Since 2012, She Reads Truth has maintained a singular mission: to be women in the Word of God every day. Ten years later, our community includes “Shes” from across the globe, but our mission hasn’t changed.
Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading This Is The Church, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read. Each day for this series, we’ll include a brief summary of the reading along with a prompt for conversation.
As the continuation of Christ’s ministry on earth, the Church acts as salt and light in a decaying and dark world around us.
Discussion Question: What encouragement did you find in this week’s reading?
Take time to reflect on your Scripture reading and today’s question. Share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.
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94 thoughts on "Salt and Light"
I find encouragement in looking for ways to help others, we are to be a light and lights come in different forms therefore we should look for all the different ways we can support others
Lord we give you praise Lord!
I love that our actions speak as loud as our words. I do not have to proclaim him from the mountaintops, but by a salty life well lived so that others see me as different as a result of my intimacy with Christ. I let Him in to live in the temple I prepare…U am transfo egg med with less gossip, less judgment & others notice. If I am asked about it I am prepared with an answer which I intentionally review periodically so I can let His light shine. Asking God to provide those opportunities is more often than not an answered prayer.
I find encouragement in the instructions regarding sharing the hope that is in me with gentleness, respect and a good conscience to anyone who asks.
I loved Hebrews 11:17-40 ❤️ A reminder of all of those that faced adversaries, and followed Christ through to the end.
I loved 2 Corinthians 4:6 and the thought of God shining in our hearts to give us knowledge of Him through Jesus.
3 And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. – John 17:3
I am always striving to “arrive”, to have it all together and to live in perfect balance and efficiency. It is very stressful. I really appreciated the call to seek first the kingdom of God and to let the rest go. It is very freeing.
I like how this passage in Matthew says to “LET your light shine.” Not “make” or “force” your light, but LET it!! I need to show the world that Jesus lives in me and I can do that by LETTING him shine through my actions and words!
I found encouragement in the passages talking about our eternal home. I sometimes put so much effort into my earthly home that I forget that it will one day fade away. All of this doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things because I’ll one day live with Jesus!
The passage in 1 Peter really encouraged me in today’s reading. First, I read on to 1 Peter 3:18, which says “For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.” And earlier in that same passage, in verse 15, it talks about always being prepared to give an answer when people ask you about the hope that you have. Our hope is the death and Resurrection of Christ Jesus. His death brings us to God; that’s how we get to approach God. We’re not righteous on our own. This hope that I have extends to the Church, because the Church, if it preaches the truth of the Gospel and points people to Jesus, is a huge encouragement to those who truly believe, and can also shine as a light to those who do not yet believe.
Hello She’s! I really enjoyed studying the Good Samaritan as it was a needed reminder to really see people and go above and beyond to care for them.
Let your light shine before others……be the beacon of hope!
The wonderful thing about grace is that He isn’t condemning you for the things you’ve done or the distance you’ve gone. He’s ready and waiting for you to come back now. Just turn around and fall into Him again and He will comfort you and receive you. Then go out with new joy and energy that comes from the grace and forgiveness of the Great I Am!
In agreement with Mercy’s prayer for Lauren! Amen
@LAUREN GW: I used to be in the exact same shoe. A season of hurting can bring confusion and also paralyzing our walk. Father Lord God, I pray you will touch Lauren today, bring faith community and support around her to give her momentum to stand up and start moving. Help her to pick up where she left off, restore her broken heart, bandage her wounds, bring deliverance to any areas that need, please carry her so she can continue to walk with you, through the dark valleys to come out to the other side. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.
We are the light off this world, representing Christ. Love others always
10 So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. – Galatians 6:10. This verse is what stood out to me. We should serve and do good for everyone but especially our family in Christ. If we don’t take care of especially each other it puts us to shame in the world.
So many things stood out to me in today’s reading! One in particular, is that we were given the FREE gift of salvation through Jesus’ sacrifice! We are not called to keep this gift all to ourselves, but to show and help others to accept this gift, so they, too, can reap the reward of eternity in Heaven! A song from my childhood popped in my head reading these verses, and I’m sure y’all know it, too: “this little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. Hide it under a bushel, no! I’m gonna let it shine.” A song for children, but a message for everyone! Let’s not hide our lights, ladies! Have a great day! ❤️❤️
I honestly feel shamed. I’ve been through a lot in the past few years and it keeps coming. I haven’t done anything overtly awful in response, but I have shrank away from god, not made him a priority, and haven’t glorified him in my life. I’m getting by, doing what I’m “supposed to,” but I’ve lost my saltiness, I’m not a light on a hill, I haven’t been loving my brothers, just focusing on my own pain…
Encouragement I found in this week’s reading was that we’ll never be put to shame by Jesus, we are chosen and adopted and born again into the family of Jesus, we are a part of the best covenant ever, we can have full assurance of faith, we will one day have the joy of Jesus complete in us, and that we are worth SO MUCH to God!
Don’t lose hope in what the Lord is doing.
This was an excellent reminder to serve as you are serving our Lord and not just the people. I have become jaded with my service, comparing and complaining. Today served as a reset in my heart so my hands will joyfully do Gods work.
I have been encouraged by the truth that we are God’s people and as such are commissioned to bring the wonderful hop
Lord do not divide the church. Strengthen us. Make us stronger. In a world that seeks to divide, draw us ever closer.
“A City upon a Hill” is a phrase derived from the teaching of Salt and Light in Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount. It has frequently been used in United States politics as a declaration of American exceptionalism, to refer to America acting as a “beacon of hope” for the world. Wikipedia
What a historic day in American history to protect the unborn and how fitting the scripture reading for today was in relating to this.
“A City upon a Hill” is a phrase derived from the teaching of Salt and Light in Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount. It has frequently been used in United States politics as a declaration of American exceptionalism, to refer to America acting as a “beacon of hope” for the world. Wikipedia
6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. – 2 Corinthians 4:6
Today was hard, but I kept reading the Word of the Lord. That is the everyday motto. Good or bad day, keep reading the Word. Keep trying to understand this confusing journey with the Book providing some guidance.
I pray that God would fill me up with His Light and use me to bring others to Him. It can be so hard to be light in this world that is so filled with darkness, but through the Holy Spirit in me, I will let His Light shine!
I like that Molly, “it’s like having a spiritual pen pal”. I love that, thank you. I wish we could all do a zoom call one day, so we can meet. But until then I will think of all of us as spiritual pen pals. ❤️ Stay blessed She’s.
I want to be clear, I know this to be the truth, even if my feelings tell me otherwise.
I love being reminded that we are the salt and light of the earth. I have felt very humbled by my imperfections today. I want to walk in this truth, even though I don’t feel like it’s true.
Amen, thank you.
Do not hide the light of Jesus that radiates from me from others. Love others and help those in need always.
Kelly (NEO), thank you for asking, she is doing better — I don’t remember if I said that she almost knocked one of her front teeth out ad had to have stitches put in to hold it in place until it “rooted” back in place. The stitches are out and her tooth is solid in place.
@Michelle Patire: dear Michelle, you will be the light on the hill city (widely famous) pointing to God with the composing music talent that God gave you. I would proclaim Matthew 5:14 as a prophetic declaration over you and your future endeavors. And I would encourage you to proclaim it over yourself. To God be the glory.
@Callie Bond: praying for you and your husband for strength and grace as you welcome soldiers into your home. This is a beautiful offering. My husband also serves in the military. The mental, physical burden, trauma that soldiers endure are heavy and indescribable.
Hello Shes. The scripture lessons this week, especially Day 18, “Commissioned by Christ”, affirms my “activism” in my local church. The “Think Deeply/Believe Deeply” study initiative, starting with Paul’s Letter to the Ephesian, has met twice in the five-week series. The participants (who self-identify as women) have shown up ready, able & willing to read & reflect upon scripture, with power & purpose, together. I am honored, through the grace of God, that they trust me to convene & co-learn. Some of the clergy, I fear, remain skeptical & resistant, with a sense I have no authority, as a non-seminary trained lay person, to attempt what I’m doing. Still I step out in faith, standing on this verse, Phillipians 2:13: “For it is God who is working in you BOTH to WILL and to WORK according to His good purpose”. (Capitals added.) My wish, hope, prayer is that my efforts point to the Most High, Provider, Deliverer, Waymaker. Our SRT study book includes a quote from A. W. Tozer, on page 102. Another nod to my mission. “The church can have light only as it is full of the Spirit, and it can be full only as the members that compose it are filled individually”. Thanks be to God!
Things I noticed out of our scriptures today:
1- Ever wonder why you suffer for no reason? For it is the will of God that you SUFFER for well doing (1 Peter 3:17). This seems contradictory to a verse nearby, if you do good, who will harm you? Yet, It is the WILL of God. For this finds favor, if a person endures the sorrow/grief of suffering unjustly because of an awareness of the will of God. (1 Peter 2:19)
2- Go heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons (action oriented, not just preach). Freely you have received (been done onto these things), freely you give (you pay it forward to those under same bondage from which you were set free). We can’t set free others unless we are free first.
3- Who are my neighbours? Those that I show mercy to in their times of need (Luke 10:37), including strangers (get used to strangers- when I was a stranger, you took me in).
Praise be to our God. Be blessed dear sisters.
That we may suffer but it’s better to suffer for God’s will for doing good than for what is evil. 1 Peter 3: 13-17
I learned that I am always cleaned through Jesus Christ and to remember this concerning others…no judging!
That Christ just wants our faith, love and heart. He want us to treat others with respect and to love one another.
KELLY (NEO) – I haven’t seen much on SM lately. I know dialysis has become very hard on her. They want to get her to the panhandle in Florida as a last wish.
A true warrior with this disease, Jessica passed away recently at 40. She was very special. Always willing to help the other young adults. There are not many that make it that far. She was helpful in my own journey with Tanner. It broke me when I heard of her death. Too many of these young adults die much too early.
LAUREL – I looked up the link you posted. Very good! I joined…lol I liked it that much.
I also struggle with knowing where our help is good and where we hinder someone. We have lots of transients in Colorado. I just feel it is not my area to help in. My friends brother was addicted to heroin. He was very erratic in his behavior and scared me on many occasions. So I will pray on where God wants me to be His salt.
There was so much that came to mind as I was reading the scriptures today. Do I represent Christ well in my own family?? My husbands kids are far from believers. What do they see in me? Do they see compassion or judgement. I can be very opinionated. I pray God will take control over my mouth. That my heart will soften towards them. (Their behavior is hard to be around) I tend to be judgmental towards them because they are more about self. A wise young girl said to me, “you can not expect Godly behavior from ungodly people.” I try to remember that.
Praying that the church shows Jesus’ love to others. In these dark times in the world, may we be Jesus’ light. May we have compassion and show kindness, while holding fast to the Truth.
I love how Jesus simplified how to live. Many times we hear “I love you” from people but here Jesus simply says how our actions show love. This is being the salt and the light of the world, by showing love in our actions to others.
So many thoughts run through my mind as I read this. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves (Luke 10:27), yet how often we try to justify why we don’t (vs 29).
Jesus talked about feeding, clothing, taking in strangers, visiting prisoners—— We have quite a few homeless people in my town. I struggle with the balance between giving to them and enabling them to continue to use drugs.
So many thoughts run through my mind as I read this. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves (Luke 10:27), yet how often we try to justify why we don’t (vs 29). We have quite a few homeless people in my town.
Somewhere in the last couple years my heart is just so softened to new moms. Maybe it is because I have spent the last couple years basking in the birth and growth of my fourth and last baby. I have noticed the difference from my first (a honeymoon surprise that took me a long time to accept) 11 years ago to being present and intentional with every possible stage, hard or not, knowing I would never experience it again. And really getting to see the sweet, miraculous, simplicity of a young child. While I soaked up every coo and new smile I was also seeing my oldest on the brink of the preteen years and the more complex needs and challenges. It was a joy to have pockets of sitting down in the peaceful moments to nurse my last baby.
I pray for you guys, and all new moms I see when I am at the store or out and about. What a big new world, for both baby and MOM! What a life-changing adventure, a refining season like no other. I wish I could tell me “new mom” self to fight hard to be in each moment, each stage. I am not a “newborn stage” lover…it was such a season of hard all 4 times! I remember the room at my in laws that I would go to to nurse my babies in the quiet – on the wall my mother in law had a framed picture that listed the different names of God. I would sit there and read it cause there was nothing else to do. By my fourth it dawned on me how often I had sat and just said His different names over and over – it is one of the sweetest things during some LONG DAYS. Because of that I find myself putting scripture and truth all over my house – even if it’s just a sticky note. You guys got this! What a ride – enjoy all of it!!! And don’t forget you are prayed for! When you don’t know what to say in the dark of night, say JESUS!
My husband and I are currently navigating our first year of his military service, and I’ve felt the Lord place on my heart a calling to open our home to fellow soldiers of my husband who don’t know the truth of the Gospel. We’ve been able to host meals and times of fellowship, and today’s reading reminded me not to place so much focus on the way my house looks or how well my cooking is received but on the opportunity my family has been given to minister to people from many different backgrounds. Prayers appreciated as I try to show Christ’s love through daily interactions and quiet service to those the Lord has placed in my life.
@Rhonda J– I love what your wrote! When I first took my faith seriously, someone spoke prophetically over me — and then it happened again and again through prayer, in more subtle ways. I yearned to help people in that way as I began to mature in Christ. Six years later, I am active in speaking the Word of God over others in my prayer. It is such a blessing. It is good to reflect on growth in our relationship with Christ. I think something I have repeated on SRT all week is that our words have power and authority- to build or to tear down. May God continue to refine our speech as the Church.
@Gwineth52– Thank you for your encouragement :) I loved reading your feedback and I always feel so blessed when someone takes time to speak life over me.
@Mercy — always thankful when you write to me. Thank you for your kind words <3 God bless you.
ps – we never have shark attacks here! It was a crazy event!!!
I feel very encourage to let my light shine and serve the underserved more than ever.
Every Scripture today was burning in my heart! Actually, this whole study has been such an encouragement! I felt so compelled to make sure I go to Jesus every day to fill me up so that I can bring His hope and truth and love to others! Salt gives flavor, makes people thirsty, preserves, heals. If one little flame of a match can dispel darkness, how brightly we can shine together! I am motivated to not get so caught up in myself, but see the greater calling on my life, and how exciting it is to be a part of walking with Jesus and letting Him shine through me! May we always be ready to make the most of every opportunity to share the hope of Jesus that is in us with others. You never know who you will come across! Last night I went to the beach and swam – about an hour after, as the sun was setting, people said they saw two huge hammerhead sharks. And then I saw a crowd surrounding a lady who was sitting on the beach with towels wrapped around her leg. I asked what happened, and she had been attacked by one of the sharks. I went up to he and thank God her wounds weren’t life threatening. She was sitting there very calmly talking to everyone. I didn’t know what to do, so I laid my hands on her and prayed in Jesus’ name over her. Later, when the paramedics took her to the hospital, her friend thanked me for praying. It wasn’t much, but it was what I felt led to do. You never know what opportunities the Lord will give us every day – even if, in this case, it was just saying a simple prayer over someone and being with her while she waited for the paramedics to get there.
Thank you for asking! I would say I am probably 90% back. Still waiting on full energy! BUT, can I just say the prayers are no little thing – that day I finally asked for it was a turning point! Every symptom started getting better that very day – that’s no coincidence! All glory to God and a big thank you to women praying for me that don’t know me from Eve. It’s humbling to be reminded that this is a Family and because of God working in each of us we get to know what it’s like to love one another as members of the same household.
Thanks Laurel- good additional insight re salt and light & a resource( I was not aware of
Oh wow! For the last few days the reading has seemed dull, or maybe it’s me. ;-) I happily read it, thankful to be in the Word, but it was getting a bit mechanical.
Today, though, it seemed to be so hopeful, so alive! This world truly is decaying and full of darkness, but all these passages were such a balm to my soul, and a reminder that Jesus showed us the true meaning of being salt and light and gave us such a beautiful example to follow. I may not be as salty (haha) or as illuminated as Him, but just my simple offering of trying to be like Him is enough – He takes it and multiplies it in this world for His glory! The abundance of mercy and grace to use one as underserving, tasteless, and dull as me and He makes me a salty lamp for Him!
It’s a joy to be doing this study with you all. We may not “know” each other, but we get the simple joy of relating as Sisters in Christ without any other hindrance or distraction. It’s like having spiritual pen pals that will have a big reunion on the other side of this world. To greet each other with a holy kiss and an authentic embrace… a lovely thought.
Yes, this is so important. No weapon formed against you will prosper.
I am encouraged by the verses on having a good conscience and refusing to practice cunning or deceit. I am in a difficult situation at work where I am doing the best I can wit the information available and a colleague is twisting all my actions as personal attacks. I am encouraged to continue doing the next right thing and pray for her grace and mercy through the process.
Veronica, I wish I could give you a hug right now. I’m a first time mom with an almost 8 month old and it does get easier. Praying for you find the patience, guidance and physical strength it takes to make it through the newborn phase. You are being a light by being a good mama!
“Give as freely as you have received” (Matthew 10:8). This encouraged me today because it reminds me of the power source where I get my energy to be a light to the world. God freely gives me His grace and love, so I can show grace and love to others.
I know that with God, Christ and the Holy Spirit on my side I have nothing to worry about, nothing to fear, and everything to look forward to. With Christ as my Savior, I know everything will be alright, I just have to let Him have the controls.
Be blessed sisters and let God and Christ have the control.
This has been a RICH WEEK OF DEVOTIONALS! Today’s Word Seals the Deal of the Call to the Church! Yes! Yes! Yes! Remaining ‘Salty & Bright’ in this dark & decaying World IS THE GAME CHANGER FOR THOSE IN OUR SPHERE OF INFLUENCE WHO THE LORD IS WOOING UNTO HIMSELF!!!
Let’s KEEP Our Saltiness STRONG & Our Light Always ON so the World can SEE & TASTE Him in Our Generation!!!
Happy FUNDAY FREEDOM Friday Ladies!!!
This week was hard for me. I am a new mom and am learning the new routines of motherhood with a newborn. Plus, my parents are visiting and coming over each day so I never took time for myself to do my readings. This morning was the first time I actually utilized the quiet time before the crazy of the day starts. Galatians 6:10 really spoke to me today. I don’t know why but it did. I think just remembering how much better my day is when I start it with the Word is encouragement for me to keep going and pushing through these sleepless nights.
I’m encouraged that it is God’s light o shines in our hearts and in our faces.. We don’t have to do the shining.
I love Matthew 5:16.
This was a family memory verse when my children were little and I still pray it for my family as we engage in our workplaces.
I love Matthew 5:16.
God bless you and your grandkids.
May god bless you and your grandkids.
I have heard myself say a couple of times lately “The Lord laid on my heart to share this with you.” (And when I say “say,” I mean I have “text” that. Our new language, lol) But being a Christian I have always heard that phrase but always thought the people that said it were special people that were really in tune with God…which they are. I had always thought how do people “hear” God, I don’t get it! But the more I have been in the word, and in prayer with God the more He is working in my heart, mind and spirit! Actually the Holy Spirit is IN me, working, growing, guiding me. That is Jesus in me, what He GAVE me when I accepted Him! How exciting! How AMAZING! And when I hear feedback of how I shared what God laid on my heart with the person and it affected them, it is a wow feeling! Wow of how God uses His people to work in the lives of others. And when I can share the hurt and trial I went through with those going through it today I see that I am doing what those did for me at the time.
I also wanted to share that as me and my husband go this afternoon to feed the homeless in our city, I know God will bless them and us. We don’t do this to feel good about ourselves but to connect and help those in need. And while nonchristians are also there helping, I want to be serving MY GOD that leads me to do His will. I want to be different! I pray this Lord, I don’t want to be a NICE person, I want to be a servant of you Lord, being your hands and feet. I hope I can be a little more bold, or a little more gentle, by forming connections, being a listening ear, or asking if I can pray for them in any way.
This study is so encouraging and I love the message of being the Salt and Light! Hoping you all have a great, blessed wkd and can be salt and light this wkd wherever you go! And don’t be discouraged if you “just don’t get all this Christian stuff! God is always working in your mind, heart and spirit in ways you can’t fathom, but as you look back at your tapestry, the mess will be beautiful when you see the big picture.
I actually doubted myself a lot this week, and I think the enemy has taken over during my devo time. “We are the light of the world we are a city on a hill we are the light of the world we gotta we gotta let the light shine” —a song by unknown
I actually doubted myself a lot this week, and I think the enemy has taken over during my devo time. “We are the light of the world we are a city
What a beautiful time for your family!!! Gods blessings!!!!
It is more important than ever to shine the light of Jesus in this world. These scriptures remind me of my role in loving my neighbors- which includes people who look like me and people who do not. Let us love all.
Pamela I am right there with you! I am raising a child only 12 years younger than me through adoption and I feel very out of place, but just like you I know there is a greater purpose behind all of this. You are doing awesome! They’re lives will be changed because of your love and boundaries and devotion.
How vital it is to be public in our faith – to transfer the mercy God has shown us out into the broken world. Our faith has limits behind closed doors but is powerful out among others. I think sometimes this can be overwhelming because we think it needs to be these major acts of kindness and giving. But I think it can be as simple as a smile or a conversation in the grocery store or a helping hand ALONG with larger, purposeful acts of mercy towards broken parts of our community.
I am raising grandkids and it is challenging. I have been feeling very out of place. I find I am 10 years too old or to young. My age group have grown kids but “kid age parents” are too young for me. My grands come with their own set of issues. I talk to them about things I did as a kid but they can’t relate. Every event becomes a battle. Sports, chores, homework, dinner however God specifically put them here with me. There was no other way to explain what occurred. He has provided means I cannot express. And while I struggle to relate to others I relate to the Lord. He has grown my relationship with him in these past several years. Today’s reading was for me. It was a reminder that I am growing these children for the His purpose. I am just the instrument. He always encourages. Always reminds and it’s always on time!! Thanks be to God.
Last Sunday my pastor was talking about how there’s all different ways of worshipping our Lord. I have always believed that not does music and raising your voice for Lord give glory to our God but serving others around you in the name of Jesus. And this scripture highlighted that for me.
Have a great day everyone!
Last Sunday my pastor was talking about how there’s all different ways of worshipping our Lord. I have always believed that not does music and raising your voice for Lord give glory to our God but serving others around you in the name of Jesus. And this scripture highlighted that for me.
No latter what is happening in the world, stay true to the Gospel, share it and the true reward is in Heaven waiting for me.
In order to understand the idea of “salt & light” better, I looked up various explanations. The explanation at is easy to understand and apply. (
I can’t see other’s needs if I’m not out in my community.
“Freely you received so freely give.” This challenges me to remember where God called me from and how he continues to freely show me grace and love. I am called to show others the love and grace of Christ without expecting anything in return, without holding anything back
Thank you for asking! Aunt Marlene is now home recuperating. She is weak but getting help via family, PT, OT, etc. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Tomorrow I leave on a mission trip with our high school youth. These passages all speak to how we serve Christ as we serve others in a powerful way
God is ever faithful; He odes not give up on us. We need to go out and spread the good word and to radiate God in our actions.
Today has some really tough readings, but we need to hear it.
May God help us to obey Jesus, love God with heart, soul, mind and strength, and love our neighbours as we love ourselves. May God help us to let our light shine to the rest of the world – may we not be ashamed to be Christ followers, but be emboldened by the Holy Spirit. May God help us to show practical love to our neighbours and to our brothers and sisters in Christ. And Lord open the eyes of the spirituality blind that they would see you and know you.
From the 1 Peter passage today, “in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, ready at any time to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you. Yet do this with gentleness and reverence.”
My “job” is to “go and tell” the rest is up to God and the conviction of His Spirit. My “telling” in gentleness and reverence dispite how I am treated or the other’s response reflects the love of Jesus and brings Him glory
CLAIRE B – praying for your brother’s recovery.
TRACI GENDRON – any updates on Portia’s daughter Joanie?
DOROTHY – how is Monica’s recovery from a fall coming along?
TAYLOR – is your roommate recovering from COVID? How is the apt. hunt going?
LAUREL – how is your Aunt Marlene?
MOLLY R – are you back to feeling normal?
GROWING FAITH – how is your sister and her newborn?
AG – praying that the Lord will guide you about the job opportunity and for your cousin’s pregnancy
I am just forever encouraged to walk with Jesus no matter what the world is screaming at us❤️❤️❤️❤️