Paul’s Farewell Address to the Ephesians

Open Your Bible

Acts 20:1-38, 1 Corinthians 16:1-4, Philippians 1:20-21

During my senior year of high school, each student was given a writing assignment: what is the good life? It was a tradition at my school for each graduating senior to reflect on what they believed made a good life, almost like a farewell address to this chapter of their life. Then, we had to stand before a faculty board and support our thesis. We were being held accountable for the ideals of the good life we believed in.

I centered my thesis around Acts 20:24 where Paul writes, “My purpose is to finish my course and the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of God’s grace.” Everything else that made up the good life, like finding the right vocation, establishing healthy friendships, creating a Christ-centered family, and maintaining a walk with Jesus were all motivated by finishing the course Jesus gave me. My good life was to be a testament to the grace of God.

Paul’s farewell address to the Ephesians reminds me of his own personal paper on what he believed was the good life. Before he leaves the Ephesians, he reminds them of all he has done on behalf of Jesus. He has taught the hope of Jesus fearlessly, and has held the church accountable to the truth of Jesus’s word. He encourages them to continue to build a life around the same biblical values that he demonstrated for them—never shrinking back from living a bold life for Jesus. 

Looking back, I see why our teachers asked us to write the paper. It wasn’t so that we could walk into the adult world with a perfect path towards our own version of the good life. It was to give us an opportunity to decide for ourselves what truths we would stand by when things got hard, and our morals were tested. 

In the same way, Paul knew when he left the Ephesian church, “savage wolves” would hide amongst them and try to twist God’s truth (Acts 20:29). It was necessary for them to be alert, remembering Paul’s example so that they would not turn away from everything he had taught them about Jesus. 

If you were to give your final address, what would you point to in your life that demonstrated what was most valuable to you? Would it sound a lot like Paul’s address—a life dedicated to the message of Jesus? My prayer for us is this: “As citizens of heaven, live your life worthy of the gospel of Christ” (Philippians 1:27). If you build a legacy for Jesus, I have no doubt your life will be a “good” one.

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25 thoughts on "Paul’s Farewell Address to the Ephesians"

  1. Sarah Morrison says:


  2. Traci Gendron says:

    DOROTHY – like you I would share my story with my son. He was diagnosed when I was 28 and I turn 60 on Friday. I never thought I’d have him this long. God has blessed my relationship with my son immensely. We are very close. It has taught me that there is a purpose in our pain. That we suffer just as Christ suffered. It has taught me to be selfless. To look too God for comfort, strength and Perseverance. I think in the act of caring for him that others will see where my strength comes from. It is only from God and I will profess that loudly!

  3. Lisa Williams says:

    What an inspiration Paul is to us believers today. His priorities were clear. He wanted all of his efforts to point others to Christ and also to teach them how to continue the journey after receiving Him. That’s so powerful! May it be the farewell address of us all.

  4. Sky Hilton says:

    This chapter of Acts is bittersweet. On one part it is so sad to see Paul leave.. but on the other hand.. It is so wonderful to see that Paul ministered.. and with the help of God.. brought christianity to Ephesus. We are so happy that God has sent so many disciples.. it has been a beautiful journey to so far to see the church grow. Im so happy to see that God is still sending so many people now to minister around the world.. so one day, so many of us can all fall on our knees and all of us could praise God.

    I hope all of us would let Christ be magnified in our bodies.. it is NOT about us.. but it is ALWAYS about God.

  5. Jennifer Anapol says:

    Ruth Long, I am so happy the Lord met you where you are. ❤️

  6. Dorothy says:

    I think my sharing my faith story through the death of my son and my niece and how my faith was made stronger after each would be what I would share. I have shared the story of my faith and my son’s death to some already, especially some teens, I remind them that we have some control but God has the final control of our destiny.
    Sisters, I’m praying for those requesting prayer, be blessed and share your faith story.

  7. Victoria E says:

    Ruth Long so thankful you had a moment of breakthrough yesterday. Praise God! I pray we all live worthy of the gospel of Christ, I know I fail a lot but thank God for His grace. Martha Hix I am also praying for you. ERB- I haven’t seen you here in a little bit I hope all is well. Brooke P praying for you as well and others.

  8. Mari V says:

    @Bessie praying right now! I in PST time so she must be there right now. I know what it’s like to sit in court.

  9. Mari V says:

    I want to live a life of Christ. I may not be Paul but that is the desire I have. I know I mess up but I hope I never mess up too far to where i’m not setting a good example. There are many times when I feel misinterpreted. So many times I just stay silent and let Jesus be my defender.

  10. Ruth Long says:

    Thank you SEARCHING for praying for me. I nearly cried when I saw your comment. Yesterday, something definitely changed. I was able to speak to God, to fight through many months of emotional hiding from him, and speak what really was happening. I told him how I doubted him and asked all these questions I had. I feared it would ruin my faith, that he would punish me if I showed that I doubted him, but of COURSE that wasn’t the case. I felt him draw closer, my heart’s armour seemed to chip away a little bit. Your prayers are SO effective. My faith was a bit strengthened because I realized I could be radically (for me at least) HONEST with him, no fear of offending him. Praise God for you all. ❤️

  11. Eileen Dowd says:

    Praying, Bessie, for your dear friend, Erica, as she goes to court this morning. May God be glorified in and through her and the outcome!

  12. Nancy Singleton says:

    Praying that Erica’s day in court goes well.

  13. Kelly says:

    “My eager expectation and hope is that I will not be ashamed about anything, but that now as always, with all courage, Christ will be highly honored in my body, whether by life or by death.”

    Paul’s prayer is mine. Not so much what I do but the why of doing it.

  14. Aimee D-R says:

    Holy Spirit testify to my heart daily Your plans and guide me to follow. Amen

  15. SarahJoy says:

    BESSIE – saying a prayer for Erica. So intimidating.

    MELANIE – it’s easy to beat yourself up. Instead look to the Father who never stops offering His grace. You are His, and that’s what is true. We will never meet His perfect standard. That’s why we need Jesus. Peace to you.

  16. SarahJoy says:

    This practice of sharing a final address struck a chord as the other night our little family had a time together where we remember those who have passed away. This year my husband asked that the five of us (including our girls 12, 10, 7) each write our obituary or eulogy. Those that shared were so sweet, and it reminded me of what matters to me. Love God and love people. These are the two greatest commandments. That’s how I want to live my life. That all that I do my “testify to the gospel of God’s grace.”

  17. Taylor says:

    Thank you all so much for your prayers and encouragement yesterday <3 I'm nervous to talk to him today but above all else want God's will to be done in my life.

    I've definitely been reflecting a lot on what the "good life" is to me in this season of starting my career, moving into my own apartment, and navigating relationships. As much as I want to have a plan, I'm finding that it is better to surrender my plan to the Lord's and allow Him to move and work through me. Lord strengthen me to chase after you more than anything else.

  18. Bessie H says:

    Friends, I ask for prayer this morning for my friend Erica. She goes to court this morning at 9am (EST) She feels so alone and scared. I ask that we come along side her in prayer that God will uphold her and she will feel His love. Thank you

  19. Melanie says:

    As citizens of heaven, live your life worthy of the gospel of Christ” (Philippians 1:27) Gosh lately o don’t feel very worthy. I have become self absorbed with conflict and fighting the battle that I have not lived well. God forgive me.

  20. Helen S says:

    I loved Bailey’s final sentence: “If you build your life for Jesus, I have no doubt it will be a good one.” We’ve just been talking with kids’ church about what we pray for. How if we pray for our will to be done and I guess what we think of as the good life God might not answer “yes” but if we pray for God’s will to be done and his good life the answer will always be “yes”.

  21. SEARCHING says:

    KATHY – thank you for sharing the quote yesterday, a wonderful reminder to live what we believe and let God’s love shine through … The unbeliever’s are watching us to see what being a Christian looks like.

    RUTH LONG – praying for you! So worthy of love and lovable. Lord we pray that Ruth will feel your love today and that her mind would be filled with Your words of Truth.

    TAYLOR – praying for wisdom on your relationship decisions.

    MARTHA HIX – continuing to pray ❤️

    praying for other needs as I go through the requests, and requesting prayers for my family members who are caregivers for a relative under hospice care and for the person receiving the care. A lot of hatred and anger being directed toward the caregivers – praying for God’s love to shine through and reach this person during the time they have left.

  22. Mary Ann Graves says:


  23. Poppy Waskett says:

    Thinking about my life as a testimony of gods Grace I thought of the verse in Micah to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your god. That means that justice, love and mercy are to be at the centre of all that I do. I am in a stage where I’m considering jobs and Paul’s statement that he had not covered anyone’s silver and gold but rather showed the hard work of helping the weak challenges me to check my motivations, not of money but of helping and of manifesting the glory of God. To proclaim the will of God in my life I must spend much time with the Lord because out of that, the overflow of the spirit flows into the rest of life and by Gods grace I can proclaim the will of God doing things that in earthly terms would be hard.

  24. Penny W says:

    While thinking on this text, this old hymn came to mind , which I haven’t sung in years. Obviously old with its “Thy’s” and “Thou’s”, yet its message is still a good one. Living for Jesus, a life that is true,
    Striving to please Him in all that I do;
    Yielding allegiance, glad-hearted and free,
    This is the pathway of blessing for me.
    O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to Thee,
    For Thou, in Thy atonement, didst give Thyself for me;
    I own no other Master, my heart shall be Thy throne;
    My life I give, henceforth to live, O Christ, for Thee alone.

  25. Penny W says:

    While thinking on this text, this old hymn came to mind , which I haven’t sung in years. Obviously old with its “Thy’s” and