Jesus’s life evoked varied, and often strong, responses. In today’s reading from Mark, we find two such responses. There’s the woman who poured out all she had, giving Him her best, and there’s Judas, seeking momentary gain.
In Mark 14, Jesus was reclining at a dinner party when a woman burst into the room, broke an expensive jar of perfume, and poured it out on Jesus’s head. Talk about a public display of affection! She had no shame about using her most valuable possession to worship Jesus and give Him glory. The party guests chastised her actions as wasteful, but Jesus proclaimed, “Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will also be told in memory of her” (Mark 14:9). Jesus told the guests that the price of the woman’s perfume paled in comparison to His coming sacrifice. She prepared Jesus’s body like a King, an honor worthy of the one who promised eternal life (Mark 10:29–31).
In contrast, we see Judas and the Pharisees also preparing for the death of Jesus. But they did not seek to honor Him like a King—instead, they plotted to have Him put to death as a criminal. Judas was offered money to betray Jesus, and he took it (Mark 14:10–12). Instead of pouring out everything of earthly value in exchange for “a hundred times more…and eternal life in the age to come,” he schemed in the shadows and waited to hand Jesus over for some silver coins. He put his trust in a tangible, physical thing he could hold that day instead of what is eternal (Mark 10:29–31).
As I read this passage, I find myself wrestling with dueling desires: wanting to honor Jesus and trust in the future He has promised, and wanting to run away and put my trust in what I think will meet my needs today.
Jesus knows the heart of every person. He knew the heart of Judas, the heart of the woman who honored Him with perfume, and He knows our own wayward hearts—and He still died for us. Even when our hearts are turned away from Him, Jesus pursues us and had already prepared a way for us to turn back to Him.
When we are tempted like Judas to run after other things, I pray we will remember what Jesus has done for us and what He promises for our future. May His compassion and saving grace lead us to be as bold and faithful as the woman at that dinner the weekend Jesus died, honoring His gift of salvation with the fragrant offering of a surrendered life for His glory (Ephesians 5:1–2).
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57 thoughts on "Plotting & Preparation"
Yes, serving and honoring Jesus costs us everything. Our time, resources, and all things surrendered to Him. Help me to live like that Jesus.
He knows all things and lord i thank you and trust you in Jesus name!
I remind myself daily who I love more. Who stays by my side and encourage me to do better . Who knows I’m better than my flesh when my heart struggles but still loves me when I forget myself. God forgive me allowing temptation to distract me. Thank u for giving me your heart
Thanks be to God!
Needed to hear this word, Hannah. Thank you. ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much Cabin. It means so much to us ❤️
Amen ❤️❤️
Jesus sees our wayward hearts (and saw Judas’ heart!) and still went to the cross for him and for me. So humbling.
Today’s gospel planted a very practical question in my mind – How do I use the precious resources that God has blessed me with? I often find myself distracted by material things and wasting my money on items that give me temporary pleasure. The woman in Mark used her precious possession (perfume) to perform an act of love and devotion. I pray that God reminds me and guides me to be a good steward and to use my resources to glorify Him.
@Deanna, thank you. I just searched for your friend’s book and I’m looking forward to reading it!
“Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.”
Every time I read this passage, it strikes me that we are the world hearing about this woman and so fulfilling this prophecy Jesus is making.
Bev, I wonder about that too. How did she know??
This is such a thought-provoking, action-challenging passage. (John 12: 1-11 is the parallel account of this event with some extra details if you want to have a read). The act of worship and sacrifice by anointing Jesus’ feet with the expensive jar of perfume, will put a forever memorial for Mary whenever the gospel is preached. That is quite a praise Jesus gave. This is such humble posture of giving. I want to point out the spiritual sensitivity here that Mary knew Jesus was about to be sacrificed/crucified, while his disciples did not sense the urgency. The betrayal of Judas also marked the memorial for him as well whenever the gospel is preached I believe. Everything we do in our lives follow us, we create our own memorials through our footprints, digitally, physically, and spiritually. At times, I see myself as a toss up between Mary and Judas, devoted giving God my all, and yet at others seeking temporary treasures and satisfactions while putting God on the side. God’s word is true that we cannot serve two masters, we either despise one and honor the other, and Judas is the proof of this truth. Thank you Angie for the heart-check questions you raised. My thoughts as well.
Thank you Lord that you know and you know completely, entirely who we are, ugly, wicked, greedy, yet You still died to redeem us. Thank you for the greatest gift of all, the Gift of Jesus.
I have been reading SRT for several years, but never posted. I thank God for all you ladies and pray for your requests. Traci, I am praying for you and Tanner. I know your love for him is beyond measure. Please know that we are holding both of you up in prayer. God sees and loves you both!
I love the devotional today. The author really ties these two stories together beautifully. I never would have seen how these two stories are connected. I know that as a believer, I have two conflicting desires within me. I have the spirit and the flesh always in conflict. I pray I would become more concerned with the spiritual side of life than the fleshly side of life.
“I shall always feel obliged to Judas for figuring up the price of that box of costly nard. He did it to blame her, but we will let his figures stand, and think the more of her the more he put down to the account of waste. I should never have known what it cost, nor would you either, if Judas had not marked down in his pocket-book.” (Spurgeon)
The costly perfume the woman used on Jesus is called nard, or spikenard. It’s an essential oil from the plant & I like to believe she was anointing Christ in preparation for what was coming. The properties of this oil helps relieve stress & anxiety. She has definitely been remembered throughout time for her act of worship
Something that stood out to me is how the people around this woman looked at her sacrifice as wasteful. I heard Holy Spirit whisper to my heart “giving all you have to the Lord is never a waste”. I’m a young mother and I often feel like others view me as “wasting” my life to stay at home, but it’s never a waste to pour yourself out for the good of others and the glory of God.
Dueling desires stood out to me so strongly. Wanting to honor Jesus and trust in the future He has promised, and wanting to run away and put my trust in what I think will meet my needs today. I’m trying to keep my eyes focused on Jesus through out my day. Not just at the time of my study. To remember what is the most important. Right now that is to love every minute I have with my son. I ask again to please keep Tanner in your prayers. I see decline and I’m praying the God will “knit” his body back together. Thank you so much SRT sisters.
Yes, so wonderful she was so obedient and sensitive.
Now, I assure you that wherever the gospel is preached all over the world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.”
A small act of worship by the woman whose name we do not know, a whole heap of abuse and disrespectfulness from the men around, and yet..
But God..
He saw her, He praised her, He honoured her, to the point of saying that this act will be remembered forever znd a day as the gospel is preached. Wow!
The men saw it as wrong, Jesus saw it as beautiful.
The men saw it as a waste of money, Jesus says its not wasted.
The men scoffed and moaned, Jesus reprimanded them.
Clearly, they did not get it!
Like the old lady with her last pennies, this woman, whose name we know not, gave her all, prepared to lose it all in worship of the One she knew to be the Savior, her Savior.
Oh Lord Jesus, may I give all I have to worship you. May I not just pour my woes and worries at your feet, but pour all I have from my heart in grateful thanks to you Lord Jesus for all you have given and done for me..
May it not always be about gain, gain for me, and what I can get from you Lord.. Forgive my Judas heart, Jesus. Forgive my wandering heart..
But God..
Blessings sisters. ❤
2 person, with different heart , desire ,perspective, mindset , way and of course different future. Great study. Thank you!
2 person, with different heart , desire ,perspective, mindset , way and of course
So good
Today I am struck by the fact that Mary understood what the disciples did not — that Jesus was about to die.
Thanks Angie for your questions- something I will be pondering today too!! When, where and why do I give my beat??
I was so struck by this reading! I used to always revile Judas Iscariot completely baffled at how he could do what he did. But reading that he did it for momentary, physical, earthly, gain I have to confess that I too do the same thing ! Kind of scary but at the same time so wonderful and amazing that Jesus died for all of us and has made a way to Him. I just pray He makes me more like the woman with the alabaster jar.
Love this.
So good Heidi!
@Shannon ❤️ this!!!
“See a need, meet a need” is one of the mottos I try to live by, actively searching for ways God is calling me in the small scale and large scale to further His Kingdom. I truly believe he puts certain people in your path who have needs that He ordains for you to meet their needs. The next step is actually doing it once you feel that “nudge”. Also challenged in today’s devotion to reflect on the ways in which I put my trust in the tangible things of this world over the things that are eternal.
When my story is told, will it include “she gave her all to honor Christ”? Or “she ran after temporary satisfaction in dishonor of Christ’s sacrifice”?
Today it stuck me for the first time of the significance of Jesus being crucified during Passover. In the Old Testament he saved the lives of Israel’s sons and now he, Gods only Son, is paying the price, the ultimate sacrifice for each of us.
May I be bold to serve my Savior like the woman with the oil.
I choose today and everyday to honor and walk with my King. Jesus is King and He’s coming back soon to set up His kingdom! Praise God! Thank you for your sacrifice!
Amen, Shannan!
Mark (lead by the Holy Spirit) chose to record the woman’s generous gift of love for Jesus in close proximity with Judas taking money to betray Christ. In today’s He Reads Truth it says, “…opportunities to give allow us to participate in the love of Jesus—not to earn it, but to share in it. There is much to be said for tendering our very best to those whom God puts in our path. There are eternal implications for the heart that gives out of the abundance which it has freely received. In those rare moments when we muster the courage to give with reckless abandon—when we trust Jesus enough to supply us with what we need, so we can be generous ministers of our inheritance—we have the privilege of participating in God’s boundless love.”
I know this is something my heart goes back on forth with…how much do I give, how often, and where? I also am pondering that, I give my best to everything, my family, my job, my hobbies…what does it say about my heart attitude if I do not give my best to the opportunities God puts before me for His kingdom? What about in my worship (for this woman was worshiping unfettered the Christ she adored)? Hmm. Lots to think about.
Thank you Lord for your guidance, for your continued stretching, and love. I ask, for the breath in this body to be responsive in thought and deed to your will and your way, in Jesus name and by the power of His redemption of my soul at Calvary. Thank you my King. Amen.
@Heidi – praying for your husband, and for you. It’s so hard when our spouse’s eyes aren’t open.
@NatashaR – I teared up reading about the loss of your husband. A dear friend lost her husband suddenly and traumatically when their boys were very small; she wrote a book about her experiences (“And Life Comes Back”) and shares how she had never truly understood what longing for heaven meant until her husband died… and all she wanted was to be with him. Although I have lost loved ones, my husband and kids are here, and I have a difficult time grasping that desire for heaven.
“Lord, give me the desire to be with you in heaven, and to have the right heart and mindset.”
He knows the desire of our hearts, yet He still chose to die for us…. for me…. Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift of us.
I know I certainly have the tendency to get caught up in the “entirety” of my witness to someone. I hold myself responsible for their whole faith-life and the “big picture” of someone’s salvation-induced life change. And honestly- that kind of pressure and belief system does one of two things- causes a person to be too pushy/judgement, or not try at all. The woman was described as doing “all that she can”. Not “ALL.” When we work/do “as if working for the Lord” (Colossians 3:23), when we literally do what we can 100% “in the name of the Lord” (Colossians 3:17) and to bring Him glory… our metaphorical fishes and loaves will feed thousands. And the best part is- I’m not in any way responsible for dividing it up and chewing it for the thousands- I’m responsible for offering what I have. For willingly saying, this is it, God- it’s all I have but it’s yours to use. And His power (made SO great in my weakness and lacking) is responsible for the miracle.
I’m learning this slowly, but surely. I’m responsible for me. I can’t take the food for others, I can’t chew and digest it. But I can offer it. Pray His power to enlighten others. And trust that if I’m willing to share/sacrifice all I have, all I am, He will never leave me alone in that space. If I would just leave HIS job to HIM and fully trust He will be trustworthy and responsible with His power — what an enormously peace-filled life I would have! :)
**Thank you, so much, for those who have committed to prayers over my husband each day. I can’t tell you the gratitude i have for your willingness to take YOUR time and bring my needs before our Father. There is a long road ahead and I have no map- but I know I’m not alone and will be provided for every step of the way… :)
Mark 14:8: She hath done what she could.
when we DO things, yes we might look stupid to the world…DO them anyway! when we DO for others they might misunderstand or laugh at us, DO them anyway! when we listen to the Holy Spirit telling us to make a u turn and walk back to the sad man sitting on the beach in front of the hospital and give him a gospel tract….he might think you’re a little weird but DO it anyway!!!!!
in the end, all that really matters is what JESUS thinks of us
be like this brave woman – get out there today and DO be the light, the salt, the hands and feet of Jesus no matter what the cost!
Powerful ways to live life and discipleship are within the Gospel. For me, for today, I see being called to anointing others while people are alive. How do we do that in relationships with each other? Do we see our daily lives as worshiping God together? This Lenten season has been blessed for me through this study and fellowship shared through SRT. I am grateful.
I choose today to be a “generous minister of my inheritance”. (From he reads truth companion devotional)
Good stuff
I pray to have a faith like this woman. She may have looked reckless and wasteful to those around her but she knew exactly who Jesus was and gave him her all. If we choose to live this way of course those around us will think we are being wasteful and reckless….but Gods economy looks very different than our earthly economy ❤️
To where else can we go? Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! May people hear this and may their hearts be softened and turn to Him, repent, and acknowledge Jesus as Savior and Lord. May Jesus’s death and sacrifice get us every time. I want to be undone when thinking of what He did! May He receive the praise, honor, and adoration He is due by us and by new believers today and always. Please draw them to You by any means. I have heard R C Sproul use the term the Hound of Heaven, please go after them and may none reject, but come so they may praise You now and for eternity! in Jesus Name Amen!
Jesus evokes strong responses. He did when He was here on earth, and He does today. I shouldn’t be surprised when the people around me do the same. Some respond to the gospel with a tender heart, and are drawn to Him. Others harden their hearts and turn away in disinterest or even disgust. Fill me with your Spirit, Lord, that I would follow Jesus’s example and love them regardless of this.
Last year I put red threads on the door posts of my house during this Holy Week as a symbol of what God has done and continues to do…it was a small thing but also a very tangible thing for me to see and experience, today’s reading prompted me to do it again!! So today I will be placing red thread on my door posts again and also anointing them with oil and perfume. All in honor of Jesus and God…May all who enter be blessed, protected and anointed by God. Thank You Jesus for ALL that you’ve done and continue to do!!! ❤️
@ERB What a wonderful idea!
The first Passover: blood at the door’s threshold (where the lamb was slain) blood on the sides and over the entry. Connect the points and you get the Cross. God’s shadow of Jesus’ sacrifice.
“She has done what she could.” Mark 14:8a.
There is much of which I have little to no control. There is much I cannot do. But there is always something I can do. May I look at those in need around me and do what I can, in the name of Jesus and for His glory.