The God Who Sends

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 6:1-10, Matthew 28:18-20, John 20:21

Though Scripture contains many written prayers, like those found in the book of Psalms, and many teachings on how to pray, like the parables and sermons in Jesus’s ministry, this reading plan focuses on the prayers offered to God in the narratives of Scripture. Each day we’ll read a narrative that includes a prayer from an individual or group. Their prayers vary in length, type, posture, purpose, and God’s response. The secondary passages explore how the rest of Scripture speaks to the themes demonstrated in the main reading. 

While each account is different, every prayer recorded in Scripture teaches us about the unchanging God who invites us to speak to and hear from Him. These prayers model for us what it can look like to be in conversation with God. As you read, notice the posture and emotions present each day. 

Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading Prayers in Scripture together, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read in the comments. 

In light of all that we have learned through this reading plan, what will you take with you in your prayer life moving forward? 

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73 thoughts on "The God Who Sends"

  1. Dawn Balsiger says:

    God hears our prayers. God still does miracles. I have been witnessing one the last three weeks and it is so powerful.

  2. Amy EB says:

    The prayers that embolden stood out the most to me. Praying bold prayers. Praying for boldness to share with others. Not being bold on my own or to push my own agenda but by God’s power.

  3. Brittany Brooks says:

    I will speak more boldly, without doubt. I will know it is done for me in God’s will before I have even received it. I will speak to him always and know that no prayer is too big or small to be heard by God. I will bring all of my thoughts and feelings to him. I will take the time to talk to him and ask for revealing of my heart of any ways that do not please him. I will speak the name of Jesus over all situations. I will pray over all people that weigh heavy on my heart throughout the day. I will keep my mind focused on him and continue to invite God into my daily life.

  4. Juli Futrell says:

    The narratives that this plan took us through were amazing. I had never even read some of them. The one that impacted me the most was from 1 Kings 19 on the day “The God Who Hears Our Complaint”. The story was so powerful, and it moved me. God provided for all of His prophet’s needs. I will take that lesson with me in my prayer life moving forward. God knows what I need. I also used to find my prayer life being very haphazard, and closer to wishful thinking than conversation. Now, I am convinced that God wants my prayer to be intentional, and He is listening to every word. Prayer matters.

  5. Lauren Hicks says:

    God hears my prayers, remembers my prayers and will answer my prayers. Today’s reading also hi-lighted that God wants to partner with us; I can pray for revelation on what that looks like.

  6. Marcey KIEBERT says:

    Earnest prayer talk, communal repentance, knowing God hears and responses and we need to see him as our heavenly father not compare him to our earthly father

  7. Rishera Graham says:

    God hears me and he will answer my prayers.

  8. steph Gutmann says:

    There are many ways in which we can connect to God through prayer. It’s about developing intimacy with Him, so we can hear Him too