God’s kingdom came to reign on earth in a new, decisive way through Jesus.
As a young teenager, I often dreamed of living in a faraway world, thanks to my favorite fantasy novels. I spent countless nights reading epic tales of heroes and villains, absently promising my sister/bunkmate lights out after just a few more pages. I longed to escape the realities of my broken world for the “happily ever afters” of my dog-eared paperbacks. I still do.
Jesus invites us to a kingdom that outrivals the most enchanting worlds, real or fiction. We don’t need a portal to transport us to a distant land. Instead, the good and just King has brought God’s kingdom to reign on earth, and we are transformed into His redeemed subjects. The kingdom is here, but not everyone perceives it.
In John 18, Jesus stands before Pontius Pilate, rejected by the Jewish leaders as the long-awaited Messiah and presented as a political threat. The scene between the two may seem less action-packed than the rest of Jesus’s Passion week, but the conversation is just as fascinating. The true King is in Pilate’s presence, unrecognized and misunderstood. The accused tells Pilate:
“I was born for this, and I have come into the world for this:
to testify to the truth” (John 18:37).
Pilate does not fully comprehend Jesus’s words. Although they are discussing kingdoms, they are referring to two very different realms. Pilate has in mind a limited, earthly kingdom—Jesus does not (v.36). The kingdom He has in mind is anchored in truth and characterized by righteousness, justice, and peace.
I was born for this. Jesus didn’t come to overthrow Rome’s government or to reform Jewish leadership. He came to testify to the truth and fulfill God’s will, bringing salvation to the world. He is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). The good news of the gospel is that we belong to Him. Our reality is that we live on earth, but we truly belong to another world, a kingdom that does not belong to this world (John 18:36). This truth transforms us, bringing purpose and hope to the days we spend in this land.
“You are a king then?”
Pilate asked Jesus this question all those years ago (John 18:37). We can answer this question with certainty. Yes, He is the King… He is our King. His kingdom is here, active and present among us and in us. The journey He has invited us on is more epic than any hero’s tale and more wondrous than any fabled world.
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90 thoughts on "The Kingdom Is Here"
There’s a plan. There’s always been a plan. From Daniel to David and from Jesus to revelation.
Lord, help us get a glimpse of your kingdom today. To testify of The Truth – just like You did when you were here. May we walk in the Spirit and be filled with the fruit that testifies of Your Spirit within us.
When Pilat asks Jesus “what us truth?” This verse hit me when I first started reading the Bible… because my entire life it felt as if everyone was lying but no one seemed to be able to give me the truth… thank you Jesus for being truth :)
“We can create heaven” on Earth is such a powerful message and reminder !
37 Then Pilate said to him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” – John 18:37
I’m new to studying the Bible, I believe in God and just never felt the need to study it before. But lately I’ve had a feeling to start reading more and to start working on myself more than just a few things here and there. Thank you for having a place for people to come learn and grow. I look forward to the rest of this study plan.
Emma Wassink glad you are here
Thy kingdom come thy will be done ❤️❤️❤️
What strike me in the Scriptures is how both John the Baptist and Jesus put the Pharisees and Sadducees down and call them out. They let them know where they stand with God.
Christ is my ONE AND ONLY, who God sent to SAVE me. I will not deny this.
Father, God I thank You for sending Your One and Only Son to die for me. Thank You for this loving, caring, and God-filled community that I can turn to. Thank You for a family that loves and cares for each other. But most of all Lord thank You for LOVING ME UNCONDITIONALLY. Amen.
Sisters, be blessed and God’s, Christ’s and the Holy Spirit’s LOVE IS UNCONDITIONAL, ALL THE TIME.
Thank you for this prayer. I am taking it and praying now too. <3
Thank You Jesus for Your Kingdom… It is coming but it is here… A crazy juxtaposition that we don’t fully understand. We are not of this world, hallelujah!!
I’m so glad that I’m just passing through here on earth while I am headed to my forever home with Jesus.
Every day I feel more the truth that we are not of this world. But in it, Father, let me be courageous to stand and speak Your truth in love. Come Jesus, come. Amen
Yes, Gayle. I don’t remember exactly when but I know I have done it before. There was a delay on our next study so we kind of voted on which one to do over while we wait
Apparently this plan was done in April 2021.
Powerful when he says “I was born for this……. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my
Ahhh! His kingdom is here and active in us!!!
I’ve been struggling with motivation to read my beautiful Bible. But twice now, I have been stuck with the truth that this is better than anything else I could be doing. Just as Jesus was born to testify to the truth, so we’re we. We were born for this. To read God’s word. His promises are real and so wonderful. ❤️
“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.”
Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice. I love that. Truth hits our souls
I love how the devotional pointed out that “The kingdom is already here”. Not in its full splendor as in the new Jerusalem, but the kingdom of the Holy Spirit through believers.
So thankful for these promises!
I am struck by how often Jesus tried so hard to lift up everyone’s vision to a higher plane, and how hard they resisted. Everyone thought the solution to their problem was an earthly king. Not only was Jesus trying to get them to see that an earthly king wasn’t the solution, but he was trying to get them to see beyond the daily issues faced in a fairly small patch of ground called Judea. Jesus came for the whole world. A great reminder to lift up your spiritual eyes and see the world from God’s perspective.
Waking up this morning to these reassuring passages, my heart and soul feel comforted knowing He has overcome all earthly things I encounter on a daily basis. May I never forget that I’m just here passing through and my truth rests on His promises.
Powerful readings this morning! God’s glory and love being shown in Christ Jesus – our King! So grateful to be growing in His Kingdom through SRT and all you wonderful ladies! Peace! ❤️
What a beautiful promise!
Coming Back to my faith after many years of feeling lost. I lost my dear mother this year and she brought so many to Christ. I miss her dearly but know she is rejoicing in the everlasting Kingdom.
@EmmaWassink I lost my mother last year. Ot has been difficult and I miss her so. My heart is with you. May your heart find peace and hope in Him.
I’m thankful that there is the One who came for me, even in all of my brokenness!
This gives me such hope and confidence in God despite all the uncertainty of our world.
Amen to this Claire!!
Lord you arw good!
thank you for the clarity Roni
Thank you Jesus for I am a subject of YOUR kingdom and not this earth.
Thank you
Heidi- I didn’t read the original post from “struggling,” but I am just finishing reading this book (It’s Not Supposed to be This Way by Lysa TerKeurst) you mentioned. Wow. It’s powerful and so helpful. Lysa has an amazing voice and does a great job of using scripture in her writing without sounding preachy. I highly recommend it, too!
I did that one too. It really helped explain it.
This reminds me a lot of how I felt about America in my youth. I felt like nothing could ever happen. Not that it’s good we have such turmoil but it does show how much we need God and how his Kingdom is superior. If everything was always wonderful and easy would we even think we needed the Lord?
We who have been called to christ, perceive this calling. It is what we answer when we accept salvation. What follows is the continued obedience to this calling which is serving our king and serving in the kingdom. Not everyone is called to Christ though, so not everyone perceives a higher purpose than breathing and simply living this temporary life. We perceive as followers of Christ we have a higher purpose, those who are not followers of Christ do not.
Roni, thank you so much for this excellent description! I, too, was kind of confused by his prophecy. This definitely helped!
I love how John the Baptist was asked to baptize Jesus… Right away we see Jesus came in full humanity and was given the divinity of the Holy Spirit that set him apart. Makes me think about times I may have passed on God’s call because I felt unworthy or ill-equipped… All God asks for is our reverence and full obedience and in my brokenness that can be so hard to do.
To me it spoke to the fact that not everyone will hear/see the presence of God’s kingdom here on earth as it reigns today. But we know that upon His return every knee will bow and profess the name of Christ.
Have you heard of Dr. David Jeremiah? He has many great books out to help us understand the Gospel. I’m reading Angents of the Apocalypse that talk
I did a study on Daniel by Beth Moore a while back. It’s intense but I highly recommend it if you want to fully understand Daniel’s prophecy. Long story short…the gold head was the Babylonian kingdom, the silver arms were the Medo-Persian empire, the bronze chest was the Greek empire, and the iron legs were the Roman Empire. The feet of iron and clay have not yet come to pass. That represents the kingdom the antichrist will usher in with the ten toes of the feet representing the ten kings who will reign. The Antichrist will rule with an iron fist but ultimately his kingdom will crumble. Hope this helps. :)
Oh Father, how I look forward, with abundant anticipation, to the day when Your kingdom is the only one left. It will endure forever. Show me, guide me daily to “testify to the truth” just as You did. Oh the experience it must have been for John the Baptist to witness the Sprit descending from heaven and resting on Jesus!
I’m lost in the dream of Daniel. I understand it is talking about falling kingdoms but it seems like we are still in a phase of that prophecy?
Anyone have any insight into this quote from the study commentary: “The kingdom is here but not everyone perceives it”?
This made me think of the Building 429 song, “Where I Belong.”
I pray that I would live as if I was made for a different world. That people would wonder how I can live differently and turn their hearts to God.
“Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice”. When Jesus walked the earth in the flesh, in his humble appearance, from a no name town, people missed him. They did not hearken to his voice. I usually wonder, if Jesus takes a form of a person, now, in the middle of my day, as a rough looking homeless man, as a janitor, or a perfect stranger on the bus, walking by my side in disguise, and if he starts a random conversation about the Kingdom of God, and if he asks for a drink of water (like that at the Jacob’s dwell), will I recognize His voice then? Will I consider it worthwhile to stop and listen to this weird stranger? Help me Lord not to miss you when you pass by.
I love how incredible the beginnings are each and every time. (Immediately and suddenly) that the heavens opened for him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove to rest on him. A voice from Heaven saying, “This is my beloved Son” and John’s testimony knowing and seeing Jesus as the lamb of God and truly the Son of God. Thank you Jesus, all the glory to God ❤️
STRUGGLING- i hope so much you’re back today… you’re loved and prayed for.. I wanted to offer a book title up to you that I have listened to podcasts from the author about and have known multiple women who can testify to its validity and truth. It’s called “It’s Not Supposed to be This Way” by Lysa Terkeurst. I’d encourage you to even search podcasts for her and you’ll find some great interviews with her about the contents and what God has done with the shattered pieces of her heart. There is also and kind of “follow up” devotional that just came out “Seeing Beautiful Again”. I, We, all of us here are hoping and praying peace, comfort, healing, and rest over you. Praying your heart and mind can have the courage to hope, even if just the tiniest bit right now.
You are not alone…❤️
I’m still amazed how a person can go through life knowing, just KNOWING, that they were not meant for the physical world. I am in awe of the man who sacrificed his life for ME.
Yes me too!!
Jesus saying “I was born for this” reminds me that I was born to share his truth and bring others around me to a kingdom that is built on truth and love.
I love love love this devotion!!! So perfect and reassuring!
…but we truly belong to another world. Thank you Tameshia.
This world is not my (our) home, we’re just passing through. I need to be more conscience of what example are you setting.
Today’s reading is so rich and reassuring! “The Kingdom is here but not everyone perceives it.” – Tameshia Williams. So true, Tameshia!
HEIDI, you preached TRUTH and ENCOURAGEMENT today! So good!
KEEGAN, so thankful and happy for you!
TINA, I am thankful TRUTH found you and you grabbed hold of Him and are so willing to share your faith . I am blessed to call you sister along with all the other beautiful hearts in this group.
Thank You God for Your eternal kingdom and that I am a part of it. Nothing formed against You will stand. It is comforting to be reminded that this crazy world is not my home.
“The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.”
Colossians 1:15-20 NIV
As I was reading about John the Baptist (lol, I keep thinking “Baptizer” because of the Chosen series) & Jesus’s encounter, I am directed towards the Lord’s emphasis on “This is My beloved Son.” And how John repeated “this is the Son of God” when he saw Jesus again proclaiming Him as the Lamb.
John is crazy interesting. A man living off the land with incredible spiritual insight. He would have been wild to meet!
I love that Jesus replied “I was born for this, and I have come into the world for this: to testify to the truth.”
How often do I live my day to day as a testimony to who God is? How quick do I forgot that I can testify not only through words BUT through actions as well – through loving my neighbors, not on my strength but on the strength of the Lord. Sometimes if feels like life can be so complicated and filled with distractions but for those of us who are believers, He says it so clearly, “Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” We have His word, we have a relationship with Him and if we ask, He will direct our steps! Praying to hear more of Him today and to have an outward focus on testifying through words and actions of His goodness and mercy.
Love you all sweet sisters!!!
Feel like I’m a nobody…have you ever felt like that?
But God,
You wrote your name on my heart long ago….The song by Carrolton is a great song! I AM KNOWN, YOU TELL Me!
The One your heart beats for!
Amen. He knows what our heart needs, and He tells us, if only we listen.
Heidi You stated this clearly. The Kingdom of God is here and we must remember to testify through our words and actions. Tina you remind us we are Gods Kingdom and we have purpose today. Let’s use it today and always.
Keegan so happy you passed and that is behind you!
Struggling praying for you to sense the amazing embrace of Jesus this day.
Tina your testimony always speaks to my heart.
As we are locked down in this third wave of Covid in our area praying for fresh ways to serve and encourage and live out Jesus calling while being respectful of guidelines. Holy Spirit fall afresh on all of my sisters this day.
I want to live with my eyes fixed on God’s kingdom and not the world. It’s hard to do sometimes so I am thankful for this truth.
My heart aches reading your words because I do remember the 60’s and the hatred continued into the 70’s. My first boyfriend was not of the same race and even in 1976 there was bigotry from all sides. The events of the past year have opened conversations with my young school age grandchildren, reminding them we are called to love like Jesus. Stories of our past remind us of how His Kingdom is breaking through, tearing down walls of judgement and hatred. We live in this world, the all ready and not yet, longing for the day that He comes and sets all things right, but seeing His kingdom shine through brings joy that the day of His return are growing closer. Even so come, Lord Jesus come!
The Kingdom of God is here, active and present among us and in us. What an amazing reality! So grateful to be a citizen!
The Kingdom is here! Praise God we are His. So thankful for this truth and that we are to share the Kingdom with others because His love, forgiveness, peace and joy is for the multitudes, for each one, for this one. And He goes after the one to bring them into the fold pursues and carries us back in loving arms. So Amazing! Tina what beauty you have and what a gift you are! Thank you for always sharing God’s impact on your life!Sending Big bear hugs asking the Holy Spirit to wrap you in Jesus light and love this day. Thy Kingdom Lord is glorious may you be glorified in our hearts, homes, work, in song, in shouts of joy. Praise the Father, Praise the Son, Praise the Spirit, three in One. He is good and we are so loved Sisters. His joy to you all this day.
So thankful this morning to have been called to a kingdom of the most highest King! Hallelujah!
Yes! This makes me want to shout!
HEIDI, I absolutely LOVED your post and agree with it 100%!!! I also love that 2 Thessalonians 3:5 is your family’s mantra!! Thank you for sharing that!! My mantra is 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 “…make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, 12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.” I always add ‘but Christ’ to the end of it!! These 2 mantra’s are so powerful and LOADED with truth and exhortation!!! I feel like I’ve had an awesome chiropractic adjustment every time I say both of them!! It shifts my eyesight UPwards, instead of OUTwards, which is SO important!!! Really appreciate you sharing!!! May God bless you and keep you dear sister. Love your heart!!
Today’s reading touched on something that God has strongly been speaking to me… we are NOT of this world!! Why then, are we making such an effort to fit in its confines and expectations..? It’s an easy question to answer: fear …living fearLESSly under the statutes and protection of God is challenging and tough to follow through on, especially when we try to live in both worlds…instead of the one God-centered and God-filled world we were called to live in!!!
Daniel 2:43 “ You saw the iron mixed with clay—the peoples will mix with one another but will not hold together, just as iron does not mix with fired clay.” addresses this pretty concisely.
….I do admit, that I sometimes, feel extremely crazy seeing things in this way… but I know God is trying to address and show me these things so that I am aware and awake…
Another verse that also stood OUT to me: John 18:37 “…Everyone who is of the truth listens to My voice.” SUPER powerful!!! Makes me want to quiet my “self” and LISTEN….Holy Spirit, still me Lord, so that I may hear Your voice alone, help me to live within the boundaries and freedom you so graciously give and have given… Love You with all my heart, Amen!
Yes yes, Tina! That’s beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you to any of prayed for me! I passed my flight medical exam without any hiccups at all. The Lord has blessed me so much!
Thank you Tameisha, Heidi, and Tina for encouraging words this morning! I wrote down bits and pieces into my journal. So thankful for our King Jesus who brings righteousness, justice, and peace! May I live to honor Him and Him alone today! Also prayers would be appreciated as I get my second Covid shot today!
Great post Tina! What a wonderful reminder of who we are in Christ! That he knows us intimately and loves us immensely. That we are HIS. What an amazing God!
Tina, thank you for sharing your heart! I want to offer peace and love from one child of God to another!!! Your accepted and loved within this group!!
Tina. My heart aches for that little girl that doesn’t understand why they don’t accept, like, want her. You are a child of God. I am a child of God. You are my sister. I love you sister.
@Keegan & Struggling praying for you again today.
God’s kingdom is indeed here. May I be a faithful subject today.
TINA – thank you for sharing your heart with us time and again. What a blessing and encouragement your testimonies are! We are all sisters as Children of God, may we focus on Him and not our physical differences. Hugs to you.
STRUGGLING, MISSI/daughter and others – praying for you, that you feel His love, strength, healing, encouragement, comfort and hope.
He was here for this reason- to testify to the truth. To be a real-live, flesh and bone, breathing example that God’s Kingdom was in fact truth and He was opening up that truth the the entire planet. Inviting every soul ever created to come be included in that truth. And for each of us who ever asks the question- but what is MY purpose?? – the answer is the same. We are here existing in this time and place to testify through our words, actions, responses, choices, etc to the truth of His Kingdom. It pulls me back to the verse we read a bit ago in 2 Thes. 3:5 (which is now somewhat of a mantra for me/my family!)- May the Lord direct you’re hearts to God’s love and Christ’s endurance.”
That’s it. That’s how we testify to His truth and help further His kingdom of love into the hearts of those we come into contact with- if our words and actions are doing anything other than directing people straight to God’s ever-enduring, sacrificial, all-inclusive love, then we’re living for our own kingdom. If we’re allowing the enemy’s tiring, annoying, distracting, delaying tactics (think Netflix, IG, Facebook, etc) to hold us back from opportunities to connect and encourage others, were living out our own level of endurance and settling right into a kingdom that is standing in opposition to Christ. I pray we all step up in truth to the call set before us to endlessly put our focus on the love of others and service to the needs right in front of us and do it all for His glory and the good of all mankind…❤️
Thankful for this truth this morning…
Our reality is that we live on earth, but we truly belong to another world, a kingdom that does not belong to this world (John 18:36). This truth transforms us, bringing purpose and hope to the days we spend in this land.
This for sure warms my heart, as I have in the past, struggled with belonging.. as a child of mixed race, born in the 50’s, I never really fitted in anywhere. My mother’s family were accepting, but outside and on the street was a different story. My fathers homeland, also called me names, which translated to ‘go back to where you belong..’
Try getting your head around that at the age of 3/4 years old!
I have long since, put this to bed, and I thought this, but recent events around the world have awoken that little girls fear, that little girls insecurity of where do I belong
But God..
His Word, His Grace, Love, and Hope and todays beautiful words from @ Tameshiawilliams all point to belonging to Him. I have known this. (I forget at times.)
But with God, I am known.
I may live here on earth, But, I belong to a kingdom that changes me, that calls me by my real name ‘Child of God’, that brings Hope each day into my life filling me with purpose, not just to be ‘home’ one day, but also to live as ‘a Child of God’, here on earth, because Jesus came and died, rose from the grave, to make this truth my reality.
My truth.
I belong.
I am known.
I am loved.
I am wanted.
I was born to this.
Happy Tuesday wrapped in love ya’ll!