The God Who Hears Our Complaint

Open Your Bible

1 Kings 19:1-16, Hebrews 4:14-16, James 1:2-8

Though Scripture contains many written prayers, like those found in the book of Psalms, and many teachings on how to pray, like the parables and sermons in Jesus’s ministry, this reading plan focuses on the prayers offered to God in the narratives of Scripture. Each day we’ll read a narrative that includes a prayer from an individual or group. Their prayers vary in length, type, posture, purpose, and God’s response. The secondary passages explore how the rest of Scripture speaks to the themes demonstrated in the main reading. 

While each account is different, every prayer recorded in Scripture teaches us about the unchanging God who invites us to speak to and hear from Him. These prayers model for us what it can look like to be in conversation with God. As you read, notice the posture and emotions present each day. 

Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading Prayers in Scripture together, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read in the comments. 

Does the prayer in today’s reading look like what you expected prayer to be? If so, how? If not, why?

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51 thoughts on "The God Who Hears Our Complaint"

  1. Kelly (NEO) says:

    I agree, this is what prayer looks like – a conversation. God begins the conversation with a question that prompts the complaint. God’s response is giving His prophet things to do for Him.
    The Lord empowers us to serve Him, even when we are afraid.

  2. Angela Van Dyke says:

    Happy thanksgiving!

  3. Erica Wilson says:

    I LOVE prayers like Elijah’s that remind me that I can bring my whole self to God, that I don’t have to “clean up” before coming to Him. He knows the depths of my heart anyway- why not come to Him in honesty and see how she works in the most despairing of my emotions?!

  4. Angie Mills says:

    This is exactly what prayer is to be. Prayer should be an honest conversation we have with God. We should bring everything to the Lord. He knows every thought we think and understands them. Our hearts may deceive us, but they never deceive the One who created us. Through prayer, God helps us to process and accept our circumstances. We may not understand the trials we go through, but we can trust that our Great High Priest sympathizes with us and understands our weakness. He will help us grow in endurance and every other spiritual gift that trial is sent to produce in us.

  5. Nitz . says:


  6. Karen Roper says:

    Yes and no. For years the idea of complaining to God was foreign. Then I learned that God wants to be a personal God and wants me to

  7. Inses De Braganca says:

    No matter what we bring to Christ he responds and supports us. Thank you Jesus for your guidance. Amen.

  8. TIna says:

    Nothing to complain about today..

    Approaching the throne of grace today, with Thanksgiving in my heart..

    Thank you Lord God for your listening ear, love, grace, mercy, hope… and these wonderful ladies I do my mornings with..

    BUT GOD..

    Thank you Lord God, Thank you!

    Happy Thanksgiving sisters, wrapped in love, hugs and prayers for precious time with family and friends..❤