Raechel and Amanda wrap up the final week of The Life of Jesus series with worship leader, writer, and pastor Christian Dawson. Week 5 follows Jesus’s final days on earth, from the days leading up to His crucifixion to His post-resurrection encounters with His disciples to His ascension. Tune into the conversation as Raechel, Amanda, and Christian revisit these important events and the lasting significance of how Jesus lived His life.

Read with Us:
This episode corresponds to Week 5 of the She Reads Truth The Life of Jesus reading plan found on the She Reads Truth app and SheReadsTruth.com.
Shop The Life of Jesus collection at ShopSheReadsTruth.com.
Open Your Bibles: (passages referenced in this episode)
CSB translation unless otherwise noted
Day 29: Luke 22:1–38
Day 30: Luke 22:39–65; Mark 14:53–65; Luke 22:66–71; 23:1–12
Day 31: Luke 23:13–25; Mark 15:16–20; Luke 23:26–43
Day 32: Luke 23:44–49; Matthew 27:45–56; Luke 23:50–56
Day 33: Luke 24
Show Notes:
Christian Dawson’s personal website
Lent 2023: Your People Forever Study Book at ShopSheReadsTruth.com.
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Upcoming Reading Plans:
I Will Give You Rest—plan begins on 2/6/2023
Your People Forever: A Lenten Study of 1 & 2 Chronicles—plan begins on 2/20/2023
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Amanda Bible Williams on Instagram
Christian Dawson on Instagram