Peter Rescued by an Angel

Open Your Bible

Acts 12:1-25, Isaiah 42:8, Mark 10:35-40

Herod’s death is one of those Bible stories that the little boys in Sunday school love to talk about. A greedy, self-consumed king who attacked the followers of Jesus gets eaten by worms. Worms, of all things. Can you imagine? But if we just chalk this story up to being gross and weird, we’re missing the point.

In Acts, we see the followers of Jesus enduring persecution and hatred from the world, just like Jesus said. In chapter 12, Herod imprisoned Peter, intending to kill him, simply because he saw it pleased the Jewish people (Acts 12:3). Yet despite Herod’s evil intentions, God’s plans prevailed.

“But the word of God spread and multiplied.” —Acts 12:24

Herod’s earthly power and influence were nothing compared to the powerful prayers of God’s people (v.5). We see this when, despite being kept under heavy watch, Peter is suddenly rescued by an angel. Even Peter himself could hardly believe what God had done (v.9). 

Rhoda, a servant, is so amazed to hear Peter’s voice she can barely even think of doing the next thing! So she runs into the house, where everyone else tells her she’s out of her mind. But she knew what she heard. Meanwhile, everyone else still had to see to believe (v.16).

In this story we see different responses to the work of God: Rhoda, a lowly servant who gave witness to a miracle. Herod, royalty, who was consumed with his reputation and power, and struck dead for not giving the glory to God. He wanted all the glory for himself and was willing to do whatever it took to get it. 

Maybe the Lord wants to remind us through this passage that glory and honor look different in the kingdom. Here on earth, those who work hard and know the right people often get an honored place and position. In the kingdom of God, position and power do not equal glory. I don’t know about you, but that’s a reminder I need again, and again, and again.

Lord, make us willing vessels today, not for our good, but for your glory. Help us to focus more on what you’re doing than receiving places of honor. Remind us that you have not called us to be impressive, you’ve called us to be available as witnesses to your work. May your Word and your truth flourish and multiply through us. Amen.

(48) Comments

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48 thoughts on "Peter Rescued by an Angel"

  1. Sarah Morrison says:

    Praying for the sails of this world

  2. Toni Thomas says:

    I sooooo needed this! As I’m getting ready to have a demotion at my job and even have to train my replacement. I’m being humbled and need to realize that my career position does NOT define me, who I am in Christ does

  3. Toni Thomas says:

    I sooooo needed this! As I’m getting ready to have a demotion at my job and even have to train my replacement. I’m being humbled and need to realize that my career position does.

  4. Amy Bishop says:

    Acts 12:5
    Earnest prayer demonstrates that my heart cares passionately about the things God cares about. (John 15:7)

    Acts 12:15
    Little faith can accomplish great things of it is placed in the great God.

  5. Indiana Elaine says:

    Update on Missionary hostages: Today was a day of prayer and fasting.

    Dear Church of Christ around the world,
    Thank you for your prayers on behalf of our family members who are being held hostage in Haiti.
    God has given our loved ones the unique opportunity to live out our Lord’s command to, “love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you” (Matthew 5:44).
    God invites us to call upon His name in the day of trouble. (Psalm 50:15) We thank Him that He is God, and ask Him to hear our prayers and bring our families home.
    We also pray that the light of God’s love might shine out into the darkness of sin, and that the gang members might be freed from their bondage to sin and experience freedom in Jesus Christ.
    Thank you, brothers and sisters in Christ, and PLEASE keep praying!
    The families of the hostages

  6. Adrienne says:

    Good grief… there’s my first post!

  7. Adrienne says:

    I don’t know what happened to my post… my iPad battery was low… maybe that was it. Anyways… IT CRACKS ME UP how Rhoda doesn’t let Peter in when he is at the door. But that she goes to tell everyone he is at the door! It is a good reminder to let Him in when I hear His voice.And that I should not just TELL others about Him, but show them how they can meet Him!

  8. Adrienne says:

    IT CRACKS ME UP how Rhoda doesn’t let Peter in, but runs to tell everyone that he is at the door! It is a good reminder to me, that when I hear His voice, and I KNOW it is His voice, I need to let Him in. And that telling others He is at the door is different than SHOWING them who He is! Lord, let me show others who you are by the life that I live.

  9. Michelle Hart says:

    Hi all! I am having a rough time. I decided to leave my nursing job in 2020 for a career change. I completed a technical bootcamp and am now looking for a job in my new career and I am having a hard time being unemployed and getting so many rejections. Please pray that God opens the right door for me!

  10. Sky Hilton says:

    This reading proves that prayer is POWERFUL! It should be given more respect. When we pray to God, we are talking directly to Him. Even better, when we pray for someone else without ceasing, like the people prayed for Peter, God will always find a way to help them, and in the end all of us. Everything that comes from God is holy, just, and right. He wants to help us, and we should let Him.

    This part of Acts also shows us the importance of giving God all of our victories, failures, and all of ourselves. When we fail to give God glory, we put ourselves first, something we should never do. It gives way to pride, which will only take us away from God even more. God deserves all of our respect, so we owe it to Him to give Him everything we are! We owe to God to be humble to Him… and to die to ourselves every day.

    *Also, we should all pray for the safe return of our brothers and sisters in the missionary circle in Haiti who were kidnapped!*

  11. Jennifer Anapol says:

    After reading this devotional I found myself wanting to see God show up in these crazy ways that we read about in acts. I was reminded that God works through the crazy and the mundane. Lord, help us to walk in your will❤️

  12. Dorothy says:

    After raising two boys of my own, I agree with Abby about how little boys would think the part of King Herod getting eaten by worms was neat. God wanted the people then and wants us now to KNOW HE is the ONE and ONLY GOD. He also wants us to know Jesus Christ is His Son and Christ died and rose again for our sins. God wants us to receive the Holy Spirit and continue to tell others about Him, Christ and the Holy Spirit. Will something as drastic as what happened with King Herod happen to us if we went against God, who knows? I don’t want to find out.
    Lord, help to spread Your Word, Your love and Your ways. Amen.
    Sisters, as always be blessed and know the Lord is with you always.

  13. Victoria E says:

    I was further contemplating the reading today and a question I have been struggling with came to mind. James was killed, Peter was freed, and yet both outcomes were good and resulted in God’s glorification. How can we know when bad things happen that they are God’s perfect will and not a result of sin or just living in an imperfect world? I feel as if I could be more joyful in a sorrowful or even tragic event if I could know that that was truly God’s perfect will. Any thoughts? I know He works everything together for good, however I know that not every atrocity that occurs in this world is His perfect will. Thanks in advance !

  14. Traci Gendron says:

    I commented on the website, I wonder why it doesn’t show up here?

  15. Victoria E says:

    Angie thank you for sharing the reading from HRT. And ERB! Wow so powerful I needed to hear that too! Mari V I too am going to pray the prayer from the devotional today, I need that. Brooke P thank you for your continued prayers and thank you to everyone who is praying for me! I am praying for you here as well. Praise God !

  16. Brooke P says:

    May I be looking towards heaven as my hope and knowing that what comes after this life will make this one pale in comparison because we will be face to face with the Lord and all will be healed. Praise God. While here, may I be faithfully humble, fervently prayerful, and obeying the Lord’s Word through the Spirit. The Lord is so holy and righteous, His ways are higher than my small minded comprehension. He rescues Peter and in the same situation James was executed—I do not understand the ways in which God is working but I do pray that I am focused on who God is rather than my clouded & sinful understanding of what I think He is doing. Because I know & trust that He is good, and through it all, everything is for His Glory. || Thank you for your comments ladies, thank you Angie for bringing in HRT, ERB thank you for your insight that was spot on, Melanie I’m praying for you & thank you for your insight, Hope—yes!! Rhonda J, thank you for sharing what a beautiful example of being a neighbor & showing Christ to others & im praying for your dad. Linda Gilbow—my thoughts exactly ! Nanak praying for you! Sharon, Jersey Girl–your thoughts are spot on, thank you!!! Victoria E. I’m praying for you still & others who have asked for prayers, I’m praying❤️ have a great day ladies !

  17. Mari V says:

    BTW The trailer for “Redeeming Love” is out. It opens in January 21, 2022!

  18. Mari V says:

    Loved, loved this devotion this morning. I made this my personal prayer this morning reciting it with “me.”. Have a lovely day my dear sisters.

  19. Traci Gendron says:

    Rhonda J – praying for your dad!
    Nanak – praying you have relief from your back pain and can enjoy your visit with your family.

  20. Traci Gendron says:

    I feel that this speaks loudly to me: Herod’s earthly power and influence were nothing compared to the powerful prayers of God’s people. The POWERFUL PRAYERs of GOD’s people. Thank you so much ladies for continuing to pray for my son, Tanner. My heart is full of gratitude for your prayers. I have always believed that God would give us something. When Tanner was diagnosed life expectancy was 10-12 years old. He is now 33. We also have a life saving stem cell transplant in trial stages. Tanner was supposed to be patient #3. His respiratory is not good enough to withstand the trial. It was crushing to Tanner. Since then he has gone down hill. I believe his spirit was broken. So let us all pray for Tanner’s spirit to be renewed! No matter what, his body will be healed, whether it is here on earth or as he sits with his Father. I believe God has kept him here as long as he has with a purpose. Even if that is to help others have faith. Or to help young parents that receive this terrible diagnoses for their little ones. I waver between being strong and falling apart. My focus has to be on GOD and God alone or I will not make it through. When we pray, God hears! He has allowed me to be Tanner’s mom for much longer than I expected. Praise be to God!

  21. Maura says:

    Rhonda J, I am and will be praying for your Dad and Mom. That your Dad feels the Holy Spirit with him and peace for your Mama and you. Hugs to you.
    Nanak, praying for healing for your back, a comfortable plane ride and joyous time with your Grands.

  22. Michelle Patire says:

    Rhonda- your neighborhood story touches me. That is a beautiful example of Christ in community. Goodness. I’m touched by her life and I don’t even know her! I hope to be someone like that in the community I dwell. I love in the Pocono Mountains (PA) and neighbors are so spread apart. I often go for walks and runs and try to be friendly with whoever I see. I pray they are Christ in me!
    Also, praying for your dad. May he feel the Lord near to him and be strengthened. May he trust in God during this time of pain. May he feel loved and seen. May he be healed.

    Nanak– I am so sorry for your back pain. I pray God heals your back and gives you peace to enjoy your time with family. May He bless you richly so that when you leave them, you leave with a grateful heart.

    One of my questions today was- what happened to Peter? I wonder where his ministry shifted to- now that he was a wanted man. Or did the search end with Herod’s death? I think now Paul is a bigger focus in Acts, so we hear less of Peter.

    I was touched by “Herod’s earthly power & influence were nothing compared to the powerful prayers of God’s people.” – Abby Flynn. Earthly power < PRAYER
    That's an awesome reminder!! My own prayer is to always believe that God is more powerful and our prayers to Him shake and break prisons and chains!! God, with that, I pray for those who are in prison. For reasons of persecution or simply lost, Jesus, make yourself known! Glorify yourself in those cells. May people see and know You. May they know You as Lord and Yeshua/Savior! Thank you, Lord.
    Thank you for my freedom. As it says in Romans 6, we are free from sin! It is no longer my master.

  23. Maura says:

    That old song – It’s me, It’s me, It’s me oh Lord standing in the need of prayer. Has been playing in my head every once in a while over the last few days. Todays scripture and the power of prayer when we as a community pray. Our God breaks chains, releases prisoners, even those that are bound and bound up in sin, or satan’s lies. He is able. Let’s join in prayer Sisters for one another and envision His healing, His peace, His freedom for one another. Sometimes, or many times His answer is no, but God, I just heard a message that this can be because He has a better Yes, than what we are asking. And I do believe, that better Yes can be that someone does not have to suffer this life more, but gets healed as they meet Jesus in Heaven. Loved your words Arina, ERB, and Angie I read HRT, God’s word reveals so much about Him and shows me so much about my own heart, thankful for His love, mighty and amazing. That message, I heard about a better Yes (Transformation Church) they also said Write down the visions He gives you about your family, your health, your habits, your work. What is God telling you as you pray, write down what He is revealing and bathe it in prayer and believe. Not a wish list, but an annoited in prayer list from God, because in writing it out it becomes something we can see. Traci G praying for you, I learn much from you. I will pray God’s protection over Tanner and His complete healing, His embrace around you, Tanner and your husband. His rest for your heart. In Jesus name. Join with me sisters. Melanie, praying for His miracles and freedom, and provision. Adrienne, for your friend, that she finds Jesus and that she is safe and can be healed from the pain and healing, His beauty for ashes. ERB, His light shines in your words, may our God bring His healing to you. So blessed by your faith. Lexi B. celebrating your job. praying you find time to rest. Sisters I will be bathing these things in prayer. May God be glorified in how He answers. We are loved, we are His children. Lord God, bring your mercy, your might, your miracles as we sing the songs you’ve given us may we feel your harmony. Love to all y’all

  24. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    When we pray – God hears! Every time I read this passage the same thought crosses my mind: The people were praying for a miracle, God answered, the people doubted. How often is this the case with me? I pour out my heart to God and He does answer but I don’t recognize it or I think it’s “to good to be true”. The scripture doesn’t say, but possibly they had prayed for James deliverance, God did answer but perhaps not in the way they were expecting – James was delivered but in quite a different way than what they wanted, he now was in the presence of his Lord and Savior the one who delivers us! Now they were gathered at the house of Mary praying – quite possibly for Peter’s deliverance. God answered, and they didn’t believe it! Except for the young girl Rhoda – she believed and was excited! When we pray – small or big – we must believe that God will answer (according to His will, not mine) recognize when He does and give Him all the glory! This answer to prayer was so good – Peter thought he was dreaming, but when he “came to himself” (Acts 12:11) He knew that it was the Lord who delivered him! All praise and glory to God, the One who does great things! If He can do them for Peter – He can do them for us too!

    @Rhonda – praying for your dad this morning – may God be a comfort and strength to him at this very trying time, and have His healing hand upon him.

    Great comments from you all – I love reading them and praying for your requests, it makes me feel that I really know you as friends.

  25. NanaK says:

    Great devotion today and comments. Thank you Abby Flynn and SRT Sisters.
    I have a prayer request today. I have been experiencing extreme lower back pain this week and having difficulty with my normal routine. On top of that, I’m getting on a plane for a 2 hour flight tomorrow and a weekend with my daughter and grandkids whom I haven’t seen for several months. Please pray for immediate and complete healing so I can be the Mama and Nana I long to be and not just “there” and in pain. Thank you ladies.

  26. laura marie says:

    @ERB – thanks for sharing those thoughts! Like you said- working on believing and obeying without doubting… believing and obeying even when I don’t understand what God is up to… Peter and Rhoda are both such great examples of that.

  27. Vanessa Coleman says:


  28. Kathy A says:

    Amen, amen. Truly truly may it be so.

  29. Linda Gilbow says:

    It’s important to remember that, just as God rescued Peter miraculously, He also allowed James to be killed. His ways are higher than ours, and He is worthy of praise even when we don’t understand the heartbreaking situations. Can we trust Him in both scenarios?

  30. Rhonda J. says:

    Who knew Acts was so fun and full of acts?! Goodness and Truth. This is what we need in our lives Heavenly Father, please fill us up with your goodness and truth. Help me to be a light to shine and faithful through it all, the good and the bad, the heaviness of the world, the confusion of life. You are our compass, You give us your Word,…You live IN US! Please I pray that I can be those hands and feet for You dear Lord, in Jesus name AMEN and AMEN!

    We celebrated with our small neigborhood and friends last night to say goodbye to one of our dearest that is moving to be close to family. When we moved here 2 years ago she is one of the first we met. She walks her dog daily and always greets everyone with a smile, and on Friday nights she and another friend sit in her front drive, a firepit ready, and plenty of chairs (this part in the “winter” months being in south Florida!). Everyone that walks by (dogs and all), is welcome to sit and hang out. It’s a way of bringing our community together, but more so, she is a true Christian that wants to always show love, Jesus’love to all. And people see that. We can all do small things that touch the ones we are around.

    If you could say a little prayer for my dad please, as I found out yesterday that he went to the hospital fearing pneumonia, again, but was transferred last night to a different hospital for his heart. His wife was unable to go with him, so he is alone. I pray for his comfort and peace, he has had a hard time the last few years with breathing issues and getting nowhere with relief.

  31. Hope says:

    I’m so grateful for today’s reading and all of the insightful comments from other readers.
    Today’s reading made me meditate on hope. By all accounts the situation appeared hopeless. And yet, the church continued to pray fervently. What an example. How often am I quick to lose hope? I lose faith. I doubt God’s goodness. I accept the darkness of this world and I don’t look up… I may pray. I may mumble a prayer, but I am no prayer warrior. I thank God for gently revealing this truth about my heart to me. Wherever possible, I am going to set my heart to prayer with great hope and expectation, knowing that even in this present darkness, God’s light shines.

  32. M H says:

    God, help me give back to you what is already yours…all of me. Let your light shine through me and point others to how wonderful you are. Don’t let me miss being a part of whatever you are doing, great or small.❤️

    1. Gwendolyn Vincent says:

      Amen M H❤

  33. Aimee D-R says:


  34. Taylor says:

    So much good truth in the Scripture, the devotion (thank you Abby Flynn for your prayer at the end!) and your comments! I want to always give God the glory, especially on the mountaintops when it can be easy to forget Who led me there in the first place. I also want to always be in a position of “humble faithfulness” and prayer, which is SO much easier said than done. I praise God for waking me up to this new day, for giving me a warm bed to do my devotions in, and for this community of SRT <3

  35. Lauren Whitham says:

    This so reminds me of our world today. Despite all that’s going on in our world, God’s plans will prevail. The evil plans and intentions of the enemy are nothing compared to the fervent prayers of God’s people.

  36. Dayna R says:

    ERB! I love your excitement about what God is teaching you!! Interesting observation about Peter – not understanding what is going on but still obeying. Thanks for sharing! Praying for you today.

  37. ERB says:

    ANGIE, I highlighted what you shared from HRT. So GOOD!!! Thank you for sharing it!!!!

  38. SarahJoy says:

    So many nuggets throughout the verses, devotional and comments! For me the reminder to remain faithful even if I am the servant girl answering the door. God sees my tiny timid steps of faith taken over the course of my life. He has given me a circle of influence where His glory can shine if I allow Him to guide me. May He be reflected in and through me today.

  39. Melanie says:

    I love the comments. Gives me more depth to the reading.
    Today what stuck out to me that people kept praying even when the situation looked impossible. It resonates with me because I feel like I’m in an impossible situation. It encourages me to keep praying and know m God is still working. Thanks for your continued prayers.

  40. Melanie says:

    I love the comments. Gives me more depth to the reading. Xoxo Today what stuck out to me that people kept praying even when the situation looked impossible. It resonates with me because I feel like I’m in an impossible situation. It encourages me to keep praying and know m God is still working. Thanks for your continued prayers

  41. AG says:

    God is more powerful than anyone or anything on this earth. Lord help me to remember that you have a plan.. the plan. And you are the one in charge

  42. Angie says:

    Thank you Erb…I love what you shared.

    I also appreciate what I read from He Reads Truth today. I’ll share a portion here:

    “… we ought to recognize that God honors humble faithfulness while He unapologetically disapproves of people who enthrone themselves in their own hearts.

    James paid with his life and Peter with his liberty, “but the word of God spread and multiplied” (Acts 12:24). That’s exactly the legacy every follower of Jesus should desire. No matter the cost, we must give glory to God—especially at the height of our success. Written by Alex Florez

    So much in those words I need to wrap my brain around and carry into my attitudes and actions.

  43. ERB says:

    Posted my first comment, then God gave me more stuff!!!

    I love how Peter doesn’t know what’s going on until he is FREE!!! But yet HE STILL OBEYS!!!! How AWESOME is that?!! I need to do this more in my life: obey without doubting or second guessing!! Peter’s behavior & experience remind me that when I’m in the midst, most times I don’t even realize …until I’m on the other side of it… that God alone (along with the PRAYING & BELIEVING body) has delivered and carried me through!! Such a GREAT reminder!!! God is always MASSIVELY at work behind-the-scenes!! This highlights how important it is to recognize His work and to do, be & say what God is laying on your heart, just look at the example here!!! Wow!!! May I always remember this and give glory & honor to the only ONE who deserves it!!! Amen!

  44. Kelly says:

    Amen to Abby’s prayer!

  45. ERB says:

    I love how Peter doesn’t know what’s going on until he is FREE!!! It reminds me that when I’m in the midst, I don’t even realize until I’m on the other side of it, that God has delivered and carried me through!! Such a GREAT reminder!!! He is always MASSIVELY at work behind-the-scenes!! May I always remember this and give glory & honor to the only ONE who deserves it!!! Amen!

  46. Arina says:

    It looks like Herod was getting afraid. He probably had heard the stories, how the apostles had escaped from prison (Acts 5). Sixteen guards to keep a fisherman in. Peter being bound with chains, sleeping between two soldiers. Surely, he couldn’t escape now. But Herod forgot about the God of Peter. His card house came falling down. When God says, it is enough, nothing is left of Herod. It may look like Herod has unlimited power, but God is the only One with real power. The One who ultimately decides how things go. We do not have to fear for earthly powers. That doesn’t mean that all will go well (James got killed), but in the end, it is God who reigns. We can trust in His power and His wisdom.