I think Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus was modeled after my third grade teacher. One of the coolest things about my Ms. Frizzle was that she took adult ballet classes. Once a week, I’d see her at the dance studio as my class let out and she was warming up for hers. Our mutual love of dance forged a special bond between us. In and out of the classroom, I felt like she was rooting for me. I was confident she was on my side and wanted to see me succeed.
That confidence in our relationship gave me the gumption to ask her if I could set up a “sewing station” in her classroom. I was shocked when she obliged my request. Barely able to stitch two pieces of fabric together, I’d taken to making blankets for my classmates. Any downtime I had throughout the school day, I would race back to my needle and thread to whip up a new creation. This was not a creative arts school, mind you, but a public school where my teacher was bending all the rules for me.
I learned that when someone is in your corner, you should make bold requests. They might say “no,” perhaps for your own good. Then again, they might just say “yes.” And they certainly wouldn’t ridicule you for asking. If anything, the confidence I felt to express my creativity in the classroom probably made my teacher feel even closer to me. When we feel secure in a relationship, we have more confidence to ask for what we really want. The same is true with God.
In Joshua 10, we see a man who was truly confident in his relationship with the Lord. As five neighboring kings launched an attack on Joshua’s people, he didn’t waver one bit from God’s plan for Israel. The Lord told Joshua, “Do not be afraid of them, for I have handed them over to you” (Joshua 10:8). God promised to back Joshua’s army, and Joshua trusted the Lord to follow through on His promise. Joshua’s strong faith in God gave him the boldness to ask for the impossible: to stop the sun in the sky long enough to finish the battle. And “the LORD listened to a man, because the LORD fought for Israel” (v.14).
Are we afraid to ask God for the impossible? If God has commissioned us to do a work, we need to trust that He will see His plan through. We can ask our Father for miracles, believing that however He answers our prayers, He does so with love. We may not always get the result we’d hoped for, but that doesn’t mean we should stop asking. God tells us to “approach the throne of grace with boldness,” confident in our relationship with Jesus (Hebrews 4:16). We serve a God with the power to move mountains, stop the sun from setting, and give us eternal life. Why shouldn’t we ask?
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87 thoughts on "The Day the Sun Stood Still"
Thank you for giving me the courage to ask, nothing is impossible in you! Amen
I really needed this reading and devotional today
The Lord fights for Stephanie.
That is cvid not COVID (common variable immune deficiency)
I have been continuing to pray for this virus to go away or at least the vaccine to work for us. My daughter has CVID and has a compromised immune system. God has protected her and we have gotten to give her infusions at home thankfully/ These verses today remind me today to not give up going to the Lord boldly asking for this virus to subside.
I needed this reminder. Once I felt like God was nudging me a bit and saying “don’t be afraid to ask for what you want” and it wasn’t like he was saying he’d give me anything I wanted, but instead telling me I can ask. To not be afraid to ask. So I may ask for something tonight but I’m also scared he will say yes… it’s all a bit scary! But I’m excited!
Such a great reminder!! I pray I can be more bold and confident when talking to God. He is my Heavenly Father! He wants to see me succeed.
This is so amazing, and encouraging!
What a Mighty God we serve!
Lord keep me
Our God can make the sun stand still, what a powerful God! Lord help me to remember to boldly bring my requests to you. You hear me and know what is best for me.
Thank you ❤️
Amanda Merick praying with you for Grace. Jesus bring your healing for Grace. Lord God we know how mighty you are. May Grace be one of your mighty miracles and may she have a story of faith to tell in how you healed her and rejoice and bring you glory. God I praise you for all you are doing and are going to do. In the holy name of Jesus I pray!!
Amanda, I am so sorry. The Lord will be with her and guide her through this. I will keep her in my prayers. Isaiah 41:10 has always helped me when someone I care for is sick.
Rt now i think of Christian’s who fear covid. Why? Our God is stronger, bigger then this! He has us! DO NOT BE AFRAID
This message is so timely as I pray for a little girl diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma this week. The odds look grim but I will ask God to do the impossible and heal this child because I know only my Father can! Join me in lifting up Grace in your prayers today!
I love how God in His mercy comes to Joshua’s aide after he and the Israelite leaders clearly messed up in not seeking the Lord when the Gibeonites first approached them. Not only does He show His mercy, but He does an amazing miracle! OH how that comforts me. Our mistake is always to believe the enemy when we mess up, and not seek the Lord, thinking it’s hopeless and we’re losers. Oh how He loves us! Remember that! His FAITHFULNESS is amazing. Kalana I am praying for you son.
Thank you HEIDI. That’s balm to my soul. Such good perspective!
I have an unspoken request. Please keep me in your thought and prayers for the foreseeable future.
How many times when Joshua was mentioned, the first thing we think of is Joshua lead the Israel crossing the Jordan. And not so much of the Joshua that commanded sun and moon to stand still. Quite underrated don’t you think, and I am glad that this is the reminder for us NOT to limit God. 5 is the number of grace, and 5 Kings’ forces were defeated, especially with hailstones God sent down. Amazing Grace. Supernatural Grace. Thank you Lord that you can do above and beyond what we can think and ask. Help our memory to recall your works, help our eyes to see past our natural limitations, to ask BIG.
@Lisa: I want to give you a hug and let you know you are not alone. The Word of God is our only true source of comfort, hope, strength and directions in this disoriented world. It is your compass. Please continue to hold it close to you DAILY, embrace it and meditate on it day and night (Psalm 1), you’ll be glad you do that. I am sorry that you were grieved, I am too hearing this, but hey Lisa, that is the sign that the Spirit of God in you is grieving as well. Where the presence of God is, there is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). I hope you can navigate your way out of this situation with wisdom and JOY, and soon find a small group that push you to go deeper into the Word. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and allowing us to build you up in your God-seeking journey.
@ ERB: praying for your second mom. May God heal her and save her whole family for His glory.
Praying for other prayer requests that I see. Thank you ladies so much for sharing your struggles here, and allowing us to come together in one accord in prayers. To God be the glory, who brought us- women who don’t know each other from different corners of the earth to this platform to offer encouragement and building one another up. This is such a beautiful thing that I cherish in my heart deeply. Bless you dear sisters!! Thank you for being a blessing in my life.
Back to Rahab- she admitted her fear of the Lord immediately and was spared and eventually rewarded (lineage of Jesus). The Gibeonites were deceptive because of fear and while their lives were spared the highlight of their lives was chopping wood and carrying water. While I do believe that every job is important-Boy I would rather be Jesus’ great great great great… grandma than a water carrier.
Lisa, you are not alone. A lot of people at my church look at me funny because I study outside of what is offered there. Many people have narrow views of how to spend “time with the Lord”. Part of what draws me to SRT is the 7 day format. God doesn’t take a day away from us, why should we take a weekend away from being in His Word? Trust the Lord to lead you to like minded sisters & brothers in Jesus.
I’ve seen God’s power in my prayer. He is the almighty. His love for us is unconditional. Amen
Thank you ladies SO MUCH for praying for my second Mom!! They got her to the hospital and the doctors set her up for the heart procedure (they thought she had severe and constant afib) and then they realized that she didn’t!!! So no need for that specific procedure…once they realized this, they did a general work up and have now changed all her medications and sent her home… She is still VERY sick…completely bedridden, extremely low energy, dangerously low potassium, anemic, slow internal bleeding (they don’t know from where) she is retaining fluid, and having an extremely difficult time to breathe… PLEASE PRAY for wisdom as we don’t know what to do…. the doctors seem to think the change in medications will resolve everything, but this is the 3rd time they’ve done this (in 6months) and it is NOT getting better, but is getting WORSE!!!! We are looking into changing doctors and different opinions but as of right now they’re saying that she won’t be able to get in to see anyone new for another month!!! And she might not be strong enough to wait that long… PLEASE PRAY with me… we NEED God to step in!! Thank you ladies!!! Will keep you updated as I can…
Lisa, anyone telling you daily scripture reading isn’t necessary is missing the most crucial tool we have to know God—God’s word—and frankly is leading you astray. It is how we get to know him and know how to decipher his will, among many other things. I’d argue that it’s far more important to read God’s word than commentary or devotionals. It sounds like you’re in a place of leadership to show those women why it is necessary. At the end of the day, the Bible is a primary source and commentary and devotionals, while valuable, are secondary sources and from human interpretation, therefore fallible. They help us understand God’s word, but they should never be our sole way to learn about God.
As far as the other comment goes, I’ve heard this, too, and I myself don’t always agree with the content of the devotionals. That’s why the scripture part is so important, as well as the resources in the book you purchase. Those resources provide invaluable context.
Don’t let someone else’s opinion that might not even be well-formed get you off track from what God has shown you is important and helps you grow closer to Him.
“Our God is an awesome God! He reigns from Heaven above with wisdom, POWER, and love. Our God is an awesome God!” This is a song that I remember singing in church for a long time. Our scripture reading today was definitely and example of God’s power. The Sun stood still! The Moon stopped! WOW! I’m so thankful that that same God is MY God and He knows my name and I can approach Him boldly as my Father. I’m so grateful for my relationship with God and how it has brought joy, peace, purpose to my life. I’m thankful for the community of fellow believers and the accountability, friendships, spiritual growth that comes with that. Our God is an awesome God!
Lisa, it is an insult to God to neglect or minimize reading and studying His Word. Our heavenly Father gave us 66 love letters to intimately reveal Himself and His ways. You, my dear friend, are spending precious time with Him when you meditate on His Word. My husband ventured out of his comfort zone to study the Bible in a men’s small group. On day one he was chastised by the leader for “not having the right Bible.” My husband had a NLT (well worn) instead of a KJV. Their comments silenced him and he didn’t go back. Fortunately it didn’t deter him from personal study. I share this only to say that fellow Christians are sometimes guilty of friendly fire. Keep your eyes on Jesus and follow His leading. Seek fellowship but be discerning. I’ve been blessed by groups in which Iron sharpened Iron and I’ve walked away from others. If you feel beaten down coming out of a fellowship group, then they are failing in fellowship. I have found SRT to be both foundational and intense. I am blessed by the women here who are so transparent about their journey with the Lord. It is the first devotional I do every day. Lisa, to love Jesus is to love the Word. I see you doing both. And I see you doing it well. Press on, friend. Jesus is pleased with you.
Lisa, I’ve been involved in Bible studies since my teens, and I’m now in my 40s. I have participated in just a few SRT books and just recently been using the app. I can honestly say that I have been blessed beyond measure through the ministry of SRT. Their careful and faithful reading of Scripture leads them to pair together different parts of the Bible to make it come alive to me in a way that it never has before, even after studying the Word together with other women for 30 years. So be encouraged!! But also, don’t give up meeting together! I’m sorry you were discouraged, but don’t let them steal your joy and belittle the faithful ways God is meeting you in his Word. Praying you are able to hold your head high, and unapologetically and winsomely share with joy and thanksgiving all the ways God is using to help you grow in your love for him.❤️
Praying for all of you ladies today. May we continue to be bold in our prayers abs our life for God is always with us.
Lisa, the SRT community has had a similar affect on me and has helped me grow in God’s word and understanding of scriptures. Several years ago when I started in this community I didn’t know that much about my Bible and could not understand why people would want to read it daily. Each day I look forward to learning more about my faith and have actually become a Sunday school teacher in a women’s class. You never know what God has planned for you or who may be observing or listening to you. Continue to be a shining example of loving God’s word and a community of believers and others will notice.
Praying for that! I’m in the same boat w with my 9yo
Lisa, I pray you would be refreshed with confidence and strength this morning. I pray any seeds you planted last night would be watered in any hearts that received them. I pray for those girls, to know how deeply impactful it is to read the Word daily. Only God can reveal this to them. I pray their hearts be softened. Lisa, I pray you find grace today. You find the Lord near to you and a comfort to you. You are not alone, my friend. :) I might not know your heart, but I trust the God who sees and knows it is listening. May you continue pursuing His purpose, despite these opposing forces. May you rest in the community that you find strengthens you. Even if it virtual, right now, I lift you up! May God bless you. In Jesus’s name.
Approaching the throne with boldness. AP
I see God’s mercy for His people and for Gibeon in honoring their oath. It was not God’s plan to make Gibeon laborers for Israel. God had purposed Israel to conquer this nation. Yet, in His kindness, God honors this oath and defends Gibeon in war. It is better for Gibeon to be servants/laborers for Israel than to perish. Like the Psalm 84:10, it is better to be a servant in the house of God than dwell with the wicked. I see God’s kindness to man in this story.
@Lisa – “daily Scripture reading isn’t necessary for spiritual growth; that time in the Lord’s presence is what’s most necessary.”???
But scripture IS the word of God and being saturated in His word is one expression of His presence in our lives. Be encouraged and be filled! I’m glad you’re here. :-)
Don’t be discouraged by what others say. God is leading you in His wisdom. He will open doors, and close them, for your good. You may be the catalyst needed for your Bible study and small group to grow in the word. Have faith and persevere.
Kalana, praying right now for your precious Hiwa.
Lord I boldly ask you to provide me a job. Being in this season of job searching has been mentally and emotionally challenging, more so than I was expecting even though only two weeks have passed since I found out I passed my boards. Lord I ask you to lead me to the job You have ordained for me in your time, but I pray it be soon. I believe, Lord.
Heidi, thank you for sharing this! What a perfect parallel and description of how God feels toward us in our obedience. It builds mutual trust, love and freedom too! I will be reflecting and praying over this today for my self and my family ❤️
I prayed to God last year asking for Him reveal His Glory through me and to make me a singer, to make my voice beautiful. God straight up said No. It’s a silly anecdote but shows that sometimes singing isn’t how God will use you to serve in the Body of Christ – metaphorically speaking but practically too.
Emily…we too had a couple issues with our daughters deceit when she was younger (now 20). We began reminded her who she is in Christ. We spoke often of the amazing things we saw in her…not just trying to change behavior but speaking out her worth and potential. It made enough of a difference that she talks about it still. Praying.
Good morning, SRT community. I’m reaching out for some encouragement. Over the past year and a half the She Reads Truth studies and podcasts have given me a framework for reading Scripture that has quite literally changed my life. I’ve gotten into a good practice of reading and studying Scripture and praying and I thank God for the growth in my life. The thing I was missing was being in close community with other believers. In obedience to what I felt the Lord leading me to do I got involved with my church’s women’s Bible study and a small group of believers who all attend different churches. Its been great until yesterday when at both of those places I shared about SRT as the framework that helped me. At the Bible study I was told in a way that felt somewhat condescending, “Oh, I used to read SRT,” as if this woman had “graduated” beyond needing such basics.
Then last night at small group the discussion was about daily Bible reading and while yes, I am the oldest person in the group, they are mostly in their 20’s and 30’s, the debate got heated at some points with some of them telling me daily Scripture reading isn’t necessary for spiritual growth; that time in the Lord’s presence is what’s most necessary.
I don’t want to rehash that discussion here, I just need some encouragement from like-minded believers. I feel beat down this morning. I heard both ends of the spectrum from people I am learning to be in community with: not enough and to much.
God and His word are my final authority and only He is the boss of me. No matter what anyone says, I will not change the way I spend time with my Lord and Savior. I just feel very alone in this today.
I’m struck by a few things from this passage.
1. Pray big prayers, which stems from your confidence in your relationship with God
2. They did not seek the Lord’s guidance before making peace with Gibeon. Yikes. How often do I do this?
3. The drastic difference between how God was still with Israel even by after they made peace with (an entire country of) outsiders who used lies and deception. YET the lord almost leaves Israel because of the lies and deception of ONE MAN (Achan, Joshua 7) within Israel.
I think It shows that the Lord is much more concerned with the Holiness and repentance of HIS people. Achan knew it was “sin” but continued to live in it. The gibeonites (as outsiders) do not have the same laws and moral code placed on them. As people of God we are called to a higher standard because of our covenant with Him. Thank you Lord that we are set apart from our culture to bring you glory.
I really needed this today. Somehow I have gotten away from asking God for what I need. I pray for others but leave myself out unless I am desperate. I am going to focus on boldly asking God and silencing the voice in my head that tells me all the reasons something cannot happen. I just need to remember “But God…”
Amen!!! What a word in season.
Not seeking the Lord’s guidance when the Gibeonites came to them is key. It reminds me to seek Him in EVERYTHING. Also, once that covenant was made, Joshua was faithful to it. What integrity to aspire to!
I always ask God for things for others. I usually don’t ask for myself anymore. When I was younger I know I asked all the time for myself and not for others. God gently reminded me to pray for others and I stopped asking for myself. I need to find that happy medium and learn to ask for the things laid on my heart. BE BOLD before the throne! Thank you God for always being there with me. Thank you for cheering me on. Thank you for loving me! Thank you for your wonderful grace!
Kalana— Prayed for you both this morning.
Praying for Hiwa today. May God give the doctors wisdom as they find out what is wrong and may there be a treatment to help heal Hiwa’s body. May God’s peace cover you all as you wait.
Prayed for you both this morning
Thank you ❤️
Praying for you, Kalana and Hiwa!
So I know YESTERDAY was about obedience but I see those threads still in today’s lesson… And something really hit me last night out of nowhere. I’d asked my big kids to do something (probably go to bed! ;)) and I was realizing, as hubs and I cleaned up dinner stuff, how physically and mentally tired I was. I thought I heard one of the kids out in the hallway and immediately the muscles in my neck and shoulders tightened. I looked and realized I had misheard and they both were in bed where they should be. And such a relief came over me. I felt suddenly tender towards them that they were sticking with the plan and being obedient in what I’d asked them to do, and just automatically began thinking what fun thing could I provide for them the next day (today). THAT’S when I felt God’s Spirit move and reveal in my heart -“You realize that’s your Father’s response to you too, right??…” Fact is, He loves me, He wants me, He will always be there, He’ll provide unnecessary (but sweet!) blessings, He’ll BE my kind, loving Father always. But the eye-opening part was, that with my obedience, the relationship gets even better. Our God has all the emotions we have- He created them, and created us in His image to have them. It just made me realize that when I am obedient to Him and His direction, His tenderness for me grows. It’s pleasing- I AM PLEASING- to Him. It touched me in such a sweet way to think of the God of the universe feeling sweet and tender towards ME.. Changed my whole perspective and desire about obedience..❤️
The Gibeonites deceived Joshua. Yet Joshua upheld the rash oath he made with them. Joshua even came to their defense when the other kings banned together in an attempt to overthrow and destroy Gibeon. God took what was evil (deception, lies) and turned it to good (a powerful witness of the might of Joshua’s God). Joshua kept his word and God kept His. God gave the Israelites a tremendous victory and a remarkable answer to prayer that all the surrounding nations would have observed. God can and will use whatever means necessary for the good of His people and for His glory. May we look into the night sky, see the moon and be reminded of what our God can do. May we look at the sun and do the same. Great is our God and greatly to be praised.
Would you ladies pray with me? We are waiting on the test results to see if my son has lead poisoning. It is very likely that he has from our old home with chipped paint. I am fearful of what that would mean for his life. We can ask the impossible of God. Would you ask with me and bring my son (Hiwa) before God?
EMILY WILKINS- I am there too. Deception, we’ve noticed, has become a very easy “out” for our same-aged-daughter to turn to when she’s unsure if the honest response may cause a negative consequence or when she knows very well her truthful answer puts her in the wrong. For us- we’re using it as opportunity to teach the extremely high value of trustworthiness. What if she couldn’t trust when we said we’d pick her up from school… or prepare food for her. Or a myriad of other things… It gives her the perspective of what it feels like to be on the “fearful” side of the equation. I’m praying a lot for her lately and for her heart. A person who can’t be trusted is a person who (in adulthood) also doesn’t fully trust others and doesn’t fully trust God. And that’s my fear. I want her to know God has her back ALWAYS. It’s so so hard raising humans….!!!!!!!
Praying for your second Mom, ERB!
The answer to fear is not courage, but faith. When apportioned in its time, yields a crop of righteousness that yields courage. for who fears the things they can see and understand? Joshua could hear the voice of the LORD and witness his instruction. Yet there are those who doubt his very existence and contend to show His presence within the proofs of Nature. This scripture shows how far above God reigns over the Earth, but Psalms cites that he considers even the highest heavens impure in his sight.
Prayed for the drs and nurses and your “mom”, and the outcome to be positive and lasting.
Magdalena, definitely praying. Hoping there is an answer either with chiropractic help or physical therapy or SOMETHING. Chronic pain can have such a mental effect on us as well, I’m sorry he’s suffering.
Even when we have made our path harder because we simply didn’t consult with the Father, somehow He keeps loving us. He didn’t simply take care of it all without action on the part of the Israelites, but He fought with them along side of them. I am 100% guilty of making life harder because I was making the plans, but I am thankful He’s graceful and loves me through it.
So much to process from today’s reading and all of these wonderful insights from you ladies Magdalena, praying for your husband to have relief from such pain! May we all boldly approach the throne of our gracious God who desires such close relationship with us! .
Praying for your second mom, ERB. I pray everything goes well, and her family and yours are giving comfort from God.
Honored to pray in agreement with you ERB, for a successful surgery, complete healing, and for the opportunity to witness to the unsaved among you. Bless you this day! Ask our great God of miracles for a miracle.
Magdalena-praying that your husband has some relief from his pain.
So many good thoughts from you ladies today! Thank you! When I think of Joshua’s boldness I think of Psalm 37:3-6 “ Trust in the LORD and do what is good; dwell in the land and live securely. Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you your heart’s desires. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him, and He will act, making your righteousness shine like the dawn, your justice like the noonday.” Although there are many parallels the part I focused on was “take delight in the LORD, and He will give you your heart’s desire.” It was once explained to me that when we put our eyes on God and long for Him the things we desire and the things He desires for us as well. Joshua was bold in asking for victory, but it was exactly what the LORD wanted for Israel. It is what He had commanded them to do from the beginning. Their desire was His desire.
Yes YES and Amen!!! We serve an AWE-some God- the One and Only TRUE God!! I loved the contrast of Joshua using human wisdom vs God’s wisdom. God wants to give us SO much more than we can ever imagine!!! I mean…God listened to Joshua’s request to have the sun stand still!!! WOW!!!! …as I am typing this (and having my mind blown) God is gently reminding me of how the skies darkened early the day that Jesus died… Luke 23:44-46 what an INCREDIBLE tie-in!!! Thank You God for this revelation!!! A day where the sun stayed and a day where it was taken away YEARS apart but still connected and complete! Mind. BLOWN!!!! God is SO GOOD!!!!!!
I also LOVE the encouragement to BOLDLY go before the throne because of the confidence we have in our God.
Kaitie wrote: “I learned that when someone is in your corner, you should make bold requests. They might say “no,” perhaps for your own good. Then again, they might just say “yes.” And they certainly wouldn’t ridicule you for asking.”
THIS. This. Right. Here!! is the type of comfort and confidence I want to have in my daily relationship with God. Lord help me to go to You with EVERYTHING (You already know what’s there anyway) 1 Samuel 16:7 and help me to go to You BOLDLY and believing!! Amen!!
PRAYER REQUEST: My second Mom (very close family friend) is on her way to having a very serious and life-threatening procedure done on her heart this morning 7:30am EST …this procedure is being treated as an emergency and is very critical. Will you PLEASE PRAY with me? She is not a believer, nor are her family members and they are all extremely scared. I will keep you updated as soon as I can!!!
We have not because we ask not!
Praying for your husband, Magdalena!❤️
The story in chapter 9 always humbles me. Joshua did not listen to God’s command to destroy all the people in the land and it ended up being a thorn in the side of the Israelites. Lord, give me wisdom and discernment to follow your commands for my life!
My nearly nine-year old is acting like a Gibeonite and frequently deceiving me. I want to trust her but she keeps deceiving. If I’m following Joshua’s example, then I should give her the benefit of the doubt and let God turn it into a situation where He can shine. Oy. Parenting is hard.
“You have not because you ask not…”
May I ask y’all to pray with me for my husband? He had back surgery 2 years ago and now the nerve pain is getting to be intolerable. He is a believer.
Good Morning All, Searching thanks for the update on Baby J, will keep praying. Ask with boldness at the throne of grace. I love that God is big enough to stop the sun for almost a whole day. Joshua knew how big our God is. I learned a long time ago that He is so far above my ask. When my kids were teenagers I asked God to protect them as they were driving and in an accident to not let them or anyone else be hurt. Three months after my daughter got her license she was turning left and was hit by oncoming traffic, she was in a 3 car accident and praise God no one was hurt. Her car, my car really was totaled. The airbag had deployed and the driver side window had shattered, some of her hair had been shortened and she had a tiny cut on the side of her face. I was so thankful. It wasn’t until later that I realized that God was showing me how specific my pray was and how good He is, but why didn’t I ask instead for my kids protection from any car accident to never be in any accident at all. God can say No, but when we pray for the good of others in faith I believe He loves to say Yes. His joy to you Sisters. He answers and is able to stop the sun in the sky, part the sea, move mountains, save our very souls. Ask Big.
It really caught me by surprise that Joshua did not seek God’s council on making a peace treaty with the Gibeonites. Then I was reminded how many times I proceed without asking God; relying on my own wisdom. God wants to lead us and give us wisdom and discernment in large and small matters – we just need to ask.
Kaitie, hooray for your 3rd grade teacher. I teach 3rd grade. This is a difficult year to be a teacher. We have been in-person since August, which means so many extra things. I started to list them and thought, no, I will not waste your time. It is enough to say, it is a lot of work to keep everyone safe and make it work… but, possible. We are making it. In our public school, the children know they are loved and accepted in our classes-we are family. We follow the curriculum but also expand it, for the personality of the students, (much like the sewing corner you mentioned). Many of my students this year have big needs in their family situation as well as academic needs. These have become even more pronounced with the pandemic circumstances. But, at school, it is good for them. We are learning and growing together in this life. I am exhausted every day, but thankful for the opportunity to serve the Lord, and be His light and witness to these children. I speak these words of praise as much for my reminding and encouragement as the fact they are truth.
Joshua should have checked with the Lord before making the treaty with those men, believing the lies. That is one of the blessings in the middle of this exhausting time, I am, we are, dependent on the Lord for His care, protection, and guidance. I am sure there are times I “make treaties” without asking Him still but, I’m getting better at it. I have to. The victory is only in Him. He is also the giver of strength to serve every minute of every day. Thank you Lord for each and every student you placed in my classroom this year. Thank you for this opportunity to serve You, and thank you Lord for your step by step guidance, protection, and provision every moment of every day. To You, Lord God, belongs ALL glory, honor, power and victory. Thank you my Lord and Savior. Amen.
I’m reminded of that new song by Mack Brock that says even the impossible is possible with You!
Thanks be to God! He is able to do exceedingly more than we can ask or think!
Thank you for this reminder to pray big prayers.
I’m also reminded of Dr. Charles Stanley”s message that talked about the Scripture in Hebrews mentioned. Thanks to Jesus we can approach the throne of God and He wants us to. However, he suggested to the people to be reverent as they come by getting on their knees and praying that Scripture in Hebrews to God. (Not just the one line) Yes, he knows that we can pray anywhere, but he challenged them to come on their knees before Him. He said this could change their prayer life. I’m paraphrasing. Here is a link to his message. https://youtu.be/PlgFpXJXW38
The message is called: Where to Turn in Time of Need.
I just read another devotional that suggested: Reread the phrases from Paul’s prayer, and allow the Lord to put someone on your heart who needs your prayers today. Take a few minutes to pray for them by using the five phrases Paul used in Philippians 1:9-11. Which phrase are you most praying for yourself?
Here are the verses; I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. 10 For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return. 11 May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ[b]—for this will bring much glory and praise to God.
This devotional is from @First5App @Proverbs31org
So let’s pray! Have a great day!
I was struck by the contrast between Joshua 9 and 10. When the Gibeonites deceived Joshua he acted without seeking ‘the Lord’s decision’ – he read the situation at face value, using human wisdom. This could have turned out disastrously, but Joshua treated them graciously because they recognised God’s power.
In chapter 10, Joshua listens to God ‘do not be afraid, for I have handed them over to you’ instead of human wisdom which may have led to defeat.
The victory happened in a way which demonstrated God’s power, not Joshua’s – his role was to listen to God, to believe his word and to act from a posture of trust rather than self-reliance.
“I serve a God who has the power to move mountains, stop the sun, and give me eternal life. Why shouldn’t I ask?”
This gave me goosebumps! I serve a mighty God, and He loves his children. I pray we all know we can approach the throne of God in boldness.
I love this study. Ask with boldness. We may not get it because God knows best but we CAN ask.
Am I afraid to ask God for the impossible? I’m not sure of the answer. Am I asking for the impossible or am I wanting/hoping to twist things around to my way of thinking rather than following God’s plan? Many times I pray for His wisdom and His will in difficult situations, those where I’m thinking that I see a train wreck in the making – not that those prayers are wrong but is it God working in someone’s life and I’m trying to “help”? I need to consider my motives and where my heart’s focus is, and do more listening to what the Lord may be saying/showing me.
Thank you to all that are praying for Baby J – another day of improving in NICU yesterday.
Loving reading Joshua so good.