Day 4

The Stem of Jesse

from the The Stem of Jesse reading plan

1 Samuel 16:6-13, Isaiah 11:1-6, Isaiah 53:2-3

BY Debbie Eaton

Text: 1 Samuel 16:6-13, Isaiah 11:1-6, Isaiah 53:2-3

My husband has studied the history of our families. So many times I have rolled my eyes and thought, What’s the point? Humbly I have come to understand that those who have gone before us have rich stories that intersect our own. Together these stories of hardship and success, struggles and victories, messy choices and redemption paint the grand story of grace, hope, faith and love. We share a history, and it is through their seed we have life. Our story through time is God’s story.

The beauty of Advent is found when we look back into our rich history and peer into the window of God’s perfect plan for His family. When we do, we see David and Mary—two chosen people, years apart from one another—who had faith and accepted their role that ultimately ushered in a baby: the Messiah. This young, unassuming pair of biblical characters are living proof of the words from 1 Samuel 16:7:

“For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” 

A young shepherd boy named David was summoned from the field by his father Jesse to appear before Samuel. He was young, ordinary, unsuspecting – he was chosen. In secret he was anointed, and the scriptures say, “from that day forward the Spirit of the Lord came upon David in power” (1 Samuel 16:13).

David – a man after God’s own heart.

A young virgin girl named Mary was engaged to a man Joseph, who was himself from the line of David. Mary is visited by an angel who tells her, “The Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!” She was young, ordinary, unsuspecting – she was chosen. In secret, she was anointed by God.

Mary – a woman after God’s own heart.

The stem of Jesse divinely intersects with the womb of a young girl, and God’s pattern of grace, love and redemption for the world is born. He is Immanuel – God is with us.

“…and a little child (the Messiah) shall lead them.”  – Isaiah 11:6

God’s glorious story of redemption is seen from the first word of Scripture to the last. Our birth, our destiny, our purpose is born of God’s love. Our creator always has a plan, one that takes a tiny seed and multiplies it abundantly— a plan that takes a tiny baby born of humble means and makes Him a King, the Savior of the world.

The stories of young David and Mary are miraculously similar because that is the way God works—He uses the humble, the ordinary and the unsuspecting to bring glory to His Kingdom forever and ever. Let us sit in adoration of the One who penned the greatest story of all time, the story that extends love and grace from the heights of heaven to all we who humbly walk the earth. Thanks be to God!

“Infinite, and an infant.
Eternal, and yet born of a woman.
Almighty, and yet hanging on a woman’s breast.
Supporting a universe, and yet needing to be carried in a mother’s arms.
King of angels, and yet the reputed son of Joseph.
Heir of all things, and yet the carpenter’s despised son.
Oh, the wonder of Christmas.”
– Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892)


 For an added layer of worship during this sweet season of adoration and expectation, we’ve created a Spotify playlist for Advent 2014! You can find the complete SheReadsTruth | O Come Let Us Adore Him playlist at this link, or listen to today’s track on the player below. Enjoy!


Post Comments (90)

90 thoughts on "The Stem of Jesse"

  1. Alyssa says:

    I struggle to think lower of myself in front of others, to show them my weaknesses…and that’s just how great God is- that he doesn’t even consider how good he looks in front of others, his only thought is about saving his people. He came as a baby- so helpless and needy. We can’t ever lose that humble nature either. Love this one:)

  2. Kasey Tuggle says:

    Infinite! He is glorious! He is perfect! Came in this world as a baby! So humble! The story of Christmas, of the gospel, is incredible! It’s really crazily amazing! The way God went about bringing redemption to his chosen people freely through Christ, to us who do not deserve it! It’s so amazing! This was so refreshing to me! Thank you Debbie!

  3. Celeste L. says:

    I think it is so amazing how God isn’t like men. He looks on the heart not the outward appearance.

  4. Brandi says:

    I’m a little behind on my own advent study because I am doing two advent studies with the children. But this. Oh this is the amazing, wonderful, breath catching, tears of awe falling thing about Christmas. Our Creator, the One Who holds the world together, who created tadpoles that turn into frogs, that created stars and galaxies and trees and whales and sunflowers just for the joy of sunflowers, the One Who created me and you, He came to earth as a baby. A baby. Absolutely dependent on Mary to carry Him and nurse Him and sing to Him. A baby who cried with teething pain, who fells down and scraped His knees when He learned to walk, who had a first word and a first smile. Oh how He loves us that He would take off the cloak of His majesty just to save us, just to be tortured for our sins, just to hang on a tree with the worst of society for us. And it all began as a tiny prophesied Baby, born in a barn, surrounded by His creation and announced by the stars and the angels. Infinite, and an infant indeed.

    1. Brinn says:

      Amen!! (I’m behind too :) )

  5. Syria Sanchez says:

    Amazing!!!! Day 1 and day 4 (today) have been so profound!! This is my first devotional with this She Reads Truth…and I have been so incredibly blessed by it already !!!

  6. I love those comparative profiles of David & Mary! Young, humble, unsuspecting. Dwelling on that just makes the Incarnation that much more profound. Wow, we have a good God.

  7. Lizz says:

    I continually struggle with the need to be perfect. I feel that in order to be a testimony to other people, I need to be absolutely flawless, or else I am not representing Christ well. Today’s devotion is so beautiful. It reminds me that God uses the weak, sinful, poor and seemingly unworthy and makes them strong, holy, rich and worthy of death. He uses the weak to show how strong he is. I thank God for the beauty of His grace and that he uses my imperfection to further his kingdom!

  8. Summer says:

    I am so awestruck to see through this advent study, particularly through today's reading, the incredible way in which God's plan of salvation was created and written throughout the entire bible. It is such a reassurance to know that our almighty father, capable of such an intricate plan for all of humanity, does the same for each of our lives. And His vision can come to fruition if we only humble ourselves enough to allow Him room.

    Isn't it wild- the ultimate testament of humility- our God becoming human in order to allow us to become more godly?

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