The Community’s Most Talked About Reading from 2019

Open Your Bible

Psalm 23:1-6

For Day 3 of our 2019 Wrapped plan, we asked our website geniuses to discover our most talked about day within the SRT community. It was from our digital reading plan, Psalms of Rest. Today’s reading is a psalm of David, reminding us of the Lord’s provision and care for His people.

Psalms of Rest Day 1 | The Lord Is My Shepherd

Psalm 23 speaks to my heart—green pastures, quiet waters, right paths. I am an outdoorsy person by nature. I’d much rather get lost in the woods, alone with my thoughts, the trees, and the breeze, than be in any city. So, as I read these familiar verses, I want to go outside, to be witness to the goodness and beauty of the natural world. It also occurs to me that I have something in common with sheep—we can both get lost without hardly trying.

Some years ago, I read about a Merino sheep in New Zealand named Shrek. He had wandered away from his flock and his shepherd and gotten lost. For six years, he lived in nearby caves, eating what he could find and avoiding the shearer’s blade. When Shrek was finally found, his wool weighed sixty pounds, and the raw weight of twenty men’s suits on his back was threatening his life. He had trouble walking, and his breathing was labored. He needed his shepherd. So do we.

Shepherds take care of sheep—plural—but in this psalm, the relationship is between one sheep and his Shepherd. It’s personal, much more intimate. “The LORD is my shepherd” (v.1, emphasis mine). These words are from David, but I can’t help but read them as my own. I think we were meant to, each one of us. The Lord is my Shepherd. He guides me, provides for me, protects me from my enemies.

I don’t need to worry. “I have what I need” (v.1). I don’t need to struggle or strive. “He lets me lie down in green pastures” (v.2). Weariness does not have the final say. “He renews my life.” And I won’t ever get lost. (Not really, anyway.) “He leads me along the right paths for his name’s sake” (v.3). It is only because the Shepherd is so good that I can be still and rest, that I can have true peace.

I could be happy for eternity being a beloved lamb of the Good Shepherd, but Psalm 23 doesn’t leave us as sheep. A shift occurs in verse 5. David begins to address God directly—the song becomes a prayer of thanksgiving. Not only that, but the pastoral imagery is replaced by a banquet scene. You and I have become honored guests of the King.

The table is set, and though my enemies might rage just outside, none of that matters (v.5). I am in the house of my Maker, the One who knows me and loves me better than anyone else. But the best part? I’m not just a guest. I get to stay in His presence forever—”as long as I live” (v.6), though the Hebrew phrase that’s been translated doesn’t limit this time to my natural lifespan. It has all come full circle—”I have what I need,” because I have the One I was created to know and love.

As the content director for She Reads Truth, He Reads Truth, and Kids Read Truth, John Greco has the best job in the world. He wakes up every morning hardly believing he actually gets paid to study Scripture and write about it. He is the author of three books, Gospel Here and Now: Your Life in the Story of God, Manger King: Meditations on Christmas and the Gospel of Hope, and Broken Vows: Divorce and the Goodness of God. John and his wife, Laurin, live south of Nashville, where they daily wrangle their three small boys and dream of someday being the ones who get to take all the naps.

(88) Comments

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88 thoughts on "The Community’s Most Talked About Reading from 2019"

  1. Emily Perkins says:

    The Lord is my shepherd. Dear God, thank you for leading me. I trust you. I love you! Amen!

  2. Abby Claire says:


  3. Jennifer Frees says:


  4. Kayla Garrett says:


  5. Tessa Duncan says:

    Perfect as we prepare our tables and hearts for Thanksgiving

  6. Shiyang Zheng says:

    So true, I have what I need because He created and loved me

  7. Brandi Smith says:


  8. Myra Pervez says:

    Such good timing

  9. Tracy McGee says:

    This is always a comforting verse, and I somehow always come across it when I need it the most ❤️

  10. Katy OConnor says:

    Thank you

  11. Karen says:

    Thank you for this beautiful picture of Psalm 23. I had struggled to sleep well last night with some “trivial” things weighing on my mind and I prayed this morning that God would show me His perspective to help me re-center my thinking. Psalm 23 was His answer to my prayer and I am so grateful! His words are true and His way is so good!

  12. Moroesi Leboela says:

    I’m new to SRT. This spoke so true to my heart as I wrote part of Psalm 23 as a scripture that has been in my heart. What a sweet way to reinforce the message that God never leaves us and His love is enduring.

    1. mckenzie helmuth says:

      I love this scripture ❤️

  13. Nani Ho says:

    this is love

  14. Sharon Jones says:

    I just shared a post on fb written by someone else who learned this from someone else. These are not my words and I don’t know the source but it is applicable to this verse today:

    I have to admit, I always wondered what this part of Psalm 23 meant. I thought “He anoints my head with oil” was figurative language for God keeping the Psalmist healthy. I never knew this parallel.

    Anoint my head with oil

    “Sheep can get their head caught in briers and die trying to get untangled. There are horrid little flies that like to torment sheep by laying eggs in their nostrils which turn into worms and drive the sheep to beat their head against a rock, sometimes to death. Their ears and eyes are also susceptible to tormenting insects. So the shepherd anoints their whole head with oil. Then there is peace. That oil forms a barrier of protection against the evil that tries to destroy the sheep. Do you have times of mental torment? Do the worrisome thoughts invade your mind over and over? Do you beat your head against a wall trying to stop them? Have you ever asked God to anoint your head with oil? He has an endless supply! His oil protects and makes it possible for you to fix your heart, mind, and eyes on Him today and always! There is peace in the valley! May our good good Father anoint your head with oil today so that your cup overflows with blessings! God is good and He is faithful!!”

    1. Sheri Ness says:

      Thank you fir posting this! I’ve never heard that oil was used that way with sheep. The imagery of my Lord covering my anxious mind is a comfort and help. Thank you.

    2. J T says:

      I never knew that about the oil either! I just assumed that it meant anointing us with oil as in how they used to anoint a king. It gives a whole new meaning to that verse. Thank you! ☺️❤️

  15. Andrea Lopez says:

    I loved this exploration of Psalm 23! It makes the Psalm so personal! Thank you! ❤

  16. E Hong says:

    4Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I will fear no evil,
    for you are with me;
    your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.

  17. Pamela Moretz says:

    I must admit when I first saw Psalm 23 as the first of the year Bible reading I couldn’t help but think of funerals but isn’t that what we’re doing we’re letting the old fade out putting it away just to reminisce for another day.

    Thank you Lord Jesus for your perpetual present called a new day a new year and please help me work on using it to focus vision in 2020!

    To you be all glory and honor and praise!

  18. Melissa Mcronney says:


  19. JoAnna McGaughey says:

    Beautiful words. Thank you for sharing your insights.

  20. Cassie Kendall says:

    Uggh! This is totally how I feel so often too. We see God moving in the world around us but we don’t have that right relationship with Him, so we suffer. We can look around to try to find what will fill the void in our hearts but nothing will-the void is only filled by our Lord. So grateful for fresh starts today! Praying that we can all not fall into routines that leave out having a meaningful relationship with our Creator!

  21. Lisha Pena says:

    I have what need, because I have the one I was created to know and love. Wow, these words spoke directly to my heart and spirit! I’m so excited to start this new journey (fresh start). Even with so many years of knowing and experiencing God and His grace in my life. I had allowed myself to fall into the same old routine and finding myself feeling lost. My prayer was to find a study group, app, bible whatever resource that would help me see/find what I felt was lost!! Thank you!!

  22. Mishel Keltner says:


  23. Christine says:

    Happy New Year! May the Lord work as He wills in all of our lives this year, according to His riches and grace! May we heed the Word of the Lord and share His love with all those we encounter!

  24. K D says:

    Happy new year to all – May we rest in the love of our Shepherd this year!

  25. Journelle says:

    This was so comforting to read to read this morning. I’m new to the SRT community.

  26. Lisa Seale says:

    This was right on time tonight for me! Happy New Year!

  27. Kimberly Jillson says:

    Excited to join the SRT community today and to be with you all throughout the year!

  28. Chelsea Mitchell says:

    This Psalm gives me hope, so much knowing in my unknowing, that even though I worry and wonder I shouldn’t because He is there to guide and to protect. These words reassure me that everything will be alright. I’m looking forward to the many blessings of 2020 it’s something so special about this year not just for me but for so many others. There’s joy in my heart just knowing that God has allowed me to see 2020. Thank you Father

  29. Joanie P says:

    I needed this reminder — I have what I need. Happy New Year all!

  30. KayTrenia says:

    Such a great reminder as we go into a New Year to be reminded that God has already and will continue to provide everything that we need. Praying that this year I will remember to slow down and enjoy each moment and being content and that I will have a closer relationship with God.

    1. Angela Loych says:

      These are my goals for 2020 too! After a very busy and stressful December (which i

    2. Angela Loych says:

      These are my goals for 2020 too! After a very busy and stressful December, I need to slow down and rest in God. I want to choose JOY in each day and not worry about tomorrow.

  31. Mari V says:


  32. Mari V says:

    Happy New Year SRT sisters! I feel blessed and grateful for all of you. The ending of this Day 3 devotion is what spoke to me the most this morning.
    “I have what I need,” because I have the One I was created to know and love. He is Jehovah Jireah my provider!

  33. Donna Wolcott says:

    Dear sisters, wishing you all a Blessed and Happy New Year! Reading your posts is a favorite part of my day. Thank you all.❤️

  34. Erin Calvin says:

    Such a sweet reminder… that I have all I need. My shepherd takes care of me, even when I feel lost and heavy and alone. I’m looking forward to a year full of reminders, of who God is and who he says I am.
    Happy new year, everyone!

  35. Rebekah Oneill says:

    I started 2019 with a study of psalm 23 and now starting 2020 with it I feel like God is giving a hint on where my heart needs to be!

  36. Mikki B says:

    I’m am so excited for what God has in store for me in 2020! I have tried to get into SRT daily devotionals in the past but it just never stuck. 2019 has been the year that I have really enjoyed my mornings and looking forward to what SRT has for me that day. I learned what I missed out on before: the comments. You guys are what gives life to my mornings and I look forward to your wisdom! I am a young 23-year-old and don’t have a lot of spiritual role models in my life currently. I am thankful for “strangers” that have turned into role models! Thank you and can’t wait to journey into 2020 with you all!

    1. Kerry Rowley says:


    2. Madison Menefee says:

      Hey!! If you want to chat I would love to :) I’m only 20, and I feel you girl! I’m trying to create the habit of reading daily.

    3. Madison Menefee says:

      Hey! I’m trying to create the habit of reading daily as well :) I’m also only 20, so I feel ya girl! If you ever want to chat, I would love to.

  37. April says:

    I love Psalm 23. I pray I will take heart and heed David’s words that The Lord truly is my Shepard every day of my life. Praying I will let The Lord lead and direct me and not be on my own making decisions and worrying about what is going to happen in the year ahead. Sometimes I try to figure everything out and worry a lot about life. Please Lord help me remember You are in control and not me. Help me to rest in You and You alone. I pray I will let worry go away because you tell us don’t be anxious. Help me to trust and abide in you each day. Thanks SRT for your daily devotionals and Bible readings. I can’t imagine life without them. May God continue to prosper She Reads Truth as it reaches many around the world.

    1. Mari V says:

      ❤️ this April! Exactly what I need to hear as I am in going through and will be going through many more changes this year. Such comfort that God walks with us

  38. Ash S says:

    I want this year to be a journey toward wholeness and closeness with my Lord. I’m really bad at discipline and follow-through. I covet your prayers as I go on this journey.
    Also, I want to be a more active member of this beautiful community!

    1. Carrie Martin says:

      I have the same goals as you. Let’s do this together!

    2. Carrie Martin says:

      We have the same goal. Let’s do this together!

    3. Carrie Martin says:

      We want the same goal this year. Let’s do this together. ❤️

  39. Elizabeth S says:

    This. The Lord is moving. He has not abandoned me. Oh my soul, sing praise! … 2019 ended with the darkest of days – we lost our first pregnancy just days before Christmas. Ours hearts broken and dreams shattered. This morning on my quiet walk through our neighborhood, I felt God speak to me Psalm 23. “Rest in me. Trust me. Abide in me, even now as you are walking through the darkest valley”… I had just committed to reading this and meditating over this every day for this season when I opened my SRT app to join in on the daily reading… The Lord is moving and speaking directly to my weary soul this morning. And I am forever grateful.

    1. Mari V says:

      Stopped and for you Elizabeth

  40. Kim Stutts says:

    Anticipating a new day, new year, new decade. New mercies each morning. Each new day a chance to consider the glory of our God and bask in his Love

  41. Maura says:

    Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me. Our God never leaves or forsakes us, even tho we might deserve it. He is so good to us. Praying for you and your granddaughter Churchmouse. So thankful for all of you sisters out there seeking our Lord daily. I am so blessed by this community and your thoughts and prayers. May we know He is near this year and lean into His grace, mercy, joy and love and Trust who He is in 2020 whatever it brings He will be there with us Light, Life, Truth, Love our Amazing God.

  42. Amanda McKinley says:

    Looking forward with renewed hope and reflecting on the past with humble gratitude.

  43. Katherine Kramer says:

    “He makes me lie down in green pastures.”
    I read recently that sheep won’t lie down until they are satisfied. I love the picture David continues to paint that it is in the Lord that all my needs are met. In Him I find satisfaction and fulfillment for the deepest longings of my heart.
    I shall not want. I have all that I need.

  44. Tina says:

    Dearest Churchmouse, uplifting my arms in praise for you! Your words, so for for the One who has a plan and a purpose for each of us, plans not to harm us but to prosper us in his way.. He will for sure continue to walk with you through the valleys, because that is His promise..

    I am sorry for your troubles, and I will continue to hold you and yours in my prayers..dear friend across the pond..with love wrapped in prayers to know His closeness ..❤

  45. Diana Fleenor says:

    This psalm, when coupled with other psalms which express fear and distress, reminds me of the reality that though we don’t have reason to fear danger because of the Lord’s care and power to deliver us, we still can feel that fear. Yet, this psalm draws us to that place of rest where our fears are driven out as the perfect love of our Father flows over us. I’m so grateful that I don’t have to rid myself of fear BEFORE going to the Lord. I can come confidently to the throne of grace, admitting I’m afraid and I need mercy and help. And what a gracious Lord we have who has given this very psalm to be a tool he uses to pour that love and changed perspective in us!

    Happy New Year to all of you and I pray that this year be one the Lord uses to refine us deeply by his holy fire that is set in amazing never-ending love!

    1. Amy Adams says:

      Love this, happy new year!

    2. Amy Adams says:

      Love this, thanks for sharing! Happy new year!

  46. Shelby Lund says:

    This is exactly what I needed this morning! “He leads me along the right paths for his name’s sake.” These verses are such a comfort to me! Such a good promise to remind myself as we start the new year!

  47. Pam Diaz says:

    Happy new year ladies!

  48. Stacey Cochran says:

    2019 was a rough year for my family. I leaned on these verses throughout the year. I’m sure 2020 will have it’s on challenges and heartaches and we will need these verses again. I’m glad to begin the year with them.

  49. Doris says:

    Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people , whose God is the LORD. PSALM 144:15 The Lord is my Shepherd , therefore my every need is met. To be happy is to have Him as your Shepherd , providing, protecting and leading us in the year to come.

  50. Angie says:

    Ashley P. – When I think about your work friend, I am reminded of a situation where someone I love knowingly entered into a relationship with someone he knew did not have the same type of relationship with God. We talked honestly, and he set some boundaries. It ended painfully. His words were, “You were right.” My response was, “I didn’t want to be right.” But, God’s Word is truth. He doesn’t set boundaries or put rules before us to control us, it is because He loves us and knows what is best. I pray, in God ordained opportunities, you will be a presence of Jesus’ love towards your friend. Jesus loves her. May she come to him.

    Also, I read your post about 2019. I have a friend, now in her early 60s…I remember a time from about 35-40 where she really struggled. She is a wonderful lady. She would make a great wife and mother and her heart desired children of her own. She felt her clock ticking, and all of her friends were married with families, so she dated steadily a guy who was “okay.” She considered “settling.” I watched her battle, loved and prayed for her during the time. Finally she broke it off. She chose God. She is still single. She is a great lover of people. She has the time and stamina to reach out to others for Christ. I respect her tremendously and she is an amazing woman.
    I work with a girl who just turned 30, she is a bridesmaid often as she has friends, but herself is not dating anyone. She experiences life differently than I do. She loves Jesus and follows Him, reaching people I cannot.
    I also work with a godly man in his 30s who longs to be married.
    I guess I would encourage you, like I encourage them. Jesus Christ loves you and has a plan for your life. You are his precious and beautiful creation, allowing Him to guide, listening, obeying, loving. You are a witness for Him.
    Psalm 23…may the Lord be your shepherd, all you need. In His fullness, may your 2020 be covered, blessed and overflowing. May He hold your heart’s desires and guide you for His ways are good, merciful, and true. You are Christ’s! He loves you.

    1. Ashley P. says:

      Thank you for your encouragement and for your kindness in sharing truth with me. I know you are right. I will keep loving her with the love of Jesus, even when it’s painful. He loves her so.

      Also, I struggle with knowing how much to talk with others when I see them walking down a destructive path; there are a couple of sisters in Christ who have just within the last week told me about choices they’re making that are clearly outside of God’s boundaries. How do you determine what to say, how much to say? I fear them thinking I’m judging them and having them pull away, so I tend to speak very gently. With one friend, I was more open and shared how unwise it was, and she simply told me she’s going to make her own decisions. I backed down and continue to pray, but I don’t know whether I ought to bring it up again or let it be. I fear that my silence on the issue is perceived as my approval, when in reality I see huge red flags and am worried about them both.

      Thank you also for sharing about those you know who are single and your encouragement. The Lord has really been doing a work in my heart over the past year, and it’s really just been in recent days that I’ve felt him revealing to me my tight-fistedness with my expectations and plans. He’s been strongly, lovingly calling me to surrender to his plans and is leading me beside cool waters and restoring my soul. I even deleted my online-dating profiles the other day once I realized I was clinging to them, thinking they gave me some control. I don’t want to be still single in my 60s, but if I am, I trust (and pray for more trust!) that it’s part of God’s plan and want to be a light for Jesus like your friend. ❤️

      1. Ryan Caraway says:

        Ashley P and Angie you are both such an encouragement to me!!!! I don’t know where your original post is Ashley, to know more, but I can only assume you are a great friend, concerned for others and wanting to lower them thru the roof to meet Jesus! I simply want to say I know it’s hard AND worth it and you are seen and heard and appear to be doing life so gently. All that to say I am in the same boat on all fronts and watching my sister in a heartbreaking abusive marriage with a new baby and my heart is broken that God hasn’t seemed to intervene and I’m reminded all the more to stay single and not to settle because the consequences could be dire and my Shepherd loves us through all of this! Stay the course and Angie thank you for lifting us up a little closer to Him!

  51. Kristen says:

    I mentioned this the other day, but my church did an 8 part series on Psalm 23. The pastor said his goal was for everyone to fall more in love with Jesus. Here is a link to the first message:
    If you want to hear the rest, just go to and hit the listen live. Then go down to archives. You can scroll to listen to the other messages. It was a good series. He also used a book written by a shepherd. The author shows how we are like sheep in so many ways and how we need The Shepherd.

  52. Angie says:

    On day 1 of this study I prayed back Psalm 23 to the Lord in my post. He draws me again.
    “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” (Not that He gives me everything) HE IS everything I need.
    I do not want because I am with Him, and He full-fills my soul.
    Because my deepest “want” is Him, and He is with me…
    I am able to rest,
    I am still,
    and follow good paths with Him.
    Darkness will come, as night follows day, because I am not alone, because He is with me, I will not be afraid.
    I am safe and protected in Him.
    I sit at His table.
    He anoints my head with oil
    I am full, I am overflowing.
    His goodness, mercy, love infused
    forever with Him, I will dwell.
    Truth for 2020 – The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.

  53. Kimone says:

    Happy NEW Year SRT sisters! You have all been a blessing. Have a great year with the Lord forefront and center.

  54. Churchmouse says:

    I turn the page on my calendar and begin a new year, a new decade. I’m glad to kiss 2019 goodbye, a fond farewell. It brought what most years do – a mixed bag of joys and sorrows, celebrations and challenges. Through it all God has been faithful and that is why I can embrace 2020, though I know not yet what it will hold. God does and He’s already there. In my left hand I hold onto Psalm 23:4. Even if I walk through the darkest valley in 2020, I will not be afraid for He is close beside me. Often I substitute “darkest valley” with whatever my difficult circumstance is. Even if I walk through the valley of renal cancer (and I am), I will not be afraid for He is with me. Even if our five year old granddaughter has to walk through the valley of more treatments (and she does), I will not fear for God will be present in the operating room with her. I can get through whatever comes, the as yet unknowns, because He strengthens me and He gives me His peace. That’s the truth I hold in my left hand. In my right hand I hold Isaiah 43: 19. He’s going to do a new thing! He’s already begun it. He’s making new paths and creating new ways for this year. That’s exciting and makes me eager for the journey. Joyful anticipation! He is the best guide for He already knows the way. He IS the way. I remain ever hopeful and look forward to discovering the gifts He will give. Sure 2020 will bring a mixed bag as has the previous years. But I’m confident He knows what He’s doing and He will see me through it all. I have the power of His Word. It will be a good year.

    1. Carrie Doss says:

      Amen! Thank you for your beautiful heart and sharing this today. Prayers for you and yours! ❤️

    2. Victoria Lynch says:

      Praying for you and your precious granddaughter.

    3. Dee Wilcox says:

      Thank you for choosing to be an encouragement to this community daily, and also for sharing honestly so we may lift you and yours up in prayer on your journey. He is strong and true, always faithful, perfect Love. I will keep you and your granddaughter in my prayers!

    4. Jane K says:

      Thank you Churchmouse. I just looked up Isaiah 43:19 and it offers hope for 2020. I believe I will turn back to this verse often this year.

    5. Ash S says:

      Amen ❤️ I really appreciate your honesty and perspective – Every year is a mixed bag. Expecting anything different sets us up for disappointment.

    6. Mari V says:

      I was still asleep when I heard my phone chime. I knew it was my best friend. When I finally got up and looked, All that she had text was Isaiah 43:19. Churchmouse you are loved and covered with prayer. You and your granddaughter.

    7. Lynn S says:

      Thank you for your words of encouragement, Churchmouse. I look forward to them every day. I will keep you and your granddaughter in my prayers. Happy New Year!

    8. Nancy Tuggle says:

      Praying for you & your granddaughter! He will sustain you, He will carry you & He will rescue you.
      Isaiah 46:4

  55. Wanda Smith says:

    Perfect verse to begin a new decade. God is so good!

  56. Wanda Smith says:

    A perfect beginning to a new decade

  57. Indiana Christina says:

    Happy New Year, ladies. It’s so amazing to journey with you all for another year of reading and reflecting on Truth. I’m also so thrilled to be able to hear from Tina again. Covering you with prayer from across the pond, my sweet, wise friend.

  58. Claudia Schneider says:

    What beautiful reminders of our Father’s love as we step into a new year!

  59. Tina says:

    Psalm 23 has long, long been my favourite go to …
    I have loved it when I didn’t actually understand it, and now, it’s a treasure knitted into my soul..

    We knew, a lifetime ago, a godly family of grown twin brothers and their wives.. one twin lost his wife and lived with his brother. the twins were tragically killed in a car accident, leaving Vin, who soon followed on to eternity.. before she died she was not able to speak or read, so my young son who adored her, would every evening read Psalm 23 to her.. It was the only time in the day, there would be any expression on her face and even some sort of recognition on what was going on…
    This PSALM has a way of burrowing deep into your soul, becoming part of your DNA..flowing through you as your blood does.
    The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want…
    He maketh me to lie down in green pastures…
    He guides me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul..

    If it were these 3verses alone, it would still be my favourite Psalm..

    But God..

    Through David’s words, captures my heart with the rest of the psalm..

    Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You Lord are with me…Thank you lord God, thank you..

    You prepare a table before me( me the sinner, me the rebel, me the disrespectful one, ME,)in the presence of my enemies, and if that wasn’t surprise enough, you go further to anoint my head with oil, my half empty cup overflows.. Your goodness and love follows me, no matter my sin, my faults, my wrongdoings, and you allow me access to your house, anytime, whenever forever…

    Oh, my God, thank you, thank you.. thank you..

    An absolute great start and reminder of who we need in our daily lives, no matter where we roam, or who we believe we are..



    1. Carrie Doss says:

      Same to you! ❤️ Thank you for this wonderful word this morning!

  60. Dana says:

    Agreed! Happy New Year and New Decade everyone!

  61. April Overton says:

    Great verses to begin the new year with.