
Open Your Bible

Psalm 116:1-19, John 3:14-21, Colossians 1:9-14

We’re halfway through This Is the Old Testament, our thematic overview of the Old Testament. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we’ll finish our look at the books of Wisdom Literature and begin the last sections of the Old Testament, the Major and Minor Prophets.

What Is Psalms? The book of Psalms is a collection of 150 musical poems and prayers written by David and others that represent the full range of human emotion in worshiping God.

How Psalms Fits Into the Story: The Psalms are deeply relational and give us a window into who God is, how He acts, and how His people can respond. The struggle to understand how God’s attributes—particularly His sovereignty and goodness—relate to life experiences is a major theme throughout the Psalms. These words, often in the form of prayers, were written by people who had not lost their faith in God as they navigated the mountaintops and valleys of life. Like us, they wrestled with how God was dealing with them both personally and as a community. 

Reflection Questions: 
1. Do you find it easier to pray or worship God in certain moods or seasons? How do the emotions conveyed in Psalm 116 influence your understanding of what you can bring to God?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?

Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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46 thoughts on "Psalms"

  1. Kara Lerssen says:

    i love your honesty and i totally agree, same here.

  2. Rea Fowler says:

    I love that we don’t have to do or bring Him anything other than an obedient heart. He doesn’t want perfection, just our hearts.

  3. Joyce Walker says:

    I in my journey desiring a closer relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior has shown me I can talk to God about anything and everything. Basically because He already knows my thoughts and needs but desires to hear from me about them all.

  4. Apollonia says:

    I loved how this psalm really gave several different life examples/experiences where even still David was finding a way to praise the lord. Reflecting on it, there have been times where I’ve been so so blessed and dont give God enough credit and and then times where I’ve been low that i feel like, “Jesus where did you go!? You ditched me!” So i loved seeing an example of praising God in every season

  5. Melissa Mcronney says:


  6. Laurie Crary says:


  7. Michelle Baier says:

    @Victoria. You and I are walking similar paths. I have been doing TBR and waiting on Gods will if there will be a man in my life that is in a relationship with Him. I have dated for many years and know in my heart a relationship will not work unless we both both seek God and His will. As a bonus I have brought Men back to God and wish you the best with the conversation you will have.

  8. Kristine Purcell says:

    I find I worship better when things are going well, but find it hard when things are going bad. I know that I should worship at all times.

  9. Anna Mock-Jordan-Boney says:

    Psalms is, and has always been, one of my favorite books. Today’s reflection question hit me hard. As an ICU nurse, I get a front row seat to another families highs and lows. So often I get frustrated and ask God why from a place of deep disrespect and that’s not what will nurture my relationship with the Lord. Instead, I should come to him seeking that understanding that only he can bring.

  10. Allie G says:

    I’m always wowed by God’s faithfulness and kindness. The key verse for Psalms today. It was just what our family needed yesterday and I’m excited to share it with our kids this morning. We are wrapping up our first respite (short term) foster care placement and the boys we are fostering go back to their regular foster placement tomorrow when they come home from vacation. Our kids have been teary over their leaving and my husband and I keep thinking about their future. It’s been an eye opening experience and I keep looking for God’s goodness in this hard situation. This verse was a helpful reminder last night before I went to bed that God is gracious and righteous. He will guard these little boys and he can save them, those who are helpless in this situation and the world. ❤️ I’ve read different Psalms here and there and might need to add reading them into my routine more regularly.

  11. Miri am says:

    ANNA CYR – I love that you said it “disrupted the flow”. I think I overlooked v15 but in v16 I saw Jesus (I am your servant) and the Virgin Mary (the son of your female servant – see Luke 1:38). Maybe this a miniature of how Jesus came to “disrupt” life as we know it to bring us to a more glorious life with him through his sacrifice??

  12. Jamie Trice says:

    I find it of course easy to come to God in the hard times. Ask Him for help, guidance, etc. I am learning to come to him in the good times too! It’s when we praise him for his grace and mercy! For the beauty of this life he gives us every day. And for Jesus’ redeeming love.

  13. Kelly says:

    @ Shianne Hayden – according to the Moody Commentary “precious” implies value and threfore worth protection. The verse is supposed to indicate that the Lord loves and cares for those who place their trust in Him. He preserves their life for His service and welcomes them into His presence after death.

    1. Shianne Hayden says:

      Thank you!

  14. Kristin V says:


  15. Shianne Hayden says:

    I am Stuck on v15….the death of his faithful ones is valuable in the Lord’s sight……what does this mean??

  16. Dorothy says:

    What I love about the Psalms is you can find a Psalm for any occasion or any life event. The writers of the Psalms had great skill in writing.
    Have a great week sisters.

  17. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that we can be authentic to God. We don’t have to hold anything back. I love that!❤️

  18. Kaitlin Schroeder says:

    God is good. Best night my boyfriend has had in ICU yet—no bleeding. They are taking him off breathing tube and sedation to see if respiratory and blood are strong enough for surgery without meds or breathing tube. Please pray for strength there and no further bleeding. God has been so faithful in my steadfast prayer to him. Today’s verses just remind me of how great and all powerful our God truly is and how merciful he is to wipe the tears of his children even though we are yet sinners and invite us into his kingdom through his son for we were made new by his blood. I am in just such awe of how God watches over and cares for those who love him.

  19. Traci Gendron says:

    I find it easier to pray to God during my tough times. I want to be faithful during good times as well.

    1. Wendy Aldrich says:

      @Traci Gendron I recommend Anne Voskamps’s 1000 Gifts…it definitely has helped me to practice gratitude and come to God more in good times not just the bad ❤️

  20. Hillary says:

    It’s just so beautiful that the Psalmist is talking about his love for Christ and what he will do in return and John speaks about Christ’s love for us and how he showed that by giving his son. The redemption story is rooted in and fueled by love. Yet even when our love isn’t perfect and we don’t offer thanks, praise, or raise the cup of salvation when we should, God’s love is still perfect. And God’s love is even made perfect in our weakness. When we are on the mountain top or when we are weak in the valley, God’s love doesn’t fail and is still fueling our redemption.

  21. Victoria E says:

    Love everyone’s comments ! Thank you for those who responded to my questions on Job. @Mari V I will continue praying for your trip and for your son’s trip. @ERB I will pray for continued restoration and recovery after your seizures the other day. Have a wonderful day everyone!

  22. Sarah D. says:

    I love how we read a Psalm about deliverance. I have also been doing the Bible Recap in the evenings in addition to SRT, and it is so cool to see how Jesus shows up in the Old Testament. He was the one that brought deliverance and salvation to the world! Praying all would come to find the joy and freedom that is only found in Him.

    So I went on the “date” last week! It went well, but even though it’s early, I can already tell it’s not going to pan out. I’ve hung out with him a couple times now in total (he’s my sister in laws brother and I met him at my brothers wedding, and we had a family event for fathers day yesterday with their family)…I feel that he is not fully pursuing Christ, even though he is a nice guy, and that is the most important thing to me if/when I date someone or get into a relationship. I think I may give it one more date (since he asked if we could do something again), but then will tell him if I feel the same way…I feel like if I can’t tell if he is pursuing Christ, then he probably isn’t…praying I would find the right words to say to him and that we could still be friends. I read recently in one of my favorite pastor’s book (called Outdated by Pastor Jonathan Pokluda), that you should strive to leave people better than you found them. I hope that this guy will feel that and maybe be nudged to actively follow Jesus. Prayers appreciated SRT fam, love you all, praying for you all as well!

  23. Carleigh Bright says:

    1. As a child I would go to church camp and would experience what many people call a “God High” or a “God Mountain top”. Then so would come home from camp and would return back to daily life and would be knocked off my spiritual peekness. For years I never felt as close to God as I did at church camp. However, that was because there was nobody organizing for God to be pointed out for me like there was at camp; I needed to open my own spiritual eyes and see God around me for myself. I believe this is why Psalms 116 is important. The psalmist is in a low valley and STILL calls out to The Father; He still forces his spiritual eyes to look for the King of Kings in the darkness. He calls out and praises even when He is not on that mountain top. How Great is our God that He doesn’t require us to walk up the mountain top to him; but He will meet us in the valley…He comes to us. Oh, thank you Jesus!

    2. This story points to the story of redemption in a lot of the same ways Job pointed to redemption…through Gods sovereignty. The psalmist in Psalms 116 is crying out and shows us that God is in control; no matter what. God has our story already written, He knows the next page, We can cry out in praise to Him because He is in control.

  24. Maura says:

    Good Morning Sisters, Psalms have many times been my comfort as the heart of the writer crying out in prayer or praising God is felt and echoed in my own heart. The poetry also sings to my soul in many of the Psalms and just as in this time, I get to hear what God is speaking to your hearts, doing in your lives, Psalms feels like a sharing of the ways He was speaking into David and others and blesses me time and again. Collosiams 1:13 “He rescued us from darkness, and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” How wonderful that we can rejoice in worship and lift up the name of Jesus, and cry out to the One who hears our cry. This was my take away today.

    ERB, Thank you for your prayers, I need them. I was praying too through out the weekend for you too. He is so faithful to us. Isaiah 43, yes so good, again a place to dwell in His word with so much for our hearts. In the beginning of this chapter I was noticing all He does and promises in 1-5: I have summoned you by name, Fear not, I have redeemed you, When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, the rivers will not sweep you away, when you walk through the fire – you will not be burned; the blaze will not set you ablaze. (Shadrach, Meshack and Abednigo Hallelujah) “Do not be afraid for I am with you.” Indeed even in through the fire. And then, in vs 10-13 as you pointed out ERB, He says we are His witnesses, so that we may know and believe and understand. I too felt my heart say, not enough, but as Tina always pointed out, But God, and I know that He blesses me so when I bring Him into the conversation and it turns toward Him in praise, or awareness that it is more than a discussion, but that He is blessing it in many ways. My prayer here is that I will be more aware that the little things are multiplied with His love when I turn everything toward Him. And, then the more of what He does for us and promises again in verse 19 – I am doing a new thing!, I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. He does all this, though the end brings us to all that man has not honored Him in and the sin we have burdened Him with. And thus the need for our Jesus, and His plan for redemption. So good to go over your thoughts and heart on this. Thank you ERB. Hugs to all of you Sisters, praying His light shining in joy and peace and praise where ever you are this day, remember He makes ways in the desert, walks with us in the fire, and the rivers will not sweep over us.

  25. CeeGee says:

    *answer to the psalmist’s question!

  26. CeeGee says:

    ANNA CYR – a study note in my NLT Bible says “no one lives or dies outside of God’s will. Having been given a second chance at life, the poet readily commits himself to the LORD with renewed acts of devotion.” v. 15-19. I read that as part of the answer to the ps almost is question in v. 12. Hope that helps!

  27. Beth AnneYoung says:

    @mari V praying for peace and rest now. Praying that you and your daughter would have His hand over your trip and that it would be a testimony of His strength.

  28. Anna Cyr says:

    Today’s verses are perfect as I received a request from a friend this morning to pray for her. She is battling severe anxiety. I love the Colossians passage and want to prayer Journal it with specific names.

    It did seem that that in Psalm 116, verse 15 feels out of place? I’ve heard this verse many times, but it almost felt like it disrupted the flow as a read today…

  29. Mari V says:

    As i’ve gotten older and continue to grow in my relationship with Jesus I’ve learned I can go to HIM at all times and tell HIM everything! Even though HE already knows it, I still share it and call out to HIM! In the good times, and in the bad times I will call out to HIM because I know that HE is with me at all times and will never leave me. Nothing is ever too petty to our God.
    Thank you all who have been praying for my son. So far so good he’s having a great time. Continue to pray for his safety. And for my car too. Two days left before my daughter and I get on a plane destined to Oklahoma. I need to be strong for her as she’s more scared than I am. And because of the ride situation we’re having to get to the Sacramento airport way before the plane departs so the next two nights I need to make sure I get plenty of sleep.

  30. Angie says:

    I love the worship of the Psalms. Worship is a mirror to the heart. Worshipping our God and Lord, His attributes and active presence in our lives. He is worthy of all praise.

    The Psalms also show the author’s heart and mind in a transparent way, recognizing struggles faced, weakness revealed – and yet, God’s love and care unchanging and complete.

    As a young Christian I would often read Psalms for the rest they brought my soul, and for the assurance that God sees me just as I am, and loves me still – enough to continually draw me closer.

    My favorite Psalm is 91. In the last year I have repeated that Psalm over and over and over again. It reminds me that God is my Refuge, that I can trust Him. That He gives His angels charge over me. That He is my protection. And that He knows my heart and love for Him and that because I love Him, He will, He does, He IS…,for me, His child.

    It is a blessing to read over your posts ladies, to pray for needs presented, and to worship the Lord with sisters around the world. (There are some of you that I lift randomly in prayer throughout my day whether you write requests or not.) It is a privilege we have sisters to pray for each other.

    (a little extra note)Patience…before I married I made a list of attributes I thought I needed in a husband and prayed over those. I did that for a while (6 months or more and then sort of forgot about it). Years later, after I married, I found the list again…my husband has every single attribute (both the ones that really mattered and the ones, in my youthful mind, that made the list). We’ve been married now 37 years. (I also began praying for my children’s spouses when they were very young – I think 4 and 6 years old.) God knows our heart, hears us, and loves us, completely. Present your requests to Him. In His perfect timing, He will answer.

  31. Taylor says:

    I have definitely been going to God in prayer ALOT more in this season of singleness. Prayers across the entire spectrum of emotions. How thankful I am that He hears me, and I can rest in that He is working everything out for my good. Today’s my first day back to work from vacation! It was a lovely week with my best friends family.

  32. Ann Rau says:

    God cares about us and we can take all our emotions and circumstances and lay them down at his feet. Thank you God for loving me and caring so deeply about me ❤

  33. Anne says:

    “How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?”

    If the Psalms “represent the full range of human emotion in worshiping God,” then it shows that God rescued us in the midst of our humanity. Holy, omnipotent God became frail Man to meet us in our struggles, our questions, our emotions. We could never achieve some sort of spiritual nirvana, separated from our emotions and humanity, so God became one of us, so we could be one with Him.

    “My soul clings to the dust”…and “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” What a beautiful mystery. My soul must sing!

  34. Kenya says:

    Amen! I was struck as well. “Return to your REST my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.” What RELIEF we can find in the Lord, and for nothing! The only part we play is choosing and investing and worshipping and sharing the good word.

  35. ERB says:

    LOVE the Psalms!! They remind and encourage me of just how personal and how honest my relationship with God should be!! May I be a daughter after God’s own heart ❤️

    The scripture that spoke to me in today’s reading was John 3:19-21 …this seems to be a common theme for me lately… STAY in the Light, WALK in the Truth!! Let it be so Lord! Amen!!

    MAURA, thank you so much for your grace and understanding, I really needed to recoup this weekend and it did my body and soul GOOD!!!! …My prayers are constantly with you dear friend but yesterday (father’s day) I specifically thought and prayed for you throughout the day as I know it must’ve been a tough day for you and your family.. ❤️ …I also prayed for your husband. May he find the love and grace of God!!

    Isaiah 43!!! Wow!!! Another GREAT chapter!!! Reading the first 2 verses immediately brought me to The Chosen series… as those 2 verses play a significant role in that series and how every time I read these words I get a huge rush of and an even deeper realization that God calls EACH of us by name!!! He formed and created us, He KNOWS us!!! Down to the very last detail and every single strand of hair on our heads (I don’t know about you but I lose strands of hair almost hourly) so these verses bring GREAT comfort and realization of how truly MAGNIFICENT & AWESOME our God truly is!!!
    I also loved how God kept calling us, as His people, witnesses!!! This hit me HARD, but in a really GOOD way!!! We, His people, are supposed to be echoes (witnesses) of His character and His heart!!! I know I don’t always do that… I definitely desire to, but sometimes the temptation of satisfying my “flesh” or my”self” is too great and I give in.. and am NOT that witness!! Thankfully God sees the heart (not that, “God sees my heart” should be used as an excuse for unGodlike behavior, which it does often gets used for) … I am just ever so thankful for God’s grace, love and mercy!!!
    I also love how God is calling out/challenging the unfaithful/unfaithfulness in this chapter as well!! It’s SO Good!!! Sometimes things and behaviors NEED to be called out!! And even though God is the ONLY one who can CHANGE something or someone, calling things out when God asks us to is so important!! It helps all of us stay in the light and walk in the truth!!! I loved too how God once again mentions deaf ears hear, blind eyes see!! And that He says He is doing a NEW thing!!! Awesome Awesome stuff!!!
    Here are the verses I highlighted:
    Isaiah 43:1-2
    Isaiah 43:4-13
    Isaiah 43:18-19
    Isaiah 43:22-26

    Hope all you wonderful ladies have a truly blessed and wonderful day!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  36. Charlie says:

    Something that has really jumped out at me the past few days is that God really wants us to call on him, to acknowledge him publicly — “I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people.” I’ve always felt inadequate in this public display. I have never been comfortable with sprinkling phrases like “praise God” throughout my conversations. I know that comes very naturally for some people, but for me, it is forced and awkward to say things like that — but I feel it in my heart!!

  37. SarahJoy says:

    I certainly pray harder and worship more fully in the darkness. May I cling to my Lord even when life is good!

    Please pray for my brother in the navy and his fiancé. They are going through an excruciating time in their relationship. May God ultimately have His way regardless of the outcome!

  38. Shaianna says:

    I am so thankful that the Lord is faithful even in our darkest times; He hears our cries and responds in mercy. “I was helpless and He saved me.” Thank you, Lord!

  39. Heather Storey says:

    “I will offer to you the sacrifice of thanksgiving and call on the name of the Lord.” That’s very real! Sometimes it feels like it takes a lot of effort to be thankful. I pray it would become easier to be grateful – that it would be my knee jerk reaction rather than despairing or complaining!

  40. Kelly says:

    MIRI AM – Me too! How can I repay the Lord for all the good he has done for me?

    1. If worship is bases on how I feel then of course it would be inconsistent. But if worship is how I live in relationship to God then every mood and season involves recognizing God’s hand in my situation. Every day (sometimes by the moment), it is a surrender of me to His plans and purposes.

    2. God’s redemption is summed up with “I was helpless, and he saved me.” (Mic drop)

  41. Searching says:

    This morning’s readings brought to mind the Newsboys song “We Believe”, so thankful for His sacrifice, faithfulness and love.

    Thank you Maura & Mari V for your prayers!

    Mari V – praying for safety for your family (and car!) this week.
    Maura – praying for you and your husband
    Kaitlin Schroeder – praying for your boyfriend and his medical team
    Patience Maposa – praying for your request, and for you as you wait. A good reminder for me to continue to pray for future spouses of family members and friends, never too young to pray for their future.

  42. Miri am says:

    Sisters this morning I am struck by Psalm 116:12-13
    How can I repay the Lord for all the good he has done for me? I will take the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord.
    Basically He gives me EVERYTHING and I turn up with my empty cup! What beautiful grace!!

    1. Mary Ann Graves says:


  43. Dana says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever read this Psalm before, or at least if I did, it didn’t hit me the way it did tonight. May this be my song to the Lord all the days of my life!!