Day 16

The Birth of Samson

from the Judges reading plan

Judges 13:1-25, Numbers 6:1-12, Romans 12:1

BY Kaitlin Wernet

I have always wanted to need glasses. While my peers growing up feared being called “four eyes” as a result of their impaired vision, I teemed with jealousy over their newest accessory. While I’m, of course, very grateful for my 20/20 vision, I secretly fear reading glasses will no longer be in style when I actually (fingers crossed) need them one day.

When it comes to this life, I think we all secretly hope that there’s more than meets the eye, that we aren’t quite seeing the full truth just yet. When we experience pain we don’t understand and our circumstances don’t turn out the way we’d hoped, we try to analyze things from all angles. “How did this happen? Did I miss something? How could I have avoided all this suffering?” Wouldn’t it be a huge relief to look through a viewfinder and have someone adjust things until they appear more clearly, until we’re able to make sense of what we see?

All throughout the book of Judges, it’s obvious that Israel was blinded by their own sin. In fact, this ominous phrase occurs once again in today’s reading: “The Israelites again did what was evil in the LORD’s sight” (Judges 13:1). Israel had come to trust only what their own eyes could see.

Imagine the surprise Manoah and his wife must have felt when, after years of barrenness, the angel of the Lord announced that they would have a son. It’s doubtful they saw this blessed, yet baffling, news coming. Many questions followed: How can this be? What will the boy’s responsibilities and work be? What is this angel’s name who has brought us this great news? While they didn’t receive answers to those questions, the angel’s instruction made it clear that this son was to be set apart (vv.4–5).

Clearly, there was more at work than what their human eyes could see. Samson’s impending birth was an introduction to the birth of new possibilities they never could have dreamt up for themselves, an unexpected form of redemption, bringing God’s heart a little more into focus.

As God’s children, this is where we can settle our trust: Christ’s coming keeps us focused on hope. The gospel is our viewfinder. Even if all the other details of life seem blurry and unknown, we know we can put our trust in Jesus. May we view this story and our own as just a small piece of the grander reality of God’s great plan for His people.

Post Comments (32)

32 thoughts on "The Birth of Samson"

  1. Claire B says:


  2. Mercy says:

    Our God is the God of great intricate details. Details, details, more details and micro details. The Nazarene that was set apart in the womb to be the saviour (judge) of that time, coming through Manoah (Hebrew word for rest) is the foreshadow of the next Nazarene that is to come, now it is the Great I am, coming to give us rest through Him. Thank you SEARCHING for unfolding many layers of the subtle detail (again detail) about “I am”. I believe it is not just Samson, or our Lord Jesus Christ that our God wishes to set apart. It is for all of us – His children. We are called to be Nazarene.

    Father, may You give us grace, reminder, abilities to set ourselves apart as Holy living sacrifices unto You, as an act of love, act of worship that comes not from our lips but from the heart, from the set apart lifestyles, intentionality. Give us grace to refrain from unclean things, not to come near any dead bodies, dead things, any dead works or practices of darkness and evil, not to eat unclean food or absorb any polluted contents or “nourishment” of this world into ourselves that will defile us, but to daily come to the Book of Life and feast on the Word of God, our daily bread… that we become a set apart nation, holy and royal unto the declaration of your Name. Give us the urge to ask questions approaching the throne of grace with questions, when Your Words come true, and they do come true in their entirety, cause us to ASK You and ourselves….“what are to be our manners of our lives?”, “what are our missions?”, how are they to come forth?, how are we to raise such missions that You will impregnate us with into maturity? (Judges 13:12 ESV). Father, give us grace to believe and protect the visions You gave to full term of consecration. And as we ask, may You answer that our joy might be full, may You reveal, empower, enable that such missions / visions get fulfilled for the glory of Your Name, to the freeing of nations. In Jesus’ Mighty Name I pray.
    Be blessed dear sisters.

  3. Molly R says:

    I am thankful for all the questioning of God stories in Judges – not because people were questioning Him, but the relatability of the book. God remains patient, He still offers Hope upon Hope, Grace upon Grace. Even when He has no intention of answering all the questions He is still PRESENT with them. His presence is everything – not the answers we seek.

    This morning the sunrise was just breathtaking. I wasn’t up at the time I normally aim for to have quiet before my 4 kids are up and ready to start our day of homeschooling. Usually I am kicking myself for not getting going before their, um, exuberant spirits fill the house, but as the sky filled with “fire” and their voices filled our home, I was overcome with such peace. This is the day the Lord has made. This is the work He has set apart for me to do. It will be nothing “special”, but I get the privilege of carving out a place of safety for them to grow and learn, and thrive! I am overcome with a desire to “make my home” this morning. To immerse myself in the work of tidying, cleaning, and cultivating a place of peace and joy. God is so good.

    Praying for the many requests, and simply thanking God at the sight of each of your names. It IS a gift to all “gather together” here, like someone else mentioned. I am honored to be among you each morning – even when I don’t comment. You are all loved and thought of warmly – all over the world!

  4. Cee Gee says:

    I love that through all the hard days of reading, God has given us a beautiful example of hope – He always offers hope! In a time when the people were doing what was right in their own eyes, God was still in control and waiting for the right moment to play the ‘hope’ card. What a beautiful read!

    Re-reading Moses’ instructions for the Nazirite vow reminds me that I need to be just as particular with my vow of service. I read an example by Max Lucado that explained the danger of pride in promoting ourselves instead of the good work He sets us apart to do.

    Father, may we always put you first and not our personal agenda. May our focus be honoring you instead of ‘looking good’ to a worldly audience.

    SEARCHING – Beautiful post/reflection; thank you! ❤

    TINA- Yay for Lorenzo and family! Love the brother story! ❤

    FOSTER MAMA- Thank you for sharing about your day!❤

    MARI V – Agree!!! ❤

    Numbers 6
    24 ‘May the Lord bless you
    and protect you.
    25 May the Lord smile on you
    and be gracious to you.
    26 May the Lord show you his favor
    and give you his peace.’

    Praying God’s favor for every SHE and for patience and trust in the waiting.

  5. Michelle Patire says:

    @Cheryl Blow & @Searching – Yes, I was also reminded of God as “I AM” to Moses…
    Mostly, I am really struck by God’s patience and kindness with humanity. He didn’t answer all of Manoah’s questions but He did allow Manoah to see Him. He let Manoah’s wife run and grab him when He appeared to them a second time.

    I was thinking about the Scripture “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105) because I’ve been memorizing Psalm 119 over the past year and a half. I just got to this verse and it seems to be popping up a lot for me. I have known it, of course, but it is reminding me that God does not give us light to see everything ahead. He simply lights our steps… Like the very next step. Not six steps ahead. Sadie Rob talked about this on her podcast this week, as well. How her friend gifted her the lamp the psalmist is referencing- it is rather small and the light only travels so far. Just enough for the next step…

    Faith is like that. That’s what God was asking of Samson’s parents. He didn’t give them all the answers. Just asked obedience for this step.

    @A Walton- I was touched by your post, today. I will be praying for you and your family. God bless your faithfulness to leave comfortability and serve God as a missionary. I believe His reward for you and your family is great. As Scripture says…
    Matthew 19:29 “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.”
    Be blessed and please keep checking in with us. We are here to pray for one another and be a blessing!

    @Aleida- will be praying for Victor <3

    @Rhonda J- glad to read yesterday that you are feeling the prayers for your body's healing! :) God bless you!

  6. Cheryl Blow says:

    Praying for Victor, ALEIDA. Also prayers for A WALTON. Jenny praying for your family. And everyone else for a great day.

    I caught the “I am” statement. What a great reminder that the Great I AM is in control and all we have to do is daily surrender to Him! So thankful for a loving patient Father.

  7. Tanya Evans says:

    What stood out to me was that Samson was chosen before birth to live a consecrated life. The life of the nazir. As you know the Nazarite vow was a vow that men and women could take.His mother had to observe part of this during the time she was expecting baby Samson. Samson was created by God to live for God and to begin but not complete the process of deliverance from the Philistines. If Samson had had a theme song,it would have been: “My Way”. Samson is so relatable to the human condition. He was a man who lived by his carnal desires but God still used him with his addictions and vices. He lived out bounds and ate forbidden fruit but God stii used him to begin a process… Only Jesus could complete the process of our deliverance.

  8. HL says:

    Good morning! I know several of you mentioned the relationship that Manoah had with his wife and how she brought everything back into perspective. What also stood out to me is the kindness of God in vs.8,9 when He honors Manoahs request. Vs 9 says God listened and sent the angel of the Lord. Just a beautiful reminder that He knows what our anxious hearts need and is always listening.

    Praying for all of you today and thank everyone of you for your words of encouragement.

    AJ WALTON praying for your travels, car and housing
    ALEIDA praying for a job for Victor and for you

    Asking prayers for myself as things are going slower with the job search situation than I would like and I have some decisions that I need to make. I feel at times that I am striving to make things work and not trusting God as I should.

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