1 Timothy 4 is one of those chapters that, if you read through it too quickly, you might miss the minor plot twist tucked into its verses.
In this chapter, Paul continues his counsel to Timothy by warning against false teaching, and exhorting him to preserve the integrity of his ministry. In doing so, Paul prepares Timothy for the reality that some “will depart from the faith,” having been taken in by “the teachings of demons” (1Timothy 4:1), and deceived by the “hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared” (v.2). It’s serious language! Which immediately leads us to wonder what sort of false teachers was Paul referring to in this chapter. Power-hungry preachers? Money-swindling hucksters? Immoral Christians who excused their sin under the banner of cheap grace?
As it turns out, none of the above. In this chapter, Paul is not warning against ethical corruption or sexual lawlessness, but quite the opposite. In verse 3 we discover he is warning against asceticism, an extreme form of self-denial that forbids certain foods and sex.
Historians have all sorts of guesses about where this false teaching originated. It might have been an extreme overreaction to their previously pagan lifestyles, or it might have been an early form of gnosticism, a common philosophy that elevated the spiritual over the material. The truth is, we cannot know for sure, but Paul makes it clear that this false teaching has infiltrated the church and distorted their theology.
What makes this form of false teaching so surprising, is that it is rather different from the other forms of false teaching Paul has warned about elsewhere. In 1 Corinthians, for example, Paul rebukes the Christians’ rampant debauchery, and in Galatians he confronts Peter’s religious duplicity, which means “false teaching” and “hypocrisy” can take many, many forms. It can look like sexual immorality or the abuse of power, or it can look like the religious piety of these extreme ascetics, which is why he urges Timothy to be discerning.
We face the same varied forms of false teaching today, and so Paul’s advice to Timothy remains as relevant as ever. Rather than get bogged down in the controversies or “silly myths” of our day, and rather than give all our time and energy to reacting to the latest hot button issue, our task as faithful Christians is a rather simple one: “train yourself in godliness” (v.7). Be a good example “in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity” (v.12). And “persevere in these things” (v.16).
That is not to say we should be silent in the face of false teaching—Paul himself was not—but it means our primary work of resistance is modest, and often hidden. In a loud world of competing opinions and warring convictions, this quiet, humble work might seem pointless and ineffective, but in reality, it will save our witness.

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50 thoughts on "Set an Example in Ministry"
Lord, help me to “Set an example” as people are watching what I do.
o Lord can you please help me love how you love and help me spread the love like you did. thank you my Father. please give me wisdom to understand you and your word better. in Jesus name Amen.
It struck me that Paul mentions that Timothy should remember the gift that was spoken over him through prophecy and laying on of hands and the Lord reminds Jeremiah that he was consecrated even before he was born and He would give him the words to speak. A great reminder that speaking words of life to one another is so powerful and empowering! Sometimes we just need a reminder of who we are in Christ and the plans he has for us.
I love the contrast that Paul gives, that false teaching can be on both extremes. It’s hard to feel like there are so many rules but this is a reminder that God gave us many things to enjoy!
Specific prayers going up for the needs of all that I read. So grateful to be included in this group of Jesus loving women, who have such encouraging and loving hearts.
Lots of opinions and loud voices. Competing to be heard! Lord, help me not join in with more noise. I pray that I quietly follow you and stay steady in my faith. Amen
Pam, prayers sent up!! My father passed away at the age of 42, when I was 15. The anniversary comes every year on June 12. It will be 29 years this year, and some days are still so hard! What gets me through those days, are knowing how wonderful and amazing that first hug with my daddy will be in Heaven!! I can picture it even now…us running towards each other and finally getting the hug I have been missing! It gives me peace know how joyous it is going to be in that moment!
Praying for your friend and her family! ❤️
Well said, Churchmouse, well said!
GWINETH52 – I can definitely relate to what the Lord is telling you right now, He’s telling me something similar as I’ve been working on moving our family business forward but have been “clenching my fists” and refusing to let go of things that aren’t serving me, and which will only make the journey tougher. He’s been telling me, like the Good Father He is, to let go because He has something much greater in store. Praying for your situation and mine, that we can learn to truly trust Him and obey, He has the timing and details worked out. I long to have the faith that is walked out even if I don’t understand how or when.
PamC – praying for your sister and her coworker
Jendi – praying for your friend and her family
Praying for the other requests as well, I’ve been adding them to my prayer list. Blessings and prayers of safety for all of the precious mothers this weekend and your families.
Thank you for praying for my Uncle!
Jeremiah is very inspiring. How many excuses do we use because we don’t trust God? Well, NO MORE EXCUSES! God has a mission for everyone in life and we must trust Him in giving us what is needed to fulfill it before it is too late!
Don’t let excuses run your life!
Good evening all- It strikes me that the issue of asceticism Paul is warning against in I Timothy 4 is yet another example of trying to earn your salvation. Remaining unmarried or abstaining from things that distract us from God is not a problem in itself, but believing that we have earned salvation by doing so is a huge problem. It’s even more problematic if we pass on our incorrect beliefs to others.
Remaining in the Word, as always, stands as a simple way to test our beliefs.
Jendi- I will be praying for your friend. This describes my situation for years up until a little less than a year ago. We are moving forward by the grace of God, medication, and lots of therapy for all involved. I will pray that God will keep her family safe, will bring about His will for her family, and will give her His strength to follow wherever He takes her.
JENDI, praying for your friend , her husband and their 10 y.o daughter. May God sustain their family and deliver them from the issue. May self-control be granted to overcome wrath and angry communication, may peace, calmness and healing come.
Amazing devotional today. I love Sharon’s last sentence so much. How we combat false doctrines and false teachers is the humble and gentle way. Not like Vikings charging full force with warring opinions and heated debates. A verse we read a while ago, let your gentleness be made known to all men. Note to self. I need to be known for my gentleness. Someone used to tell me in a debate, sometimes you can win if you are so adament but you might as well at the end lose the person’s heart. It is okay to lose the debate sometimes, so as to win the heart of the witness.
Sending prayers to you and your sister. That is absolutely horrible and terrifying that that man would do such a thing. I’ll be praying for all the victims and their families as well.
Such a powerful message, especially the importance of letting your life ‘speak’ and being a silent witness.
Could I please ask for prayers for a special Christian friend I met with the other day? She shared about some significant struggles she is having in her marriage. Her husband suffers from severe anxiety and this often manifests itself in anger which is often directed at her. She is particularly concerned as their daughters are often witness to this, and the oldest daughter (10) is starting to have similar outbursts, and also not treating her (my friend, her mother) with respect. She has spent many years praying and hoping things will get better, but is at a point where she knows she needs to seek help. Her husband has grown up in the Christian faith and they regularly attend church, but I am not sure where his relationship with God is personally at at the moment. I love that this is a powerful community where prayers are uplifted, and ask that you could also uphold my beautiful friend in prayer at this time. Thank you!
So true!
Such a good devo today.
I’m asking for prayer today for my sister, Emily. I found out yesterday that a teacher in the school she works with, & has known & trusted for years, thought was a godly man, has, in fact, had inappropriate relations with a girl student in his classroom. He has done other lewd things in the classroom as well. She is crushed, angry. When she, & others 1st heard they didn’t believe this Christian man could do this, but then he confessed to the acts in the classroom…heartbreaking….This is also the anniversary of losing our Daddy (he died at 41 of heart attack when Em was a little girl). She always struggles through Mother’s Day weekend because he passed on the Friday before & the dates this year are close too. I can’t be there this weekend to hug her, but I can surround her in prayer with your help She’s. Thank you.
It seems as though confrontation is far more popular than discussion these days. It seems we have become a people with very big mouths and very small ears. It seems our fingers move rapidly across a keyboard more often than they fold in prayer. Forgive us, Lord!
Not just, Sharon Hodde Miller in her devotional, but also our sister She, Kasper, that blew my mind by opening my heart this morning.
“Lord help me to know and follow you. God frequently I am wise in my own eyes and I find I am not on a straight path. Help me to follow you carrying only what you have required for the journey. Amen”
My brain has been working overtime this week on my effort to initiate a Bible study for a small group of women at my church. But the good Lord is saying… unclench your fist, stop over thinking it, let Him work it out, in and through me…accept my own fragility…know He is in it…and release both fear & ego. So help me God.
I listened as well to sister SHE, JenniferLovesJesus, who said: “Emotions are not the best indicators of truth, only God’s word”. Persevere. If it’s not about Love, it’s not about God.
With gratitude to all the SHES gathered here!
Love this teaching.
It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the extremes of this world. It easier for me to hear His whisper when I shut off the noise.
Love this teaching.
Great devotion today, made me think. In the study book there is a quote right before todays lesson from Augustine of Hippo that caught my eye and I will be writing and posting in my apartment — “For to believe what you please, and not to what you please. is to believe yourselves, and not the Gospel.” This is so, so true. Christ is the Son of God and He died for mine and everyone’s sins is what I believe. The Holy Spirit is within me to help with my faith.
Be blessed and listen closely God maybe talking to you.
I’ve read/heard Proverbs 3 many times in my life. But usually in verse 6 I’ve heard the translation “in all your ways acknowledge him”. This morning I read the CSB translation which used “in all your ways know him” which hit home more powerfully this morning. I’ve been thinking in this study about how as humans we tend to choose the path of least resistance. It’s easier to eat junk food than healthy, binge watch shows instead of pray/study, avoid difficult situations instead of dealing with them head on. Jesus’s call to “follow me” is so simple, but definitely not the path with the least worldly resistance. The call to follow becomes so much harder when I try to carry all the things I love about this world in my backpack along for this journey. It’s too heavy to carry and Jesus says that his burden is light.
Lord help me to know and follow you. God frequently I am wise in my own eyes and I find I am not on a straight path. Help me to follow you carrying only what you have required for the journey. Amen
It is a beautiful day in Colorado. I was saying my prayers in gratitude for the blessings I have received. I asked God to let me know that Tanner was okay. That I love him. I started sobbing and then I felt Tanner’s hand on my back, telling me that he is okay. God is so good to give this blessing of peace. As Mother’s day approaches I will focus on Tanner being okay and with God.
Today’s study, is once again, so good! I need to remember as a believer I need to set an example in the world. To “train myself in godliness”. To be a good example in “speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity” and persevere in these things. AND to remember when to be a silent example.
A lot to unpack. 1Timothy – Be an example. A witness. Proverbs 3:5 – Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
So many want to pass judgement on others and force their views on others.
Yet scripture says to Be an example. Live a life that others will want to embrace. And pray for everyone.
I believe there’s a time when we do need to stay “silent” and allow the witness of Christ be that example.
SO GOOD! I love how this passage specifies our walk and living my example. It spoke to me so beautifully.
Lovveeed the article it was so good and broke down the passages so well. Much appreciated
These verses & devotional are so relevant to this time we are living in! We must not only live in a way that is above reproach, but also put on the full armor of God that we learned so much about in our last study. Prayers & love to you all, sisters. Tina, it is so good to see your presence here again! Missing Churchmouse & Angie.
Love this devotional for today which pulls such a strong lesson from Paul’s mentoring of Timothy: to be discerning, in Jeremiah, to let His words fill our mouths, to remain faithful, open only to His voice.
I think in this age it is so significant to remember that we aren’t called to blast false teachings and silly controversies but we are to set an examples with our lives. Pause before you post something. You aren’t remaining silent, but you are responding in action and showing your strength (the Lord) in a different way.
Victoria E, I’m so glad to see your back! Prayers continued for you and your little family!
Tina, ♥️♥️♥️
Denise, I know exactly what you mean. I have asked the Holy Spirit to keep my fingers from my gut reaction. It is hard but debating on social media is a fruitless forum.
Amen sister!
Such good instruction especially today when people are warring over opinions and convictions on social media. I was wondering if I should post something to show my stance rather than be silent, but after reading today’s devotion I think I will keep my opinion off social media and rather try to be a good example “in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.”
Praying for everyone this weekend as it can be so hard. If you could please pray for my best friend this weekend. She lost her mom to cancer in July 2020 and her grandma (her mom’s mom) passed away last weekend. Now she’s lost 3 family members from her mom’s side (mom, grandma, and poppop) within 2 years. Love you all <3
Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. (Prov 3:7) Side note: this verse is my birth date 3/7 :-) 1 Timothy 4:1 clearly points out the supernatural powers of darkness leading people astray. Paul’s Deuteronomy 32 worldview should not be missed here. The only way to combat these evil powers is through training ourselves for godliness (1 Tim 4:7). We have our hope on the living God. Immersion in the Word every day prepares me for combat. I do this alone, rising before the sun each morning. It is something I have learned to crave over anything else. Meat over milk. My nourishment. I need it more than ever. Scripture is my first source of training. We are living in the last days, and it is hard. We must be committed. We cannot do it without the power of the Spirit. Seductive spirits are everywhere in our world today. Lies are exposed by the Word of truth. Stay in the Word, ask God when we don’t understand. There are many voices packaged in ministry branding misleading the masses. Go to the Word of God for discernment. He will give us wisdom, clarity, and peace. Even if, or especially if, there is unanswered mystery left on the table. Your will, not mine Lord. Chesed (faithful love) around my neck (Prov 3:3). Emotions are not the best indicators of truth, only God’s word. Lord remind me to lay my emotions along your plumb line of truth. Show me Your ways and teach me to walk in them. You heal my flesh and refresh my bones (Prov 3:8). Thank you Father. Armor on. Ready for the day with You. Maranatha.
Good morning She’s and happy Fridyay!
We are flying out this morning soon for a wkd up north! My son graduates college on Sunday! So proud of him! He had already signed up to go to the Baccalorette service, which we will attend as well! That makes this mother’s heart so happy! We will also get to stay with the grandkids, and the certain grandson that was in your prayers for his family issues. I hope I can have some good talks with him and shower him with love. And also shine a little Jesus light into them all.
I hope all you mothers have a good Mother’s Day, and for those that will find it hard and sorrowful, I pray you find some comfort in God’s promises. Tracy Gendron my dear sister, hugs for you on this first. Love ya.
How very relevant as yesterday my social media was flooded with opinions and debates. It is easy to jump right in. It’s what the devil wants: division. It takes a lot more discipline to set a Christian example of love and faith. These are encouraging words in a tough time. Thank you, SRT!
Fill my mouth with Your Words Lord. In Jesus name, Amen
Up early this morning for a long weekend, going with my parents to visit my brother and his wife!! This week started out pretty hard, but I made it through. It gets better as the week goes on. So thankful to have God’s word as my lifeline and anchor in this time, I crave reading his word. I can do nothing without him. I know he will use this hard time for his glory. It is hard though. Praying from the overflow of my heart I would speak of his love to those I come into contact with. Thankful that it is not dependent on how well I keep his commands or how good I am, but how good Christ is and how SECURE our salvation is, because of Christ’s work on the cross and his resurrection from the grave!! Thank you Lord for who you are. You’re with us always.
I would add vs 16 also to the to do list. Pay close attention to your life and your teaching. Even in private. Those things have a way of becoming known.
Paul’s instructions to “set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity” can seem out of reach some days. I need to remember I will never do this in my own strength, but need to daily (moment by moment) submit to the Holy Spirit for this to be a truth that I live out.
Have a blessed day❣
Lord, Praising you for this new day, wrapped in your beauty and covered in your grace. I come before you, wanting to know you more.. To share my God a little more, and to be the person you made me to be..
Lord, may my task as faithful Christians be a simple one: “train myself in godliness” (v.7). Be a good example “in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity” (v.12). And Lord,I prayer, with your guidance, I “persevere in these things” (v.16). Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayer..
In Jesus name, I pray..
Love across the pond to you all and prayers for all requests.. ❤
Thank you for the wonderfully lovely messages yesterday.. Unexpected.. And received, filling my heart …to overflowing❤