Day 44

The Coming of the Son of Man

from the Ezekiel: Come to Life (Lent 2022) reading plan

Luke 21:1-38, Luke 22:1-2, Daniel 7:13-14

BY Ellen Wildman

I love to be prepared. Maybe you too like to write out long to-do lists each morning, or you meal prep so that you don’t have to think about lunch during the busy weekdays, or you spend hours rehearsing for a big meeting, speech, or concert. We prepare for both the big and the little things in life to put ourselves at ease, to gain clarity, and to move through our days with a greater sense of peace. And by understanding today’s passages, we can become more prepared for the glorious return of Jesus Christ.

Luke writes that the Son of Man will come “with power and great glory” (Luke 21:27). I don’t know about you, but glory can feel like an elusive concept to me. It’s something my soul craves but I don’t experience in my day-to-day life. Glory is magnificence, great beauty, high renown, or honor. 

Upon reflection, I can pinpoint moments in my life that fill me with a sense of smallness, reminders that there is something greater than just myself. A sunrise hike in Mykonos, cliff jumping in Tennessee, gazing up at redwood trees in California. I’m overwhelmed with awe when I realize that these magnificent things and moments are just a glimpse of His glory. And as I feel that amazement bloom within me, I can only imagine how that will be multiplied infinitely when Jesus returns for His people. His great glory, His mighty power, will be displayed for all to see. We will be awestruck and moved to praise like never before. I can’t wait.

It’s interesting to note here that Jesus’s glory-filled return will be something like His ascension—He will come to us physically and in a cloud (Acts 1:11).  He will return, dwelling among us, and He will reign over a kingdom that will never be destroyed. Doesn’t that fill your heart with a wondrous anticipation? As we reflect on our reading for today may we feel at peace knowing that Jesus will return to us again. Our preparations and perseverance are important while we wait for this magnificent event. In the meantime, we are strengthened in knowing He is with us always (Matthew 28:20). May we look for His glory on display today while we wait for Him to come again.

Post Comments (40)

40 thoughts on "The Coming of the Son of Man"

  1. Jennifer Anapol says:

    It’s scary to think of the end of the world coming; we will face so many more difficulties and hardships as we near the end. I’m reminded not to put my hope in this world, but in Jesus. We will not find peace or joy on this earth, but only in Jesus.

  2. Belinda Iarume says:

    My preparation and perseverance is im portant! I ❤ it

  3. J M says:

    This response was in response to Rhonda J, but didn’t post there.

  4. Traci Gendron says:

    I Can Only Imagine was played at my mom’s and Tanner’s service. The lyrics make me feel so much. How can we truly ever be prepared for a moment as this?! I have to admit reading the verses today kind of scare me. Thankful for the words to so many songs that calm my heart.

  5. Mercy says:

    Luke 21 is such a loaded chapter packed with end time prophecies. God always raises the bar so high for us (wars, distress, pandemics, famines/lack, natural disasters etc. But no pressure guys). To be warned is one thing, but to actually going through those things is another thing. May we have strength and grace from God. Use persecution as opportunity for testimonies and don’t prepare what to say either (again, no pressure guys). Watch and pray, don’t be terrified, there is a way of escape. As always, there is a way of escape for us through prayers and being watchful. Lord, may we be able to do all these things through YOU who strenthens us. May we be counted worthy to escape all these things. Amen.

  6. Peggy Hoffman says:

    This I know to be true…there is nothing WE can do to make God love us any more or any less. We are ALL loved unconditionally. We have a prodigal Father…one who loves LAVISHLY. We do have a choice to receive or reject that love. It is my belief that just before we take our final breath (keeping in mind that time as we know it is meaningless to God) the VEIL will be lifted and we will have full understanding of who God is. We will then have the choice to live eternity with Him or without Him….I pray my lost children will have returned to their Catholic faith before death, but I will rest that our God is a loving and merciful Father who wants all of His children to be with Him in heaven. And Jesus said, “There is greater rejoicing in heaven over finding the one lost sheep than in the 99 who were never lost.” Even the angels and saints in heaven are concerned about those who are lost and want them home. Shame is never from God. The Holy Spirit may convict us of a sinful behavior we must change, but God is ready with open arms to love his repentant children. Eternity with God is a gift from our HeavenlyFather, we can never earn our way to heaven….be not afraid.

  7. Mari V says:

    Victoria E. I’ve been thinking and praying for you. I hope you’re doing well.

  8. CindyQuilts says:

    KENYA, I feel the same way. Also, I’m in awe of His return, but if I’m honest (even hard to do the MYSELF) I’m a little terrified. My head knows that He loves us unconditionally, but my heart is a little afraid that I’m not enough… I know as a Christian this is not how He wants me to feel, but some days I have a hard time getting past my ineptness in so many things. My constant prayer is, “help me Jesus, thank You Jesus, hold me up Jesus…”

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