The Dishonest Manager

Open Your Bible

Luke 16:1-17

In this study of the Parables of Jesus, we are reading many of the stories Jesus used to teach hearers about how to live as His followers. Each day we’ll read parables in their immediate context, focusing on a different category of parables each week. Then we will work through a series of questions to understand the meaning of the text and take to heart the “secrets of the kingdom.”

Editor’s Note: In this Parables study, Jesus Himself is telling us stories—stories He wants us to reflect on and process. Rather than asking our writers to write their own stories about Jesus’ stories, we thought it would serve you and the text better to provide questions to help you dig into the meaning of each day’s parable. If you find a parable or passage particularly confusing, stop and pray. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself to you in His Word, and thank Him that we can know Him without knowing all the answers to our questions.


Week 1: Parables about God’s Kingdom

Parables are stories with a point. They are designed to make us think about what is being said, why, where, to whom, and in what context. To get to the heart of Jesus’ parables, we need to pull them apart and take a careful look at the details He gives us. One detail that runs through this week’s selection of parables is that Jesus says they all describe the kingdom of God in some way. As you read through these passages, use the following questions to unpack the stories Jesus tells.


Day 4 Reading: Luke 16:1-17


1. Jesus tells many parables that involve the relationship between wealth and justice. How do they relate in the parable about the dishonest manager, and what parallels do you see in this parable that relate to your own life?

2. What is the problem in the particular parable, and what is the outcome of the story?

3. What is the central point of this parable?

4. What was the audience’s response to hearing this parable? What is yours?


(91) Comments

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91 thoughts on "The Dishonest Manager"

  1. Sandy Barnes says:

    This parable reminds me that God is Who I should be living and working for. If I keep God as my focus, all things will fall into place.

  2. Jessica K says:

    The challenge of wrestling for clarity from the Spirit… such a good feeling in this day of quick answers. Knowing there is something good packed in those words and seeking its revelation… so good for my growth. This is a tidbit of my takeaway: The rich man within the praise makes a point to call him unrighteous… his acts will get him earthly gain, but not eternal. “So when it fails, they may welcome you into eternal dwellings”….. we are eternal beings… we will eternally reap what we sow on this earth. The manager will eternally reap his unrighteous self-preserving actions. He can’t be trusted with more. The rich man praises the manager for maximizing his influence-even for personal gain-while he has the ability. This is what the world does so well- maximizing opportunity. I think the parable calls us to maximize our seasons if influence- producing fruit in and out of season for His glory and our eternal gain.

  3. MJ says:

    In the text, the manager had said he couldn’t dig, was too ashamed to beg, but he was taking money “so that people may receive him into their houses”. He was using his God given gifts (mentioned in previous readings) to survive, and i think the phrase “so that people may receive him into their houses” is important. It shows how as followers we need to be shrewd- to take only what we need from others and help lighten their debts.
    The manager forgave the different people of their debts, taking a little and forgiving the debtors of the rest . With the rich man, money wasn’t the central focus. Since the manager’s actions were to forgive those who owed the rich man, the rich man forgave the manager. This is shows how even though the manager could have taken all of the money the debtors owed the rich man, which would have put those debtors in deeper trouble. Even though he was acting under self preservation, he still had a heart. I could be totally off base, but i just wanted to mention part of the passage that was overlooked in the comments.

    1. Summer Robison says:

      This was so so helpful!

    2. Shelley Edwards says:

      Thank you for this.

  4. Willonda says:

    This study is making me think. Which I am loving but not totally in love with. Its also allowing us to teach each other, which I think is the point of the format. Different but I can make it work.
    Thank all of you for your commentary. This one was tough.

  5. Tamara B says:


    A bit behind, so no-one will probably read, but it is helpfull to write down the thoughts. I don’t know exactly what to understand of it, but at first it made me think of this:
    If we are honest with money (and other things) people will know we are worthy to trust in big things. So, that shines the light of Christ. So, being thrustworthy with money, wich is not a godly thing, makes us trustworthy in godly things too. Or, if we are not to be trusted with money, how can we tell people we are christians? I also thought, what if the manager being fired means us being called to heaven? If we are about to die, are we going to collect more things for ourselves, or are we going to gave grace to others, so that we may be praised by God. Might have nothing to do with the “right” interlretation, but it crossed my mind

    1. Heather (MNmomma) says:

      I’m behind a bit too…..I like your thoughts on this :)

      1. Nicole F says:

        This makes so much more sense to me now. Thank you for your thoughts! I was struggling with this reading.

  6. Lyn says:

    To me this parable reiterates and reinforces the teaching from a passage in The Lord’s Prayer, namely Matthew 6:12:
    “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” (CSB)

    First consider the monetary transactions that took place. The manager forgave half the debts owed to the rich man by his debtors. In so doing, the manager became a debtor to the rich man for the forgiven half of those debts.

    So how was this resolved?

    The rich man forgave the manager’s debt to him because the manager forgave the debts owed to the rich man by that man’s debtors.

    The rich man in essence “forgave” the manager for

    1. Lyn says:

      Disregard sentence fragment at end of my Reply. Thanks

    2. Rosalie R says: This is a great article I found, making it fun to understand this parable better!

      1. Ebube says:

        Thanks for this was really helpful

  7. Cassandra Guttman says:

    Quite a few comments mentioned reading this in the Message, so i went ahead and I love this: 8-9 “Now here’s a surprise: The master praised the crooked manager! And why? Because he knew how to look after himself. Streetwise people are smarter in this regard than law-abiding citizens. They are on constant alert, looking for angles, surviving by their wits. I want you to be smart in the same way—but for what is right—using every adversity to stimulate you to creative survival, to concentrate your attention on the bare essentials, so you’ll live, really live, and not complacently just get by on good behavior.”

    “Street-wise” do what it takes to survive…but how often do I let my soul slowly fade in the midst of adversity rather than using it as an opportunity to press in to God, believe him for his creativity and the work He wants to do in and through me in the midst of that adversity.

    1. Ruth Sharpless says:

      Excellent insight…Thanks

  8. Cori says:

    So, does anyone really know what this parable is about?

  9. Eva says:

    I also appreciate the format a lot-it is challenging me to apply adult learning principles to my Bible study rather than having someone else do the hard work of thinking. One thought would be to ask SrT if your writers would also be willing to weigh in on the discussion in the comments!

    1. Liz says:

      Yes, this!!

  10. Lynn says:

    Although I did much reading this morning, this is my first chance to try to collect my thoughts about this passage. Some things I noticed while trying to wrap my head around this difficult passage:

    The chapter just before this one contains the parable about leaving behind the 99 sheep to look for the one that is lost, and the parable of the prodigal son. I had understood God to be the shepherd, but perhaps we are also called to be shepherds, placing our trust that God will look after the 99 during the times that we are called to minister to the one. I had also understood the parable of the prodigal son that whatever had distanced us from God would be forgiven, that our Father always welcomes our return to Him. But perhaps it also suggests that God welcomes our return _even if we have spent our gifts foolishly_.

    Yesterday’s SRT reading was about using what is entrusted to us to try to build something greater, rather than burying it out of our fear of failing.

    And this morning I received my usual “word” from, which said “You cannot find relationship and trust in God if you fearfully guard, and are possessed by, your possessions.” – Br. Jonathan Maury. And this turned out to be an excerpt from his sermon on Luke 16:9-15! Br. Jonathan makes the point that “all things which we call ours–possessions, relationships, power–are given to us in trust. We are made stewards of all we possess.” He also says that the term “mammon” means something closer to “that in which one fully trusts.” We cannot serve God _and_ something other than God.

    Putting these all together: What we have comes from God. We are to hold it with open palms, and spend it generously, shrewdly, and fruitfully for God’s kingdom. And we are not to fear that our efforts might fail, because our Father always, always welcomes us back with open arms.

    Thanks be to God.

    1. Amie says:

      Thank you for your thoughts they helped make this parable make sense

    2. Holly says:

      Thank you Lynn this truly helped me understand this better today.

  11. Rach says:

    When I first read this parable… it seemed too hard. What a joy to be able to grow by wrestling with something tricky- it put the messages deeper into my heart! I loved thinking about being wise with my money and using it with eternity in mind- so often I can be a lover of it. After reading a commentary (at got, my first Google hit for it) I’m starting an Australian day thinking through how to be wiser at viewing this world as a daughter of light, and praying for wisdom and insight.

  12. Brenna says:

    Understanding scripture is not a strength I possess, so thank you to everyone who has been commenting. Your insight has been so very helpful to me during this study. I also found the Message version of verses 8 & 9 to be particularly helpful and I thought I’d share in case anyone else is in the same boat as me. :)
    8–9 “Now here’s a surprise: The master praised the crooked manager! And why? Because he knew how to look after himself. Streetwise people are smarter in this regard than law-abiding citizens. They are on constant alert, looking for angles, surviving by their wits. I want you to be smart in the same way—but for what is right—using every adversity to stimulate you to creative survival, to concentrate your attention on the bare essentials, so you’ll live, really live, and not complacently just get by on good behavior.”

    1. Cori says:

      Thanks for sharing. That helps.

  13. Laura says:

    “Masters at making yourselves look good in front of others, but God knows what’s behind the appearance.” Love it — certainly guilty of trying to put on a good face and seem like I’ve got it all together – like the Pharisees – concerned with my robe and garb and the posture of my heart.

  14. CJ says:

    The best interpretation I found is this . . .

    “It almost sounded like Jesus commended the self-protective actions of the manager. But I know that’s not right. How is this corrupt scoundrel supposed to be an example for ‘the sons of light’?”

    Matthew smiled and replied, “Generosity.”

    “Generosity? The only thing he was generous with was his master’s money!”

    “Exactly. ”

    -taken from (

    My responses:

    1. Jesus tells many parables that involve the relationship between wealth and justice. How do they relate in the parable about the dishonest manager, and what parallels do you see in this parable that relate to your own life? If I accept the above understanding, then generosity is the relationship. How this relates to my own life is that I need to fully understand and grasp the fact that it is not MY money; it is God’s money.

    2. What is the problem in the particular parable, and what is the outcome of the story? The problem is the manager is about to be fired. The outcome is, that he knows this, and makes his future livelihood possible.

    3. What is the central point of this parable? Understanding who’s money it is.

    4. What was the audience’s response to hearing this parable? What is yours? The Pharisees made fun of him because they needed to justify why they took money (?) saying it is for God, but if its Gods to begin with, then they didn’t really need to take it in the first place right? Because it always belongs to God. My response is to be more cognizant of my finances.

    1. Eva says:

      Wow that really made it hit home for me. Yes we are to be generous with our Masters money and forgive debts because our Master has forgiven us even more! Wow!

    2. Alonah Gill says:

      I had a hard time understanding this one but after reading your comment it helped a ton! Thank you for this insight.

    3. Chrystyna Murray says:

      This was great! Thank You

  15. Elle says:

    This particular parable is a difficult one, but once the light of understanding starts shining on it it’s actually pretty simple. David Guzik has a really good and straight-forward commentary on the Enduring Word website. Simplifying it as much as I can: the “sons of this world” should not have more vigor, zeal, and shrewdness than us as “children of the day” we should be more eager to do the will of our father, spreading His Truth & Gospel, and stewarding what He has given us well with the future in mind of the fact that we will all give an account to God of how we stewarded the time He gave us.

  16. Kaitlyn says:

    I love SRT so much because I’m able to read all of your comments and get a new perspective on the readings. I’m always so shy to make my own comments because I’m still learning so much but today is the day! So, this past Sunday, at church, my paster used a verse (Luke 16:10) from this parable in his teaching about being wise with our money and finances. When I went home on Sunday, I reread this whole chapter from Luke to get an overall understanding of what it meant. And look at this! It’s our reading for Day 4! What my pastor taught us was that God wants all of our lives to be blessed but when all of our needs have been met, and we still have plenty of blessings, what are you going to do with those blessings? Are we sharing them with others or are we keeping them for ourselves? When God can trust us with very little, he can trust us with very much! He responds to our faithfulness. It really had me take a step back and ask myself if I’m being faithful and putting all control into God’s hands. I had to ask myself where in my life am I letting God be involved. Am I blessing others with the blessings that God has given me? I’m not entirely sure if this connects at all to the parable but that was my overall understanding from Sunday’s service. Blessings <3

    1. Cathy says:

      For what it’s worth, I think you’re spot on. We were made with our many gifts to bless others. In the end…that gift of free will determines how we spread our “wealth”. Go forth, sisters & be the light. Illuminate!

  17. Jessica says:

    This particular study and passage is pretty difficult for me to understand. I believe he is calling us to be true and faithful both in front of others and in our hearts. I don’t believe he is telling us to be dishonest but to learn from the dishonest manager. For if we are dishonest even a little bit we are dishonest in much. I may be totally and completely off as I am just getting into studying God’s word. Any feedback to better understand would be great!

  18. Chris says:

    I like it– it’s like sitting around our kitchen tables sharing with good Christian friends!!

  19. Keela Greenlee says:

    Just some feedback… you guys are great but I’m not loving the format of this study.

  20. Irina says:

    What an intense parable. Every time I’ve read it in the past, I’ve disliked the crooked manager. He’s like a snake. However, God wants us to be quick on our feet, shrewd, and witty. He wants us to take risks, but in the things that matter. We have to choose a Master. Once we’ve chosen, we have to stay loyal and do whatever we can to be good managers. Adversity stimulates creativity; this is how we must be. Not boring, law abiding citizens like the Pharisees, but street-smart Christ followers. Jesus was never predictable or boring; we have to step up our game. I think we got too comfortable…

    1. Emily B. says:

      Yes! Amen!

  21. Nea says:

    Surprisingly, sometimes wikipedia has a good collection of interpretations from major church scholars of the past. I was having a really hard time with this one, but then I read this:

    “When, therefore, any one anticipating his end and his removal to the next world, lightens the burden of his sins by good deeds, either by canceling the obligations of debtors, or by supplying the poor with abundance, by giving what belongs to the Lord, he gains many friends, who will attest his goodness before the Judge, and secure him by their testimony a place of happiness.”

    So the point seems to be that we should use our money (which isn’t really ours anyway) to help people here on earth. By doing so we gain friends above. It feels very consistent with the parable about the Minas and Zachariah from yesterday. Use what you have been given (money or skills I guess) to help people because eventually you’ll have to explain what you’ve been doing with all that has been shared with you.

    1. Natalyn says:

      That’s helpful for understanding this passage-thanks for sharing!

  22. V says:

    Hmmm… perhaps the Father isn’t as focused on what we are. As personified by the master, he’s not as worried about losing money, and dishonesty, as he is of the shrewdness of the manager to forgive some of the debt which in turn could cause the debtors to trust him more. Thinking about it this way makes me see divine forgiveness for the unlikely. What if we chose to look past debts, and flaws in order to befriend more people? What if the intent of this was not save ourselves but to share the love of Jesus? Maybe I’m reading too much into this, but the actions of the manager seem a lot like Jesus’s love of so many outcast types. And how interesting that the Master isn’t concerned with his own well being, but still able to see the manager’s motivation, knowing his heart.

  23. Diane Huntsman says:

    15 And he said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God.
    This is so often me.. justifying my actions before people so that I won’t be seen as the bad guy..I care far too much about what people think and often work hard at making sure I’m not seen wrongly.. but I love that God sees all, every motive, every sin, every good and bad deed.. this can be either alarming or freeing.. I choose freeing because I want to be transformed and transformation comes by recognition and repentance.. justifications don’t transform they make excuses.. I want radical change and that comes from being naked before the One who loves us so much He wants us free.. free to be who He can empower us to be.. I’m so happy I can’t fool Him.. He sees all and loves me too much to let me stay in my muck..

  24. Christina D. says:

    I went in a really different direction with this parable today. Honestly, I really bristle at the thought of the master praising the manager for his shrewdness when all I see is dishonesty. I really take pride in being honest and I am, by nature, a rule follower most of the time. But it really stopped me in my tracks and made me think wow, God really doesn’t want us to be cookie cutter people or Christians. He’s not looking for a type. He is telling us to glean the shrewdness from our dishonest world and channel that into action and zeal for His kingdom while being good managers of our earthly wealth. It reminds me that Jesus never-NEVER-praises the Pharisees for being rule followers. Not only did he surround himself with the lowest and most despised sinners of the time, but he even used them as examples to the Pharisees. He’s not looking for us to (as the Message says), “complacently just get by on good behavior.” It’s making me think today what lessons I have been shutting out from the world or unexpected places. It’s making me think I would never call myself shrewd and what it would look like in my life to live with a shrewdness with my material wealth as well as spiritual wealth. It’s also making me think that if I were someone Jesus had passed by in a town during His ministry, would I be someone He surrounded Himself with? Or would I be standing in the back with the rule followers feeling smug, only to hear Him speak and be convicted of the safety and pride I take in all the ways I haven’t broken the rules? Just some thoughts this morning.

    1. Sarah says:

      Wow! Thank you for sharing this. I was reading this parable over and over trying to think what I’m supposed to apply to my life from it. The I read your comment and was so convicted. I too am a “rule follower” but I want to be associated with Jesus and not the pharisaical rule followers. I’m sure following the rules is more to justify myself before men than before God. I get frustrated that God hasn’t given me great tasks to do for his kingdom but I clearly have more to learn in how to deal faithfulyl and shrewdly with the little he has given me before I can expect anything more.

    2. Emily B. says:

      So good! Thank you for this! It can be easy to think that we’re not like the Pharisees, but man. Your comment made me really stop and think about whether that’s true.

    3. Natalyn says:

      The part about seeing earthly shrewdness and channeling that in a Godly way stood out to me. Thank you for sharing this!!

    4. CJ says:

      Preach! This was so helpful!

    5. Beth says:

      Thank you for this insight. It really hit home. I struggle with Parables in the first place because I’m a very concrete person and sometimes take them too literally. I’m also a rule follower and don’t think outside of the box. I love that God wants us to use the minds that He gave us to think of creative ways to use His wealth and talents. Wow!

    6. valerie says:

      yes! you nailed it!

    7. Melinda Watters says:

      Wow! You nailed it for me too. Thank you for the challenge in your words and for grappling with this passage and taking time to share your findings and your heart. God used your words in me today.

  25. Lindsay says:

    I am very thankful to SRT for the challenge this Study presents. The format of not having a devotion each day has brought me deeper into Bible Study. I am having to take the inititiave to glean from the scripture, look up terms, and read commentaries to understand. It is a change of pace, but I appreciate the challenge that is causing growth in my walk.

    1. Tracy says:

      I agree! This study is really forcing me to dig deeper into these parables. I am using all my resources to unpack what God may be trying to tell me. Reading all the different responses of what others are taking away from the reading is also fascinating and helpful!

  26. Cynthia says:

    Would love to see someone from SRT comment on this parable! All I got out of it was that I am to be shrewd like the manager but, in the pursuit of righteousness not dishonest gain. Is that correct?

    1. Meredith says:

      I thought this at first but I thought about it more because obviously it’s can’t be telling us to be shrewd like the manager was. I ended up concluding that we can’t defraud our master (God) by using the things of this world to make friends with the world…if we do then we will be welcomed into the world eternal dwelling place (hell) and not our masters. We can’t serve our master faithfully and make friends with this world unrighteously. Does that make sense? I may be totally off, but that’s the conclusion I came to.

      1. Shauna says:

        Yes! I came to the same conclusion. God knows our ❤️ and our intentions. We can do a lot of manipulating in life, but we can’t manipulate our way to heaven.

  27. Rachel says:

    Oh man yes this was a confusing one. I hope the challenge of the new format helps us all to dig deeper, though i know change is hard (& even annoying if we don’t choose it ourselves) i think it is for our good. I had to read a few translations & looked up a commentary that summed it up this way: “The scope of Christ’s discourse in this chapter is to awaken and quicken us all so to use this world as not to abuse it, so to manage all our possessions and enjoyments here as that they may make for us, and may not make against us in the other world; for they will do either the one or the other, according as we use them now….This our Saviour is here pressing us to, by reminding us that we are but stewards of the manifold grace of God; and since we have in divers instances been unfaithful, and have forfeited the favour of our Lord, it is our wisdom to think how we may, some other way, make what we have in the world turn to a good account.”

    A lil extra digging this morning was good for my soul. Grateful to be here every morning with this community!

  28. Melody Rose says:

    I think it’s good for us to have confusing parables like this one! Just from reading the comments, it seems that most of us have had to dig a little extra which will in turn help us to remember the lesson. I found this article particularly helpful in explaining:

    1. Nikki Brown says:

      Yes, Melody! I completely agree!

  29. Ash says:

    The Amplified version really helped me get this parable. The key for me is that Jesus wants His followers to use our material resources & abilities (that HE has given us!), in order to further God’s Kingdom. He wants us preparing for ‘our future employment.’ Our investments here on earth matter.

    “And his master commended the unjust manager [not for his misdeeds, but] because he had acted shrewdly [by preparing for his future unemployment]; for the sons of this age [the non-believers] are shrewder in relation to their own kind [that is, to the ways of the secular world] than are the sons of light [the believers]. And I tell you [learn from this], make friends for yourselves [for eternity] by means of the wealth of unrighteousness [that is, use material resources as a way to further the work of God], so that when it runs out, they will welcome you into the eternal dwellings.”
    ‭‭LUKE‬ ‭16:8-9‬ ‭AMP‬‬

  30. Darcy says:

    This study is great in getting me into the Word but I was hoping to be taught and gleam some wisdom from the wonderful ladies at She Reads Truth. I have to say I’m a little frustrated.

    1. Shelley says:

      Darcy, I agree, the studies without commentary are my least favorite. I enjoy the ones that relate to our daily lives.

      1. Diane Huntsman says:


        1. Diane Huntsman says:

          Oops! Didn’t mean to do that!!

      2. Catherine says:

        Darcy and shelly, I know it’s much harder to do a study like this. I wanted some commentary too. But what I found is that I am thinking really hard about these and I am digging into resources that I usually don’t pull out and I am finding more fruit than before! It’s meaning more to me. It’s sticking. The Lord has more room to open my eyes and I am practicing reading scripture for myself which is a great great thing.

        Would you two want to email about this study? We can stir up our own discussion?

      3. Diane Huntsman says:

        15 And he said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God.

        This… this is so often me. Justifying myself before people because I care far too much about what they think to be true about me… and I might succeed at getting people to believe that I’m not as bad as the other girl but God knows my heart.. this can either be alarming or freeing.. I choose freeing because change comes when reality is faced head on.. when I know that God sees straight through all my pretense and justifications straight to my motives and sin I can simply agree with Him.. admit where I’m missing the mark and ask Him to forgive, heal and transform me.. if I stay in hiding and deception to myself and others there’s little chance for true change.. naked and open is the best place to be, my heart of course, with myself, God and others.. thankful He sees all and nothing is hidden from Him.. makes for a real relationship with Him and I’ll take that any day over phony bologna!

  31. Erin Friedly says:

    While other are recommending The Message. I personally found the New Living Translation to be the best in dispelling my confusion. :) My husband and I ended up reading it in 4 different versions.

  32. Churchmouse says:

    Not a fan of the manager : he’s dishonest through and through. He’s a terrible employee. I’m not a fan of the master either – he doesn’t stand for justice. He admires the fired manager’s shrewdness, his crafty attempt to improve his shady reputation. Anyone else thinking the manager should have put himself in time out, realized the error of his ways and changed course? Or that the master should have had a good sit – down talk about developing good character? I get it that God challenges His people to rise above and be righteous in all things. He looks straight into our hearts. The unscrupulous manager didn’t fool the master. No one can fool God. I get it but this is a confusing parable on its face. I think I would have walked away with a”huh? “

  33. Beth says:

    I’ve seen this parable called both The Dishonest Manager and The Shrewd Manager. I think that actually has two distinctive differences. What I’ve read seems to imply that Jesus is calling us to be shrewd with our Master’s money and to use it to gain friends for the kingdom to come. I’m not sure if The Dishonest Manager would have the same implication. I don’t believe that Jesus is calling us to be dishonest. I believe that we are called to be wise and good stewards with what God has given us. What we have is a gift from Him and we are to use it in order to gain favor for Him among the people of this world. He called out the Pharisees who loved money and only used it for their own pleasure.

    1. Susan says:

      I have one Bible that the caption is The Dishonest Manager and one The Shrewd Manager, and I too believe they are two different things. This manager in the passage was however being dishonest with his masters money and yet made amends for this. We are called to be shrewd and wise and use our gifts for the building of God’s Kingdom, yet I do believe we can and do get caught up in that, and need to be careful as to not become dishonest and disgrace His Kingdom.

    2. Emily B. says:

      I thought the same thing about the two different titles! I appreciate your insight on the different connotations of the words.

  34. Kay says:

    This parable has always confused me! I looked up the verses in The Message translation and it helped me so much. (If you are not familiar with The Message, it is more of a contemporary paraphrase and not a direct translation, intended to turn the confusing bits into language we can understand more easily. It is not appropriate for every situation, and just to fully disclose- some people despise it, but it always helps me with Bible studies.) Anyway, here it is, starting at verse 8, from The Message:

    “Now here’s a surprise: The master praised the crooked manager! And why? Because he knew how to look after himself. Streetwise people are smarter in this regard than law-abiding citizens. They are on constant alert, looking for angles, surviving by their wits. I want you to be smart in the same way—but for what is right—using every adversity to stimulate you to creative survival, to concentrate your attention on the bare essentials, so you’ll live, really live, and not complacently just get by on good behavior.”
    God Sees Behind Appearances 10-13 Jesus went on to make these comments:      
    If you’re honest in small things,               you’ll be honest in big things;      
    If you’re a crook in small things,               you’ll be a crook in big things.      
    If you’re not honest in small jobs,               who will put you in charge of the store?       No worker can serve two bosses:               He’ll either hate the first and love the second, Or adore the first and despise the second.  You can’t serve both God and the Bank.
    14-18 When the Pharisees, a money-obsessed bunch, heard him say these things, they rolled their eyes, dismissing him as hopelessly out of touch. So Jesus spoke to them: “You are masters at making yourselves look good in front of others, but God knows what’s behind the appearance.      
    What society sees and calls monumental,              
    God sees through and calls monstrous.
    God’s Law and the Prophets climaxed in John;      
    Now it’s all kingdom of God—the glad news and compelling invitation to every man and woman. The sky will disintegrate and the earth dissolve     before a single letter of God’s Law wears out.”

    1. Pam says:

      Thank you Kay!

    2. Susan says:

      Thank you so much for sharing this portion of the scripture from The Message translation. I have a study Bible that cleared up some of my confusion, but this was very helpful!

    3. Barb says:

      Thanks for posting that paraphrase. I was struggling to grasp it in my version but Peterson has done a wonderful job making it clear in today’s words.

    4. Katie says:

      Thank you, Kay, for taking the time to post the paraphrase. I have never used The Message translation before, but this made the parable sound so much clearer. Will definitely be using it in the future. Thanks again!

    5. Amanda says:

      Oh my goodness, reading the Message translation helped me so much to finally understand what Jesus was teaching. Kay, thank you so much for sharing!

    6. SB says:

      Thank Kay for sharing this version!!

    7. Chris Gruhlke says:

      Thanks for this Kay!

  35. Cara says:

    Wow! These parables that I have heard over and over in my life are really tough for me this week as I take the time to sit with them and really digest them. This morning I read a few interpretations/commentaries on this parable and one of them really connected with me…it is an imaginary conversation between Simon and Matthew and I found it to be helpful. Here’s the link if you are interested:

  36. SB says:

    Wait I feel like I read it differently- 3 times, so now I’m confused. So the master likes that the manager had gone and lessened all the accounts of his debtors. Or not?

    1. Other Karen says:

      I was very confused too, so looked at a commentary. It sounds like one suggestion is that the manager cut his commission from the debtors to put him in good graces with them, so they would later be kind to him. The rich man commends him as he sacrificed his own money, not that of the rich man. Culturally, the people of Jesus’ day would know that the manager would have a commission, although it makes it confusing to us who are unfamiliar with the cultural practices of that time.

      1. SB says:

        Thank you Karen!!

      2. Cathy says:

        Thanks for putting that link. I needed that

    2. anne jones says:

      SB I was confused as well…so I read the passage in a different version “The Message” version and it was much clearer. Hope this helps you too.

      1. Kay says:

        Anne, I did exactly the same thing! Pasted the verses below in case anyone else would find it helpful.

      2. SB says:

        Thanks Anne!!

    3. LT says:

      I agree – I’m just not understanding this one. I’ve even read a brief commentary, but I’m still not quite getting it…

  37. Rea queen says:

    David Guzik ( “if we pursued the kingdom of God with the same vigor and zeal that the children of this world pursue profits and pleasure, we would live in an entirely different world.”
    //Luke 16:8//

    1. Other Karen says:

      Yes! Thank you for sharing!

    2. Kristen says:

      Ouch! And so good!

    3. Lexi says:

      So much truth right there!

    4. CJ says:

      Oh chills Rea queen! may i never forget this.