Day 5

Open Your Bible

Romans 12:1-21

Join us for Day 5 of Soul Detox and then join us for discussion and community in the comments below!

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41 thoughts on "Day 5"

  1. Sue says:

    Another WOW moment! Courtney M’s comment on spiritual service being linked to how we relate to others set that aha moment off in my head.
    Jesus stated that the greatest of all commandments is that we love one another ( not judge or be self rightious towards each other-toxic). Love is the hallmark of God,. Towards all humanity, good or bad. Satan is our evil adversary. So simple, but so follow. I praise God that he will give me his light. To shine…:-)

    Rockinat55, God is so good!

    Prayers and love to all my SRT Sisters! Thanking you all for all your comments

  2. Katie says:

    "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

    Sometimes it is really hard to refocus my mind on God's truth. This week, I want to try something new. Every time I find myself being overcome by evil, I will purposefully replace that thought with something good. God bless you ladies!

  3. jesusgirl71 says:

    I am ashamed to say, I don't always do what I should to renew my mind, but some ways to do this would include quoting scripture, reading god's Word, praying, listening to worship music or any music of a Christian nature. lots of food for thought in these verses; living in harmony with one another, showing love to all, and a biggy: Presenting our bodies as living sacrifices. do not be conformed to this world again makes me think of what I watch on TV, etc. Really have been convicted about that lately.

  4. Ellen MR says:

    The devo stated that toxic thoughts can lead to illness, even death…TRUE!!! As I stated b4 that I’d been in a 15yr horribly verbal abusive relationship, I just internalized all the rotten things that were said, including the constant rant at myself for being so stupid, or whatever the issue was at that moment. I went from being the strong, independent gal who never needed a boyfriend to define me to an overweight wreck with multiple medical issues and 3 young kids! Granted, some medical issues are not all bcuz of that, but they sure play a role in how the body reacts. The stress and anxiety along with the anger (at him, at ME) frustration, envy, regret, etc make me a poster child for/about toxicity. I do honestly believe if I don’t learn how to change the toxic thoughts, that I could have even more serious repercussions medically than I already do!
    I read the daily reading in several different bibles (a tip from you ladies) and do find it very helpful!
    V 2 in the AMP really put it simply-that is something I can do to refocus, along with rededicating myself to the Lord, which I have. I also liked v3-6 in The Message and with v 21 to wrap it up, I think Romans 12 is a good guide to becoming the good, decent, Christian woman I’d like to be! :)
    Have a wonderfully re-focused Blessed Day!
    All the joy I’m feeling and the hope I have, I give all the glory to my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ~
    Thank you Jesus!!

  5. Crystal says:

    Line 20 and 21 stand out to me and there is one person in particular that I struggle with this with. I know in my heart of hearts that I need to let the Lord handle it and be the person I know I am. But it never fails this person seems to pull out the evil from me. There is a saying "Lord put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth" that I try to remind myself in situations that this person is present. I need to remember He is with me and He will fight for me, I just need to be still.

    I also like line 12 – rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. What a good reminder!

    Happy Friday Ladies!

  6. Audrey says:

    I really liked the CEV and AMP version of this reading. What struck me hardest from the AMP version was v16…but readily adjust yourself to (people/things). This is something I struggle with, not that I really think I'm better, but sometimes the feeling that talking to some people is not worth my time. Written down that sounds so much more horrible but its the truth. Another toxic thought identified!

    I am finding it very empowering and a relief to identify these things that I have lived knowingly with and done nothing about. I have felt the change in my day in just 5 short days in this study, Thank you Jesus!

    1. jesusgirl71 says:

      Oh this is so me! I catch myself thinking, "I don't want to takl to this customer; they are not worth my time." Soooo wrong! I love that wording, "Adjust yourself to others."

  7. Courtney M. says:

    Romans 12 is my most favorite chapter. I noticed today that the beginning of the chapter talks about the renewing of our minds which leads in to how we shall live for for others…rejoice with, weep with, live in harmony with. It seems over and over that our spiritual service is inextricably linked to the ways that we related to other humans that trudge through this weary world with us. Not simply other human that we love, but the ones most difficult to love…the world weary, the enemy, the homeless, the mentally ill. It seems that I must work dilignetly to renew my mind for the sake of being Jesus to others.

    1. Casey says:

      I was just thinking about this yesterday! I think every person we come into contact with was placed in our life for a reason. They are there to challenge and motivate us to be like Jesus, show THEM Jesus, and teach us how to be in constant prayer when we are around a person we just don't feel comfortable around. Then I believe that person leaves us in a better place and hopefully, we have left them in a better place too so they can go on an repeat the process, perhaps in the reverse way!

      I read something cool yesterday in the book "Max on Life"–he said in response to the question "what are we doing here?" that God is simply collecting a family for his kingdom. He put us all here to interact with each other, build each other up, challenge one another, love one another with His love, and bring glory to Him!

    2. krystina_lolli says:

      Yes. Together. Others. Why am I separating myself from my sisters and brothers? Thank you Courtney, this helps me grasp this section!

  8. Greta says:

    ‎"And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." Romans 12:1-2

    I've read these verses so many times, but today God showed me this: He transforms us into new persons as HE changes the way we think. I used to read it that I need to change the way I think to be transformed into His image. Today Holy Spirit showed me that HE is the one who changes our thinking. Asking Him to do that today.