Join us for week 7 of our Lent reading plan as we have finally arrived at Holy Week! Raechel and Amanda are joined by author and speaker, Jennie Allen to walk through the Gospel readings from Palm Sunday through Holy Saturday (Come back for a special bonus episode on Easter Sunday!). Together, the three celebrate the hope that Holy Week brings as Jesus lifts our eyes and shifts our perspective toward eternity, becoming the sufficient sacrifice for our sins. As we walk the final journey with Jesus toward the cross, we remember and give thanks that Resurrection Sunday is coming.
Read with Us:
This episode corresponds to Week 7 of the She Reads Truth Lent 2022: Come to Life reading plan found on the She Reads Truth app and
Shop the Lent 2022: Come to Life collection at

Open Your Bibles: (passages referenced in this episode)
CSB translation unless otherwise noted
Day 42: Luke 19:28–44; Psalm 118:25–29; Zechariah 9:9
Day 43: Mark 11:12–19; Isaiah 56:1–8
Day 44: Luke 21–22:2; Daniel 7:13–14
Day 45: Matthew 26:14–16; Mark 14:3–11; Luke 22:3–6
Day 46: Mark 14:12–72; John 16:16–24; Psalm 41:7–13
Day 47: Mark 15:1–47; Isaiah 52:13–15; 53:1–7
Day 48: Matthew 27:62–66; Luke 23:54–56; Isaiah 53:8–12
Other Scriptures Mentioned:
Show Notes:
Jennie Allen’s personal website
IF Gathering
Find Your People by Jennie Allen
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Aurate: For 20% off your first Aurate purchase, go to and use promo code “shereadstruth”
Upcoming Reading Plans: The Armor of God—plan begins on 4/18/2022
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