Raechel’s Favorite Reading from 2019

Open Your Bible

Luke 7:1-50, 1 Kings 17:17-24, Psalm 23:1-6

For Day 1 of our 2019 Wrapped plan, we asked our Founder and CEO, Raechel Myers, to pick her favorite reading from the year. It comes from our first plan of 2019—Luke: The Good News. This reading and devotional, titled “Much Forgiveness, Much Love” tells the story from the Gospel of Luke of the woman who anointed Jesus’s feet with her perfume. 

Luke: The Good News Day 9 | Much Forgiveness, Much Love

This year, as part of our celebratory Christmas decorations, we set up a fantastic black-and-cream toy train under the tree. Once a day, I would let the kids play with it for a few minutes. They would sit on their tiny knees, leaning forward and exclaiming while the train made its allotted brave journey around the tree several times. Then I’d remind them to turn it off and move on with their day.

One of my best friends laughed at me for this, saying, “You’re limiting their Christmas magic so you don’t have to spend money on replacement batteries?!” Yeah, I guess I do tend to be a little parsimonious when it comes to… well, everything. Some of us are miserly with our resources. Maybe you are a bit freer with your spending; we’re all different. But if I had an alabaster jar filled with perfume I would reluctantly parse it out over many years, and I’d be hard-pressed to slop it all out in one afternoon over a stranger.

Whether you are free or tight with resources, it’s important to know when it’s time to set aside your personal inclinations. Otherwise, we are like the Pharisee who invited Jesus to his house but held back on the hospitality. If the Pharisee had realized Who was sitting at his table, and what debt of gratitude he owed Him, would he have been so close-fisted in his actions? And centuries later, knowing Jesus’s purpose and intent, would we have washed His feet and offered Him a kiss? Unless we are aware of our great debt of love, it’s hard to remember who we are and what we are called to do.

When we realize how much we have received—how much we have been forgiven—then everything comes into perspective. We too often hold back pieces of our lives for ourselves, because we fail to see how greatly we have been forgiven. If we were to comprehend the full abundance of God’s forgiveness, how could we hold back anything from Him? In Him we have received all things, beyond what we could ask or imagine.

Like the woman in Luke 7, we who have been forgiven much can appreciate the depth of Christ’s love. The more we see our need of Him, the more opportunity we have for gratefulness and love for His deep forgiveness. He doesn’t speak of the woman’s shame, only of her love.

(94) Comments

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94 thoughts on "Raechel’s Favorite Reading from 2019"

  1. Angie Hernandez says:

    i love the ending,” He doesn’t speak of the woman’s shame, but only her love.”

  2. Carol McDaniel says:

    Forgiveness and Love and the Resurrected lives. What gifts Jesus has given!!

  3. Erin Dwyer says:

    Nothing I have truly belongs to me. It all belongs to God. I need to steward what He allowed me to have with love and care.

  4. meagan hoffert says:

    So true! Thank you for pointing this out, I struggle with this

  5. Alli Solis says:

    I had forgotten my sins are forgiven.. I spend so much time with my babies I need to remind myself to forgive them for their spills or messes. Thank you for this!

  6. Rebecca Doane says:

    Man, I needed this today.

  7. Jami Nelson says:

    Great message. It’s been awhile since I’ve been dedicated to quiet time and studying God’s word. Perfect study to begin anew. He forgives our sins even when we might struggle to forgive ourselves and others.

  8. Alexis Lovell says:


  9. Jacie Brown says:

    I have just started and I will be doing this every morning I love to wake up and read my bible

  10. Sydney Gray says:

    Decided to read this in the car before work. Could not think of a better message to start my morning and reading these comments is so comforting

  11. Dianna McFarland says:

    I’m so glad that I worship a Lord who loves me, a great sinner and forgives me. I’m glad that I am not God not ever could be and that my God doesn’t think like I do or move the way I think He should. He knows hearts and determines next steps based on His plan and purpose for is all. He is compassionate, all-knowing, giving, receiving, correcting, loving, discipling, healing, listening and disciplining.
    Thankful for my Lord and Savior.

  12. Jennifer Frees says:


  13. Rhalyn David says:

    I love this: “ He does not define us by our shortcomings but by His love towards us.” ❤️

  14. Rhalyn David says:

    I love this: “ He does not define us by our shortcomings but

  15. mckenzie helmuth says:

    He does not define us by our shortcomings but by our love ❤️

  16. mckenzie helmuth says:

    He does not define us by our shortcomings❤️

  17. Elisha Blade says:

    I’m late to this study, however I’m loving learning what this is all about and truly love seeing a way to connect to others in comments when done reading. Excited for what this app has to offer.

  18. Natalie Gouge says:

    Scrolling through these comment is so comforting. Reading others struggles, stories, and joys!
    May God work in our lives today.

  19. Whitney Hornbuckle says:

    This was beautiful and such a timely reminder. Amidst the new normal of quarantine for the past few months, Ive gotten lost in a fog of sorts. Too much time to myself and too much focus on self has left me with such a closed off perspective. Routines of morning Bible study out the window. Feeling aimless and ungrounded in my “groundhog day-like” days. But this. This reading from Luke made me stop and think. About the power of faith, forgiveness, and love of Jesus. My sins are gone. My debt is paid. Why am I not dancing with joy every day because of this crazy, indescribable, undeserved truth?! Today is a turning point. A day to realign my heart and put my attention on Him who gave it all for me. Thank you Jesus!

  20. Jessica Jennings says:

    I have been a part of Bible studies, but I keep coming back to She Reads Truth. I can’t find any other Bible studies like this, ones that dive into the Word of God, and not just pick verses here and there. I would like to study even further. Do any of you have advice or tips on how you study, when using the app? Do you write out your thoughts? Copy verses? Art journal?

  21. Kennedy Robinson says:

    Amazing!!!! Never looked at holding back on things from that perspective.

  22. Emily Stettler says:

    It’s incredible to think that wether our debt is 50 or 500,000 it is paid off and we are forgiven. The debt of sin is so much more, therefore our great fullness is never ending. Just like Gods love for us.

  23. Allison Murray says:

    Jesus knows us so well and yet He still chooses to love us.

  24. Katy OConnor says:

    Thank you

  25. Seena Wilkins says:


  26. Gretta Salinas says:

    I just happened to remember about how there’s people that look down at the ones whose sins are greater, but they don’t realize that God treats us all the same. Even if a person who has done horrible things can be forgiven for we should not be compare to one another but to Christ who was the only one that never sinned.

  27. Karen says:

    Thank you for this beautiful story and review. I am reading it about mid-way through Jan 2020, but it is no less powerful a lesson. Jesus looks at us in LOVE and focuses on how we love others more than our sins which have already been wiped clean forever.

  28. Emily Edwards says:

    The Lord is so so so good.

  29. Sinclair Aidelojie says:


  30. Abby Stillwell says:


  31. Sha Carson says:

    This is my first SRT reading and I appreciate it so much. I have been fully forgiven and in 2020 I intend to give my all to the Lord. Oftentimes I find myself holding back or being too scared to give fully of myself, my finances, my time. I am thankful for this reading, this app and all of the resources available to fully devote myself to Christ this year, without excuse.

  32. Jaecelyn Hernandez says:

    I loved this passage, it just shows how blessed we are when we treat people with love and kindness and how happy it makes the father.

  33. Jaissa says:

    amen, beautifuly fleshed out . thank you she reads truth. thank you Amanda, thank you Rebecca. much love

  34. Kae Kirk says:


  35. Savannah Stevens says:


  36. Amber Dannhauser says:

    “When we realize how we have received – how much we have been forgiven – then everything comes into perspective” My prayer for this year is that we will as a community of Believers “Look to the Cross, the Author and Finisher of our faith” – and respond with unreserved trust, obedience and love to Him. May our Father endow us all with b o l d n e s s to share and serve and love those around us who have varying needs. Thank you so much for all your hard work, SRT team! ❤️

  37. Frances Rivera says:

    I love this, I’m so glad I heard of this app thank you Jesus!

  38. Melissa Mcronney says:

    Father God, thank you for opening my mind on forgiveness

  39. Sharon Phillips says:

    I’m new to this app and community and already love my first read for the year. Thank you Jesus for forgiving me for all my sins!

  40. Kendall Hampton says:

    Thank you Jesus for giving me this message!

  41. E Hong says:

    4Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I will fear no evil,
    for you are with me;
    your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.

  42. Joy Warth says:

    This was a year of trust for me also, while healing parts of my body from pain and weak muscles and bones. The Lord knew & carried me through my trials and time off work – all in His perfect timing

  43. Elise Anfindsen says:


  44. Carol Ross says:


  45. Leslie Mckinley says:

    Hi, just discovered this devotional yesterday, and I love it already!!!

  46. Natasha says:

    Hi SRT team! Happy New Year! This reading plan is not showing up in my app, and I have a subscription. How do I resolve this? Thanks!

  47. Christina Zigler says:

    A wonderful reminder to adjust my own point of view to love like Jesus.

  48. Laura Theobald says:

    I love that the Scripture just says she has sinned greatly, but doesn’t specify how she sinned. I know I am constantly fighting to not judge others and compare myself so as to say ‘well I’m not as bad as her!’ But the truth is, we have all sinned greatly. In God’s eyes, we are all as low as her, but thanks to our Savior, we are redeemed in Jesus Christ.

  49. Victoria V says:

    The woman was so brave to show her true feelings out in the open. I sometimes feel like dropping to my knees at the foot of the cross in adoration chapel and letting the tears flow but instead I keep my emotions reserved. With Jesus though it is a relief to know that I can let all my emotions out and leave them with Him at the foot of the cross. He is Unspeakably Great!

  50. Kristen says:

    There is a series that was done at my church on Psalm 23. The goal was for people to fall in love or more in love with Jesus through the 8 week series. Here is a link to the first message: https://livestream.com/accounts/15306138/events/8801324
    You could go to http://www.maog.org and hit the part that says to listen live. You can go to the archived messages and start at 9-4-19. It was a great series on a great Psalm.

    1. J W says:

      Oh! Thanks for sharing, Kristen. I’ll be watching it.

  51. Lovely RJ Labadan says:


  52. Judy says:

    This is the Good News! Rejoice we shall! God gave the most precious gift of all…Christ’s redeeming blood to forgive us of our sins. We, too, should forgive and love one another. Thank you, Jesus, for loving me. All praise, glory, and honor I give you.

    1. Jessica Jennings says:

      I am so happy to see that others are currently reading through this Bible study.

  53. Churchmouse says:

    Sara, praying for you and your family as you grieve the unexpected loss of your father. So grateful he is with Jesus and that you can take comfort that he is Home.

  54. Peyton Grace Potts says:

    The more we need him the more He gives to us.

  55. Brooke Wortham says:

    I really noticed the genuine repentance of this woman. She had sinned much, needed to be forgiven of much, and repented with such a force that we read about her 2000 years later. It’s a reminder to me of how repentance is supposed to look and that Jesus is always available to forgive us of our sins!

  56. Rebecca Kerstell says:

    Thank you Lord God on high, for women who worship you in the open!! Your word teaches us to follow in the ways of your children. What a beautiful scene of worship we get to observe and then have the honor to model. Help us to praise you in all the situations you bring into our lives this year. Give us hearts of overflowing-unashamed worship at the understanding of your greatness. Let us not forget your loving goodness and provision, provided in our salvation. As we grasp the magnitude of our sin and the distances between us, help us to receive daily your enlightened gift of grace. Your precious blood has brought peace into our hearts that were at war, with the God who created us. Now give me the power, in your name, to extend that grace. Yes, it is true I am yours and you are mine!!! Claim your inheritance and sing it from the roof tops, “YOU, I, WE” are daughters of THE KING‼️

  57. Dianna McFarland says:

    Several verses from God’s word have helped me through this past hard year:

    “The Lord is my best friend and my shepherd. I always have more than enough. He offers a resting place for me in his luxurious love. His tracks take me to an oasis of peace, the quiet brook of bliss. That’s where he restores and revives my life. He opens before me pathways to God’s pleasure and leads me along in his footsteps of righteousness so that I can bring honor to his name. Lord, even when your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer me, for you already have! You remain close to me and lead me through it all the way. Your authority is my strength and my peace. The comfort of your love takes away my fear. I’ll never be lonely, for you are near. You become my delicious feast even when my enemies dare to fight. You anoint me with the fragrance of your Holy Spirit; you give me all I can drink of you until my heart overflows. So why would I fear the future? For your goodness and love pursue me all the days of my life. Then afterward, when my life is through, I’ll return to your glorious presence to be forever with you!”
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭23:1-6‬ ‭TPT‬‬

    “In that day you will sing: “I will praise you, O Lord! You were angry with me, but not any more. Now you comfort me. See, God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be afraid. The Lord GOD is my strength and my song; he has given me victory.””
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭12:1-2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

    1. Lisa Emily says:

      I love this, I even had to come back today to reread it =) thank you for sharing!

  58. Kelsey Amusavi says:

    Recently, I entered a new level of thankfulness after experiencing a new level of love. God has redeemed so much of our pain this year, and overflowed it with blessings, that I feel soooooo grateful, like the woman at Jesus’ feet.

  59. Sarah says:

    I love this! So, so true

  60. Shelby Lund says:

    I am so grateful that Jesus loves us so. I hope that I can be like the woman, that I can recognize the mercy of God and weep at His Son’s feet because of His forgiveness! Thank you Jesus!

  61. Amanda McKinley says:

    I needed to read this today. Between a service yesterday on joy and extending more grace to others because we have received so much back. And now continuing that lesson on forgiveness and only focusing on love and not shame, it’s been convicting me of some personal situations in my life. So thankful for Gods true love and lessons we need.

  62. Maura says:

    At the end of a year where my word was Trust. And, it has astounded me how the Lord has called me to remember to Trust Him with so much. He is so faithful, not just with the little details of my life but with the difficult things, those I have misunderstood, those that have crushed me those I have tried to take into my own hands. He has been with me in it all and I feel so blessed to have a Father who loves me, holds me, listens and loves me. Praise be to our Mighty God. Maker of heaven and earth He is trustworthy. He does not leave or forsake us even tho we are unworthy and sinners, He calls us His. Amazing grace so very sweet to my soul. At the doorstep of 2020 ladies the year of Vision. May we see with the eyes He has given us all that He has for us. Joy and love to you all.

    1. Julia Rsn says:

      Amen! Praise God. ❤️

  63. Cindy Speirs says:

    Very weird and yet focused dream last night. Not sure what it all meant, but reading this post this morning brings a renewal that I have missed. Thank you.

  64. Sara Moore says:

    What an amazing reading for today. My Daddy passed away unexpectedly on Friday. He did not live a holy and righteous life all of his days but he received Christ and has done his best the last few years. He is truly the one who was forgiven much and it is so comforting to know that he is today sitting at Jesus feet. Thank you for this reading today. God gave it to me on the perfect day.

    1. Natasha R says:

      Sending you a big big hug Sara. My pops died years ago, and I miss him so. He accepted the Lord a few days before he passed, so I know he is with God in heaven. ❤️

  65. Dee Wilcox says:

    I often forget how profoundly I have been saved, not just from my sins and for eternity, but in this life. Without His love, I would have continued to seek love and worth in the wrong places. But my Jesus saw me and pulled me out. Without His redemption, my past would have determined my future. Without his resurrection power, my marriage would have been over years ago. Without his ongoing work of healing and redemption in my life, the broken places would not be repaired with gold, and my heart would be in tatters.

    Lord, help me remember how much you have saved me. I am so thankful for the hope and future you gave me!

  66. Becky Austin says:

    I am new to SRT so this is new reading plan for me. This verse spoke to me and reminds me of my year.

    Luke 7:47 “If the forgiveness is minimal, then the gratitude is minimal.” Jesus spoke only of her love not her shame.

    2019 was a year of becoming less (in activity) yet finding Jesus to be so much more.

  67. Cindy McLaughlin says:

    I actually have Luke 7:48 stenciled on my closet wall. I love that story.
    Today I got a fresh reminder of giving my all to Jesus. God gives me 86,000 seconds each and every day. 86,000 seconds of His Holy breath to do with as I please. I was all 86,000 of each day to be investments for His kingdom. Sitting at His feet. Walking and talking with my Jesus, my Shepherd. Letting him lead me.

  68. Mari V says:

    He doesn’t speak of the women’s shame, only of her love. Thank you Raechel for these wise words of wisdom. I have so much shame of some of my reactions especially to those of whom I love the most. In 2020 I’m going to strive to stop, think before responding and at times stay silent.

  69. Pam Diaz says:

    This is actually my first ever SRT plan. I subscribed yesterday, and now reading today’s plan I know I have made the right decision.

  70. Chantal Stephens says:

    This was SOOOO perfect for me right now and I’m so thankful for this app, this community and the gift of a gorgeous She Reads Truth physical bible to hold in my hands as I read through these amazing
    Plans!!! Happy new year friends!

  71. Debbie Fitzpatrick says:

    I love how all the readings give the same reminder – faith, forgiveness and follow Jesus. We should have the first; give freely and lavishly the second and always do the third. I will fall short on all three, but I have to start new each day with those three goals on my heart.

  72. Avis DeniseGraves says:

    O for grace to love Him more.

  73. Jeni says:

    Agreed, such a beautiful prayer. May I share it with my faith community?

    1. Angie Troyer says:


  74. Lisa McDonald says:

    It’s easy to forget the blessing of our Salvation and God’s great Grace and Mercy, in our day to day lives. My prayer is that no matter how long we’ve been saved, we remember the great cost and value of Jesus sacrifice for us!

  75. Lacey Bankhead says:

    Oh to love Him more and more.

  76. Angie says:

    The Lord is,
    He provides and guides, all.
    His presence draws as I drink in, my tea and His Word.
    He carries and calms heart and mind.
    He gives strength and stamina for each day.
    He leads toward what is good and right,
    and His name is glorified in obedience.
    When fatigue sets in, darkness and fear hovering around my soul,
    I will not be afraid, for He is my Shepherd
    Comforted by the power and peace of His rod and staff.
    You lift and love, nourishing and sustaining even/especially in front of my enemies.
    The oil of goodness, and the Spirit of the Holy God pour over me running down, around, covering, anointing.
    What greater goodness, what greater love, than to be near my Lord,
    to live in His house, forever.

    1. Kaylie Blalock says:


  77. Anne Jones says:

    “We too often hold back pieces of our lives for ourselves, because we fail to see how greatly we have been forgiven”. Jesus help me to see when/what I am holding back from you…..Without realizing I am holding back. Thank you for all you have given and forgiven.

  78. Tonia says:

    Dear God,
    I am grateful for your extravagant love and the abundance of your forgiveness throughout 2019.
    Everyday I want to be aware of how much love you show me and how much I have been forgiven.
    Thank you for not speaking of my shame only my love for you.
    I thank the She Reads Truth community for feeding me daily with the truth, the SRT app has been a great part of my life in 2019 and I look forward to being more active here in 2020.

  79. Bessie says:

    My favorite reading was actually from 2018 entitled “Why Do We Give Thanks?” I’ve sent it along to many young parents because it is such an encouragement. It really spoke to my heart.
    Does anyone else have a favorite?

    1. Cristina Higgins says:

      How do I accesses this? I haven’t got a favorite yet as I’ve just recently joined. So many of what I’ve read has blessed me and given me things to think about and ponder.

    2. Skylar Whitmire says:

      I’ve only recently joined the SRT community, so I’ve only gotten into the Advent study so far. My favorite from that was the one about Jesus’ family line. My mom passed away earlier this year after many years of alcoholism, and a few people in my life have really looked down on me simply because she was my mom. She had a lonely life and turned to something for solace that eventually became too much for her body to handle. Every day I struggle with the fact that she never got to know Christ. But that particular reading reminded me that Jesus’ family wasn’t made up of holy, perfect people. Just broken people like you and I, and my mom. My prayer going forward is that I can bring my dad to our church’s community breakfast and encourage him to embrace God’s love. My family has its fair share of imperfectness and brokenness (don’t they all?) but I took a lot of comfort in reading that almost always, Jesus was more likely to be found with people like my family rather than those deemed “perfect” and “devout”.

    3. Lindsey Osterhaven says:

      Abide in Me. I have shared that devotional so many times this past month. I ended up buying the sheet music for the hymn and framed it for our house. Such a wonderful reminder of God’s steadfast love, despite suffering and pain ❤️

  80. Skylar Whitmire says:

    Thank you guys for giving us all the tools to become closer with the Lord this year, and may it continue into the next.

  81. Churchmouse says:

    Repentance comes before revival. Humility comes before repentance. I humbly bow before almighty God, the giver of all good things, my provider, savior and deliverer. I am a sinner saved by grace. I am a new creature in Christ still dealing with old habits and old ways of thinking. I surrender my will to His. I am sorry for my sins and I embrace His forgiveness.

    Restore, renew, refresh, and revive me, Lord. May I resemble You more in 2020 than I did in 2019. Do Your good work within me. I praise Your holy name.

    1. Nancy Singleton says:

      May I take this prayer for myself? Something happened yesterday that reminds me of the sin that so easily overcomes when I deal with a conflict without asking God’s help. Forgive me Father, & help me to humble myself to ask forgiveness of those I have hurt & offended.

    2. Shaniqua Hill says:
