My maiden name was regularly mistaken for a similarly spelled, but distinctly different, last name. People confused the two enough that my father, brother, and I often answered to the wrong name without much thought. My mother, though, never let the wrong name slide. She’d politely smile and correct every person, sometimes more than once, who added an unnecessary “r” to the pronunciation of our last name. Though it was only part of her name by marriage, she fiercely defended its integrity.
What remains fascinating to me about this common mistake is how often people disagreed with her correction, telling her the way they misunderstood our name was, in fact, more accurate. It was as if their opinion of what our last name ought to be was more important than what our name truly is. Persistent as they were, they could not change the truth.
The fight for preserving what is true is at the heart of today’s reading, and of 1 Timothy as a whole. Paul wrote to Timothy, his coworker and protégé, to encourage him to guard the heritage of the Christian faith—a faith that was being challenged by false teaching and a skewed understanding of what it meant to be a follower of Jesus.
In Acts 16, we catch a glimpse of how Paul’s mentorship of Timothy began. Timothy left his family to travel with Paul on his second missionary journey, sharing the gospel and establishing the early Church. He became one of Paul’s most trusted disciples and coworkers, ministering alongside Paul as he wrote much of the New Testament. Paul wrote this first letter to Timothy while the younger man was serving as pastor to the church in Ephesus.
We see the depth of their relationship in how Paul addresses Timothy. More than just a coworker, Timothy is Paul’s “true son in the faith” (1Timothy 1:2). That affectionate reference is, in part, a reminder to Timothy that he, and all believers, are part of a spiritual heritage. When we come to faith in Jesus, we become part of the family of God (1John 3:1–2). In this family, part of our ministry is to guard the lineage of our faith by remembering what it means to be a believer and then passing those truths down to future generations.
The believers Timothy pastored were distracted by empty speculations and false doctrine. We have to guard against the same—whether in our own hearts, in our own conversations, or in how we teach others about our faith through our words and actions.
God Himself is the best authority on our faith. His Word isn’t a list of meaningless rules; it is light in the darkness, a lamp that shows us where to place our feet as we live lives faithful and true to the heritage of the gospel. When we keep our focus on growing in affection for God and His Word, we stay true to our pursuit of love that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith.

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141 thoughts on "Teach Truth in Love"
Love this! I too am guilty of wordiness and fruitless conversation. So good!
So good
Brenna, I don’t know if you will ever see this but I am so glad to hear that you are excited to teach your son about Jesus and his heritage of faith. So many parents outsource the gift of telling their children the amazing things of God, allowing their Sunday school teachers the huge thrill of leading them to Jesus, which in my mind is not only so sad but also goes far from what God intended for the family. Talk about God regularly, ready the Bible to your son, even now in your belly! Read your scripture reading to him! Once he hits one or two you could switch to a children’s bible but never stop reading the whole Bible to him. Sing praises to God together. Pray all the time. You are going to be an amazing mom, and congrats on your son! He is so blessed to be born into a loving Christ following family ❤️
I am so happy to hear this! I am a mom of
I pregnant with my first child (a boy!) and loved how this study mentioned that part of our ministry is passing down the teachings of the Bible to future generations. I can’t wait to teach my son about Jesus!
His Love is like no other.
Amen. Grateful
Amen! Many times I’ve relied on my own strength to understand God’s word, turning my approach into a works based effort. I need to simply be disciplined and faithful in my study and prayer, and trust the Lord will teach me and that I will grow to love him more.
I pray that God’s lamp would show me where to place my feet.
Praying Ava!
Hey Ava, I’m praying for you right now. Dear Lord, may complete peace settle over Ava’s trouble heart and troubled country. Provide for her family and save any members who haven’t turned to you in repentance. I pray against the enemy’s schemes in the government halls and board rooms. May you rip his claws out every pawn and every corrupted member. Please topple this dictatorship in the Philippines. You are a good and mighty King. These people may run the country but you run the universe. God please move. Amen
Love the simple reminder that we all are a part of a spiritual heritage (family of God) when we accept the Lord as our Savior!!
Please pray for my country, Philippines. On May 9, we had our elections and the former dictator’s son has a wide lead versus the current Vice President of the Philippines. It is clearly a fraud and electoral rigged. My country has fought a ruthless, killing dicator and his son has rigged the elections. Our front runner candidate is a woman, a person not linked to any corrupt activities. She is catholic but she is decent, respectful, and lived a humble life. Many Christians have fallen to the fake news in social media because the Dictator’s son has a well oiled troll and historicL revisionism army. Please pray for all Filipinos for God to see us, for God to help us. I can’t even use the name of the Dictator’s son because although he looks meek and calm, he is a snake that will control my beloved country. Leni Robredo is our only hope for a good, clean government. LORD, PLEASE HELP US.
We have lost the generation that is connected to their lineage, both in literal and spiritual sense of the words passed down by our forefathers.
Need this to pop up on my screen when I’m strolling through social media
Although this letter was written to an individual…..wasn’t it meant to be read to the entire church?
Praying for all those who have asked for them and also that we would all grow closer to Christ as we learn His word.
Loved this
Loved this word
This was good
Awesome and welcome!
Love this!!!
Kasey Taylor, may I ask which part and what translations you find different?
Churchmouse, Amen
A few takeaways
•God doesn’t require superhuman works but faith in the gospel.
Deep inward trust in Christ at the cores of one’s being.
•God is gracious and full of mercy.
•God intervenes personally to save us.
A few takeaways
•God doesn’t require superhuman works but faith in the gospel.
Deep inward trust in Christ at the cores of one’s being.
•God is gracious and full of mercy.
A few takeaways
•God doesn’t require superhuman works but faith in the gospel.
Deep inward trust in Christ at the cores of one’s being. God is gracious and full of mercy.
A few takeawaysGod doesn’t require superhuman works but faith in the gospel. Deep inward trust in Christ at the cores of one’s being. God is gracious and full of mercy.
Our goal is love!
Love God.
Love others.
Let our words and actions always reflect God’s love for us.
Beware false doctrines and misuse of Law!
Loved the podcast! God’s plan operates on Faith!
God has just a big heart.
Following Christ in my mind seems so simple, but walking it out every moment of each day , I fail so many times. So thankful for this reminder that God is bigger than all my mess ups. He knows my heart and my desire to follow Him with all my heart , soul, and mind.
I love this prayer – Amen! Praying for you and me both ❤️
I am excited to start studying 1&2 Timothy with SRT. It’s my first SRT study! I’m a somewhat new Christian (Oct 5 2021 is my second birthday and baptized on Jan 30 2022!), and I’m excited to learn more about Paul and his epistles. I grew up in a church but never learned Paul’s whole story. Thank you SRT for providing beautiful reading plans and helpful insights!
I am struggling with exactly this. Thank you for putting it into words. My God grant us guidance in this.
I’m a new follower of Christ. And I really liked todays reading because forgiveness and love are what brought me to Jesus and the reading discussed love and faith a lot.
I agree Jamie!! I love looking up a variety of different versions to help me better understand!!!
This is a beautiful start to a new series of readings. I appreciate Jessica’s reminder, “When we keep our focus on growing in affection for God and His Word, we stay true to our pursuit of love that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith.” Pursuing love via a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith isn’t always easy, but God can and will help us. Amen!
Praying for all of you, especially Lainey, Gaby, Diane, Rachel, and GramsieSue, and others. Blessed be the name of our Lord Jesus.
Amen Kelli… I too am struggling with the rest the same thing trying to do it in my own strength rather than God’s. Confess, repent and leave it at the alter.
Prayers for everyone. Looking forward to this bible study with you all.
Great point!
I came back to SRT today after a long time away and it happened to be the start of a brand new study. I think there’s something important I need to learn from 1 and 2 Timothy!
If I can just make one suggestion. As we read and study with an open and pure heart, may we also read the same scripture in other translations. Many verses are different and I think other perspectives here during this study on teaching truth in love and about false doctrine is of utmost importance.
If I can just make one suggestion. As we read and study with an open and pure heart, may we also read the same scripture in other translations. Many verses are different and I think other perspectives here during this study on teaching fon false doctrine
Father God, grant me a discerning spirit so that I would not be deceived by false teaching. The Pharisees and the Saducees thought they knew the Law. They were zealous about it. Yet when Your Son Jesus came, they did not recognize Him. Jesus interpreted the law very differently. He exposed their misinterpretations and their ulterior motives. Lord, I don’t want to miss anything You have for me. Nor do I want my idea of You or my opinion of Your Word to be inaccurate. I desire Truth. Open my mind and my ears so that I hear Your still small voice above all others. Help me to recognize false teachers and preachers. Reveal their errors to them that they might repent and only teach the full Gospel. Give me “a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith” just as Paul determined his instruction to be. Aid me in modeling Your love. I humbly make these requests that I might know and serve You better. Amen.
Reading today’s message and comments, like the majority, the emphasis for me is pure heart, clean conscience and faith. How do we get there? A pure heart is based off the protection of the breastplate of righteousness (God’s righteousness and NOT self righteousness from the law). Self righteousness promotes pride which causes offends, conflicts, strife. A clean conscience is from correct thinking, a sound mind. Faith comes from hearing and by hearing the Word of God. Blessed are those with a pure heart for they shall see God. Keep your heart with all diligence for from it flows the issues of life. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. If your heart gets right, the mouth gets right. Gossip, idle talk, fruitless discussions are the symptoms of a wrong heart. May we come to God daily, practice being in His presence to be purified, as He is pure. Be blessed dear beautiful sisters.
I agree with you!
This week’s podcast was very good. Especially enjoyed the call to unity when reading difficult passages.
Thank you dear Jesus for your love and faithfulness to us today as we pause yo consider the sunrise, flowers, and birds signing this spring morning in Portland, OR. It’s so life giving to see and hear the goodness of God in the land of the living especially now. The past week I have been thinking a lot about what you are calling patents and educators to do or yo change when we consider how to raise our kids in a true discipleship model so they are nudged closer to your heart each day at school as you relentlessly pursue each of their hearts and minds from birth to college years. Praying for your Spirit to fill parents and teachers as we move forward in teaching truth in love each day, everyday. Being obedient to what Paul is saying as part of today’s reading. How do we become a culture of compassion, praying and praising people from our youth to Golden years? How to we teach our children more intentionally than ever before?
Thank you dear Jesus for your love and faithfulness to us today as we pause yo consider the sunrise, flowers, and birds signing this spring morning in Portland, OR. It’s so life giving to see and hear the goodness of God in the land of the living especially now. The past week I have been thinking a lot about what you are calling patents and educators to do or yo change when we consider how to raise our kids in a true discipleship model so they are nudged closer to your heart each day at school as you relentlessly pursue each of their hearts and minds from birth to college years. Praying for your Spirit to fill parents and teachers as we move forward in teaching truth in love each day, everyday. Being obedient to what Paul is saying as part of today’s reading. How do we become a culture of compassion, praying and praising people from our youth to Golden years? How to we teach our children
As a woman, I can be prone to “fruitless discussions.” Both gossip AND over-talking/over-thinking a situation. I can just envision my husband’s face as he glazes over when I start fruitlessly discussing something. Today’s intro and deeper reading reminded me that God is who He is and His Truth is unchangeable, NO MATTER WHAT. I can’t add to it, or take away from it. I simply get to seek Him and His Truth. My husband gave me a goodbye kiss as he slipped away early to head to work this morning. He often doesn’t because he doesn’t want to wake me, but his simple act of love has spoken louder than all the wordiness I try to convey the same thing. And it wasn’t lost on me the truth of his love to me spoke as I sat down to be reminded of what I can find in the Word each day, and learn to impart to others: Simple truth, in love. Love from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith. I ended with reading Isaiah 55:8-13 – a great reminder that His thoughts and His ways are above mine, and His word never returns void. I allow the Enemy to keep me in a circle of “fruitless discussions” that pull me away from this truth, but after the last 2 weeks I know I need to daily put on the Armor of God to stand firm against his schemes, and allow God to speak His truth into my heart.
Thank you dear Jesus for your love and faithfulness to us today as we pause yo consider the sunrise, flowers, and birds signing this spring morning in Portland, OR. It’s so life giving to see and hear the goodness of God in the land of the living especially now. The past week I have been thinking a lot about what you are calling patents and educators to do or yo change when we consider how to raise our kids in a true discipleship model so they are nudged closer to your heart each day at school as you relentlessly pursue each of their hearts and minds from
A very timely plan in a moment where the Christian faith is being twisted by so many people for their own personal gain. A reminder that we are in this world and not of it but yet called to love everyone so that they would experience the love of God through us. Also a correction or reminder of the foundation of what we are believing so we are not fooled by the ones who are teaching Christ in vain.
Good heart, clear conscience, sincere faith. This was such a good reminder for me. As long as I am earnestly seeking my word daily to help bring me closer to God, and more easily hear his voice, I can lean on his heart for discernment as I aim for a good heart, a clean conscience, and a sincere faith.
Kristie I have just done exactly the same thing so glad it wasn’t only me! Making a mental note for next time to stay away from the return button!
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 27 I will place my Spirit within you and cause you to follow my statutes and carefully
Ever since doing our Lent study I can’t help but read Paul’s teachings on the Law while also hearing the verses from Ezekiel 36 in my head.
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 27 I will place my Spirit within you and cause you to follow my statutes and carefully observe my ordinances.
Ever since doing our Lent study I can’t help but read Paul’s teachings on the Law while also hearing the verses from Ezekiel 36 in my head.
I’m so sorry!! I just noticed every time I hit return, it posted. So now, there are a bunch of replies from me, at different parts. So y’all don’t have to try to figure out that hot mess…read Deuteronomy 30:12-14 to really understand Romans 10:6-8. I understand the Romans verses perfectly now…thank You, God!! Have a great day, ladies!
Rom. 10:7 – Deuteronomy 30:13
13 Nor is it beyond the sea, that you should say “Who will go over the sea for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?”
Rom. 10:8 – Deuteronomy 30:14
14 But the Word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may do it.
Rom. 10:7 – Deuteronomy 30:13
13 Nor is it beyond the sea, that you should say “Who will go over the sea for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?”
Rom. 10:8a – Deuteronomy 30:14
Rom. 10:7 – Deuteronomy 30:13
13 Nor is it beyond the sea, that you should say “Who will go over the sea for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?”
Rom. 10:7 – Deuteronomy 30:13
Good morning, everyone! As I was doing todays readings, I was confused by some verses: Romans 10: 6-8a
6 But the righteousness that comes from faith speaks like this: Do not say in your heart, “Who will go up to heaven?” that is, to bring Christ down 7 or, “Who will go into the abyss?” that is, to bring Christ up from the dead. 8a On the contrary, what does it say?
I looked at other versions, because sometimes that alone gives me clarity. But, it didn’t today, so I researched those verses, and I’m glad I did, because I now have perfect clarity…thank You, God!! I want to share in case anyone else was confused.
Rom 10:6 – Deuteronomy 30:12
12 It is not in heaven that you should say “Who will ascend into heaven for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?”
I’m finally home after being gone for a month. I did not have my workbook for The Armor of God with me, but read the scripture and followed along online. I do not learn as well without my books. I like to underline and soak it in. I’m so thankful to be back and starting 1 & 2 Timothy, with my book…lol
There are so many fruitless discussions happening in the world today. I have fallen into them. I want to only speak in love. To have a pure heart, good conscience, and a sincere faith. I found Romans 10:2 to be so true. “I can testify about them that they have zeal for God, but not according to knowledge.” A very dear old friend came to visit while I was in Florida. She has zeal, but does not study or read the Bible. We got to talking about God and a bit of a debate started. I remained calm, but I gently pointed out to her how harsh she was speaking. She told me she was praying for God to take Tanner, so I would have some life. I understand she meant well, but that was hurtful to me. She jumped on me and I was shocked. We have been friends for 40 years. I tried my best to remain calm and speak in love. I’m thankful that God helped me through that conversation. Years ago I would have responded with the same harshness.
Good morning, everyone! As I was doing todays readings, I was confused by some verses: Romans 10: 6-8a
6 But the righteousness that comes from faith speaks like this: Do not say in your heart, “Who will go up to heaven?” that is, to bring Christ down 7 or, “Who will go into the abyss?” that is, to bring Christ up from the dead. 8a On the contrary, what does it say?
I looked at other versions, because sometimes that alone gives me clarity. But, it didn’t today, so I researched those verses, and I’m glad I did, because I now have perfect clarity…thank You, God!! I want to share in case anyone else was confused.
Rom 10:6 – Deuteronomy 30:12
Good morning, everyone! As I was doing todays readings, I was confused by some verses: Romans 10: 6-8a
6 But the righteousness that comes from faith speaks like this: Do not say in your heart, “Who will go up to heaven?” that is, to bring Christ down 7 or, “Who will go into the abyss?” that is, to bring Christ up from the dead. 8a On the contrary, what does it say?
I looked at other versions, because sometimes that alone gives me clarity. But, it didn’t today, so I researched those verses, and I’m glad I did, because I now have perfect clarity…thank You, God!! I want to share in case anyone else was confused.
Exactly, Kelly. Our presence at our daughter’s wedding was an act of love for her and our new daughter. We will not engage in fruitless discussions but will pray for the Lord’s care for them.
Good morning, everyone! As I was doing todays readings, I was confused by some verses: Romans 10: 6-8a
6 But the righteousness that comes from faith speaks like this: Do not say in your heart, “Who will go up to heaven?” that is, to bring Christ down 7 or, “Who will go into the abyss?” that is, to bring Christ up from the dead. 8a On the contrary, what does it say?
Good morning, everyone! As I was doing todays readings, I was confused by some verses: Romans 10: 6-8a
Sent prayers up for you and her and her family!
Beverly, I lifted you and your sister in prayer! Panic attacks and anxiety are very real, but we can go to God, Who makes the impossible possible, Who heals the sick, Who answers prayers!! I will continue to lift y’all up in prayer!
Amen! ❤️❤️
Please pray for my sister, she’s in the hospital dealing with what I think is trauma after having a car accident last week. She’s having panicked attacks, and anxiety. Thank you all in advance for your prayers. I’m not in the same state as me, so that’s hard.
Your words ring so true, Rhonda! We left a church about a year ago because worship turned into a light show, smoke and mirrors concert. I get that you want to draw people in, but is all that stuff and a watered down message the right thing to do. It is all to easy to be led astray. We need to be really careful what we allow into our hearts.
I realized in this study today, that being good isn’t what it is all about. Sure, I have know the verses about being saved by faith and not by works, but something clicked today when I read the verse about working for a righteousness of our own vs God’s. I think I’ve struggled with my sin so much that I want to feel better about myself by being righteous. Yet, becoming a good person doesn’t make God happy. If we follow the rules, we are just doing what is right. And doing what is right and following the law, won’t get us there. Only through Jesus. Despite the fact that we can’t be good on our own, there is a truth to the fact that even if we could be good on our own (a righteousness of our own), even that wouldn’t please God. He wants us to love Him and have faith in Him. It is not about righteousness, but about Him. All glory and praise be to God!
Please pray for my mother in law as she is getting ready to start her 3rd chemo treatment and is having radiation treatments also.
Good instruction in this reading! It seems like we need discernment to determine what our response to others in the local church should be. A warning is given against a lot of unecesarry chatter. ❤️
Good instruction in this reading! It seems like we need discernment to determine what our response to others in the local church should be. A warning is given against a lot of uneccsa
Praying for discernment in my life, that I will hear and be more quiet to hear Gods words, guidance through life. Thankful for this community and the opportunity to be a part of it.
Praying for you!
Lainey, sister – I see you. I remember that heartache and all the emotions that would pour in storms as well as quiet. I am so truly sorry you are having to walk this path. If you ever need an ear from a fellow traveler, I am here for that. I will be praying for you and your husband. For God’s peace and goodness to wash over you both. ♥️
Praying for you.
Praying for everyone here this morning and looking forward to walking together through Timothy! ✨
Good morning! I feel this is such a timely study for me (for all of us really), as so many churches are growing and multiplying with a feel-good tone. They want to engage and draw you in, and create an environment that encapsulates and mesmerizes. But we must not be drawn in by feelings, we must know what the truth says, and direct our life toward it, and not fold to appease others or to save face.
As I was looking for a new church these last several months I was warry….I want to be a part of one badly, because I have always had those roots. But you must use discernment and follow God’s nudging. There are too many false teachers. It is scary to me, for my sister grew up with the same beliefs, yet has been with a false religion for over 20 years. It doesn’t make sense to me. She has an amazing heart and is an epitome of a “Christian” doing all in her life for God, not by works perse, but because she feels called to serve. I don’t want to start a debate about that, just prayers for the Holy Spirit to work in her life.
Prayers for my She’s!
Lainey, I am adding you and your husband to my prayer list. I’m praying that you guys have peace in the waiting and trust in God’s path for your lives.
Praying for you Rachel
Praying for you @Diane Mom and @Rachel Romero!
So excited to be starting a new study with you all <3 I pray that through the Lord's strength He would give me a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith that shines for all to see
Praying for you sister!! I have depression as well, so I know the feeling.
Today I am praying I will hold my head high and be excited about the truths God has given! Our culture tells Jesus followers that we are bad. God says only He is good and we are His beloved children. I am excited about that and loving and living it today!
Praying for you, Rachel Romero, for your marriage and your depression. May God’s love and presence be a comfort to you.
Praying for you ❤️ I know this feeling all too well. After two years of struggling, my marriage is finally on the upswing. And also after two years of struggling, I’m finally on a med to help with my postpartum depression and anxiety. God is with you, always. He knew the plan for your life, before you were even born. So while things may seem hard right now, you just have to look to the Lord and seek joy in knowing that He is in control. If He couldn’t bring you through it, He wouldn’t bring you to it. ❤️
Rachel, May God give you wisdom and grace as He leads you out of this. I agree with other ladies, it is good to seek counsel and professional help for any of your immediate health or emotional needs. <3 worth it. You are loved <3 May God give you healing.
God bless you Shes in this new study. I hope it is refining and sticks in our hearts.
Praying for you Rachel!
Praying for you sisters – RACHEL, DIANE MOM and LEHUA K.
V 6-7 really jumped out at me this morning, after the lead in from v 5- 5 Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith, 6 from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idle talk, 7 desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm. (NKJV)
“Understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm” We see so much of this in today’s world, from church “authorities” distorting God’s word and those distortions being further distorted when repeated, to the political upheaval that this country is mired in – people digging their heels in on both sides without digging into what they are supporting.
May I keep v 5 in my heart and mind – love from a pure heart, a good conscience and sincere faith, and be on guard for anything that doesn’t match with God’s word.
The ladies in my Sunday School class were discussing this very need yesterday. What a blessing it would be to walk along those tender in their faith and watching them grow in strength.
We can love brothers and sisters in Christ without having an intimate relationship with them. We are called to surround ourselves with people who will build us up in Christ. Speak truth in love when it is needed, but also show us compassion and love. If you have people who are doing the opposite, you can freely disconnect from them ( unless it is a spouse of course) and love them from a distance. Praying for you.
Good morning, great reading this morning.
Such wisdom Elizabeth Alyse. Sending you encouragement and praying for His discernment to guide you in how you interact with those who seek to manipulate you. Knowing He is the author of truth, sincerity, compassion, love. Let that lead you. ❤️❤️
Praying for you Rachel. You are in the right place: His truth, wrapped in His arms. He sees you and knows what is happening. He will give you strength and wisdom. Keep coming to His feet and let Him pour Love over you, in peace. ❤️
I will be having surgery to remove my gallbladder this morning. Please pray it will be successful and stop the painful problems I’ve been having with my digestion. Thanks!
Love is the answer, but we can not manufacture it on our own. Only by staying one to the word can we become like the WORD made flesh.
Praying for you Rachel. I remember those days and it is tough. Praying for healing and God’s peace for this situation
Praying for your depression and your marriage right now Rachel. I am so thankful to have all you sisters in my life. I pray for all of you daily. You don’t realize how much you all disciple me with your comments and prayers for each other. God has truly blessed us.
Praying for you Rachel but also that you would be brave and advocate for yourself so that you can get the medical care you need too.
Rachel, praying our Father’s comfort for you today. He is holding you in the palm of His hand, healing your hurt places and protecting you. I’m so sorry for what you are going through right now but please know you aren’t alone. Your sisters in Christ are here lifting you up.
Praying for you, Rachel.
Facts! 100%!!!
Good morning all. I need prayers this morning. My marriage is falling to pieces, I’m fairly sure I’m struggling with some sort of prenatal depression and I just feel so lost and broken. So grateful for these studies and God’s word. I can’t wait to dive into 1 & 2 Timothy. I find so much comfort in the Word.
We need more true “sons and daughters” in the faith and we need more spiritual parents. This type of relationship between Paul and Timothy has been lost over the years and we need to allow the Lord to help us to begin again to disciple and be discipled in truth!
“Now the goal of our instruction is love that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith. Some have departed from these and turned aside to fruitless discussion.”
The GOAL is love and I will never reach it in fruitless discussions.