Day 11

The Day of the Lord

from the 1 & 2 Thessalonians reading plan

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, Acts 1:6-7, Ephesians 6:10-18

BY Patti Sauls

Dreams are definitely not child’s play. Even now, I have intense dreams—in detail, in color. How about you? Some of my dreams are lovely and make me want to linger in the storyland of sleep. Others are disturbing and jolt me awake. For a moment the fear swirls, but then sweet relief washes over me as I open my eyes and realize the nightmare is not my reality.

In his letter to the church he started in Thessalonica, Paul reminded the new believers of the ultimate dream come true: the Day of the Lord, the return of Jesus Christ and His gathering of all believers together, with Him, forever. I love how Paul is sensitive to his friends who would be hearing his letter read aloud. He didn’t shy away from the burning question that was surely on their minds: “When, Paul? When will Jesus come back?”

Paul did not beat around the bush: “For you yourselves know very well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night” (1Thessalonians 5:2). It will be sudden and unexpected. He wrote of robbery, destruction, and the onset of excruciating pain like that of a pregnant woman in labor. The dream of Christ’s return suddenly sounded more like a nightmare leaving listeners feeling vulnerable and defenseless.

We can’t shy away from the fact that the Day of the Lord is also a Day of Judgment. Every person will be found either in the dark (enslaved to sin and separated from God forever) or in the light (freed from sin and united with God through the death and resurrection of Jesus). Paul is quick to remind and reassure these believers that they “are all children of light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or the darkness” (v.5). They are brothers and sisters in the family of God. They have encountered the truth about Jesus and have responded with repentance and faith.

Here is sweet relief for every believer from all times and all places. We open our eyes to daylight. The nightmare of judgment is not our reality because Jesus willingly received it as His reality on the cross. Yes, we will be surprised at the timing of Jesus’s return, but we will not be unprepared, groping in the dark. God provides for us.

In this letter, Paul also mentions the “armor of faith and love” and the “helmet of the hope of salvation” (v.8). Later, he wrote to the church in Ephesus in more detail about the full armor that God gives to believers for protection and deliverance. God Himself is our defense and provision as He gifts us with truth, righteousness, peace, faith and salvation (Ephesians 6:10–18).

Surprised, yet safe and fully equipped. By the grace of God, He gives us what we need now and forever. Now that is the ultimate dream come true. Come, Lord Jesus!

Post Comments (58)

58 thoughts on "The Day of the Lord"

  1. Kami Tarver says:


  2. Kami Tarver says:

    It’s easy to feel like we’ve failed. We’re all sinners. What’s important is that you pick your cross back up daily, and start fresh, continuously growing in your faith and letting that gospel armor do it’s job. Start each day saying, Christ, lead the way.

  3. Adrienne * says:

    I keep writing names/prayer requests in my study book. It is filling up so fast… Just added KJs son, Victoria and Rachel. Praying for your needs, sisters! I think I will have to buy a journal-type book for my SRT family.

  4. Makenzie Benish says:

    I needed this encouragement after a really hard week. Thankful that I can stand firm in Christ!

  5. Mercy says:

    Arina, welcome to the family. I believe that Heavens cheered and celebrated as you accepted Jesus last week. Hallelujah. Praise God for you. Please give yourself time and don’t blame yourself. Transforming is always an on-going process. It’s quite common that the flesh will pull you back when you first accepted Christ, it’s a war honestly as the Bible calls it (The flesh lusts against the spirit and vice versa). Please keep yourself rooted in the Word daily and pray to God, small prayers at first, just take baby steps. SRT is a great place to be, where you will be immersed in the Word daily to read, to discuss and listen, to share struggles on a more intimate level of transparency. If you can find a Bible-based church, a small group to join later as well, to build and invest in friendships, that is the next crucial step I would say. I will pray for you to have strength and protection to overcome all resistance and distractions. And may God direct you to a church to join with His divine guidance on you. You will feel very very different. Trust me. Such liberation, hope, tons of joy and strength to come. Hold on tight to the journey Arina. Jesus loves you so much!

  6. Arina says:

    Last week I found Jesus, after have grown up as a Christian. It felt like my life changed, but also not. It feels so much like I’m still walking in the dark. Maybe it looks good from the outside, but on the inside… I know that’s what Jesus died for, but is is so hard to believe. Am I not supposed to life a holy life, to want to stop sinning, to dislike the distractions of the world instead of each time feeling attracted by them? I want to be changed, to live for God but I just keep failing at it before I’ve even tried it

    1. Candi S. says:

      Hi Arina- YAY! Congratulations on giving your heart to Jesus! Don’t be discouraged and stay the course. Reading God’s Word, praying to Him and being part of a group of believers will help those seeds Jesus has planted in you to take root and bear fruit. Be open to the Holy Spirit’s work in your life. He has already been active drawing you to Him and He won’t stop now. So hang in there and enjoy the ride. I will keep you in my prayers! ❤️

  7. Linda says:

    To the Japanese lady: Jesus came as the Saviour for people from any nation on earth that will put their trust and faith in him. Get a Japanese bible and read it. I know there are churches in Japan which were established by Japanese and American missionaries. Find a good church and attend. You will find friends and they and the pastor can tell you how to believe in Jesus.

    Remember Jesus loves you!

  8. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I pray that I would live my life fully awake and aware of the signs of the times and wear my full amor of God.

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