Since 2012, She Reads Truth has maintained a singular mission: to be women in the Word of God every day. Ten years later, our community includes “Shes” from across the globe, but our mission hasn’t changed.
Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading This Is The Church, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read. Each day for this series, we’ll include a brief summary of the reading along with a prompt for conversation.
The Church is shaped, convicted, and encouraged by the teaching and sharing of God’s Word.
As you reflect on Scripture today, take time today to pray for brothers and sisters in Christ who are reading alongside you. Share what you are praying for the Church along with your response to the reading.

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75 thoughts on "Proclaiming the Word"
I pray that as churches divide (mine included here) over differences in how we interpret the word……that we can do so in love knowing God wastes nothing and can reach all . Grown our antennae Holy Spirit so the Church can feel the love of Christ and his presence. Amen
I pray that churches would not let things like denominations divide them. But that all could stand together as brothers and sisters in Christ. I also pray churches everywhere stay true to the word of God, and not just to whatever benefits them.
Unity grace forgiveness strength. This world needs us to be United in love and to share this love with others.
I pray for the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace for our churches… that local church bodies would hold fast to the truth of the Word of God yet fight for unity through prayer, keeping the main thing (Christ Jesus & him crucified & resurrected) the main thing. I pray that our churches and the brothers and sisters within the churches would push Jesus as main thing, rather than pushing their political or social view on an issue of our day.
I pray to be faithful to attend church in person and that all believers who are able will too. I pray that I would say yes to the Holy Spirit when he prompts me to invite others to church.
I pray for the people who are going through this study but also for Christians that are surrounded by me and around the world that we can all lead more people to you and we can show your goodness to them!
I echo Munchkin’s prayer, praying for the church to stand united. I also pray for courage and strength of conviction for all faithful followers, to stand for the truth of the Gospel at all costs. Too many people are turning away from the truth of God’s Word because they just don’t like what it says, and it’s true that the Bible is convicting of sin and sinful attitudes and behaviors. However, people too often give up on the Bible when they’re presented with something hard, casting it off as “Well, it’s just written by men,” instead of looking inside themselves at why they’re feeling convicted, and changing their ways. While yes, the Bible is written by men, 2 Timothy 3:16 tells us that it is inspired by God. I pray for all faithful followers of Christ to let that truth sink into their hearts daily and not give up on proclaiming the Word. Sola scriptura (not to discredit the other four solas, but we’re specifically talking about proclaiming the Word here.)
I pray that the Church stand united. We are so divided right now, and we need to stand together, and not let the things of the world distract us.
Hello She’s! I prayed for you all and the Church today as we read this plan together. I pray that God reveals Himself to us daily as we read His Word.
A wild jump of joy leaps in my heart every time I read the Luke passage of Jesus’s standing up and reading about himself from the scroll of Isaiah.
The verses from 2 Timothy really struck me this morning. With everything going on in the world right now, I find myself drawn much more to actually studying the word and learning more about the verses than taking them at face value. I am praying that others will do the same and continue to deepen their understanding of these words.
I’m praying for uncontainable revival. For the world, but that also includes the church.
16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. – 2 Timothy 3:16-17. 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. – Colossians 3:16. 12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. – Hebrews 4:12. These are the verses that stood out to me. Heavenly Father, thank you for your word that you breathed out that can be used for training and equipping. Thank you that we can use your word to teach and sing and also to admonish. Please help us remember that your word is sharp and piercing. That it cuts deep in us and to be wise in how we handle something so powerful. We love you. Amen.
We have the wisdom of God and mind of Christ when we know Him and meditate on His word. May we be aware of the power of the Living and Active and Sharp word!!
One of my favorite verses right off the bat! Jesus went to church!!
I keep seeing videos of women saying “who cares what the Bible says” may the scales be removed from their eyes and that they would come to knowledge of the Truth.
I pray that my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ would know how deeply they are loved and that they would continue to walk in the way of the Lord and shine His Light brightly for others to see so that they may also come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and receive salvation. Amen. Be blessed!!
I pray that every member of this community will take what they are learning in this study and apply it to their church life. I pray this over myself as well.
I’m asking for guidance for my fellow SRT readers. I’m praying for all of us to receive his protection but I’m mainly praying for guidance and understanding during these times.
Praying that the church will take worship seriously and commit to coming together as a body. I see it in my own church and many others as well – where worship comes last, if nothing else is going on, if there are no sports, baby/bridal showers, picnics, etc, I just don’t understand. If we love God, if Jesus died for us – can’t we set aside an hour a week for corporate worship? It just grieves my heart so, I can’t even imagine how God must feel. I love going to church. I love singing praises. I love being with my church family. I love hearing the word preached. I am thankful for those who are present on a regular basis & for those who are faithful prayer warriors! May we all be of one heart and one mind.
Have you ever seen a great anointed man or woman of God, who could do miracles, prophesy, cast out demons, heal the sick in front of your eyes? They do exist today. Where is the source of power? It’s the anointing from God. Their job descriptions are here, being anointed for these 6 following reasons (Luke 4:18-19):
1- Preach the good news to the poor (poor in finance, poor in spirit, poor toward God)
2- Heal the broken hearted (inner pain, not easily seen)
3- Preach deliverance (to announce release, pardon, forgiveness) to the captives (people under sin bondage, locked up by sin, sin addicts)
4- Recovering sights to the blind (those who receive the gospel, go to church yet don’t see or know Christ. The word “recovering”- meaning once see, but then blind again) (2 Peter 1:9 mentions this blind again condition)
5- Set at liberty those that are bruised, oppressed, crushed by tragedy, calamity
6- To preach the acceptable year (the favorable season) of the Lord is here. It is no longer season of wrath, and consequential curses, punishments if one fails as in the Old Testament. Grace and Truth comes with the Lord Jesus bringing a new season of better promises even if one fails (Hebrews 8: 6-7). A pastor that our family used to go to, preached heavily on law (legalistic) when I was brand new in faith. A quick example, Matthew 5:24 says “leave your gift there in front of the altar, first go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift,” it was preached based on this verse that if a husband and wife had a fight before going church and then went to church, put in an offering/ tithe envelope, God would be angry at you, because you did not settle the fight, and if you have a fight with a spouse, don’t give tithe in church. I was scared hearing this, I thought it was true that was how God felt about me, and I felt exhausted doing a mental check making sure no bickering before church. And many more wrong teachings focusing on God’s wrath and our performances, instead of the true power through Christ. It took years to unlearn these wrong doctrines and recover from the shame they sowed. These misrepresent God (God is LOVE). Praise God for delivering me from that place, and God showed me that His favourable season is here, for all that are seeking Him. God called me to confront this pastor, which I ran away like Jonah being called to Nineveh. God 3 times brought people to encourage me to obey (I shared this story before). I went and spoke to the pastor and his wife, with my husband tagging along for emotional support; I got kicked out and shamed real bad. They said they’d rather learn on their own and no need for me. That church later got shut down. Scary how that unfolds. This to show God does protect His children. Wrong doctrines are like cancer to the body of Christ.
I am praying for the body of Christ to be nourished daily by SOUND & TRUE doctrines, and the anointing mentioned in Luke 4:18, especially for those who are in the front line that preach, teach, evangelize, in leadership to shepherd God’s people, may deep awareness and understanding of the job descriptions be granted before anyone takes the job. Many have zeal but no knowledge (of God) have gone out and caused damage, resulting in years of walking in the wilderness, suffering from great thirst. Where is the Living Water at? I also pray for courage and wisdom for those who are called to confront the wrong, to step up to call evil evil, and to do so in love. Proverbs 19:2 says, “Even zeal is not good without knowledge, and the one who acts hastily sins”.
May we discern who we allow to shepherd us. May we be led to Him. Be blessed dear sisters.
I’m praying that the church can truly live out the truth in the Bible. I know we are all human and all make mistakes, but I pray we will be able to be known more for our love than for our judgement.
As the church, we are called to not only read the word but proclaim it to this inside and outside the church.
what an insightful devotional we have today! like a lot of you have already mentioned, I am praying for the Church and our unity. things seem so polarizing/divisive lately and it can weigh heavily on my heart. I can start to think that this is just how it’s going to be. that couldn’t be further from the truth! I pray that everyone who has made the great confession of Jesus being Lord of their lives really fights against worldly temptations to quarrel and feed off of controversy. I pray we remember our Lord in all we think, do, and say. have a great day, She’s! xo
I pray that the Church shall grow in number and I need to be responsible to spread the Good News and to be an example of a good holy life well lived.
Unity in the Word of God. Today is my first day to join in here at SRT. Reading on my own today I visited the same scriptures we saw here. To see God guiding our paths on such a personal and larger scale at the same time is amazing.
I’m praying that as the Church we examine the teaching done against the Word of God, that we actually start to take the time to gently keep accountable, and encourage one another through scripture no matter how weird it may feel. That we as the Church actually start to see the Word as something to reflect on all the time because of how sweet it is!
Your word is a lamp for my feet. Amen
Praying that the churches will stay united and teach the truth of the Bible.
Denis I’m not sure I could say it any better! That’s all I’m praying for too. I pray people see the good that’s in the world too and not focus on all the chaos. I pray the people who have become so broken can find God and become a light for others.
Today, my prayer is for my sister who has rededicated her life to God after drawing away for quite some time! I’m so happy for her and I just pray that she knows God is enough. His love for her will fulfill her. I also pray that I always encourage and love her not only as a sister but as a sister in Christ!
I love reading my Bible but often times I find that I don’t memorize scripture as well as I should. I want to be able to start memorizing scripture so I can repeat it to myself throughout my day and that I also can remember it in times of sharing with others!
Today we learn the importance of reading the Word, teaching the Word, and coming together for cooperate worship in the Word. Throughout scripture, both new and Old Testament, we see why scripture reading is important. Reading scripture allows Gods words to dwell in us forever. Paul charges us to read scripture together; letting the word of Christ dwell richly among us (Col. 3:16). Corporate worship contributes to our sense of community. It leaves us with a common commitment to sanctification, accountability and joy.
Today my prayer is for each of my brothers and sisters in Christ to have a local community of believers that they can gather together with to delight in Gods word. I pray that each one knows their worth, how loved they are, and that all things work together for the good of our Father.
World wide I pray for unity among the churches and less division. On a personal level I pray for my church. Our pastor left late February to embark on a different type of ministry. We have finally found a transitional interim who will start in September. It could take two years before we call one. We have to find housing for the interim also. We still grieve the loss of someone we felt would lead us for many years to come. So may I ask please, for prayers as we seek and address our needs. Thank you. A thank you and a blessing for this “church of sisters” that prayers and lifts up all.
I pray for those who persecuted and suffering for their faith all around the world. I also pray for strengthening of the Church in fidelity to everything God has given to us in His Word. Today there are such attacks on the Church, even here in the United States. Satan’s plan has always been to destroy the Church from within, and we can see this happening with greater intensity as some within the Church give into the pressure from the world. I also pray that God would strengthen His true believers everywhere through the Holy Spirit’s guidance in the Word. May new believers who are in a fellowship which doesn’t truly hold to the integrity of God’s Word be led to a fellowship which does. May individual churches take a stand for what scripture does say, and do so in love. Our pastor on Sunday was talking about the difference between community and fellowship as it pertains to the Church. Community refers more to a place where you can get support and build friendships. But fellowship implies much more! As a fellowship, the Church should provide all those things, but in addition build each other up in the truth of the Word. We can’t be afraid to admonish each other, in love, to stick to the truth instead of getting swayed by the culture around us. It breaks my heart when I see division and hear of churches giving in to the cultural mores all around us.
I pray that the Church would be united. That we would we would represent Christ and his love.
I pray that through our reading we find a unity that is stronger than the division and chaos that surrounds us from the broken world we live in. That we encourage and support one another to stand strong in God’s Word and to be bold in our knowledge as we share and encourage others.
I pray that we will have utter confidence in the word of God and the discernment to know when teachers/authors are straying from truth…even when they sound really good or make us feel good. “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.” (2 Tim 4:3)
I pray we know God’s word and help each other to walk in the light
I pray that the Church stay true to the TRIUNE. We are a people of love, caring and hope and I pray we can show this in what we do and how we act.
Be blessed and be true to our God, Christ and the Holy Spirit sisters.
I pray that through the word we will know the ways the Lord intended the Church to be. Presence over program! That instead of a calendar and creating on own own, all things “church” will come out of our time in His presence.
I pray that our “C”hurch can find unity and no longer be divided. I also pray that our children grow up with the sound teaching of Jesus in their hearts. May God move the unbelievers and show them his beautiful character and plan. I pray for all my brothers and sisters that we can remember to love and forgive one another, show support and help our community… small and wide.
I pray that our “C”hurch can find unity and no longer be divided. I also pray that our children grow up with the sound teaching of Jesus in their hearts. May God move the unbelievers and show them his beautiful character and plan. I pray for all my brothers and sisters that we can remember to love and forgive one another, show support and help
I pray that each of us will draw closer to God each day through the reading of his word.
I pray that the Church stays true to God’s plan in word and deed. I pray that our love for one another overcomes all differences. I pray that we learn together and from one another. I pray for unity.
I pray that peoples eyes will be opened and the divisions in the church will be healed. I am thankful for SRT! “This is the church”has changed my life and I have drawn closer to God and a local
church. Today’s reading has me singing an Amy Grant and Michael Smith song “ thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”. It is so true for me and makes me weep.
I pray that peoples eyes will be opened and the divisions in the church will be healed. I am thankful for SRT! “This is the church”has changed my life and I have drawn closer to God and a local
I pray for our church to be ok with not just accepting the status quo but challenging themselves to face uncomfortable things and show respect for a larger group of people. Praying for the members of our church to have Gods word lodged in our hearts all day every day.
I pray that the younger generation we are raising up will be firmly planted in God’s Word and a vibrant part of the Church community.
I pray for unity in our churches, for wisdom in navigating the hard issues that our society is wrestling with, and that the way the world sees us would be a place of love and hope rather than rejection and judgement.
Psalm 19
7The law of the Lord is perfect,
refreshing the soul.
The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy,
making wise the simple.
8The precepts of the Lord are right,
giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the Lord are radiant,
giving light to the eyes.
9The fear of the Lord is pure,
enduring forever.
The decrees of the Lord are firm,
and all of them are righteous.
10They are more precious than gold,
than much pure gold;
they are sweeter than honey,
than honey from the honeycomb.
Amen Rhonda J!
Pray for our churches, the church leaders and every person serving the Lord through the church. Their work matters and who oversees it all matters.
Pray God gives them all wisdom and the truth of His word to be spread around each community.
Pray for our churches, the church leaders and every person serving the Lord through the church. Their work matters and who oversees it all matters.
@Heather Huff– God bless your courage and obedience in beginning a new church. May you trust the Lord always, even when the fruit is not visible. May you all keep with Him, closer than a brother, when the going gets tough. May you never lose heart in His faithfulness. May the words you preach be a reflection of His heart for that local community. May God give you patience, grace, and above all, love for one another. God, be the Lord of their church and be a friend to those who are far from you or are doubting their faith. God, lead those strays back to You and help them abide in You. Bless all the families who will attend this church with great peace and love for one another. Help them to stay knit together, despite the enemy’s tactics to divide. Give them wisdom in how to lead this church, Lord. Help them know You are guiding them step by step. Lord, Your will be done. You are the beginning and the end. We thank you, Jesus, Amen.
God, my own personal prayer is to be lead to help your local church. Help me have patience with those you call me to, who don’t know You quite yet. Help me to be inclusive and loving. Help me be honest and firm in my convictions. Help me have healthy boundaries. Help me be well read in Your Word that when I teach, I only speak truth. And for the things I get wrong, God give grace to both parties. Lord, I thank you that You have taught me the power of true doctrine. That if we get things wrong, it can be so dangerous, but You are faithful to help us out of the pits we call in. Oh Lord, help us Shes and Hes stay true to Your word. Forgive us for our divisiveness and help us to be kinder to those who have different opinions than us, myself included. God, I thank you. In Jesus’s name.
I pray for you She’s, that the word is getting sealed into our hearts each day and that our walk with the Lord is becoming stronger and applied to our daily life and affecting those we encounter out and about, at work, and in our home. I pray for our individual churches that they will preach the truth, and show love and compassion to each of their members, and as they praise and worship the devil trembles. That we are strong and secure in our faith and that our works and love make the world stop and pause at the uniqueness of believers. Lord, let us be your hands and feet and the light on the mountaintop! I pray as I make sandwiches today for the homeless and go to pass them out tomorrow night, that Lord we are able to be a true blessing to those in need, that I can pray for any individual that will receive it and be truly compassionate in my spirit to shower them with love and help in how the Spirit leads.
I pray for those in my small group that are going through a hard season and need extra love and prayer. I pray for those in this group Lord that are having a hard trial, or a physical need, or a family matter that is wearing on them. You know their needs, Heavenly Father. May you bless all those reading here together this morning. In Jesus name Amen.
I pray our churches would become a place of refuge, comfort, and safety
instead of exclusion, rejection, and danger.
I pray that churches would stay true to the Word, not be swayed by culture’s pressure.
I pray we continue to have eyes that seek, ears that hear and hearts that recieve deeply Your Word Father God. In Jesus mighty name, Amen
I would like to ask you all to pray for our family (Huff) and the Smith family as we are in the fundraising stage of church planting in Hickory North Carolina! I pray for each of you as you serve in your local church! ❤️
If God’s Word became the central text for church communities, there would be true revival. “If we do not love the Bible, we certainly do not love the God who gave it to us…we must love God’s Word when we are at business and act on it there and love it in our families and act on it there. We must love the Word so as to live on it wherever we may be.- C. H. Spurgeon on Psalm 119:97-99
This is my prayer for myself, for this community and for thr local and global c/Church.
Jesus stood as He read from Isaiah, but He sat down to teach in Luke 4:16-20. I love this. And I pray that God will give me (us) His wisdom to know when to stand and proclaim the Word, yet also to know when to sit in fellowship to teach. Each morning I wake with a burning heart, hungry for God’s Word. This morning I was called out of bed at 4 am. The more packed my day ahead is, the more I make time for spending time in the Holy Scriptures. Today I knew I needed more of God than more sleep. My heart burns with love for Jesus and my soul bows in adoration. The flames of Truth burn away all else, leaving me with humilty and peace. When I fill my heart with the Spirit of Jesus I have more room for life. My bandwidth increases with Him as my center. If I let the world take up more room, time and space seems to shrink and I feel overwhelmed and stressed with anxiety. But when Jesus speaks truth to me, to us… When He comes alongside us as we wander down the road, “…did not our hearts burn within us as He talked to us?” (Emmaus story). The burning in my heart is not from just reading Scripture, but rather from reading the Truth and experiencing the presence of the Holy Spirit in my faithful and expectant heart. Lord Jesus, burn within me (us) so that others would feel Your warmth. Quicken the souls that we encounter to know the Truth and grow the good seeds we sow into a plentiful harvest. Let their hearts feel the burning of Your beautiful Word of refuge. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.
Our knowledge of God’s Word is not useful unless it strengthens our faith and leads us to do good.
Heavenly Father, I praise you in all your glory. I lift up the church to you of men and women reading your word today. May you reveal
We should be praying for our churches daily. There is so much going on in our churches today that have no place there. It seems like almost every week we hear of another horrid story about a church leader failing. We need to be praying for the protection of our pastors and spiritual leaders, our churches and all they stand for. What would we do without church, y’all?
I pray that the church serve as a place of gathering and community and that scripture be read and preached and followed. I pray that we be less devisive and work as one in doing what Jesus would want us to do. I also pray that people are eager to come to church and that they are filled to go out and spread his word, shine his light.
May you draw closer to the Lord everyday.
Thank You, Lord, for the Scriptures You have given. I pray that Your Church would remember that all of it is for our benefit.
I pray for those you have gifted with language skills who are translating Your Word into the languages that do not yet have even one verse in them. May they find deep joy in the work.
Be with the Church in places where it is illegal to have a Bible or where to be found with one could cost them their lives. Protect them from evil. Make a way for Your Word to reach them.
Father God, I pray Christs prayer for the church before his ascension. His prayer that we would become perfectly one. Lord, we know the church is so far from this. It’s an absolute joke. Our oneness was supposed to be the PROOF that Jesus is the Messiah. Your glory has been placed on us so we can become perfectly one. So today Lord I am praying for unity. Jesus’ ministry to us did not stop at the cross. So what has changed? When we love one another it is proof that You exist. Oneness, that is what the world is waiting to see. Lord bring the church together as one so that the world would see that you are who you say you are. In Jesus Holy Name I pray. Amen
I am convicted by the question whether I let God’s Word shape me. Does it make me wiser or do I leave God’s Word behind on my bedside table when i go about my day? I pray that the Bible would be the lamp for my feeth and the light on my path and that of the Church.
Dear Father, I pray for the church across the world to always have a deep love for Your Word. Come write Your Word on our hearts. Please come refresh the weary and disillusioned today.Thank You that Your Word is living and active and that Your love is steadfast. I pray that the church will experience this in a tangible way today. Amen
May you each encounter God in a new way and be even more in awe of Him than before. May God give all missionaries and the persecuted church whatever they need to keep following and serving and spreading His Word. May God bless and protect you all today. Amen