I’m past forty, but I sometimes still wonder if other women really like me. Our community is small and wonderful and welcoming, and I’ve been here all my adult life. But I wonder…“Are the other ladies having parties without me? Are they chatting with me because they enjoy my company or because they are very kind? Is everyone else in a club that I know nothing about? Is there something about me they don’t like? Should I not have let my hair go gray? Do they think I’m not doing a good job parenting my children? Is it my jokes?”
No matter how loving and beloved we are, there are still little things that can make us doubt that we belong. And belonging is so important to us. I ache to feel cherished by my friends and family. And while I can admit the possibility that my jokes are keeping some people at arm’s length, there is no doubt at all about my belonging in the family of God.
“In him we have boldness and confident access through faith in him” (Ephesians 3:12). It’s a done deal with Christ. We aren’t just acquaintances; we are part and parcel of His family tree. “You, though a wild olive branch, were grafted in among them and have come to share in the rich root” (Romans 11:17). Yes! We are blessed to share in the rich root of God’s blessing. What a relief to be invited into confident access.
And we don’t earn this boldness through our hard work at pleasing Him or trying to make our girlfriends laugh. “For [we] are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift—not from works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8–9). Our belonging is God’s gift to us, and we are now servants of the gospel of grace that unites (Ephesians 3:7). There are no earthly relationships that come close to that totally one-sided deal. His love is a free gift to us, and in exchange, we have the favor and lovingkindness of a King.
I like to imagine that the early Church was full of people just like us, hoping to belong, hoping to fit in, wondering if it was too soon to make jokes about the Pompeii earthquake. The beautiful truth is the Church is made up of all kinds of folks. But “God wanted to make known among the Gentiles the glorious wealth of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). The hope of Christ is our eternal belonging in His glory and presence.
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80 thoughts on "Paul’s Ministry to the Gentiles"
Excellent content. You’ve made some excellent observations.
Thanks for sharing
Great devotional insights!
Our belonging is God’s gift to us. Such beautiful words.
The feeling of unbelonging stems from the orphan spirit, from being rejected and abandoned. The orphans, the outcasts, the misfits, the black sheep syndrome, which all come to counterfeit the adoption/the sonship identity we have in Christ. We might go to God acting like a beggar, when the Word says we are co-heir with Christ. This used to be me, pleading with God that He provides so I can keep up with the bills and putting food on the table. Lord have mercy. God chose us, despite men rejected us. Its been a journey to correct this wrong lens, wrong filter how I see myself or how I see God sees me. Renewing the mind and our view is a process, may we see ourselves as God sees us, it will uproot the agreement we have with lies. My previous pastor operated from the orphan spirit, not the sonship spirit. He was physically abused badly by his pastor father when he was little. He was faced with the double images his father kept up, his father was a pastor who planted churches -on the outward, and the abuser at home. So he was the unhealed leader, leading his congregation from an orphan spirit, and thus raising more orphan offsprings, begging for healing or provision from God, and it’s so dangerous. It breaks my heart. There are so many demonic assaults in families and in church. Some of the enemy’s tactics to keep us in the orphaned state: he keeps us in dead religion void of the Father’s love, he lets us be around father figures who don’t represent the Father well, he keeps us out of the secret place of intimacy with God, he makes us feel that it’s normal to be unloved, insecure, alone, isolated, he shuts us out of family and tribes/ churches/ small groups that will accept us, then to isolate us fully and assassinate us. This is a heavy topic but I learn to have difficult conversations through therapy. Be muzzled no more. I pray we soak in what the Word says about us, seek clarity and healing, transition out of the fatherless era, that we know our identity in Christ, that we belong to Jesus and families in Christ. Lifting you up in prayers shes. Be blessed dear sisters.
I’m past 50. (closer to 60 ) (I should really be saying I’m past 55). Happy Monday sweeties!! It’s actually afternoon (12:20PM) here and most places probably closer to your dinner time. Needless to say, I got a very late start today. This old lady needed her sleep. My daughter and I stayed up to watch a movie. WAY past my bedtime. I couldn’t believe when I looked at the clock this morning, it was 8:20 AM!! Normally quiet time is the first thing I do, however, I really wanted to enjoy the crisp cool morning and went for a run. Came home to my now, college aged to daughter who was hungry for breakfast. Enjoyed an unhurried breakfast together. Belonging. As I read through Rebecca Faires devotion this afternoon, I’m realizing more and more that no matter our age or how far we’ve gotten in our relationship with Christ and though we know we are loved by Him, as humans we still have those doubts of belonging just as Rebecca mentions here. I’m so glad that I am not alone in this! Here at SRT I feel we ALL belong. We are all from different walks of life and yet here we are. So blessed to be part of this beautiful SRT family. LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH
❤ love you, too, Mari, and I am so glad you took that time with your daughter! Those opps are gone way too soon!
I really appreciate how the devotions often highlight a point that didn’t even occur to me. Rebecca points out the importance of belonging and feeling accepted, something I have struggled with my whole life. Not so much being accepted by God; I have worked through that, but I have been betrayed so many times that I struggle to trust humans. And yet I was so busy focusing on the theology here that I didn’t even notice or get to this deeper point. So I am grateful for the devotion writers and all of my other sisters here. Thank you for your insights.
❤️ praying for you. So sorry.
Thank you, God, for the family of God. Thank you for these beautiful ladies who prayed for my surgery. Everything is going well, the pain is very manageable and my Dr daughter says I am doing great. I keep thinking the pain will kick in, but God has got this under control. I’m not even taking the pain medication, just Tylenol. The song, “the Goodness of God”keeps coming to mind. A verse I repeat often is “Fear not for I am with you, I will strengthen you and uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Elaine, thanks so much for the update! Beautiful testimony!!! I almost asked you in my comment, but told myself to just be patient! ❤☺❤ Continued prayers for recovery!
That’s WONDERFUL!! Praise God!
“Our belonging is God’s gift to us, and we are now servants of the gospel of grace that unites.” – Thank you, REBECCA FAIRES! (And you have beautiful grey hair!)
Galatians 3:28 | There is no Jew or Greek, slave or free, male and female; since you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Thank You, Father for the gift of belonging. May we walk in Jesus’ footsteps and invite others along the way to form a part of His unique family. All by His grace and His grace only, AMEN.
Oh today’s lesson! I’ve always struggled with this! As a child, I was always taller than all my little friends, as an adult, I’ve still struggle with belonging except at church. I’m still taller than most of my friends but it is beautiful how in the body of Christ we belong. We may be from different backgrounds, different ethnic groups, different ages, and even different social economic groups but we all belong! I’m so thankful for all of you! We belong because we belong to Jesus. God is cb our Father!
I did not Google Rebecca to see her hair, RHONDA J! I weirded out in a different way today!
Ephesians3:10 stood out to me. Paul’s sentence structure leaves me scratching my head sometimes so I kept reading various translations and commentaries to be sure I understood. The angels in the heavenly places DIDN’T KNOW beforehand the mystery revealed to Paul!!! Isn’t that cool! I don’t know why I latched on to that but I trust God will let me know! It does just remind us that God had a plan and it is ongoing even though we don’t see everything. Our Sovereign God reveals things according to His plan and our job is to keep on sharing, keep on trusting, and keep on praying. ❤
Forgot to share this from John MacArthur:
The holy angels rejoice (see Luke 15:10; cf. 1 Pet. 1:12) because they are involved with the church (see 1 Cor. 11:10; Heb. 1:14). Although they have no desire or capacity to praise God, even fallen angels see the glory of God in the salvation and preservation of the church. in the heavenly places. As in 1:3; 6:12, this refers to the entire realm of spiritual beings.
Cee Gee – that is funny, that we both posted at the same time on the same subject, I’d say that was the Holy Spirit in us! ❤️
I think for most of my life I have struggled with feelings of not belonging and wanting to belong. Satan will take the smallest of things and use them against us – to put doubts, loneliness and depression in our minds. When the truth is – we belong to the biggest and best family ever, the family of God!! God sought us out when we were lost & without Him. Now, Christ is our Savior and we share in the inheritance – hallelujah!!
I had to read Ephesians 3:10 a few times and then look to a commentary…God’s wisdom is being made known to the rulers and authorities (angels and demons) in heavenly places through the church (me & you)! They are learning from us, wow! It makes me realize that I need to make sure I am walking in the light of Christ and living out my faith!!
“To the principalities and powers in the heavenly places: This means that angelic beings are interested and instructed by the lives of Christians. This is why the conduct of the church is so important: because angelic and demonic beings are looking on, and God’s intent is to teach them through us.” (Enduring Word)
Ephesians 3:12 sounds much like and reminded me of Hebrews 4:16
Have a blessed Memorial Day sweet sisters! ❤️
We were drawn to the same verse today. I forgot to mention the part you mentioned. Funny we were even writing our comments at the same time; yours wasn’t here when I started mine! ❤
That is interesting. I kind of skimmed over that verse. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Cee Gee and Sharon, I learn so much from you ladies!
Yeah, I totally missed that as well!
Did anyone else google Rebecca Faire to see her gray hair? Or am I a weirdo, lol? Her family on her IG picture is just lovely and shows today perfectly.
Lol, you’re funny, Rhonda J! I imagined the Rebecca from the show “This is Us” for some reason.. who is portrayed by the gorgeous Mandy Moore! I think I’m the weirdo, now! Hahaha.
We appreciate you, Rebecca, and your honesty ❤️
p.s. Thank you for asking about my family. Most of my siblings were over the house (and are still) for my dad’s birthday yesterday and labor day weekend. There is talk of one of them moving back- but God has spoken to me pretty clearly about trusting Him and not stressing about that. Things are okay, right now ❤️ thank you for asking!
“Belonging.” It brings up many feelings for many people, but all the same..not fitting in. We all want to feel loved and belong. That’s why God gave us families? That inner circle of knitted in, sadly even that isn’t perfect here in this world. But for us lucky enough to have a close knit family, it is a beautiful example of Christ’s church, all different, with different strengths and abilities, and mostly being loved. A feeling of knowing no matter what happens in your life, you always have your family. Hurts and comparisons can be overcome, when the dirt hits the fan, they love and accept us. And that IS God’s family, through Jesus Christ WE are accepted. In it all-Thank you Jesus…we can come to YOU for belonging. I love Ephesians, just
Overwhelmingly Beautiful!! When you get it you get it, and it floors you. If it doesn’t you aren’t getting it. The precious gift that needs to be accepted and cherished. So thankful that we SHE’s all belong here together, no matter our age, size, race, color, shortcomings, or grandeur. We are all the same in God’s eyes!!
I am so thankful to belong to this body of believers! You all have blessed me so many times with your words of encouragement for each other, your prayers, and genuine kindness. There is unity here and it can be felt. Thank you for the ways you are all being the hands and feet of Christ Jesus our Lord.
Once again I would like to ask for prayer for WYATT. He will have his weekly chemo tomorrow and then on Wednesday a scan. If the scan comes back clear (as we are praying it will) then he will go on maintenance chemo every third week and a reduced dosage of steroids.
This precious child has been in the nursery every week since his surgery. He is so well loved and prayed for at my church and in our community. He struggles with being left in the care of others and would cry. However, yesterday was the first day he didn’t cry and came right to me! Can I tell you that this child owns a piece of my heart! Thank you again for lifting him up in your prayers!
Continued prayers for Wyatt. How sweet that God gave you that blessing yesterday! ❤️
Thank you so much!
So glad to be here with you, Susan, and I will be praying for Wyatt! ❤❤❤
Thank you! ❤️
Thank You that I am a beloved child of God by the Blood of Jesus! Amen
TAMI – re: lighting for Chela – “daylight” brightness LED bulbs were a game changer for me. They come in all shapes & sizes – I have them everywhere!
Yes! I haven’t read Tami’s comment, bht we did that in our house soon after moving in. I wad used to rooms full of natural light! Ohr new house had very little. A lady at the store recommended the daylight bulbs – outstanding! ❤
Thank you Jesus for grafting us into your eternal roots. And thank you also for the sense of belonging you have given me on earth as I grow in relationship with my Christ-loving community.
I feel so much like I am missing out on groups the ladies “may be doing” at my church, but I know in reality they are just living their lives just like me, well, probably a lot more busy, I can no longer work due to Lupus and seizures, but that’s why I feel lonely sometimes. But I know I am loved by God and so so many lovely ladies who may be a lot older than me at my church, but they have so much knowledge to give. God blessed me when I listened to him and went to this church two minutes away from my home after being out of church regularly for a few years.
Isn’t lovely to be back in a church body after being away?! Chronic pain can definitely feel isolating, and Paul’s words on affliction often comfort me in that regard. We started a “Enduring Chronic Pain” group at our church and it has been so uplifting and just what is needed to put our focus on Jesus through the trials! Maybe you could start one at your church? I will pray for your struggles with Lupus. I am so glad that our trials “are but for a moment!”
Everything today reminded me of this old song (didn’t realize it was by Bill Gaither until I looked up the lyrics!):
“I’m so glad I’m a part
Of the family of God
I’ve been washed in the fountain
Cleansed by His blood
Joint heirs with Jesus
As we travel this sod
For I’m part of the family
The family of God.”
praying for all my sisters here that when the devil tells us we don’t belong, we don’t matter, we are unseen and unheard~that we remember who we belong to, who made us and that we are a child of the King! ❤️
Amen! When I am feeling down, anxious, unloved, and unworthy, my husband reminds me that I have a choice in what I want to believe. Do I want to believe Satan’s lies about me, or do I want to believe what I know to be true about God’s love and the love of others around me?
Yes & Amen!Thank you! ❤️
Reminded me of the song ‘Good News’ by Maverick City (as much reminds me of a song) —
“And this is the good news
If you’re breathing, it’s for you
An empty grave, a life that’s changed
It all points to Jesus’ name”
Yes, I LOVE that song!
I don’t have a lot of family to be a part of, and I’ve often felt like a misfit, not really fitting into the current culture of the times (which I am ok with but can sometimes feel lonely). I try to live differently, the way Good wants us to live but it is challenging to go against the grain. I am so grateful that I will always have a place in God’s family. A place to belong. For eternity. Thank you Jesus. ❤️
I hear you, and I feel your pain. The only family I have any contact with since my parents died over a decade ago are my two siblings, and I am not really close to either. My ex’s family believes all of the lies he has told them about me, and even one of my children sort of does. So my family is basically the other four kids. The youngest once asked me, “Mom, why doesn’t your family like you?” so I guess at least she sees the dysfunction, which makes her wiser than I was at her age. I do have my church family, but I long to know what it is like to be part of a healthy family here on earth. ❤️
I am sorry you don’t have much family, but you do have your sisters here at SRT and the bigger C sisters and brothers. Do you have a small group through church. I highly recommend to join one if you can. Hugs!
Romans 3: 29 Or is He the God of the Jews only? Is He not also the God of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also,
No Jewish heritage that I know of in my family tree, and I have, as KELLY (NEO) said yesterday, unending gratitude to my God for having a long term, as in eternal, plan for ME to be part of His forever family! Hallelujah! KELLY (NEO), this is one of those whoop worthy moments ❤️❤️
Ephesians 3:13 Therefore I ask that you do not lose heart at my tribulations for you, which is your glory.
— something to ponder when life feels (is) hard. Is the Lord speaking to someone through my life? Am I learning something to be shared down the road, or is this drawing me closer to Him?
Prayer request for a cousin-in-law – their family was out of town for a memorial service over the weekend when she became very ill. Emergency surgery followed and she is in ICU several hours from home. And looking at a several month recovery after release.
Thank you, sisters.
Praying for your cousin in law
Therese- were you the one reaching out to connect last week?
I will be praying for your cousin-in-law. ❤️
— something to ponder when life feels (is) hard. Is the Lord speaking to someone through my life? Am I learning something to be shared down the road, or is this drawing me closer to Him?
Thank you for this, I will be pondering those questions throughout my day, no moment is wasted when we are walking with the Lord.
Prayers for your cousin-in-law.
Great ponder as always! Prayers for complete and uneventful recovery for your cousin in law! ❤❤
praying for your cousin in law.
This is the Good News: All (no matter your ethnicity), which means every human being from Adam on, have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory..All are dead in our trespasses and sin…BUT God sent Jesus to pay for those sins, conquer death and the grave, and offer us the free gift of eternal life! We can boast in nothing (nor can we claim superiority over another) but this merciful act towards us and give Him all the praise and glory!
“The hope of Christ is our eternal belonging in His glory and presence.”
Only because Jesus’ blood covers and cleanses me is my belonging even possible. So my question for Jesus on the days when I give in to my sin nature is, “was it (I) really worth it?”
Romans 3:25-26 in the Message: “God sacrificed Jesus on the altar of the world to clear that world of sin. Having faith in him sets us in the clear. God decided on this course of action in full view of the public—to set the world in the clear with himself through the sacrifice of Jesus, finally taking care of the sins he had so patiently endured. This is not only clear, but it’s now—this is current history! God sets things right. He also makes it possible for us to live in his rightness.”
Sister ❤️, that question hits hard! I know His answer is yes, me believing He means it is more difficult on some days than others.
Thank you Rebecca FAIRES for these words this morning..
The hope of Christ is our eternal belonging in His glory and presence..
I have been fighting with that word for as long as I can remember!
When I was three my Ghanaian father took my brother and I to his motherland. There, we were safe in his love and protection, but outside of his arms we were called names, derogatory names that were not very nice to a small child who was confused about life and where their mother was. We were for sure loved and safe and belonged to and with daddy, but his people were not kind, at all!
Fast forward some 15 years and I am in England with my mum, and the feeling of not belonging is rebirthed in the language of the people around me.. I am called names here too, not very nice derogatory names, only this time I understand very well what they are saying.. and meaning!
The journey of not belonging has been a long one, probably triggered by rejection and unkindness..
Praise God for His loving kindness which is vast to overflowing..
He has walked me through life one day at a time, holding me up, and guiding me as I have walked through that valley of unkindness and rejection which lead me to believe I did not belong.. anywhere!
I may not belong to all around me.. this side of heaven, but I am learning that although this may not be right, here on earth, it is okay and well within my soul.
I do have the hope of Christ in me, and if my walk with the Lord has taught me nothing, this I do know without a shadow of doubt,
I am loved.
I have freedom in Christ.
I am called Daughter of the Most High God.
And this is plenty/vast/huge/ comforting for now, this side of heaven.
Happy Monday beautiful ladies..
Hugs, love and prayers.. always..♥️
Amen ❤️
TINA ❤️, dear sister! In completely different circumstances and for different reasons, I had perhaps a small glimpse of what you went through while in my growing up years, due to bullying that began in elementary and lasted through high school. Even though it has been over 50 years since I finished high school and felt the embarrassment, rejection and betrayal – trust in relationships is still hard.
-Thankful for you and our sisterhood here, love you!❤️
Tina… I have always appreciated your “Gut -Level” honesty, as well as your ability to “turn a phrase”. This combination, with your love of Jesus, and His transformative Life in (and through) you, would definitely make preserving your life’s stories in book form a wonderful idea! I’m sure our SRT sisters will agree with me! Please do give this idea serious consideration! Don’t let editing scare you… people do that as a career! The originality of your story is captivating… I’ve been following it for many years! The main reason that I would encourage you in this huge endeavor, is that your story is HIS story… and many lives will be touched by it for the Kingdom!!
I absolutely agree with you Carol. Your comment is spot on.
Tina, on this side of heaven, you more than belong to SRT sisters – I can’t imagine this community without you. You are vital to us.
Amen! I fully agree with you, Karen Y!
Tina, sweet precious sister, you not only BELONG- you are WANTED HERE and LOVED in our hearts. Like Searching I struggle with trust in relationships because of things in my growing up years. I am currently reading a Christian novel that is going into great detail about how the freed slaves were recognized/not recognized as FREE. I am referring to the Civil War here in America. That opened my eyes to just how hard it would have been for the Jews to accept the news that people who had been most despised were revealed as equal. Heavy revelation this morning! Praise God our generation grew up KNOWING we are ALL loved and wanted by God!
Tina, sending you hugs and love. I can’t imagine not having you to connect with each morning my sister in Christ!
Tina… I agree… write that book!!
I appreciate all of your insights and reflections. I, too, have felt the loneliness of rejection. Thank you Lord for walking hand in hand with us. ❤️
Praying for you requests.
Tina, dear sister, you most definitely belong. When I first started reading with SRT many years ago, I always loooked forward to reading your comments and Churchmouse’s comments. What would we sisters do without your daily hugs, love, and prayers from across the pond?? ❤️
I love you sweet Tina!!! and I noticed your comment from yesterday even though you and I are in different time zones and yet you still make time. I’m so glad we’re here together.
Children of divorces and parents separation have the spirit of orphan. It is so bad and thats why the devil always attacks families to plant these wrong identity that could be life long damaging. You belong, you are loved and admired, cherished by us. I pray you will pray the prayers to sever any agreement (legal access through belief) that you are an orphan that was sowed into you during childhood. Your Father is God. And break the wrong identity off you.