The God of Comfort

Open Your Bible

2 Corinthians 1:1-24, 2 Corinthians 2:1-4, Isaiah 40:1-2, Romans 5:8-10

I’m waiting on a call from a surgeon to discuss options for my 10-year-old daughter’s next surgery. She has a myriad of special needs, and there is no simple surgery or easy answer for some of the medical decisions we’re having to make as a family. This next surgery—one of many—will likely lead to more long-term implications and loss for her. At ten years old, she’s old enough to understand that these phone calls and doctor’s visits are leading to surgeries that will lead to loss. 

As her mom, I just want her suffering to be over. I want to fix all of her problems. I want her health problems to be a thing of the past. But some problems can’t be fixed in this life. And in the wake of sad news, I admit I’m feeling helpless. 

What comfort do I have to give her? What words can I say to help? What fun toy or gift or balloon arrangement can make up for yet another surgery? What power do I have to make it all better, to make the pain stop?

I don’t have words. I don’t have solutions. I don’t have power (other than being a squeaky wheel in the online medical portal).

But God does. The One I lean on and follow has infinite comfort, world-making words, and all the power there is. He has death-to-life power. He gives hope for what looks hopeless. He is making all things new. And stunningly, one of the things He chooses to do with this power is draw near to the broken hearted. He pours out real, peace-producing comfort into the hearts of His children. 

“Comfort, comfort my people,” says your God. 
—Isaiah 40:1

I long to comfort my daughter, but rather than bringing the solutions and tying bows on the problems, I am witnessing my God, and her God, giving her the gift of His presence. I see it in the joy laced into her sadness. I hear it in the way she prays and watches God provide. I feel it in the peace and poise she carries. I know it’s from the Lord. 

Christian, cling to Christ in your suffering. Turn to Him for the comfort you long for—for the comfort you want for your loved ones. As 2 Corinthians 1:5 reminds us, “For just as the sufferings of Christ overflow to us, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.”

(95) Comments

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95 thoughts on "The God of Comfort"

  1. Jade Gaines says:

    In season that are my hardest, I rest in his peaceful presence and let it hold me together. His peace and protection and my faith are my comfort

  2. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I know there have been so many times that I have gone to other things to bring me comfort instead of God. I pray that I would rely on God to bring me the comfort I need when things are hard .❤️

  3. Robin Tella says:

    A few years ago my husband died…cancer. Less than a year later I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had just moved to a new community, I did not have a church home and I didn’t know anyone. These verses were my lifeline. I knew if I had been in familiar surroundings I would have leaned on my friends. But instead, I cried out to God. He made me understand that “these things happened so that we might not rely on ourselves but on God.” I am a survivor today…my husband has gone on ahead and is waiting for me in heaven. God is good.

    1. Georgia says:

      Sending a big hug Robin, what a testimony

  4. Jeanna Vance says:


  5. Claire B says:


  6. Missy Csonka says:

    I was finally able to listen to this week’s podcast episode. It was not available to me thru the website. I guess God’s timing really is perfect because I was able to really understand the message thru the letters to the Corinthians from Paul. I am thankful that I couldn’t listen to it until now. I love how God provides all things we need exactly when we need it. I was really bummed a couple days ago but glad I read for a couple days to really be able to digest not just ingest The Word. Praise The Lord SHES!!


    1. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ Yes, “digest not just ingest the Word”!

  7. Kris says:

    I’m weighing in here a little late today. But I just love verse 5 which says “For just as the sufferings of Christ overflow to us, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.” We sure know the “overflow” of sufferings, don’t we. Sometimes they overflow so much, we feel like we’re drowning. But I love that the comfort we need is also “overflowing” into our situations and into our hearts. Without that, where would we be? I can’t help but emphasize Isaiah verse 2: “Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and announce to her that her time of hard service is over”. We will hear that one day, that our afflictions are over, that we have been freed from all of this suffering. Thank you, Jesus, that suffering doesn’t last forever.

  8. Traci Gendron says:

    Oh tears today. Reminders of times that God has comforted me. I don’t know how I would have made it through without His great comfort. I’m so thankful.
    I saved a reading out of a calendar from about 30 years ago. I know I have posted it before, but it is worthy of today’s readings.
    When we face struggles, we often wonder, why? Years from now, though, we may realize it was those struggles that taught us something that we could not have otherwise learned – that there was a purpose in our pain.
    2 corinthians 1:5 We share in the many sufferings of Christ. In the same way, much comfort comes to us through Christ.

  9. Gwineth52 says:

    Dear Shes
    Abounding prayer for every broken…or breaking…heart. Whether you share the intimacy of your story in this space or otherwise.
    You are not alone.
    You are held.
    You are safe.
    You are loved.

    1. Tina says:


    2. Traci Gendron says:


      1. Cee Gee says:

    3. Tami says:

      Love this!

    4. Adrienne says:

      I needed that. Thanks.

  10. Barb says:

    I know many people, including Christians, will say that God doesn’t give us more than we can handle. I have never agreed with that statement and today, after asking the Holy Spirit to open my eyes to something new, He showed me verse 8. “We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself.” BUT GOD……He doesn’t intend for us to handle all of the trials and struggles alone. He intends for us to rely on Him and He will deliver us. He doesn’t always take us out of the trials but works through them, not in our strength but his.

    1. Gwineth52 says:

      Dear Barb
      I share your philosophy.
      He works on us, with us, through us.
      Thanks be to God.

    2. Heidi says:

      Yes. ma’am. As lovely as it looks cross stitched in a frame, it simply is not theologically sound. I get the concept that through the power and work of the Holy Spirit, we are equipped to go through far beyond what we realize, but the only logical way we can do that is to EXPERIENCE TRIALS FAR. BEYOND. our capability! This is the act of his grace being sufficient in all things. The trial still exists, but, thank God, so does his presence.

      1. Kat D says:

        ^^ 1Corinthians 10:13 God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But…God will provide a way out”.
        Never alone, but always with God. Amen.

    3. Laura says:

      Yes and amen! I am sure many of us on here (if not all of us) can attest to situations that were definitely MORE than we could handle except for God Himself carrying us through. The point of the Gospel is NOT to carry it ourselves but to rely on God to get us through. Thank you for saying it so clearly.

    4. Georgia says:


  11. Catherine McVey says:

    @Cee Gee thank you for sharing those good words. So, so good ❤️

    1. Tina says:

      Catherine, hope life is being kind to you..
      Much love..

    2. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ love you sister and ditto what Tina said!!!

  12. Donna Wolcott says:

    Good morning She’s! Lifting prayers for so many in need this morning, for serious decisions, for comfort, for healing and for wisdom. Scarlett, thank you for your sharing. Hugs for your brave little girl.❤️

  13. Margaret W says:

    I can relate to Scarlet’s anguish. My son has multiple disabilities which prevent him from achieving so many of his dreams. It is pure agony watching that hope deferred, and on top of it, the spiritual abuse that has pushed him to focus so much of his anger and grief on the God he loved so purely as a child.

    1. Tina says:

      Praying alongside you for your son and for his troubles. I love how you say his hope is deferred, not lost.. which to me means he is angry and he is cross… BUT GOD…
      I will continue, Margaret, to lift your son up to the Lord, hopeful that the God who comforts will be ever present in your sons day to day and that YOU will know His comforting arms around you..♥️

    2. Traci Gendron says:

      Margaret praying for your son. I know my son became angry at one point, but came back to our loving Father. I pray this is the case for your son. I believe it will be.

  14. Melissa says:

    Grace and Peace to you SHES today as you journey on. You all are so uplifting I’m thankful to be here!

    1. Tina says:


  15. Allison Bentley says:

    As I sit here in awe of you She’s (your testimonies, your prayer requests, your pain, and your praises) I can’t help but read read v11 again “while you join in helping us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the for the gift that came to us through the prayers of many” and can’t help but shout “GOD IS GOOD”! Thanking Him and You sweet She’s for reminding me daily of this affirmation! When I am weak He is stronger! When I am strong it is because of Him! Lifting up your prayers and can’t wait to “thank God” for His deliverance in them!! Happy Wednesday She’s!! ☮️❤️ to you all! B

    1. Tina says:


  16. Arlene says:

    WOW. There is so much packed into verses 3-11 that I haven’t read past there this morning. I could sit in those verses and meditate on them all day. I will have to finish this reading later and am looking forward to reading all the comments. Those few verses have spoken directly to my anxious heart this morning. Especially verses 9-11. I so desperately have tried to fix myself but God has brought me to a point where I have to completely rely on Him. Have a great day and I look forward to hearing from all of you later.

  17. Cheryl Blow says:

    Praying for Scarlett’s daughter and all of you who are going through the fire now.

    God is do comfort us in our time of need! It seems as if He carried me through so many of the really hard times of my life! Comforting me and encouraging me to keep putting one foot in front of the other’. I pray peace and comfort over all of you. I pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout this world who are being persecuted for their faith.

    Have a blessed day!

  18. JaneK says:

    Tearful morning and crying out to the Lord for mercy and healing for all the prayer request. Praying for your daughter, Scarlet, and for you as you make these medical decisions and care for your daughter. Part of me cries out for Jesus to come back and end this suffering and the other part cries out for Him to give the unbelievers more time to humble themselves and except Him as Lord. Either way, He is our comforter and our rock.

    1. Tina says:

      I know, Jane, what would we do without Jesus.. Aagh, doesn’t bear thinking about..
      BUT GOD..♥️

  19. Cee Gee says:

    ❤ SCARLET HILTIBIDAL – sister, how blessed we are that you shared this personal testimony here today! Prayers for you, your precious daughter, and your family in these decisions. Know that we here love and appreciate you! Hugs to you and your daughter! ❤

    LAURA, I had copied this to paste in comments before reading your comment! So Providential! Praying now for your husband’s surgery and recovery and for you as you care for him in his recovery! ❤
    From Warren Wiersbe –
    “We must never think that trouble is an accident. For the believer, everything is a divine appointment. There are only three possible outlooks a person can take when it comes to the trials of life. If our trials are the products of “fate” or “chance,” then our only recourse is to give up. Nobody can control fate or chance. If we have to control everything ourselves, then the situation is equally as hopeless. But if God is in control, and we trust Him, then we can overcome circumstances with His help.”
    Also from Wiersbe:
    “The highest service you and I can render on earth is to bring glory to God, and sometimes that service involves suffering. God works out His purposes in the trials of life, if we yield to Him, trust Him, and obey what He tells us to do. Difficulties can increase our faith and strengthen our prayer lives. Difficulties can draw us closer to other Christians as they share the burdens with us. Difficulties can be used to glorify God. So, when you find yourself in the trials of life, remember what God is to you and what God does for you.”

    May we always remember from Whom our help comes and always give Him the glory!

    Even If by Mercy Me comes to mind this morning. ” I know You’re able and I know You can save by the power of Your mighty Hand, but even if You don’t, my hope is You alone.”

    1. GramsieSue says:

      So good

      1. Cee Gee says:

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes..this is getting copied and pasted to share, and share, and share!!! Thank you Cee Gee!!

      1. Cee Gee says:

    3. Tami says:

      Amazing Cee Gee. I love that song and your words!

      1. Cee Gee says:

    4. Tina says:

      So good. Such great words..
      Thank you Cee Gee and for the song recommendation..♥️

    5. Laura says:

      Woa – So much truth there. Thank you for sharing! Copied and shared as well.

      1. Cee Gee says:

    6. Cee Gee says:

      SISTERS, how you have blessed my heart! I love you ALL!!!

  20. Heidi says:

    Hey friends. I’ll pop back in a little while, I’m just burdened to ask for an actual showering of prayers over my husband for the next few days. From on our knees, to “red-light-popcorn” prayers, to anything in-between. Prayers for protection from the enemy’s impending attacks, and for humble & gracious recognition of an area of un-surrender in his heart. I’ll be on later to complete the reading, pray for your requests and engage. I was not able to get to bed until 5:am (it’s almost 9a here) because of a paper I was trying to get finished, but woke up with this very deep realization of the need for these prayers.
    Thank you ♥️♥️♥️

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Oh, HEIDI! Praying as you requested for Ryan as I can over the next few days. Please keep us posted! Praying for you as you stand with him. Hugs, sister! ❤

    2. GramsieSue says:

      Praying for your husband and you this morning.

    3. Heidi says:

      Thank you friends. Prayer is power, no question. I’m so grateful to have a community of believers who exercise this power daily.

    4. Searching says:

      Praying, Heidi, for your husband! And for each of us to recognize in ourselves that ‘something’ that we don’t want to let go of.

  21. Leanna Thompson says:

    Prayers please for a lady I work with that can be difficult. She told me on Monday that she was going to be like me. She is on her way across the US to get her father in law to live with her, her husband and adult child. Thank you.

  22. Rhonda J. says:

    What a heartfelt devotional after a heartfelt reading from our dear Paul! Wordy but so beautiful in his desire to encourage and love on his people! Us! Did he know his words would be read by thousands and hundreds of thousands down through the ages? Will our words be read down through the ages?! I can’t imagine how the world could keep going in it’s mess, but I’m sure every generation has thought that?! The only good thing about pain is we come to the end of ourselves and have to cry out to God! And there we find such a new beginning of something so dear and beautiful. Then the relationship grows, as we run back when problems and needs arise..until we finally start turning to God for comfort and strength through the daily good and bad. And it keeps growing little by little until we are steadfast and tethered to our Jesus in ALL things! The growth is what we are called to do!
    The more inadequate we feel the more we are driven to God for his power, his comfort, his help! If we want our prayers answered, we have to be willing to be available to help in getting God’s help. Am I willing to do what he requires of me? Do we offer ourselves to be available for Him to work in us, we owe him everything! When he calls us to do something, he makes us able, to come beside him.
    Through prayer we get Holy Spirit power, he will enable us in our crying out to him. We will experience the power of our God, not in our own strength put in his power, to face every situation, on our knees.
    He is all-knowing, all Sovereign God! We have an awesome privilege to be able to come to him in all our needs, WHAT A GIFT!! He loves us unconditionally, and he will use us in such a crazy, powerful way through our prayers and obedience and trust. He gives us Godly wisdom that aligns with him.
    I hope I never feel and act like superwoman! I hope I never get completely comfortable ministering to people and leading classes! I don’t want pride and self-fulfillment, and pumped up ego to do it….I want to be tethered and powered by the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and my Jesus to help me everyday to be a disciple. God help me/us to be who you have created me/us to be! You have a glorious plan for me/us! Enable us to have strength in you alone!
    Prayers for Scarlet’s daughter and her mother’s heart! Prayers for all the requests!!
    @Aleida–praying especially for you as you leave to go see your son, that God will lead you exactly how he needs for your son to receive!
    On another note…It is Stacy’s 1 year sober day today!!! We go to jail, but then we are going to her house for a little party with her friends!! I am going to run out and get her a little heart with a cross in it, necklace I saw yesterday!! I think it is perfect that we love her and have faith in her, but more importantly she has her SAVIOR now!! It makes my heart overflow with his goodness! Please continued to pray for her that she will turn to Him alone as the challenges come!

    1. GramsieSue says:

      Love all of this!!
      Prayers for Stacy to stay sober!!

    2. Heidi says:

      Such a celebratory day for her!! So much in front of her and also so much dead and gone behind her- it is a testimony for sure. Congratulations, Stacy!!

  23. Tami says:

    Ladies I am crying after I read the devo for today. Thank you Scarlet! I’m praying for you and your precious daughter.
    Many of you know that my brother BJ has stage 4 stomach cancer that recently returned and that I am the one helping him to navigate this and make decisions. Here is a prayer request I texted to some friends right before I read the devo: Good morning. Please pray for wisdom for us and the doctors today. We are in a wait and see as far as surgery, with the surgeon saying yesterday that he wasn’t sure it would “extend BJs life” and that the “window is closing”. We need more info as to why that might be. And the surgeon and oncologist need to come to a decision on the best way to proceed. I know that is the doctors eyes there is no hope, BUT God … I can’t let go of the hope that He is going to turn this around. Please pray xo

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Praying for wisdom and answers Tami!

    2. GramsieSue says:

      Praying for you both this morning.
      Not sure if you are willing to try other approaches. We went to see Dr. Jim Roach, Midway Integrative Center in Midway, KY 2 yrs ago when Steve was deep into fighting brain cancer and Dr Jim is great! He’s written several books as well, sharing his wisdom.

    3. Heidi says:

      Praying – God divinely intervene with your wisdom and discernment in the heart and mind of the medical team involved as well as in the heart and mind of BJ and Tami. Bring them the comfort and peace that only comes from your Spirit. Guard their hearts and open their eyes to your direction. I pray for an unexpected joy to rule in their hearts, beyond the circumstances in front of them. Your goodness is present in all things and I ask for a supernatural ability for them to experience that today.

    4. Searching says:

      Joining HEIDI in her prayer for you & BJ.

  24. Susan Joiner says:

    I love this community and how people we don’t even know are so willing to pray fervently for others. What a true blessing you all are!
    I do have an update on Wyatt. His family took last week “off” and had a little mini vacation before all the testing, scans, and treatments began. So, this morning he is having a PET scan to be sure the LCH has not spread. Your prayers for this are greatly appreciated.

    1. Allison Bentley says:

      Thank you for keeping us updated on his journey! I love to see God at work!!!

    2. Sharon Jersey Girl says:

      Continued prayers for Wyatt!

  25. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Praise be to God the Father, the God of all comfort!

    Have a blessed day sweet sisters! Thank you all for the prayers for my husband Jeff & the biopsy…still waiting for the results.

    1. Tami says:

      Uggh the waiting is so hard! Praying for peace as you wait Sharon!

  26. Shannon McGuffin says:

    Thank you for sharing this Scarlett. I am praying for your daughter, you and your family. God is with the brokenhearted indeed.

  27. Ann says:

    God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so we may comfort others in their affliction, through the comfort we receive from God, through Christ our comfort overflows, “if we are afflicted, it is for our comfort and salvation”, which produces patience and endurance of the same suffering endured by others, as we share in the sufferings of others we will also share in the comfort.
    ….paraphrased for emphasis….

    Father God, in gratefulness that you are the God of all comfort, who walks me through the deepest valleys and the darkest nights, you Lord God bring me comfort in your arms of peace and rest.

  28. Therese says:

    Wow! Lots of tears. Praying for your daughter, Scarlet. I’m heading in for my 15th surgery in a couple weeks and this reminds me of how much my mom would worry and worry some more about me (even though I’m an adult). We never stop being moms, right? ALWAYS calling me to let me know she’s praying for me. She changed her address to heaven on Christmas Eve and I’m going to miss her call and prayers this time around. Praying for all of you here. Have a blessed day.

    1. GramsieSue says:

      Prayers for your surgery to go well.
      Comfort in missing your mom.

    2. Arlene says:

      I like to believe that my parents have joined in with the prayers of the saints and are still praying for me and my family members that don’t know the Lord.

  29. Therese says:

    Wow! Lots of tears. Praying for your daughter, Scarlet. I’m heading in for my 15th surgery in a couple weeks and this reminds me of how much my mom would worry and worry some more about me (even though I’m an adult). We never stop being moms, right? ALWAYS calling me to let me know she’s praying for me. She changed her address to heaven on Christmas Eve and I’m going to miss her call and prayers this time around. Praying for all of you here. Have a blessed day.

    1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      I will be praying for you! I too had a mom that prayed for me (and all my siblings) always, through every hardship faced. She too is now in heaven and it has left such a gap in prayers for me. No one prays for a child like their mother.

      1. Marina Sayadian says:

        Sharon, this is so beautiful!

  30. Searching says:

    A teary start to the morning – Scarlet, praying for wisdom for medical decisions to be made, for healing for your daughter, for the Lord’s comfort through it all.

    Such beautiful words, sisters, in 2 Cor 1:3,
    Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort. These words bring to mind a vintage (1940, J.B. Coats) hymn, Where Could I Go But To The Lord.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ Amen!

  31. Aimee D-R says:

    Joining in prayer for Scarlets daughter. And for all that we truly experience peace that can only come from our savior Jesus Christ.

  32. Cat-tee says:

    Scarlett, joining with the Shes is praying for your dear daughter. Thank you Scarlet, Laura, Tricia and Tina for sharing your stories and reminding me to look back on and forward to God’s comfort through all the trials and “downs” of my life ❤️

  33. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Praying for God to strengthen and comfort the Persecuted Church. What our brothers and sisters suffer for their faith is heartbreaking. Only God knows what good will come from it.
    Praying for you too, Shes

    1. Heidi says:

      May we be the hands and feet that bring rescue to the captive and salvation to the captors… With you in this prayer ♥️

  34. Laura says:

    What a beautiful devotional to open up this morning. Scarlet, I too will pray for your daughter’s healing. I am up early because my husband has a medical procedure. We were both just saying that without God, it is so difficult to walk through hard and scary things. We had a family call last night to fill everyone in on what was going on with my husband. There is a noticeable difference between those family members who have faith and those who don’t. We were commenting this morning what a hard life it is to walk through this world with knowing God, when you have only yourself to rely on. My heart is so heavy and grieved for my family members who don’t know the Lord, so much more than for my husband, who is going into surgery this morning. Not because I don’t love my husband, on the contrary, but because I know that God is His comfort and strength. I know that any fear he might feel, he can turn it over to the Lord. But for my family members who are not following the Lord, they are walking alone and trying to keep everything together all by themselves. What a burden to carry. My heart grieves for them.

    FYI I am going to go back to JUST Laura. Laura is my middle name and I always wished that I was named that as a child, so I enjoy using it here. Silly, I know, but it makes me smile when I type it :)

    1. Therese says:

      Amen, Laura! I too grieve for my lost family members. Praying for you husband’s surgery this morning.

    2. Karen Elizabeth says:

      Praying ❤️

    3. Sharon Jersey Girl says:

      Praying for your husbands surgery, and for your family that does not know Christ. Families can be such a burden on our hearts as we long for them to know & love Christ as we do. Praise God for His comfort! ❤️

  35. Tricia C says:

    Thank you for sharing, Scarlet. You can be assured that we, as a community will be keeping your daughter and your family in prayer.
    I am so grateful to be able to turn to Jesus for comfort. After dealing w/ cancer and many other personal things, I am so glad to have the comfort of the Lord. He knows, and He cares. And…He reminds me that I have Hope in Him. All of this will be not even a memory some day when I am kneeling in His presence.
    Praise You, Lord!

    Blessings to each of you this Wednesday.


    1. Cee Gee says:

  36. Catherine Douglas says:

    Praying for your daughters healing and restoration in Jesus name and for your hearts in this process

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Amen ❤

  37. Tina says:

    Praying your daughter receives all she needs to make life comfortable and beautiful in every way..

    I remember those days of phone calls and hospital visits and appointments well!
    Today’s study has me opening the files in my memory of rememberance and smiling whilst tears roll down my face.. this is my life..

    BUT GOD..
    He, back then in 2004, comforted, and comforted and comforted some more . He has comforted when life has been as harsh as it can get, and He has comforted when I just needed a hand to get through the day..
    Here we are 2024, and God still comforts through the troubles and pressures life will throw at me.. HE is faithful, He delivers us( as we ask in the Lords prayer) and He continues to do so, even whilst I/we still sin!!

    I have long since given my broken heart to God, and He in return has mended it to its best possible form, and covered it in His peace and wrapped it in His comforting love, so that every new day is a new day I can face, in His loving grace and His mercy..
    BUT GOD..
    Thank you Lord God, Thank you..

    Happy Wednesday you beautiful yous!
    Wrapped in love and hugs for a God blessed day ahead..♥️

    1. Cee Gee says:

    2. GramsieSue says:

      Such a great testimony that you share with us.
      Yes, at age 65 I can look back over so many ways God has comforted, loved, and cared for me and my family.
      Hugs back to you. ❤️

    3. Traci Gendron says:

      Beautiful words Tina. I feel the same. God has sewn and bandaged my broken heart back together. I picture it with loving feelings seeing God’s hands healing my heart.

  38. Adrienne says:

    I don’t know if you are here, SCARLET, but my heart breaks for you and your daughter. Prayers will be offered for your family.

    And Scarlet’s words in the last paragraph… claim His comfort, sweet sisters. It belongs to us through Him. (Much easier to encourage others with those words than to direct them toward me… Winky emoji…)

    And another comfort… I love how Paul opens his letters with offerings of grace and peace.

    1. Cee Gee says: