practicing private + corporate prayer

Open Your Bible

Matthew 6:6, Acts 2:42, James 5:16

Good morning, sisters! For the past two days, we’ve been reading instructions and studying examples of private and corporate prayer in the Bible. And today? Today is the day we get intentional.

Praying alone, at an appointed time: If you’re anything like me, you shy away from making resolutions because you’d rather not make them at all than risk not keeping one. I encourage you to give this fear over to the Lord, remembering that we can’t do anything good on our own anyway. Instead:

  • Review the passages we studied about praying alone (Matthew 6:6, Mark 1:35, Luke 5:16, Luke 6:12, Acts 10:9, and Daniel 6:10).

  • Find/make realistic space for daily prayer time.

  • Pick a specific location and call it yours.

  • Share this commitment with another believer and commit it to the Lord as well.

Praying with others: One of these will naturally be more challenging for you than the other. Perhaps you are comfortable praying in quiet, but praying with other believers makes you sweaty. Or maybe it’s the other way around. Sisters, I encourage you to speak out in humble confidence, calling on His name in the company of the saints.

  • Review the passages we studies about praying in pairs and in community (Acts 2:42, Acts 20:36, James 5:16, 1 Thess 5:17)

  • Whether it be with a close friend, with your spouse, or with someone you’ve just met, ask the Lord to show you a person with whom you can pray.

  • Do it. Seek an environment where it is natural to move to the Lord together in conversation. It may feel unnatural at first, but I encourage you to press through. The prayer doesn’t have to be lovely or long. According to Martin Luther, “The fewer the words, the better the prayer.” Praying together, confessing your sins to one another, even going to God in thanks – these are all ways to live in and enjoy Christian community.

Finally sisters, “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.” Colossians 4:2

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19 thoughts on "practicing private + corporate prayer"

  1. LindaG says:

    Ladies please pray with me that The Lord directs me to someone who can be a prayer partner. Feeling very alone these days.

    1. Carolynmimi says:

      Lord, already you have a prayer partner for LindaG. Please Lord open her to receive that person and Lord, open that person to enter into a prayer relationship with LindaG. Give both your peace until this relationship comes together in praise to you for answered prayers. Amen.

      1. LindaG says:

        Thank you sis. :)

  2. Ellen MR says:

    Rocknitat55, holding you up in prayer today!! :)

  3. jesusgirl71 says:

    My problem is the alone time. I tend to draw a blank when I try to do the alone thing. also, finding a quiet place that is mine, that is hard for me.

  4. rocknitat55 says:

    Good morning ladies. I love how our devotions always give us something to think about.

    I love my quiet time with the Lord, most of the time it is intentionally in the early morning hours. I tend to be an early riser, being a student, and then a single parent I found that if I waited any later it would be me who needed the prayer, not the one

    I also like to pray corporately. I have participated in concerts of prayer, where people are in groups and they have definite things to pray for. But the most awesometh thing for me was when I got to participate in a international day of prayer conference. To stand with others from everywhere calling on the name of Jesus just about did it for me. I remember the power that I felt in that place. It must have been liken to what the people must have experienced in the’Upper Room’. It was also humbling to realize there are many ways to pray.

    I feel that I am weak in the area of one on one. I really want to improve. In leadership I’m called to pray at the alter and that’s never a problem, I can fast and intercede, but somehow when I’m faced with the need to pray for an individual I am so uncomfortable. Today I acknowledge it and ask God to perfect me in this area.

    Ladies I solicit your thoughts today. I am receiving a ministeral license today.

    I was not actually going to march, but I was told my participation would mean a lot to others with disabilities. #***# needless to say the flesh is not happy! But the spirit says that ‘obedience is better than sacrifice’ soooooo I press forward. It will be a long sit for me. But I only have to stand with my walker and they will bring the diploma over to me. Simple you say… God do I need Jesus and the continual devotional instruction of SRT. Lol.

    Ladies have a stupendous Sataruday,

    1. jesusgirl71 says:

      Praying for you. I know how it is. my flesh can get so tired of serving, but I press on.

  5. Hayley says:

    Praying for you Amy! Praying many hearts will be drawn to Christ this weekend. Jesus loves the little children. If only we were like them in our freedom to worship. Thank you Lord for their example of pure hearts praising you with nothing held back!

  6. SarahE says:

    Im loving the practical advice in this series. Im always inspired and convicted by SRT but a lot of times I dont know what the next step is, or in the business of life forget to put what weve been reading into practice. I am making a commitment to try these methods of prayer.

  7. Diana says:

    Years ago when my boys were young it seemed I never had time to spend alone in prayer. One day I was talking to The Lord and told him my concern. That morning I read a small devotion and in it it said "Jesus got up early to pray". This to me was God answering my prayer of being able to spend more time with him. The next morning I set the alarm for a half hour earlier and have been getting up earlier every day since. It's been more than 20 years and its my favorite time of day. When something comes up and I'm unable to spend that time w/Him, I always feel like something is missing.

  8. AmyKelly213 says:

    I do hate being the first one to comment… But be up in the wee hours on a Saturday morning, what would I expect?!
    This morning I ask for prayers. I have mentioned several times on my blog that I am the children's choir director (among many other titles) at my church. This morning we are doing our final rehearsal before our big musical tomorrow night. On top of that, all my other "titles" are converging this weekend as well, leading to what should be a very stressful weekend. I have given it to God (and have tried mercilessly to not take it back from Him)… And despite knowing I SHOULD be stressing, I am stress free. God has already used this performance to His Glory when one of my precious babies committed his life to God and prayed the sinner's prayer with his mom. I cannot ask for more, but since I woke up singing "Hold on to the Promises", I know God's not finished!! Thanks for uplifting and supporting me in prayer!!

    1. Diana says:

      Hi Amy, I read your post and stopped to pray for you. Hope this weekend continues to be stressfree and brings glory to God.

    2. Carolynmimi says:

      Kingdom building among the babes…what an awesome calling..may God's grace and peace shine through you as you shepherd the little ones and bring glory to His name. Open the hearts of the children to Jesus, open the eyes and ears of all who attend that if any be stumbling along in darkness, they may see the light. Keep AmyKelly tucked safely under wings, let no word of doubt or criticism, touch her. Keep her focused as she proclaims through these youngsters the message of salvation. May everything she does be to the Glory of God! Amen

    3. rocknitat55 says:

      Amy, I am praying for you.

    4. Candacejo says:

      Sorry I have been busy moving my kids today Amy but I will certainly pray for you! It will be great because HE is in it and it is for HIS glory :)