The God Who Is Compassionate

Open Your Bible

Nehemiah 1:1-11, Nehemiah 2:1-8, Isaiah 49:13, 1 Peter 5:6-7

Though Scripture contains many written prayers, like those found in the book of Psalms, and many teachings on how to pray, like the parables and sermons in Jesus’s ministry, this reading plan focuses on the prayers offered to God in the narratives of Scripture. Each day we’ll read a narrative that includes a prayer from an individual or group. Their prayers vary in length, type, posture, purpose, and God’s response. The secondary passages explore how the rest of Scripture speaks to the themes demonstrated in the main reading. 

While each account is different, every prayer recorded in Scripture teaches us about the unchanging God who invites us to speak to and hear from Him. These prayers model for us what it can look like to be in conversation with God. As you read, notice the posture and emotions present each day. 

Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading Prayers in Scripture together, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read in the comments. 

How does knowing that God is compassionate impact how you extend grace through prayer? 

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264 thoughts on "The God Who Is Compassionate"

  1. Amy Kane says:

    It reminds me to give grace and compassion to myself as God does. Even thought I yet again screwed up, sinned, and sabotaged myself God still loves me and forgives so I forgive me to.

  2. Carla Fox says:

    Knowing how much grace, mercy, love, and passion Christ has for me allows me to grant these same attributes to others.

  3. Melissa Bradley says:

    Seeing others as a needy, child of God like me fosters compassion. It helps me to love like Christ- even to those I may struggle to love.

  4. Kiristan Waters says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate allows me to extend grace to myself through prayer. I often pray for others but leave myself out so as to not be selfish, but God also wants to hear from me and from my heart♥️

  5. Mariah Batchman says:

    Lord help me to leave the judgement to you and be compassionate to others as you have been compassionate to me.

  6. Kameka Hoskins says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate brings me a level of peace. It reassures me that I can lay anything,all of my concerns as well as my desires, at his feet. It reassures me that he hears me and that he is concerned about the things that concerns me!
    Thank you, God, for being a loving and compassionate God!

  7. Chloe Plunk says:

    He is such a forgiving God. It doesn’t matter the sins you have made, He is there for us because we are His children. He attaches no strings to His love for us. We will hurt Him again and again and He will be there with open arms. He will listen and answer our prayers no matter our past.

  8. Dori Brown says:

    We can always go to the Lord with our requests!

  9. Manasseh M.CHARVÉRIAT says:

    Lord her my prayers u lift my cares,scares and worries to you .. give me for my fault and grant me this one thing

  10. Emily Cox says:

    God has been teaching me that when I come to Him, He just wants me. I don’t have to strive and bring anything with me. He is so compassionate that He sees my faults yet still loves me. He doesn’t require perfection just a humble heart and a desire to know Him.

  11. Dajinai Lasenby says:

    Cast all my cares on you Lord

  12. Monica Weick says:

    I can give it to God Because He Cares, Comforts, and has compassion on me a sinner

  13. Amanda Noyes says:

    Knowing God is compassionate brings me peace. I can be completely vulnerable and enter into His presence through prayer at any time and know that He will listen and care for me. I can let go of my anxiety or shame for my sins and bring everything to Him.

    1. Jessie Farage says:

      Amen!! this really helped me put words to the emotions i was feeling!

  14. emily pruitt says:

    Our church body was hurt this week by a leaders actions. A sinner, sinned. Real shocked right? He resigned and our church disagreed because what makes a sinner more qualified to share testimony and teaching than experience. Because we know the love of the Father surrounds Him. This prayer is what I needed to remember. He doesn’t leave. He hears His servants. He enjoys our communication. May we not forget.

  15. Shelby Boyd says:

    In my own prayers or praying over another, i know that even when my words aren’t enough he feels the love and light in my heart that is passionate, vulnerable and at ease. I pray that i may love the way he loves, see the way he see, and give the way he graciously gave unto me. He has loved me when i hated who i had become, he saw all my worth when i felt worthless, but grater yet- he gave me everything when i was underserving. He has showered me in grace and mercy until i was drowning, so if i am so underserving of His love why can’t i express a fraction of his love to those who have hurt me a fraction compared to the hurt i have brought him? know that God is compassionate helps me know that my battles are already won, my anxieties already calmed, and my doubts already answered. My fear has been made into Hope!

  16. Kayla Sodders says:

    Knowing the compassion of God , I know what I say , how I feel and my emotions he will understand. Our God listens, he will answer us and it maybe not what we want to hear at that time but we must see he knows the big picture of our beautiful lives . He has bigger blessings for us then what we’re trying to hold onto to. We must put our trust in him and when we feel like everything is going down hill trust in him with everything, he will always see us through the good and the bad❤️

    Praise Jesus for his everlasting love for us ❤️

  17. kendyl calabrese says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate day in and day out allows for me to feel the comfort that God provides me daily. I know that no matter what, There is power in prayer and that I can always turn to Him when I am worried, stressed, happy, anxious, etc.

  18. Mary henderson says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate makes me more bold
    me to ask things for people who are living opposite so God’s ways.

  19. Makayla Grubbs says:

    I can come as I am knowing he is compassionate

  20. Jerrica Terry says:

    Knowing the compassion of Jesus in my prayers gives me freedom to pray about everything. No shame or fear factor involved.

  21. Allie Curole says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate allows me to be completely vulnerable. I am able to let go of my anxiety and stress and let God take control of everything that is taking hold of my life.

  22. Laethy says:

    Knowing God is compassionate, allows me to pray with confidence as well as pushes me to obey and follow his commandments, so that I can pray and intercede for others, because as He promised to Moses that he will gather all the scattered and bring them back to his dwelling, when they do right..he’ll do that for me too! Amen

  23. Simeko Singleton says:

    Knowing God is compassionate lets me know that I can come to him s 100% my authentic self and he won’t turn me away. It also reminds me to give grace to others, as you don’t know what the other person may be going through. Do to others as you want done for yourself.

  24. Lauren Garza says:

    Knowing He is compassionate helps me extreme grace because I know he cares. He doesn’t judge or hold anything against us and if He doesn’t I shouldn’t. I have to follow His lead.

  25. Avery Bales says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate allows me to take deep breaths and calm down my anxiety, as I know God has my back and will be there to comfort me whenever I need it. There is no reason to take your anxieties out on others, when God is always listening

  26. Graysen Smith says:

    seeing others and myself with his eyes.

  27. Nyirah Petty says:

    God is compassionate, so no matter how big my anxiety is I can take it to him as myself..

  28. Laura Warden says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate it helps me extend grace to others but also to myself. I struggle with giving myself grace because I should know better.

  29. Xaverna Black says:

    Knowing God is compassionate helps me to project the same compassion to others as God has for me. It helps me to be easier on myself in prayer and that I can always approach God with anything & be vulnerable in his presence.

  30. Alex says:

    knowing that God is compassionate brings me peace knowing that the ones I pray for especially the ones I have wronged are comforted by Him and that the ones I love are cared for by Him

  31. Shae Poe says:

    We serve a mighty loving God.

  32. Kelly Pollick says:

    Knowing God is compassionate helps me see others with His eyes. It changes my prayer that even the ones farthest from Him can call on His name and be saved.

  33. Kayla Stumbo says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate helps me to better understand why it’s important for me to have grace to others as it is had for me.

  34. Makayla Joseph says:

    Knowing God is compassionate makes me want to worship him and to sing his praises

  35. Zo Elyse says:

    “Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you” it was a little hard for me to read because I’m so used to just trying to handle everything in my own. It’s a beautiful reminder that God wants our troubles and wants to help us, if only we look to Him

  36. Al says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate helps me in emitting that same compassion towards those around me and myself. I can be my own worst critic and through prayer I hope to find that compassion within myself.

  37. melanie beard says:

    Knowing God is compassionate helps me learn to pray for others and things besides myself

  38. Blair Scott says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate helps me to not be afraid to tell him everything. With God, there is no fear of judgment. I can be completely transparent. And he will always understand.

  39. Devyn Malinzak says:

    knowing how compassionate God is allows me to pray for those who frustrate or hurt me, and extend more grace to them since He is the prime example of how to love

  40. Lilly Caldwell says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate helps me to feel vulnerable and more willing to open up because He will not judge me

  41. parker jones says:

    Knowing the God is compassionate means that he is not judgmental and he is understanding. It allows me to feel safe and peaceful. It allows me to open up to Him and fully embrace him.

  42. parker jones says:

    Knowing God is compassionate let’s me feel no judgement and feel safe. Makes me feel of comfort and peace.

  43. Jailyn Williams says:

    knowing that God has compassion makes me come to raw and vulnerable. I know that God will always keep me.

  44. Hannah Archambault says:

    I can go to God as myself, honest and open and raw

  45. Gracie Amburgey says:

    Knowing how compassionate our God is to us, the sinners, reminds me not to worry about being perfect, but to turn to prayer more. Also, it is a good reminder that the creator can be compassionate so we must do the same for others.

  46. Michelle Grant says:

    God has compassion for us his children

  47. Emma Elliott says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate helps me to show myself grace. I can show up in prayer just as who I am, and be open and honest about what I’m feeling.

  48. lily peebles says:

    I can trust that I do not need to ask for him to hear me because he already does!

  49. Kendra Boehning says:

    I can trust that He will hear me, that He will not turn away from me, because of His great compassion.

  50. imani cones says:

    When I consider that the only everlasting sin I can partake in is refusing to let God into my life, I am overwhelmed by his mercy.

  51. Bekah Dilger says:

    Knowing that God gives compassion to me, it makes me want to extend that compassion to others as I pray. A friend once said that I should pray for those that I have a hard time living, because it changes me. I can extend compassion in prayer for those people because Christ loves them too.

  52. Amy EB says:

    Knowing God is compassionate, I can extend grace to myself by turning to him and confessing where I’m falling short or where I’m struggling instead of just beating myself up about it. Sometimes I don’t even know what to pray, how to put into words what is wrong. But I can still come to him in prayer. I can also extend grace to others because God has compassion for them too. When Nehemiah prayed, he didn’t just confess his sins but the sins of his family and for all the Israelites. He didn’t try to distance himself from their disgrace. He said yes, we’re all sinners, but please be attentive to the prayers for all your servants.

  53. jade huggins says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate helps me to come to him as a father and just open up. Free of judgement.

  54. Lindsay Wood says:

    Knowing God is compassionate helps me extend grace to myself, truly examining and admitting where I have sinned and asking for forgiveness. It also helps me to extend grace to others and pray for people and situations that I find frustrating, hurtful, etc. Praying for others rather than trying to just solve situations using my own power helps to ensure that I lead with mercy and lean on the Lord’s wisdom. Just as He cares for me and forgives me for my many transgressions, I need to forgive others and extend compassion by praying for them.

  55. jasmine h says:

    Having compassion means that he really cares for us. The scriptures show a lovely prayer or conversation with God. In that there was an hinders conversation. This shows that with Gods compassion for us we can come to him because he truely cares and wants to listen.

  56. Bunny Lightsey says:

    Knowing that God has compassion and unwavering love for me helps my to be more compassionate and loving towards others. It reminds me to pray for my enemy and to love him as Christ loves me. Not an easy task!

  57. madison rogers says:

    Knowing the compassion of God helps me in prayer because I’m less intimidated to admit my sins, my faults, and ask him for his help. God’s compassion makes him more approachable for me.

  58. Tamera Boyer says:

    6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, 7 casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. – 1 Peter 5:6-7

    A humble heart is one that gives their cares to Jesus not cause they have to, but because they want to lean into the Godly care Jesus displays for us. It is to say “You care for me and I need you; Here I am. Here are my anxieties, cares and worries.”

  59. Sara Boney says:

    Knowing God is compassionate strengthens my desire to openly talk to him about my sins & where I fall short & where I need Him most in my life. He created me of his own image, he loves me & he wants a relationship with me despite all my fleshly sinful nature

  60. Kassidy says:

    Knowing that God has extended grace and compassion to me, even though I don’t deserve it at all, reminds me that I need to be compassionate and extend grace to others. In order to become more like Jesus, we have to do the things he does, and that includes extending grace – which is not something that comes to me easily. Nothing we can do as humans will ever be greater than God’s grace if we ask him. This means that there is nothing that humans can do to us that exempts us from extending grace to them, even if they don’t deserve it.

  61. Gift Agboro says:

    Thanks for sharing this idea. I had not looked at it that way. So what and how will humility (preparing for opportunity) look like ?

  62. Danielle Patrick says:

    6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you,
    7 casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. – 1 Peter 5:6-7

    To me these verses speak to the idea of “prevention” vs “intervention” ; preparing for opportunity ; equipping ourselves with tools ahead of time so that we are prepared when we need them (“the proper time”). I really resonate with that idea and this verse.

  63. Danielle Patrick says:

    6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you,
    7 casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. – 1 Peter 5:6-7

  64. Danielle Patrick says:

    7 casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. – 1 Peter 5:7

  65. Alesia Shaw-Pulley says:

    God’s compassion reminds me of his continual love for me and his Grace and Mercy covers me even in my mess.

  66. Alesia Shaw-Pulley says:

    God’s compassion reminds me of his continual love for me and his Grace and Mercy covers me I

  67. Paulina Kennedy says:

    Knowing God is compassionate helps me to be vulnerable and trusting of Him. While it’s not always easy to confess or share all thoughts and parts of myself, that is what God seeks from us, so I try to keep growing in that.

  68. Leslie Green-Starr says:

    Let my prayers be effective and true straight from my heart!

  69. Natalie Vazquez says:

    It reminds me that I do not have to pray in a fancy way. Just by talking to God it will be enough. Praying for others and for every situation in my life whether I am struggling or not. I should share with God the good and bad news.

  70. Leslie Harris says:

    Knowing God is a God of compassion, and he wants us to cast our cares upon him, reminds me that the earthly load (mental, emotional, etc.) is not mine to bear. I can surrender it to him and trust he will take care of it!

  71. Rachel Vaught says:

    Knowing God is compassionate pushes me to open my circle of prayer to those that I don’t normally pray for and those that may “rub me the wrong way” or cause challenges in my life.

  72. Aramide Grace says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate gives me the confidence that no matter what and who I am,God is willing to hear me. No matter what I’ve done he still wants me to come into his presence.
    I pray for the grace to always know that I’m welcome into the presence of God

  73. Aramide Grace says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate gives me the confidence that no matter what and who I am,God is willing to hear me. No matter what I’ve done he still wants me to come into his presence.

  74. Marcey KIEBERT says:

    I am not fearful when I come before God, I rest in his grace and power. I was praying yesterday, excited because my husband had a phone interview, I was stumbling and trying to just talk in a holy voice and realized, no, this isn’t how I speak to my best friend, so I just said God I am excited and I am in need of your peace so I welcomed the holy spirit and sat in silence. I started to him and the song take my life and let it be hymn started coming out, and i rested in that. And so I know praying is a safe place, a refuge and can be a place of thanksgiving and sadness but God met me right there on my bed and comforted my sole with exactly what it needed. So go to him with child like faith

  75. Erin Carr says:

    I can extend Grace through prayer by praying for people who have wronged me or that I am having conflict with. Easier said than done, but powerful because when I do that, I see things from a little bit different perspective.

  76. Meredith Ritchie says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate and gracious allows me to come to him boldly and ask him to help me extend the same grace and compassion to others.

  77. Ashley Schmid says:

    I want to have the same kind of compassion that God has for us. I am a caring and kind person, but sometimes I’m not easy to forgive others as God would want. Sometimes We have to remember to let go and let God. I love knowing that when I’m praying to God I am in a judgment-free zone because He already knows, but He will listen anyway.

  78. mary stephens mcmillan says:

    Today my pastor told us to remember Gods faithfulness on the cross shows his faithfulness extends beyond our own faithfulness. I think this is the same way, knowing God is compassionate and full of grace, allows me with more of a comfort in surrender. To see the beauty of it because of the character of the one I pray too and the blessing it is to be relational with him.

  79. Heather Kaufmann says:


  80. Heather Kaufmann says:

    Me too…encouraging you as this new year begins. Each day’s small choices can add up to make a big impact. Proud of you for being here and in God’s word today. Praying we can both take the next step tomorrow.

  81. Jamille Souza Madeira says:

    Praying for understanding the Word of God and what He has planned for me. Praying for patience, faith, and joyful fellowship.

  82. Ariana says:

    Knowing that God cares about all my problems allows me to open up to Him in my prayers because I know He understands, and I know that no matter how much I screw up He will be with me every step of the way. I know that He loves me.

  83. Ariana says:

    Hold on a little longer, I promise eventually it will be worth it. I have felt the same way that you are feeling, I have felt worthless, unloved, and betrayed, I would harm myself so much to the point it was my escape. I was practically addicted to cutting myself, but I held on a little longer and now I don’t regret it. I have stopped hurting myself and I feel better than before. Even when it gets better it doesn’t mean that you are fixed because we will always be a little broken but allowing God to heal and fill all the empty spaces in your life does help.

  84. Holly Holden says:


  85. Madi Poliszuk says:

    Just prayed for you Emma!

  86. Madi Poliszuk says:

    Knowing that our God is a compassionate God helps me know that there is so much grace when it comes to prayer. God wants me to come to Him with whatever is on my mind and has more compassion in His response than I can ever imagine.

  87. Katie Jenkins says:

    I’ve been struggling to stay in the word.

  88. Shannon Romano says:

    God’s compassion is a reminder that there is no judgement in what we say in our prayers to him. His love is everlasting.

  89. Shea McQuillan says:

    A God who is compassionate — gentle & attentive & comforting. He is not disengaged or distracted or worried. What sweet truth for me to humble myself in. What a charge to trust Him with the pains and dreams and thoughts I️ hold so near to my heart from fear and protection.

  90. Kaley Humble says:

    Knowing and remembering that God is compassionate reminds me that my grace for others is only a small glimpse of his grace for me and others.

  91. Megan Neri says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate and how He shows me compassion is humbling in the least. I screw up a lot, but God is always there to help and guide me. This is the personal example he sets in my life of the love he wants me to extend to other.

  92. Megan Neri says:

    Praying for you, Emma.

  93. Rishera Graham says:

    Knowing I can come to God and he hears me and is full of compassion is such a blessings. Thank you God thank you

  94. Melody Moore says:

    God having compassion shows me that he still cares about people who have fallen off their walk with God,and that there is still hope for them because he lives them no matter what.

  95. Emma W says:

    If anyone sees this, please pray for my marriage. I’m separated from my husband after 10 years of marriage and 22 years of friendship. I’m praying for a miracle and restoration. Believing God can do anything because he can. But I’m struggling to pray and keep faith. I know God can restore my marriage I just don’t know if He will, so I really struggle. But I pray everyday none the less and read my Bible and try to hear from Him.

  96. kayla tapley says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate shows me that I need to be more compassionate. I love that even when I fail him he shows grace and mercy and loves me anyway

  97. TaChina Carter says:

    I’m am beyond great full for God is compassionate

  98. steph Gutmann says:

    Knowing God is compassionate allows me to pray for others knowing He cares about them and their situation more deeply than I ever will. Sometimes I may feel helpless or clueless about what’s happening, but God can step in and turn things around in their lives, drawing the right people to pull around them and BE His answer – just as Nehemiah became the answer for what was happening to the Jewish people at that time

  99. Niki says:

    Compassion is action oriented. Knowing God is compassionate reminds me that he is a God of doing. Even if we are waiting there is action and he desires to bless my works. It also means I have to do and not think about doing or pray he will do it. Compassion is moved to action.

  100. Bianca says:

    Knowing how God extends compassion to me even when I fall short shows me that I should show that same compassion to others. Instead of getting angry or disappointed, praying for grace, mercy and love.

  101. Kamry Williams says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate and how He shows me compassion helps me extend grace to others. I am a sinner. I fall short everyday. I miss the mark frequently. But it is by His grace and His will that I am given a second, if not one hundredth, chance to get it right. If God, He who is and will always be, can show me mercy and grace after failing a million times…being His daughter I can show people His compassion too by giving them grace.

  102. Leonie says:

    I am really struggling with extending grace towards myself in this season where I feel like I should be further in my walk with God and spiritual growth but reading these passages made me realise that God is eager for me to return to him always

  103. Jennifer Darling-Yaw says:

    It reminds me that God hears what I pray. I will pray endlessly and know he always has an open ear for me.

  104. Sarah Cousino says:

    His heart reaches out even more for us, when we are in disparity and trial

  105. Tameka Chauka says:

    It lets me know that I show show grace to others.

  106. skylar britt says:

    I will pray knowing God hears me ❤️

  107. Courtney Weber says:

    It helps me to feel secure in being vulnerable. Breaking through my pride and praying for others who have caused difficulty in my life can cause defensiveness or a bit of petulance. Because God is compassionate he allows me to work through that with Him to get to a point of extending grace to those people.

  108. Regina Clinton says:

    I will pray with confidence that God hears me.

  109. Krystal Schett says:

    To love on others through prayer despite there actions

  110. chelsea kleinmeyer says:


  111. Danielle Relyea says:

    Knowing he is compassionate helps me a lot with guilt and shame that I carry for my sins. It also allows me the heart to forgive and love others.

  112. Katie Gordon says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate allows be to give myself the same grace that I so willingly give to others.

  113. Samantha says:

    I can approach the Lord with confidence and freedom – ultimately because of Christ’s sacrifice – but also because I know He is on my team. He is not against me; He sees my pain and has compassion, instead of seeing my sin and having wrath. Praise God that that has been satisfied on the cross!

  114. Tatiane Pereira says:


  115. Tatiane Pereira says:

    Good has compassion for me every day and I have to do the same with my sisters and brothers.

  116. Laura Umeh says:

    It allows me to extend grace for others. Not praying for what they may have done but instead praying for them despite what they may have done. Praying for their hearts minds and souls and that God would meet them where they are

  117. Chelsea Clifton says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate makes me feel understood. He gets where I am coming from. He has felt what I’m feeling. When I act out of my feelings, not that it’s ok but there is a corrective spirit rather than punishment.

  118. Olivia Metcalf says:

    Because if God’s compassion he forgives us of our sins. Knowing he does that for us makes me have more grace for those in my life.

  119. Kelebogile Ramafalo says:

    I praise Him in advance.

  120. Chessa Johnston says:

    Knowing He is compassionate gives me confidence to go to Him

  121. Grace Collier says:

    I have felt this way in recent months, so I just started saying Jesus name in times when I felt I needed him

  122. Kayla Gordon says:

    What an amazing God

  123. Ashley Keeler says:


  124. Tebogo Ratau says:

    In awe of just how good God is. His love for us is so overwhelming ❤️

  125. Lorrie Phillips says:

    I am vague when it comes to praying. I want to learn to be more specific and how to pray for others, not just myself.

  126. Lori Maxwell says:

    I am just joining this study a few days behind. I have fallen out of some of my spiritual practices and need a boost to get me back on track. My prayers lately have been sparse and not thoughtful. I hope to gain strength and inspiration through this study. ❤️

  127. martha rodriguez says:

    Thank you

  128. jasmin silva says:

    I pray that instead of breaking into despair or anger I break into prayer allow the holy sprite to use my words wisely to speak only life into other lives and also my own life and not allow evil to use my tongue for death unto other or myself Jesus holy and precious name amen

  129. Victoria E says:

    Laura M if you see this I am praying for you and the baby!

  130. Stephanie Berling says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate impacts how I extend grace through prayer because he first loved me so now I can love you and plead on your behalf by the compassion that is poured out on me.

  131. Stacey Harper says:

    I forget this everyday. I am my own worst critic and so often forget how loved and cared for I am in Christ! Thank you for the reminder!

  132. Abbi Jester says:

    I feel I need to be more intentional with my prayers. I am guilty of being very vague with my prayers. I say little tiny prayers throughout the day but I am trying to get better about that and spend more time in full prayer.

  133. Emma Simmons says:

    knowing that God is compassionate i ask him to help me through everything

  134. Henley DotyDrew says:

    Praying to extend grace is a constant prayer throughout the day as a mom of little ones ❤️

  135. Savannah Wright says:

    I needed this ❤️

  136. Jessica Mann says:

    Amen to this ❤️Slowly learning :)

  137. Becky Berube says:

    I’ve been thinking about you this week. Praying. How was your sonogram?

  138. Kylee Tarter says:

    Praying Laura ❤️

  139. Brooke Jade says:

    The more I learn about the compassion of God, the more I realise I need to approach prayer from a place of bringing him honour, not just my requests.

  140. Cayla Kline says:

    Thank you for the context of time! I was wanting to look this up but this makes it easier. Do you have a reference you go to when you need to or do you just google?

  141. Heidi Anders says:

    Nehemiah’s prayers were answered because he repented for himself but also for everyone and reminded God of His promises to them if they should repent. The compassion of God is stirred when we repent.

  142. Dahlia Johnson says:

    It is just confirmation that he will be there through everything. Going to him first will strengthen your faith because he will ALWAYS be there for whatever you need.

  143. Adrianne says:

    Knowing that our Lord is compassionate brings me to understand that kindness and grace presented in prayer is the easiest and most comprehensive way to understand the best of human nature. It’s also a great way to check yourself when you understand our Lord’s compassion. Petty small things can seem insignificant in light of the kindness our Lord shows us.

  144. Dana says:

    I loved seeing how God works good for his people, even in hard circumstances. Understanding what was going on in the lives of the Jews during this time period is helpful in understanding the mourning that Nehemiah was going through. He was grieving over a place and people that he loved dearly. But I find it most interesting that his prayers are not centered on him, his grief, or the sorrow of the people. That is mentioned. But he admits his sinfulness, cries out to God to hold true to His promises, and requests that the Lord give him the strength to do His will. He does not merely come before God asking for selfish requests, but appeals to the God of Heavens to fulfill His previous covenant and to have mercy upon the sinful people that they (we) were (are). How much greater our lives would be if we would submit to God’s will and come to Him in humble expectation of God fulfilling His promises.

  145. Meredith Stafford says:

    God is so great and compassionate to me and my family. We have been through thick and thin and I know God is always there for me (us) with a listening ear no matter my (our) sins. He is a God that loves no matter what.

  146. Kelley LangstonCarver says:

    Yes! And how we need to be that listening ear to others….no matter the sin

  147. Hayley Garth says:

    His compassion is so great for me and us individually when I fail to see the big picture and the root of my sin. If only I could extend grace to others in their lives. We are all on this journey.

  148. Janet Kenny says:

    Nehemiah fasted and prayed for some days in the month of Kislev (Nov. -Dec.), according to Neh 1:4. By the time the king asked him what he wanted in the month of Nisan ( March-April), he had a plan formulated. Trust that the Lord is using the time we often view as frustrating delays to prepare us for what is next.

  149. jessica hogeda says:

    Same Taylor, God has answered my prayers, my husband and I started counseling yesterday which is a huge step for him. I was focused on the way he acted and the words he didn’t say, instead if the fact that he was there and the things he did say. This reminds me to extend the compassion and grace to my husband and focus on the little miracles lining up.

  150. Margaret Wooten says:

    He sees you and your sweet baby… praying for a strong heartbeat.❤️

  151. Ruby Hunter says:

    Praying for those who have wronged you forgiving and praying that you are the disciple he has equipped us to be

  152. Briana Brunache says:

    Praying for you and wishing you the best❤️

  153. Briana Brunache says:

    Makes me feel like I’ll always have a listening ear… no matter the sin

  154. Diana Goodwin says:

    Praying for you Laura. Praying for a strong heartbeat and a wonderful day.

  155. Taylor Greenhouse says:

    If God can be compassionate to me, a sinner that tries, then why can’t I extend the same compassion to others? I definitely need grace so I can give grace to others

  156. Taylor Greenhouse says:

    If God can be compassionate to me, a sinner that tries, then why can’t I extend the same compassion to others? I definitely need and deserve grace, and so others deserve the same.

  157. Heidi H says:

    May God continue to hold you in his compassionate arms. We pray

  158. ashlyn phillips says:

    Knowing God’s compassion allows for us to be more truthful in our prayers, as we know that we can trust in him and he will not judge. In this passages today we were able to see exactly how compassionate God is, and I can use this knowledge in the future when I am saying a prayer.

  159. Laura M says:

    I am headed to my 10 week sonogram tomorrow. I have had 4 miscarriages in the last few years and on average I find out that my babies have passed at about this point. So seeing a heartbeat tomorrow would definitely be out of the ordinary and that is hard. But knowing that God is COMPASSIONATE and that He sees, knows, hears and feels it all… and that He is GOOD is enough to get me through this, whatever the outcome.

  160. Emily Smeenk says:

    Today was good.

  161. Kyana Cruz says:

    God’s compassion is powerful and redemptive. It’s a constant reminder that regardless of what’s going on, I can run to Him. I don’t have to be afraid or ashamed. It’s an extended hand that I strive to give others. Nehemiah is great example for compassion, a man who went to God in prayer and then the king.

  162. Brittany Nicole Montaigne says:

    When I think of compassion, I think of the compassion my husband has for me on my bad days. How he holds me and loves me despite our bad times. God does this for us everything single day. He gives us grace when we by being compassionate towards us so we should give grace to ourselves. We aren’t perfect. This is why Jesus died for our sins. But through God, we can lay it at his feet, every worry, every sin, every hurt and pain…and He will compassionately lead us to the ending He knew all along.

  163. Erin Eason says:

    I love how God used the king as a way to show His compassion on Nehemiah in his current situation. I also love the set up of prayer he shows us in chapter 1 with offering acknowledgment and praise, confessing sins, and then requesting. Praying that I will remember to always start with praises and don’t forget to offer my shortcomings.

  164. April Antonio says:

    For me, knowing that the overarching theme of scripture is God’s redeeming power, and that it comes from His great grace and mercy for us, I feel free to extend that same grace to myself and also to others. I noticed how Nehemiah confessed not only his sins but those of Israel, and yet in the same breath asks God to restore them. I also like how Nehemiah doesn’t go on and on and on about their sins and how bad he feels and so on, just tearing himself and the Israelites down. How many times to I mentally berate myself for my sins, especially when it’s something I told myself I wouldn’t do..and yet I don’t pour that same passion into asking God for restoration and praising Him for already redeeming me? To me that is the grace Nehemiah shows in his prayer…it’s as much what he doesn’t pray as it is what he does pray. And, I like how the scripture mentions that he prays again, perhaps a silent prayer, before asking the king for his help. I want to pray my prayers with grace ans think kind thoughts toward myself and others that don’t condone wrongdoing, but that are also forward looking to the redemption and restoration God has for me.

  165. Katy Wing says:

    It really stood out to me how, when in the first chapter, he prayed to God, and shared what was on his heart, then even though it wasn’t seen in chapter one, in chapter two God made away, because it alined with God’s heart.

  166. Nikkole Rogers says:


  167. Robyn Pankok says:

    I’m so grateful for God’s graces

  168. Hannah Storay says:

    I have to remind myself of God’s compassion. I can go to Him for any and everything, but I have to remember that He may not answer my prayers the way I expect or want Him too. But, that doesn’t mean He doesn’t care about me or my life or prayer. He is compassionate and cares greatly about me.

  169. Esther Lammers says:

    Knowing that God is Compassionate, helps me to be my real self with him. I don’t have to hide my true emotions. In Nehemiah’s prayer, it wasn’t a one sided conversation, you could almost hear what God was thinking and feel all the emotion. It felt like I was walking right into a deep conversation. I feel like sometimes when I read that God is the final judge that I have to act serious with him, and leave all of my emotion at the door before talking to him. But God is literally saying, My Child, Bring me all of you, not just what you think I want to see.
    God is Compassionate, and loves us more then we will ever realize.

  170. Shana Fields says:

    One of the things I really learned in one of our SRT studies this year is that God sees, He listens and He acts. I really have noticed in the Bible how this is true.

  171. Alayna P. says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate helps me remember that I can go to Him with anything and that I can give myself Grace for not being perfect at praying. I can tell Him anything and if I don’t have the words or I’m stumbling to say what I want to say, He understands.

  172. Shannon Donaldson says:

    Knowing God is compassionate I can extend Grace to myself for not praying perfect prayers. I can be free to speak my heart.

    1. Mischa Henry says:

      This really resonated with me. Thank you for your post.

  173. Mercy says:

    Prayers are dialogues with God, not monologues (one-way conversation of us confessing, presenting our desire or trouble lists, and thank God that He listens and then Amen to close). Prayers are sacred communication between faulty men approaching a perfect God so we could cultivate intimacy and closeness with one another. Prayers to me is personal worship, of daily checking in, even when I have nothing to say but my small talks. For this reason, I used to feel my prayer time was boring and bland. Until one day, He asked, “Can I talk?”. I chuckled at this, as I robbed Him, I robbed God, the gentleman that He is, of all the counselling He wanted to give to me that would unfold my life. Yes Lord, please go ahead, and that day, God opened a flood gate with His words. He talked about deep things, and also humorous things. I felt a deep repentance of how selfish my prayers had been; I had shut Him up out of ignorance. My prayer life used to be a one way street, demanding Him to hear me, not allowing Him to speak. God speaks in a still small voice, though He speaks through so many ways. Sometimes He sounds like me. He is looking for those who are willing to sit for hours to hear Him. Trust me, He is. He always desires His children to know more about His heart, His will and His mind concerning our lives and our understanding of Him. May we come to God in prayers, like a date, a one-on-one session, with open heart, mind and expectations, and let us start with “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening”. May we have the grace, oh the topic of grace where do I start, the beautiful grace, the wonderful grace, the grace for this enriched intimacy where the depth of all wisdom, comfort, sure abiding, security, unshakeable strength, riches of knowledge and understanding flows out from, from the simple contact point of a prayer life. Ask for grace. Only by grace. We need to taste how good God is in our prayers. No more empty & dead monologues but joyful & mind blowing conversations. Be humble, extra humble, as grace won’t show up where pride is (James 4:6). May our prayer life be meaningful and fortified by Him extending His grace for our prayers. God is always searching for those who will listen. “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:9). Be blessed dear sisters.

  174. Christina Vingerud says:

    I’m not as afraid to go to a God who is compassionate. If God was made of stone and hard hearted, I would probably have a “why bother” attitude. Because his heart is for me, I know I can bring him all of my heart, no matter what it holds!

  175. Nitz . says:

    God is careful with me, sometimes I forget that. How gentle He is with me, how much He shields me from, how affected He is by me. He knows exactly how many tears I have cried, the hairs on my head, He knows me. He knows all of me and He is gentle with me even when life is not, when people aren’t, when I am not. The Holy Spirit knows every corner of my being and still chooses to call me home. He calls me home. Who is like this God? There is none like Him

  176. Hali Y. says:

    knowing that God is compassionate helps me to understand His holiness and Him being set apart. extending grace towards myself and those i’ve been wronged by is hard to practice, but because He did/does it first, I can do it. more than that, His Holy Spirit dwells and transforms me and I can trust that He will make it all right! thankful for today’s reading. happy tuesday, she’s!

  177. Taylor says:

    Todays scriptures were powerful and refreshing. I love 1st Peter and the reminder we all sometimes need.

  178. Lexi B says:

    I have a hard time extending grace to myself so I often mistaken God for being like me. So thankful that He is not. Thankful for the grace He freely gives, and learning to extend that grace to myself.

    Heidi- I so relate to what you have written about letting go of your job to pursue your seminary studies full time. I have struggled with wanting to get a second job as I work my business, but Thank God, he closes that door each time I attempt. Praying for us both as we walk this season of fully embracing what God has for us, and trusting Him in the process.

    Michelle P- Praying for your legs and that your event is a success.

    Tina- Always love hearing about the testimony of you and your daughter. It is so beautiful that God gave you a vision. I got one too when my mom died, showing me that she was at peace and healthy. So thankful that God gives us a little glimpse.

  179. Scarlett says:

    I loved today’s readings. The last verse reading for 1 Peter just reminded me that as long as I come to God with humility, He is always there to take away my worries, anxieties, and concerns. I am not alone in dealing with them because He is willing and able to take those from me. I of course knew these things in the back of my head but it was a refreshing reminder for me as I go through yet another tough time.

  180. margaret pasqua says:

    SEEK ME AND YOU WILL FIND ME“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.””
    ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29:11-14‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  181. Amil Richardson says:

    knowing how compassionate God is, i wont be afraid to share my deepest thoughts that i am ashamed of during prayer because i know that he is a God that loves his children through both good and bad days.

  182. Rebecca says:

    Thank you, Tina, for your beautiful life giving testimony, and Traci for your similar confirmation that God hears us and loves us in our darkest moments!
    Praying for healing sooner than later for you Michelle Patire and an extraordinary event.
    @Jenny Somers- You can take some credit for instilling such compassion in your daughter’s heart-an wisdom beyond her years.
    @Heidi- prayers lifted for courage and faith as you move forward into God’s purpose for your life! He’s got you!
    @Jennifer loves Jesus and Sharon Jersey Girl- your words really spoke to me today! Thank you
    Have a prayer filled day sisters! ❤️

  183. Molly R says:

    Yesterday I was reminded that God is a God who hears, always. Today I was reminded that no matter what circumstance I am coming to Him in, it’s my heart He ultimately wants to see righted. Coming in humility, contriteness. Whether the request is big or small, simple or complex – it’s the heart I come in. To achieve that proper place I need to begin with praising who He is, confessing my sin, and acknowledging proper judgement before beginning my petition. It makes me wonder, in those times I have immediately gone to crying out my needs, how that petition would have changed if I had begun with praising, confessing, and acknowledging first. Things I will ponder, and hopefully apply as I begin to change how I approach God in prayer. Knowing, firstly, that I am loved and cared for, and am heard, always!

  184. Janet HendricksMiller says:

    I do not know your situation, but I pray God fills you with his perfect peace in this time of waiting. I have learned through a difficult time that God’s ways are not my ways and his thoughts are above my thoughts. He is a loving God, even in the difficult times.

  185. Nikia Taylor says:

    Knowing God is compassionate helps me block shame, Reminding myself that the Father loves me and He has a want for me.
    It’s like when kids do something wrong and I see that they are shamed of it I always tell them although I’m not happy with what you did, there is nothing they can do that will make me stop loving them. I have to remind myself that God feels the same way.

    1. Gwendolyn Vincent says:

      Amen Nikia!

  186. Nikia Taylor says:

    Knowing God is compassionate helps me block shame, Reminding myself that the Father loves me and He has a want for me.

  187. Cee Gee says:

    TINA, thank you for once again bravely walking through your worst days and the beautiful revelation. May you feel God’s Presence and comfort today. Love you and your courage!
    Many of you expressed my thoughts on these verses. To answer today’s question: I need to remember John 6:14-15 that says if I don’t forgive others, God won’t forgive me. With His help, I can withdraw from bitterness and blame and seek to show the same grace that God faithfully shows me.

  188. Mari says:

    @Michelle Patire, I’m praying for you dear. From one runner to another I know those “not-so-nice” setbacks. Praying you will heal quickly and strength to coordinate this very important event.

  189. lisa chapek says:

    He recognizes that his current trouble is not because of Gods failure, but his and his people. God kept His covenant, but Israel didn’t and they found themselves in trouble that God told them would be a result of their disobedience. One of the most dangerous things we can doubt is Gods warnings for our disobedience, yet we’ve been doing it since Adam and Eve. Thanks be to God that He is consistently faithful to offer us an open door back to Him when we do go astra!

  190. Mari says:

    Good Morning beautiful SRT sisters! While its NOT currently sunny California at the moment, I’m grateful for the rain this morning. I admit I don’t like rain, but we need it here and it does cause me to sit here (inside) in a cozy spot with coffee in hand joining ALL you beautiful sisters to read God’s Word “together”. Knowing that God is compassionate with me, it helps me extend grace to others. Is it hard to extend grace? YES IT IS! But God. I pray and ask God for strength as sometimes it hurts to be nice. I can’t and won’t do this alone. I’m grateful to my God, my Jesus Who gives me the will to do this. HE gets the glory!

  191. DianeM says:

    How does knowing that God is compassionate impact how you extend grace through prayer?
    I continually pray for those who have yet to discover who is really in control in this world, but today helped me remember to pray with compassion on these individuals and not with fear for them. It also reminded me that when I pray, God listens to me with compassion and this helps me feel His grace.

  192. Katarina Friedman says:

    Prayers. When I was new Christian I tried so hard to come with a solution or fix the issue. Over the years I have realized and seen though God’s word that he wants me just as I am. He see my heart and loves me where I am at.

  193. Leslie Sue says:

    It motivates me to pray for others going through dark times. I know he is the God who sees and the God who cares.

  194. Heidi says:

    Nehemiah was doing what was right, he was including himself in God’s plan to restore Jerusalem, he was trusting God to provide favor through the king’s response- AND? He was overwhelmed with fear when the king opened the door to the discussion he knew he had to have. I find that so comforting. That even when we know we are following through with what God is leading- there may still be those uncertain moments when fear is felt. The power comes in and is seen when we don’t allow that fear to STOP us. We allow it to propel us forward further into the action God is asking us to take.

    This comes at a timely moment for me. As many of you know, I have been in full-time seminary and my husband has been feeling for a while now that I need to be obedient to God’s call FULLY. I have kept my small speech therapy practice open and have been continuing as a provider part time. My husband has pointed out I haven’t been called into this new space part time and my keeping this other world still operating, I’m keeping control over areas I don’t know how God will provide/handle. So- I’ll just keep handling it for Him… not often the best plan ;)

    I prayed before starting today’s SRT for Him to bring clarity to this plan of “closing down shop” and help me in trusting and knowing this is the right thing when I don’t understand it. Then I sat down to THIS story in scripture and I just can’t… :) The whole theme is Nehemiah doing what is right in the face of all kinds of uncertainty. It’s trusting God will provide and equip in the areas He has called you to. It’s the reminder (later chapters) that when following God’s plan we are “doing a good thing – and cannot pull away from it”. Commit my way to the Lord.. COMMIT. Not, slightly join in on the side until I’m uncomfortable.

    I will be sending out notice to patients after posting this – notice that my practice is closing and that next week will be my last week. I would LOVE prayers of support and guidance. This is tough… I spent 7 years of my life educating myself to have this title and licensure. Walking away from something that has partially (even if not right..) been my identification is not easy at all. But I’m not asked to do the easy I’m asked to do the right.

    God- your word is unfailing. Thank you… :) :) :)

  195. lisa chapek says:

    7 We have acted very corruptly against you and have not kept the commandments, the statutes, and the rules that you commanded your servant Moses. 8 Remember the word that you commanded your servant Moses, saying, ‘If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the peoples, – Nehemiah 1:7-8

  196. Katarina Friedman says:

    God’s compassion helps eliminate the fear and allow me to be honest in my

  197. Foster Mama says:

    @ MICHELLE PATIRE – I am praying for you, that you will receive strength and relief from above. I pray for a very blessed event. (I also pray you find a quick moment to get this pain checked out.)

    @ TINA, I’ve caught bits and pieces of your beautiful testimony over the years…. thank you for starting my day with it today. So much love ❤️

    @ VICTORIA E praying for you my sister; I love that you praised and acknowledged your gifts but know that we also need God’s help to manage our time with our blessings :)

    @ JENNY SOMMERS, praying special blessings over your daughter and that she will see tangible fruit from her prayer, building her faith further.

    (Praying through yesterday’s and today’s requests as I read them.)

    @ AMERICANS, praying for your elections today…and the impact it has on all of us, throughout the world.

    @ EVERYONE…thank you for your comments: for pointing out that Nehemiah wasn’t rushed; for speaking of extending the grace of God to ourselves too;

    I loved that Nehemiah both gave time to pray but also did little “arrow prayers” throughout his talk with king; among these, I hear Nehemiah in my head saying to God “The king is extending grace, Lord…Can I push a little further? Do I speak again now? to ask for the next request? Guide me and bless my words and give me favour according to Your will.”

  198. Traci Gendron says:

    Oh Tina my heart is with you today. I also was given a picture of Tanner the day he died. We were leaving the hotel we were staying at while Tanner was in ICU. I felt and saw this clear sort of wrap surround me and Tanner was on my right with the biggest smile. He said to me, “mom I’m okay.” What a gift God has given us! To see their healed bodies smiling broadly and telling us they are okay! I don’t know how I would have gotten through without that blessing. I pray you find peace and comfort today. That angels will surround you. Oh but a wonderful God we have.

    This study has already impacted me. I realize I need to slow down and really talk to God, then listen. I feel I rush through my prayers and then onto my studies. I’m doing both, but would like to get up earlier and have time alone with God to hear what He has to say to me. New mission!

    Jenny Somers – what a special young girl you are raising! To want to pray for the girl saying mean things is beyond maturity!

  199. Rachel says:

    Tina, our hearts are with you as you remember your sweet girl. Can’t wait to meet you both someday!

    Prayers for the other requests and so much gratitude for our accessible God who hears us and extends grace that can then overflow to those around us.

  200. Molly ZagRodny says:

    The confession and repentant humility on behalf of himself and his people stands out to me. And then Nehemiah acts in trust, believing God’s character and promises.

  201. Abby Littlefield says:

    I makes me bold in my requests. I can ask for big things because God is compassionate and looks past my failures.

  202. Tami McBride says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate and that his “grace is sufficient” shows me that I can extend grace to others, because it is not me, but Christ in me extending grace.

  203. Jenna says:

    As I read through many of the prayer requests in yesterday’s comments, I just felt so thankful that our God is infinite. I know many of us are walking through challenging seasons. I’m glad that the invitation always stands to cast our burdens on Him. He sees us. He hears us. He will act on our behalf. Praying the gracious hand of the Lord would rest on us all today.

  204. Michelle Patire says:

    Hey praying friends, a request. I was doing these jumping exercises the other day and the back of my legs are killing me, ever since. It’s not reg muscle soreness. It’s something else because the pain isn’t fading.
    My job is very physical and I am a small girl. I am just about 5 feet tall. I currently do Instacart a few days a week (as well as workout 6 days.) I am not running today because I’m afraid it will stress this pain more. But this Sunday I am hosting a big event for the Lord and I would appreciate prayers for my healing. I also anticipate getting my “monthly visitor” this weekend so I really need God’s strength. I am the entire coordinator and planner of this party and I believe it will change lives with ETERNAL IMPACT. Today, I am setting up the venue, with my little legs burning, lol. Please lift me up to Jesus if you see this!!! Thank you.

  205. Donna Wolcott says:

    Tina may beautiful memories comfort you today. Blessings and prayers for all.

  206. CindyQuilts says:

    Amen, Melissa…. Good words…..

  207. Patsy Coghlan says:

    It helps me because I feel if God has extended grace to me I need to extend grace by being forgiving as God has forgiven me through His son Jesus.

  208. Natasha Seaver says:

    Thank You, Lord! The reminder that He does care for me. I see His hand at work in ways I never imagined but always so perfect.

  209. Candace Johnson says:

    God is so good and I am so humbled that he listens to me! ❤️

  210. Sarah Ritchie says:

    Tina, you are a treasure to us.

  211. Melissa Oliver says:

    We live in such a competitive society and it is easy to feel like we are unseen or not doing enough. We may feel that we don’t have influence or even value unless we can produce something that generates likes and feedback. These verses are so comforting to me. They remind me that when I obey God and enter into obedience of His plans and His timing, He takes care of everything else. He will allow us to find favor, and most importantly, He will promote us in His time. There is so much rest and contentment to be found in this. I am not called to enter the rat race of praise and promotion or comparison. I am His beloved. He will always take care of us. It’s shockingly simple, yet I have to remind myself each day. Prayers that we all experience His love in a way that overshadows any doubts we may have about who we are and the gifts we bring to this world through Him.

  212. May D says:

    I show it was a few months. Nov/Dec to March/April of the same year.

  213. Kelsey Thurman says:

    Knowing that he is compassionate toward me helps me extend grace to myself because when I’m not compassionate or grace-filled toward myself, it’s less likely I can adequately extend grace and compassion to others when they/I need me to.

  214. Erica Chiarelli says:

    I’m so thankful He hears us. He always is listening. But He hears us when we pray through His Word, He is looking to perform it! Thank You for showing us prayer throughout the Scriptures, so we can see & learn from those who have gone before us! You are so good!

  215. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Nehemiah sat down and wept. He mourned, he fasted, he prayed – and God was attentive. His gracious hand was upon Nehemiah. (Nehemiah 1:4 & 11; Nehemiah 2:8) What stood out to me in this passage is how serious and personal Nehemiah took prayer. It consumed him. It wasn’t a prayer he prayed on the run while occupied by a very busy day. He sat down. He stopped whatever else he was doing. He wept and mourned. Pouring his heart out to God, not afraid of showing emotion, but being completely open and honest before God. He fasted. He chose to forgo tending to his hunger, his needs. He prayed. He had an honest, heartfelt conversation with God. Humble, believing, bold, trusting that his God would answer…and He did. If only I could learn to pray and have faith that God WILL answer the impossible- like Nehemiah. Father God, help me to come boldly before You. To pray believing You will answer. To pray with confidence, from my heart to Yours. Knowing that in Your way, in Your time You will bring it to pass. Amen

    @Tina – Thank you for once again sharing your testimony. It testifies of God’s power to carry you through the darkest night, His power to sustain you and help you move forward. It encourages others who have an unbearable burden that they too can get through it with God’s help and it increases our faith. May God give you special peace and comfort today as you remember your beautiful daughter…prayer and hugs ❤️

  216. Christen Plough says:

    Nehemiah’s prayer is a beautiful example of prayer with God. He gives home worship and praise, confesses his sin, prays God’s word to him, and then makes his request. It’s amazing how God uses every part of his word to guide us and share himself with us. ❤️

  217. Sharbear says:

    Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.
    Lam. 3:22-23

  218. Monie Mag says:

    I sorry I hit the post button accidentally. I just wanted to add that I believe God will hear peoples prayer today as we pray for our country to turn back to Him and that He can make a way as we Exalt God and his holiness, humble ourselves, pray and remember His promises, wait on Him, be brave and take action when He leads us. Thankful for all of you seeking God.

  219. Courtney says:

    Thank you for sharing your heartfelt testimony, Tina. Praise Jesus! We serve a loving and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, grace, and mercy, my sisters.

  220. Holly Strickland says:

    I never took the time to look into the time period between Nehemiah’s prayer and him asking the king. If what I looked at was right it was a period of time. I have to confess that I am sometimes in such a rush that I go ahead of God. This has shown me to prepare well, to wait on the Lord and then to work hard continually relying on Him!

  221. Sharon Jones says:

    This verse struck me – How many times I have prayed about a situation and then the door opens and in my heart I cast a prayer up to God of help me say this right.

  222. Mia Faith says:

    Tina, my heart aches for yours. I, too lost a child (my son). My days after looked like yours, and then…God stepped into my healing. He restored me and drew
    me closer to him. It still hurts! I miss my son every minute. But God… I know I will be reunited with him some glorious day!!

  223. Monie Mag says:

    I found Nehemiah‘s prayer very timely and significant for today. As it is a voting day in our country. Nehemiah sat down and wept for Jerusalem, a nation that turned his back on God, it was destroyed and it’s people sent into exile. I feel Nehemiah‘s prayer is ours today as I believe our country began to turn it’s back on God years ago, oh and we are beginning to be destroyed with a special attack on children.

  224. Mia Faith says:

    Tina, my heart aches for yours. I, too lost a child (my son). My days after looked like yours, and then…God stepped into my healing. He restored me and drew me closer and he to him.

  225. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Prayer is not passive. It is powerfully simple when we approach God with a faithful heart. Faith begins with knowledge and then acts with hopeful obedience. “… and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge in order that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:19). From this fullness I pray with unshakable faith. The challenge to learn more about prayer has ignited a fire in me. I believe it is helping me move closer to God, closer to His heart, closer to His power. From knowing more about God, to knowing God more. “… so that through these (divine gifts and knowledge of Him) you may become sharers of the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:2-4). I want to be a sharer of God’s divine nature. This is grace. And God’s grace is accessed through prayer. Prayer takes practice and sacrifice. It takes intentionality. It will sometimes take mourning and fasting like Nehemiah before he approached the king with His requests. It takes action. It takes moving from intercessor to mediator. Prayer doesn’t feel natural in our loud and busy world. But oh how I see the power of prayer in the ancient stories and the new. To sacrifice time for prayer is not something I had thought much about before now. Time for Bible study? Yes. Sacrifice for prayer involves more silence and stillness in my heart. No reading, no perfect setting, no active worship; just slowing and knowing God. Challenge accepted. Father God, teach me to pray. “My heart is ready, my heart is ready” (Psalm 57:7).

  226. Gayle R says:

    No matter how we treat God or respond to Him, He responds to us with compassion, modeling the example of what we should do for others, and boy did I need to hear that AGAIN today!

  227. Taylor says:

    @Tina love you and am praying for you on this day <3 Thank you for sharing your testimony! I know it has encouraged me and many others

    I am reminded today that no matter what, God promises to never leave us nor forsake us. Even in our wandering, even in our doubt, even in our outright disbelief and trying to do things "our way". He's still there with arms wide open ready to receive His children. We can cast ALL our anxieties (and some days it feels like the list of anxieties is endless) on Him BECAUSE He cares for us <3 Thank you Father

  228. RS says:

    Asking for prayers for my daughter today as her boyfriend ended their relationship because of her faith. She wants a man of God and he isn’t a believer. I pray for the prodigals, the broken hearted, those asking God “why”, the weary and tired in spirit. May we plan as Nehemiah did to seek Gods will first even when life hurts. No knee jerk reactions from our emotions but prayer of sound mind for a spirit of fear.

  229. Taylor Davis says:

    This is so beautiful stated! Thank you!

  230. Stacey Pitman says:

    Jeannie, this is also the verse that spoke to me… “at the proper time”… So often I am sure that I know the proper time (now Lord, it’s now).

  231. Jenny Somers says:

    Extending grace through prayer… I desire to be the person who prays for my enemies. Who is compassionate towards them, just as the Lord is to me. My daughter did this last week and it encouraged me so I thought it might encourage some of you too. She is in 4th grade and found some truly awful things written about her in a bathroom stall at school. We talked about it that night and, unprompted, she asked to pray for the person who wrote it. She said, “God, please help her to know that she is wonderful and that she very special little girl and she is right where she is supposed to be.” Tears. She extended so much grace.

  232. Kinsey Maggard says:

    God forgives us even when we shouldn’t be forgiven, but because of his compassion he does. He doesn’t hold grudges with us and through prayer we can ask for forgiveness and ask for direction.

  233. Kinsey Maggard says:

    God forgives us even when we shouldn’t be forgiven, but because of his compassion he does. He doesn’t hold grudges with us and through prayer we can ask for forgiveness and direction.

  234. Jeannie Wilson says:

    1Peter 5:6-7 is SO comforting to me, especially during hard seasons of life. One part of those verses that struck me this morning is in verse 6 where it says, “so that he may exalt you at the proper time,”. For me, the waiting is the hard part. Hey want to cast all of my cares on the Lord and have immediate response; however, I just need to humbly come to the Lord and trust Him. Knowing that God is compassionate and that He loves me is SO comforting and gives me peace while wait for Him.

  235. Aimee D-R says:

    I can come more boldly to The Throne knowing his grace and mercy abound.

  236. Rebecca Payne says:

    His compassion allows me to share what is truly on my heart and not just what I think I should say. It helps me extend grace to myself that my prayers don’t have to be “perfect” and to the times I felt God wasn’t listening. His compassion shows he had something different in mind.

  237. Jeannie CarterJohnson says:

    God’s compassion and grace is so awesome. I know that when I humble myself to him in prayer and repent that He extends his grace to me and helps me in every situation. What an awesome way He answered Nehemiah’s prayer – not only allowing him to return to Jerusalem to rebuild but supplying everything he needed to do so through king Artaxerxes. Praise God!

  238. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    @Tina Praying for peace and comfort over you today. May God bless you even more with His compassion as you remember your daughter.

  239. searching says:

    are you surprised by multiple posts? I think it only happens if you are commenting through the app – pressing the enter/return key triggers a post rather than a new paragraph. Hard to stop that reflex sometimes though :)

    TINA – love you sister! Hugs!!!

    Nehemiah – I was excited to see this for today. Our church did a study on this book many years ago and it really stuck with me. His reverence for the Lord, seeking His will, praying for guidance and wisdom before and during his conversation with the king, the journey, the restoration. Pray, pray, pray! Honesty is the main thing that comes to mind – seek Him with an open and honest heart. He knows the real you anyway and for me, with that honesty comes eye-opening realization of things I may be ignoring or glossing over.

    JENNIFER LOVES JESUS – loved yesterday’s post

    Read through yesterday’s comments and prayed for each request mentioned, as well as for patience and peace in the waiting, and for faith and trust that the Lord really does know and want what is best for each of us.

    Thank you, MERCY.

  240. Sheridan Covington says:

    Extending grace through prayer. I can only do this because God is compassionate. I know that He loves me even though I am a sinner. I can only give grace because of his grace towards me.

  241. stacy thomas says:

    The scripture reflects so many humans just like me who stumble, deny, fall and rebel. It also shows us the evidence of our God’s grace and love despite our sin. Thanks be to God that he loves the unloveable, leads the unleadable and reaches the unreachable. I know there is nothing that hinders my relationship with God except for me. He is always available. The Holy Spirit is with me to be in intimate relationship with each breath I take. I am thankful for this love. I am awed by His acceptance no matter my brokenness. He grieves with me and never abandons me.

  242. Skylar says:

    Even when I sin, God still loves and hears me. Father, I thank You that You hear me ❤️

    Loving this study.

  243. Annie says:

    The Lord’s compassion shows me that He cares and encourages me to pray to Him and talk with Him.

  244. Angie Mills says:

    Knowing that God is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness as well as holy, sovereign over all, and just helps me to pray for those whose hearts are not turned toward Him. If it were not for God’s gracious work in my life, I would also be far from Him. He changed my heart from one that beats for my self to one that beats for Him. He changed me from one who pursues what she wants to one who pursues what He wants. Though I do not follow Him perfectly, He graciously called me to follow Him and I obeyed His calling. I am able to pray that He does the same in the lives of others.

  245. Debra Greene says:

    God help me to know you hear, really know you hear my prayers!

  246. Kelly (NEO) says:

    It is only through God’s compassion that I can even approach His throne of grace. As mercy is extended to me, He empowers me to extend grace to others, all for His glory.

    Nehemiah humbled himself with fasting and sought the Lord’s direction after confessing. His petition to God acknowledged the broken covenant yet leaned on God’s promise to be faithful to His people.

    Nehemiah’s reply to the king and queen (Esther?) Was full of faith for he gave a time of his return to his royal duties.

  247. Katie Megee says:

    He forgives over and over and over again. Thank You Jesus!

  248. Diana says:

    I think Nehemiah’s prayer is relevant today. Our nation’s suffering is directly related to our sinfulness. We should lament as he did and repent. Praise God for His goodness and provision during difficult times. I am saddened by the hostility I see every day. Today I will bring all that to God in prayer.

  249. Patti McLean says:

    This was good!! Knowing, even in my sin, I can come to my Father, confess, and he will love, forgive and keep His promises to me

  250. Elaine Morgan says:

    Thanks for sharing your story with us again Tina. It doesn’t mark how many times we hear it, it is so touching that God gave you peace over your child’s passing. What a true gift!! I never grow tired of hearing how He blesses others.

  251. Ariel Harris says:

    I know God knows.

  252. Kristyn Mohrmann says:

    I love the 1 Peter passage, we can cast all our cares on Him. ❤️

  253. Mary Ann Graves says:


  254. Erin Hudgins says:

    God knows me, every part of me. He doesn’t want me to shoulder the weight of this world on my own. He invites me to come to him so that he can love me and encourage me. He then asks me to help do the same for others so that I might point them back to Him.

  255. Bee says:

    Thank you for sharing with such courage and vulnerability. I appreciate your honesty so much, and admire your bravery. Through this unbearable situation, I am so glad you serve and honour a God that can heal your pain and walk beside you. Thank you for your encouragement and example of God’s compassion, patience and grace.

  256. Heather says:

    I like that even in the moment he was talking to the king, he was still praying for guidance from God. He put in the action but was trusting & depending on God & not on himself at all. He approached God reminding Him of His compassion beforehand too- letting God know, I know you & you’re heart & I need you. In Faith he believed God would help him even before going to the king. I believe that knowing God is compassionate helps us to bring ALL our cares to Him & we have faith that he hears us when we call.

  257. Arina says:

    I like how, on the one hand, Nehemiah is so clear that God is the One who will deliver them. The Lord will gather them and redeem them. But that doesn’t stop Nehemiah from seeking what his part is in God’s plan. He goes to the king to ask for help, yet in the faith that God needs to grant him the favour of the king. Praying and taking action. I think it’s a beautiful example of how we can move forward while at the same time depending on God.

  258. TIna says:

    Today marks the anniversary of my beautiful daughters passing. Though my heart hurts as I recall that day… it is well.


    Some of you know my story, and for that I apologise for your hearing some again..
    When Julee died, I was broken beyond, what I believed, repair, to the point where I tried to join her. My heart, though I had two other children, could not imagine life without her in it.
    I would every day go to the church, stand at the altar and rant, rave, accuse, abuse, disrespect God in His house..
    This went on for a loooooooong while, every day my mission was to go and confront God. WHY. WHY. WHY?
    Until one day tired and exhausted from months of tirading and tears, I actually sat down on a pew and slept right there in the church…

    BUT GOD..

    OH.. BUT GOD..

    EVEN, even, in my disrespectfulness, He showed me kindness in my resting. He showed me comfort and COMPASSION in the picture He then gave me, of Julee, running through a meadow fully healed, waving with the biggest smile I had seen and shouting..”I am alright mummy. I am happy..”
    Tears roll down my face as I recall, as I remember.

    BUT GOD..

    That day was the beginning of my relationship proper, with my Lord..
    I have walked in His compassionate love, compassionate grace, compassionate mercy, compassionate faithfulness, He has put a new song in my heart, my mouth, my soul. I no longer feel broken.. because I can cast my cares, worries, hurting, on Him, and in His compassion God..

    He listens.

    He sees.

    He knows.

    He is always, always, ALWAYS, near, ready to love on me and bring me back to Him.
    Praise God, from whom ALL my blessings flow..

    It is well. Thank you Lord God, Thank you..

    Happy Tuesday Sisters. As I have received,so I pass on to you His compassionate love, wrapped in hugs and prayers for a blessed and peacefilled day..❤

    1. Gwendolyn Vincent says:

      Tina what a beautiful testimony. Love and hugs to you my sistah❤

  259. Yazmin Cruz says:

    When you get to the point to realizing that God is ALWAYS there for us >>>>