news around a holiday. We received his diagnosis on November 4th, 2010 and he passed exactly a year later on November 4th, 2011. Praying for comfort, peace and strength for your coming days and nights. ❤️❤️

  45. Caroline Gilbert says:


  46. Jillian Michaud says:


  47. Hannah Witten says:

    Beautiful truth for today!

  48. Julia Lemmens says:

    Amen ❤️

  49. Julia Lemmens says:

    Praying for you, Lexi ❤️

  50. Elizabeth Delmonico says:

    Took note of the fact that Jesus didn’t come to condemn us we are already in that state he is come to pull us out of that state of being condemned and save us

  51. Sarah Zillmer says:


  52. Julia Brown says:

    Lexi. 8 years ago I was told on Dec 23 that the baby I was carrying had a deformity that was incompatible with life. That little girl had a hard road but she is now healthy and thriving. At the same time I had a friend who was blindsided at birth by a daughter that would not survive due to horrible liver disease. Walking together with her through that year was so tough, but God showed up for us both, and loved us both through it. I am praying for you and your sweet baby. May God show up for you both in amazing ways.

  53. Kat Getz says:

    I ask you Father God to be the full light in all of my life. shine your light on me

  54. Christina Ross says:


  55. Trista Sutherland says:


  56. Ashley Griffin says:


  57. Emily Winslow says:

    May the light of Jesus shine on us in such a way that the things that come to be seen because of His truth shining on it only compel us closer to him with every breath. May we see all the greater His deep and abiding love for us personally and all mankind.

  58. Chrisey Billman says:

    Praying for you, Lexi! Have you heard of Abel Speaks? My good friends started a ministry after their son was diagnosed with Trisomy 18.

  59. Sydney Story says:

    Praying for you Lexi!

  60. Abby Petermann says:

    Lord, use Your light this Christmas season to expose darkness in all of us and remind us of Your invitation to step into the wholeness and holiness You offer us!

  61. Kristin Murray says:

    Erin, my heart breaks as I think about the pain that you’ve suffered in this. I’m so sorry. I’m sure you’ve prayed for your ex to be a father to your daughter, but even as those prayers are answered it brings up the hurt and anger and fears again. Walking in forgiveness every day in the midst of being “triggered” probably feels a bit like trying to breathe underwater. And it makes sense that those fears and emotions are affecting how you feel about yourself and in turn your marriage now. It strikes me that this period in your life is bringing to light all that has been buried, and that perhaps it is His act of Grace over you to bring healing and wholeness. I will be praying with you that when you are feeling overwhelmed that you can invite Jesus into that moment- into all the anger, hurt, fear and shame and ask Him to feel His presence and comfort over you. You are so beloved and are not alone in this struggle. I also have a dear friend that has had a very similar journey to yours but is about 8 years further down the road- it’s taken lots of personal awareness, vulnerability with a safe person or people, patience, releasing bitterness, engaging Him in forgiveness, and Godly counseling, but there has been so much redemption. God is working even now in your story to redeem and grow and bring you closer in relationship with him. Hold on to hope my friend, and we will pray with you.

  62. Kacey Jetter says:

    Praying for peace and healing Erin.

  63. Kacey Jetter says:

    Prayers to you Lexi!

  64. Elizabeth McGee says:

    Erin, I’m so sorry you are dealing with painful memories. That is a traumatic thing to go through and it’s understandable the holidays would bring up those feelings. Just my 2 cents, but it might help to remember that a man who abandons his newborn baby and wife is no prize. And I wouldn’t be surprised if he just wants your daughter around for holidays for his “image”, so he can take pictures and look like a “big happy family,” hoping everyone will conveniently forget how he acted when she was born, and his real character.

  65. Elizabeth McGee says:

    Praying for you, Lexi ❤️

  66. Erin Dillard says:

    Praying I can overcome my darkness this advent. I’ve been struggling with depression and unhappiness in my second marriage. I’ve also been struggling with past trauma from my first marriage and recently found out my ex husband is having another baby with his third wife. He left me when our daughter was a new born 8 years ago so it has been very difficult to unpack. He also has started wanting to be more involved in our daughters life which should be a good thing but I am struggling with it since he now wants her for holidays when he’s never asked to have her around this time before. He went from seeing her once or twice a year to now wanting her on all his designated holidays and whenever he gets time off. I do my best to accommodate bc I want them to have a relationship I am just struggling with the change in events and don’t know what to do. It’s bringing up so many memories I’ve tried to bury and put behind me and I’ve just struggled with past pain and trauma. It’s leaking into my current marriage and I don’t know how to overcome it.

  67. Tara Beatty says:

    Thank you for sharing and for prayers. I will check the book out. ❤️

  68. Lexi Sharer says:

    I am so excited for this advent. There has never been a time in my life that I needed to focus more on the light. I found out I was pregnant a few months ago and the day before thanksgiving we found out our baby has Trisomy 18 and most likely will not make it to birth. I have a long road ahead, but turning to this advent and remembering there is Light in every situation is exactly what I needed.

    1. Ashley Werho says:

      Praying for you Lexi! Jesus can perform miracles! That baby is truly blessed to have you as a momma. Pray over him/her all the time! ❤

  69. Shannon Basquez says:

    I’m sorry for your loss Teresa! I feel part of our walk is to be light to others, and although you may be struggling to find light without her my guess is you were and are her light in this dark world. ❤️

  70. Kaylie Rooke says:


  71. Rachel Quintana says:


  72. Erin LaRoe says:


  73. Grace Ward says:

    How powerful it is to get to live in the light. It’s so easy in today’s society to live in darkness! Isolation, fear, sin, you name it. It’s often more comfortable in the dark! Jesus calls us to live in His light, the same light brought to the world through the birth of the Savior. What a great kickoff to advent!

  74. Maggie Greene says:


  75. shannon hirko says:


  76. Bri Tieperman says:


  77. Katie Gilbert says:


  78. Teresa Donley says:

    What an appropriate time in the world for a study on The Light. We’ve been living in the darkness of a world wide deadly pandemic. This will be our second Advent season living under this darkness. My mother died from Covid eight months ago. I have sunk into a deep depression, and find it hard to find any light in my world without her. I feel that this study is coming into my life at the exact moment I need it most. I praise God that he always accompanies us through the bad times as well as the good. I pray that through this Advent study, I will begin to feel the light that is Jesus in me.

  79. Ashleigh Matos says:

    I need prayer. I have dental work that I am terrified of at the end of December & each time I try to read & focus on this study I can’t stop thinking about my fear of pain. Please pray that I could focus on this study!

  80. Ashly Czaja says:

    One of my favorite parts of these studies is seeing all the comments written here. Connecting of dots, true understanding of His word, and hearts being met. ❤️

  81. Tanya Joseph says:

    There is comfort in the darkness, ultimately a false comfort because when we experience the light of Jesus’ being there’s nothing more repulsive than that darkness.

  82. Gabriella Martinez says:

    My favorite! “I am the light of the world”

  83. Tatiana P. says:

    Love this. Its funny as read the Scripture I noted John 3:17 and John 3:20, as I continued to read the devotion for the day, the pieces just fell into place. Lord, help us stop hiding, covering ourselves with our fig leaves. Help us remember that your light is stronger than our darkness.

  84. Michelle Rock says:

    I love this! I never looked at this story in this way. Thank you for such perspective!

  85. Jennifer Ficklen says:

    How beautiful it is to know that God continues to try to have relationships with mankind, His creation. He loves us so much that He sacrificed His one and only son to have a relationship with all of us. Thank you God for that. Thank you for never giving up on us.

  86. Makenzie Benish says:

    I loved John 8:12 “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will NEVER walk in darkness, but will always have the light of life.”

  87. Kenzie Revell says:


  88. Sonia Onyenegecha says:

    Jesus is indeed the light of the world

  89. Anne-Leigh Stedman says:

    How beautiful is your faithfulness to God to keep trying ❤️

  90. Anne-Leigh Stedman says:

    How beautiful your faithfulness to God to keep trying ❤️

  91. Jessica Muong says:

    I love how Nicodemus starts out and says “we know” almost a profession of faith acknowledging who Jesus is but not accepting him because he has questions that don’t make sense. I feel like that’s a lot of people. They know who Jesus is but they won’t accept him because of their own questions.

  92. Angela Greenwood says:

    I love that Jesus is inviting all of us to step out of the darkness and into the light, the truth. I’m so thankful that the invitation is still open to us.

  93. Heather Nelson says:

    Such an interesting perspective on Nicodemus coming the night and Jesus using the dark and light to share truth with Nicodemus.

  94. Chelsea Limon says:

    Same. Keep it up ❤️

  95. Kristy Mancuso says:

  96. L V says:

    Really struggling with powering through my ADHD and actually grasp what I’m reading. My mind is wandering a lot this morning. But I’m thankful for this plan and the fact that I can reread the same sentence 5 times until I actually read it.

    1. Gwendolyn Vincent says:

      LV, I feel your struggles. I don’t suffer with ADHD but I do sometimes have a hard time staying focused an grasping what I’m reading. Often times having to go back and read several times. Keep praying and studying❤

  97. Michelle Prichard says:

    I have read these verses many many times in John chapter 3 and this is the first time that I realized that Nicodemus was coming to Jesus at night because he didn’t want the other Pharisees to know about it. How amazing the Word of God is! Even some seemingly small detail was “lit up” for me!

    1. Alexis Amarante says:

      Yes to this! First time I’m realizing that as well.

  98. Alexis Adamchik says:

    I want to walk with Jesus in the light! He is my saving Lord!

  99. Caroline Horimoto says:

    I want to bake in Jesus light, Because that’s where transformation is, and healing and life, Lord help to desire your light in every aspect of my life

  100. Caroline Horimoto says:

    I want to bake in Jesus light, Because that’s where transformation is, and healing and life, Lord help

  101. Caroline Horimoto says:

    I want to

  102. Robin Tella says:


  103. Jeanine IrvingGillespie says:

  104. Michelle-Rose Oduro says:

    I’m loving this Advent season!!!

  105. Changed Life says:

    I am excited to begin this Advent study! Like many of you, I hope to slow down and meditate on the true meaning of this season. I love that today’s study is titled the Light of Life. Imagining Jesus as the Light warms my heart.

    Praying for those of you who have experienced loss in this season. We are expected to be filled with joy and anticipation, and sadly some struggle with simply getting through the holiday season. May you all feel the prayers, love, and support from your fellow She’s. ❤️

  106. Liz says:

    Good Morning from Colorado fellow She’s!

    This is my first time actually commenting on the devotions though I’ve been reading with SRT for a couple years now (this is my second Advent with SRT) and can I just say how lovely y’all are? I didn’t read through all the comments but the ones I did read are just FULL of love for one another and I count myself blessed for just being in community with you.

    The reason I felt led to comment was because I’m doing another Advent study with Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies that’s a bit more structured than SRT’s and yesterday’s Scripture reading from Luke 1:46-49 really spoke to my heart, so I wanted to share it here in case it blesses someone else. This is from the NASB translation:

    And Mary said:
    “My soul exalts the Lord,
    And my spirit has rejoiced
    In God my Savior.
    For He has had regard for the
    Humble state of His bondslave;
    For behold, from this time on all
    Generations will count me blessed.
    For the Mighty One has done
    Great things for me;
    And holy is His name.”

    The whole section (vv. 46-55) is Mary’s song of praise to her God that He would bless her with bringing the Savior of the world into the world as a tiny baby and it is hands down one of my favorite sections of Scripture. May we all strive to love our God so fully that something like this pours out of the overflow of our hearts whenever we bring to mind all the ways He has blessed us.

    Happy reading and I hope y’all have a blessed day

  107. McKenzie says:

    I always stop at John 3:16 but John 3:17 is as much valuable as the prior verse. God’s word goes onto say Jesus did not come into the world to condemn and as followers of Christ this is so relevant we are not here to condemn others for their sins. We are here to reflect Jesus’ light and show them the way back home. ❤️❤️❤️

  108. Skylar Hilton says:

    Dear sisters, Im so happy this is the first Advent in my life I am celebrating! I just came back from lighting my first purple candle! I am so excited to revisit and relearn the true meaning of Christmas…. Jesus being born into the world to give us all a second chance we do not deserve. Jesus is right in this section… no one can come into heaven unless through Him. So many of us today want to go to heaven, want to follow God… but at the same time don’t want to accept Jesus as our savior because we don’t want to be obedient onto Him. We must get rid of this selfishness and rebel attitude if we really care about Jesus. Jesus, who loves us so much…deserves all of our respect… so why are we not willing to give it to Him? Why do we love things above Jesus?

    The time to make things right with Jesus is now… not on our death bed… but now, here in our prime.

    I hope this Advent season brings all of you so many blessings and I hope that all of you can encounter Jesus every single day

    I love you ❤️

  109. BeckyBee says:

    Excited about Advent and this study! It is SO good to see Churchmouse back and posting! I missed YOU!!!!! I don’t post much but I do watch and read (and pray for you all!)

  110. Dorothy says:

    Christmas lights are everywhere but the One TRUE LIGHT of Christmas is in my heart and yours and we need to pass it on and let it shine sooooo BRIGHT that everyone around us will see it coming. How do we do that? Hold open a door for someone, smile (yes even if you have a mask on people can tell if you are smiling by the muscles in your face and your eyes), say a kind word or even just “Hi” or “Bye”. BUT GOD, people will turn and look or they nod or maybe even smile but I’ve found many times you can change the course of someone’s day just by the little thing(s) you do. Many times they will then later turn around and do something nice for someone else.
    So sisters let’s let our Light for our ONE and ONLY Savior SHINE BRIGHT today and forever and ever. Be blessed.

  111. Kelly says:

    RACHEL – praying that you have peace and the surgical team has wisdom.

  112. Rhonda J. says:

    I love the scene in The Chosen where Nicodemus comes to Jesus so bewildered to find out more, it is portrayed so well! Try to watch the series, and see the movie in theaters this Wed and Thurs! So worthwhil

  113. Debbie says:

    Monday blessings to everyone..
    I have been doing the SRT studies this past year. I too am a new poster but feel like I know all of you and look forward to reading your post and gleaning your insight each day..I pray for prayer request and carry you on my heart..I am doing another Advent study and it is on the names of God..Today’s reading and study was on God, The Light of the World .Then I read today’s SRT reading…wow, how amazing is our God!! May the Light of Christ shine down upon all of you and fill you with peace..
    If I may add a prayer request.Prayers for peace in my family especially at this time of year..thank you

  114. Nadine Hall says:

    The app has been buggy today; glad you all post these devotionals to your website too. I just love that passage and the conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus. Come to the light; let him fill you with his light, then let it shine. I’ve found myself looking at our culture today and thinking about how dark it is, but then I think “the darker it gets, the brighter our light will shine.” People love darkness rather than light, but we can still shine and still invite the longing souls to come to the Light too.

  115. CeeGee says:

    TINA and KRISTIN, prayers for your hearts today on this anniversary of your great losses. TINA, that verse from Isaiah is one of my favorites!

    RACHEL, just saw your prayer request and pray in agreement with you for this extensive surgery and for your husband/marriage.

  116. Chris says:

    What a great blessing to be part of this community! Prayers for each of you. Welcome to new readers.

  117. CeeGee says:

    I read the Scriptures and the devo, stopped to fix breakfast for my husband who is a little under the weather, and pondered my comment as I cooked. The song “Great are You, Lord” came to mind. I just love that song! “You bring life, You bring hope , You bring LIGHT TO THE DARKNESS – exactly what we are setting our hearts on here.
    CHURCHMOUSE, you spoke my thoughts about not diminishing the light that is within us. My goal for this week is to not let any darkness overshadow the Light. He is here, He is in control of the Light, but how we respond to ‘life’ can affect its brightness and purpose.
    ANGIE, I appreciate how you broke down the verses and your shares from HE READS TRUTH. Have a good week with your students as y’all gear up for Christmas bresk!
    BEAUTIFUL and ENCOURAGING comments from all! Continued prayers for each of you as God sees and knows every need. Have a blessed Monday!

  118. Rachel says:

    Good morning, SHE’s new and old! I am one who has read daily for years and years but with few comments of my own. So I’m a little sheepish to come now to take instead of give, but I would so covet your prayers…I have a large benign tumor in my uterus and tomorrow I will undergo a total open hysterectomy. There is a likelihood of adhesions, so besides the two surgeons on my case, there will be 2 more on standby. I have been a nurse for 24 years or so and have sent hundreds of folks to surgery, but have never gone myself. I’m finding that I don’t so much like being on the receiving end :P Would you pray for me in the morning that the adhesions are minimal (or none!) and that God’s grace and presence will be palpable in my heart? I also just got married for the first time 4 months ago, so pray for my sweet husband as we practice the “in sickness” part way sooner than we had anticipated. THANK YOU!!!

  119. Ali says:

    I’m journeying with you this Advent from Hampshire, England, UK… so wonderful to be anohter ‘She’ opening my Bible with you all x

  120. Rhonda J. says:

    “I am thankful for the scars”…. This song is playing on the radio right now. “without them I wouldn’t know YOUR heart.”

    Life is not easy. Sometimes we live in darkness without even realizing it. I grew up in a Christian home, and was a nice person. Yet I kept wanting to reach out into the darkness, to live a little crazier, to be accepted as the fun person, to be liked by more guys, working in a truly despicable environment. But God, He kept calling me back. Thank goodness through my scars, and through His light, I hit my knees and knew I needed HIM. And then He developed me into a new person. Not overnight, but little by little. It was hard to give up control of my path. My selfishness became caring, my attitude softened, my judgment became empathy.

    I love seeing Christmas anew each and every year. When you have kids, and now grands, it’s a struggle (for me at least) between integrating Christ into the season and what they want (the presents, Santa…). I think with my son I did good, but the grands don’t go to church or have Christ visibly in their homes at all. It makes me sad, and now that we have moved away and don’t have private time with them, it’s hard to insert any conversation. I pray for them, for the light to reach them.

    Welcome all new SHE”S, you will love this group. Make it a priority to keep up daily, and leave a line just to even say hello!

  121. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    On Monday mornings I devote my prayer time to praying for the missionaries I know. This morning as I was praying, I was asking God to shine His light throughout the world, that all may hear the gospel, and also that I would shine for Him. It reminded me of an old hymn we used to sing in church – “Send The Light, Send the light, the blessed gospel light let it shine from shore to shore, send the light the blessed gospel light, let it shine forever more!”…Then I come to this devotional and it’s titled, “The Light of Life”…Just one more reminder that I am to shine the light of Jesus to those I know. I want to proclaim His name! Why is it so difficult sometimes? I know Him, I love Him and I want everyone to know Him – shouldn’t be that hard! Father God help me to shine the gospel light to all I come in contact with!

    @Taylor – continuing to pray for you!
    @Tina – so sorry for the loss of your friend.

    Praying for you all SRT sisters – have a blessed Monday!

  122. Churchmouse says:

    Sometimes we minimize the light of Christ within us. We think we don’t know enough Bible, we aren’t articulate, we’re too timid, we don’t want to offend, our actions aren’t always Christ-like.

    The most important light in our homes is the nightlight. It’s not big and it’s not very bright. But it provides just enough light to protect from a stubbed toe or prevent a trip over something. It’s also only good if it is plugged in.

    Let us plug in to (abide in) Jesus. Let us shine, for Jesus always magnifies what light we are willing to put forth. He doesn’t require us to know every chapter or verse. He doesn’t require us to exegete every passage. He doesn’t demand we run roughshod over people with fire and brimstone. He only asks that we let our little light shine. Don’t make excuses for it. Don’t be ashamed of it. Don’t keep it under cover. Light is meant to shine forth. So.. Let’s release our light, the light of Christ within. Let us watch how He enlarges it. Watch the darkness recede. Reflect the Light-giver’s gift. Share the gift this season. And all seasons to come.

  123. Beverly E Watley says:

    I am so looking forward to this study on Advent 2021. Looking forward to learning more about Advent. Thank you Lord for giving me your wisdom to understand the scripture.

  124. Maura says:

    Good Morning Sisters. So thankful His light reveals and refines us, but also becomes us as we draw near to Jesus shines through us to illuminate His redeeming love for others. This weekend was visitation with my grandaughters, but my daughter and my youngest grandaughter were sick again and couldn’t come. So it eas me and my two older grandaughters. Again we also dealt with sickness as the younger Lexi had a,really high fever, and we spent the weekend fighting it off. It gave us time to talk and draw close, praying they felt God’s light around them. Pray for us all, immune systems not very strong right now. Be safe out there, I am praying and believing God will strengthen us all and against the attacks on us physically, mentally and spiritually. He fights for us, darkness is destroyed in the light of our God. Thank you for your prayers.

  125. Taylor says:

    I have felt the pull of darkness on my soul the last few weeks which has made me not want to prioritize my relationship with God and spend time in His Word but I want to confess my sins, lay all my burdens at the foot of the cross and run home to my Father. Lord please use this Advent season to fix my eyes on You above anything else. Use this season to draw close to me and show me Your love and Your will for my life. Drive the darkness away with Your light as only You can do <3

  126. Kristin says:

    I am so thankful for this group and all the joy and encouragement you bring. I know we are an online community and don’t “KNOW” each other and yet we do. We missed Churchmouse when she was gone for a few months, Tina, Searching, Kelly post regularly to where we for sure know when you are missing. In a world where it has been hard for 2 years I am so thankful for this. TINA: I am sorry for your loss. Today is the 2nd anniversary of my mom going to Jesus. She and I were so close and I miss her so much. This has been one of those I’m so happy for her (she had a lot of health struggles) and yet as my kids are in high school and my son (who had Leukemia and was her first grandchild) is visiting colleges today. She would have been cheering him on so much. So again. Ladies thank you. Thank you for reading with us, thank you for cheering each other on. For sharing your hearts with us. I have needed this virtual group and am so very thankful for you all.

  127. Melanie L says:

    I’m so thankful for this community. The enthusiasm to “keep opening your bibles” has been infectious. I pray for each of you today to feel God’s tender embrace and His movement in your life. I felt led to share my prayer from the workbook today.

    Holy Lord, Light of the World, I worship you. Lord Jesus there is no light apart from you. Help me to remember this and walk in this reality daily. Open my eyes and heart Lord to a deeper and richer understanding of your light this Advent season. Help me not only to understand but to simply stand in this as my complete identity and the anchor of my soul. Amen

  128. LeAnn Schmitt says:

    I’ve read this passage in John many times, but verse 21 leapt out this morning. If we’re living by the truth, Christ, then we want to be in the light. This is a powerful reminder to check myself to make sure that through and through I’m seeking and wanting the light! Right now I’m in that place, but I’ve been in the darkness and I know that darkness attracts more darkness. If Jesus is our savior, the dark can no longer take us, but it can dampen the light. Thank you Jesus, Light of the World.

  129. Lauren says:

    In the show “The Chosen”, the scene between Jesus and Nicodemus is riveting. Link here

  130. Kelly says:

    Welcome to the new SHEs! So glad you are here. Praying you will form a new habit of time in the Bible that goes beyond Advent.

    From HRT: “To walk in the light of Jesus is to welcome His scrutiny, examination, correction, and challenge. But if we’re going to do this, we must trust that such scrutiny will not be unto the end of revealing how unlovely we are, but how beloved.”

    BREE – we see you…may you be encouraged and strengthened.

    DOROTHY – praying for Lynn and her family

    BRITTANY CARBONE – praying for your baby girl

    RHONDA J – praying everything goes smoothly with your niece’s delivery this week.

    AG – praying for your cousin’s baby

  131. SarahJoy says:

    ANGIE – thank you for your insights. I regularly glean wisdom from your posts.
    TINA – ::hugs:: from the middle-west to you. Thank you for sharing and bringing a testimony of your dear one.
    BREE – thank you for sharing yesterday. Saying a prayer that this study is one piece of the whole big healing God wants to offer you in this season.

    “When we come to the light, we are set free.”
    This is the word I need.
    Come to the Light.
    He is able to shine into your dark and broken places. Stop fearing the habits that have hindered and the sin that has so easily entangled.
    Instead open the door to the Light.
    Let Him guide your steps.
    He will set you free.
    He will set me free.

  132. Lori says:

    As sinners we are born and naturally live in darkness but in Jesus we have freedom and don’t need to be afraid of condemnation. He shines a light of hope not only to show our works when we live by truth but also in our sin!

  133. Kelly says:

    LINDA K – praying the surgery goes smoothly and the pain is minimal.

  134. Anna says:

    I never realized before the connection between Nicodemus coming at night and Jesus speaking to Him about the light! There is freedom and life in the lights. No more hiding. No more darkness. Instead we have hope, which is needed right now more than ever.

  135. Grace says:

    This really resonated in me. When we want to go into darkness we do. We know what we are doing is wrong and when we want to be center if attention bc we are living right we are the first to shine that light on ourselves. I am not living in darkensss no longer. No more weekend binge drinking, no more lack of faith. I am here by Jesus to fill full my purpose ❤️

  136. Michelle Patire says:

    Bree, I see you. God sees you.
    May He comfort you and lift the heaviness you are carrying. May you have the courage to bring Him all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. He will be there for you, this season. I pray you have eyes to see, ears to hear, and lips to praise Him. God bless you and console you. I also pray you reach out to those who around you. Friends, family, trusted co-workers. There are people willing to listen to your story. I pray you find safety in them. May God speak through them and empower you. He sees your heart and effort. Don’t fear or give up, He upholds you with His righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). Love to you, in Jesus’s name.

  137. Jenny Zentz - The Intertwined Life Podcast says:

    This is still true! No matter how dark the world around us; He is the Light, and the darkness cannot overcome it!

    May we share His truth and spread His light wherever we find ourselves this season.

  138. Michelle Patire says:

    Tina, thank you for sharing your friend. I hope her story do continues to bring light in the world… That God is sovereign and even those who know Him still have intense struggles. The Christian walk is not for the faint of heart, as many say…
    May God strengthen you, today, Tina, and anyone who holds this sort of loss. May God comfort you.

    I am thankful for this advent season. I look forward to celebrating Jesus and slowing down a bit, intentionally, to focus more on Him. Life has been such a whirlwind, the past few weeks. God told me something on my birthday (11/13) and it took me two weeks to remember and respond to Him (last night!) Goodness. I do need a chill pill and coffee with Jesus, lol.

    Thank you Lord for this beautiful study. May we be blessed by it and bless one another. May You bless the hands who made it happen — the SRT writers and admin. God bless you all!

    Merry Advent ;)

  139. Angie says:

    The Word is alive. God speaks through His Word and melds our experiences together for His purpose and our good. God is El Elyon – our Creator God and Possessor of everything both physical and spiritual.
    God has authority over both the physical and spiritual.”5 Jesus answered, “Truly I tell you, unless someone is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” Water – a physical pour-over, and Spirit (the Holy Spirit that indwells His people). Not only are we created physically by God and given His breath of life; Jesus, while on earth, physically healed the deaf, blind, lame, mute, lepers. He also, caste out demons, and forgave people of their sin, spiritually. Both physical and spiritual care. El Elyon.
    “13 No one has ascended into heaven except the one who descended from heaven—the Son of Man.” Jesus left the heavenly realm to come to us and be physically present. Then, after the resurrection once again ascended into the spiritual realm. He didn’t leave us on our own. Jesus connected our physical and spiritual to the eternal, making a way for the Holy Spirit to come and dwell-in each of His children.
    The Light has come into the darkness. “20 For everyone who does evil hates the light and avoids it, so that his deeds may not be exposed. 21 But anyone who lives by the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be shown to be accomplished by God.” HRT reminds us that the Light of Jesus sees all, even when we try to shine “light” only on the places we want to be seen, Jesus sees all. “Who are you really? Who are you meant to be? What are your deepest needs? What do you lack? Where are you lost? Where are you hiding?These are the deepest questions we have. To walk in the light of Jesus is to welcome His scrutiny, examination, correction, and challenge. But if we’re going to do this, we must trust that such scrutiny will not be unto the end of revealing how unlovely we are, but how beloved.” (HRT)
    El Elyon, You have given breath this day. You have given Light in the darkness. May your Truth be the Light in our lives that shines brightly and bring glory to You. Amen.

  140. Searching says:

    TINA – so honored that you shared about your dear friend with us, I didn’t realize it had been 2 years. Love you and sending a great big hug your way!

    BREE – praying for you, that this study of God’s Word and His Light would be a time of healing and encouragement for you.

    LINDAK – praying for you and the skill of your surgeon this morning, and for a speedy recovery!

    DOROTHY – praying for your friend whose sister passed away. Even though as you say it wasn’t unexpected, I don’t think you’re ever totally prepared to say goodbye.

    TRACI GENDRON – will be praying for you this week, and especially Friday. Just a thought regarding the hugs, I took an elderly relative to an event this weekend where we saw many people for the first time in a long while. With my mask in place, people seemed more inclined to grasp my hands rather than move in for hugs. Like you, I need to stay healthy if possible due to many elderly relatives and and also I’m helping a family member going through cancer treatment.

  141. Tina says:

    Today marks the second anniversary of my dear friend ‘taking’ herself home, because this world had proved too much for her after 50 odd years of stuff!

    I mention her this morning because she was a friend to many. A helping hand to those who needed a hand. She praised. She worshipped. She sang of His great love daily! She was light to many. She practiced her promise to the One who first freed her. She loved as He had loved her! But this world and its darkness proved too much for her, though she absolutely knew that victory had already been won for her in Christ’s death and resurrection, she was tired..

    But God..
    As I remember her and the person she was, both as a follower of Jesus, and her personality, I am thankful for having her as my friend, But most importantly, I am thankful that though she was a light here on earth, the greaterest Light with a capital L, has her in His keeping now, her darkness now in full light, never to cause her pain, or hurt her again..

    Isaiah 9:2 says

    The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. They lived in a land of shadows, but now light is shining on them.

    Praising, absolutely and wholeheartedly this morning..

    Thank you Lord God, Thank you.❤

    Blessings dear sisters, wrapped in love and prayers…❤