The Birth of John the Baptist Foretold

Open Your Bible

Luke 1:5-25, Malachi 3:1-4

Section 3: The Light Dawns

During the time of King Herod, Zechariah the priest and his wife Elizabeth were “righteous in God’s sight, living without blame according to all the commands and requirements of the Lord” (Luke 1:6). They obeyed God. They demonstrated their faith through service. Yet, they struggled with infertility. They prayed for years for a child.

They understood unfulfilled longing. And ​​God’s people understood unfulfilled longing as well. They had been waiting for God’s promise of a Redeemer.

Then, in God’s providence, Zechariah was chosen to serve in the temple, and the angel Gabriel brings him amazing news that his years of waiting would be met with a son. This child’s life had been ordained by God hundreds of years earlier to fulfill another longing.  

Malachi prophesied the birth of this child, John the Baptist, calling him the messenger who would clear the way for another Messenger. John the Baptist’s birth was a divinely orchestrated foil, used by God to reignite remembrance and longing in the hearts of God’s people for the day of the Messiah’s coming. 

Advent is a time of remembering that God keeps His promises, and that His promises are not dependent on the righteousness of His people but on the righteousness of His Son. His promises are not dependent on the obedience and faithfulness of the priests, but on the obedience and faithfulness of Christ. 

The longings of Zechariah and Elizabeth for a son were not unmet. And Israel’s longing would be fulfilled in Jesus, the Son of righteousness who would rise with healing in His wings (Malachi 4:2). The joy and delight that Zechariah and Elizabeth experienced in the birth of their son would be shared by many because of his miraculous birth, but there would be greater rejoicing over the miraculous birth of the One who was coming, of whom John came to testify. 

May this Advent season remind us that although God does not give us every earthly longing or desire, we can draw encouragement knowing that our most pressing longings have been satisfied in Christ.

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76 thoughts on "The Birth of John the Baptist Foretold"

  1. Mongo M Kennedy says:

    Am glad to know about this encouraging site .please allow me to join and be uplifted spiritually ,more and more.

  2. Rachel Austin says:

    Good devo, thank you. First paragraph needs to be edited for accuracy, though. Elizabeth was already pregnant when Mary came to visit her and tell her of the miraculous conception of Jesus (Luke 1:39-45). Harod did not set out to kill all the baby boys until Jesus was about 2 years old (Matthew 2:16). I’m sure Zerchariah and Elizabeth were still righteous in God’s sight at this time, but they were not struggling with infertility at this point as John the Baptist would have been over 2 years old by the time Harod was killing all the baby boys in the Bethlehem area.

  3. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord I thank you

  4. Erika Swango says:

    I love the symbolism God provides through Johns birth. It literally ties in the way he was born and crosses over into the birth of Christ. For those who know the Old Testament it bring familiarity trying to bring them forward into the New Testament life. Waiting for the one who is to come, praise God through whom all blessing flow.

  5. Corey Zimmerman says:


  6. Rebecca Telfort says:

    “Advent is a time of remembering that God keeps His promises…”

  7. K D says:

    Thank you Kristie – beautiful devotional.

  8. K D says:

    So thankful for this devotional – and for SRT that stays so grounded in God’s Word. May we read with humility trusting the Lord to guide us in our understanding.

  9. Hayley S says:

    Widgeon, praying for you and your family with this great loss. I lost my younger brother unexpectedly last month so I understand where you are. All I can say is that God gives us exactly what we need every day to get through to the next. May his peace that surpasses all understanding cover you.

  10. Widgeon says:

    Dear srt sisters, I come to you tonight requesting prayers for my family but,especially for my sister in law Kris. Her husband,my younger brother committed suicide today. Also pray for her father was the one to have to clean up afterwards. We have lots of friends praying for us but,one can never have to many prayers. While my heart is rent in two,she is suffering unbearably. Thank you all so much. God will bless all of you for your compassion at this time .

  11. Sarah Margetts says:

    I am thinking a lot about Elizabeth and Zechariah today and seeing so much of God’s kindness, in how even though he is writing his story (history) he cares about and loves all these characters and their stories too

  12. Cassidy Goodwin says:

    Thank you for this. I didn’t go on to finish the devotional as it began with false information so I didn’t trust the rest of what the writer had to say

  13. Cassidy Goodwin says:

    Can you give a better explanation of why you chose this wording though? Because it’s still incorrect. Herod may have been reigning but he wouldn’t kill any baby boys until after Jesus was born. I’m having a hard time wanting to read anymore of the devotional due to the fact it begins with incorrect information

    1. Pamela Shrader says:

      And after Jesus was born, John would be about six months old. John was most definitely in the range of Herods vengence. There is no incorrect information.

  14. Rachel says:

    I never considered the timing in this way before! Zechariah and Elizabeth finally got the blessing they had longed for and then after Jesus was born, Herod ordered all babies two and under to be killed. It had to be hard not to give in to a paralyzing fear of losing him, but rather believe that the God who brought John miraculously into the world could/would protect him, too. This is convicting and challenging to me – will I trust God with the beautiful gifts He brings?

  15. Eva-Marie Hester says:

    Good morning shes. As I read through these posts I’m praying for each prayer requests and praising Gods for being faithful to keep His promises.

  16. Bailey Bowers says:

    Wow. Struggling with loneliness this Christmas season and God keeps reminding me that my truest and deepest desire – being known and fully loved by Him – has already been met. Thankful for this truth again today.

  17. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I’m so thankful for this study. This study keeps me grounded in The true meaning of Christmas, instead of all of the other distracting details. I was feeling a little stressed out this morning, thinking of all the things that need to be done. I love that I can just sit in his presence during this devotional time and remember what truly matters❤️

  18. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that God’s promises aren’t dependent on how holy and righteous we are; they are dependent on how holy and righteous God is.

  19. Dorothy says:

    Angie I’ve heard stories in my family of my older sister asking one Christmas where the candles were for the cake. When they asked what she meant she said it was Jesus birthday. Apparently they got candles and put them on the cake and sang “happy birthday” to Jesus. This is one of my favorite stories to hear from my aunt.

  20. Skylar Hilton says:

    WOWO! Amazing study! We should be so grateful, that both Jesus and John were born into the world to guide us towards heaven

    I hope that all of you have been doing great! I’m excited because I went to mass yesterday and the priest there told me that He’ll work with me on conversion… so I’ll be on my way!

    As Christmas fast approaches I hope that we all remember to thank God for everything we have… and to carry that same attitude into 2022. Let us be like John’s parents.. obeying the commandments fully, without question.

  21. Dorothy says:

    John would have probably been 1 to 1 1/2 years old when Herod issued the decree “to kill all the boys in and around Bethlehem who were two years old and under, based on the wise men’s report or the star’s first appearance.” (Matthew 2:16) So what Kristie has said is correct because we need to look at the full scripture.

  22. Dorothy says:

    “May this Advent season remind us that although God does not give us every earthly longing or desire, we can draw encouragement knowing that our most pressing longings have been satisfied in Christ.” This last sentence Kristie wrote really says it all I believe. We can and should “draw encouragement” from the knowledge that God and Christ will take care of our absolute necessities. But we need to realize what is a real necessity and what is a desire or something we can do with out. I know for me sometimes that is a hard thing to do. I have learned to turn it over to God and I know He WILL provide.
    Sisters please pray for nice weather tomorrow here in the Lawrence, KS area because my son and future d-i-l are getting married and the ceremony is to be held outside. It will be a glorious day no matter what but it would be nice if the weather is nice.
    Be blessed and spread the joyous news of Christ’s birth, sisters.

  23. Brooke B says:

    Praying for you, Tracie. How heavy your load this Christmas… how thankful I am that you feel Jesus bearing you up in this time. May you experience His grace today through so many little things.

  24. Traci Gendron says:

    I really have no words today. Tanner has been gone 5 weeks already. I have had a handful of hard days. I know that Christmas will be hard. Tanner had become so sick that a part of me feels relief that he is with God. Sometimes I feel guilty for that. That my grief isn’t heavy enough. Isn’t it silly that I’m worrying about how others perceive my grieving. It has to be totally from the grace of God that I’m feeling as I do. I have an acceptance that it was his time to be with God. That the struggle had become too big. There wasn’t much fight left in him. I was so afraid of the day that Tanner would be gone from this life. I was afraid I would totally lose my mind from grief. But God has held me close at this time. He has given me peace. Even though I’m crying as I type this. Thank you beautiful ladies for praying with me through this time of my life.

  25. Laura Spurlin says:

    That is a great idea! Thank you for sharing!

  26. Ashley Davis says:

    I am definitely praying for you and your children. I’m thankful that you are a believer and I pray that you trust Christ during this difficult season. Remember that you are loved!

  27. Mari V says:

    Good morning SRT sisters. I’m feeling under the weather but I’m here. I was supposed to work today tomorrow but because of protocol I have to stay home. I’m glad to be here with all of you. Please pray for a quick healing. It’s just a really bad cold. It’s comforting to know that God keeps his promises. It may not be the way we had wanted or perceived but he always knows best.

  28. Victoria E says:

    LWC what a beautiful testimony! Sarah praying for reunification with your children.

  29. Victoria E says:

    What an amazing devotional. Liz, Rachel, and everyone struggling with infertility, I was there too. In fact this Christmas, while miraculous as God has answered our prayer, I do get a little sad as it was around this time last year I was finally diagnosed with ovarian reserve issues after a while of trying. That felt like a loss as my SIL had just had her fifth child and others around me were having their second and third babies. God really used that diagnosis and events after it to bring me closer to Him than I ever knew possible. I am praying for you both specifically and anyone else waiting for their desires to be fulfilled.

  30. Pam K says:

    Sarah B. Praying for you today and your children- for reconciliation and for encouragement in the sadness you are experiencing. May God meet you today with His tender love and compassion.

  31. CeeGee says:

    SARAH BURCKHARD- adding your specific prayer in Jesus’ Name and also praying that hearts will be softened toward you. Confident in God’s timing. <3

    The question about Herod, etc. I don't remember if I have ever thought about John the Baptist in that situation, but what I believe based on the timeline presented is that John was older (not by much – an 6 months, but God!) than the 2 and under decree. I also am confident that God would have also provided protection for John had it been necessary.

  32. Sarah Burckhard says:

    I am in need of prayer this week as I am pretty sad. This will be my 8th Christmas without my children, who live outside Nashville. I left an abusive situation 8 years ago with my children. But, due to the fact, I was a homemaker with no money or a place of my own, my ex was given custody of them. And so, now parental alienation has been in play since. He is supposed to let me be a part of my children’s lives, but he won’t follow the rules. And, his parents are wealthy and well known individuals in Nashville, and thus, my pleading to see them or just talk to my children has been a dead end due to the power his parents money brings with them. Please keep my children and myself in your prayers that reunification will happen someday soon. And, always, please pray this in Jesus’ Name. Thank you.

  33. Heidi M says:

    Wow. I love this thank you!!

  34. CeeGee says:

    LWC, Thank you for sharing that beautiful testimony!!!

    ANGIE, we like to incorporate Jesus moments into our Christmas celebration, too. This year I heard someone mention on Christian radio about hiding baby Jesus instead of doing the popular elf on the shelf routine. Our grandkids do the elf thing and love it. Since I can’t do the daily routine, I asked my six year old granddaughter recently if she wanted to hide baby Jesus as part of our gift opening time and she excitedly agreed. So, we plan to hide Jesus and then when He is found, we will read a Scripture about seeking Him, etc., before opening a gift. I pray the seeds planted fall on fertile soil. Have fun planning your moments and prayers for all to see Jesus in the celebration!

  35. Kristie Anyabwile says:

    Thank you for that observation! The opening line was not meant to be a chronology, but just to point out the significance of Herod being mentioned in v. 5.

  36. LWC says:

    As we sing along to old Christmas carols in this season of celebration it’s so easy to breeze right through the words. I saw the lyrics of Joy to the World printed in an Advent study and it was as if they were alive, jumping off the page.
    Let Earth receive her King,
    Let every heart prepare Him room.
    I couldn’t get that last line out of my head.
    Prepare. We prepare to receive. Today’s reading also points to preparation. John the Baptist would, “make ready for the Lord a prepared people.”
    Thinking through this idea of preparation, I recall several years ago I woke up and before my feet hit the floor that morning I heard that word in my spirit – prepare. I immediately knew what it was for I was to prepare. I had been praying for a baby. Fervently praying. Crying out to God to do something out of His abundance of mercy and love.
    That word, prepare, was the green light for me to do something. An invitation to get ready. To act as if I believed He could (not would) do it, to make space in my life for the answer.
    I was excited, but also wrestled with so many thoughts. “Isn’t it insanity to get ready for a baby when there isn’t even the hope of one in sight?”
    However, it felt like an opportunity to put muscle behind what I was believing Him before. Slowly, I started changing everything from my work schedule to rooms in our house to prepare space for Jesus to answer and give us a child. I fully recognized that He didn’t have to answer and I might be rearranging closets and giving away furniture for nothing and that’s okay.
    This Christmas I’m holding in my arms the answer to all those prayers. Our daughter was born in September. We’ve waited seven years for her. I see now that His timing is perfect and I am truly so grateful He didn’t answer not one minute sooner. ♥️

  37. Angie says:

    Do you ever feel like John the Baptist? John the Baptist prepared the way for the birth of the long awaited Messiah. He stood out. He was different. He lived purposefully.

    Jesus, our Messiah, will come again and it feels like a long wait. As we live purposefully, we often stand out and seem different.

    On ugly sweater day last week at school, I wore a sweater that said, “naughty” when swiped one way and “nice” the other. I kept it on “nice” all day but, if people asked to see it I would explain that: it is my hearts desire to live “nice for Jesus” but that sometimes I sin (and I would turn it to naughty) and that I don’t like when that happens, but thanks to Jesus death and resurrection I can be forgiven (and then I would swipe it back to “nice”). A close friend said, “Yea but isn’t the naughty fun? Wouldn’t you like to go with me and we will be naughty together.” The room got silent. Keep in mind that I love this lady. I answered her, “No, I really just don’t have any desire for the naughty.” I didn’t say it mean, kindly, from my heart. It was like the people in the room took a collective breath of relief. It was weird. Kind of like John the Baptist weird.
    Then, my husband’s family looks like they will be coming here for Christmas (a little less last minute than Thanksgiving-1 day notice…this time 6 days!). But, God had been preparing my heart. I want to do something different. I want to organize the meal around the names of Jesus. Serve it in courses, and between courses, have people read verses and hang Jesus name ornaments on a tree. I even wanted to do specific things between courses like make a small wooden Mary, Joseph & Jesus craft per family, paint a water color of the angels announcing to the shepherds the birth of Christ, and have only birthday cake (and ice cream) for Jesus for dessert. I’d like it to be about Jesus. I feel like John the Baptist, out in the wilderness, asking people to eat locust and honey though. Will it be accepted? Why do I worry? Why do I not just be who God has made me to be, live His love, and not worry?
    Jesus is coming. His own, His family, will be drawn to Him. Oh Lord God, help us to be faithful as we await that day. You purchased salvation for us-the greatest gift. May we honor you in this life, our whole selves is all we have to give. Help us to live purposefully. Your beautiful mixture of grace, mercy, message, and witness. You were not satisfied for a heaven without us – imagine that. The God of the universe loving me, us that much. Help us not to be satisfied with a day without shining for You. We are not capable Father, but in your strength, by your Spirit, and covered in the blood of Jesus, we are more than conquerors. Amen.

  38. Jane K says:

    I’m not so young anymore, in a couple months I will be 61. I’ve had years of crying out to the Lord because of infertility and God heard my prayers and filled them to over flowing. His timing has been a blessing that I couldn’t see when I was younger. I lift up to God all those who shared their story of infertility. Praying the Lord gives you the desires of your heart while rejoicing in our greatest need, Jesus. @Sarah Grier May God pour out His favor over you and fill your life to overflowing. May His presence be felt in deeper ways this Christmas. Praising God for all His blessings over the years. Saturday my daughter graduated with her masters degree in Occupational Therapy. I have a new granddaughter that is a huge blessing. My daughter has a nine year old son, but because she has had terrible health problems, he has been an only child. But God!! Now she has a new daughter and is feeling well! My other daughter is pregnant with her second child and it has been a high risk pregnancy but again God, has continued to bring them safely to this point and her due date is February 21. Every day and month she is closer to delivering a healthy baby. I apologize for the lengthy post, but God has been so good. Praying for all the request you share ladies.

  39. Heidi says:

    Sorry I have to add to my own comment… ;) Something else that struck me- God absolutely keeps every promise and He has promised me so many undeserving and beautiful and life changing things. However- this “thing” I wait for- He never promised me. Ever. He has provided, thus far, for every promise to provide my needs, and has even got above and beyond (ex: not just food- GOOD food; not just clothing- CUTE clothing…). I need to be careful to not become angry or bitter at Him should He choose to NOT provide something He never promised me in the first place.

  40. Emily says:

    I can never fully understand our readings until I read the devotional. Thank you for helping me learn the Lord’s words.

  41. Maria Baer says:

    Dear SARAH, God knows our heart and put desire for a meaningful relationship. I was you for many years and those lonely Christmases (even though I had friends and family) were hard. I always told myself that God was waiting to give me someone who he approved of. I did not get married until 6 yrs ago when was 41. And married, of all people, my friend of 18 yrs! Our timing was bad before because we were both in the military and deployed or stationed all over the world. But it happened in God’s timing. So believe that God has an amazing person for you… but it will be in his time. I’m so glad I came across your post. Putting you in prayer that the season seems less lonely with His love for you.

  42. Morgan Sandona says:

    I just want to say hello to all you wonderful women in these feeds. I’m fairly new to SRT but joining this community has helped renew my own strength and given me opportunity to become involved in the word more in-depth. I’m praying for you all and my heart goes out to each and every one of you. ✝️ Thabk you for sharing your stories as a way to see Gods beauty through pain.

  43. Heidi says:

    As I sit here in a season of waiting (and waiting and waiting and then, more waiting) that I didn’t anticipate, didn’t cause, didn’t want- I am taking these words to heart. Elizabeth wanted kids and most likely, just thinking culturally, expected herself to start having them in her mid teen years. She’d probably pictured and planned bringing her children to the temple, raising them to love and devote themselves to their God, and be part of a legacy of faithful servants to God. It was a good picture and a good desire. And God does good things. Yet- He didn’t do this good thing. But for a good reason. He did a better thing. I’m sure after all of the waiting and hurting, after learning God’s plan, they wouldn’t trade what real legacy was before them for 10 children in their early years.
    I need to remember even though I don’t see His plan- and even though MY plan may actually BE a GOOD PLAN- I need to be praying for Him to help me choose BETTER over GOOD. And help my own young children to see that too. That yes, we’re waiting- but we can be joyful and grateful and experience unbelievable blessing IN the waiting. As well as the lesson to refuse “good” when God has BETTER out there for us.

  44. Kasey Deschaine says:

    What an encouragement it is to read your comments throughout this thread. It is a beautiful reminder that there is hope in waiting, we just have to make the choice to rejoice. I pray for all of you who are longing to carry a child and hope that the Lord will bless you with your desires and longing. Please be encouraged by the faith of Elizabeth and Zechariah.

  45. Aimee D-R says:

    Oh Father that the longing for Your presence is always first in my heart! In Jesus name, Amen

  46. Elizabeth Dunkerson says:

    A wonderful reminder that God does care about what we want, but ultimately he gives us what we need. Sometimes it’s the same, sometimes it’s even better, but it takes longer to see that. Jesus was more than worth the wait and now we long to be with him eternally ❤️

  47. Ashley N says:

    Amen. Thank you for this reminder. I’ve been dealing with infertility and it’s so hard to accept this reality of not being able to conceive naturally…but I was reminded today that though my earthly longings or desires may be unmet, I have been given something that is greater than my longings or desires. This great news is far greater than my desire to be a mother one day because my sins have been forgiven through Jesus and I have eternal life through him. I want to embrace this amazing truth today and continue to offer my life to live for Him and Him alone. Thank you Jesus for reminding me of your Truth this morning❤️

  48. Robin Lagrama says:


  49. Kyle Lara says:

    I struggled with infertility for three long, exhausting, empty years. Yet, it was in that longing that I met Jesus and have become reborn. Until I read this devotional this morning, I never related that sense of longing to longing for the Messiah and it really brings my heart so much joy imagining that incredible evening that Jesus was born. What a gift to understand that sense of longing and how blessed am I to have had that time of longing which brought me straight into the arms of Jesus. His story never ends in ashes, and if it does, He’ll bring beauty forth.

  50. Sue says:

    I think Herod started having the baby boys killed after Jesus was born.
    He was an evil ruler, but the baby boy killing was in response to the news that a new king was born.

  51. Danielle says:

    @searching it caught my attention as well. Your comments on the timeline of events are correct. John leapt in Elizabeth’s womb when Mary first arrived. Her comment does make me wonder if Zechariah and Elizabeth feared for John’s safety late when the decree went out in the land?

  52. SarahJoy says:

    Yesterday the message at church covered the story of Zachariah and Elizabeth. One of the things that was pointed out was how they were righteous before God AND didn’t have children. At that time to not have children would have been seen as God’s punishment. For this couple trying to follow the law as well as they could, their community still would have seen them as tarnished by their infertility.
    God saw them. He met them. And those of you longing for a baby (@RACHEL) or a relationship (@SARAH) or feeling your prayers are unheard you are not somehow punished by God. He sees you, and He longs to comfort you in that pain. You have not done something wrong. You are so loved. ❤️

    The series for the month of December at our church was called Merry ChristMESS. It focused on the truth of God coming down into our mess in the person of Jesus. If you are interested, the sermon’s are online. You can search Orchard Hill Church in Cedar Falls, Iowa.

  53. Kelly says:

    From yesterday, MARIA BAER any chance you are you in cental Ohio?

  54. Kelly says:

    Terri – even though John’s story is NT, he is still under the OT. God sent His Spirit to dwell in specific people for specific purposes and usually for limited time. If you read the account of King Saul you will see this. As the last OT prophet, John was empowered by the Holy Spirit from the womb.

  55. Jennifer Spiers says:

    Delayed is not denied. Amen. I love you Jesus ❤️

  56. Taylor says:

    Loved today’s devotion especially that God’s promises are not dependent on MY righteousness and MY obedience but HIS!

  57. Lori says:

    I find myself this morning asking “why” John was needed, why did God plan for this messenger to prepare the people. Of course John wasn’t needed, none of us really are – God has the power to execute on His plan with or without us BUT He chose to have this messenger to prepare people in love and care, to start to move hearts toward Him again. I still don’t think God needed John and he doesn’t need me but he chooses to make me a part of his plan which is beautiful

  58. Melissa W says:

    During this season of longing for things that we may not have, or to see people we cannot see, this devotion came at the right time. As always, God’s timing is best. He is always there in the way we truly need Him to be. Praise the Lord for that!

  59. ANITA says:

    @Searching, the opening sentence also caught me off guard.
    However, John (the Baptist) would have been in the age range Herod sought to kill when he learned of Jesus’s birth. I had not thought of this before. This then is a reminder of God’s Protection over His Promise. Nothing can stand in the way of His Will and Word being performed.

    1. Chris S says:

      Herod wouldn’t have been searching yet. It wasn’t until after the wise men told Herod

  60. Angela Greenwood says:

    What a timely reminder that God keeps his promises and they are not dependent on my righteousness but Jesus, Praise God. My prayer has not been ignored, God sees us. So thankful for this beautiful reminder this morning.

  61. Jessica Fehland says:

    Amen… his timing is perfect. ❤️

  62. Michelle Patire says:

    John’s life is a reminder to me that our callings for the Lord might be super intense and serious. John was called to show people the way- to bring them to repentance. He lived in the wilderness and was sober all the days of his life (assuming he obeyed God). He did not live like others. He stuck out like a sore thumb, in my imagination…
    Sometimes, I feel like I can be super intense in my life and desire to share Jesus. I don’t live like my neighbors. But then I think about John and I’m like, “Woah, that guy had a very very high calling and intense life.” He was beheaded for it.
    I don’t know what everyone is feeling today, but I pray we would take heart and trust God with what feels difficult in our callings. I pray the glory of His return would help us focus on Him and not the heavy burdens of life. May He remove the weights and trade them for joy. May He give us words to proclaim truth and hearts that are overjoyed, like Zachariah and Elizabeth (at the birth of John as prophesied).

  63. SEARCHING says:

    The opening phrase of today’s devotion caught me off guard. My understanding of the sequence of events detailed in Matthew is that Elizabeth was pregnant well before Herod sent out the decree to kill all baby boys under 2. She was around 6 months pregnant when Mary visited for 3 months, and John (the Baptist) was born after Mary went home. The journey to Bethlehem and Jesus’ birth followed, with Herod issuing his decree afterwards, when the wisemen were warned not to return to him nor tell him where Jesus was.

    If I’ve missed something in following this, let me know, Sisters.

    Welcome to BRITT SHIPP, LIANA ROSEDELACORTE AND TAM H. Along with the daily devotions, there are weekly podcasts and also you can also order study books.

    LEXI B – thank you for sharing the praise report of financial provision.
    MARI V – praying you get well soon, and praying for any lost days at work.
    ANNE S – if there are children’s programs available, they might be helpful especially for your 9 year old.

    Yes, in agreement with CHURCHMOUSE and others in praying for healthcare workers. I have a family member who is an ICU nurse and has been working a COVID unit for most of the pandemic. Exhausted from the overtime and heartbroken over the unstoppable loss of life.

    Thank you to any who prayed for the family of the husband/son mentioned the other day, who were killed by the Tennessee tornadoes while on vacation. Please continue to pray for the family – the service for the brother-in-law will be this week.

  64. Rachel Haussler says:

    What a good reminder! I am praying for a child & as my sister in law had her baby yesterday I felt both joy & sadness. Thank you Jesus for reminding me that you are faithful, I’m praying that these words will fill me up today so I can remember that He is in control & His timing is perfect.

  65. Alice Swearingen says:

    God cares about our deepest desires. He sees, He cares, He met that deepest need on Calvary.

  66. Melissa Mcronney says:


  67. Sarah Glick says:

    There are some other places I’ve seen and wondered that too. But the Holy Spirit was always part of the trinity and could be sent to dwell at Gods choice. It wasn’t until Jesus died that the Holy Spirit became available to all “I will pour out my Spirit on all people” until then it was a select few.

  68. Cherrish Stegall says:

    What an amazing reminder* of the covenant-keeping God we serve.

  69. Cherrish Stegall says:

    What an amazing reminder of the covenant-keeping Hod we serve.

  70. Cherrish Stegall says:

    What an amazing re,order of the convent-keeping God we serve.

  71. Terri says:

    Lk 1:15 He will be filled with the Holy Spirit while still in his mother’s womb. Don’t you need to be saved first to be filled with the Holy Spirit? How can this be? Even Jesus was not filled with the Holy Spirit until He was baptized by John.

  72. Alyssa N Johnston says:

    Amen Sarah! Your desires matter to Him. I am sending up a prayer for you now that He fills you up with His love this season!

  73. Alyssa N Johnston says:

    A beautiful reminder that God cares about our longings. May we continue to pray and ask for our heart’s desires. His timing is perfect.

  74. Sarah Grier says:

    I really needed this reminder today – that I may not always receive my earthly desires but in Christ I have been fully satisfied. I feel quite lonely as a single person throughout the festive season and it can hurt to think why I have I not got someone special to share in all the Christmas fun with but I know that even more so at this time of year I should feel completely encouraged in knowing my deepest longings are satisfied in Christ and He is all I need ❤️