Day 11

Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us

from the Worthy of Praise reading plan

Psalm 23:1-6, Micah 7:7, John 10:7-18

BY Kaitlin Wernet

Text: Psalm 23:1-6, Micah 7:7, John 10:7-18

“Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us” was first published in 1836, in a collection of songs titled Hymns for the Young, compiled by Dorothy Thrupp. While its composition is sometimes attributed to Thrupp, some publications do not credit her at all, citing the writer as anonymous.

Why Thrupp did not credit herself as the writer, we may never know. Regardless, the gospel truths echoed in this hymn belong to all of us, those who are childlike in both stature and faith (Bailey 184).

Today, this hymn remains a strong, timeless invitation and prayerful response to the imagery found in Psalm 23. While the psalmist affirms the Lord’s faithfulness and goodness, the hymn writer actively calls upon God out of personal need. When coupled together, the psalm and hymn serve as a call-and-response:

“The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack” (v. 1).
Savior, like a shepherd lead us, much we need Thy tender care.

“He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters” (v. 2).
In Thy pleasant pastures, feed us.

“He renews my life; He leads me along the right paths for His name’s sake” (v. 3).
For our use Thy folds prepare:
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,
Thou hast bought us, Thine we are.

Our endless call to our Shepherd is that of lost, needy, hungry children, and His response is love. We are His lambs—tender, wandering, forgetful—and yet He leads us still. He is our sure comfort and restful pasture. May we continually recall God’s character and call out for His faithful response.   

Thou hast loved us, love us still.

Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
By Dorothy A. Thrupp

Savior, like a shepherd lead us,
Much we need Thy tender care;
In Thy pleasant pastures feed us,
For our use Thy folds prepare:
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,
Thou hast bought us, Thine we are;
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,
Thou hast bought us, Thine we are.

We are Thine, do Thou befriend us,
Be the guardian of our way;
Keep Thy flock, from sin defend us,
Seek us when we go astray:
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,
Hear, O hear us when we pray;
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,
Hear, O hear us when we pray.

Thou hast promised to receive us,
Poor and sinful though we be;
Thou hast mercy to relieve us,
Grace to cleanse, and pow’r to free:
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,
Early let us turn to Thee;
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,
Early let us turn to Thee.

Early let us seek Thy favor,
Early let us do Thy will;
Blessed Lord and only Savior,
With Thy love our bosoms fill:
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,
Thou hast loved us, love us still;
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,
Thou hast loved us, love us still.


Bailey, Albert Edward. The Gospel in Hymns: Backgrounds and Interpretations. New York: Scribner, 1950.  

Post Comments (55)

55 thoughts on "Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us"

  1. Teresa Donley says:

    ALYSSA LIGHTNER – thank you for the explanation of why it is such a beautiful act that our Shepherd anoints our heads with oil. Lord, anoint my head with oil today, and every day. Banish all those flies and gnats that try to get into my thoughts and turn my eyes from you.
    And thank you for bringing up the fact that COVID is “quietly” slipping into our world again – not that it ever left. Lord, protect us.

  2. Mercy says:

    Morning she’s,
    We got snow in the forecast next week and I have been bringing some of my annuals inside (geraniums). My petunias are going so strong and are still full of dense blooms, such a vigorous plant. But I am letting go, embracing a new season of snow ahead.

    The reading today brought some sadness to my heart. As a keen observation of one of our dear she suggested, that we truly listen to the wrong voice of the hired hand way too often. I was one of those. Since we might not know how or do not make time to cultivate hearing God’s voice enough to be built up in discerning. God’s voice arises in the quiet and secret place, a very still voice with calmness and power, and it contradicts the hired hand’s voice. “He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep” (John 10:12-13). By God’s grace, it was revealed that it was not God that this man carried, but the embodiment of the flesh and religion. And he was exposed. As I have shared before, it was a church hurt season, a brutal 2 years or so of silent battle until I finally respectfully left. Deception is that it looks as if they care, or they might have cared at the beginning, but stopped somewhere down the road, it’s no longer the sheep that they care, but the ministry career and the great turnout, the validation for the flesh, and not God’s glory. Even this, God has to bring fire (situations) to test and expose, because even a good shepherd will for a great turnout and rejoice at the lives changed. So, I came to the Lord in prayers again and again, bringing this verse to His remembrance, “Thus says the Lord GOD, Behold, I am against the shepherds, and I will require my sheep at their hand and put a stop to their feeding the sheep. No longer shall the shepherds feed themselves. I will rescue my sheep from their mouths, that they may not be food for them” (Ezekiel 34:10). The update: the Lord has removed that hired hand, and the sheep of the church has now been transferred into another person in charge. God indeed has required the sheep at their hand. They have packed up and moved away… out of the country. All this happened within a year, which was shocking to me. Let the fear of the Lord be upon us when we serve Him and His bride (the church). Which is to say, echoing what KIMBERLY Z posted, “but as for me, I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me. – Micah 7:7”. God heard, and He acted. He sorted out His house, at the cry of His sheep longing for a true shepherd after God’s own heart. And you know what else, He told me to come to this man’s house, saying goodbye to his family, and offered a big offering as a gift for their departure. God is truly truly love. This has brought closure to my wounded soul, because the Lord truly heard my cry.
    KIMBERLY Z, prayers for your beautiful desires to be blessed and unfold. May God build you up first for the responsibilities and demands of such roles.
    RHONDA J, so encouraged hearing about your jail day yesterday, scary that demons operate through people to do the unthinkable, but we have JESUS within who is stronger than the demons. Discernment is a beautiful gift and is necessary for situations like this. Great reminder to spread the gospel and do something, start where we are, 5 loaves and 2 fishes, just something, faith without works is dead. Glory to Him.

    Be blessed dear sisters.

  3. Kimberly Z says:

    7 But as for me, I will look to the Lord;
    I will wait for the God of my salvation;
    my God will hear me. – Micah 7:7. What a great reminder as I’ve often been inpatient through out my life but mainly my adult life. Wondering when I will get married, have kids, become a wife, etc. has weighted hard on me but finding peace that the Lord will wait for me is such a comforting feeling. He knows what’s best for our lives and giving that up to him is such a wonderful feeling. Happy Thursday ladies. Praying for you all.

  4. Rhonda J. says:

    GM She’s!

    Beautiful sentiment from this song, although I do not know it! I did add it to my hymn playlist!

    Thank you Mercy for your prayers for jail, we had 5 new ladies, and all committed or recommitted their live to Jesus! One seemed to have a falseness about her in the beginning which I couldn’t put my finger on, then when we left my friend said that she sensed the evil somewhere in the room, and then a few minutes later this inmate turned directly to her and said “Are you new here” very kinda intimidating. My friend said she prayed the spirit of the enemy leave, and then we saw the prisoner’s disposition change! Kinda crazy, as it is sometimes to be discerning, but our new volunteer has that gift! The name of Jesus is more powerful than we can imagine, and the enemy must flee! Another inmate said that she had a girl always hand her our handouts from class when she would come back to her pod (planting the seeds!), and that persuaded her to come and then led to recommitment! I so love seeing God work even in a place of darkness and brokenness!! It is such a blessing, and those people are all around us!!

    I encourage you all to get some ministry of small group going if you are not in one! You can start one! They help build your faith just as we do here in this study! But you can influence others to serve and grow, and join in this great commission we have been assigned! It’s not an option, it is a command! In Jesus name! Praise! Give Him praise!!

    @Michelle Thank you for always sharing your heart!

  5. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Jesus said, “I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock, and one shepherd.” (John 10:16) Those “other sheep” are you and me! So thankful that Jesus grafted us in. All who believe in Him become part of the chosen, part of the flock, part of the family of God! He didn’t have to include us, but God…because of His great love, opened the way of salvation for us all – hallelujah! So thankful to be a part of the family of God – and so thankful for each of you, my sisters in Christ! Have a most blessed day today!

  6. Cindy Hanna says:

    Whenever I read about Shepherds and sheep I’m transported back to the spring that my grandson worked with sheep during lambing season. He loved the experience. Especially when he helped with a difficult delivery of a lamb all by himself.
    I sometimes chuckle about how amazingly we act like sheep. Stubborn, willful, prone to stray, and quick to loudly complain when encouraged to do something or go in a direction we don’t like.
    And yet…Jesus the good Shepherd continues to love and care for us. Even more mind boggling to me is that He actually seeks us out to bring us into the fold and searches for us when we wander off! In spite of all our flaws.
    Beautiful love of Jesus.

  7. Cee Gee says:

    This is a hymn I always enjoy singing- lyrics and melody more like a ballad with no heavy embellishment or difficult notes to maneuver!

    KELLY NEO – Yes, hallelujah He had a plan!

    SEARCHING – adding my AMEN to your prayer! ❤

    KRISTINE LOUGHMAN – Thank you for that imagery and bringing the sound of the surf to mind! Glad you are being refreshed!

    Praying for you precious sisters (and me) as we follow our Shepherd’s lead.

  8. Erica Chiarelli says:

    I lack nothing! Even with a negative balanced bank out…He is My Good Shepherd and I lack nothing! I can walk through hard times and not be afraid! He is always with me!

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