Start each day by reading the Scripture. During this reading plan, we’ll then use the summary provided here to guide our discussion around the daily reading.
When we remember the new life we have in Jesus is a life of freedom, we can cease our striving and laboring, and rest in the reality that Christ has already fulfilled the law.
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48 thoughts on "Remember Your Freedom"
In this fallen world, blindness is not the result of a specific sin, but a general tragedy and healing is the gift that all may see the glory of God with their own eyes.
We have true rest true freedom in Christ
We can rest because Jesus fulfills everything we need. We can stop striving because Jesus has completed the task.
Rest does not have to mean sitting down. It could mean putting down your worries and chores and engaging it things that you love to do: playing with your kids, cooking, gardening, reaching out and chatting with friends on the phone. Rest can be defined as nurturing your soul with God glorifying activities. Listen closely. Allow God to lead you in your day. Rest in His plan.
One thing I wonder from this is what was it like for the blind man who could now see to worship Jesus? Is just seems so interesting
I’m truly grateful for the reading of this word. Going back to the 10 commandments and seeing that the importance of keeping the Sabbath holy has really placed more of an urgency for me to get back on resting in the Lord and observing his commandments. It’s so easy to get caught up in work that we can find ourselves spinning on this never ending cycle of work or what’s next on our to do list. I know one thing work will always be work but God is above all things. I no longer want work to be my idol because anything I put above you dear Lord is a form of idolatry. The fact that God loves us so much he gave us a day to rest in him. I’m grateful.
Sabbath for moms of littles – the phrase that directs my decisions for the day is “cease striving”. Our sabbath is Friday evening thru Saturday evening.
I try to only clean messes I made that day (no chores)
We generally make this a family morning (practice being present)
I rest during naptime/rest time
Dinner is leftovers
My husband takes Friday evening to spend with friends and I take Saturday morning to sleep in
When I have thoughts about what I need to get done, I actively put those away
Super hard concept for me at times. That I don’t have to do anything but believe in him who has conquered. To continue in reading the word and trying to be a good person. I can find rest in the knowledge that he has saved us. We still have to continue the good fight against the darker parts of our world and how that effects us, but we will find rest in him
As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. *John 9:5
I love this Churchmouse
This is so wonderful! Could you please share some things that you guys do to help prepare for Sabbath and what that day usually entails? I have a 1yo and 3yo and I’m trying to figure out where to start with Sabbath. I want to have realistic expectations for this, but also give myself grace in times of rest. Any pointers would be great. Thank you.
Rachel, I hear you! My nest is empty now (hang in there, girl, that season is coming and it’s worth it!) but I remember when the house was full of my 5 kids and I homeschooled on top of it. I always wondered why that command to Sabbath in Exodus 20:8 does NOT specifically include “your wife!” But I completely understand your struggle. I tried to make our Sunday “Sabbath” something special we looked forward to by having something special for breakfast or having a tea party with the girls or going on a walk with the boys. Even though those things may sound like more “work,” they really were restful because I wasn’t doing chores. I decided that the Sabbath was meant “meaningful relationships “ and God was honored by time invested in those relationships. During the teenage years that may have meant going shopping with my girls even while some may argue against shopping on the Sabbath . I had to convince my husband that
@RachelfromTexas I try to Sabbath on Saturdays. I am a mom to a 16 month old, but I work from home and we have an amazing JoJo (she reads truth too!) and so I have lots of help. On the weekends I try not to think about doing things for my son as “work” if it’s stuff he needs. I do try to minimize chores and other tasks I can do on other days. However, I am newer to practicing the Sabbath and have some not-so-restful Saturdays too. (For instance, this past weekend I got the urge to clean and do other chores that were not necessary to do.) But I’m learning and trying to get better. I think what also helps is trying to set aside a few minutes of alone time (I know, so difficult to do) to just talk with God for a few minutes. I also try to pray and talk to God with my son at times as well and listen to worship music.
Last week’s podcast episode really touched me – Racheal and Amanda mentioned that when you’re a mom of littles you have to make the choice to let things go and rest. This hit home as this is incredibly hard for me (I love a clean house). But something I am striving for is sitting and resting with my son vs going, going, going when I really don’t need to.
Today’s readings were a great reminder that Jesus doesn’t want us to overthink or have all these rules for the Sabbath. Jesus wants us to simply find rest in Him alone and not other things (like keeping busy, cleaning, shopping for me).
Digging deeper into rest has been really insightful so far, enjoying this study. I have lots of progress to make in my own Sabbath journey and I am grateful to be learning alongside other women around the world!
This is enough to allow me the freedom to rest!
“He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross.”
Colossians 2:14 NLT
Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
What I drew out from the text today is, even amidst our rest, should we see a good deed could be done, it’s commended and allowed. Don’t let anyone judge you by religious technicalities (Colossians 2:16). Don’t be spoiled by worldly principles (Colossians 2:8). God can justify a good deed, any day, Sabbath or not. The topic of boundaries come up in my mind again, boundaries are necessary for rest. While it’s good to help, it’s healthy to also say no when we are burned out, sensing our emotional/physical capacity is about to be maxed out, and in return, we request help from others so we can achieve our Sabbath. Any of us could be like that daughter who was bound in busyness and fear of bothering others, for 18 years, fearing asking for help is a sign of weakness, thinking our requests are too small (inspired by a christian book I am currently reading, Boundaries by Henry Cloud). True rest comes when we let the Lord help us, sometimes by saying no to others, sometimes by inviting others in, sometimes by admitting we come to an end of ourselves and outsource help (takes humility). What a merciful commandment of rest God gives us. Commandment (not optional)! Glory to Him.
@Angie Mills: happy to see you back, thank you for sharing your heart! praying for you.
@Dorothy: I love long posts
@Sarah D: joy and confidence at work.
@Moms with little ones: praying for help to come. Moments of breaks, relax can be achieved with ease and grace. Mental peace and calmness be granted.
Be blessed dear sisters. Have a wonderful Monday and a strong start to your week.
Searching, I was catching up on reading comments and noticed you asked about Kaylee (yes the name is correct), I just found out she is doing better but not totally over her cold and sniffles. I live in Kansas City and Wednesday they are having a parade and all sorts of goings on for the Chiefs football team and school has been canceled. So mom decided to keep her home tomorrow also and mom has to go to teacher meetings tomorrow.
It seems like following the sabbath is more about a state of mind and perspective than not doing certain activities. It’s about trusting that God took on your sin and shame and we can all rest in his forgiveness. We don’t need to strive anymore to make ourselves right with God.❤️
Sorry for such a long post but I had to share my JOY IN GOD, CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT.
Sisters, I had an AWE-INSPIRING maybe I should make that a GOD, CHRIST AND HOLY SPIRIT INSPIRING four day weekend. As some of you read on Saturday I was unable to post most of the weekend; I was going to though comment on Thursday, that didn’t happen do to an incident with my nephew, which I have since put out of my mind. It started on Thursday afternoon when I reconnected with people I hadn’t seen in a long, long time. From there my Camino weekend did nothing but blossom, as it is supposed. On Friday night we did what they call “Stations of the Cross” at the last station — it was about the resurrection of Jesus Christ — we the group going through read out loud the following — “O, Jesus teach us to rest. Deliver us from thinking that everything depends upon our actions. Help us to be patient in trusting that God will bring about the completion of His creation through You. We love You, Jesus; fill us with Your peace.” — I thought of this study as I was reading this. The Lord has blessed me in so many, many ways and you sisters are the newest way and I did miss reading your comments. Reading my Bible for my SRT reading, doing my SRT devotional, writing my comment and especially reading the comments and prayer concerns of you, my fellow sisters in God, Christ and the Holy Spirit are the highlight of my day. I was kept busy, I did see the Triune in each and everyone there but this group is a different group.
BUT GOD…how I missed you my sisters in the Triune.
BUT GOD…how I missed my daily routine of reading the Lord’s Word for myself because we did have daily worship.
BUT GOD…what a wonderful and MAGFINICENT GOD You are to have so many branches of Christian friends. Your love is spread so far but yet so close.
Father God, I cannot thank You enough for all the love and care You showed to me this weekend but not only this weekend but all the time. Christ’s unending love that endures forever I see all around me. Thank You Lord God. Thank You, Christ Jesus. Thank You, Holy Spirit. Amen.
@Angie Mills – Thank you for your comments! Today was especially helpful for me as I know the Lord is working on me in regards to the Sabbath. I find myself looking everywhere to find the “right way” to keep it. Christ at the center!! That’s how to keep it. Seek the Lord and He will show me, with the guidance of scripture. I’m so grateful for this community.
Right there with you, even to get some quiet time to do these readings can be a challenge
I am getting so much from reading these scriptures and all of your comments. SRT is truly a blessing in my life! @Kristen, I sincerely appreciate your posts from different commentaries. I am not very good at finding references like yours and they add so much depth to my study and understanding. God bless you.
@ALLISON BENTLEY: I % agree. Colossians 2:16-17 really spoke freedom to me also.
16 Therefore, don’t let anyone judge you in regard to food and drink or in the matter of a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day. 17 These are a shadow of what was to come; the substance is Christ.
God’s redemptive grace is not determined in how we keep the Sabbath; it is found in Him Whom Sabbath is kept. The Sabbath day points us to Jesus. Jesus is our true source of Sabbath rest. We never can keep Sabbath perfectly here on this earth. We will never find rest in trying to find the perfect way to keep Sabbath. We will only find rest by keeping our eyes solely fixed on Jesus and trusting Him to provide rest for us even in the midst of chaos.
This revelation was so needed for my weary and burdened soul. I am a full-time school librarian on Mondays through Fridays. I work Saturday mornings at a small part time job. I am also the part-time children’s minister at my church, making Wednesdays and Sundays especially busy. There is not one day in which I do not do some form of work. In the past, I have always guarded Sundays as my Sabbath; but in this season of life, I am not able to do so as I did in the past. I do everything I possibly can to make Sundays as carefree as I possibly can, but there are often things that happen that I cannot control. However, trusting and resting in the One Who controls all things will help to keep my soul at rest even when circumstances dictate otherwise.
Oh my sisters who are going through other similar feelings in different kind of circumstances, allow Jesus to free you from the bondage of our manmade rules concerning the Sabbath day. Allow Him to lead you in how you can best keep Sabbath in this season of life. Keep you eyes of faith fixed on our Lord Jesus Who has fulfilled every part of God’s Law perfectly. Trust Him to give you rest even in the midst of your chaos. Allow God’s grace to pour into and over your life so that you can share His grace and mercy to others. Rejoice over all the glorious things He has done, is doing, and will do in your life.
This passage reading really hit me this morning too, Searching! Really spoke to my heart – and how Jesus was willing to heal the woman saying, “Satan bound this woman…for eighteen years – shouldn’t she be untied from this bondage in the Sabbath day?” WOW! And he wants to do that for us too, heal us through the Sabbath – use the Sabbath day to rest, worship, and grow in our relationship with him. How beautiful and loving is our God!
I think it’s more about finding time even with your children to rest and be and be at peace. It might look like sitting outside and watching them play or taking a walk and talking to God. I have asked God how I can do this and He always helps me.
I really like the NKJV of Colossians 2:10-11… “For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily: and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.” I am complete in Jesus Christ. Amen!
16 Therefore, don’t let anyone judge you in regard to food and drink or in the matter of a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day. 17 These are a shadow of what was to come; the substance is Christ. – Colossians 2:16-17 THE SUBSTANCE IS CHRIST!!! This hit home for me today- As long as the center of my sabbath is Christ it doesn’t matter what I’m doing. This is what Jesus was saying while he was healing- does it matter what I’m doing on the sabbath as long as it is in the name of the Lord for the Lords glory? Happy Monday She’s – hoping everyone has a great week!!!
It’s so hard to truly Sabbath when you’re a mom of littles. How do some of y’all do this? I’m looking for ideas.
The podcast with Beth Moore is such a gift. I loved it! Thank you Raechel and Amanda!
I haven’t looked at the Sabbath as freedom in Christ before. It felt like a rule to not work on this very day. Through our studies I view it differently now. As a positive. A time to worship our Lord who gave us freedom.
Coming to SRT (and other devotionals) brings me spiritual rest every morning. I don’t see this as work…it is rest, comfort and joy. It feeds me.
Rachel from Texas…I believe, taking a few mins on the Sabbath to center yourself in Christ’s love, having a conversation with a child or anyone, listening to gospel or other music of faith, or just being thankful for blessings that happen during the day are all forms of mental and spiritual moments on the Sabbath.
Sisters of SRT, thank you for your insight, love and prayers. I look forward to having coffee with you and the Lord every morning! God be with you all, enjoy your day.
I am so thankful for Jesus’s love!
When I discovered how to rest in the Lord on Sundays, it became easier to rest in Him throughout the other days of the week. There are more moments of worship, more moments of wonder, more moments of gratitude, more willingness to be the hands and feet of Jesus in my community. This is what keeping the Sabbath has produced: being more like Jesus.
Good morning everyone, thank you for your prayers on Friday!! I am not feeling too great this morning (feeling anxious and not wanting to go to work honestly), but trying to push through. I feel like my emotions are going up and down, but trying to stay positive. Trying to see if God still wants me at this job or if I should look for others. Praying for you all!
Good morning! I haven’t commented before, but I so enjoy this community. Your thoughts and comments enrich each day’s reading! Today’s reading made me think of how we have special days in our country that we celebrate and remember our freedom. I saw today that God invites us to do this each week on the Sabbath….to celebrate and remember our freedom in Christ! I’m so grateful that Jesus did for me what I could never do for myself! Praise God, He is my rescue!! Have a blessed Monday. ❤️
So thankful for this gift of intentional rest, and for Jesus who gives us the freedom to rest in Him <3
This Sunday’s sermon was about Sabbath- I have had several incidents this past week that let’s me know I am right where I should be.
I have never struggled with doing my paid for work on the weekends (when I had a salaried M-F job) but now as a SAHM the work truest never ends. I can’t say sorry kids I’m not making your breakfast, wiping your bottoms or cleaning up today. I do try to get the bulk of the housework done M-F like a typical “job”. But give me some feedback or ideas on how to sabbath mental or spiritually??
Sundays are definitely church & community group days for our family (& we host that so there is some work that has to be done for that…). Maybe Saturday should be more of my intentional sabbath.
The compassion of Christ brings tears this morning. The Scripture reading in Luke – certainly I have read it before, but do not remember it at all. His compassion for and healing of the woman, as well as pointing out the hypocrisy of those that criticized Him healing on the Sabbath – impacted me.
A song came to mind this morning, more of a praise chorus, Open the Eyes of my Heart, Lord.
Such power in Sabbath rest. Thank You Father! In Jesus name, Amen
This is from the Enduring Word commentary: iv. “Evil furthers the work of God in the world. It is in conquering and abolishing evil that He is manifested. The question for us is not where suffering has come from, but what are we to do with it.” (Dods)
v. “This does not mean that God deliberately caused the child to be born blind in order that, after many years, his glory should be displayed in the removal of the blindness; to think so would again be aspersion on the character of God. It does mean that God overruled the disaster of the child’s blindness so that, when the child grew to manhood, he might, by the recovering of his sight, see the glory of God in the face of Christ, and others, seeing the work of God, might turn to the true Light of the World.” (Bruce)
vi. “We must suppose that every sufferer will in the long run be made aware of his share in promoting that advance; though to-day he suffer blindly, little conscious of his privilege.” (Trench)
I have gone through many things I would not have chosen, but I have seen God use these things. Going through these different things makes us able to be there for others and tell what God has done! May He be glorified in every situation.
This also talks about the compassion of Jesus in the commentary. He dealt with people individually and just how they needed Him to be. Jesus found it important to change His methods of healing so one could never make a formula of the methods. The power was in God, not in a method.
i. “The emphasis of John seems to be on compassion rather than creation. The touch of a friendly hand would be reassuring. The weight of the clay would serve as an indicator to the blind man that something had been done to him, and it would be an inducement to obey Jesus’ command.” (Tenney)
ii. “In His ministry to the souls of men Jesus adopted no stereotyped approach. He dealt with each man as his particular need required.” (Morris)
Tim Keller has a very touching message called: The Sympathy of Jesus. I listened online multiple times. You may want to search it and listen. Such love that the Savior showed!
Prayers for you all!
I have been delivered! I am free! I can rest in what Christ has done. I am keeping the sabbath and I am grateful for it. Thank you Jesus!
Like He asked Israel, God is aaking us to trust Him to “give up” one-seventh of our week and lean in to Him in worship and rest. He will see to it that His strength will inable us to get things done on the other 6 days.
PAM C – were you able to qualify for help with the new medication?
CHRISTINA SCHMIDT – how are you and your boys doinng? How long is your husband’s deployment?
KRISTEN – praying for Jan and Tom to sense God’s presence in their health struggles.
SHARON JONES – how is your mom?
This Sunday’s sermon was about what it means to keep the Sabbath and the pastor said “God rescued your withered soul, so you must find your rest in Him.” He rescued us and we keep the Sabbath by finding our rest and peace in Him!