Join Raechel and Amanda for the second week of The Kingdom of God reading plan with singer, songwriter, and author, Ellie Holcomb. As they explore the ever surprising realities of the upside down nature of the kingdom of God, they talk about everything from edible flower arrangements to seeing the beauty of the present and coming kingdom through childlike eyes. Along the way, they challenge us to consider the kingdom through the perspective of others, leaving us with a question to faithfully approach conversation with those who are different from us—Will you help me see Jesus through your eyes?
Read with Us:
This episode corresponds to Week 2 of the She Reads Truth The Kingdom of God reading plan found on the She Reads Truth app and
Shop The Kingdom of God Reading Plan collection at
Open Your Bibles: (passages referenced in this episode)
CSB translation unless otherwise noted
Day 8: Hosea 2:23 NIV; Romans 8:12–17; Ephesians 1:3–14; 2:8–22; Revelation 1:4–6; 5:1–10
Day 9: Matthew 5:1–16; Psalm 69:29–33; Isaiah 49:6; Mark 10:32–45; Colossians 4:2–6
Day 10: Matthew 5:17–48; 13:47–52; Psalm 40:6–8; Hosea 6:6, Micah 6:8, Mark 12:28–34
Day 11: Matthew 6:1–18; 26:36–46, Luke 18:9–14
Day 12: Matthew 6:19–34; 7:1–6; 13:44-45; Psalm 147:7–11; Luke 12:32–34
Other Scriptures Mentioned:
Show Notes:
Canyon by Ellie Holcomb, Available June 25th
The Kingdom of God Week 1 with Matt Chandler—She Reads Truth Podcast Episode 74
“I have more in common with an Iranian Christian than I do an unbelieving American. He is far more my brother than the American down the street from me who wants nothing to do with Jesus.” —Matt Chandler
“There is nothing more accessible and invitational than Christianity, and there is also nothing more exclusive than Christianity.” —Scott Sauls
“Jesus was always moving low.” —Scott Sauls
Be the Bridge by Latasha Morrison
The Greatest Gift by Ann Voskamp
The Jesus Story Book Bible by Sally Llyod Jones
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Upcoming Reading Plans: Colossians and Philemon—plan begins 5/17
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