Just over a year ago, my Grandma Marlene passed away. The grief I experienced was intense because she was so important to me. She was so fun, kind, and gracious. I often look back on her life as if she was a loving, whimsical sort of superhero.
But I knew her well enough to know she was just a person. She had flaws. She made mistakes. And yet, I don’t think about them when I remember her. How did she do that? How was she able to leave such a beautiful mark on this world when she was just a human like the rest of us?
I think the answer to my question lies within the passages we’re looking at today. When I think of Grandma Marlene, I think of Colossians 3, because that’s how she lived her life. She set her mind on eternity. For decades, that was clear. And because of that, do you know what I remember most about her? How happy she was. I loved being around her because she was Psalm 1-level happy. A fruit-filled tree planted by the water. And, she loved me. What a combo.
When my grandma was ten years old, her aunt led her to Jesus and she believed Jesus was the Son of God, risen from the dead. Her faith in His resurrection gave her new eyes for the world. She didn’t set her mind on what was temporary, painful, and ever-changing, but rather on what is eternal, steadfast, and true.
“How happy” are those of us who have handed over our selfishness, those of us who have “put away” the things that only harm us. Being a “new man” isn’t about being shiny and impressive and memorable (Colossians 3:1–11). It’s living in light of the resurrection of Jesus.
He rose from the dead, and so can we. He rose, and so did Grandma’s hope. She was full of hope and life. Her joy in this broken world didn’t make sense. Her love was bottomless. And knowing her changed my life. Knowing her—being loved by her—helped me know and understand the love of the living, resurrected Jesus.
If we strive to be Grandma Marlenes so our grandkids will admire us like we’re folklore, we won’t succeed. Grandma Marlene was not special because she put on an A+ life performance, but because she was like a tree planted by living water. She pursued love and righteousness by pursuing Jesus. May we, too, set our sights on Him.
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54 thoughts on "Seek the Things Above"
I understand it is about living the right way and being a shining light for the Lord. We all have flaws but that is not what defines us.
Set your sights on things that are eternal
Exactly what I need to read this morning! I want to be Psalm 1-level happy!
My Mamaw was just like Grandma Marlene. Thanks for sharing!
I’m a couple days behind, and just read this today. Wow, exactly what I needed. I want to be a more positive influence on my kids and grandkids. I know I don’t let the Holy Spirit guide my thoughts and comments many times when talking about people and situations. I wanna be Grandma Marlene. I want to be remembered for my positive attitude and fun spirit. Not my sass and one liners.
@MeganGibbs welcome and we are dancing with joy that you have claimed Jesus as your savior! Walking by faith is not easy- we are here for you.
Dorothy, continuing to pray for you. I am so sorry to hear about your sister’s passing
@rhonda j. Thank you for sharing. I have been in a similar frustrating “season” with my husband and lately it seems never ending. He always seems grumpy or angry about something and it’s hard to listen to and try to remain peaceful. I appreciate you sharing because reading your comment and others helps remind me that I’m not alone. Praying for you
When I read through that devotional I can’t help but think of you all. You all radiate positivity and help me to have a stronger faith. But what a blessing to be apart of this community. @Jen Klassen I don’t know if you’ll read this as I’m posting late but I’m Oregon’s for your difficult season. God sees you and your trials and he’s knows your strength. Hang in there.
The passages today, especially Eph. 4:31-32 have given me the hope & charge to work on softening my heart. I have had a lot of difficulty lately in forgiving others and letting things rest. I have found myself “letting the devil win” so many times because I succumb to the distaste. I pray that my heart is softened this week & that the Holy Spirt works in me to forgive & to love harder. I ask for prayer on this as well to seek the Holy Spirit and let him guide my heart & voice. <3
May we set our eyes on things above. Amen.
What a powerful description of a godly grandma. What struck me is what Scarlet remembers most is the love the grandma gives and the happy attitude. That’s true how other people would perceive us, either our love or our joy. May we keep our hearts, thoughts and focus the heavenly realm, not on the pain/problems down on earth that causes us nothing but frustration, anger and pain. Let not our wrath simmer to give a foothold to the devil who is waiting to steal/kill/destroy. Let us not walk as unbelievers, in the vanity of their mind, with darkened understanding, through ignorance, and the blindness of heart (Ephesians 4:17-18 KJV). This world is a dark and hurtful place, but joy through God is the glimpse of hope even this weary world seeks. May they see it through us, just as they see through Grandma Marlene. Where does that come from? Truly from Heavens above.
@DOROTHY: beautiful quotes, keeping you in prayers, and your nephew Jake and the mental illness.
@RHONDA: I used to experience what you described, and through prayers the Lord removed the tension and unknown trigger that set my husband off. God is a miracle worker, he dealt with deep things, psychological, emotional and physical- all kinds, and it’s peaceful now, praise God for mercy.
@OLIVIA WINTERS: praying for more help to be sent, may you have grace to find rest for the soon baby delivery.
Be blessed dear sisters. Set your mind on heavenly treasures! This life is just for a little while.
This is such a great reminder! I feel like I have been setting my sights on the things of this earth way too much lately. I have been comparing myself to how other woman look and feeling like I don’t measure up. I pray that I would pursue Jesus, and that he would help me to love myself as I am. I want to be that tree that is planted beside the stream, producing fruit during the right season.
Yes Lord, please make me like the tree planted by the rivers of water – yielding fruit and not withering. May I walk daily setting my heart on things above – not on earthly things.
I am praying for you and the season that you are in. I pray that you would be able to speak peace to your nephew. I pray that he would come to have a saving knowledge of Jesus. Even with his psychological issues, he can still know the risen Lord. 
Please pray for wisdom as I’m gonna be talking to our VP Regarding making some changes for myself.
This is the first time I have made a comment as I am new to my faith and this community but it was such a beautifully written reflection on God’s word. Thank you.
My thoughts, too, reading this. These last weeks have been difficult with many trials, seemingly unending. And I let myself be focused on my feelings instead of on Christ and His goodness.
It’s so good to be reminded that THESE traits are our goals. I feel like I’ve been living in survival
What a loving Christ-filled legacy you described, Scarlett. I pray the “footprints” I leave as a Christ-follower wife, momma, Nana and friend, will be markers that point others to Christ. These lyrics in a song that Steffany Gretzinger sings “No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus,” describe what I mean:
“Let my children tell their children
Let this be their memory
That all my treasure was in heaven
And you were everything to me.”
SONGWRITERS: Steffany Gretzinger, Jason Ingram, Dante Bowe, Chandler Moore
DOROTHY: I am so sorry to hear about your sister’s passing. May God give you His great peace and comfort! Love you, sweet sister!
Todays devotion was an ah ha moment for me. I can wholeheartedly say that my life has been changed by Jesus Christ and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to grow next to the river of flowing love. The more I am surrounded by things of heaven the better off I am. I was saved in my early 20’s, have been reading with SRT for 10+ years, have made small changes in my daily lifestyle (what I fill myself with is very different than 20 years ago -i.e. music, shows, books, social media, etc) and the peace only heart is so much greater than before. I know who I am, I know who God says I am, and I trust more and more each day that He is control of my life and what a blessing that is for my soul!! Yes I make mistakes and have bad days BUT God is beside me pulling me back up!! Sending you all good vibes for a wonderful week and praying with your requests!
As I have mentioned in other posts, I have a devotional Bible, well today right below the Colossians Scripture was this prayer: “Dear God, Help Your daughter to step out and do Your work. Provide for her every need as she meets the needs of others. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
I would also like to share several sayings that were posted around the hospice house my sister was at: “may absolute peace gently descend” by e.e. cummings; “FRIENDS are ANGELS who lift us up to our feet when our own wings have trouble remembering how to fly.” Anonymous; “We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in out lives.” John F. Kennedy; “Have a heart that never hardens and a temper that never tries, and a touch that never hurts.” Charles Dickens; and the final one is something one of the Hospice aides shared with me — “Grief never ends but it changes. It’s a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith….It is the price of love.”
I needed Scarlet’s devotional and these Scriptures today. For those of you who didn’t read yesterday’s post, my sister went to be with the Almighty on Saturday. She is in peace. My concern now is her son. He has schizophrenia and paranoia. I found out from a now mutual friend of my sister’s and mine that Jake, my nephew had been physically abusing her. He is constantly contacting me about needing money. Until the Carol’s death certificate comes he can’t do anything and it will be coming to me so I will hopefully be able to pay off some of her bills.
I’m sorry I don’t mean to carrying on but I feel like you, my sisters in Christ, are the ones I can come to when I need to vent. Peace be with all of you. I’m back every day now.
Be blessed and take time to feel God’s, Christ’s and the Holy Spirit’s presence with you.
This devotional warmed my heart so much today. I have everything I could ever want or desire and I have been living in a slump believing there was something more when I got to the next phase of life. I want to choose happiness because of Jesus and to set my mind on eternal things rather than my feelings or what’s temporary. I want to leave this world one day with the same joy and love as her Grandma Marlene.
WOW as I take a deep breath, that’s all I can say at this moment.
Good morning, sweet sisters! Ephesians 4:31 is what stood out to me this morning. “Be kind and compassionate to one another…. Sometimes, and if I’m truthful many times, I need to just swallow my pride and do as I’m supposed to, even when I don’t want to and even when I feel belittled. And that’s so hard because it’s also painful. BUT God….
RHONDA J, your intuition is spot on! Your prayer request resonates with me… so similar here! I give it (and my desire to grow bitter/resentful to God, but it is draining at times. I recognize that men are not “sharers”. It’s funny that we women like to share what’s bothering us and that’s all we want – just to vent. It helps us to get over the issue, but men think we want them to “fix something” and they do the opposite- hold it in which causes it to eventually spew out on us. I agree with you that it is a tactic of Satan. He uses the differences between the sexes (with much success, unfortunately) and has since Adam and Eve. Praying for you in this, sister!
SCARLET HILTIBIDAL I have missed your beautiful devotionals!
“…she was like a tree planted by living water. She pursued love and righteousness by pursuing Jesus. May we, too, set our sights on Him.”. Like Grandma Marlene, the more/longer we pursue Jesus, the deeper our roots grow seeking that Living Water. Jesus offers it to each of us. Do we say ” no thanks, or “yes, please and give me some to share!”? So thankful my legacy isn’t wrought by my will/determination but by relationship with Jesus Christ. Remembering the prayer needs mentioned and those not mentioned. What a blessed way to start this week!
This is definitely a good reminder for me… I was feeling a bit discouraged yesterday… And now I realize it is because I’m looking at people, where I will always be discouraged. They’re never going to give me enough encouragement or ‘compliments’ or anything else. I need to keep my eyes focused on Jesus and things above!
Why are we here anyway? To Glorify God! How do we do that? By the fruits of the Spirit! Easy Peasy, right? Ha! Well, it does get easier at some point, the more we are sanctified, day by day with God’s manna. I’m proof that impatience can turn to patience (most days), loving most turns to loving all (most days), loose tongue turns to guarded tongue (most days…well okay, we are all still a work :) ). Joking aside, I strive to live to be like grandma Marlene and other Godly people I know- one was my dear Madre that went to heaven in 2014. She really had wisdom and love, and meekness. A woman of Proverbs as they say! I am a work in progress, but what a difference from a decade ago! Staying in the word, praying, and putting Jesus first in our lives, our living hope, is the only way to freedom.
I say all this as I am in a “tiff” with my husband, and ongoing cycle that just can’t seem to stop. It’s always over the silliest stuff. I try to back off from an impending, frustrating building a fight but it’s like my spouse wants to keep it going, to be mad. I don’t ever know how to nip it…if I don’t say anything at all, or respond calmly- he still tries to goat me. ugh. So frustrating. I give it to God, I look at it as the devil trying to divide us…but still, it gets old. He is a normally, sweet caring husband, but just seems to flip on a dime, always never expected. I know it is something that triggers it, but no idea what. My problem is to let it go when he finally decides he’s ready to.
I want to discuss, he doesn’t. I am hoping a marriage small group will come up this summer session. When we did a couple of sessions last summer, I learned more about him then the twelve years we have been married! haha. He is one that doesn’t want to talk, and discuss issues, but he did in those 2 sessions. It was amazing!!! Anyways, prayers please! (I like to go into details because it always seems to resonate with another She! And nothing is better it seems then to know other women go through similar challenges!!)
Be blessed dear She’s and have a good Monday!
Dear Dorothy, so sorry for your loss, she is now in the arms of Jesus. Praying for His over you and the family.
Wow, her last paragraph is convicting. I have been striving to earn favor with others, while God has been allowing my failures before the eyes of people- even at church. Life isn’t a show, Michelle. I don’t know why I’m trying to “perform” in this way. God, help me overcome this need to earn love and acceptance. It only creates pain.
This season has been hard, but necessary. My biggest takeaway is to not give up on community, no matter how often you are hurt and disappointed by it. Whether that is family, church, or friendships.
I relate to what you shared @Searching. I struggle so much in bearing fruit with my own mother. The devil tries so hard to attack our relationship, and to be honest, we often side with him (we are both believers). It is hard to “put on love” when I feel unsafe and hurt by her words. But God. May His grace and transformation be there and help ALL things work together for good. I’m thankful I have therapy tomorrow. I see a kind Christian counselor once a month and it is needed in this season.
thinking of you @Dorothy, @Lehua, and everyone else with prayer requests or painful circumstances. May the Lord help us stay close to Him.
I really needed these readings today. Had a bunch of house related issues come up this weekend and it’s such a good reminder to keep my eyes on the one steadfast thing in life, Jesus, rather than temporary things that break and don’t last
A beautiful reading and reflection today- I pray that someday when I become a grandmother I will be like Grnadma Marlene! @ERICA CHRISTIAN I’m so sorry about your mom! Just having experienced this with my mother-in-law (who was 90), it’s not an easy road. Psalm 46:10 was a comfort: Be still and know that I am God.
We were created to bear the image of God in our lives; that wherever we go/whatever we do, anyone around us would see Him first. But we trade that Godly image for worldly images 100x a day. The Colossians reading said in part, “You are being renewed in knowledge according to the image of your Creator.” I want that to be true for me. Because the simple fact is, whatever it is we are most focused on – idolizing- will be the thing we are renewed in and image bearers of. Am I an image bearer of God or of — healthy eating, raising good kids, doing excellent at work, keeping busy, etc…? These things are wonderful when they are correctly positioned UNDER the rule of God – but when I let those things be what I’m most concerned with, then those become the false-god that I image to others. It’s such a simple little side-step into putting my trust and devotion into the things of this world… praying God keeps my heart so tender and my eyes open with the discernment to see when I’m doing just that.
“Psalm 1” level happy, I love that! What a beautiful picture of the joy we can find in Christ.
Boy, today’s Scripture was rich! Not that it always isn’t but this morning’s spoke to me in so many ways. This is the Word of the Lord!
This passage and devotion really highlighted the importance of love in how we showcase Jesus to the world. We should be known to others by our love for God and other people. How often do I have a backwards view where I love myself first and everything else comes after. Praying that as I seek Jesus and study His word each morning, I will grow in my ability to love others as Christ did and draw them closer to Him.
I hope everyone has a blessed Monday <3
Such a good reading to start my day! I’m 2 weeks out from giving birth to a baby boy while also homeschooling and taking care of my 6, 4, and 3 year old. I feel my patience and kindness wearing thin from exhaustion. Such a good reminder of why I’m doing this and to set my eyes on eternity and pointing my kids to God.
This devotional write up reminds me of my mom. She had a hope and a happiness that flowed from her. She went home to Jesus in 2019 and I miss her so much. But I’m thankful for her life and love and the way she led her children to Jesus. Great reminder of what allows us to seek that which is above, only Jesus working in and through me.
Lord. Help me be your imitator. I feel like I’ve been blind for 20 years and now I’m finally starting to see and feel what is really true. I feel your love and I want to share that with others. Thank you Lord for this reading this morning
I loved todays reading!!! Perfect devotion to go along with it!! Truly inspiring and encouraging!
Hope that we will live in eternity with a God who loved us from the start even with all our flaws and sin. Who loves us now. Who will always love us. That is what helps me try be a Grandma Marlene…more like Christ!
Thank you, Father, that you gave us freedom from sin through Christ and then help right now to live like Christ and give us hope through the Holy Spirit!
Lord help me to set my sights on only You. In Jesus name, Amen
Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
WWJD … Do I remember, before I speak or take action, that as a Christian I represent Jesus? Do I remember to pray for wisdom or guidance? Honestly, only sometimes :( The saying to think before you speak comes to mind and many studies ago, one of our SRT sisters told us about the THINK acronym. I remember “thinking” what a great way to remember the importance of our words and then promptly forgot it until today …
T is it truthful?
H is it helpful?
I is it inspiring?
N is it necessary?
K is it kind?
May I be aware of what I say and do – I never know who is watching/listening, who could be encouraged or discouraged by this representative of Christ.
DOROTHY – dear sister, I am so sorry. Sitting here with tears, knowing you are feeling both loss and peace. So many of your sisters have prayed and walked with you over these past few years, and will continue to pray for you and for Carol’s son Jake. Love you ❤️
CANDACE – praying for your brother in law, for the testing and resolution of the blockage
AZ WALKER – ❤️ continuing to pray for her traveling safety
KIMBERLY Z – glad to hear things went well, praying for wisdom and clarity for you both
“You are being renewed in knowledge according to the image of your Creator.”
Thankful it is not up to me to change into the image of Jesus. However, I do need to cooperate with the Spirit and “put off” the sin nature and “put on” the resurrected nature of Christ.
Amen ❤️
God, may your word dwell in me richly and would you grow me into a tree planted beside your living water.