The Father of Lights

Open Your Bible

James 1:16-18, Genesis 1:14-19, Psalm 136:1-9, Isaiah 59:1-2, Isaiah 59:9-16, Jeremiah 31:35-37, Hebrews 13:8

Scripture Reading: James 1:16-18, Genesis 1:14-19, Psalm 136:1-9, Isaiah 59:1-2, Isaiah 59:9-16, Jeremiah 31:35-37, Hebrews 13:8

Section 1: The Light of the World 

I appreciate that in the United States, we recognize and celebrate Thanksgiving before the Christmas season. I’ve found the order of events to be helpful for my heart. “Gratitude before gifts” might be an oversimplification, but the posture of a thankful heart is best suited to spur generosity of spirit. Today’s passages bear this out. 

“Every good and perfect gift is from above…” (James 1:17). James tells us this truth while Genesis 1 provides some specifics on a few of these gifts: evening and morning, seasons, time, sunshine, stars, and moonlight. The beauty of nature and its rhythms are gifts from our heavenly Father, and though we are surrounded by them every day, do we appreciate them? I know that I often don’t. 

Here is where the psalmist’s directives are significant: “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good” (Psalm 136:1). He repeats variations of this multiple times: “give thanks to the God of gods…give thanks to the Lord of lords” (vv.2–3). Perhaps we need such a reminder to make this practice part of our daily rhythms. To live in the truth that God is good, we must orient our hearts in a posture of gratitude. Much like a physical posture, it’s a conscious decision to practice. 

Scripture commands us to do so because He is worthy of our thanks, but a “gratitude attitude” (as my dad frequently intoned) is something that, in God’s wisdom, also changes us. Living in obedience and proclaiming our thanks for His good gifts adjusts our hearts—another gift in itself. Some recent studies also suggest that gratitude may improve our physical bodies as well. In one recent study, participants wrote down something they were thankful for once a day for a mere two weeks. In that brief interval, they reported improvement in general well being, as well as a reduction in stomach pain, headaches, and sore throats. Remarkable! 

The loss in forgetting God is great. Isaiah depicts it as “grop[ing] along a wall” in darkness (Isaiah 59:10). But, praise God, we don’t need to be controlled by “shifting shadows” or darkness, for Jesus is our hope. This Advent season, we remember that our greatest gift came to earth from the Father of lights (James 1:17). Don’t be deceived, distracted, or dissuaded; this Advent, let us endeavor to give thanks, give thanks, give thanks, for He is good!

Written by Jennifer Redmond

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136 thoughts on "The Father of Lights"

  1. Kayla Riggs says:


  2. Delaney Schultz says:


  3. Sarah Morrison says:


  4. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord we thank you for everything lord for you are good and great lord we thank you Jesus hallelujah to your name.

  5. Megan Taylor says:


  6. Madeline Leibold says:


  7. Linda Fenwick says:

    I’m thankful for friends and family this time of year, for the opportunity to share and give to those in need at a time that they might be really struggling. I’m thankful for people that share my faith and values at this time in our world, as we really need God’s peace and strength in these trying times.

  8. Lindsey M says:


  9. Anita Stephens says:

    When our world is all about self.. self…self…self… lt is easy to become self oriented. I think-when you look outside yourself and look to the cares of others and enjoy giving rather than receiving then the joy returns. This Christmas I have decided to approach gifting for others…not me. So far I have been pleasantly surprised by God’s joy in my heart.

  10. Elicia Trello says:

    I am thankful for all of the things that I take for granted everyday. I know God has allowed my needs to be met so I can overflow and give to others what they need. I am grateful that God chose me to do this for others.

  11. Autumn Adams says:


  12. Grace Ward says:

    So easy to forget our blessings. Having an attitude of gratitude this Christmas season will be a goal! Instead of wanting more, we have more than enough. ❤️

  13. Kelly Reynolds says:

    A posture of gratitude. Physically making time to be intentionally grateful

  14. Sharon Dancer says:

    It’s so easy to lose sight of God’s goodness…I’m thankful for this reminder to stay in a posture of gratitude. Not just in word but also in deed.

  15. Andrea Shamburek says:

    Goal for the week: gratitude attitude!

  16. Alice Swearingen says:

    Love the reminder to keep my heart bowed before God in thanksgiving and praise. While my sin separates me from God, I have a Savior who has redeemed me. May I stay focused on Him – and walk in Light before Him. Alleluia!

  17. Rebekah B says:

    As a science teacher I teach about the expanding universe. I have never read Jeremiah 31:37. “Only if the heavens above can be measured”… It is amazing to me God prepared for a day of technology to make the heavens unmeasurable because of the love he has for us.

  18. Lizzy Butterfield says:

    I’m grateful that God is faithful even when my brain is very distracted. I don’t know why but the last couple of days it’s been hard to focus on my devotions.

  19. Sarah Zillmer says:

    I love how impactful having a grateful heart is on our hearts, bodies and minds. It makes me excited to practice gratitude and see how God really moves in my heart!

  20. Rachel McKib says:

    Love this! “Gratitude attitude!” Also “…the posture of a thankful heart is best suited to spur generosity of spirit.”

  21. Rebecca Telfort says:

    So comforting to serve a God who never changes and has incredible consistent love for each of us.

  22. Tara Beatty says:

    The notes I took today were wrapped around Gratitude. “Thanksgiving before Christmas” “Gratitude before Gifts” “Gratitude Attitude” I love all of these. Such a great reminder during this season. Although my heart is hurting with the recent and sudden loss of my precious mom, I pray that the Lord would orient my heart and the hearts of my family and really everyone, “in a posture of gratitude.”

  23. K D says:

    Praying for this family!

  24. Beth T says:

    Is there a link for this study she references, about gratitude?

  25. Dawn Andreassen says:

    Love how this song goes well with the devotional today—♥️
    Gratitude by Brandon Lake

  26. Julie Porter says:

    My house is working on goals for 2022 thankful/grateful hearts. I am now adopting this motto Gratitude attitude. I will pray others adopt it as well.

  27. Karli says:

    Thank you, Abby!!

  28. Karli says:

    Thank you, Melanie! That is so sweet. It helps to hear from others who have gone through similar struggles. Congratulations on your pregnancy <3

  29. Lauren A Hong says:

    My husband was refreshed, as was I, with these truths this morning as we pondered and gave thanks for God’s goodness.

  30. Ann Solomon says:

    Wow! Gratitude Attitude! I definitely have lost that over the year! Grateful for this reminder today!

  31. Kat Getz says:

    I recently had covid in the time I was home I dug into God’s word and praised him for all he has done and will do.

  32. Rhonda Cottrell says:

    What a powerful reminder! I’m starting a gratefulness journal today.

  33. Patsy Coghlan says:

    ❤️. Gratitude before gifts. Something i need to practice more. Love this reminder

  34. Melody Davis says:

    “Gratitude before gifts” ❤️

  35. Tricia says:

    Thank you God I was told by a good friend just a few days ago about she Reads Truth! I love Advent and was looking for something fresh and I found it! As I read todays scripture I was thinking I would like to take time each evening to step outside with my husband and admire God’s creation and along with that proclaim something I am grateful for.

  36. Stephanie Kozlowski says:

    I never really put much thought into Thanksgiving before Christmas in the sense of Thanks before gifts. Love that! I’m thankful for you ladies as you have a love for God like me❤️

  37. Lindsey Bloodworth says:


  38. PJ Hill says:

    Gratitude Attitude! I love that! What a good reminder to not be discouraged

  39. Karen Roper says:

    Thanks for the reminder to always be thankful and live in an attitude of gratitude and gratefulness. ❤️❤️❤️

  40. Hayley Hales says:

    “His good and faithful love endures forever” ❤️

  41. Sandy Phillips says:


  42. Jeanne Scott says:

    I was Isaiah 59 until God’s love pulled me back home. SRT was a big part of that journey. I am so grateful for every nudge from my angel that took me to the peace of faith.

  43. Ashley Waldvogel says:

    Such a great reminder, to continuously give thanks no matter the circumstances, always be thankful even when hard.

  44. Claire B says:

    Victoria E When your app doesn’t work go to same info there

  45. LA says:

    Sometimes when I see a repetitive verse like Psalm 136:1-9 I’m tempted to skip over the “repeater verse”… but today I paused, and marinated on each of those repeated verses… “His faithful love endures forever.”

  46. Lindsey Reynolds says:

    I needed this today! Love this so much!

  47. Mel says:

    Please pray for my client who lost her stepfather this week unexpectedly. Her wedding is Saturday and I’m sure it’s going to be a hard day for her and her mother.

    Please pray for a friend named Kait who has had 3 miscarriages in a row ❤️

  48. Tam says:

    Please say prayers for my small work family. We lost one of my co-workers to a freak accident this afternoon. Also, please include his children and grandchildren. You never know when God is going to call us home, so take every minute you have with someone and treasure it! Prayers for all of you that need it too!

  49. Brooke Junior says:

    Loved reading the scriptures today, my heart needed to hear them. Praise Jesus we don’t need to wander in the darkness and that if we are bumping into the wall searching he is there with us as he is always there (“where can I go from your presence?”) ✨

  50. Amber Sweet says:

    Today, as I was greeting the preschool families at our elementary school, I looked up to see an eagle resting in a nearby tree, sun gleaming down on him. What a beautiful earth God has blessed us with!

  51. Melanie S says:

    Karli, this is my first SRT study as well and I couldn’t agree with you more! I desperately need my heart focused in this season. I too had PCOS like symptoms but did get pregnant this summer. But, the anxiety of worries about something going wrong is so tempting. There is always some worry to consume our hearts if they aren’t focused on him. Would love to pray for you and your husband tonight.

  52. Melanie S says:

    Karli, this is my first SRT study as well and I couldn’t agree more, I desperately need

  53. Anne S says:

    The repetition of “His faithful love endures forever” really struck me today. Sometimes, upon reading psalms that contain a repetitive line like this, I skim over or even skip the repeated line. This time, I really focused on it, and I found it centering, calming, and reassuring. It then was echoed by the line from Hebrews: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Amen.

  54. Skylar Hilton says:

    Hello Dear Sisters!

    Thank you all for praying for me! Our Jesus is amazing!


  55. Allie McCandless says:

    I’m thankful that God is an artist who has made everything beautiful in His time. Even in the hard times where I feel like I am groping against a wall (Isaiah 59:10), He is there with me.

  56. Caitlyn says:

    Today’s scripture reading just astounded me – and makes me think I’m missing out on James! I had never heard that one of God’s names was the Father of Lights, and I can’t tell you what a relief it was to read that today. Growing up, I was scared of stories about the world ending; in particular, about the sun dying and how we would have 8 minutes before chaos ensued. Science sure is wild…! But it was so comforting to read that light will never disappear, both the physical and the spiritual. That just like a rainbow, light is a promise of God’s love and devotion to us.

    I also loved what Annie F. Downs said in the podcast for this week: it’s nearly impossible for darkness to consume a light room, but how powerful it is to have even one small light in a dark room! Man, I’m really enjoying this Advent devotion!

  57. Erin says:

    Mindful gratitude really is the key to a fulfilling life. I feel blessed to be reminded that something as simple as the morning and the evening are gorgeous gifts from God that I can rejoice in every day! Praise Him!

  58. Nicole says:

    Love the constant reminder that darkness CAN NOT overcome the light. We need so much light in this world right now.

  59. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I’m so thankful that God doesn’t change; he is the same yesterday, today and forever! In this world where things are constantly changing, I am so glad I have something constant to hold onto.

  60. Jennifer Speigner says:

    How dark the days must have seemed before Jesus entered the world as a baby. We live in hope of His return.

  61. Jenna Taylor says:

    I am thankful for my job that God presented to me as well as having the means to have a vehicle to drive and the means to be able to have food on my table.

  62. Kelly says:

    RACHEL – rejoicing with you!

  63. Dorothy says:

    Oh WOW!! Between several of the Scripture that really stuck out to me and Jennifer’s devotional, I’m overwhelmed and thankful for every little thing I have. I consider myself lucky right now, since COVID started I have had a job and my hours haven’t changed. Also, being a nurse I’m even luckier that I do private duty nursing for only one patient. So I have a lot to be thankful for and I try to pass it on.
    Sisters, praise God and Jesus for what you have been given and be blessed.
    Praying for those who have lost a loved one this year, it will be hard.

  64. Judi Fox says:

    My favorite verse in today’s read: Jeremiah 31:35.

  65. Judi Fox says:

    My favorite verse in today’s read:

  66. Jackie Moran says:

    This was a fantastic read, and a study I will meditate on all day. The portion from Ps 136, the repeating line is the key to stay away from groping along the wall. Wow! What a way to start my day.

  67. Ashley Griffin says:


  68. Megan Carreon says:

    I am a daughter of light, not of darkness, because my Father is the Lord of Lords!

  69. Tasha Adams says:

    I am so very, very thankful for everything that God has done for me and everything that He has and is bringing me through. I am thankful for this study.

  70. Karli says:

    This is my first Advent study with SRT (and ever)! I desperately need to keep my heart focused on the Light of the world. In August my husband and I suffered a miscarriage after a PCOS diagnosis in March. We are back to square one and long for a child. So thankful for the hope found in a child born in a manger. Grateful to be here with you, ladies!

    1. Abby Moberg says:

      Just prayed for you Karli!

    2. Abby Moberg says:

      Just prayed for you Karli❤️

  71. Rachel says:

    Good morning! I could weep in gratitude for your prayers and the goodness of our God. My surgery went much better than anyone expected and I was able to come home the next afternoon (my surgeon told me to plan to be in the hospital for 4 days)! What a gift! Every single detail I requested prayer for was answered with a resounding “YES.” Of course there is pain, but it is not unbearable. Thank you thank you thank you for your prayers on my behalf!!!

  72. Victoria E says:

    Traci Gendron, praying for you as well. So glad to see you here

  73. Mari V says:

    I also work at a school. In kids care with lots and lots o of children

  74. Dawn Andreassen says:
    May our hearts be full of gratitude for the countless good gifts HE gives to us each and everyday!♥️

  75. Jamee Roberts says:

    I live in Oakland County as well. My daughter is home today because they have cancelled school. My cousin’s daughter was in the classroom next to the shooting. The trauma seems overwhelming, but I know God’s goodness is more powerful then the evil. I need to focus on His strength and His light in the darkness. I am so thankful for His faithfulness and places like this that we can share in each other’s burdens.

  76. Amanda Miller says:

    Living in the country allows me to recognize Gods glory everyday. He is so good!!

  77. Valentina says:

    Thank you to everyone praying for my sister and her husband!
    I’m not a public school teacher, but I guess I am a teacher of sorts as I homeschool four of our five kiddos (the fifth is in her toddling years). But I too have been feeling very possibly the same “gloom”. I have been in denial that winter is “here” and that Christmas is near. Christmas, in my mind, has always been a sign that winter is in full swing as I have lived in the northern part of the country all my life. Usually we have had a decent amount of snow, but this year we’ve had maybe one good snowfall, but it has melted since then. With today’s devotional Jennifer’s comment really hit me hard “The beauty of nature and its rhythms are gifts from our heavenly Father…” I definitely have not been viewing winter as a gift lately and really need to start doing that.

  78. Whitney Hornbuckle says:

    Not necessarily a comment on today’s reading, but I would love to know about anyone’s experience switching to the digital version of the books. How much space do they take on the ipad? Are they easy to use with an Apple pencil? Things like that…

  79. Sara K says:

    Today’s beautiful sunrise perfectly accompanied this days reading! Isn’t it such gift that God brings forth light each day with such beauty and ends the day with amazing sunsets and beyond that he put moon and stars to never leave us in complete darkness. Thank God for these gifts!

  80. hope says:

    The secular holiday song, “We Need a Little Christmas,” is stuck in my head this morning. I started to ponder how this song actually reflects society well.  How, like in Isaiah 59:10, humanity is stumbling around in the dark seeking any light desperately.  Searching to fill the blackness with anything.  And so it is every holiday season.  We come panting and thirsting at the end of every year, hoping to fill ourselves and the never ending void.  The world offers up its false promises and yet we Shes have wisdom from God to know how empty these promises are.  There is one source of light, one source of everlasting life, one source of hope….

  81. CeeGee says:

    Wow, I am loving this focus on the Light and I, too, appreciate the orientation of Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations. I, like others mentioned, see God in nature and find confidence, peace, hope, and reflection there and praise Him.
    Psalm 136 took me back to the Responsive Readings we did in church when I was young. As I read that passage, I ‘heard’ it as a a pastor speaking the first phrase and a chorus of voices speaking “His love endures forever.” What a blessing!
    Praying along with you all. God sees and knows every need big or small. Praying especially for you teachers and your students and for those in Michigan.
    ERB, thankful for’seeing’ you here today, sweetheart!

  82. Church Mouse says:

    As I read Isaiah 59: 9-15 I thought “This is our world today. There is nothing new under the sun.” While this world seems so dark at times, I am not without hope. My God is the Father of Lights. He does not change like shifting shadows. He is not surprised by stock market fluctuations, unemployment rates, increasing crime, a pandemic etc. In and through it all, His Word stands firm. It is Truth for all generations for all time. Let us bask in His Light. Come, let us adore Him.

  83. Traci Gendron says:

    I’m in Illinois for Tanner’s service. I was out with my dog this morning and breathing in the air, I was so thankful for the humidity. It fills my lungs with moisture. It made me think of Tanner and his lungs filling with perfect air from above. Living in Colorado the dry air is noticeable. It was hard on him. I’m so thankful for these small moments that God blesses me with. I pray that I will always look to the Light and step away from darkness. Have a blessed day ladies.

  84. Allison Bentley says:

    I was blind but now I see- this truth means so much more to me after this reading! Praising God for His light so that we may see the “beauty, goodness and truth” of it all!!

  85. Dabrena Diab says:

    I’m experiencing a similar “gloom” on my elementary campus. I’m praying and listening… striving to help change the atmosphere one smile or kind gesture at a time.

  86. Tina Laughary says:

    I am so thankful for His light in my life.

  87. Rhonda J. says:

    I value your comments so much, I feel your hurts and searching for the light, in your words and requests. Try to remember in your/our dark times that that is when we frantically search for the light. Life is going along well, no cares in the world, and then suddenly things happen- and we are sunk, quickly to the bottom of the ocean, full of terror and darkness, lost and not knowing which way to turn. That is the time that many, maybe even for the first time, fall to our knees, or cry out in our car, or just cry ourselves to sleep. But God, He is the light, he is the float, he is the lifeline that brings us up to the top to breath again. Otherwise, we will turn to other vices to survive- alcohol, gossip, bitterness, drugs, bars, or anything that we think will help us in our grief and darkness. Instead, open the Word.

    We don’t like the darkness and the hard- but the world has it, and even needs it to reflect and find God. How would we grow, how would we appreciate His love and the hope of heaven? And you have us sisters alongside you to care, hug, and pray for you.

  88. Maura says:

    Thankful for our God the Father of Lights, The God of Armies. Lord God be with Melanie and her area in Michigan. These children who are fighting for their life Jesus we pray your healing love around them, may each one know you are right there with them holding them and each student who is wrapped in fear, feel your comfort and peace and protection mighty around them now, God of Armies, I pray you would diffuse any more plans to harm thes beloved kids, and bring the ones who have caused this destruction to their knees, turning themselves in. Father, I don’t know the details of this situation but I know Lord God you are the God of miracles asking they come quickly and knowing how this darkness grieves you. Be with these families and this community In the name of Jesus I pray. Hugs to you dear Melanie. Will keep praying. Have to get ready for work dear sisters. Millie D so love your memory of your brother. Thank you for sharing. Praying for the requests here, His brilliant light piercing every darkness.
    Angie, wondering if you could post a video of the flash mob on youtube, would love to see it. And, maybe you could wear a certain bright colored shirt, in the background, so we could see our sister of great love amidst her beloved studwnts. Just a thought I had in reading your posts. Praying and thankful for the power of prayer this day.

  89. Taylor says:

    I definitely needed this devotion today. I am definitely lacking in the gratitude area and looking for reasons to complain. I am grateful for a Lord whose love endures forever and who saves us because we cannot save ourselves!

  90. Shannon Banning says:

    I love that He is constant and never changing!

  91. Lori says:

    I am definitely entering December with a desire to see the end of 2021. The personal and work difficulties over the last few months have been astounding and there are days that I need to focus on the promise that God has given me the manna I need ‘just for today’ and He will get me through. But in the midst of it all I have also been sitting in the reminder that He IS good, no matter what is happening, what crisis is occurring and that He will get me through the day ahead. Sometimes I see the sun peaking through the clouds, the rays visible against the sky and its my reminder that the same God that walked with Adam and Eve is here and He IS good.

  92. Brooke P says:

    SEARCHING : my thoughts exactly!!! Isaiah 59:12-16 was written for them & then but also for us now! Praise God who has given us his living and active word, sharper than a double edged sword, can cut through bone and marrow. We are here and the Lord’s words are true & guiding my prayers for us, our nation, and the world. May we all repent & turn to the Lord for light & life! Advent day 5!! Praise God for the hope of the second Advent! ❤️ praying for you all. Loving the comments!

  93. Elizabeth Dunkerson says:

    I’m a new member and started with this Advent study. I can’t tell you how much I needed this. I needed to be reminded to give all my worries to God, thank Him for everything in my life and ask for help in trying to navigate my two teens in this despicable world we find ourselves in. It brings me comfort to remember that this life is only temporary and that the real prize is to be in Heaven with Jesus. It was no coincidence that I saw this Bible and it’s community in a friend’s post when she was asking which Bible to purchase. Praise Jesus!

  94. Joanne Breen says:

    Love the posture and intentionality of Thanksgiving before Christmas… a grateful heart before receiving the most priceless gift of all time. Thank you for preparing us Lord for You!!!

  95. Bri Tieperman says:


  96. hope says:

    Good morning ladies! This morning’s devotional is great. I recommended heading over to HRT today as well. Bob shed some light on the subtleties revealed by understanding the original Greek used in today’s scripture.
    I wanted to reach out to all the teachers who are commenting today. Praying for you all. You truly have such an important and difficult job. It seems like now more than ever they are trying to drive God out of the schools, so teachers like you are so important. I want you to know that God fearing parents appreciate you. We know how hard your job is. Thank you for all that you do.

  97. Sam C says:

    Today’s readings display to me the immutability of God. He is unchanging and faithful. He provides us a source of light in both the physical and spiritual senses. He provides the moon and stars to be a source of light even in the darkness. I am thankful for this physical reminder of light in the darkness because that’s what Jesus was sent to be, a light to guide the people out of the darkness. I am so grateful for the many gifts and blessings the Lord has given me. I pray I use them to reflect His light.

  98. Sam C says:

    Today’s readings display to me the immutability of God. He is unchanging and faithful. He provides us a source of light in both the physical and spiritual senses. He provides the moon and stars to be a source of light even in the darkness. I am thankful for this physical reminder of light in the darkness because that’s what Jesus was sent to be, a light to guide the people out of the darkness. .

  99. Chris S says:

    I had a “light bulb moment” last night after our Advent Service at church. Pastor had a beautiful message about God’s Love—- I’m guilty of saying things like “I just wish God would write my instructions on the wall” or “I wish God would come to me in a dream with instructions” ——. Well WOW! He did! He does! We have this beautiful book we call a Bible!! His WORDS!! His INSTRUCTIONS in His WORDS!! He is our light. He came to Joseph in a dream to take Mary as his wife—— we have those same words recorded for us—- forgive!! Love! Peace! Joy! LIGHT at the end of the tunnel. Thank you Lord!

  100. Michelle Patire says:

    Melissa R– I am so sorry for your loss. it is beautiful to see the Lord gift you life as you faced death… But I can not imagine the heartbreak it is to not have him alongside your baby girl. May God comfort you. May you grieve when you need to grieve. May God then restore your hope– that He is your heavenly father always constant, unlike shifting shadows, who will never abandon you… Never depart from your life. Praying you would continue to come to the Lord for strength when you miss your father. The Lord is here for you. He is here for your every need. God bless you and keep you healthy, guarding your mind, body, and spirit. In Jesus’s name.

    Angie– I love your reflection about the moon :) beautiful poetry

    Melanie– have been praying for your community. I watched the news clips after your post and my heart was devastated to see the pain and loss. My heart breaks over these vulnerable students, still learning who God is and trying to process death. May God bring revival to your town/county. May He comfort and bring wisdom to all. May those fighting for their lives feel His deep care for their lives. Jesus make Yourself known.

    I pray for myself to always believe salvation as the very best gift we can receive. May earthly gifts pale in comparison to the kindness and grace of our Savior. God, help us.

  101. Millie D says:

    My brother always used to say “God is good – all the time” to which you are supposed to reply “and all the time, God is good”. He lost his life to ALS nearly 5 years ago but every time I ponder the greatness of God I think of him. I especially love the sentence from today’s commentary that to live out the truth that God is good, we must orient our hearts in a position of gratitude. Now I’ll be singing in my head today “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good – his love endures forever!”

  102. Aimee D-R says:

    Amen and Thank you Father in Jesus name.

  103. Melanie Rastrelli says:

    Praying for all you ladies in SRT and your requests for prayer. I try to be intentional every day, every minute to be thankful for what I do have and not focus on what I don’t have. It makes a huge difference in my day. I am so grateful for this sweet community that supports and prays for the others. I don’t usually post but pleas know that I do and am praying for all of you. I am most thankful this advent for my Savior, our Savior who is was and always will be the same-the Light of our world

  104. Amanda says:

    We often forget how good is our Lord. May this season be a reminder that even in our darkest moments HE STILL REMAINS BEING THE LIGHT Thank You Father for this amazing community, may our heart be filled with gratitude, Amen!

  105. Corey Zimmerman says:

    Gratitude everyday. Great reminder

  106. Laura L says:

    Yes! So amazing. Reading Isaiah, so heartbreaking with all the sin and darkness and then verse 16 brings the Hope of Jesus our intercessor to do what no man could do.

  107. LeAnn Schmitt says:

    Praying for each request made. I am thankful for SRT and their faithfulness in encouraging study of the Word, and creating this community where we can share with and encourage each other. In nature I have always found God’s peace and the reminder of God’s love and beauty.

  108. Katherine x. says:

    Good morning. I downloaded the cross stitch pattern successfully! Whoot whoot. Getting technology to work is sometimes big deal for me. I do not see how much fabric to use for the project. Can someone please help me by telling me the fabric dimensions?

  109. Joy Stark says:

    Amen amen! I am also a teacher. Thanks for this reminder, Meredith!

  110. Angie says:

    This morning I looked out the window and the moon was hardly there. It wasn’t a crescent moon like I’ve seen before on the side but a sliver of the moon on the very bottom. I am a teacher and, yes, I should know what that is scientifically but, I missed the news if there was some special eclipse type thing this morning and I don’t know. ;) I did think how Sovereign of my Savior to allow me to chance a glimpse out into the darkness this morning and see it. It made me think: Like the moon, I don’t have any Light of my own. I can only shine as the Son shines upon me – I can only reflect His Light – which is bright and beautiful and pierces the darkness. However, when I allow things like ingratitude and even more so, sin, willingly into my life, it begins to cover the Light of the Son that is trying to shine through. Like the moon this morning, there are times in my classroom, our school, even in life outside of work, that the darkness is trying to push its way over me to cover the Light that should be reflecting from me. I/we have so much to be thankful for. Lord, shine upon me so that I may shine for you. Keep me close to you. May the Light of my heart and soul, burn brightly and push aside the darkness and may gratitude and grace pour from my mouth, heart, and hands.

    A couple side notes: The kiddos in my class are going to do a FLASH MOB to Matthew West’s song, We Need Christmas. I think it should be meaningful, and a bit of fun. Any teachers out there who want to share the fun…feel free.

    Melanie, I’m praying for your school and community.
    Meredith Massey – I hear you sister, you are making a difference, one step at a time. There was another high school teacher (Kathy maybe) that I prayed and praised the Lord for as I read through the posts earlier this week. Blessings and God’s peace to all.

  111. Melanie says:

    Today I need light I live in Michigan close to where the shooting took place at the high school There are 7 kids still in the hospital fighting for there life. Please intercede for them. But sadly now they had to close schools in out county due to more threats of shootings. I’m struggling to see the light in this. I know God is here. When reading Isaiah 2 But your iniquities are separating you from your God,
    and your sins have hidden his face from you
    so that he does not listen As I read these words
    I ask God to forgive me and my nation for our sins. Please pray for our county today and all the kids that are home and afraid. For the families that have lost there young children to this senseless violence and for those in the hospital

  112. Jennifer Cummings says:

    Oh my goodness yes! I just did that myself. I don’t know how you could read that chapter and not see Jesus!!

  113. SEARCHING says:

    Praying for our country (US) and the world overall as this portion of Isaiah 59 could have been written now:
    13 In transgressing and lying against the Lord,
    And departing from our God,
    Speaking oppression and revolt,
    Conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood.
    14 Justice is turned back,
    And righteousness stands afar off;
    For truth is fallen in the street,
    And equity cannot enter.
    15 So truth fails,
    And he who departs from evil makes himself a prey.

    Praying for:
    VALENTINA-your sister and sister/husband
    GRAMSIESUE- your family and especially your sister
    OLIVIA-Light, peace, clarity and for the darkness to be overcome by His Light
    LORI B-you and your students
    MELANIE – healing from the tragedy in your community, just heartbreaking
    CASSIDY-strength and faith for your choice, and that your boyfriend would respect you and agree with you
    SUSAN REAGON-for this sweet couple, that resources would be available for them to stay in their home
    SHANNA HAFEMANN-for restoration of relationships and comfort in the waiting
    TASHA – that you will be surrounded by His Light and continue to choose Him
    KATI MUHA- for your family’s protection
    CARRIE TABOR-for you and your mom as she faces the breast cancer diagnosis, for wisdom, comfort, strength and healing
    TIFFANY ALTMAN – for strength as you make the difficult but right choices
    SHAYNE SANDERS – for you and your sister, brother in law and nephews
    SKYKAR HILTON – for your mom
    LIZZY BUTTERFIELD – for your family and healing from the wrongs
    MADISON – for strength and Light in the challenges you face in this season and as a nursing student
    RHONDA J – for Anniston and the baby in this time of waiting

  114. Marcella Woytash says:

    I love the finishing verse from Hebrews used today. Even when we are in our darkness and the shadows Jesus is the same yesterday., today and tomorrow. He will be here waiting for us to repent and rend our heats to Him. I’m praying today that we all can walk with Jesus in light

  115. AG says:

    I am also a teacher and my goal has been the same as the other who have posted before. It has been a trying year and it can be hard to find a way to share about God and his light in the public school system, so I pray that I will show my students the light through my love, support, and encouragement for them. I am thankful for all God has given me in my life.

  116. Christi Stevenson says:

    Praying for this sweet couple. I work with senior citizens, if they are lower income they may qualify for a program for help to come into the home. It’s called CHOICES here in Tennessee, it’s a form of Medicaid. If he is a veteran, they could possibly get aid in the home through them.

  117. Angie says:

    This devotional today was so beautiful. As I’ve grown in my faith, I have come to appreciate and be thankful for the simple things in my life. I am one of those people who find herself closer to God when I am outdoors. Whether it is in awe of a sunset, thankful that I see another sunrise, and amazed at the millions of stars in the dark night sky— I am so thankful that God has soften my heart to the point where I can stop and be intentionally thankful for it all.

  118. Kristine Loughman says:

    Meredith, I’m a teacher too and I agree, sometimes survival seems the most we are expected to do! But I was reminded yesterday that these days are few (even though it might not seem that way!) and I’m really focusing on enjoying my students in these last crazy days. And you are right, we have to be purposeful about it!

  119. Kristine Loughman says:

    I love that the first thing God created in our origin story is light. And it makes sense – you kind of need to see what you’re doing to proceed with anything else. It starts with light. Jesus is the Light of the World. He’s the light I want to use to navigate this world.

  120. Kathy says:

    MEREDITH MASSEY, I’m also a teacher and understand exactly how you feel. I’m praying that we will finish this semester strong and that I truly can be a “light in the darkness”.
    Praying for you, sister! We can do this!

  121. Kathy says:

    Several years ago I read Ann Voskamp’s book “1000 Gifts”. She encouraged the reader to, every day, write down three things they were thankful for. In a year you will have written almost 1000 things. It made such a difference in my life that I started doing it with my high school students. I have a wall in my room that says, “Practice Gratitude”. On Thursdays, I give my students a post-it note and they write three things they’re thankful for and put it on the wall. I tell them that after they write, “God, family, and friends”, they must come up with different things. I love reading what they write and they seem to love doing it. On the Thursdays that I forget I always have a student remind me.
    “Give thanks to the Lord, for He. Is. Good.”
    Be blessed on this Thankful Thursday!

  122. Kelly says:

    “To live in the truth that God is good, we must orient our hearts in a posture of gratitude.”

    REMEMBER all the Lord has done will bring us to thanksgiving. “His faithful love endures forever.”

  123. Cassidy says:

    SUSAN – prayers for the elderly couple you spoke of.
    BRITTA – praise for the false alarm.

    Thanks to everyone who said they were praying for my situation – continued prayers that my boyfriend will feel conviction as well and receive my words with a softened heart.

  124. ERB says:

    Definitely recommend reading the entire chapter of Isaiah 59. Lots to glean from there!!

  125. Terri says:

    Churchmouse. I am still bawling over seeing your name again. Praise God for an answer to prayer. I have missed you and your wisdom from God!

  126. Meredith Massey says:

    It is so easy to “walk in gloom” . . . I am a teacher and everyone in my profession seems to be walking in gloom. Finding and focusing on the light has to be a purposeful act every day. I have 12 days left with my students this calendar year . . . I am trying to make those days count and not just survive them. Working every day to bring the light to my classroom.

    1. Sally Stroud says:

      Yes yes yes! So true. I need to be thankful for the time left I have with my kinder babies!

  127. Susan Reagon says:

    Prayer request ladies,for a dear Christian couple now in poor health,they have been married for 60 years and so much want to stay in there own home rather than a care home.They have a meeting today with the hospice home care team.Pray for a positive outcome and they are able to spend the evening of their lives at home with support

  128. Mary Ann Graves says:

    The Light of the world!

  129. Britta GH says:

    Sorry I didn’t mean to write multiple comments…!

  130. Britta GH says:

    I am so grateful for health. So often I wake up taking fir granted that I am well and my family is too. Today I am reminded of what a gift that is. And what is even greater is that God will be with us even if our health fails.

  131. Britta GH says:

    Yesterday someone in my family was picked up in an ambulance with a suspected heart attack. It turned out it was a false alarm.

  132. Thes says:

    “Now mostly, men who are generous need to have their generosity excited. They will need to be waited upon; appeals must be laid before them; they must sometimes be pressed; an example must lead them on. But ‘of his own will’ God did to us all that has been done, without any incentive or prompting, moved only by himself, because he delighteth in mercy; because his name and his nature are love because evermore, like the sun, it is natural to him to distribute the beams of his eternal grace.” (Spurgeon)

    What more evidence do we need that our God is good and loving and powerful and faithful to us? No matter how dark our circumstances in the moment are, nothing can change the enormous good gift that God has given to us in darkness to bring light; Christ!

  133. Foster Mama says:

    Praying for the requests that came in later in the day: