The Continuing Work of New Creation

Open Your Bible

Romans 8:23, John 15:2, John 16:8-15, Acts 2:1-47

Scripture Reading: Romans 8:23, John 15:2, John 16:8-15, Acts 2:1-47

In light of the day’s reading, pause to reflect on the specific areas you long to see made new and how Jesus’s ministry calls us to join in that restoration. Let these shape your prayers today.

God’s work on earth didn’t end after Christ ascended to heaven. Instead, the work of making all things new continues because God’s presence remains with us. The Holy Spirit came to continue producing the fruit of new creation in and through our lives.

After you’ve read, spend some time in prayer about where you need the Spirit to work in and through you. Comment/share with the community anything that stood out to you or encouraged you from the reading or your time in prayer.

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48 thoughts on "The Continuing Work of New Creation"

  1. Karen Breaux says:

  2. Aimee D-R says:

    This brings such deep hope and joy to me. Thank You Jesus, Father and Holy Spirit! Amen

  3. Wanda Woehlert says:


  4. Stephanie Berling says:

    ”concerning sin, because they do not believe in me;“
    ‭‭John‬ ‭16‬:‭9‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    ”When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth,
    ‭‭John‬ ‭16‬:‭13‬ ‭ESV‬‬. I felt so convicted this morning that all sin come out of a lack of belief/trust in God. Such a heavy conviction. All I could think was Lord I believe help me in my unbelief! Then ERIN K reminded me that the Spirit guides us into all truth. Thank you God for not leaving me in that place but ushering me into your truth through the gift of your Spirit. Praise God!

  5. Stephanie Wilsey says:

    I need the Comforter to be my comfort. To fully. Rest in Him, knowing that the present difficulties in life are a mere shadow.

  6. Erin K says:

    The Spirit will guide us into all truth. What a comfort when I am confused and bewildered. The last year was very hard for me, and I feel challenged from these verses to ask God if there is pruning he wants to do there.

  7. Aniqua DeClouette says:

    So grateful for the Holy Spirit!

  8. leanne merryman says:

    “Repent and be baptized every one of you and in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.”

    I’ve posted before about wanting this year to be about connecting back to God. I’m hoping to find the courage this Sunday to join a local church in person. I have been attending an online program. Im not sure why it feels so intimidating… maybe because I also have a 6 month old so not sure how she will cooperate! Anyways I would really like to be baptized this year. I was never baptized as a child… which now feels okay to me because I’m making the choice to be baptized on my own.

    1. Erin L. says:
