Text: Luke 2:1-20, Psalm 46:4-11
Glory to God in the highest! “Come and see what the Lord has done…” (Psalm 46:8)
This. THIS is what we do today. We celebrate! We worship! We come together to see what the Lord has done… for all of us!
You see, all of history up until the birth of Christ was pointing to that manger. It was aching for that Baby in Bethlehem. And everything after finds its meaning in that moment. All of our hope begins here.
Friends, God is with us.
And—good news!—God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him. (John 3:17) He is the Prince of Peace.
Jesus came to make wars cease.
He came for peace on earth.
He came to be made low, and He came that God would be exalted.
He came to make a way for us to know Him, to help us see that we are fully known, and to redeem and reconcile us to the Father.
And after all this—after all that the Almighty God has lovingly and mercifully done for us—what does He ask us to do? He tells us to be still and know that He is God.
Today, we celebrate our Savior’s birth.
And like the Psalmist, we simply “Come and see what the Lord has done” for us.
Because, friends, “The Lord Almighty is with us!”
Glory to God in the highest. Peace on Earth; good will toward men.

For an added layer of worship during this sweet season of adoration and expectation, we’ve created a Spotify playlist for Advent 2014! You can find the complete SheReadsTruth | O Come Let Us Adore Him playlist at this link, or listen to today’s track on the player below. Enjoy!
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37 thoughts on "The Shepherds Go To the Manger"
Yes!! We always have a reason to be celebrating!! Our Savior has came! He has redeemed us!! Glory glory glory to our King!!
Merry Christmas!!! The Word became flesh!!
This is an incredible reminder that our hope began with a BABY! It’s so hard to comprehend that a tiny little creature could mean so much. So thankful for our God and his mighty son. So thankful that he was willing to send him as a baby, so that Christ could walk where we walk and feel what we feel. Blessed beyond measure today. (And every day!)
Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, sisters! He is with us!
Glory to God and Peace on Earth! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you all!! What a wonderful advent it has been!!
I love, “But Mary was treasuring up all these things in her heart and meditating on them.” (Luke 2:19) She wasn’t going around bragging about her new baby or consumed with getting the perfect family pictures on her holiday cards to mail out to friends and family (haha)…she meditated on God’s blessings and faithfulness. I could sure take a note from her!
Me too, Abby! I completely loved that part. It especially stuck out to me while reading it tonight. Merry Christmas!
Yes! I love that scripture never gets old because God reveals different parts to us constantly. Merry Christmas and happy new year!
“All our hope begins here.” Such a wonderful truth to read this Christmas morning. Thank you, Jesus! And Merry Christmas, SRT community. :)
Oh thank you Dear God for being my fortress, our fortress! For coming to save us, to be our strength,& give us guidance through this life. Thank you for loving us Father so very much,to let your son go through so much pain for us, that we might have eternal life with you. What a gift!!! Merry Christmas to all of you at SRT and all the sisters that read it. Love you!
Merry Christmas!
Celebrating that He is Emmanuel – God WITH us! So thankful that He chose to be with us and get to know us!
Merry Christmas!
The greatest gift of all!! Hallelujah, our Savior is born!!
Thank you Lord for renewing the truth and majesty and JOY of this story, your story, our story, MY story. May we draw close to you in celebration today and may our eyes remain fixed on Jesus, God with us, and our lives reflect your love for the world. Amen.
Merry Christmas! For unto us a Savior is born!
Merry Christmas to all! Thank you for your faithfulness to sharing your hearts and the word of God each day. May God bless each of you with His presence — God with us!
Glory to God in the highest for the peace and great joy you bring to ALL people! Thank you Jesus!
God is within us, we will not fall; God will help us at break of day…..The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress! Come see what the Lord has done! Emmanuel is here! Be still and know that He is God! Blessings and glory and honor and power to Him!
Yes! Happy Birthday, Jesus!!
Happy birthday, Jesus!
"The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our Fortress. Selah
"The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our Fortress. Selah
"Be still and know that I am God. I *will* be exalted!"
And yet He came to us in lowliness. This reminds me of the Advent readings I've used in the past from John Piper, where Piper describes the incarnation as "God's most successful setback. He has always delighted to show his power through apparent defeat. He makes tactical retreats in order to win strategic victories. . . . And this is God's way for us too. We are promised glory–if we will suffer with him (Romans 8:17). The way up is down. The way forward is backward. The way to success is through divinely appointed setbacks. They will always look and feel like failure. But… 'God meant it for good!' (Genesis 50:20)."
Merry Christmas!
Thank you stinav96, your post really spoke to me. Merry Christmas Dear.
I love John Piper’s writings!
Merry CHRISTmas everyone! What a blessed day……
Merry Christmas! What JOY!!!
"Good news of great joy" – I know the peace those words bring me and I *know* the end result of them. Can't begin to fathom the peace and true joy they brought the shepherds. I, too, come to the manger broken, worn, desperately in need of a savior. I come to the manger to be near to God, knowing God is with us there, here, then and now. I come to the manger anxious to share my joy, to express my love, my gratitude for the Lamb of God, I come to the manger to bow my head before a God so loving He'd give us Himself, His son wholly and completely without barrier! Today, I come to the manger, to be still, tears dripping with an overwhelming joy, to celebrate *my* Prince of Peace, my Rock, my Savior and yours! Merry Christmas sisters! ~ B
Lord, help me be still and know You are God – to ponder these things in my heart. Every day, but especially today. Merry Christmas!
Glory to God in the Highest…..Glory to God in the Highest…..
Glory to God in the Highest…..
Glory.to God in the. Highest…
God with us…Emmanuel…
Hallelujah…Joy to the world….the Lord has come… Let earth receive her King,… her Savoir,… her HOPE…
Happy Birthday Jesus….Thank you….
Merry Christmas Sister's and may today, I pray be totally Blessed, with LOVE, JOY and HOPE…and PEACE…
What good news of great joy for all…for unto us is born a Saviour…He shall be called Wonderful Councillor, Everlasting Love…Jesus the Savior..Prince of Peace…Let the nation's declare Him Lord…
“5 God is in the midst of her, she will not be moved;
God will help her when morning dawns. ” This verse really jumped out at me this morning as I read through bleary eyes. I know the “her” is Israel, but WE are Israel, so I can see myself as the “her” here, right?? Embracing this verse this morning as I mourn the loss of my father-in-law across the ocean 2 days ago, but still remember in humble gratitude all He has done for me. To Him be glory, honor and all power forever and ever. Amen.
I’m so sorry for your loss! I lost my father-in-law during Advent last year. It was so hard, yet that was also when I experienced revelation like never before. As if He reminded me that although this world is broken, He is walks with us. Praying for you sister!
Praise The Lord for the gift of His precious Son who defied and broke through the darkness… Indeed my great darkness! And may we all remember this day to also look forward in joy to his second coming when he will conquer and remove evil and darkness once for all. The Saviour of the World is coming back soon!! Let us always have room in our hearts for Him! Praise The Lord!
Love this: “You see, all of history up until the birth of Christ was pointing to that manger. It was aching for that Baby in Bethlehem. And everything after finds its meaning in that moment. All of our hope begins here”. He is our hope! And in the midst of our mess, God reached down and changed history. He sent Jesus to save the world … not to condemn it! This is the miracle of Christmas!