The Birth of Jacob and Esau

Open Your Bible

Genesis 25:19-34, Genesis 26:1-35, Hebrews 12:14-17, James 3:13-18

Scripture Reading: Genesis 25:19-34, Genesis 26:1-35, Hebrews 12:14-17, James 3:13-18

When I was seven years old, my family went to Disney World. At the time, we lived in Virginia, which meant that in order to get to Space Mountain, we had to drive from the D.C. area all the way to Orlando. To survive an eleven-hour drive with three daughters under the age of fourteen, my parents came up with a plan. They told us that when we got to Disney World, we would all get $50 as spending money, but that any misbehavior during the drive would lead to a deduction from that amount. And so the drive began.

A few hours later, their plan had backfired. Rather than sitting quietly, trying to maintain our $50 allowances, my sisters and I had devised a game of our own, in which we attempted to provoke one another into losing more and more of their allowance. Anytime one of us misbehaved, my mother would take out her notepad where she was keeping track of deductions. While one sister sulked, the other two would pull down an imaginary lotto-lever and shout “cha-ching!”

We weren’t all that nice to one another. But our misbehavior pales in comparison to the sibling rivalry recounted in the story of Jacob and Esau, twin brothers who came out of the womb as enemies. And their parents were no help. From the beginning, Isaac and Rebekah chose favorites, and that favoritism only stoked the enmity between these brothers.

At stake in this passage was Esau’s birthright, the inheritance he stood to receive as the firstborn of his family. Knowing the value of that inheritance, Jacob plotted against his older brother, as if land and money were a finite resource. Meanwhile, Esau didn’t place adequate value on his birthright. He was “immoral and irreverent,” selling “his birthright in exchange for a single meal” (Hebrews 12:16). Know this: favoritism and strife are not God’s plan. In fact, the Mosaic Law would later forbid a father from favoring a younger son merely because he came from a preferred wife (Deuteronomy 21:15–17). But in this story, we see that Jacob used the means at his disposal to manipulate his way into wealth.

God is not interested in breaking up families over dollars and cents. Perhaps the greatest problem with Jacob and Esau’s behavior is that they both forgot God’s character. They forgot that the same God who blessed Isaac also blessed Ishmael. God never runs out of goodness. He does not “dock” us for misbehavior, nor will He look favorably upon those who provoke others into deceit. God’s goodness exists equally for His dearly loved children. We know this because Jesus called His disciples—and us His friends (John 15:15, 17:20–23).

Jesus, the most favored Son of all, gave us the right to become His brothers and sisters, His co-heirs to the kingdom (Romans 8:17). He is willing to share the blessing. He knows there is more than enough blessing to go around.

Written by Claire Gibson

(19) Comments

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19 thoughts on "The Birth of Jacob and Esau"

  1. Rhonda J. says:

    I too, know the struggle with sibling rivalry. My 13 month older sister was pretty and popular, and I envied her. She was gracious and always took care of me though, and we were always close. She was a great example of a generous, loving and caring person to me and others, it was I that had to work out the jealousy/admiring juxtaposition. I certainly caused her much madness stealing her clothes and trying to win over the parents! But I have been so grateful of the “built in” best friend God gave me with her.

    I am grateful for my sisters at church and all of you here. That when we accept Jesus we become co-heirs together and family. There should be no strife, tension, ugliness between us. God’s children are all equal, yet with different strengths and weaknesses. And we help each other and build each other up, strengthening and encouraging, and praying together! It is beautiful when lived out. Hard and ugly when not. We see it in churches a lot. Lord, keep us humble and empathetic, let us not be tempted to one up the next, and conniving and jealous. Help to love one another and only good and honoring things come out of our lips. Thank you Lord.

  2. Maria B says:

    Thank you, God that your “goodness exists equally for your dearly loved children.” That, because of your unchanging nature, we can trust in your promise that one day we will share in your kingdom as co-heirs. You mercy, love and grace are incomparable. Thank you, Father. Thank you, Jesus.

  3. Lynne from Alabama says:

    Precious sisters, I cannot thank you enough for the outpouring of love I felt yesterday (and really every day) from this precious group of sisters! I have read the comments several times and also felt the prayers of those who didn’t comment. Sometimes (most times) I don’t have time to comment to each of you individually but I assure you that you are prayed for by name. I also pray for the many needs that aren’t mentioned but they are so real and God knows each one. I look forward to the day we can all meet together with our Heavenly Father and I can collect all the hugs that I’ve been promised (maybe have some coffee too).

    I enjoyed so much all of your love stories yesterday. They warmed my heart.

    Margaret W—Praying God’s wisdom and direction as you try to make arrangements for your son. May God grant you (and him) perfect peace. My sister cared for her adult special needs son for my years. Caregiving is tough no matter who you’re caring for.

    1. Carol J Mylin says:


  4. Danielle B says:

    “God never runs out of goodness. He does not “dock” us for misbehavior, nor will He look favorably upon those who provoke others into deceit. God’s goodness exists equally for His dearly loved children. “ what reassurance that God is full of goodness which depends on Him and His character. As someone who is working to let go of striving and earning, there is such comfort to know God’s goodness is based on Him and not me. May I remember this and focus on the ways you’ve been good to me.

  5. Aimee D-R says:

    Oh Lord God thank You that Hou are a Good Father! Forgive me for when I don’t act with that in mind. In Jesus name, Amen

  6. Searching says:

    In the Lord’s message to Rebekah, He told her “And the older shall serve the younger.” Jacob schemed to gain a position the Lord had already deemed to be his. Lord, help me to be meek in wisdom as it says in Hebrews so that I honor You in my waiting and watching – not trying to force or rush what I think is Your plan. Even if I’m right and it really is Your plan, Your way is always the best way.

    And Isaac – like father, like son, not being truthful about his wife, not trusting the Lord for protection.

    Praying for the lost this morning, and our caregiving sisters.

    1. Carol J Mylin says:


  7. Sarah Nelson says:

    Would anyone have a book recommendation for historical and context purposes? I am curious as to how Issac (and even his father, relatives, etc) could meet with a king. Was this common in this era, or was it due to his great wealth and the status that gave him in society?

    1. Searching says:

      I don’t have a recommendation for you but my thinking is: The king recognized the power of the Lord and that He had blessed each of these men with financial and property wealth, which may have prompted the meetings – the king could have viewed these highly blessed men as a potential threat to his power.

      Maybe another sister will have a book recommendation or other resource ❤️

    2. Maria B says:

      I believe it is because Isaac inherited a big wealth from Abraham (herds, servants, and land). This wealth would have made him a prominent figure in the region, and he probably often interacted with influential people to maintain alliances or address disputes, especially about land and water.

  8. Kelly (NEO) says:

    From HRT:
    “The writer of Hebrews warns us to pursue holiness and to not treat the promises and provisions of God as if they’re something cheap, common, and easily consumable (Hebrews 12:14–17). We should treasure the promises of God and delight in the ways He is working in our lives.”
    Jesus, thank You, that Your position as the “Firstborn” enables me to be a part of God’s family.
    MARGARET W. – praying for wisdom as you make plans for your son.
    Thanks for all the stories shared yesterday. Great testimonies to God’s grace.

  9. Laura says:

    I liked this line from HRT: The writer of Hebrews warns us to pursue holiness and to not treat the promises and provisions of God as if they’re something cheap, common, and easily consumable (Hebrews 12:14–17). We should treasure the promises of God and delight in the ways He is working in our lives.

    Since TREASURE is my word this year, it was a good reminder to keep looking for ways God is moving and working in my life. Even though there are so many good things, I often focus on the things that aren’t good, and get bogged down in sadness and disappointment. I have a long way to go! Lord, help me to keep my eyes on You and continue to trust, step by step by step.
    As Claire said, God never runs out of goodness.

    1. Jess says:

      One of my favorite verses: Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8

  10. Sally B. says:

    The reminder that the twins forgot God’s character stepped on my toes a bit this morning, Ladies! How often do I forget God’s character (the same God who blessed Isaac also blessed Ismael) and try to make sure things turn out the way I think they should?
    Father, help us to remember You own the cattle on a thousand hills and have blessings to spare for all Your dearly loved children!!

  11. Mary Ann Graves says:

    Thank you for blessing me Lord

  12. Tina says:

    My brother and I share the same father. When mum remarried and had 6 children with my stepdad. The eldest a girl, was not happy at my turning up when I was sixteen, and being told I was the older sister!
    “But I am the older sister” she shouted..
    Mum and her dad had to explain that I was the older of mums children, therefore the eldest of all the children.
    That did not go down well, at all!
    One day, still adjusting to my new family life, I was arguing with mum about something or other in the kitchen, when my sister came in and told me not to talk to her mother like that.. I told her this was between our mum and I and that she should stay out of it..
    She took a knife out of the drawer and pointed it at me, again reiterating that I should stop talking to mum like that!!
    This story of Jacob and Esau does not shock me, the drama of siblings, I have known. My sister had believed for a long time that she was the older sister, suddenly this stranger has come into her space to take her place!!! Not on her watch, this was not going to happen!
    BUT GOD..
    That was 50 years ago, and I am happy to report that you could not get a better loving pair of sisters..
    Unfortunately, this did not happen with Jacob and Esua.. The dislike began in the womb.. Seriously, I wonder, though Esau was born first, should it have been Jacob that was to be born first, I mean the ‘cafaffle’ within the womb, and the fact that it is of Jacobs line that Jesus came.. Just a thought.. I guess it probably doesn’t matter in which order, Jacobs was always going to be the line.
    I digress a tad..
    I am thankful that the same God that blessed Abraham, blessed Isaac, blessed Ishmael, blessed Rahab, blessed Esther, blessed Ruth, BLESSES me! So so very thankful that God has no favourites, and that in His eyes I stand head and shoulders with the royals here in England!

    You know the best bit, because of Jesus, I can feel and know the goodness and grace and favour and mercy and love of God, each day..EVERY SINGLE DAY!
    Forever grateful, forever thankful, forever, by Jesus’s gift, I am given the right to be come His sister, a co heir to the kingdom..
    No need to fight for it.. Jesus shares it with us/me!!
    Happy Thursday, my people.. Be blessed knowing God has got this, whatever your ‘this’ looks like… He loves you, always has, always will!!
    I love you too, and I cover you in much love, hugs and prayers..
    God bless you.

    1. Searching says:

      Yes, TINA, same God as has always been, with love overflowing for us all, and salvation available to all who believe in His Son. Thankful for you, little sister :) ❤️

    2. Kelly (NEO) says:
