
Open Your Bible

Matthew 23:1-28, 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, 2 Peter 1:3-11

Before the kids woke up yesterday, I read 1 Corinthians 9 aloud to my husband over coffee. We don’t always read Scripture out loud to each other in the mornings. Often, mornings are all about the baby, and the puppy, and the breakfast preferences of the children. (Who hates blackberries? Have you eaten anything other than peanut butter this week?) But when I do read Scripture in the morning, I always end up reading it out loud—because it gets me so emphatically stirred up.

Within this passage, I took a startled pause at verse 27: “I discipline my body and bring it under strict control, so that after preaching to others, I myself will not be disqualified” (1Corinthians 9:27). I shouted to my husband, “Now, that’s not the gospel I know!” He looked at me in alarm because the children were absolutely still sleeping, and said, “I think Paul is talking about his qualifications as an effective minister.” 

The gospel that I know is one of grace and faith, not a gospel of works. The “work” is already done by Christ’s sacrifice, death, and resurrection. There is nothing I can do to make God love me one iota more or one tick less. Hallelujah! Full stop. So how dare Paul talk about disqualification? And his reference to the physical training of the body, makes my sweet, soft, motherly self feel even more uncomfortable. I know that the gates of heaven don’t require me to qualify by running a mile in four minutes. But what does Paul mean? Because I’d like to skip over this bit and get back to the part where God is comforting me and telling me not to be afraid.

But Augustine of Hippo said, “If you believe what you like in the Gospel, and reject what you don’t like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself.” Okay, right. Noted. Those are dark, deep, waters in which I do not wish to swim.  

So what is the role and value of self-control in the life of the believer? It is not the grounds of salvation, but it is the outpouring of a sanctified heart. “Now everyone who competes exercises self-control in everything. They do it to receive a perishable crown, but we have an imperishable crown” (1Corinthians 9:25). The self-control of athletes is laudable. So the Holy Spirit equips us to exercise self-control in our minds and hearts minute to minute as we encounter our days. This self-control is the practical outworking of genuine faith. We run as if to win, because we value the great salvation we already have in Christ—He has already won it for us.

We all know exactly where we can show more self-control: show more restraint, be less controlled by emotions, etc. But it’s probably personal and different for each of us. But I do not have the strength and self-control to pull myself together. If my resolve were strong enough to give up sugar and be a perfect parent, I would have already done it. But our self-control, our qualifications, and our strength come from walking in step with the Spirit. As we walk, our hearts will be changed and the courage and strength to exercise control over our weak and fragile minds and bodies will grow. Walk with the Spirit. Run to Christ and He will make you whole.

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47 thoughts on "Self-Control"

  1. Erica Romero says:

    Lord thank you that I can turn to you for the strength needed to better control my wants and put them in your hands.

  2. Changing Souls says:

    Walk in the Spirit as each minute He is leading us into self-control because the flesh our own desires cannot do it or otherwise it would have already been done.

  3. Rhonda Wood says:

    I pray that the spirit will guide me in self control in all the decisions in the day. Food choices, buying items, and what I set my time doing!

  4. Neo Tonga says:

    I pray for more self control. I pray to live life with the fruit of spirt in me. God help me! Amen!

  5. Rachel Blessum says:

    I pray for self control in my eating habits, and also for always wanting more materialistically.

  6. Liz Lester says:

    This was right on time! I’ve literally been giving my diet choices to the Spirit lately because as you point out, if I could do it on my own, I would’ve by now. Nothing in life is too small to yield to the Lord. Running the race!

  7. Dee Gonzalez says:

    Karah- Thank you, I also lost my dad recently and your words are encouraging “…control of my feelings… not to rely on myself.”

  8. Melissa Potisek says:


  9. Betsy E says:

    Love this ❤️ been practicing self control after reading “Reshaping it All” by Candace Cameron Bure…such a great reminder!

    27But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.

  10. Jody Lynn says:

    Self control is something I really need to work on… a thorn in my side always with eating and drinking. I need to remind myself that the Holy Spirit is in control, and remind myself of the Fruit of the Spirit, and fully give myself over to God. I think by doing this, I would feel freedom spiritually, physically and emotionally… this is something I will be praying very hard about and asking for. I really desire that freedom that truly only God can give us!

  11. Takara Gilbert says:

    I am running with Christ❤️

  12. Kate says:

    Thank you for this devotional. I can so relate and benefit from your words. I only wish I had read it 35 years ago when my kids were young! I was constantly striving to be the perfect mother, eat right etc. As trained in the Bible and theology as I was, I relied on my own strength rather than the Holy Spirit. It was exhausting. So thankful for the freedom he gives us.

  13. Candace Moenter says:


  14. Emily McGhee says:

    I needed this. Raising teens has its new challenges. The weight has seemed overwhelming at times. During this study I’m reminded how vital the Holy Spirits role is in our daily lives. The wholeness to handle my teens well, is going to be by the Holy Spirits strength.

  15. Karah Dantas says:

    I needed this. Coming up on the 3rd anniversary of the date I suddenly and unexpectedly lost my father. I find myself depressed, praying less and not turning to scripture. I prayed about it over my bible this morning with my eyes closed, asking God to also help me find a way to cope while enjoying each day. I then opened my bible exactly to a verse from samuel saying “David found strength in the Lord His God.” It need to remember to practice self control of my feelings, to practice turning to God during the most difficult moments- not to rely on myself. My heart is overwhelmed and relieved!

  16. Emmanuella Aryee says:

    Amen – love this xx

  17. Heather Crawford says:

    It’s always wonderful to be reminded that I can’t will myself towards any parts of the fruit of the spirit. It’s a relief in a way. The pressure to perfect is not on me because perfection has already come through Jesus. My job is to engage with God and to pray that the Holy Spirit intercedes for me. This comes into sharper focus for me when we get into the stickiness of self-control. It’s an idea that comes up so much in life. Did I control what I ate, or how much I spent, or being impatient with a colleague? These are all real things that have consequences. Praise be to Jesus that I don’t have to figure it out on my own. It’s still important for me to be disciplined but all I need do is take it to Him so that I may be strengthened.

  18. Queen Harris says:

    Thank you for this study. It has blessed me in so many ways. This year has revealed so much in me that the Lord is working on. I’m grateful for a community that helps me grow in my faith daily.

  19. Searching says:

    LEONIE – Long suffering is listed as patience :)

  20. LEONIE OWIREDU says:

    I noticed that long-suffering was left out from the list of fruits of the spirit

  21. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord let me let you lead me and keep me so i may not sin against thee!

  22. Lindsey White says:

    Praying for you! Thank you for sharing! I pray that God walks with you and gives you strength, and is able to use this hardship for you to help others and you are able to do good things through Him

  23. Lindsey White says:

    I loved this! Run to Christ and He will make you whole tied in the story about the athlete. We are running for the ultimate prize and Christ is the finish line

  24. Cheryl Fure says:

    Thank you so much for your words Angela. They spoke directly to my heart!❤️

  25. Susan Crosby says:

    On this weekend after Thanksgiving all I could think about when reading this day was that I have no self control when it comes to shopping at Target… Or other stores that I am drawn to with the lure of a sale or those evil coupons. I find that when I set out to cut back on unnecessary shopping I am just lured right back in with even more lack of self control. Lack of self control for someone else might not be shopping but something else that so easily entangles us even when we want to do the opposite. I am so thankful to God that He always is in control of all things and that He is full of mercy and grace when I don’t have self control over many things in my life❤️

  26. Brittany Njie says:

    So thankful for your honesty and humility in this post. I am encouraged to be reminded that as a woman, I am not alone in the daily practical struggles and insecurities of not being perfect. But blessed to know for all of us there is a way and it is by his Holy Spirit that we exhibit this self control. I am comforted by the conviction that I cannot do it on my own and I serve a God whom I can put my fill trust in, a God who hears my prayers and answers my cries. Glory be to the King!

  27. Jane K says:

    Thank you for sharing Churchmouse. Several years ago I went through a similar situation and it took me a long time to get the help I needed.

  28. AnneLyn P says:

    Churchmouse, thank you for sharing. God continues to use you to encourage others.

  29. AnneLyn P says:

    Traci, lifting your son and you up before our Father. May you know his peace.

  30. K says:

    @Danni Blackburn – thank you for your testimony. As someone on the other side of that multi-year journey related to pornography and currently on a multi-year healing journey through disordered eating, I can PROMISE that closeness with Jesus and transparency and accountability with a safe group of people who love Jesus will lead you to a place of freedom and peace. Increasing intimacy with God and with people who love Him changes my heart, my motives, and my perspective more and more in every season – not as quickly as I wanted and not with absolute perfection, but it gives me such hope that He transcends time and already sees me as healed and whole.

    @Churchmouse – thank you for your testimony, as well. As someone who specializes in mental health and medications/therapies, I am SO thankful for your comment because each person’s mental health journey is unique. Challenges in this area can last for just one season, be recurrent, or be a lifelong experience. Sometimes medication and/or alternative therapies are the primary means toward regaining wellness – what a GIFT that these are options for us.

  31. Lindsay C. says:

    Jesus does not mince words in Matthew 23. The imagery in Matthew 23:28 in particular is especially troublesome. I pray that I personally can be mindful of the feelings, time, resources, and gifts of others before I am quick to speak or act out of the expectations of my self-imposed entitlement.

  32. Taylor says:

    I knew this study would be full of conviction as I too, like many of you have mentioned, struggle with self-control. Angela Sutherland, I love what you said about surrendering. I need to surrender every aspect of my life to the Lord’s control especially the things I find myself to try to control the most (relationships, my work, money, etc.) Praise Jesus that when we run to Him, He makes us WHOLE! Lord may you grow more self-control in me so that I may walk closer in step with your Spirit and within the comforting embrace of your perfect will for my life <3 Have a blessed weekend sisters!

  33. Danni Blackburn says:

    This is one of those topics that came on exactly the right day at the right time. I’ve been battling sexual addictions for years and have been struggling a lot lately and backslid today. All day, I’ve been angry at God for not taking this thorn away from me and not healing me when I’ve begged but this reminded me that the times I have it under control are the times when I’m consistently seeking dependence on God for it. Walking closer with God provides the courage and strength for self control. I’m not entirely sure what that looks like for me, but I am going to make that my prayer tonight.

  34. Angela Sutherland says:

    I keep seeing the reminder to stop striving by my own strength and just walk in step with the Spirit. Abide. Remain. In being in step with Him, His ability is transferred to me. Self-control doesn’t stem from me “controlling” myself, but surrendering myself to the Spirit! There is absolutely work for me to do in living this out, but it starts with surrender, with being in step with the Spirit, being in the Word and knowing Jesus, not just knowing about Him.

  35. Churchmouse says:

    A month ago I felt myself losing control in such a way that I knew it was from an underlying depression. Winter started for me in March with having to be more isolated because I’m immunosuppressed and have underlying health issues that are concerning especially in the shadow of Covid. I prayed fervently and God nudged me to seek a mental health physician. She started me on medication that helped me see life in a more rational way. I encourage anyone with these types of feelings to consider mental health intervention. You don’t have to buck up, relying on your own will power. It is not a sign of weakness or a lack of faith. Sometimes Jesus healed by spoken words and sometimes He spit in the dirt. God heals spontaneously and He heals through physicians. There is relief and there is hope. I’m so grateful.

  36. Michelle M says:

    Love this!! God does have all we need! ❤️

  37. Patricia Broadway says:

    This one is difficult. I struggle with self control. But it is a good reminder God has all that I need. I just need to focus.

  38. Traci Gendron says:

    It spoke to me when Rebecca said, if you believe what you like in the Gospel, and reject what you don’t like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself. This self-control is the practical outworking of genuine faith. I long for genuine faith. I strive to be more like Christ. Please pray for me as I struggle with the progression of my son’s disease. I am heartbroken and need Christ more than ever.

  39. Dorothy says:

    Much of the time I lack self-control, so this devotion really spoke to me today. Rebecca, thanks, once again you have given me much to think about. I now understand the 1 Corinthians verse a little better.
    SRT sisters have a great day and a wonderful weekend.
    I have enjoyed this study greatly. Can’t wait to start the Christmas study.

  40. Laura Beckom says:

    Rebecca this was so good, really speaks to the issue and helps me to take a step forward and making this change thank you.

  41. Stacey Wilson says:

    Love this one!!

  42. Pam K says:

    Loved the readings today and the reminders that we have everything required for life and godliness through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness! A couple of days ago I was in a funk. It was one of those days of being overwhelmed and a little cranky at times. And I knew there really wasn’t a good reason to be feeling that way. Yet, I was struggling within. I finally came before the Lord with it, and asked him to shift my perspective and lift my spirit. How good of Him to do just that. Giving thanks today for the gift of the Holy Spirit, working in me.

  43. Donna Harris says:

    Wow this one hit close to home. I have been on a medication for nerve pain and it made me to the point where I didn’t like myself at all and neither did anyone else for that matter. I could not get my feelings under control and was such an ugly person. One day after my anger had gotten the better of me I just sat in the car and cried as I was so low and depressed and feeling like such a horrible person that I knew I had to get off the medication to try and save my self control and my family life. I thank God that I found the minimal mom and she lead us to her sister who has given wonderful advice and to this bible study She Reads Truth so that I may submerge myself back into the word of God and run to him with open arms and learn to face my pain and fears with God by my side and in my heart as he needs to be 1st place in my life at all times. The good the bad and the ugly. Amen

  44. Maura says:

    When I think of self control, I think of Daniel and Joseph, and all the temptations and trials they had and yet they lived apart from the culture and denied the temptations because their focus was on God. This amazes me because I fail sometimes so easily in limiting or restricting myself, especially with food and I understand I am not dwelling in these moments where I am called to be. Walking in the Spirit indeed, I fail so often in self control, but God calls me to a better place by His Spirit. Lord help me to run the race with you always beside me and as my finish line. That my actions, thoughts and heart would be about your glory Jesus. HRT good today also. Hugs Sisters!

  45. Jovita Setiawan says:

    Self control is truly the opposite of self seeking/ self indulgence. Self control focuses our heart and mind towards God and His Words.

  46. Cassandra King says:

    I can’t imagine the time and culture Paul lived and wrote in. The temptation to succumb to the pagan delights surrounding him would have been immense! He would have had to guard so diligently against these temptations in order for the reputation of the Gospel and the validity of the majority of our New Testament writings! Great words and reminders. This is a clarion call to all our church leaders today in our culture.

  47. Rachel says:

    True self-control is putting myself under the control of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said ‘Deny thyself, take up the cross, and follow me.’