Day 2

Rest for the Weary

from the I Will Give You Rest reading plan

Matthew 11:25-30, Isaiah 40:28-31, Psalm 16:1-11

BY She Reads Truth

Start each day by reading the Scripture. During this reading plan, we’ll then use the summary provided here to guide our discussion around the daily reading.

Through His death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus offers spiritual rest to the weary and to all that will come to Him. In Christ, we are unburdened from attempting to provide security and wholeness for ourselves.

Post Comments (157)

157 thoughts on "Rest for the Weary"

  1. Lindsey Osterhaven says:

    Lord, help me to lean into you, to remember you are the only true provider of rest. Amen.

  2. Briana Calton says:

    I needed this today as I haven’t had a lot of physical rest and my spirit feels weary and shaken from all the tasks I need to get done. Thank you Jesus for providing soul rest when we abide in you ❤️

  3. Cheyanne Williamson says:

    Thank you, Jesus, for the spiritual rest we find in you.

  4. Catherine Reed says:

    There is pleasure in being by his side.

  5. jessica ladelfa says:

    I am so thankful that we have Jesus and for the rest he provides, nothing beats it. This summer I am trying to refocus and remember that what I need the most is rest from Jesus. That is what makes me the most happiest and refreshed.

  6. Brianna Gornall says:

    Resting is not something I am good at. I have always equated rest to laziness. Lord, renew my thoughts and guide my heart towards the rest that only comes from You.

  7. Molly Johnson says:

    Thank you Jesus for providing rest to us that need it most when we come to You.

  8. Gracie Amburgey says:

    he truly can bring spiritual rest !

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